/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of the GameTools Project http://www.gametools.org Author: Martin Szydlowski ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "OgreBiHierarchy.h" #include "OgreBihRenderable.h" #include "OgreBiHierarchySceneNode.h" #include "OgreBiHierarchySceneManager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define PLT_SIZE 101 namespace Ogre { enum BihIntersection { OUTSIDE=0, INSIDE=1, INTERSECT=2 }; static BihIntersection intersect( const Ray &one, const AxisAlignedBox &two ) { // Null box? if (two.isNull()) return OUTSIDE; bool inside = true; const Vector3* pCorners = two.getAllCorners(); Vector3 origin = one.getOrigin(); Vector3 dir = one.getDirection(); Vector3 maxT(-1, -1, -1); int i = 0; for(i=0; i<3; i++ ) { if( origin[i] < pCorners[0][i] ) { inside = false; if( dir[i] > 0 ) { maxT[i] = (pCorners[0][i] - origin[i])/ dir[i]; } } else if( origin[i] > pCorners[4][i] ) { inside = false; if( dir[i] < 0 ) { maxT[i] = (pCorners[4][i] - origin[i]) / dir[i]; } } } if( inside ) { return INTERSECT; } int whichPlane = 0; if( maxT[1] > maxT[whichPlane]) whichPlane = 1; if( maxT[2] > maxT[whichPlane]) whichPlane = 2; if( ((int)maxT[whichPlane]) & 0x80000000 ) { return OUTSIDE; } for(i=0; i<3; i++ ) { if( i!= whichPlane ) { float f = origin[i] + maxT[whichPlane] * dir[i]; if ( f < (pCorners[0][i] - 0.00001f) || f > (pCorners[4][i] +0.00001f ) ) { return OUTSIDE; } } } return INTERSECT; } /** Checks how the second box intersects with the first. */ static BihIntersection intersect( const PlaneBoundedVolume &one, const AxisAlignedBox &two ) { // Null box? if (two.isNull()) return OUTSIDE; // Get corners of the box const Vector3* pCorners = two.getAllCorners(); // For each plane, see if all points are on the negative side // If so, object is not visible. // If one or more are, it's partial. // If all aren't, full int corners[ 8 ] = {0, 4, 3, 5, 2, 6, 1, 7}; bool all_inside = true; PlaneList::const_iterator i, iend; iend = one.planes.end(); for (i = one.planes.begin(); i != iend; ++i) { const Plane& plane = *i; bool all_outside = true; float distance = 0; for ( int corner = 0; corner < 8; ++corner ) { distance = plane.getDistance( pCorners[ corners[ corner ] ] ); all_outside = all_outside && ( distance < 0 ); all_inside = all_inside && ( distance >= 0 ); if ( !all_outside && !all_inside ) break; } if ( all_outside ) return OUTSIDE; } if ( all_inside ) return INSIDE; else return INTERSECT; } /** Checks how the second box intersects with the first. */ static BihIntersection intersect( const AxisAlignedBox &one, const AxisAlignedBox &two ) { // Null box? if (one.isNull() || two.isNull()) return OUTSIDE; const Vector3 * outside = one.getAllCorners(); const Vector3 *inside = two.getAllCorners(); if ( inside[ 4 ].x < outside[ 0 ].x || inside[ 4 ].y < outside[ 0 ].y || inside[ 4 ].z < outside[ 0 ].z || inside[ 0 ].x > outside[ 4 ].x || inside[ 0 ].y > outside[ 4 ].y || inside[ 0 ].z > outside[ 4 ].z ) { return OUTSIDE; } bool full = ( inside[ 0 ].x > outside[ 0 ].x && inside[ 0 ].y > outside[ 0 ].y && inside[ 0 ].z > outside[ 0 ].z && inside[ 4 ].x < outside[ 4 ].x && inside[ 4 ].y < outside[ 4 ].y && inside[ 4 ].z < outside[ 4 ].z ); if ( full ) return INSIDE; else return INTERSECT; } /** Checks how the box intersects with the sphere. */ static BihIntersection intersect( const Sphere &one, const AxisAlignedBox &two ) { // Null box? if (two.isNull()) return OUTSIDE; float sradius = one.getRadius(); sradius *= sradius; Vector3 scenter = one.getCenter(); const Vector3 *corners = two.getAllCorners(); float s, d = 0; Vector3 mndistance = ( corners[ 0 ] - scenter ); Vector3 mxdistance = ( corners[ 4 ] - scenter ); if ( mndistance.squaredLength() < sradius && mxdistance.squaredLength() < sradius ) { return INSIDE; } //find the square of the distance //from the sphere to the box for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { if ( scenter[ i ] < corners[ 0 ][ i ] ) { s = scenter[ i ] - corners[ 0 ][ i ]; d += s * s; } else if ( scenter[ i ] > corners[ 4 ][ i ] ) { s = scenter[ i ] - corners[ 4 ][ i ]; d += s * s; } } bool partial = ( d <= sradius ); if ( !partial ) { return OUTSIDE; } else { return INTERSECT; } } Real BihPlaneEvent::KT = 2.0; Real BihPlaneEvent::KI = 2.0; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // determine if this event is left or right of the reference event // if the absolute flag is set, we decide by the objectcenter wether the // event goes to left or right. void BihPlaneEvent::classify(const BihPlaneEvent& e, BihPlaneEvent::Side side, bool absolute) { // only classify events of the same dimension if (mDimension == e.mDimension) { if (!absolute) { if (mType == PET_END && mPosition[mDimension] <= e.mPosition[e.mDimension]) { mRenderable->setSide(PES_LEFT); return; } else if (mType == PET_START && mPosition[mDimension] >= e.mPosition[e.mDimension]) { mRenderable->setSide(PES_RIGHT); return; } else if (mType == PET_ON) { if (mPosition[mDimension] < e.mPosition[e.mDimension] || (mPosition[mDimension] == e.mPosition[e.mDimension] && side == PES_LEFT)) { mRenderable->setSide(PES_LEFT); return; } if (mPosition[mDimension] > e.mPosition[e.mDimension] || (mPosition[mDimension] == e.mPosition[e.mDimension] && side == PES_RIGHT)) { mRenderable->setSide(PES_RIGHT); return; } } } else { // The object lies on the splitting plane // we decide with the object center if it goes right or left. Vector3 mMid=mRenderable->getBoundingBox().getCenter(); float mMidDimension=0; switch (mDimension) { case BihPlaneEvent::PED_X: mMidDimension=mMid.x; break; case BihPlaneEvent::PED_Y: mMidDimension=mMid.y; break; case BihPlaneEvent::PED_Z: mMidDimension=mMid.z; break; } if (mMidDimension <= e.mPosition[e.mDimension]) { mRenderable->setSide(PES_LEFT); return; } else if (mMidDimension > e.mPosition[e.mDimension]) { mRenderable->setSide(PES_RIGHT); return; } } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // clip this event to an aabb (move it so that the plane on one of the box planes) BihPlaneEvent BihPlaneEvent::clip(AxisAlignedBox& box, BihPlaneEvent::Dimension dim) { Vector3 newpos = mPosition, min = box.getMinimum(), max = box.getMaximum(); if (newpos[dim] < min[dim]) newpos[dim] = min[dim]; else if (newpos[dim] > max[dim]) newpos[dim] = max[dim]; return BihPlaneEvent(mRenderable, newpos, mDimension, mType); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // the surface area heuristic to determine the cost of splitting the parent aabb // along the plane represented by this event void BihPlaneEvent::SAH(const AxisAlignedBox& parent, int nLeft, int nPlane, int nRight, BihSplitInfo& split) { Real mu = splitBox(parent, split.bleft, split.bright); Real sav = surfaceArea(parent); Real pl = surfaceArea(split.bleft) / sav; Real pr = surfaceArea(split.bright) / sav; Real costl = splitCost(pl, pr, nLeft + nPlane, nRight, mu); Real costr = splitCost(pl, pr, nLeft, nPlane + nRight, mu); if (costl < costr) { split.cost = costl; split.side = PES_LEFT; split.nleft = nLeft + nPlane; split.nright = nRight; } else { split.cost = costr; split.side = PES_RIGHT; split.nleft = nLeft; split.nright = nPlane + nRight; } split.event = *this; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // the surface area heuristic to determine the cost of splitting the parent aabb // along the plane represented by this event modified for BV void BihPlaneEvent::SAH(const AxisAlignedBox& parent, int nLeft, int nPlane, int nRight, BihSplitInfo& split,AxisAlignedBox left,AxisAlignedBox right) { //Real mu = splitBox(parent, split.bleft, split.bright); split.bleft=left; split.bright=right; Vector3 bmin = parent.getMinimum(); Vector3 bmax = parent.getMaximum(); Real mu=/*lookupPenalty( (mPosition[mDimension] - bmin[mDimension]) / (bmax[mDimension] - bmin[mDimension]));*/ 1; Real sav = surfaceArea(parent); Real pl = surfaceArea(split.bleft) / sav; Real pr = surfaceArea(split.bright) / sav; Real costl = splitCost(pl, pr, nLeft + nPlane, nRight, mu); Real costr = splitCost(pl, pr, nLeft, nPlane + nRight, mu); if (costl < costr) { split.cost = costl; split.side = PES_LEFT; split.nleft = nLeft + nPlane; split.nright = nRight; } else { split.cost = costr; split.side = PES_RIGHT; split.nleft = nLeft; split.nright = nPlane + nRight; } split.event = *this; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // split the parent aabb with the plane in this event Real BihPlaneEvent::splitBox(const AxisAlignedBox& parent, AxisAlignedBox& left, AxisAlignedBox& right) { Vector3 bmin = parent.getMinimum(); Vector3 bmax = parent.getMaximum(); // calculate the penalty for spliting the box that way Real mu = lookupPenalty( (mPosition[mDimension] - bmin[mDimension]) / (bmax[mDimension] - bmin[mDimension])); // set corners which are the same as parent AABB left.setMinimum(bmin); right.setMaximum(bmax); // modify "inner" corners bmin[mDimension] = mPosition[mDimension]; bmax[mDimension] = mPosition[mDimension]; // set the corners on the split plane left.setMaximum(bmax); right.setMinimum(bmin); return mu; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // compute surface area of a box ... DUH! Real BihPlaneEvent::surfaceArea(const AxisAlignedBox& box) { Vector3 sides = box.getMaximum() - box.getMinimum(); return 2 * sides.x * sides.y + 2 * sides.y * sides.z + 2 * sides.z * sides.x; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // lookup the penalty for placing the splitting plane near to the edge of the AABB // 0.0 <= p <= 1.0, p = 0.5 means the plane divides the aabb in half Real BihPlaneEvent::lookupPenalty(Real p) { // precomputed table of {x^6 + 1|0 <= x <= 1} static Real mPenaltyLookupTable[PLT_SIZE]; static bool init_done = false; if (!init_done) { Real step = 1.0 / (PLT_SIZE - 1); Real x = 0.0; //LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("### Calculating Lookup Table ###"); for (int i = 0; i < PLT_SIZE; i++) { mPenaltyLookupTable[i] = Math::Pow(x, 6) + 1.0; x += step; //LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("### mPenaltyLookupTable[" + StringConverter::toString(i,3) + "]=" + StringConverter::toString(mPenaltyLookupTable[i])); } init_done = true; //LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("### Lookup Table Calculated ###"); } // normalize p to [0,1] Real x = Math::Abs(p * 2 - 1); // compute index int i = Math::IFloor(x * (PLT_SIZE - 1)); return mPenaltyLookupTable[i]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // compute cost of the split, reward splitting of empty space (lambda, const), // penalize splitting off 'thin' slices (mu, const) Real BihPlaneEvent::splitCost(Real pLeft, Real pRight, int nLeft, int nRight) { // reward splitting off chunks of empty space Real lambda = 1.0; if (nLeft == 0 || nRight == 0) { lambda = 0.8; } // penalize splitting off small chunks (thin slices) Real mu = 1.0; if (pLeft < 0.1 || pRight < 0.1 || pLeft > 0.9 || pRight > 0.9) { mu = 1.5; } return lambda * mu * (KT + (KI * (pLeft*nLeft + pRight*nRight))); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // compute cost of the split, reward splitting of empty space (lambda, const), // penalize splitting off 'thin' slices (mu, parameter) Real BihPlaneEvent::splitCost(Real pLeft, Real pRight, int nLeft, int nRight, Real mu) { // reward splitting off chunks of empty space Real lambda = 1.0; if (nLeft == 0 || nRight == 0) { lambda = 0.8; } return lambda * mu * (KT + (KI * (pLeft*nLeft + pRight*nRight))); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // surface area heuristic modified for the priority queue method of building // the probabilities (p, pl, pr) are relative to the global (all enclosing) aabb void BihPlaneEvent::pqSAH(Real globalSA, Real parentSA, int nLeft, int nPlane, int nRight, AxisAlignedBox& parentBox, BihSplitInfo& split) { Real mu = splitBox(parentBox, split.bleft, split.bright); Real p = parentSA / globalSA; Real pl = surfaceArea(split.bleft) / globalSA; Real pr = surfaceArea(split.bright) / globalSA; Real costl = pqSplitCost(p, pl, pr, nLeft + nPlane, nRight, mu); Real costr = pqSplitCost(p, pl, pr, nLeft, nPlane + nRight, mu); if (costl < costr) { split.cost = costl; split.side = PES_LEFT; split.nleft = nLeft + nPlane; split.nright = nRight; } else { split.cost = costr; split.side = PES_RIGHT; split.nleft = nLeft; split.nright = nPlane + nRight; } split.event = *this; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // compute split cost without any penalties Real BihPlaneEvent::pqSplitCost(Real pParent, Real pLeft, Real pRight, int nLeft, int nRight, Real mu) { return pParent * KT + (KI * (pLeft * nLeft + pRight * nRight)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DEBUG String BihPlaneEvent::print() { String dim, type; if (mDimension == PED_X) dim = "X"; if (mDimension == PED_Y) dim = "Y"; if (mDimension == PED_Z) dim = "Z"; if (mType == PET_END) type = "END "; if (mType == PET_ON) type = "ON "; if (mType == PET_START) type = "START"; //return StringConverter::toString(mPosition[mDimension]) + " " + dim + " " + type; return type + " " + dim + " " + StringConverter::toString(mPosition[mDimension]); }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- String BihSplitInfo::print() { String sside; if (side == BihPlaneEvent::PES_BOTH) sside = "BOTH "; if (side == BihPlaneEvent::PES_LEFT) sside = "LEFT "; if (side == BihPlaneEvent::PES_RIGHT) sside = "RIGHT"; return "nLeft: " + StringConverter::toString(nleft, 4) + " nRight: " + StringConverter::toString(nright, 4) + " Cost: " + StringConverter::toString(cost, 8, 9) + " Side: " + sside + " Event: " + event.print() + " Leftbox: " + StringConverter::toString(bleft.getMinimum()) + ", " + StringConverter::toString(bleft.getMaximum()) + " Rightbox: " + StringConverter::toString(bright.getMinimum()) + ", " + StringConverter::toString(bright.getMaximum()); }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- String BiHierarchy::BihSubdivisionCandidate::print() { String sside; if (side == BihPlaneEvent::PES_BOTH) sside = "BOTH "; if (side == BihPlaneEvent::PES_LEFT) sside = "LEFT "; if (side == BihPlaneEvent::PES_RIGHT) sside = "RIGHT"; return "List: " + StringConverter::toString(events->size(), 4) + " Objects: " + StringConverter::toString(nObjects, 4) + " Cost: " + StringConverter::toString(cost, 8, 9) + " Decrease: " + StringConverter::toString(decrease, 8, 9) + " Side: " + sside + " Best: " + best->print() + " Box: " + StringConverter::toString(aabb.getMinimum()) + ", " + StringConverter::toString(aabb.getMaximum()); }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BiHierarchy::BiHierarchy(int maxdepth, BuildMethod bm): mMaxDepth(maxdepth), mBuildMethod(bm), mHiLiteLevel(0), mShowAllBoxes(false), mShowNodes(true), mBihRoot(0), mBuildLog(0), mAlgorithm(BIHAL_SAH) { init(); } BiHierarchy::BiHierarchy(int maxdepth, BuildMethod bm, int hilite, bool allboxes, bool shownodes): mMaxDepth(maxdepth), mBuildMethod(bm), mHiLiteLevel(hilite), mShowAllBoxes(allboxes), mShowNodes(shownodes), mBihRoot(0), mBuildLog(0), mAlgorithm(BIHAL_SAH) { init(); } BiHierarchy::~BiHierarchy() { delete mBihRoot; } void BiHierarchy::init() { MaterialPtr mat; TextureUnitState *tex; // init visualization materials (unlit solid green/yellow) mat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName("BiHierarchy/BoxHiLite"); if (mat.isNull()) { ColourValue green(0, 1, 0); mat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().create("BiHierarchy/BoxHiLite", "General"); //mat->setAmbient(green); //mat->setDiffuse(green); mat->setLightingEnabled(false); tex = mat->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0)->createTextureUnitState(); tex->setColourOperationEx(LBX_SOURCE2, LBS_CURRENT, LBS_MANUAL, green, green); } mat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName("BiHierarchy/BoxLeft"); if (mat.isNull()) { ColourValue red(1, 0, 0); mat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().create("BiHierarchy/BoxLeft", "General"); //mat->setAmbient(green); //mat->setDiffuse(green); mat->setLightingEnabled(false); tex = mat->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0)->createTextureUnitState(); tex->setColourOperationEx(LBX_SOURCE2, LBS_CURRENT, LBS_MANUAL, red, red); } mat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName("BiHierarchy/BoxRight"); if (mat.isNull()) { ColourValue green(0, 1, 0); mat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().create("BiHierarchy/BoxRight", "General"); //mat->setAmbient(green); //mat->setDiffuse(green); mat->setLightingEnabled(false); tex = mat->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0)->createTextureUnitState(); tex->setColourOperationEx(LBX_SOURCE2, LBS_CURRENT, LBS_MANUAL, green, green); } mat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName("BiHierarchy/BoxLeftDark"); if (mat.isNull()) { ColourValue red(0.5, 0, 0); mat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().create("BiHierarchy/BoxLeftDark", "General"); //mat->setAmbient(green); //mat->setDiffuse(green); mat->setLightingEnabled(false); tex = mat->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0)->createTextureUnitState(); tex->setColourOperationEx(LBX_SOURCE2, LBS_CURRENT, LBS_MANUAL, red, red); } mat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName("BiHierarchy/BoxRightDark"); if (mat.isNull()) { ColourValue green(0, 0.5, 0); mat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().create("BiHierarchy/BoxRightDark", "General"); //mat->setAmbient(green); //mat->setDiffuse(green); mat->setLightingEnabled(false); tex = mat->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0)->createTextureUnitState(); tex->setColourOperationEx(LBX_SOURCE2, LBS_CURRENT, LBS_MANUAL, green, green); } mat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName("BiHierarchy/BoxViz"); if (mat.isNull()) { ColourValue yellow(1, 1, 0); mat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().create("BiHierarchy/BoxViz", "General"); //mat->setAmbient(yellow); //mat->setDiffuse(yellow); mat->setLightingEnabled(false); tex = mat->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0)->createTextureUnitState(); tex->setColourOperationEx(LBX_SOURCE2, LBS_CURRENT, LBS_MANUAL, yellow, yellow); } mat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName("BaseWhiteNoLighting"); if (mat.isNull()) { ColourValue white(1, 1, 0); mat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().create("BaseWhiteNoLighting", "General"); //mat->setAmbient(yellow); //mat->setDiffuse(yellow); mat->setLightingEnabled(false); tex = mat->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0)->createTextureUnitState(); tex->setColourOperationEx(LBX_SOURCE2, LBS_CURRENT, LBS_MANUAL, white, white); } // retrieve or create build log try { mBuildLog = LogManager::getSingleton().getLog(BiHierarchy_LOGNAME); } catch (Exception&) { mBuildLog = LogManager::getSingleton().createLog(BiHierarchy_LOGNAME); } setEnhancedVis(false); } /************************************************************************/ /* BiHierarchy insert/delete functions */ /************************************************************************/ void BiHierarchy::remove(BihRenderable * rend) { // DEBUG //LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("-- Removing SceneNode: " + (static_cast(rend))->getName()); std::queue cleanup; LeafPtr leaf; LeafSet ls = rend->getLeaves(); LeafSet::iterator it = ls.begin(); LeafSet::iterator end = ls.end(); while (it != end) { cleanup.push(*it); it++; } while (!cleanup.empty()) { leaf = cleanup.front(); cleanup.pop(); leaf->remove(rend); bool gone = rend->detachFrom(leaf); assert(gone && "Failed to detach leave which is abso-fuckin-lutely impossible!!!"); //dump(); recDelete(leaf); //dump(); } } void BiHierarchy::recDelete(BiHierarchy::Node * node) { if (node == 0) // DEBUG { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "SNAFU while inserting BihRenderable into BiHierarchy.", "BiHierarchy::recInsert" ); return; } if (node->isEmpty()) { if (node == mBihRoot) { OGRE_DELETE(mBihRoot); } else { BiHierarchy::Branch * parent = BIHBRANCHPTR_CAST(node->getParent()); if (node == parent->mLeft) { OGRE_DELETE(parent->mLeft); } else if (node == parent->mRight) { OGRE_DELETE(parent->mRight); } recDelete(parent); } } } void BiHierarchy::insert(BihRenderable * rend) { // make sure the tree exists if (mBihRoot) { // make sure the renderable is inside the world bounding box AxisAlignedBox aabb = rend->getBoundingBox(); AxisAlignedBox isect = mBihRoot->mAABB.intersection(aabb); if (isect.getMinimum() == aabb.getMinimum() && isect.getMaximum() == aabb.getMaximum()) { recInsert(mBihRoot, rend); } else { //LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("Inserted node outside of world AABB."); BihRenderableList nodelist; nodelist.push_back(rend); addRendToList(mBihRoot, nodelist); OGRE_DELETE(mBihRoot); mBihRoot = buildFromList(nodelist, 0, AxisAlignedBox()); } } // otherwise build a new one else { build(rend); } } void BiHierarchy::recInsert(BiHierarchy::Node * node, BihRenderable * rend) { if (node == 0) // DEBUG { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "SNAFU while inserting BihRenderable into BiHierarchy.", "BiHierarchy::recInsert" ); return; } // rebuild the leaf/replace with subtree ... if (node->isLeaf()) { //LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("## Replacing leaf."); rebuildSubtree(node, rend); } else { BiHierarchy::Branch * branch = BIHBRANCHPTR_CAST(node); AxisAlignedBox aabb = rend->getBoundingBox(); Plane::Side smin = branch->mSplitPlane->getSide(aabb.getMinimum()); Plane::Side smax = branch->mSplitPlane->getSide(aabb.getMaximum()); if (smin == smax) { if (smax == Plane::NEGATIVE_SIDE || (smax == Plane::NO_SIDE && branch->mPlaneSide == BihPlaneEvent::PES_LEFT)) { if (branch->mLeft) recInsert(branch->mLeft, rend); else recInsertNew(branch, BihPlaneEvent::PES_LEFT, rend); } else if (smin == Plane::POSITIVE_SIDE || (smin == Plane::NO_SIDE && branch->mPlaneSide == BihPlaneEvent::PES_RIGHT)) { if (branch->mRight) recInsert(branch->mRight, rend); else recInsertNew(branch, BihPlaneEvent::PES_RIGHT, rend); } } else { if (smin == Plane::NEGATIVE_SIDE && smax == Plane::NO_SIDE) { if (branch->mLeft) recInsert(branch->mLeft, rend); else recInsertNew(branch, BihPlaneEvent::PES_LEFT, rend); } else if (smax == Plane::POSITIVE_SIDE && smin == Plane::NO_SIDE) { if (branch->mRight) recInsert(branch->mRight, rend); else recInsertNew(branch, BihPlaneEvent::PES_RIGHT, rend); } else { // to avoid SNAFUs, rebuild whole subtree //LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("## Rebuilding subtree for insertion"); rebuildSubtree(node, rend); } } } } void BiHierarchy::recInsertNew(BiHierarchy::Branch * parent, BihPlaneEvent::Side side, BihRenderable * rend) { //LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("## Inserting into new subtree"); AxisAlignedBox left, rigth, aabb; BihPlaneEventList events; int nObjects; rend->computeScene(events, aabb, nObjects, false); // override aabb splitBox(*parent, left, rigth); if (side == BihPlaneEvent::PES_LEFT) { aabb = left; if (mBuildMethod == BIHBM_RECURSIVE) parent->mLeft = recBuild(events, nObjects, aabb, parent); else if (mBuildMethod == BIHBM_PRIORITYQUEUE) parent->mLeft = pqBuild(events, nObjects, aabb, parent); else { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "Invalid build method for the BiHierarchy.", "BiHierarchy::buildFromList"); parent->mLeft = 0; } } else if (side == BihPlaneEvent::PES_RIGHT) { aabb = rigth; if (mBuildMethod == BIHBM_RECURSIVE) parent->mRight = recBuild(events, nObjects, aabb, parent); else if (mBuildMethod == BIHBM_PRIORITYQUEUE) parent->mRight = pqBuild(events, nObjects, aabb, parent); else { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "Invalid build method for the BiHierarchy.", "BiHierarchy::buildFromList"); parent->mRight = 0; } } } void BiHierarchy::rebuildSubtree(BiHierarchy::Node * node, BihRenderable * rend) { //LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("## Rebuilding subtree"); AxisAlignedBox aabb = node->mAABB; BihRenderableList nodelist; nodelist.push_back(rend); addRendToList(node, nodelist); if (node == mBihRoot) { OGRE_DELETE(mBihRoot); mBihRoot = buildFromList(nodelist, 0, aabb); } else { BiHierarchy::Branch * parent = BIHBRANCHPTR_CAST(node->getParent()); if (node == parent->mLeft) { OGRE_DELETE(parent->mLeft); parent->mLeft = buildFromList(nodelist, parent, aabb); } else if (node == parent->mRight) { OGRE_DELETE(parent->mRight); parent->mRight = buildFromList(nodelist, parent, aabb); } else { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "SNAFU while inserting BihRenderable into BiHierarchy.", "BiHierarchy::recInsert" ); } } } // compute both AABB then return the requested one. void BiHierarchy::splitBox(const BiHierarchy::Branch& parent, AxisAlignedBox& left, AxisAlignedBox& right) { Vector3 bmin = parent.mAABB.getMinimum(); Vector3 bmax = parent.mAABB.getMaximum(); Real pos = - parent.mSplitPlane->d; int dim = static_cast(parent.mSplitPlane->normal.dotProduct(Vector3(0,1,2))); // set corners which are the same as parent AABB left.setMinimum(bmin); right.setMaximum(bmax); // modify "inner" corners bmin[dim] = pos; bmax[dim] = pos; // set the corners on the split plane left.setMaximum(bmax); right.setMinimum(bmin); } void BiHierarchy::addRendToList(BiHierarchy::Node * node, BihRenderableList& nodelist) { if (node->isLeaf()) { BiHierarchy::Leaf * leaf = BIHLEAFPTR_CAST(node); BihRenderableList::iterator it = leaf->mBihRenderables.begin(); BihRenderableList::iterator end = leaf->mBihRenderables.end(); while (it != end) { nodelist.push_back(*it); it++; } } else { BiHierarchy::Branch * branch = BIHBRANCHPTR_CAST(node); if (branch->mLeft) addRendToList(branch->mLeft, nodelist); if (branch->mRight) addRendToList(branch->mRight, nodelist); } } /************************************************************************/ /* BiHierarchy build functions */ /************************************************************************/ void BiHierarchy::build(BihRenderable * sceneRoot) { Timer *timer = Root::getSingleton().getTimer(); unsigned long t1, t2, t3, t4; mTreeStats.clear(); // data we want to collect BihPlaneEventList events; AxisAlignedBox aabb; int nObjects = 0; t1 = timer->getMicroseconds(); // DEBUG sceneRoot->computeScene(events, aabb, nObjects); t2 = timer->getMicroseconds(); // DEBUG events.sort(); t3 = timer->getMicroseconds(); // DEBUG mTreeStats.mNumSceneNodes = nObjects; assert(! aabb.isNull() && "Teh stubid worldAABB iz NULL ... waht now?"); // hack to avoid SNAFU with "2-dimensional" scene aabb.merge(aabb.getMaximum()+Vector3(1,1,1)); aabb.merge(aabb.getMinimum()+Vector3(-1,-1,-1)); if (mBuildMethod == BIHBM_RECURSIVE) mBihRoot = recBuild(events, nObjects, aabb, 0); else if (mBuildMethod == BIHBM_PRIORITYQUEUE) mBihRoot = pqBuild(events, nObjects, aabb, 0); else { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "Invalid build method for the BiHierarchy.", "BiHierarchy::build"); mBihRoot = 0; } t4 = timer->getMicroseconds(); // DEBUG String method = "Invalid"; if (mBuildMethod == BIHBM_RECURSIVE) method = "Recursive"; else if (mBuildMethod == BIHBM_PRIORITYQUEUE) method = "Priority Queue"; mBuildLog->logMessage("######## SAH Statistics ########"); mBuildLog->logMessage("Build Method: " + method); mBuildLog->logMessage("Time for events build: " + StringConverter::toString(t2 - t1) + "µs"); mBuildLog->logMessage("Time for events sort: " + StringConverter::toString(t3 - t2) + "µs"); mBuildLog->logMessage("Time for tree build: " + StringConverter::toString(t4 - t3) + "µs"); mBuildLog->logMessage("Total time: " + StringConverter::toString(t4 - t1) + "µs"); mBuildLog->logMessage("Tree Depth: " + StringConverter::toString(mMaxDepth)); mBuildLog->logMessage("Number of Objects: " + StringConverter::toString(mTreeStats.mNumSceneNodes)); mBuildLog->logMessage("Number of Leaves: " + StringConverter::toString(mTreeStats.mNumLeaves)); mBuildLog->logMessage("Number of Nodes: " + StringConverter::toString(mTreeStats.mNumNodes)); mBuildLog->logMessage("Total cost: " + StringConverter::toString(calcCost())); mBuildLog->logMessage("################################"); } BiHierarchy::Node * BiHierarchy::buildFromList(BihRenderableList& nodelist, BiHierarchy::Branch * parent, AxisAlignedBox& aabb) { // data we want to collect BihPlaneEventList events; AxisAlignedBox nodeaabb; int nObjects = 0; BihRenderableList::iterator it = nodelist.begin(); BihRenderableList::iterator end = nodelist.end(); while (it != end) { (*it)->computeScene(events, nodeaabb, nObjects, false); it++; } events.sort(); // HACK if (aabb.isNull()) { aabb = nodeaabb; } if (mBuildMethod == BIHBM_RECURSIVE) return recBuild(events, nObjects, aabb, parent); else if (mBuildMethod == BIHBM_PRIORITYQUEUE) return pqBuild(events, nObjects, aabb, parent); else { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "Invalid build method for the BiHierarchy.", "BiHierarchy::buildFromList"); return 0; } } BiHierarchy::Node * BiHierarchy::recBuild(BihPlaneEventList& events, int nObjects, AxisAlignedBox& aabb, BiHierarchy::Branch * parent) { #undef OLD_METHOD #undef DEBUG_BUILD_TREE // determine the depth we are on int level = 0; if (parent) { level = parent->getLevel() + 1; } /************************************************/ /**************** BEGIN FINDPLANE ***************/ /************************************************/ // find optimal split plane and split node accordingly // initialize const int dim = 3; // int pStart, pOn, pEnd; int nLeft[dim], nPlane[dim], nRight[dim]; int nObjectCount[dim]; float LeftOffset[dim],RightOffset[dim]; for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) { nLeft[i] = 0; nPlane[i] = 0; nRight[i] = nObjects; nObjectCount[i]=0; } BihSplitInfo split, best; best.cost = Math::POS_INFINITY; BihPlaneEventList::iterator begin = events.begin(); BihPlaneEventList::iterator end = events.end(); BihPlaneEventList::iterator it = begin; BihPlaneEventList::iterator it_a = begin; // iterator for adjusting the bounding box // hold the minimum left and right bounding box AxisAlignedBox minLefts[dim]; AxisAlignedBox minRights[dim]; Vector3 LastPosition=aabb.getMinimum(); // needed to remember the last split plane position // needed for the final sort before splitting AxisAlignedBox minLeft; AxisAlignedBox minRight; // the border which seperates finished and unfinished events BihPlaneEventList::iterator LeftBorder[dim]; for (int i=0; ilogMessage("------------NewRun:" + StringConverter::toString(nObjects)); if (mAlgorithm==BIHAL_SAH) { // slow implementation. for every event the left and right bounding boxes are calculated. #ifdef OLD_METHOD it = begin; while (it != end) { BihPlaneEventList::iterator p = it; pStart = pOn = pEnd = 0; while (it != end && p->equalsType(*it, BihPlaneEvent::PET_END)) { it++; pEnd++; } while (it != end && p->equalsType(*it, BihPlaneEvent::PET_ON)) { it++; pOn++; } while (it != end && p->equalsType(*it, BihPlaneEvent::PET_START)) { it++; pStart++; } int d = p->getDimension(); nPlane[d] = pOn; nRight[d] -= pOn; nRight[d] -= pEnd; // find the corrected offsets for the left and right bounding box it_a = begin; LeftOffset[d]=0; RightOffset[d]=0; nRight[d]=0; nLeft[d]=0; minLefts[d].setNull(); minRights[d].setNull(); if (minLefts[d].isNull() && minRights[d].isNull()) { while (it_a != end) { if ((it_a->getDimension()==d) && (it_a->GetType() == BihPlaneEvent::PET_START)) { it_a->getRenderable()->setSide(BihPlaneEvent::PES_BOTH); it_a->getRenderable()->setClassified(false); it_a->classify(*p, split.side,true); if (it_a->getRenderable()->getSide() == BihPlaneEvent::PES_RIGHT) { if (!it_a->getRenderable()->isClassified()) { it_a->getRenderable()->setClassified(true); nRight[d]++; } minRights[d].merge(it_a->getRenderable()->getBoundingBox()); } // left-only nodes go in left list else if (it_a->getRenderable()->getSide() == BihPlaneEvent::PES_LEFT) { if (!it_a->getRenderable()->isClassified()) { it_a->getRenderable()->setClassified(true); nLeft[d]++; } minLefts[d].merge(it_a->getRenderable()->getBoundingBox()); } } it_a++; } } #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef OLD_METHOD it = begin; while (it != end) { for (int i=0; igetRenderable()->setDecided(i,false); it->getRenderable()->setActualSide(i,BihPlaneEvent::PES_RIGHT); } it->ClearGrowBB(); it++; } it = end; AxisAlignedBox tempBB[3]; for (int i=0; igetRenderable())) //&& (it->equalsType(*it, BihPlaneEvent::PET_START))) { tempBB[it->getDimension()].merge(it->getRenderable()->getBoundingBox()); it->GrowBB(tempBB[it->getDimension()]); } } it = begin; while (it != end) { BihPlaneEventList::iterator p = it; int d = p->getDimension(); // find the corrected offsets for the left and right bounding box LeftOffset[d]=0; RightOffset[d]=0; bool foundLeft[3]; foundLeft[0]=false; foundLeft[1]=false; foundLeft[2]=false; // set the right border it_a=it; while (it_a!=end) { if ((it_a->getDimension()==d) && (it_a->GetType() == BihPlaneEvent::PET_START)) { minRights[d]=it_a->GetGrowBB(); #ifdef DEBUG_BUILD_TREE mBuildLog->logMessage("Found Right side: d" + StringConverter::toString(d)+ " " + StringConverter::toString(pos[d]) ); #endif break; } it_a++; } it_a=LeftBorder[d]; while (it_a!=it) { if (it_a->getRenderable()) { if ((it_a->getDimension()==d) && (!it_a->getRenderable()->isDecided(d))) { it_a->classify(*it, split.side,true); if (it_a->getRenderable()->getSide() == BihPlaneEvent::PES_RIGHT) { // right side minRights[d].merge(it_a->getRenderable()->getBoundingBox()); #ifdef DEBUG_BUILD_TREE mBuildLog->logMessage("Move to Right side: d" + StringConverter::toString(d)+ " " + StringConverter::toString(pos[d]) ); #endif } else { minLefts[d].merge(it_a->getRenderable()->getBoundingBox()); it_a->getRenderable()->setDecided(d,true); it_a->getRenderable()->setActualSide(d,BihPlaneEvent::PES_LEFT); Vector3 pos=minLefts[d].getMaximum(); nLeft[d]++; nRight[d]--; #ifdef DEBUG_BUILD_TREE mBuildLog->logMessage("Move to Left side: d" + StringConverter::toString(d)+ " " + StringConverter::toString(pos[d]) ); #endif if ((it_a->getPosition()[d]>LeftBorder[d]->getPosition()[d]) && (!foundLeft[d])) { LeftBorder[d]=it_a; #ifdef DEBUG_BUILD_TREE mBuildLog->logMessage("Adjust left to d" + StringConverter::toString(d)+ " " + StringConverter::toString(it_a->getPosition()[d]) ); #endif } else { #ifdef DEBUG_BUILD_TREE mBuildLog->logMessage("Found left d" + StringConverter::toString(d)+ " " + StringConverter::toString(it_a->getPosition()[d]) ); #endif foundLeft[d]=true; } } } } else { #ifdef DEBUG_BUILD_TREE mBuildLog->logMessage("------No renderable " + StringConverter::toString(d)+ " " + StringConverter::toString(it_a->getPosition()[d]) ); #endif } it_a++; } #endif if (it!=end) it++; #ifdef OLD_METHOD p->SAH(aabb, nLeft[d], nPlane[d], nRight[d], split,minLefts[d],minRights[d]); if (split.cost < best.cost) { if ((nLeft[d]!=0) && (nRight[d]!=0)) best = split; } #ifdef DEBUG_BUILD_TREE mBuildLog->logMessage("SAH " + StringConverter::toString(best.cost)+ " " + StringConverter::toString(split.cost) + "dim: " + StringConverter::toString(d)+ "Elements: " + StringConverter::toString(nLeft[d]) + " " + StringConverter::toString(nRight[d])+ "Planes: "+ StringConverter::toString(minLefts[d].getMaximum()[d]) + " " + StringConverter::toString(it->getPosition()[d]) +" " + StringConverter::toString(minRights[d].getMinimum()[d]) +" " + StringConverter::toString(LeftBorder[d]->getPosition()[d])); mBuildLog->logMessage(" BOXES " + StringConverter::toString(minLefts[d].getMaximum()[d]-minLefts[d].getMinimum()[d]) + " " + StringConverter::toString(minRights[d].getMaximum()[d]-minRights[d].getMinimum()[d])); #endif // DEBUG_BUILD_TREE #endif // OLD_METHOD #ifndef OLD_METHOD if (it!=end) { if ((it->getPosition()[it->getDimension()]!=LastPosition[it->getDimension()])) { LastPosition[it->getDimension()]=it->getPosition()[it->getDimension()]; p->SAH(aabb, nLeft[d], nPlane[d], nRight[d], split,minLefts[d],minRights[d]); if (split.cost < best.cost) { if ((nLeft[d]!=0) && (nRight[d]!=0)) { best = split; it_a=begin; while (it_a!