1 | #ifndef _OcclusionCullingSceneManager_H__
2 | #define _OcclusionCullingSceneManager_H__
3 |
4 | #include <OgreSceneNode.h>
5 | #include <OgreTerrainSceneManager.h>
6 | #include <OgreOctreeNode.h>
7 | #include <OgreOctreeCamera.h>
8 | #include <OgrePrerequisites.h>
9 | #include <OgreMovableObject.h>
10 | #include "OgreOctreeHierarchyInterface.h"
11 | #include "OgrePlatformQueryManager.h"
12 | #include "VisibilityManager.h"
13 | #include "Containers.h"
14 | #include "ViewCellsManager.h"
15 | #include "VisibilityInfo.h"
16 | #include "VisibilityMesh.h"
17 |
18 |
19 | namespace GtpVisibilityPreprocessor {
20 | class Intersectable;
21 | }
22 |
23 | class ObjReader;
24 |
25 |
26 | namespace Ogre {
27 |
28 |
29 | /** This class extends the terrain scene manager, using occlusion queries for
30 | visibility culling.
31 | */
32 | class __declspec(dllexport) OcclusionCullingSceneManager: public TerrainSceneManager
33 | {
34 | public:
35 | OcclusionCullingSceneManager(const String& name,
36 | GtpVisibility::VisibilityManager *visManager);
37 | ~OcclusionCullingSceneManager();
38 |
39 | void _renderVisibleObjects();
40 | void myFindVisibleObjects(Camera* cam, bool onlyShadowCasters);
41 | void _updateSceneGraph(Camera* cam);
42 |
43 | /** Sets the given option for the SceneManager
44 | @remarks Options are: "Algorithm", int *;
45 | */
46 |
47 | virtual bool setOption(const String &, const void *);
48 | /** Gets the given option for the Scene VisibilityManager.
49 | @remarks
50 | See setOption
51 | */
52 | virtual bool getOption(const String &, void *);
53 |
54 | bool getOptionValues(const String & key, StringVector &refValueList);
55 | bool getOptionKeys(StringVector &refKeys);
56 |
57 | /** Sets the visibility manager.
58 | @param visManager the visibility manager
59 | */
60 | void setVisibilityManager(GtpVisibility::VisibilityManager *visManager);
61 | /** See set.
62 | */
63 | GtpVisibility::VisibilityManager *getVisibilityManager();
64 |
65 | /** Render a queue group.
66 | Override so we can handle delayed rendering of transparent objects
67 | */
68 | void renderBasicQueueGroupObjects(RenderQueueGroup* pGroup,
69 | QueuedRenderableCollection::OrganisationMode om);
70 |
71 | /** Writes out stats into the Ogre log file.
72 | */
73 | void WriteLog();
74 |
75 | /** Override pass so we can do the z-fail pass.
76 | */
77 | virtual const Pass* _setPass(const Pass* pass, bool evenIfSuppressed = false);
78 |
79 | /** Override from SceneManager so we can skip all but first pass for depth pass.
80 | */
81 | bool validatePassForRendering(Pass* pass);
82 |
83 | #ifdef ITEM_BUFFER
84 | void RenderItemBuffer(RenderPriorityGroup* pGroup);
85 | void RenderSingleObjectForItemBuffer(Renderable *rend, Pass *pass);
86 | #endif // ITEM_BUFFER
87 |
88 | void _renderQueueGroupObjects(RenderQueueGroup* pGroup,
89 | QueuedRenderableCollection::OrganisationMode om);
90 |
91 | /** Override from SceneManager so that sub entities can be assigned
92 | an id for item buffer.
93 | */
94 | Entity* createEntity(const String& entityName, const String& meshName);
95 |
96 | /** Returns pointer to visibility manager.
97 | */
98 | GtpVisibility::VisibilityManager *GetVisibilityManager();
99 |
100 | /** Returns hierarchy interface.
101 | */
102 | OctreeHierarchyInterface *GetHierarchyInterface();
103 |
104 | /** Inherited from scene manager. Neccesary to draw terrain properly.
