1 | #include "OgreIlluminationManager.h"
2 | #include "OgreParticleSystemRenderer.h"
3 | #include "OgreBillboardParticleRenderer.h"
4 | #include "SpriteParticleRenderer.h"
5 | #include "OgrePMEntryPointMapRenderingRun.h"
6 | #include "OgrePMWeightComputeRenderingRun.h"
7 |
8 | OgreIlluminationManager* OgreIlluminationManager::instance = NULL;
9 |
10 | Vector3 sortfrom;
11 | RenderingRunType sortType;
12 |
13 | class sortFromVector
14 | {
15 | public:
16 | bool operator()(OgreSharedRuns* a, OgreSharedRuns* b)
17 | {
18 | float dist1 = (a->getRootPosition() - sortfrom).length();
19 | float dist2 = (b->getRootPosition() - sortfrom).length();
20 |
21 | return dist1 > dist2;
22 | }
23 | };
24 |
25 | class sortFromVectorWithRunType
26 | {
27 | public:
28 | bool operator()(OgreSharedRuns* a, OgreSharedRuns* b)
29 | {
30 | float dist1 = (a->getRootPosition(sortType) - sortfrom).length();
31 | float dist2 = (b->getRootPosition(sortType) - sortfrom).length();
32 |
33 | return dist1 > dist2;
34 | }
35 | };
36 |
37 |
38 | class VisibleFinderVisitor : public QueuedRenderableVisitor
39 | {
40 | private:
41 | std::vector<const Renderable*>* visibleObjects;
42 | public:
43 |
44 | VisibleFinderVisitor(std::vector<const Renderable*>* visibleObjectsVector)
45 | {
46 | this->visibleObjects = visibleObjectsVector;
47 | }
48 |
49 | void visit(const Renderable* r)
50 | {
51 | OgreTechniqueGroup* tg = (OgreTechniqueGroup*) r->getRenderTechniqueGroup();
52 |
53 | if(tg != 0)
54 | {
55 | tg->validateSharedRuns();
56 | visibleObjects->push_back(r);
57 | }
58 | }
59 | bool visit(const Pass* p)
60 | {
61 | return true;
62 | }
63 | void visit(const RenderablePass* rp)
64 | {
65 | Renderable* r = rp->renderable;
66 |
67 | OgreTechniqueGroup* tg = (OgreTechniqueGroup*) r->getRenderTechniqueGroup();
68 |
69 | if(tg != 0)
70 | {
71 | tg->validateSharedRuns();
72 | visibleObjects->push_back(r);
73 | }
74 | }
75 |
76 | };
77 |
78 | OgreIlluminationManager::OgreIlluminationManager()
79 | {
80 | visitor = new VisibleFinderVisitor(&visibleObjects);
81 | joinRuns = true;
82 | maxRad = 400;
83 | focusingMapSize = 32;
84 | phaseTextureSize = 256;
85 | shadowMapSizeDirectional = shadowMapSizePoint = shadowMapSizeSpot = 512;
86 | useLISPSMDirectional = useLISPSMPoint = useLISPSMSpot = false;
87 | blurSMDirectional = blurSMPoint = blurSMSpot = false;
88 | focusingSMDirectional = focusingSMPoint = focusingSMSpot = true;
89 | shadowMapMaterialNameDirectional = "GTP/Basic/Depth or GTP/Basic/DepthCCW";
90 | shadowMapMaterialNamePoint = "GTP/Basic/Distance_NormalizedCCW";
91 | shadowMapMaterialNameSpot = "GTP/Basic/Distance_NormalizedCCW";
92 | areaLightRadius = 0.1;
93 |
94 | for(int i = 0; i < RUN_TYPE_COUNT; i++)
95 | {
96 | maxRads[(RenderingRunType)i] = (float) maxRad;
97 | }
98 |
99 | //register rendertechnique factories
100 | OgreColorCubeMapRenderTechniqueFactory* colorcube = new OgreColorCubeMapRenderTechniqueFactory();
101 | addRenderTechniqueFactory(colorcube);
102 | OgreDistanceCubeMapRenderTechniqueFactory* distcube = new OgreDistanceCubeMapRenderTechniqueFactory();
103 | addRenderTechniqueFactory(distcube);
104 | OgreConvoledCubeMapRenderTechniqueFactory* convcube = new OgreConvoledCubeMapRenderTechniqueFactory();
105 | addRenderTechniqueFactory(convcube);
106 | OgreCausticCasterRenderTechniqueFactory* caucast = new OgreCausticCasterRenderTechniqueFactory();
