#ifndef NAUTILUS_ADJPRIMS_INCLUDED // -*- C++ -*- #define NAUTILUS_ADJPRIMS_INCLUDED /************************************************************************ Primitive entities for adjacency models (AdjModel). $Id: AdjPrims.h,v 1.4 1997/03/18 18:39:34 garland Exp $ Adapted from: mlab: (Id: primitives.h,v 1.7 1997/02/06 16:30:14 garland Exp) via simplif: (Id: primitives.h,v 1.3 1997/02/18 21:11:29 garland Exp) ************************************************************************/ //#include "Nautilus.h" #include "NPrim.h" #include #include #include #include namespace simplif { class Vertex; class Edge; class Face; typedef buffer vert_buffer; typedef buffer edge_buffer; typedef buffer face_buffer; typedef buffer vec3_buffer; typedef buffer vec2_buffer; extern void untagFaceLoop(Vertex *v); extern void collectFaceLoop(Vertex *v, face_buffer& faces); #define EDGE_BOGUS 0 #define EDGE_BORDER 1 #define EDGE_MANIFOLD 2 #define EDGE_NONMANIFOLD 3 extern int classifyEdge(Edge *); #define VERTEX_INTERIOR 0 #define VERTEX_BORDER 1 #define VERTEX_BORDER_ONLY 2 extern int classifyVertex(Vertex *); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The actual class definitions // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class VProp { public: Vec3 color; }; class FProp { public: Vec3 color; }; class Vertex : public Vec3, public NTaggedPrim { edge_buffer edge_uses; public: #ifdef SUPPORT_VCOLOR VProp *props; #endif Vertex(real x, real y, real z) : Vec3(x, y, z), edge_uses(6) { #ifdef SUPPORT_VCOLOR props = NULL; #endif } // // Standard methods for all objects // void kill(); edge_buffer& edgeUses() { return edge_uses; } // // Basic primitives for manipulating model topology // void linkEdge(Edge *); void unlinkEdge(Edge *); void remapTo(Vertex *v); // SUS int vID; // this can be -1 when the vertex becomes non-valid }; class Edge : public NPrim { private: Vertex *v1; face_buffer *face_uses; Edge *twin; Edge(Edge *twin, Vertex *org); // the twin constructor public: Edge(Vertex *, Vertex *); ~Edge(); // // Fundamental Edge accessors // Vertex *org() { return v1; } Vertex *dest() { return twin->v1; } Edge *sym() { return twin; } // // Standard methods for all objects // void kill(); face_buffer& faceUses() { return *face_uses; } // // Basic primitives for manipulating model topology // void linkFace(Face *); void unlinkFace(Face *); void remapEndpoint(Vertex *from, Vertex *to); void remapTo(Edge *); }; class Face : public Face3, public NTaggedPrim { Edge *edges[3]; public: #ifdef SUPPORT_FCOLOR FProp *props; #endif Face(Edge *, Edge *, Edge *); // // Basic Face accessors // const Vec3& vertexPos(int i) const{return *edges[i]->org();} void vertexPos(int, const Vec3&) { fatal_error("Face: can't directly set vertex position."); } Vertex *vertex(int i){return edges[i]->org();} const Vertex *vertex(int i) const{return edges[i]->org();} Edge *edge(int i){return edges[i];} // // Standard methods for all objects // void kill(); void remapEdge(Edge *from, Edge *to); int igeo; // SUS Vec3 vertex_normals[3]; // SUS Vec2 vertex_texts[3]; //Carlos int normals[3]; int texcoords[3]; }; } // NAUTILUS_ADJPRIMS_INCLUDED #endif