105 | */
106 | void endFrame();
107 |
108 | void renderAdditiveStencilShadowedQueueGroupObjects(
109 | RenderQueueGroup* pGroup,
110 | QueuedRenderableCollection::OrganisationMode om);
111 | void renderModulativeStencilShadowedQueueGroupObjects(
112 | RenderQueueGroup* pGroup,
113 | QueuedRenderableCollection::OrganisationMode om);
114 |
115 | /** Override standard function so octree boxes are always of equal side length.
116 | This has advantages for CHC, because terrain tiles are in different octree nodes
117 | and can be culled.
118 | msz: Modified to reflect changes in Ogre::TerrainSceneManager
119 | */
120 | #if 1
121 | virtual void setWorldGeometry(DataStreamPtr& stream, const String& typeName);
122 | #endif
123 |
124 | /** Loads view cells for this particular scene.
125 | */
126 | bool LoadViewCells(const String &filename);
127 |
128 | void RenderDepthForQuery(Camera* camera, Viewport* vp);
129 |
130 | void _findVisibleObjects(Camera* cam, bool onlyShadowCasters);
131 |
132 | protected:
133 |
134 | void MailPvsObjects();
135 | void RenderPvsEntry(GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::Intersectable *obj);
136 | void SetObjectVisible(GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::Intersectable *entry,
137 | const bool visible);
138 |
139 | void ShowViewCellsGeometry();
140 |
141 | /** Creates material for depth pass, e.g., a pass that only fills the depth buffer.
142 | */
143 | void InitDepthPass();
144 | /** Creates material for item buffer.
145 | */
146 | void InitItemBufferPass();
147 | /** Fills render queue so that a visualization can be rendered.
148 | */
149 | void PrepareVisualization(Camera *cam);
150 | /** Initialises necessary parameters for hierarchical visibility culling.
151 | */
152 | void InitVisibilityCulling(Camera *cam);
153 | /** Loads / unloads pvs of the view cell to set the visibility in the scene.
154 | */
155 | void ApplyViewCellPvs(GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::ViewCell *vc, const bool load);
156 |
157 | /** updates pvs in current frame.
158 | */
159 | void UpdatePvs(Camera *cam);
160 |
161 | /** Sets all objects invisible.
162 | */
163 | void SetObjectsVisible(const bool visible);
164 |
165 | /** Creates view cells geometry from the loaded view cells.
166 | */
167 | void CreateViewCellsGeometry();
168 | void VisualizeViewCells(const bool visualize);
169 |
170 | /** Load an iv scene.
171 | */
172 | bool LoadSceneIV(const String &filename,
173 | SceneNode *root,
174 | const int index);
175 |
176 | /** Load obj scene.
177 | */
178 | bool LoadSceneObj(const String &filename,
179 | const String &viewCellsFile,
180 | SceneNode *root);
181 |
182 | /** Load a scene.
183 | */
184 | bool LoadScene(const String &filename,
185 | const String &viewCellsFilename);
186 |
187 | void loadConfig(DataStreamPtr& stream);
188 |
189 | void RenderHierarchicalCulling(const bool fillRenderQueue = true);
190 |
191 | void _renderScene(Camera* camera, Viewport* vp, bool includeOverlays);
192 |
193 | int QueryVisibleObjectsExact(Camera *camera,
194 | Viewport* vp,
195 | const bool fromPoint,
196 | const bool nodeVisibility);
197 |
198 | void AddVisibleMeshGeometryToQueue(const MeshInfoContainer &visibleGeometry,
199 | Camera *cam);
200 |
201 | void AddVisibleNodeGeometryToQueue(const NodeInfoContainer &visibleNodes,
202 | Camera *cam);
203 |
204 | //////////////////////////////////////////
205 |
206 | /// the interface to the scene hierarchy.
