1 | #ifndef _PlatformHierarchyInterface_H__
2 | #define _PlatformHierarchyInterface_H__
3 |
4 | #include <OgreSceneManager.h>
5 | #include <OgrePrerequisites.h>
6 | #include <OgreCamera.h>
7 | #include <OgreRenderSystem.h>
8 |
9 | //#include "OgreSolidHalfBoundingBox.h"
10 | #include "OgreSolidBoundingBox.h"
11 | #include "HierarchyInterface.h"
12 | #include "VisibilityInfo.h"
13 | #include "OgrePlatformOcclusionQuery.h"
14 |
15 | /** This namespace contains the Ogre dependent classes.
16 | */
17 | namespace Ogre {
18 |
19 | /** Class which implements a hierarchy interface for a specific type of hierarchy.
20 | @remark also provides methods for using occlusion queries on the hierarchy nodes
21 | */
22 | class PlatformHierarchyInterface: public GtpVisibility::HierarchyInterface
23 | {
24 | public:
25 | /** Construction taking the current scene manager and the current rendersystem as argument
26 | @param sm current scene manager
27 | @param rsys current render system
28 | */
29 | PlatformHierarchyInterface(SceneManager *sm, RenderSystem *rsys);
30 | ~PlatformHierarchyInterface();
31 |
32 | /** Returns next available occlusion query or creates new one.
33 | @return the next occlusion query
34 | */
35 | GtpVisibility::OcclusionQuery *GetNextOcclusionQuery();
36 |
37 | /** Sets the current camera used for the rendering.
38 | @param cam the current camera
39 | */
40 | void SetCamera(Camera *cam);
41 | /** Sets the current camera used for culling.
42 | @param cam the current camera
43 | @remark the default is the camera used for rendering
44 | */
45 | void SetCullCamera(Camera *cullCam);
46 | /** Initialises this scene traverser for the current frame.
47 | @remark This is a convenience method which resets the stats,
48 | sets the current camera, and initialises the distance queue.
49 | @param cam the actual camera definding the view frustum
50 | @param cullCam the camera used for culling.
51 | @remark If cullCam is null, the actual camera is used for both viewing and culling
52 | */
53 | void InitTraversal(Camera *cam, Camera *cullCam = NULL, int leavePassesInQueue = 0);
54 | /** Checks if the node is visible from the current view frustum.
55 | @param node the current node
56 | @param intersects returns true if the current node intersects the near plane
57 | */
58 | bool CheckFrustumVisible(GtpVisibility::HierarchyNode *node, bool &intersects);
59 | /** Sets pointer to the current scene manager.
60 | @param sm the scene manager
61 | */
62 | void SetSceneManager(SceneManager *sm);
63 | /** Sets pointer to the current render system .
64 | @param rsys the rendersystem
65 | */
66 | void SetRenderSystem(RenderSystem *rsys);
67 | /** Returns pointer to bounding box of node.
68 | @param node current hierarchy node
69 | @returns bounding box of current node
70 | */
71 | virtual AxisAlignedBox *GetBoundingBox(GtpVisibility::HierarchyNode *node) = 0;
72 | /** Issue a occlusion query for this node.
73 | @param node the current hierarchy node
74 | @param wasVisible if the node was visible in the last frame
75 | @returns occlusion query for this node
76 | */
77 | GtpVisibility::OcclusionQuery *IssueNodeOcclusionQuery(
78 | GtpVisibility::HierarchyNode *node, const bool wasVisible);
79 |
80 | /** Issue a occlusion query for this mesh.
81 | @param mesh the mesh for which an occlusion query is issued.
82 | @returns occlusion query for this mesh.
83 | */
84 | GtpVisibility::OcclusionQuery *IssueMeshOcclusionQuery(GtpVisibility::Mesh *mesh);
85 |
86 | /** If true, the interface finds and renders only objects which are marked as shadow casters.
87 | @remark This is important for the shadow texture pass
88 | */
89 | void SetOnlyShadowCasters(bool onlyShadowCasters);
90 | /** see set
91 | */
92 | bool GetOnlyShadowCasters();
93 | /** see set
94 | */
95 | bool GetTestGeometryForVisibleLeaves();
96 | /** see set
97 | */
98 | SceneManager *GetSceneManager();
99 |
100 | /** see set
101 | */
102 | RenderSystem *GetRenderSystem();
103 |
104 | /** true if bounding box query is currently active.
105 | */
106 | bool IsBoundingBoxQuery();
107 |
108 | GtpVisibility::OcclusionQuery *IssuePatchOcclusionQuery(GtpVisibility::Patch *patch);
109 |
110 | /** Deletes all occlusion queries.
111 | */
112 | void ResetQueries();
113 |
114 | protected:
115 | /** Renders the given geometry
116 | */
117 | void RenderGeometry(GtpVisibility::Mesh *geom);
118 |
119 | /** Renders the given patch
120 | */
121 | void RenderPatch(GtpVisibility::Patch *patch);
122 |
123 | /** Materials for visualizing frustum and query culled nodes.
124 | */
125 | void CreateNodeVizMaterials();
126 |
127 | /** Returns pointer to current renderable bounding box geometry.
128 | */
129 | SolidBoundingBox *GetSolidBoundingBox();
130 |
131 | /** A pass that prepares an occlusion query.
132 | @remark disables depth write, colour write, lighting,
133 | vertex and fragment program.*/
134 | //void SetOcclusionPass();
135 |
136 | /** Renders given bounding box.
137 | @param box the bounding box of the scene node to be rendered
138 | */
139 | void RenderBoundingBox(AxisAlignedBox *box);
140 |
141 | /** Renderable of an aabb.
142 | */
143 | SolidBoundingBox *mSolidBoundingBox;
144 |
145 | SceneManager *mSceneManager;
146 | RenderSystem *mRenderSystem;
147 |
148 | Camera *mCamera;
149 | Camera *mCullCamera;
150 |
151 | AxisAlignedBox mBox;
152 |
153 | std::vector<PlatformOcclusionQuery *> mOcclusionQueries;
154 |
155 | Vector3 mCameraPosition;
156 | bool mOnlyShadowCasters;
157 | int mLeavePassesInQueue;
158 | bool mIsBoundingBoxQuery;
159 | };
160 |
161 | } // namespace Ogre
162 |
163 | #endif // PlatformHierarchyInterface_H |