1 | #include "OgreDepthShadowMapRenderingRun.h"
2 | #include "OgreIlluminationManager.h"
3 |
4 |
5 | OgreDepthShadowMapRenderingRun::OgreDepthShadowMapRenderingRun(OgreSharedRuns* sharedRuns,
6 | String name,
7 | Light* light,
8 | unsigned int resolutionX,
9 | unsigned int resolutionY,
10 | String materialName
11 | )
12 | :DepthShadowMapRenderingRun(resolutionX, resolutionY)
13 | , OgreRenderingRun(1, 1)
14 | , RenderingRun(1, 1)
15 | {
16 | this->light = light;
17 | this->sharedRuns = sharedRuns;
18 | names[0] = name + "1";
19 | names[1] = name + "2";
20 | this->materialName = materialName;
21 |
22 | createDepthMap();
23 | }
24 |
25 | void OgreDepthShadowMapRenderingRun::createDepthMap()
26 | {
27 | for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
28 | {
29 | TexturePtr texPtr = Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().createManual(names[i],
30 | "default",
31 | TEX_TYPE_2D,
32 | resolutionX,
33 | resolutionY,
34 | 0,
35 | 0,
38 | depthMapTextures[i] = texPtr.getPointer();
39 | depthMapCameras[i] = Root::getSingleton()._getCurrentSceneManager()->createCamera(names[i] + "_CAMERA");
40 | //add viewport to rendertarget
41 | HardwarePixelBuffer* hpb = (depthMapTextures[i]->getBuffer()).getPointer();
42 | RenderTarget* rt = hpb->getRenderTarget();
43 | Viewport* v = rt->addViewport(depthMapCameras[i]);
44 | v->setOverlaysEnabled(false);
45 | rt->setAutoUpdated(false);
46 | }
47 | }
48 |
49 | void OgreDepthShadowMapRenderingRun::updateFrame(unsigned long frameNum)
50 | {
51 | refreshLight();
52 |
53 | if(light->getType() == Light::LT_POINT)
54 | {
55 | updateDepthMap();
56 | }
57 | else
58 | {
59 | updateDepthMap();
60 | }
61 |
62 |
63 | }
64 |
65 | void OgreDepthShadowMapRenderingRun::updateDepthCubeFace(int facenum)
66 | {
67 | }
68 |
69 | void OgreDepthShadowMapRenderingRun::updateDepthMap()
70 | {
71 | setMaterialForVisibles(materialName, depthMapCameras[0], true);
72 | RenderTarget* rt = depthMapTextures[0]->getBuffer().getPointer()->getRenderTarget();
73 | rt->update();
74 | //restoreMaterials();
75 | //rt->writeContentsToFile("shadowmap1.dds");
76 |
77 | //setMaterialForVisibles(materialName, depthMapCameras[1], true);
78 | RenderTarget* rt2 = depthMapTextures[1]->getBuffer().getPointer()->getRenderTarget();
79 | rt2->update();
80 | restoreMaterials();
81 | //rt2->writeContentsToFile("shadowmap2.dds");
82 |
83 |
84 | }
85 |
86 | void setnear()
87 | {
88 |
89 | }
90 |
91 | void OgreDepthShadowMapRenderingRun::refreshLight()
92 | {
93 |
94 | if(light!= 0)
95 | {
96 | if(light->getType() == Light::LT_DIRECTIONAL)
97 | {
98 | //Vector3 dir = light->getDirection();
99 | Vector3 dir = Vector3(0,-1,-1);
100 | Vector3 pos;
101 | float size;
102 |
103 | Camera* viewcam = OgreIlluminationManager::getSingleton().getMainCamera();
104 |
105 | //Matrix4 camView = viewcam->getViewMatrix();
106 | //Matrix4 camViewI = camView.inverse();
107 | //const AxisAlignedBox bt = viewcam->getWorldBoundingBox(true);
108 | //AxisAlignedBox b = bt;
109 | //b.transform(camView);
110 | //SceneManager* sm = Root::getSingleton()._getCurrentSceneManager();
111 | //SceneNode* node = sm->getRootSceneNode();
112 | //const AxisAlignedBox bs(-35,-5 ,-75, 35, 15, 75);// = node->_getWorldAABB();
113 | //AxisAlignedBox intersection = b.intersection(bs);
114 | //pos = intersection.getCenter();
115 | //size = (intersection.getMaximum() - pos).length();
116 |
117 | //TODO: where to put light