107 | addRenderTechniqueFactory(caucast);
108 | OgreCausticReceiverRenderTechniqueFactory* caurec = new OgreCausticReceiverRenderTechniqueFactory();
109 | addRenderTechniqueFactory(caurec);
110 | OgreDepthShadowReceiverRenderTechniqueFactory* dsrec = new OgreDepthShadowReceiverRenderTechniqueFactory();
111 | addRenderTechniqueFactory(dsrec);
112 | OgreSBBRenderTechniqueFactory* sbb = new OgreSBBRenderTechniqueFactory();
113 | addRenderTechniqueFactory(sbb);
114 | OgreFireRenderTechniqueFactory* fire = new OgreFireRenderTechniqueFactory();
115 | addRenderTechniqueFactory(fire);
116 | OgreHierarchicalParticleSystemTechniqueFactory* HPSF = new OgreHierarchicalParticleSystemTechniqueFactory();
117 | addRenderTechniqueFactory(HPSF);
118 | OgreIllumVolumeRenderTechniqueFactory* illumVolume = new OgreIllumVolumeRenderTechniqueFactory();
119 | addRenderTechniqueFactory(illumVolume);
120 | OgrePathMapRenderTechniqueFactory* pathmap = new OgrePathMapRenderTechniqueFactory();
121 | addRenderTechniqueFactory(pathmap);
122 | }
123 |
124 | OgreIlluminationManager::~OgreIlluminationManager()
125 | {
126 |
127 | }
128 |
129 | OgreIlluminationManager& OgreIlluminationManager::getSingleton()
130 | {
131 | if(instance == NULL)
132 | instance= new OgreIlluminationManager();
133 |
134 | return *instance;
135 | }
136 |
137 | void OgreIlluminationManager::fillVisibleList( RenderQueue * rq )
138 | {
139 | visibleObjects.clear();
140 |
141 | RenderQueue::QueueGroupIterator queueIt = rq->_getQueueGroupIterator();
142 |
143 | while (queueIt.hasMoreElements())
144 | {
145 | RenderQueueGroup* pGroup = queueIt.getNext();
146 |
147 | RenderQueueGroup::PriorityMapIterator groupIt = pGroup->getIterator();
148 |
149 | while (groupIt.hasMoreElements())
150 | {
151 | RenderPriorityGroup* pPriorityGrp = groupIt.getNext();
152 | const QueuedRenderableCollection& solids = pPriorityGrp->getSolidsBasic();
153 | const QueuedRenderableCollection& transparents = pPriorityGrp->getTransparents();
154 |
155 | solids.acceptVisitor(visitor, QueuedRenderableCollection::OM_PASS_GROUP);
156 | transparents.acceptVisitor(visitor, QueuedRenderableCollection::OM_SORT_ASCENDING);
157 | }
158 | }
159 |
160 | rq->clear();
161 | }
162 |
163 | BillboardSet* OgreIlluminationManager::findRenderableInParticleSystem(ParticleSystem* system)
164 | {
165 | ParticleSystemRenderer* renderer = system->getRenderer();
166 |
167 | const String rendererType = renderer->getType();
168 | if(rendererType == "billboard")
169 | {
170 | BillboardSet* bbSet = ((BillboardParticleRenderer*) renderer)->getBillboardSet();
171 | return bbSet;
172 | }
173 |
174 | if(rendererType == "sprite")
175 | {
176 | BillboardSet* bbSet = ((SpriteParticleRenderer*) renderer)->getSpriteSet();
177 | return bbSet;
178 | }
179 |
180 | OGRE_EXCEPT(0, "Unsupported particle renderable type", "OgreIlluminationManager::findRenderableInParticleSystem");
181 |
182 | return NULL;
183 | }
184 |
185 | void OgreIlluminationManager::freeAllResources()
186 | {
187 | std::list<SharedRuns*>::iterator srit = this->sharedRunRoots.begin();
188 | std::list<SharedRuns*>::iterator sritend = this->sharedRunRoots.end();
189 | while(srit != sritend)
190 | {
191 | (*srit)->freeAllResources();
192 | srit++;
193 | }
194 | sharedRunRoots.clear();
195 |
196 | this->sharedRunRoots.clear();
197 |
