1 | #pragma once
2 |
3 | #include "Ogre.h"
4 | #include "OgreTechniqueGroup.h"
5 | #include "OgreRenderable.h"
6 | #include "OgreCubeMapRenderTechnique.h"
7 | #include "OgreDistanceCubeMapRenderTechnique.h"
8 | #include "OgreConvolvedCubeMapRenderTechnique.h"
9 | #include "OgreCausticCasterRenderTechnique.h"
10 | #include "OgreCausticRecieverRenderTechnique.h"
11 | #include "OgreSceneCameraDepthRenderingRun.h"
12 | #include "OgreSBBRenderTechnique.h"
13 | #include "OgreDepthShadowMapRenderingRun.h"
14 | #include "OgreDepthShadowRecieverRenderTechnique.h"
15 |
16 |
17 | using namespace Ogre;
18 |
19 | /**
20 | @brief Implementation of IlluminationManager in an OGRE environment.
21 | */
22 | class OgreIlluminationManager: public FrameListener
23 | {
24 | protected:
25 | /**
26 | @brief Protected constructor (OgreIlluminationManager is a singleton).
27 | */
28 | OgreIlluminationManager();
29 | /**
30 | @brief Protected destructor.
31 | */
32 | virtual ~OgreIlluminationManager();
33 |
34 | /**
35 | @brief Searches for visible renderables with valid TechniqueGroups in a renderqueue.
36 |
37 | @param rq pointer to the RenderQueue instance to search in
38 | */
39 | void fillVisibleList( RenderQueue * rq);
40 | /**
41 | @brief creates a specific type of RenderTechnique for a Renderable's pass.
42 |
43 | It searches all registered RenderTechniqueFactories.
44 | */
45 | void createTechnique(IllumTechniqueParams* params, Pass* pass, OgreRenderable* rend, OgreSharedRuns* sRuns);
46 | /**
47 | @brief A helper function to find the renderable object attached to a particle system (ONLY BILLBOARDSETS ARE SUPPORTED).
48 |
49 | @param system pointer to the ParticleSystem instance to search in
50 | @return pointer the connected BillboardSet instance
51 | */
52 | BillboardSet* findRenderableInParticleSystem(ParticleSystem* system);
53 |
54 | /**
55 | @brief registered RenderTechniqueFactories
56 | */
57 | std::list<RenderTechniqueFactory*> techniqueFactories;
58 | /**
59 | @brief The maximum bounding sphere radius that groupped objects ( see SharedRuns class ) can have
60 | @see canJoin
61 | @see joinRuns
62 | */
63 | float maxRad;
64 | /**
65 | @brief The camera attached to the player.
66 | */
67 | Camera* mainCamera;
68 | /**
69 | @brief The viewport of the player camera.
70 | */
71 | Viewport* mainViewport;
72 | /**
73 | @brief VisibleFinderVisitor instance.
74 |
75 | Used for adding visible renderables with valid TechniqueGroups to the visibleObjects vector.
76 | */
77 | class VisibleFinderVisitor* visitor;
78 | /**
79 | @brief The one and only OgreIlluminationManager instance.
80 | */
81 | static OgreIlluminationManager* instance;
82 | /**
83 | @brief Vector containing visible renderables with valid TechniqueGroups that must be refreshed.
84 | */
85 | std::vector<const Renderable*> visibleObjects;
86 | /**
87 | @brief List containing SharedRuns roots.
88 |
89 | It is the IlluminationManager's task to find the SharedRuns which can be joined.
90 | Only the root SharedRuns needs to be checked.
91 | */
92 | std::list<SharedRuns*> sharedRunRoots;
93 | /**
94 | @brief Group of RenderingRuns that are used globaly.
95 |
96 | Some RenderingRuns have only one instance per application (for example scene depth map).
97 | These resources are shared between all RenderTechniques.
98 | */
99 | OgreSharedRuns globalSharedRuns;
100 | /**
101 | @brief Stores groups of RenderingRuns that are attached to individual light sources.
102 |
103 | These resources need separate instances for each lightsource ( for example depth shadow maps).
104 | They are grouped by the name of the lightsource.
105 | */
106 | std::map<String, OgreSharedRuns*> perLightRuns;
107 |
108 |
109 | public:
110 |
111 | /**
112 | @brief registers a RenderTechniqueFactory
113 | */
114 | void addRenderTechniqueFactory(RenderTechniqueFactory* factory)
115 | {
116 | techniqueFactories.push_back(factory);
117 | }
118 | /**
119 | @brief retirieves the maximum bounding sphere radius with two SharedRuns can be joined.
120 | */
121 | float getMaxJoinRadius(){return maxRad;}
122 | /**
123 | @brief sets the maximum bounding sphere radius with two SharedRuns can be joined.
124 | */
125 | void setMaxJoinRadius(float rad){maxRad = rad;}
126 | /**
127 | @brief Returns the one and only OgreIlluminationManager instance.
128 | */
129 | static OgreIlluminationManager& getSingleton();
130 | /**
131 | @brief The function to be called to render one frame.
132 |
133 | This is the main refreshing function. It seasrches for visible objects, manages shared runs, updates render techniques and
134 | finally renders the scene to framebuffer.