=end) { if (it_a->getRenderable()) it_a->getRenderable()->FinalizeSide(d); it_a++; } #ifdef DEBUG_BUILD_TREE mBuildLog->logMessage("SAH " + StringConverter::toString(best.cost)+ " " + StringConverter::toString(split.cost) + "dim: " + StringConverter::toString(d)+ "Elements: " + StringConverter::toString(nLeft[d]) + " " + StringConverter::toString(nRight[d])+ "Planes: "+ StringConverter::toString(minLefts[d].getMaximum()[d]) + " " + StringConverter::toString(it->getPosition()[d]) +" " + StringConverter::toString(minRights[d].getMinimum()[d]) +" " + StringConverter::toString(LeftBorder[d]->getPosition()[d])+ " " + StringConverter::toString(it->getPosition()[it->getDimension()])); mBuildLog->logMessage("BOXES Left " + StringConverter::toString(minLefts[d].getMaximum()[d]-minLefts[d].getMinimum()[d]) + " " + StringConverter::toString(minRights[d].getMaximum()[d]-minRights[d].getMinimum()[d])); #endif } } } else { #ifdef DEBUG_BUILD_TREE mBuildLog->logMessage("Cancel " + StringConverter::toString(it->getPosition()[it->getDimension()])); #endif } } else { p->SAH(aabb, nLeft[d], nPlane[d], nRight[d], split,minLefts[d],minRights[d]); if (split.cost < best.cost) { if ((nLeft[d]!=0) && (nRight[d]!=0)) { best = split; it_a=begin; while (it_a!=end) { if (it_a->getRenderable()) it_a->getRenderable()->FinalizeSide(d); it_a++; } } } #ifdef DEBUG_BUILD_TREE mBuildLog->logMessage("SAH " + StringConverter::toString(best.cost)+ " " + StringConverter::toString(split.cost) + "dim: " + StringConverter::toString(d)+ "Elements: " + StringConverter::toString(nLeft[d]) + " " + StringConverter::toString(nRight[d])+ "Planes: "+ StringConverter::toString(minLefts[d].getMaximum()[d]) + " " + StringConverter::toString(it->getPosition()[d]) +" " + StringConverter::toString(minRights[d].getMinimum()[d]) +" " + StringConverter::toString(LeftBorder[d]->getPosition()[d])+ " " + StringConverter::toString(it->getPosition()[it->getDimension()])); #endif } #endif #ifdef OLD_METHOD nLeft[d] += pStart; nLeft[d] += pOn; #endif nPlane[d] = 0; } } else { int d; while (it != end) { BihPlaneEventList::iterator p = it; d = p->getDimension(); //if ((p->equalsType(*it, BihPlaneEvent::PET_START)) || (p->equalsType(*it, BihPlaneEvent::PET_ON))) nObjectCount[d]++; it++; } int MaxDimension=1; for (int i = 1; i < dim; i++) { if (nObjectCount[i]>nObjectCount[i-1]) MaxDimension=i; } it = begin; nObjectCount[MaxDimension]/=2; while ((it != end) && (nObjectCount[MaxDimension])) { BihPlaneEventList::iterator p = it; if (p->getDimension()== MaxDimension) { nObjectCount[MaxDimension]--; best.event=*it; best.cost=0; } it++; } } /************************************************/ /**************** BEGIN TERMINATE ***************/ /************************************************/ // check terminating condition if (best.cost > BihPlaneEvent::KI*nObjects || level >= mMaxDepth || nObjects<2 ) { // Terminating condition reached, create leaf and add renderables to list #ifdef DEBUG_BUILD_TREE mBuildLog->logMessage("Terminate " + StringConverter::toString(best.cost)+ " o:" + StringConverter::toString(nObjects) + " ki: " + StringConverter::toString(BihPlaneEvent::KI*nObjects)+ " dim: " + StringConverter::toString(best.event.getDimension())); #endif BiHierarchy::Leaf * leaf = new BiHierarchy::Leaf(this, level, aabb, parent); if (parent->GetSide()==1) leaf->SetToLeft(); else leaf->SetToRight(); BihRenderable *rend; it = begin; while (it != end) { rend = it->getRenderable(); rend->setClassified(false); if (rend->attachTo(leaf, this)) { leaf->insert(rend); } it++; } // update stats ++ mTreeStats.mNumNodes; ++ mTreeStats.mNumLeaves; // update bounding box leaf->_updateBounds(false); return leaf; } /************************************************/ /**************** BEGIN CLASSIFY ****************/ /************************************************/ // split the event list in left and right sub-lists else { BihPlaneEventList eventsRight, eventsLeft; it = begin; // slightly redundant, since we mark each renderable up to 6 times while (it != end) { it->getRenderable()->setSide(BihPlaneEvent::PES_BOTH); it->getRenderable()->setClassified(false); it++; } // now classify all renderables. do they belong to the left child, the right child or both? it = begin; while (it != end) { it->classify(best.event, best.side,true); it++; } // divide the event lists int nLeftS = 0, nRightS = 0, nBothS = 0; it = begin; minLeft.setNull(); minRight.setNull(); while (it != end) { // right-only nodes go in right list if (it->getRenderable()) { if (it->getRenderable()->GetFinalSide(best.event.getDimension()) == BihPlaneEvent::PES_RIGHT) { if (!it->getRenderable()->isClassified()) { it->getRenderable()->setClassified(true); nRightS++; } minRight.merge(it->getRenderable()->getBoundingBox()); eventsRight.push_back(*it); } // left-only nodes go in left list else if (it->getRenderable()->GetFinalSide(best.event.getDimension()) == BihPlaneEvent::PES_LEFT) { if (!it->getRenderable()->isClassified()) { it->getRenderable()->setClassified(true); nLeftS++; } minLeft.merge(it->getRenderable()->getBoundingBox()); eventsLeft.push_back(*it); } } it++; } #ifdef DEBUG_BUILD_TREE mBuildLog->logMessage("Split " + StringConverter::toString(best.cost)+ " o:" + StringConverter::toString(nObjects) + " ki: " + StringConverter::toString(BihPlaneEvent::KI*nObjects)+ " dim: " + StringConverter::toString(best.event.getDimension())); #endif // create a new branch node and continue recursion BiHierarchy::Branch * branch = new BiHierarchy::Branch(this, level, aabb, parent, best.event.getSplitPlane(), best.side); // now create the child nodes and continue recursion if (eventsLeft.size() > 0) { branch->mLeft = recBuild(eventsLeft, nLeftS + nBothS, minLeft, branch); branch->mLeft->SetToLeft(); } if (eventsRight.size() > 0) { branch->mRight = recBuild(eventsRight, nBothS + nRightS, /*best.bright*/ minRight, branch); branch->mRight->SetToRight(); } // update stats ++ mTreeStats.mNumNodes; // update bounding box branch->_updateBounds(false); return branch; } } BiHierarchy::Node * BiHierarchy::pqBuild(BihPlaneEventList& events, int nObjects, AxisAlignedBox& aabb, BiHierarchy::Branch * parent) { SplitCandidatePQ pqueue; Real globalTreeCost; Real globalSA; BiHierarchy::Node * newNode = 0, * topNode = 0; // init global tree cost globalTreeCost = BihPlaneEvent::KI * nObjects; globalSA = BihPlaneEvent::surfaceArea(aabb); BihPlaneEventList * e = new BihPlaneEventList(events); // inital split candidate BihSplitInfo * best = pqFindPlane(e, nObjects, aabb, globalSA); BihSubdivisionCandidate splitcandidate(e, nObjects, aabb, parent, globalTreeCost, globalTreeCost - best->cost, best, BihPlaneEvent::PES_BOTH); pqueue.push(splitcandidate); /*** BEGIN ITERATIVE BUILD ***/ while (!pqueue.empty()) { BihSubdivisionCandidate sc = pqueue.top(); pqueue.pop(); // determine the depth we are on int level = 0; if (sc.parent) { level = sc.parent->getLevel() + 1; } /************************************************/ /**************** BEGIN TERMINATE ***************/ /************************************************/ // check terminating condition if (sc.decrease < 0.0 || level >= mMaxDepth) { // Terminating condition reached, create leaf and add renderables to list