198 | this->globalSharedRuns.freeAllResources();
199 |
200 | std::map<String, OgreSharedRuns*>::iterator lrit = this->perLightRuns.begin();
201 | std::map<String, OgreSharedRuns*>::iterator lritend = this->perLightRuns.end();
202 |
203 | while(lrit != lritend)
204 | {
205 | OgreSharedRuns* lightRuns = ((*lrit).second);
206 | perLightRuns.erase(lrit);
207 | lightRuns->freeAllResources();
208 | delete lightRuns;
209 | lrit++;
210 | }
211 | perLightRuns.clear();
212 |
213 | std::map<enum GlobalTargetType, GlobalUseRenderTarget*>::iterator grtit = this->globalTargets.begin();
214 | std::map<enum GlobalTargetType, GlobalUseRenderTarget*>::iterator grtitend = this->globalTargets.end();
215 | while(grtit != grtitend)
216 | {
217 | GlobalUseRenderTarget* rt = (*grtit).second;
218 | globalTargets.erase(grtit);
219 | delete rt;
220 | grtit++;
221 | }
222 |
223 | this->pathMapClusters.clear();
224 | this->pathMapEntryPoints.clear();
225 |
226 | //delete rendertechniquegroups and cloned materials
227 | SceneManager::MovableObjectIterator it = Root::getSingleton()._getCurrentSceneManager()
228 | ->getMovableObjectIterator("Entity");
229 | while(it.hasMoreElements())
230 | {
231 | MovableObject* o = it.getNext();
232 | Entity* e = (Entity*) o;
233 |
234 | if( e->getParentSceneNode() == 0 )//Entity not attached
235 | break;
236 |
237 | for(unsigned int s = 0; s < e->getNumSubEntities(); s++)
238 | {
239 | SubEntity* sube = e->getSubEntity(s);
240 |
241 | Material* mat = sube->getMaterial().getPointer();
242 |
243 | for(unsigned int t = 0 ; t < mat->getNumTechniques() ; t++)
244 | {
245 | Technique* tech = mat->getTechnique(t);
246 |
247 | for(unsigned int p = 0; p< tech->getNumPasses(); p++)
248 | {
249 | Pass* pass = tech->getPass(p);
250 |
251 | std::vector<IllumTechniqueParams*>& techniques = pass->getIllumTechniques();
252 | if( techniques.size() > 0)
253 | {
254 | OgreTechniqueGroup* tg = (OgreTechniqueGroup*) sube->getRenderTechniqueGroup();
255 | delete tg;
256 | sube->setRenderTechniqueGroup(0);
257 | }
258 | }
259 | }
260 |
261 | MaterialManager::getSingleton().remove(mat->getName());
262 | }
263 | }
264 |
265 |
266 |
267 |
268 | }
269 |
270 | void OgreIlluminationManager::initTechniques(Entity* e)
271 | {
272 | if( e->getParentSceneNode() == 0 )//Entity not attached
273 | return;
274 |
275 | OgreSharedRuns* sharedruns = 0;
276 |
277 | for(unsigned int s = 0; s < e->getNumSubEntities(); s++)
278 | {
279 | SubEntity* sube = e->getSubEntity(s);
280 |
281 | Material* mat = sube->getMaterial().getPointer();
282 |
283 | OgreRenderable* rend = 0;
284 | OgreTechniqueGroup* group = 0;
285 |
286 | for(unsigned int t = 0 ; t < mat->getNumTechniques() ; t++)
287 | {
288 | Technique* tech = mat->getTechnique(t);
289 |
290 | for(unsigned int p = 0; p< tech->getNumPasses(); p++)
291 | {
292 | Pass* pass = tech->getPass(p);
293 |
294 | std::vector<IllumTechniqueParams*>& techniques = pass->getIllumTechniques();
295 | if( techniques.size() > 0)
296 | {
297 | if(rend == 0)
298 | {
299 | rend = new OgreRenderable(e, s);
300 | group = new OgreTechniqueGroup();
301 | sube->setRenderTechniqueGroup(group);
302 |
303 | if( sharedruns == 0)
304 | {
305 | sharedruns = new OgreSharedRuns();
306 | addSharedRuns(sharedruns);
307 | }
308 |
309 | group->addSharedRun(sharedruns);
310 | sharedruns->addRenderable(rend);
311 | sharedruns->updateBounds();
312 | }
