1 | //========================================
2 | // Class abstracting the geometric mesh.
3 | // Nicolau Sunyer & Sergi Funtané (10/13/2005).
4 | // Universitat de Girona.
5 | //========================================
6 |
7 | #include <stdlib.h>
8 | #include <string.h>
9 | #include "CMesh.h"
10 | #include "Main.h"
11 | #include "MyFrame.h"
12 |
13 | //Constructor.
14 | CMesh :: CMesh()
15 | {
16 |
17 | }
18 |
19 | //Destructor.
20 | CMesh::~CMesh()
21 | {
22 |
23 | }
24 |
25 | void CMesh::ShowMesh(char *filename)
26 | {
27 | FILE *file = NULL;
28 |
29 | file = fopen(filename, "w");
30 |
31 | for (int i = 0; i < m_pObject._geo[0]._numTriSets; i++)
32 | for (int j = 0; j < m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._numTris; j++)
33 | {
34 | fprintf(file, "\nx = %d, y = %d, z = %d", m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._index[3 * j], m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._index[3 * j + 1], m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._index[3 * j + 2]);
35 | }
36 |
37 | fclose(file);
38 |
39 | }
40 |
41 | void CMesh::NormalizeIt(wxProgressDialog &dialog)
42 | {
43 | float WBMax[3], WBMin[3];
44 | int i, j;
45 | bool cont = true;
46 |
47 | WBMax[0] = m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[0]._ver[0];
48 | WBMax[1] = m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[0]._ver[1];
49 | WBMax[2] = m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[0]._ver[2];
50 | WBMin[0] = m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[0]._ver[0];
51 | WBMin[1] = m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[0]._ver[1];
52 | WBMin[2] = m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[0]._ver[2];
53 |
54 | for (i = 0; i < m_pObject._geo[0]._numTriSets && cont; i++)
55 | for (j = 0; j < m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._numVer && cont; j++)
56 | {
57 | cont = dialog.Update((m_pObject._geo[0]._numTriSets / 100) * m_pObject._geo[0]._numTriSets);
58 |
59 | if (WBMax[0] < m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._ver[3 * j]) WBMax[0] = m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._ver[3 * j];
60 | if (WBMax[1] < m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._ver[3 * j + 1]) WBMax[1] = m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._ver[3 * j + 1];
61 | if (WBMax[2] < m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._ver[3 * j + 2]) WBMax[2] = m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._ver[3 * j + 2];
62 | if (WBMin[0] > m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._ver[3 * j]) WBMin[0] = m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._ver[3 * j];
63 | if (WBMin[1] > m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._ver[3 * j + 1]) WBMin[1] = m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._ver[3 * j + 1];
64 | if (WBMin[2] > m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._ver[3 * j + 2]) WBMin[2] = m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._ver[3 * j + 2];
65 | }
66 |
67 |
68 | float sizeX = WBMax[0] - WBMin[0];
69 | float sizeY = WBMax[1] - WBMin[1];
70 | float sizeZ = WBMax[2] - WBMin[2];
71 | float dispX = 0.5*(WBMax[0] + WBMin[0]);
72 | float dispY = 0.5*(WBMax[1] + WBMin[1]);
73 | float dispZ = 0.5*(WBMax[2] + WBMin[2]);
74 | float norm;
75 |
76 | if (sizeX>=sizeY)
77 | {
78 | if (sizeX>=sizeZ) norm = 0.5*sizeX;
79 | else norm = 0.5*sizeZ;
80 | }
81 | else
82 | {
83 | if (sizeY>=sizeZ) norm = 0.5*sizeY;
84 | else norm = 0.5*sizeZ;
85 | }
86 |
87 | for (i = 0; i < m_pObject._geo[0]._numTriSets; i++)
88 | for (j = 0; j < m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._numVer; j++)
89 | {
90 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._ver[3 * j] = (m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._ver[3 * j] - dispX) / norm;
91 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._ver[3 * j + 1] = (m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._ver[3 * j + 1] - dispY) / norm;
