1 | #pragma once
2 |
3 | #include <set>
4 | #include <map>
5 | #include <vector>
6 | #include <list>
7 | #include <iostream>
8 | #include <qslim.h>
9 | #include <GeoMeshSimplifier.h>
10 |
11 | class SimplificationMethod
12 | {
13 | private:
14 | Geometry::Mesh *mGeoMesh;
15 | void compute_pair_info(qslim::pair_info*);
16 | qslim::Model M0;
17 | qslim::array<qslim::vert_info> vinfo;
18 | qslim::Heap *heap;
19 | qslim::real proximity_limit; // distance threshold squared
20 | int initialVertCount;
21 | int initialEdgeCount;
22 | int initialFaceCount;
23 |
24 | inline qslim::vert_info& vertex_info(qslim::Vertex *v)
25 | {
26 | return vinfo(v->validID());
27 | }
28 |
29 | qslim::real pair_mesh_penalty(qslim::Model& M,
30 | qslim::Vertex *v1,
31 | qslim::Vertex *v2,
32 | qslim::Vec3& vnew);
33 |
34 | int predict_face(qslim::Face& F,
35 | qslim::Vertex *v1,
36 | qslim::Vertex *v2,
37 | qslim::Vec3& vnew,
38 | qslim::Vec3& f1,
39 | qslim::Vec3& f2,
40 | qslim::Vec3& f3);
41 |
42 | bool check_for_pair(qslim::Vertex *v0, qslim::Vertex *v1);
43 |
44 | qslim::pair_info *new_pair(qslim::Vertex *v0, qslim::Vertex *v1);
45 |
46 | void delete_pair(qslim::pair_info *pair);
47 |
48 | void do_contract(qslim::Model& m, qslim::pair_info *pair);
49 |
50 | bool decimate_quadric(qslim::Vertex *v, qslim::Mat4& Q);
51 |
52 | void decimate_contract(qslim::Model& m);
53 |
54 | qslim::real decimate_error(qslim::Vertex *v);
55 |
56 | qslim::real decimate_min_error();
57 |
58 | qslim::real decimate_max_error(qslim::Model& m);
59 |
60 | void decimate_init(qslim::Model& m, qslim::real limit);
61 |
62 | bool pair_is_valid(qslim::Vertex *u, qslim::Vertex *v);
63 |
64 | void simplifmethod_run(int, Geometry::TIPOFUNC upb=0);
65 |
66 | void simplifmethod_runv(int, Geometry::TIPOFUNC upb=0);
67 |
68 | void simplifmethod_init(void);
69 |
70 | // To map the mesh with de simplification method structure.
71 | // Submeshes which pertains each vertex.
72 | std::map<int,std::vector<int> > submeshmap;
73 |
74 | // Vertices of the VertexBuffer that point
75 | // at this vertex of the simplification method.
76 | std::map<int,std::vector<int> > vertexbuffermap;
77 |
78 | // Simplification sequence of the simplification method.
79 | std::vector<Geometry::MeshSimplificationSequence::Step> decim_data;
80 |
81 | std::string meshName;
82 |
83 | void WriteOBJ(void);
84 |
85 | unsigned int *first_index_submesh;
86 |
87 | //std::vector<qslim::pair_info *> pointers_to_remove;
88 |
89 | int indexMeshLeaves;
90 |
91 | public:
92 |
93 | const Geometry::Mesh *objmesh;
94 |
95 | // Total number of triangles of all the submeshes.
96 | int number_of_triangles;
97 |
98 | SimplificationMethod(const Geometry::Mesh *m);
99 |
100 | void geomesh2simplifModel(void);
101 |
102 | Geometry::MeshSimplificationSequence *Decimate( float lod,
103 | int simpliftype,
104 | Geometry::TIPOFUNC upb=0);
105 |
106 | void setMeshLeaves(int meshLeaves);
107 |
108 | /// Gets mesh simplified.
109 | Geometry::Mesh * GetMesh();
110 |
111 | ///Destructor
112 | ~SimplificationMethod();
113 | };
114 |