313 | String newMaterialName = mat->getName() + "_clone_" + rend->getName();
314 | Material* newMat = mat->clone(newMaterialName).getPointer();
315 | rend->setMaterialName(newMaterialName);
316 | mat = sube->getMaterial().getPointer();
317 | break;
318 | }
319 | }
320 | }
321 |
322 |
323 | for(unsigned int t = 0 ; t < mat->getNumTechniques() ; t++)
324 | {
325 | Technique* tech = mat->getTechnique(t);
326 |
327 | for(unsigned int p = 0; p< tech->getNumPasses(); p++)
328 | {
329 | Pass* pass = tech->getPass(p);
330 |
331 | std::vector<IllumTechniqueParams*>& techniques = pass->getIllumTechniques();
332 | std::vector<IllumTechniqueParams*>::iterator i = techniques.begin();
333 | std::vector<IllumTechniqueParams*>::iterator iend = techniques.end();
334 |
335 | while( i != iend)
336 | {
337 | IllumTechniqueParams* params = *i;
338 | createTechnique(params, pass, rend, sharedruns);
339 |
340 | i++;
341 | }
342 | }
343 | }
344 | }
345 |
346 |
347 | }
348 |
349 |
350 | void OgreIlluminationManager::initTechniques(BillboardSet* bbs, ParticleSystem* sys)
351 | {
352 | if( bbs->getParentSceneNode() == 0 )//billboardset not attached
353 | return;
354 |
355 | OgreSharedRuns* sharedruns = 0;
356 |
357 | Material* mat = bbs->getMaterial().getPointer();
358 |
359 | OgreRenderable* rend = 0;
360 | OgreTechniqueGroup* group = 0;
361 |
362 | for(unsigned int t = 0 ; t < mat->getNumTechniques() ; t++)
363 | {
364 | Technique* tech = mat->getTechnique(t);
365 |
366 | for(unsigned int p = 0; p< tech->getNumPasses(); p++)
367 | {
368 | Pass* pass = tech->getPass(p);
369 |
370 | std::vector<IllumTechniqueParams*>& techniques = pass->getIllumTechniques();
371 | std::vector<IllumTechniqueParams*>::iterator i = techniques.begin();
372 | std::vector<IllumTechniqueParams*>::iterator iend = techniques.end();
373 |
374 | while( i != iend)
375 | {
376 | IllumTechniqueParams* params = *i;
377 |
378 | if(rend == 0)
379 | {
380 | rend = new OgreRenderable(bbs, sys);
381 | group = new OgreTechniqueGroup();
382 | bbs->setRenderTechniqueGroup(group);
383 |
384 | if( sharedruns == 0)
385 | {
386 | sharedruns = new OgreSharedRuns();
387 | addSharedRuns(sharedruns);
388 | }
389 |
390 | group->addSharedRun(sharedruns);
391 | sharedruns->addRenderable(rend);
392 | sharedruns->updateBounds();
393 | }
394 |
395 | createTechnique(params, pass, rend, sharedruns);
396 |
397 | i++;
398 | }
399 | }
400 | }
401 |
402 | }
403 |
404 | void OgreIlluminationManager::initTechniques()
405 | {
406 | {
407 | //Entities
408 | SceneManager::MovableObjectIterator it = Root::getSingleton()._getCurrentSceneManager()
409 | ->getMovableObjectIterator("Entity");
410 | while(it.hasMoreElements())
411 | {
412 | MovableObject* o = it.getNext();
413 | Entity* e = (Entity*) o;
414 |
415 | initTechniques(e);
416 | }
417 | }
418 | {
419 | //ParticleSystems
420 | SceneManager::MovableObjectIterator it = Root::getSingleton()._getCurrentSceneManager()
421 | ->getMovableObjectIterator("ParticleSystem");
422 | while(it.hasMoreElements())
423 | {
424 | MovableObject* o = it.getNext();
425 | ParticleSystem* psys = (ParticleSystem*) o;
426 |
427 | try
428 | {
429 | BillboardSet* bbset = findRenderableInParticleSystem(psys);
430 | bbset->setMaterialName(psys->getMaterialName());
431 | initTechniques(bbset, psys);
432 | }
433 | catch( ... )
434 | {
435 | //unsupported particle renderer, skip init