92 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._ver[3 * j + 2] = (m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._ver[3 * j + 2] - dispZ) / norm;
93 | }
94 |
95 | }
96 |
97 | float CMesh::getValue(const char *string, int &i)
98 | {
99 | int j = 0;
100 | float value;
101 | char substring[100];
102 |
103 | while ((string[i] != ' ') && (string[i] != '\0'))
104 | {
105 | substring[j] = string[i];
106 | i++;
107 | j++;
108 | }
109 |
110 | substring[j] = '\0';
111 |
112 | value = atof(substring);
113 |
114 | return (value);
115 |
116 | }
117 |
118 | void CMesh::XMLToSNStr(char *name)
119 | {
120 | int i = 0, j = 0, k;
121 | const char *string;
122 | bool cont = true, color = false;
123 |
124 | // Read root element and decide from there what type
125 | String response;
126 | TiXmlDocument* doc = new TiXmlDocument(name);
127 | // Some double-parsing here but never mind
128 | if (!doc->LoadFile())
129 | {
130 | exit (1);
131 | }
132 |
133 | TiXmlElement *root = 0;
134 | root = doc->RootElement();
135 |
136 |
137 | if (!root)
138 | {
139 | doc->Clear();
140 | delete doc;
141 | exit(-1);
142 | }
143 |
144 |
145 | TiXmlElement *element = root->FirstChildElement("submeshes");
146 | if (!element)
147 | {
148 | doc->Clear();
149 | delete doc;
150 | exit(-1);
151 | }
152 |
153 | element = element->FirstChildElement("submesh");
154 | if (!element)
155 | {
156 | doc->Clear();
157 | delete doc;
158 | exit(-1);
159 | }
160 |
161 | m_pObject._numGeos = 1;
162 | m_pObject._geo = new snGeo[1];
163 |
164 | m_pObject._geo[0]._numTriSets = 0;
165 |
166 | TiXmlElement *cnt;
167 |
168 | for (cnt = element; cnt; cnt = cnt->NextSiblingElement()) m_pObject._geo[0]._numTriSets += 1;
169 |
170 | //progress bar
171 | wxProgressDialog dialog(wxT("Parsing XML file"),
172 | wxT("Progress..."),
173 | m_pObject._geo[0]._numTriSets, //range
174 | 0, //parent
177 |
178 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet = new snTriSet[m_pObject._geo[0]._numTriSets];
179 |
180 | for (element = element; element && cont; element = element->NextSiblingElement())
181 | {
182 | cont = dialog.Update((m_pObject._geo[0]._numTriSets / 100) * i);
183 |
184 | cnt = element->FirstChildElement("faces");
185 | if (!cnt)
186 | {
187 | doc->Clear();
188 | delete doc;
189 | exit(-1);
190 | }
191 |
192 | const char *auxString = cnt->Attribute("count");
193 |
194 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._numTris = atoi(auxString);
195 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._index = new int[m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._numTris * 3];
196 |
197 |
198 | TiXmlElement *tri, *aux;
199 |
200 | j = 0;
201 | for(tri = cnt; tri; tri = cnt->NextSiblingElement("faces"))
202 | {
203 | for (aux = tri->FirstChildElement(); aux; aux = aux->NextSiblingElement())
204 | {
205 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._index[3 * j] = atoi(aux->Attribute("v1"));
206 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._index[3 * j + 1] = atoi(aux->Attribute("v2"));
207 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._index[3 * j + 2] = atoi(aux->Attribute("v3"));
208 | j++;
209 | }
210 | }
211 |
212 | tri = cnt->NextSiblingElement("geometry");
213 |
214 | int NVer = atoi(tri->Attribute("vertexcount"));
215 |
216 | tri = tri->FirstChildElement("vertexbuffer");
217 |
218 | const char *cad = tri->Attribute("colours_diffuse");
219 |
220 | if (cad != NULL)
221 | color = true;
222 | //->if (!strcmp(cad, "true")) color = true;
223 | else
224 | color = false;
225 |
226 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._numVer = NVer;
227 |
228 |
229 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._ver = new float[NVer * 3];
230 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._nor = new float[NVer * 3];
231 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._tex = new float[NVer * 2];
232 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._refl = new float[NVer * 3];
233 |
234 |
235 | TiXmlElement *aux1;
236 |
237 |
238 | aux = tri->FirstChildElement();
239 |
240 |
