/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of the GameTools Project http://www.gametools.org Author: Martin Szydlowski ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "OgreBvHierarchySceneManager.h" #include "OgreBvHierarchySceneNode.h" #include "OgreBvHierarchy.h" #include #include #include #include #include "OgreVisibilityOptionsManager.h" namespace Ogre { BvHierarchySceneManager::BvHierarchySceneManager(const String& name, GtpVisibility::VisibilityManager *vm): SceneManager(name), mVisibilityManager(vm), mBvHierarchy(0), mMaxDepth(BvHierarchy_MAX_DEPTH), mShowBoxes(false), mHiLiteLevel(0), mShowAllBoxes(false), mEnhancedVisiblity(true), mBuildMethod(BvHierarchy::BVHBM_RECURSIVE), mRenderMethod(BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL), mShowVisualization(false), mRenderNodesForViz(false), mRenderNodesContentForViz(false), mVisualizeCulledNodes(false), mLeavePassesInQueue(0), mDelayRenderTransparents(true), mUseDepthPass(false), mIsDepthPassPhase(false), mUseItemBuffer(false), mIsItemBufferPhase(false), mCurrentEntityId(1), mEnableDepthWrite(true), mSkipTransparents(false), mRenderTransparentsForItemBuffer(true), mExecuteVertexProgramForAllPasses(false), mIsHierarchicalCulling(false), mDeleteQueueAfterRendering(true), mViewCellsLoaded(false), mUseViewCells(false), mUseVisibilityFilter(false), mViewCellsManager(0), mElementaryViewCell(0), mCurrentViewCell(0) { // Replace root node with my node OGRE_DELETE(mSceneRoot); mSceneRoot = new BvHierarchySceneNode(this, "root node"); mSceneRoot->_notifyRootNode(); // init heirarchy interface mHierarchyInterface = new BvHierarchyInterface(this, mDestRenderSystem); } BvHierarchySceneManager::~BvHierarchySceneManager(void) { delete mHierarchyInterface; delete mBvHierarchy; } void BvHierarchySceneManager::clearScene() { // DEBUG //if (mBvHierarchy) // mBvHierarchy->dump(); // must happen before actual scene is cleared OGRE_DELETE(mBvHierarchy); SceneManager::clearScene(); } const String& BvHierarchySceneManager::getTypeName(void) const { return BvHierarchySceneManagerFactory::FACTORY_TYPE_NAME; } void BvHierarchySceneManager::setShowBoxes(bool showboxes) { mShowBoxes = showboxes; } bool BvHierarchySceneManager::getShowBoxes(void) const { return mShowBoxes; } bool BvHierarchySceneManager::setOption(const String& strKey, const void* pValue) { // change max depth of the BvHierarchy // rebuild the tree if already exists if (strKey == "BvHierarchyMaxDepth") { int maxdepth = *static_cast(pValue); // no negative depth, plz! if (maxdepth < 0) { return false; } else { mMaxDepth = maxdepth; if (mHiLiteLevel > mMaxDepth) mHiLiteLevel = mMaxDepth; return true; } return true; } else if (strKey == "KT") { Real kt = *static_cast(pValue); if (kt > 0) { BvhPlaneEvent::KT = kt; return true; } else { return false; } } else if (strKey == "KI") { Real ki = *static_cast(pValue); if (ki > 0) { BvhPlaneEvent::KI = ki; return true; } else { return false; } } else if (strKey == "RebuildBvHierarchy") { OGRE_DELETE(mBvHierarchy); mBvHierarchy = new BvHierarchy(mMaxDepth, mBuildMethod, mHiLiteLevel, mShowAllBoxes, mShowNodes); mBvHierarchy->build(static_cast(mSceneRoot)); mBvHierarchy->setEnhancedVis(mEnhancedVisiblity); return true; } else if (strKey == "EnhancedVisibility") { bool enh = *static_cast(pValue); mEnhancedVisiblity = enh; if (mBvHierarchy) mBvHierarchy->setEnhancedVis(mEnhancedVisiblity); //setEnhancedVis(enh); return true; } else if (strKey == "BuildMethod") { BvHierarchy::BuildMethod bm = *static_cast(pValue); if (bm == BvHierarchy::BVHBM_RECURSIVE || bm == BvHierarchy::BVHBM_PRIORITYQUEUE) { mBuildMethod = bm; return true; } else { return false; } } else if (strKey == "RenderMethod") { BvHierarchy::RenderMethod rm = *static_cast(pValue); if (rm == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL) { mRenderMethod = rm; return true; } else if (rm == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_GTP_VFC) { mRenderMethod = rm; int cmt = GtpVisibility::VisibilityEnvironment::FRUSTUM_CULLING; return VisibilityOptionsManager(mVisibilityManager, mHierarchyInterface) .setOption("Algorithm", &cmt); } else if (rm == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_GTP_SWC) { mRenderMethod = rm; int cmt = GtpVisibility::VisibilityEnvironment::STOP_AND_WAIT_CULLING; return VisibilityOptionsManager(mVisibilityManager, mHierarchyInterface) .setOption("Algorithm", &cmt); } else if (rm == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_GTP_CHC) { mRenderMethod = rm; int cmt = GtpVisibility::VisibilityEnvironment::COHERENT_HIERARCHICAL_CULLING; return VisibilityOptionsManager(mVisibilityManager, mHierarchyInterface) .setOption("Algorithm", &cmt); } else { return false; } } // little hack in case someone uses "Algorithm" option from VisOptMan directly else if (strKey == "Algorithm") { bool success = VisibilityOptionsManager(mVisibilityManager, mHierarchyInterface) .setOption(strKey, pValue); // change setting only if change in VisOptMan was successful if (success) { int val = *static_cast(pValue); if (val == GtpVisibility::VisibilityEnvironment::FRUSTUM_CULLING) mRenderMethod = BvHierarchy::BVHRM_GTP_VFC; else if (val == GtpVisibility::VisibilityEnvironment::STOP_AND_WAIT_CULLING) mRenderMethod = BvHierarchy::BVHRM_GTP_SWC; else if (val == GtpVisibility::VisibilityEnvironment::COHERENT_HIERARCHICAL_CULLING) mRenderMethod = BvHierarchy::BVHRM_GTP_CHC; // default, should never happen else mRenderMethod = BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL; } else { mRenderMethod = BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL; } return success; } else if (strKey == "ShowBvHierarchy") { bool sk = *static_cast(pValue); mShowBoxes = sk; return true; } else if (strKey == "HiLiteLevel") { int hl = *static_cast(pValue); if (hl >= 0 && hl <= mMaxDepth) { mHiLiteLevel = hl; if (mBvHierarchy) mBvHierarchy->setHiLiteLevel(mHiLiteLevel); return true; } else { return false; } } else if (strKey == "ShowAllBoxes") { bool sa = *static_cast(pValue); mShowAllBoxes = sa; if (mBvHierarchy) mBvHierarchy->setShowAllBoxes(mShowAllBoxes); return true; } else if (strKey == "ShowNodes") { bool sn = *static_cast(pValue); mShowNodes = sn; if (mBvHierarchy) mBvHierarchy->setShowNodes(mShowNodes); return true; } // options for CHC else if (strKey == "UseDepthPass") { mUseDepthPass = (*static_cast(pValue)); return true; } else if (strKey == "PrepareVisualization") { mShowVisualization = (*static_cast(pValue)); return true; } else if (strKey == "RenderNodesForViz") { mRenderNodesForViz = (*static_cast(pValue)); return true; } else if (strKey == "RenderNodesContentForViz") { mRenderNodesContentForViz = (*static_cast(pValue)); return true; } else if (strKey == "SkyBoxEnabled") { mSkyBoxEnabled = (*static_cast(pValue)); return true; } else if (strKey == "SkyPlaneEnabled") { mSkyPlaneEnabled = (*static_cast(pValue)); return true; } else if (strKey == "SkyDomeEnabled") { mSkyDomeEnabled = (*static_cast(pValue)); return true; } else if (strKey == "VisualizeCulledNodes") { mVisualizeCulledNodes = (*static_cast(pValue)); return true; } else if (strKey == "DelayRenderTransparents") { mDelayRenderTransparents = (*static_cast(pValue)); return true; } else if (strKey == "DepthWrite") { mEnableDepthWrite = (*static_cast(pValue)); return true; } else if (strKey == "UseItemBuffer") { mUseItemBuffer = (*static_cast(pValue)); return true; } else if (strKey == "ExecuteVertexProgramForAllPasses") { mExecuteVertexProgramForAllPasses = (*static_cast(pValue)); return true; } else if (strKey == "RenderTransparentsForItemBuffer") { mRenderTransparentsForItemBuffer = (*static_cast(pValue)); return true; } else if (strKey == "DeleteRenderQueue") { mDeleteQueueAfterRendering = (*static_cast(pValue)); return true; } // options for viewcells else if (strKey == "LoadViewCells") { if (!mViewCellsLoaded) { String filename(static_cast(pValue)); mViewCellsLoaded = LoadViewCells(filename); } return mViewCellsLoaded; } else if (strKey == "UseViewCells") { if (mViewCellsLoaded) { mUseViewCells = *static_cast(pValue); // reset view cell OGRE_DELETE(mCurrentViewCell); if (mUseViewCells) mCurrentViewCell = mViewCellsManager->GenerateViewCell(); mElementaryViewCell = NULL; // if using view cells, all objects are set to false initially SetObjectsVisible(!mUseViewCells); return true; } else { return false; } } else if (strKey == "UseVisibilityFilter") { if (mViewCellsLoaded) { mUseVisibilityFilter = *static_cast(pValue); // set null =>recomputation of the pvs mElementaryViewCell = NULL; return true; } else { return false; } } return VisibilityOptionsManager(mVisibilityManager, mHierarchyInterface) .setOption(strKey, pValue) || SceneManager::setOption(strKey, pValue); } bool BvHierarchySceneManager::getOption(const String& strKey, void* pDestValue) { if (strKey == "BvHierarchyMaxDepth") { *static_cast(pDestValue) = mMaxDepth; return true; } else if (strKey == "KT") { *static_cast(pDestValue) = BvhPlaneEvent::KT; return true; } else if (strKey == "KI") { *static_cast(pDestValue) = BvhPlaneEvent::KI; return true; } else if (strKey == "EnhancedVisibility") { if (mBvHierarchy) *static_cast(pDestValue) = mBvHierarchy->getEnhancedVis(); else *static_cast(pDestValue) = mEnhancedVisiblity; return true; } else if (strKey == "BuildMethod") { *static_cast(pDestValue) = mBuildMethod; return true; } else if (strKey == "RenderMethod") { *static_cast(pDestValue) = mRenderMethod; return true; } else if (strKey == "ShowBvHierarchy") { *static_cast(pDestValue) = mShowBoxes; return true; } else if (strKey == "HiLiteLevel") { *static_cast(pDestValue) = mHiLiteLevel; return true; } else if (strKey == "ShowAllBoxes") { *static_cast(pDestValue) = mShowAllBoxes; return true; } else if (strKey == "ShowNodes") { *static_cast(pDestValue) = mShowNodes; return true; } // vis options else if (strKey == "NumFrustumCulledNodes") { if (mRenderMethod == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL) { unsigned int numnodes = 0; if (mBvHierarchy) numnodes = mBvHierarchy->getFramesStats().mFrustumCulledNodes; * static_cast(pDestValue) = (unsigned int)numnodes; return true; } // otherwise let fall through to VisibilityOptionsManager } else if (strKey == "NumQueryCulledNodes") { if (mRenderMethod == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL) { * static_cast(pDestValue) = 0; return true; } // otherwise let fall through to VisibilityOptionsManager } else if (strKey == "NumHierarchyNodes") { unsigned int numnodes = 0; if (mBvHierarchy) numnodes = mBvHierarchy->getTreeStats().mNumNodes; * static_cast(pDestValue) = (unsigned int)numnodes; return true; } else if (strKey == "NumRenderedNodes") { if (mRenderMethod == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL) { unsigned int numnodes = 0; if (mBvHierarchy) numnodes = mBvHierarchy->getFramesStats().mRenderedNodes; * static_cast(pDestValue) = (unsigned