118 | size = 30;
119 | pos = Vector3(0,0,0);
120 |
121 | depthMapCameras[0]->setDirection( dir );
122 | pos = pos - size * dir;
123 | depthMapCameras[0]->setPosition( pos );
124 | depthMapCameras[0]->setProjectionType(PT_ORTHOGRAPHIC);
125 | Matrix4 fproj;
126 | fproj = depthMapCameras[0]->getProjectionMatrix();
127 | fproj = Matrix4::IDENTITY;
128 | fproj.setScale(Vector3(1.0/20, 1.0/25, -1.0/100));
129 | //fproj.setTrans(Vector3(0,0,-50));
130 | depthMapCameras[0]->setCustomProjectionMatrix(true,fproj);
131 |
132 |
133 | //camera2
134 | dir.normalise();
135 | size = abs(dir.crossProduct(Vector3(0,0,1)).length() * 2);
136 | Vector3 viewDir = viewcam->getDirection();
137 | float y = viewDir.y;
138 | viewDir.y = std::min(0.0f, y);
139 | viewDir.normalise();
140 | Vector3 down(0,-1,0);
141 | float cosA = viewDir.dotProduct(down);
142 | Vector3 newDir = viewDir + down * 0.4;
143 | newDir.normalise();
144 | pos = viewcam->getPosition();
145 | size *= pos.y * 0.5 + 1;
146 | pos += newDir * viewcam->getPosition().y
147 | / newDir.dotProduct(down);
148 | //pos.y = 0;
149 |
150 |
151 |
152 | depthMapCameras[1]->setDirection( dir );
153 | pos = pos - 30 * dir;
154 | depthMapCameras[1]->setPosition( pos );
155 | depthMapCameras[1]->setProjectionType(PT_ORTHOGRAPHIC);
156 | Matrix4 fproj2;
157 | fproj2 = depthMapCameras[1]->getProjectionMatrix();
158 | fproj2 = Matrix4::IDENTITY;
159 | fproj2.setScale(Vector3(1.0/size, 1.0/size, -1.0/100));
160 | //fproj.setTrans(Vector3(0,0,-50));
161 | depthMapCameras[1]->setCustomProjectionMatrix(true,fproj2);
162 |
163 |
164 | /*LISPSM
165 | Vector3 viewdir = viewcam->getDirection();
166 | Vector3 lightdir = dir;
167 |
168 | float dotProd = viewdir.dotProduct(lightdir);
169 | float sinGamma;
170 | sinGamma = sqrt(1.0-dotProd*dotProd);
171 | g_fsinGamma = sinGamma;
172 |
173 | Vector3 newVdir = viewdir;
174 | Matrix4 proj;*/
175 |
176 | }
177 | else if(light->getType() == Light::LT_SPOTLIGHT)
178 | {
179 | /* Vector3 dir = light->getDirection();
180 | depthMapCamera->setDirection( dir );
181 | Vector3 pos = light->getParentNode()->getWorldPosition();
182 | depthMapCamera->setPosition(pos);
183 | depthMapCamera->setProjectionType(PT_PERSPECTIVE);
184 | depthMapCamera->setFOVy(light->getSpotlightOuterAngle());*/
185 | }
186 | else//point light
187 | {
188 | /* Vector3 pos = light->getParentNode()->getWorldPosition();
189 | Vector3 dir = -pos;
190 | depthMapCamera->setDirection( dir );
191 | depthMapCamera->setPosition(pos);
192 | depthMapCamera->setProjectionType(PT_PERSPECTIVE);
193 | depthMapCamera->setFOVy(Radian(Degree(140)));
194 | depthMapCamera->setNearClipDistance(1);
195 | // depthMapCamera->setFarClipDistance(200);
196 |
197 | //OGRE_EXCEPT(0, "NOT implemented for Pointlight", "OgreDepthShadowMapRenderingRun::refreshLight");
198 | */
199 | /*Vector3 pos = light->getParentNode()->getWorldPosition();
200 | Vector3 dir = -pos;
201 | depthMapCamera->setDirection( dir );
202 | depthMapCamera->setPosition(pos);
203 | depthMapCamera->setProjectionType(PT_ORTHOGRAPHIC);
204 | depthMapCamera->*/
205 |
206 | }
207 | }
208 | }
209 |
210 | Matrix4 OgreDepthShadowMapRenderingRun::getLightViewMatrix(int i)
211 | {
212 | return depthMapCameras[i]->getViewMatrix();
213 | }
214 |
215 | Matrix4 OgreDepthShadowMapRenderingRun::getLightViewProjMatrix(int i)
216 | {
217 | return depthMapCameras[i]->getProjectionMatrix() * depthMapCameras[i]->getViewMatrix();
218 | }
219 |