#pragma once //disable inheritance warning caused by multiple inheritance #if _WIN32 #if _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable: 4250) #endif #endif #include "OgreRenderingRun.h" #include "PhaseTextureRenderingRun.h" #include "OgreSharedRuns.h" /** @brief ColorCubeMapRenderingRun used in an OGRE environment. */ class OgrePhaseTextureRenderingRun : public OgreRenderingRun, public PhaseTextureRenderingRun { public: /** @brief Constructor. @param sharedRuns a pointer to the OgreSharedRuns this run belongs to @param name the name of the depth map texture to be created @param light the light source this depth shadow map belongs to @param resolutionX the resolution width of the depth shadow map @param resolutionY the resolution height of the depth shadow map @param materialName the name of the material to be used when rendering the depth shadow map */ OgrePhaseTextureRenderingRun( String name, unsigned int resolutionX, unsigned int resolutionY, String materialName); /** @brief returns the depth shadow map texture created by this run */ String getPhaseTextureName(){return name;} protected: /** @brief the name of the material to be used when rendering the depth shadow map */ String materialName; /** @brief the name of the phase texture that was created by this run */ String name; /** @brief a pointer to the phase texture that was created by this run */ Texture* phaseTexture; Camera* phaseCamera; //inherited void updateFrame(unsigned long frameNum); inline void createPhaseTexture(); };