1 | #include "OgreBoundingBoxConverter.h" |
2 | #include "OgreTypeConverter.h" |
3 | #include "OgreMeshInstance.h" |
4 | #include "OgreOctreeSceneManager.h" |
5 | #include <OgreLogManager.h> |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | namespace Ogre |
9 | {
10 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 | OgreBoundingBoxConverter::OgreBoundingBoxConverter(OctreeSceneManager *sm):
12 | mSceneMgr(sm)
13 | {
14 | }
15 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 | bool OgreBoundingBoxConverter::IdentifyObjects(const GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::IndexedBoundingBoxContainer &iboxes,
17 | GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::ObjectContainer &objects) const
18 | {
19 | GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::IndexedBoundingBoxContainer::
20 | const_iterator iit, iit_end = iboxes.end();
21 |
22 | for (iit = iboxes.begin(); iit != iit_end; ++ iit)
23 | {
24 | const GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::AxisAlignedBox3 box = (*iit).second;
25 | const AxisAlignedBox currentBox = OgreTypeConverter::ConvertToOgre(box);
26 |
27 | Entity *ent = FindCorrespondingObject(currentBox);
28 |
29 | // create new mesh instance
30 | OgreMeshInstance *omi = new OgreMeshInstance(ent);
31 | omi->SetId((*iit).first);
32 | objects.push_back(omi);
33 | }
34 |
35 | return true;
36 | } |
37 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 | inline static AxisAlignedBox EnlargeBox(const AxisAlignedBox &box)
39 | {
40 | const float eps = 1e-3f;
41 | const Vector3 veps(eps, eps, eps);
42 | Vector3 max = box.getMaximum();
43 | Vector3 min = box.getMinimum();
44 |
45 | return AxisAlignedBox(min - veps, max + veps);
46 | } |
47 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
48 | Entity *OgreBoundingBoxConverter::FindCorrespondingObject(const AxisAlignedBox &box) const
49 | {
50 | list<SceneNode *> sceneNodeList;
51 | AxisAlignedBox mybox = EnlargeBox(box);
52 | //AxisAlignedBox dummy(Vector3(-50000, -50000, -50000), Vector3(50000, 50000, 50000));
53 |
54 | //-- get intersecting scene nodes
55 | mSceneMgr->findNodesIn(mybox, sceneNodeList, NULL);
56 |
57 |
58 | list<SceneNode *>::const_iterator sit, sit_end = sceneNodeList.end();
59 |
60 | float overlap = 0;//GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::Limits::Small;
61 |
62 | Entity *bestFittingObj = NULL;
63 | float bestFit = overlap;
64 |
65 | // perfect fit threshold
66 | const float thresh = 1.0 - GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::Limits::Small;
67 |
68 |
69 | // find the bbox which is closest to the current bbox
70 | for (sit = sceneNodeList.begin(); sit != sceneNodeList.end(); ++ sit)
71 | {
72 | SceneNode *sn = *sit;
73 | SceneNode::ObjectIterator oit = sn->getAttachedObjectIterator();
74 |
75 | while (oit.hasMoreElements())
76 | {
77 | MovableObject *mo = oit.getNext();
78 |
79 | // we are only interested in scene entities
80 | if (mo->getMovableType() != "Entity")
81 | {
82 | continue;
83 | }
84 |
85 | const AxisAlignedBox bbox = EnlargeBox(mo->getWorldBoundingBox());
86 |
87 |
88 | // compute measure how much aabbs overlap
89 | overlap = RatioOfOverlap(OgreTypeConverter::ConvertFromOgre(mybox),
90 | OgreTypeConverter::ConvertFromOgre(bbox));
91 |
92 | if (overlap > bestFit)
93 | {
94 | bestFit = overlap;
95 |
96 | bestFittingObj = static_cast<Entity *>(mo);
97 |
98 | // perfect fit => object found, eraly exit
99 | if (overlap >= thresh)
100 | return bestFittingObj;
101 | }
102 | }
103 | }
104 |
105 | if (0)
106 | {
107 | std::stringstream d;
108 | if (bestFittingObj)
109 | d << "best fit: " << bestFit;
110 | else
111 | d << "warning, objects do not fit\n" << box;
112 |
113 | Ogre::LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage(d.str());
114 | }
115 |
116 | return bestFittingObj;
117 | } |
118 | |
119 | } |