436 | }
437 | }
438 | }
439 | }
440 |
441 | void OgreIlluminationManager::createTechnique(IllumTechniqueParams* params, Pass* pass, OgreRenderable* rend, OgreSharedRuns* sRuns)
442 | {
443 | std::list<RenderTechniqueFactory*>::iterator it = techniqueFactories.begin();
444 | std::list<RenderTechniqueFactory*>::iterator itend = techniqueFactories.end();
445 |
446 | OgreTechniqueGroup* group = (OgreTechniqueGroup*) rend->getRenderable()->getRenderTechniqueGroup();
447 |
448 |
449 | while(it != itend)
450 | {
451 | RenderTechniqueFactory* factory = *it;
452 |
453 |
454 | if(factory->isType(params->getTypeName()))
455 | {
456 |
457 | RenderTechnique* newTechnique = factory->createInstance(params,
458 | pass,
459 | rend,
460 | group );
461 |
462 | group->addRenderTechnique(newTechnique);
463 |
464 | }
465 |
466 | it++;
467 | }
468 | }
469 | void OgreIlluminationManager::preAllUpdates()
470 | {
471 | std::vector<UpdateListener*>::iterator it = updateListeners.begin();
472 | std::vector<UpdateListener*>::iterator itend = updateListeners.end();
473 |
474 | while(it != itend)
475 | {
476 | UpdateListener* l = *it;
477 | l->preAllUpdates();
478 | it++;
479 | }
480 | }
481 |
482 | void OgreIlluminationManager::postAllUpdates()
483 | {
484 | std::vector<UpdateListener*>::iterator it = updateListeners.begin();
485 | std::vector<UpdateListener*>::iterator itend = updateListeners.end();
486 |
487 | while(it != itend)
488 | {
489 | UpdateListener* l = *it;
490 | l->postAllUpdates();
491 | it++;
492 | }
493 | }
494 |
495 | void OgreIlluminationManager::update(unsigned long frameNumber, RenderTarget* rt)
496 | {
497 |
498 | RenderSystem* renderSystem = Root::getSingleton().getRenderSystem();
499 | SceneManager* sceneManager = Root::getSingleton()._getCurrentSceneManager();
500 |
501 | for(unsigned short i = 0; i<rt->getNumViewports();i++)
502 | {
503 | //find visible objects from the camera
504 | RenderQueue* rq = sceneManager->getRenderQueue();
505 | rq->clear();
506 | RenderQueue::QueueGroupIterator groupIter = rq->_getQueueGroupIterator();
507 | while (groupIter.hasMoreElements())
508 | {
509 | RenderQueueGroup* g = groupIter.getNext();
510 | //g->addOrganisationMode(QueuedRenderableCollection::OM_SORT_ASCENDING);
511 | g->defaultOrganisationMode();
512 | }
513 |
514 | //sceneManager->_findVisibleObjectsOC(rt->getViewport(i)->getCamera(), rt->getViewport(i), false, false, false);
515 | sceneManager->_findVisibleObjects(rt->getViewport(i)->getCamera(), false);
516 |
517 | fillVisibleList(rq);
518 |
519 | if(joinRuns)
520 | {
521 | int l = visibleObjects.size(); //debug
522 | joinSharedRuns();
523 | int ll = sharedRunRoots.size(); //debug
524 | }
525 |
526 | //update precomputings
527 | std::vector<const Renderable*>::iterator iter = visibleObjects.begin();
528 | const std::vector<const Renderable*>::iterator iend = visibleObjects.end();
529 |
530 | preAllUpdates();
531 |
532 | while(iter != iend)
533 | {
534 | const Renderable* rend = *iter;
535 | OgreTechniqueGroup* techniqueGroup = (OgreTechniqueGroup*) rend->getRenderTechniqueGroup();
536 | if(techniqueGroup != 0)
537 | {
538 | techniqueGroup->update(frameNumber);
539 | }
540 | iter++;
541 | }
542 |
543 | postAllUpdates();
544 | }
545 | }
546 |
547 | void OgreIlluminationManager::sharedRunSplit(SharedRuns* old, SharedRuns* new1, SharedRuns* new2)
548 | {