135 |
136 | @param frameNumber current framenumber
137 | @param rt the rendertarget window. Needed to find the viewports that need to be refresh.
138 | */
139 | void update(unsigned long frameNumber, RenderTarget* rt);
140 | /**
141 | @brief searches for RenderTechniques in materials and creates them.
142 | */
143 | void initTechniques();
144 | /**
145 | @brief Returns a pointer to the player camera.
146 |
147 | @return pointer to the main player camera. Needed by RenderTechnique and RenderingRun classes.
148 | */
149 | Camera* getMainCamera(){return mainCamera;}
150 | /**
151 | @brief Returns a pointer to the viewport attached to the player camera.
152 |
153 | @return pointer to the viewport. Needed by RenderTechnique and RenderingRun classes.
154 | */
155 | Viewport* getMainViewport(){return mainViewport;}
156 | /**
157 | @brief Sets the player camera.
158 |
159 | @param camera pointer to the main player camera
160 | */
161 | void setMainCamera(Camera* camera){mainCamera = camera;}
162 | /**
163 | @brief Sets the viewport attached to the player camera.
164 |
165 | @param viewport pointer to the viewport
166 | */
167 | void setMainViewport(Viewport* viewport){mainViewport = viewport;}
168 | /**
169 | @brief The function to be called when a shared run is splitted.
170 |
171 | @param old pointer to the SharedRuns instance that is split
172 | @param new1 pointer to one of the SharedRuns instance that remain after split
173 | @param new2 pointer to the other SharedRuns instance that remain after split
174 | */
175 | void sharedRunSplit(SharedRuns* old, SharedRuns* new1, SharedRuns* new2);
176 | /**
177 | @brief The function to be called when two shared runs are joined.
178 |
179 | @param old1 pointer to one of the SharedRuns instance that are joined
180 | @param old2 pointer to the other SharedRuns instance that are joined
181 | @param newsr pointer to the resulting parent SharedRuns instance
182 | */
183 | void sharedRunJoin(SharedRuns* old1, SharedRuns* old2, SharedRuns* newsr);
184 | /**
185 | @brief Joins shared runs if needed.
186 |
187 | Searches the registered shared run roots and join them if necessary (they are close enough).
188 | */
189 | void joinSharedRuns();
190 | /**
191 | @brief Register a shared run object.
192 |
193 | Only called when new techniques are created.
194 |
195 | @param runs pointer to the SharedRuns instance to add
196 | */
197 | void addSharedRuns(SharedRuns* runs);
198 | /**
199 | @brief Searches for the nearest object groups (SharedRuns) that are caustic casters from a given point.
200 |
201 | @param position the point to obtain distances from
202 | @param nearestcasters vector to put the nearest caustic caster SharedRuns to
203 | @param maxCount the maximum number of nearest casters to search for
204 | */
205 | void getNearestCausticCasters(Vector3 position, std::vector<OgreSharedRuns*>* nearestcasters, unsigned int maxCount);
206 | /**
207 | @brief Creates a global RenderingRun of the given type.
208 |
209 | If a RenderingRun with the given type already exist there is nothing to do.
210 |
211 | @param runType type enum of the RenderingRun to create
212 | */
213 | void createGlobalRun(RenderingRunType runType);
214 | /**
215 | @brief Returns the global RendderingRun with the given type
216 |
217 | @param runType type enum of the RenderingRun to retrieve
218 |
219 | @return pointer to the RenderingRun, NULL if no RenderingRun with the given type exists
220 | */
221 | RenderingRun* getGlobalRun(RenderingRunType runType);
222 | /**
223 | @brief Updates a global RenderingRun with the given type.
224 |
225 | @param runType type enum of the RenderingRun to update
226 | @param frameNum current framenumber
227 | */
228 | void updateGlobalRun(RenderingRunType runType, unsigned long frameNum);
229 | /**
230 | @brief Creates a RenderingRun attached to a lightsource with the given type.
231 |
232 | @param lightName name of the lightsource
233 | @param runType type enum of the RenderingRun to create
234 | */
235 | void createPerLightRun(String lightName, RenderingRunType runType);
236 | /**
237 | @brief Retuns a RenderingRun attached to a lightsource with the given type.
238 |
239 | @param lightName name of the lightsource
240 | @param runType type enum of the RenderingRun to return
241 |
242 | @return pointer to the RenderingRun, NULL if no RenderingRun with the given type exists
243 | */
244 | RenderingRun* getPerLightRun(String lightName, RenderingRunType runType);
245 | /**
246 | @brief Updates a RenderingRun attached to a lightsource with the given type.
247 |
248 | @param lightName name of the lightsource
249 | @param runType type enum of the RenderingRun to update
250 | @param frameNum current framenumber
251 | */
252 | void updatePerLightRun(String lightName, RenderingRunType runType, unsigned long frameNum);
253 |
254 | bool frameStarted(const FrameEvent& evt)
255 | {
256 | update(Root::getSingleton().getCurrentFrameNumber(), mainViewport->getTarget());
257 | return FrameListener::frameStarted(evt);
258 | }
259 | };
260 |