BiHierarchy::Leaf * leaf = new BiHierarchy::Leaf(this, level, sc.aabb, sc.parent); BihRenderable *rend; BihPlaneEventList::iterator begin = sc.events->begin(); BihPlaneEventList::iterator end = sc.events->end(); BihPlaneEventList::iterator it = begin; while (it != end) { rend = it->getRenderable(); rend->setClassified(false); if (rend->attachTo(leaf, this)) { leaf->insert(rend); } it++; } newNode = leaf; if (!topNode) topNode = leaf; // update stats ++ mTreeStats.mNumNodes; ++ mTreeStats.mNumLeaves; } /************************************************/ /**************** BEGIN CLASSIFY ****************/ /************************************************/ else { BihPlaneEventList * eventsLeft = new BihPlaneEventList(); BihPlaneEventList * eventsRight = new BihPlaneEventList(); BihPlaneEventList::iterator begin = sc.events->begin(); BihPlaneEventList::iterator end = sc.events->end(); BihPlaneEventList::iterator it = begin; // slightly redundant, since we mark each renderable up to 6 times while (it != end) { it->getRenderable()->setSide(BihPlaneEvent::PES_BOTH); it->getRenderable()->setClassified(false); it++; } // now classify all renderables. do they belong to the left child, the right child or both? it = begin; while (it != end) { it->classify(sc.best->event, sc.best->side,false); it++; } // divide the event lists int nLeftS = 0, nRightS = 0, nBothS = 0; it = begin; while (it != end) { // right-only events go in the right list if (it->getRenderable()->getSide() == BihPlaneEvent::PES_RIGHT) { if (!it->getRenderable()->isClassified()) { it->getRenderable()->setClassified(true); nRightS++; } eventsRight->push_back(*it); } // left-only events go in the left list else if (it->getRenderable()->getSide() == BihPlaneEvent::PES_LEFT) { if (!it->getRenderable()->isClassified()) { it->getRenderable()->setClassified(true); nLeftS++; } eventsLeft->push_back(*it); } // the rest goes in both lists after being clipped else { if (!it->getRenderable()->isClassified()) { it->getRenderable()->setClassified(true); nBothS++; } eventsRight->push_back(it->clip(sc.best->bright, sc.best->event.getDimension())); eventsLeft->push_back(it->clip(sc.best->bleft, sc.best->event.getDimension())); } it++; } // create a new branch node BiHierarchy::Branch * branch = new BiHierarchy::Branch(this, level, sc.aabb, sc.parent, sc.best->event.getSplitPlane(), sc.best->side); globalTreeCost -= sc.decrease; // now for each potential child node, compute the split plane and the cost decrease // and place them in the queue if (eventsLeft->size() > 0) { best = pqFindPlane(eventsLeft, nLeftS + nBothS, sc.best->bleft, globalSA); Real old = BihPlaneEvent::surfaceArea(sc.best->bleft)/globalSA*BihPlaneEvent::KI*(nLeftS + nBothS); BihSubdivisionCandidate scleft(eventsLeft, nLeftS + nBothS, sc.best->bleft, branch, old, old - best->cost, best, BihPlaneEvent::PES_LEFT); pqueue.push(scleft); } // cleanup else { delete eventsLeft; } if (eventsRight->size() > 0) { best = pqFindPlane(eventsRight, nBothS + nRightS, sc.best->bright, globalSA); Real old = BihPlaneEvent::surfaceArea(sc.best->bright)/globalSA*BihPlaneEvent::KI*(nBothS + nRightS); BihSubdivisionCandidate scright(eventsRight, nBothS + nRightS, sc.best->bright, branch, old, old - best->cost, best, BihPlaneEvent::PES_RIGHT); pqueue.push(scright); } // cleanup else { delete eventsRight; } newNode = branch; if (!topNode) topNode = branch; // update stats ++ mTreeStats.mNumNodes; } // attach new node to parent if (sc.parent) { if (sc.side == BihPlaneEvent::PES_LEFT) { sc.parent->mLeft = newNode; } else if (sc.side == BihPlaneEvent::PES_RIGHT) { sc.parent->mRight = newNode; } else { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "PQBUILD SNAFU - CHILD I AM NOT LEFT NOR RIGHT","BiHierarchy::pqBuild"); } } // update bounding boxes when geometry (leaf) was added if (newNode->isLeaf()) newNode->_updateBounds(); //cleanup OGRE_DELETE(sc.events); OGRE_DELETE(sc.best); } mBuildLog->logMessage("Cost after PQBUILD €" + StringConverter::toString(globalTreeCost)); return topNode; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- BihSplitInfo * BiHierarchy::pqFindPlane(BihPlaneEventList * events, int nObjects, AxisAlignedBox& aabb, Real globalSA) { static const int dim = 3; int pStart, pOn, pEnd; int nLeft[dim], nPlane[dim], nRight[dim]; for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) { nLeft[i] = 0; nPlane[i] = 0; nRight[i] = nObjects; } BihSplitInfo split, best; best.cost = Math::POS_INFINITY; Real parentSA = BihPlaneEvent::surfaceArea(aabb); BihPlaneEventList::iterator begin = events->begin(); BihPlaneEventList::iterator end = events->end(); BihPlaneEventList::iterator it = begin; // try all planes to find the best one for the given set of objects while (it != end) { BihPlaneEventList::iterator p = it; pStart = pOn = pEnd = 0; while (it != end && p->equalsType(*it, BihPlaneEvent::PET_END)) { it++; pEnd++; } while (it != end && p->equalsType(*it, BihPlaneEvent::PET_ON)) { it++; pOn++; } while (it != end && p->equalsType(*it, BihPlaneEvent::PET_START)) { it++; pStart++; } int d = p->getDimension(); nPlane[d] = pOn; nRight[d] -= pOn; nRight[d] -= pEnd; p->pqSAH(globalSA, parentSA, nLeft[d], nPlane[d], nRight[d], aabb, split); if (split.cost < best.cost) { best = split; } nLeft[d] += pStart; nLeft[d] += pOn; nPlane[d] = 0; } return new BihSplitInfo(best); } /************************************************************************/ /* BiHierarchy rendering functions */ /************************************************************************/ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BiHierarchy::queueVisibleObjects(BiHierarchyCamera* cam, RenderQueue* queue, bool onlyShadowCasters, bool showBoxes, BiHierarchy::NodeList& visibleNodes) { mFrameStats.clear(); cam->mNumVisQueries = 0; if (mBihRoot) recQueueVisibleObjects(mBihRoot, Root::getSingleton().getCurrentFrameNumber(), cam, queue, onlyShadowCasters, showBoxes, visibleNodes); mFrameStats.mTraversedNodes = cam->mNumVisQueries; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BiHierarchy::recQueueVisibleObjects(BiHierarchy::Node * node, unsigned long currentFrame, BiHierarchyCamera* cam, RenderQueue* queue, bool onlyShadowCasters, bool showBoxes, BiHierarchy::NodeList& visibleNodes, bool fullVis) { BiHierarchyCamera::NodeVisibility vis = BiHierarchyCamera::BIHNV_PART; // test visibility //if (cam->isVisible(node->mAABB)) if (fullVis || ((vis = (cam->*getVisibility)(node->mAABB)) != BiHierarchyCamera::BIHNV_NONE)) { visibleNodes.push_back(node); bool v = (fullVis || vis == BiHierarchyCamera::BIHNV_FULL); node->queueVisibleObjects(currentFrame, cam, queue, onlyShadowCasters, showBoxes, v); if (v || node->isLeaf()) ++ mFrameStats.mRenderedNodes; if (!v) { if (node->getLeftChild()) recQueueVisibleObjects(node->getLeftChild(), currentFrame, cam, queue, onlyShadowCasters, showBoxes, visibleNodes, v); if (node->getRightChild()) recQueueVisibleObjects(node->getRightChild(), currentFrame, cam, queue, onlyShadowCasters, showBoxes, visibleNodes, v); } } else { ++ mFrameStats.mFrustumCulledNodes; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BiHierarchy::setEnhancedVis(bool enh) { if (enh) getVisibility = &BiHierarchyCamera::getVisibilityEnhanced; else