549 | sharedRunRoots.remove(old);
550 | sharedRunRoots.push_back(new1);
551 | sharedRunRoots.push_back(new2);
552 | }
553 |
554 | void OgreIlluminationManager::sharedRunJoin(SharedRuns* old1, SharedRuns* old2, SharedRuns* newsr)
555 | {
556 | sharedRunRoots.remove(old1);
557 | sharedRunRoots.remove(old2);
558 | sharedRunRoots.push_back(newsr);
559 | }
560 |
561 | void OgreIlluminationManager::joinSharedRuns()
562 | {
563 | std::list<SharedRuns*>::iterator it1 = sharedRunRoots.begin();
564 | std::list<SharedRuns*>::iterator itend = sharedRunRoots.end();
565 |
566 | bool again = false;
567 |
568 | while(it1 != itend)
569 | {
570 | std::list<SharedRuns*>::iterator it2 = sharedRunRoots.begin();
571 |
572 | while(it2 != itend)
573 | {
574 | if( it1 != it2 && OgreSharedRuns::canJoin(*it1, *it2))
575 | {
576 | SharedRuns* newruns = (*it1)->joinRuns(*it2);
577 | sharedRunJoin(*it1, *it2, newruns);
578 | again = true;
579 | break;
580 | }
581 | it2++;
582 | }
583 |
584 | if(again)
585 | break;
586 |
587 | it1++;
588 | }
589 | if(again)
590 | joinSharedRuns();
591 |
592 | }
593 |
594 | void OgreIlluminationManager::addSharedRuns(SharedRuns* runs)
595 | {
596 | sharedRunRoots.push_back(runs);
597 | }
598 |
599 | void OgreIlluminationManager::getNearestCausticCasters(Vector3 position, std::vector<OgreSharedRuns*>* nearestcasters, unsigned int maxCount)
600 | {
601 | sortfrom = position;
602 | std::vector<OgreSharedRuns*> allcasters;
603 | //fill casters
604 | std::list<SharedRuns*>::iterator it = sharedRunRoots.begin();
605 | std::list<SharedRuns*>::iterator itend = sharedRunRoots.end();
606 | while(it != itend)
607 | {
608 | OgreSharedRuns* sr = (OgreSharedRuns*) (*it);
609 |
610 | sr->findSharedRootsForType(ILLUMRUN_CAUSTIC_CUBEMAP, allcasters);
611 |
612 | it++;
613 | }
614 |
615 | //sort
616 | std::stable_sort(allcasters.begin(), allcasters.end(), sortFromVector());
617 |
618 | for(unsigned int i = 0; i < maxCount && i < allcasters.size(); i++)
619 | {
620 | nearestcasters->push_back(allcasters.at(i));
621 | }
622 | }
623 |
624 | void OgreIlluminationManager::createGlobalRun(RenderingRunType runType)
625 | {
626 | switch(runType)
627 | {
629 | if(globalSharedRuns.getRun(ILLUMRUN_SCENE_CAMERA_DEPTH) == 0)
630 | {
631 | OgreSceneCameraDepthRenderingRun* run = new OgreSceneCameraDepthRenderingRun
632 | (&globalSharedRuns, "ILLUMMODULE_SCENE_CAMERA_DEPTH", mainViewport);
633 | globalSharedRuns.addRun(ILLUMRUN_SCENE_CAMERA_DEPTH, run);
634 | }
636 | if(globalSharedRuns.getRun(ILLUMRUN_FOCUSING_MAP) == 0)
637 | {
638 | OgreFocusingMapRenderingRun* run = new OgreFocusingMapRenderingRun(
640 | Matrix4::IDENTITY,
641 | focusingMapSize
642 | );
643 | globalSharedRuns.addRun(ILLUMRUN_FOCUSING_MAP, run);
644 |
645 | }
647 | if(globalSharedRuns.getRun(ILLUMRUN_PHASE_TEXTURE) == 0)
648 | {
649 | OgrePhaseTextureRenderingRun* run = new OgrePhaseTextureRenderingRun(
651 | phaseTextureSize,
652 | phaseTextureSize,
653 | "Phase_HenyeyGreenStein");
654 | globalSharedRuns.addRun(ILLUMRUN_PHASE_TEXTURE, run);
655 | }
656 | break;
658 | if(globalSharedRuns.getRun(ILLUMRUN_PM_ENTRYPOINTMAP) == 0)
659 | {
660 | OgrePMEntryPointMapRenderingRun* run = new OgrePMEntryPointMapRenderingRun(
662 | globalSharedRuns.addRun(ILLUMRUN_PM_ENTRYPOINTMAP, run);
663 | }
664 | break;
665 | }
666 | }
667 |
668 | void OgreIlluminationManager::savePhaseTextureToFile(String filename)