241 | for (j = 0; j < NVer; j++)
242 | {
243 | aux1 = aux->FirstChildElement("position");
244 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._ver[3 * j] = atof(aux1->Attribute("x"));
245 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._ver[3 * j + 1] = atof(aux1->Attribute("y"));
246 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._ver[3 * j + 2] = atof(aux1->Attribute("z"));
247 |
248 | aux1 = aux1->NextSiblingElement("normal");
249 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._nor[3 * j] = atof(aux1->Attribute("x"));
250 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._nor[3 * j + 1] = atof(aux1->Attribute("y"));
251 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._nor[3 * j + 2] = atof(aux1->Attribute("z"));
252 |
253 | aux1 = aux1->NextSiblingElement("texcoord");
254 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._tex[2 * j] = atof(aux1->Attribute("u"));
255 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._tex[2 * j + 1] = atof(aux1->Attribute("v"));
256 |
257 | /*->aux1 = aux->FirstChildElement("colour_diffuse");
258 | response = aux1->Attribute("value");
259 | /*->m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._ver[3 * j] = atof(aux1->Attribute("x"));
260 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._ver[3 * j + 1] = atof(aux1->Attribute("y"));
261 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._ver[3 * j + 2] = atof(aux1->Attribute("z"));*/
262 |
263 | if (color)
264 | {
265 | aux1 = aux->FirstChildElement("colour_diffuse");
266 | response = aux1->Attribute("value");
267 |
268 | string = response.c_str();
269 | k = 0;
270 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._refl[3 * j] = getValue(string, k);
271 | k++;
272 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._refl[3 * j + 1] = getValue(string, k);
273 | k++;
274 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._refl[3 * j + 2] = getValue(string, k);
275 | k++;
276 | getValue(string, k);
277 | }
278 | else
279 | {
280 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._refl[3 * j] = 0.5;
281 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._refl[3 * j + 1] = 0.5;
282 | m_pObject._geo[0]._triSet[i]._refl[3 * j + 2] = 0.5;
283 | }
284 |
285 | aux = aux->NextSiblingElement();
286 | }
287 |
288 | i++;
289 | }
290 |
291 | NormalizeIt(dialog);
292 |
293 | doc->Clear();
294 | delete doc;
295 |
296 | }
297 |
298 | void CMesh::LoadMesh(char *argv)
299 | {
300 | /*->logMgr = new LogManager();
301 | logMgr->createLog(opts.logFile, false, !opts.quietMode);
302 | rgm = new ResourceGroupManager();
303 | mth = new Math();
304 | meshMgr = new MeshManager();
305 | matMgr = new MaterialManager();
306 | matMgr->initialise();
307 | skelMgr = new SkeletonManager();
308 | meshSerializer = new MeshSerializer();
309 | xmlMeshSerializer = new XMLMeshSerializer();
310 | skeletonSerializer = new SkeletonSerializer();
311 | xmlSkeletonSerializer = new XMLSkeletonSerializer();
312 | bufferManager = new DefaultHardwareBufferManager(); // needed because we don't have a rendersystem
313 |
314 | /*->meshToXML(opts);
315 | opts.source = opts.dest;
316 | opts.sourceExt = opts.destExt;*/
317 | XMLToSNStr(argv);
318 |
319 |
320 | /*->delete xmlSkeletonSerializer;
321 | delete skeletonSerializer;
322 | delete xmlMeshSerializer;
323 | delete meshSerializer;
324 | delete skelMgr;
325 | delete matMgr;
326 | delete meshMgr;
327 | delete bufferManager;
328 | delete mth;
329 | delete rgm;
330 | delete logMgr;*/
331 |
332 | }
333 |
334 | void CMesh::FreeMem()
335 | {
336 |
337 | for(int i = 0; i<m_pObject._numGeos;i++)
338 | {
339 |
340 | for(int j = 0; j<m_pObject._geo[i]._numTriSets;j++)
341 | {
342 | delete m_pObject._geo[i]._triSet[j]._index;
343 | delete m_pObject._geo[i]._triSet[j]._ver;
344 | delete m_pObject._geo[i]._triSet[j]._nor;
345 | delete m_pObject._geo[i]._triSet[j]._tex;
346 | delete m_pObject._geo[i]._triSet[j]._refl;
347 | }
348 | delete m_pObject._geo[i]._triSet;
349 | }
350 |
351 | delete m_pObject._geo;
352 |
353 | }
354 |