getVisibility = &BiHierarchyCamera::getVisibilitySimple; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool BiHierarchy::getEnhancedVis() { return getVisibility == &BiHierarchyCamera::getVisibilityEnhanced; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //void BiHierarchy::findVisibleNodes(NodeList& visibleNodes, Camera * cam) //{ // if (mBihRoot) // recFindVisibleNodes(mBihRoot, visibleNodes, cam); //} ////------------------------------------------------------------------------- //void BiHierarchy::recFindVisibleNodes(BiHierarchy::Node * node, NodeList& visibleNodes, Camera * cam) //{ // // test visibility // if (cam->isVisible(node->mAABB)) // { // visibleNodes.push_back(node); // if (node->getLeftChild()) // recFindVisibleNodes(node->getLeftChild(), visibleNodes, cam); // if (node->getRightChild()) // recFindVisibleNodes(node->getRightChild(), visibleNodes, cam); // } //} void BiHierarchy::findNodesIn(const AxisAlignedBox &box, std::list &list, SceneNode *exclude) { if (mBihRoot) recFindNodesIn(box, list, exclude, mBihRoot); } void BiHierarchy::findNodesIn(const Sphere &sphere, std::list &list, SceneNode *exclude) { if (mBihRoot) recFindNodesIn(sphere, list, exclude, mBihRoot); } void BiHierarchy::findNodesIn(const PlaneBoundedVolume &volume, std::list &list, SceneNode *exclude) { if (mBihRoot) recFindNodesIn(volume, list, exclude, mBihRoot); } void BiHierarchy::findNodesIn(const Ray &ray, std::list &list, SceneNode *exclude) { if (mBihRoot) recFindNodesIn(ray, list, exclude, mBihRoot); } void BiHierarchy::recFindNodesIn(const AxisAlignedBox &box, std::list &list, SceneNode *exclude, Node * node, bool full) { // check intersection if ( !full ) { BihIntersection isect = intersect(box, node->_getWorldAABB()); if ( isect == OUTSIDE ) return ; full = ( isect == INSIDE ); } if (node->isLeaf()) { LeafPtr leaf = BIHLEAFPTR_CAST(node); for (BihRenderableList::iterator it = leaf->mBihRenderables.begin(); it != leaf->mBihRenderables.end(); it ++) { SceneNode *sn = static_cast(*it); if (sn != exclude) { if (full) { list.push_back(sn); } else { BihIntersection nsect = intersect(box, sn->_getWorldAABB()); if ( nsect != OUTSIDE ) { list.push_back(sn); } } } } } else { if (node->getLeftChild()) recFindNodesIn(box, list, exclude, node->getLeftChild(), full); if (node->getRightChild()) recFindNodesIn(box, list, exclude, node->getRightChild(), full); } } void BiHierarchy::recFindNodesIn(const Sphere &sphere, std::list &list, SceneNode *exclude, Node * node, bool full) { // TODO } void BiHierarchy::recFindNodesIn(const PlaneBoundedVolume &volume, std::list &list, SceneNode *exclude, Node * node, bool full) { // TODO } void BiHierarchy::recFindNodesIn(const Ray &ray, std::list &list, SceneNode *exclude, Node * node, bool full) { // TODO } /************************************************************************/ /* BiHierarchy debug & helper functions */ /************************************************************************/ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BiHierarchy::dump() { //LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("#@#@#@#@ Dumping BiHierarchy #@#@#@#@"); mBuildLog->logMessage("#@#@#@#@ Dumping BiHierarchy #@#@#@#@"); if (mBihRoot) dump(mBihRoot); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BiHierarchy::dump(BiHierarchy::Node * node) { //LogManager * log = LogManager::getSingletonPtr(); BiHierarchySceneNode * scenenode; String pad; int p; pad = ""; for (p = 0; p < node->getLevel(); p++) { pad += " "; } if (node->isLeaf()) { BiHierarchy::Leaf * leaf = BIHLEAFPTR_CAST(node); BihRenderableList::iterator it = leaf->mBihRenderables.begin(); BihRenderableList::iterator end = leaf->mBihRenderables.end(); while (it != end) { scenenode = static_cast(*it); mBuildLog->logMessage(pad + "# Leaf level " + StringConverter::toString(node->getLevel()) + " SceneNode " + scenenode->getName()); mBuildLog->logMessage(pad + "## Objects: " + scenenode->dumpToString()); it++; } } else { BiHierarchy::Branch * branch = BIHBRANCHPTR_CAST(node); if (branch->mLeft) { mBuildLog->logMessage(pad + "# Branch level " + StringConverter::toString(node->getLevel()) + " Left Child"); dump(branch->mLeft); } if (branch->mRight) { mBuildLog->logMessage(pad + "# Branch level " + StringConverter::toString(node->getLevel()) + " Right Child"); dump(branch->mRight); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- Real BiHierarchy::calcCost() { if (mBihRoot) return calcCost(mBihRoot, BihPlaneEvent::surfaceArea(mBihRoot->mAABB)); else return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- Real BiHierarchy::calcCost(BiHierarchy::Node * node, Real vs) { if (node == 0) return 0.0; if (node->isLeaf()) { BiHierarchy::Leaf * leaf = BIHLEAFPTR_CAST(node); return (BihPlaneEvent::surfaceArea(node->mAABB)/vs) * BihPlaneEvent::KI * leaf->mBihRenderables.size(); } else { BiHierarchy::Branch * branch = BIHBRANCHPTR_CAST(node); return (BihPlaneEvent::surfaceArea(node->mAABB)/vs) * BihPlaneEvent::KT + calcCost(branch->mLeft, vs) + calcCost(branch->mRight, vs); } } /************************************************************************/ /* BiHierarchy::Node/Branch/Leaf functions */ /************************************************************************/ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- BiHierarchy::Leaf::~Leaf() { // detach all scene nodes in the case that we are rebuilding // the tree but not the scene BihRenderableList::iterator it = mBihRenderables.begin(); BihRenderableList::iterator end = mBihRenderables.end(); while (it != end) { (*it)->detachFrom(this); it++; } mBihRenderables.clear(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BiHierarchy::Leaf::queueVisibleObjects(unsigned long currentFrame, Camera* cam, RenderQueue* queue, bool onlyShadowCasters, bool showBoxes, bool fullVis) { BihRenderableList::iterator it = mBihRenderables.begin(); BihRenderableList::iterator end = mBihRenderables.end(); while (it != end) { if (!(*it)->isQueued(currentFrame, cam)) { (*it)->queueObjects(cam, queue, onlyShadowCasters); } it++; } if (showBoxes) { /* if (mLevel == mOwner->getHiLiteLevel()|| (mLevel-1) == mOwner->getHiLiteLevel() || mOwner->getShowAllBoxes()) queue->addRenderable(getWireBoundingBox()); */ if (mLevel == mOwner->getHiLiteLevel() || mOwner->getShowAllBoxes()) queue->addRenderable(getWireBoundingBox()); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BiHierarchy::Leaf::getGeometryList(GeometryVector *geometryList) { BihRenderableList::iterator it = mBihRenderables.begin(); BihRenderableList::iterator end = mBihRenderables.end(); while (it != end) { (*it)->getGeometryList(geometryList); it++; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // update the world aabb based on the contained geometry void BiHierarchy::Leaf::_updateBounds(bool recurse) { // reset box mWorldAABB.setNull(); // merge boxes from attached geometry BihRenderableList::iterator it = mBihRenderables.begin(); BihRenderableList::iterator end = mBihRenderables.end(); while (it != end) { //(*it)->_updateBounds(); mWorldAABB.merge((*it)->getBoundingBox()); it++; } // update parent recursively if (recurse && mParent) mParent->_updateBounds(recurse); } } // namespace Ogre