207 | OctreeHierarchyInterface *mHierarchyInterface;
208 |
209 | /// manages all visibility options
210 | GtpVisibility::VisibilityManager *mVisibilityManager;
211 |
212 | /// if a visualization of the hierarchical culling is shown
213 | bool mShowVisualization;
214 |
215 | /// if the culled nodes are indicated in the visualization
216 | bool mVisualizeCulledNodes;
217 |
218 | /// if symbols for the nodes are shown in the visualization
219 | bool mRenderNodesForViz;
220 | /// if content of the nodes is shown in the visualization
221 | bool mRenderNodesContentForViz;
222 |
223 | /// render transparents after the hierarchical traversal
224 | bool mDelayRenderTransparents;
225 |
226 | /// use a depth pass (i.e., fill only the depth buffer in the first pass)
227 | bool mUseDepthPass;
228 | /// flag indicating if we currently render the depth pass
229 | bool mIsDepthPassPhase;
230 |
231 | /// if we use an item buffer for rendering (i.e., object ids as color codes
232 | bool mUseItemBuffer;
233 | /// if we currently render the item buffer
234 | bool mIsItemBufferPhase;
235 |
236 | /// if depth write should be enabled
237 | bool mEnableDepthWrite;
238 | /// if transparents are skipped during rendering
239 | bool mSkipTransparents;
240 |
241 | /// the depth pass (no lighting, just filling the depth buffer)
242 | Pass *mDepthPass;
243 | /// the pass for item buffer setting a color id
244 | Pass *mItemBufferPass;
245 |
246 | /// flag for passes which should not be deleted from queue during first traversal
247 | int mLeavePassesInQueue;
248 |
249 | /// if transparent object are considered for item buffer visibility
250 | bool mRenderTransparentsForItemBuffer;
251 | /// Always execute the vertex program of a pass, e.g., for the depth pass or item buffer
252 | bool mExecuteVertexProgramForAllPasses;
253 |
254 | /// if hierarchical culling is currently in use
255 | bool mIsHierarchicalCulling;
256 |
257 | /// do we use preprocessed visibility
258 | bool mViewCellsLoaded;
259 |
260 | /// the view cells manager handling the preprocesor stuff
261 | GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::ViewCellsManager *mViewCellsManager;
262 |
263 |
264 | /// Used to assign Ogre meshes to view cell entries.
265 | GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::ObjectContainer mObjects;
266 |
267 | GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::ViewCell *mElementaryViewCell;
268 | GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::ViewCell *mCurrentViewCell;
269 |
270 | /// If view cells are used.
271 | bool mUseViewCells;
272 |
273 | /// if view cells visualization should be shown
274 | bool mShowViewCells;
275 |
276 | /// if the view cells are filtered
277 | bool mUseVisibilityFilter;
278 |
279 | bool mDeleteQueueAfterRendering;
280 |
281 | // normal terrain rendering
282 | bool mNormalExecution;
283 |
284 | // helper variable to provide sequential numbering for sub-entities
285 | int mCurrentEntityId;
286 |
287 | typedef map<int, MovableObject *> MovableMap;
288 |
289 | /// hash table for view cells geometry
290 | MovableMap mViewCellsGeometry;
291 |
292 | bool mViewCellsGeometryLoaded;
293 |
294 | string mViewCellsFilename;
295 | string mFilename;
296 |
297 | bool mShowTerrain;
298 |
299 | int mFlushRate;
300 | int mCurrentFrame;
301 |
302 | int mQueryMode;
303 |
305 |
306 | ObjReader *mObjReader;
307 |
308 | bool mUseVisibilityQueries;
309 |
310 | bool mUseFromPointQueries;
311 |
312 | bool mResetMaterialForQueries;
313 | };
314 |
315 |
316 | /** Factory for VisibilityOctreeSceneManager.
317 | */
318 | class OcclusionCullingSceneManagerFactory : public SceneManagerFactory
319 | {
320 | protected:
321 | typedef std::vector<TerrainPageSource*> TerrainPageSources;
322 | TerrainPageSources mTerrainPageSources;
323 | void initMetaData(void) const;
324 | GtpVisibility::VisibilityManager *visManager;
325 | public:
326 | OcclusionCullingSceneManagerFactory(GtpVisibility::VisibilityManager *vm)
327 | {
328 | visManager = vm;
329 | }
330 |
331 | /// Factory type name
332 | static const String FACTORY_TYPE_NAME;
333 | SceneManager* createInstance(const String& instanceName);
334 | void destroyInstance(SceneManager* instance);
335 | };
336 |
337 | } // namespace Ogre
338 |
339 | #endif // OcclusionCullingSceneManager_H |