669 | {
670 | OgrePhaseTextureRenderingRun* r = (OgrePhaseTextureRenderingRun*)
671 | globalSharedRuns.getRun(ILLUMRUN_PHASE_TEXTURE)->asOgreRenderingRun();
672 | Texture* t = (Texture*) TextureManager::getSingleton().getByName(r->getPhaseTextureName()).getPointer();
673 |
674 | t->getBuffer()->getRenderTarget()->writeContentsToFile(filename);
675 | }
676 |
677 | RenderingRun* OgreIlluminationManager::getGlobalRun(RenderingRunType runType)
678 | {
679 | if(globalSharedRuns.getRun(runType) == 0)
680 | createGlobalRun(runType);
681 | return globalSharedRuns.getRun(runType);
682 | }
683 |
684 | GlobalUseRenderTarget* OgreIlluminationManager::getGlobalTarget(GlobalTargetType type)
685 | {
686 | std::map<GlobalTargetType, GlobalUseRenderTarget*>::iterator it = globalTargets.find(type);
687 |
688 | if( it != globalTargets.end())
689 | return (*it).second;
690 |
691 | return 0;
692 | }
693 |
694 | void OgreIlluminationManager::addGlobalTarget(GlobalTargetType type, GlobalUseRenderTarget* target)
695 | {
696 | globalTargets[type] = target;
697 | }
698 |
699 | void OgreIlluminationManager::updateGlobalRun(RenderingRunType runType, unsigned long frameNum)
700 | {
701 | globalSharedRuns.updateRun(runType, frameNum);
702 | }
703 |
704 | void OgreIlluminationManager::createPerLightRun(String lightName, RenderingRunType runType)
705 | {
706 | OgreSharedRuns* runs = 0;
707 |
708 | if(perLightRuns.find(lightName) == perLightRuns.end())
709 | {///create sharedruns
710 | OgreSharedRuns* newruns = new OgreSharedRuns();
711 | perLightRuns[lightName] = newruns;
712 | }
713 |
714 | runs = perLightRuns[lightName];
715 |
716 | switch(runType)
717 | {
719 | if(runs->getRun(ILLUMRUN_DEPTH_SHADOWMAP) == 0)
720 | {
721 | SceneManager* sm = Root::getSingleton()._getCurrentSceneManager();
722 | Light* light = sm->getLight(lightName);
723 | unsigned int res;
724 | String MaterialName;
725 | switch(light->getType())
726 | {
727 | case Light::LT_DIRECTIONAL:
728 | res = shadowMapSizeDirectional;
729 | MaterialName = shadowMapMaterialNameDirectional;
730 | break;
731 | case Light::LT_POINT:
732 | res = shadowMapSizePoint;
733 | MaterialName = shadowMapMaterialNamePoint;
734 | break;
735 | case Light::LT_SPOTLIGHT:
736 | res = shadowMapSizeSpot;
737 | MaterialName = shadowMapMaterialNameSpot;
738 | break;
739 | }
740 |
741 | OgreDepthShadowMapRenderingRun* run = new OgreDepthShadowMapRenderingRun(
742 | runs,
743 | lightName + "DEPTH_SHADOW_MAP",
744 | light,
745 | res,
746 | res,
747 | MaterialName
748 | );
749 | runs->addRun(ILLUMRUN_DEPTH_SHADOWMAP, run);
750 |
751 | }
752 | break;
754 | if(runs->getRun(ILLUMRUN_PM_WEIGHTMAP) == 0)
755 | {
756 | SceneManager* sm = Root::getSingleton()._getCurrentSceneManager();
757 | OgrePMWeightComputeRenderingRun* run = new OgrePMWeightComputeRenderingRun(
758 | lightName + "PM_WEIGHT_MAP",
759 | lightName);
760 | runs->addRun(ILLUMRUN_PM_WEIGHTMAP, run);
761 | }
762 | break;
763 | }
764 | }
765 |
766 | RenderingRun* OgreIlluminationManager::getPerLightRun(String lightName, RenderingRunType runType)
767 | {
768 | return perLightRuns[lightName]->getRun(runType);
769 | }
770 |
771 | void OgreIlluminationManager::updatePerLightRun(String lightName, RenderingRunType runType, unsigned long frameNum)
772 | {
773 | perLightRuns[lightName]->updateRun(runType, frameNum);
774 | }
775 |