int)numnodes; return true; } // otherwise let fall through to VisibilityOptionsManager } else if (strKey == "NumQueriesIssued") { if (mRenderMethod == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL) { * static_cast(pDestValue) = 0; return true; } // otherwise let fall through to VisibilityOptionsManager } else if (strKey == "NumTraversedNodes") { if (mRenderMethod == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL) { unsigned int numnodes = 0; if (mBvHierarchy) numnodes = mBvHierarchy->getFramesStats().mTraversedNodes; * static_cast(pDestValue) = (unsigned int)numnodes; return true; } // otherwise let fall through to VisibilityOptionsManager } else if (strKey == "VisibilityManager") { * static_cast(pDestValue) = (GtpVisibility::VisibilityManager *)mVisibilityManager; return true; } else if (strKey == "HierarchInterface") { * static_cast(pDestValue) = (GtpVisibility::HierarchyInterface *)mHierarchyInterface; return true; } // view cell options else if (strKey == "UseViewCells") { *static_cast(pDestValue) = mUseViewCells; return mViewCellsLoaded; } else if (strKey == "UseVisibilityFilter") { *static_cast(pDestValue) = mUseVisibilityFilter; return mViewCellsLoaded; } return VisibilityOptionsManager(mVisibilityManager, mHierarchyInterface) .getOption(strKey, pDestValue) || SceneManager::getOption(strKey, pDestValue); } bool BvHierarchySceneManager::getOptionKeys(StringVector &refKeys) { refKeys.push_back("Algorithm"); refKeys.push_back("BuildMethod"); refKeys.push_back("DelayRenderTransparents"); refKeys.push_back("DeleteRenderQueue"); refKeys.push_back("DepthWrite"); refKeys.push_back("EnhancedVisibility"); refKeys.push_back("ExecuteVertexProgramForAllPasses"); refKeys.push_back("HiLiteLevel"); refKeys.push_back("HierarchInterface"); refKeys.push_back("KI"); refKeys.push_back("KT"); refKeys.push_back("BvHierarchyMaxDepth"); refKeys.push_back("LoadViewCells"); refKeys.push_back("NumHierarchyNodes"); refKeys.push_back("PrepareVisualization"); refKeys.push_back("RebuildBvHierarchy"); refKeys.push_back("RenderMethod"); refKeys.push_back("RenderNodesContentForViz"); refKeys.push_back("RenderNodesForViz"); refKeys.push_back("RenderTransparentsForItemBuffer"); refKeys.push_back("ShowAllBoxes"); refKeys.push_back("ShowBvHierarchy"); refKeys.push_back("ShowNodes"); refKeys.push_back("SkyBoxEnabled"); refKeys.push_back("SkyDomeEnabled"); refKeys.push_back("SkyPlaneEnabled"); refKeys.push_back("UseDepthPass"); refKeys.push_back("UseItemBuffer"); refKeys.push_back("UseViewCells"); refKeys.push_back("UseVisibilityFilter"); refKeys.push_back("VisibilityManager"); refKeys.push_back("VisualizeCulledNodes"); return VisibilityOptionsManager(mVisibilityManager, mHierarchyInterface) .getOptionKeys(refKeys); } bool BvHierarchySceneManager::getOptionValues(const String & key, StringVector &refValueList) { return SceneManager::getOptionValues(key, refValueList); } void BvHierarchySceneManager::setVisibilityManager(GtpVisibility::VisibilityManager *visManager) { mVisibilityManager = visManager; } GtpVisibility::VisibilityManager * BvHierarchySceneManager::getVisibilityManager() { return mVisibilityManager; } GtpVisibility::VisibilityManager * BvHierarchySceneManager::GetVisibilityManager() { return mVisibilityManager; } BvHierarchyInterface * BvHierarchySceneManager::GetHierarchyInterface() { return mHierarchyInterface; } Camera* BvHierarchySceneManager::createCamera(const String& name) { // Check name not used if (mCameras.find(name) != mCameras.end()) { OGRE_EXCEPT( Exception::ERR_DUPLICATE_ITEM, "A camera with the name " + name + " already exists", "SceneManager::createCamera" ); } Camera *c = new BvHierarchyCamera(name, this); mCameras.insert(CameraList::value_type(name, c)); return c; } SceneNode* BvHierarchySceneManager::createSceneNode(void) { SceneNode* sn = new BvHierarchySceneNode(this); assert(mSceneNodes.find(sn->getName()) == mSceneNodes.end()); mSceneNodes[sn->getName()] = sn; return sn; } SceneNode* BvHierarchySceneManager::createSceneNode(const String& name) { // Check name not used if (mSceneNodes.find(name) != mSceneNodes.end()) { OGRE_EXCEPT( Exception::ERR_DUPLICATE_ITEM, "A scene node with the name " + name + " already exists", "BvHierarchySceneManager::createSceneNode" ); } SceneNode* sn = new BvHierarchySceneNode(this, name); mSceneNodes[sn->getName()] = sn; return sn; } Entity * BvHierarchySceneManager::createEntity(const String& entityName, const String& meshName) { Entity *ent = SceneManager::createEntity(entityName, meshName); #ifdef GTP_VISIBILITY_MODIFIED_OGRE for (int i = 0; i < (int)ent->getNumSubEntities(); ++i) { ent->getSubEntity(i)->setId(mCurrentEntityId); } // increase counter of entity id values ++ mCurrentEntityId; #endif return ent; } // make sure it's called only for non-empty nodes .. avoids one uneccessary funciton call void BvHierarchySceneManager::_updateNode(BvHierarchySceneNode *node) { //LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("### _updateNode called for " + node->getName()); /* Rebuild BvHierarchy when it was wiped out * Usually this happens only before the first frame * The initial AABB shall enclose all objects present * in the scene at the time of construction * TODO: find a more appropriate place for it, * e.g., before the first render call * teh stupid thing is I can't find any other place so far ... */ if (!mBvHierarchy) { mBvHierarchy = new BvHierarchy(mMaxDepth, mBuildMethod); mBvHierarchy->build(static_cast(mSceneRoot)); mBvHierarchy->setEnhancedVis(mEnhancedVisiblity); } // if the node is in the tree and _updateNode was called, then the node was moved/rotated/resized/wahtever if (node->isAttached()) { // TEST: perfomance when adding & removing for every frame //mBvHierarchy->remove(node); //mBvHierarchy->insert(node); } // there's a new node in town ... else { // inserting single nodes yields sub-optimal results // rebuilding tree takes too long // "What now?", spoke Zeus ... //mBvHierarchy->insert(node); //delete mBvHierarchy; //mBvHierarchy = new BvHierarchy(mMaxDepth); //mBvHierarchy->build(static_cast(mSceneRoot)); } } void BvHierarchySceneManager::_updateSceneGraph(Camera* cam) { mVisibilityManager->GetCullingManager()->SetHierarchyInterface(mHierarchyInterface); mHierarchyInterface->SetRenderSystem(mDestRenderSystem); SceneManager::_updateSceneGraph(cam); } void BvHierarchySceneManager::_findVisibleObjects(Camera *cam, bool onlyShadowCasters) { if (mRenderMethod == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL) { getRenderQueue()->clear(); if (mShowVisualization) { PrepareVisualization(cam); } else { mVisibleNodes.clear(); if (mBvHierarchy) { // determine visibility mBvHierarchy->queueVisibleObjects(BVHCAMPTR_CAST(cam), getRenderQueue(), onlyShadowCasters, mShowBoxes, mVisibleNodes); // apply view cell pvs updatePvs(cam); } } } else { //-- show visible scene nodes and octree bounding boxes from last frame if (mShowVisualization) { PrepareVisualization(cam); } else { // for hierarchical culling, we interleave identification // and rendering of objects in _renderVisibibleObjects // for the shadow pass we use only standard rendering // because of low occlusion if (mShadowTechnique == SHADOWTYPE_TEXTURE_MODULATIVE && mIlluminationStage == IRS_RENDER_TO_TEXTURE) { getRenderQueue()->clear(); if (mBvHierarchy) mBvHierarchy->queueVisibleObjects(BVHCAMPTR_CAST(cam), getRenderQueue(), onlyShadowCasters, mShowBoxes, mVisibleNodes); } // only shadow casters will be rendered in shadow texture pass if (0) mHierarchyInterface->SetOnlyShadowCasters(onlyShadowCasters); //-- apply view cell pvs - updatePvs(cam); } mVisibleNodes.clear(); } } void BvHierarchySceneManager::_renderVisibleObjects() { if (mRenderMethod == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL) { SceneManager::_renderVisibleObjects(); } else { InitDepthPass(); // create material for depth pass InitItemBufferPass(); // create material for item buffer pass // save ambient light to reset later ColourValue savedAmbient = mAmbientLight; //-- apply standard rendering for some modes (e.g., visualization, shadow pass) if (mShowVisualization || (mShadowTechnique == SHADOWTYPE_TEXTURE_MODULATIVE && mIlluminationStage == IRS_RENDER_TO_TEXTURE)) { IlluminationRenderStage savedStage = mIlluminationStage; if (mShowVisualization) { // disable illumination stage to prevent rendering shadows mIlluminationStage = IRS_NONE; } // standard rendering for shadow maps because of performance SceneManager::_renderVisibleObjects(); mIlluminationStage = savedStage; } else //-- the hierarchical culling algorithm { // this is also called in TerrainSceneManager: really necessary? //mDestRenderSystem -> setLightingEnabled(false); // don't render backgrounds for item buffer if (mUseItemBuffer) { clearSpecialCaseRenderQueues(); getRenderQueue()->clear(); } //-- hierarchical culling // the objects of different layers (e.g., background, scene, // overlay) must be identified and rendered one after another //-- render all early skies clearSpecialCaseRenderQueues(); addSpecialCaseRenderQueue(RENDER_QUEUE_BACKGROUND); addSpecialCaseRenderQueue(RENDER_QUEUE_SKIES_EARLY); setSpecialCaseRenderQueueMode(SceneManager::SCRQM_INCLUDE); SceneManager::_renderVisibleObjects(); #ifdef GTP_VISIBILITY_MODIFIED_OGRE // delete previously rendered content _deleteRenderedQueueGroups(); #endif //-- prepare queue for visible objects (i.e., all but overlay and skies late) clearSpecialCaseRenderQueues(); addSpecialCaseRenderQueue(RENDER_QUEUE_SKIES_LATE); addSpecialCaseRenderQueue(RENDER_QUEUE_OVERLAY); // exclude this queues from hierarchical rendering setSpecialCaseRenderQueueMode(SceneManager::SCRQM_EXCLUDE); // set all necessary parameters for // hierarchical visibility culling and rendering InitVisibilityCulling(mCameraInProgress); /** * the hierarchical culling algorithm * for depth pass: we just find objects and update depth buffer * for "delayed" rendering: we render some passes afterwards * e.g., transparents, because they need front-to-back sorting **/ mVisibilityManager->ApplyVisibilityCulling(); // delete remaining renderables from queue: // all which are not in mLeavePassesInQueue #ifdef GTP_VISIBILITY_MODIFIED_OGRE _deleteRenderedQueueGroups(mLeavePassesInQueue); #endif //-- reset parameters mIsDepthPassPhase = false; mIsItemBufferPhase = false; mSkipTransparents = false; mIsHierarchicalCulling = false; mLeavePassesInQueue = 0; // add visible nodes found by the visibility culling algorithm if (mUseDepthPass) { BvHierarchy::NodeList::const_iterator it, end = mVisibleNodes.end(); for (it = mVisibleNodes.begin(); it != end; it++) { (*it)->queueVisibleObjects(mHierarchyInterface->GetFrameId(), mCameraInProgress, getRenderQueue(), false, mShowBoxes); } } //-- now we can render all remaining queue objects //-- used for depth pass, transparents, overlay clearSpecialCaseRenderQueues(); SceneManager::_renderVisibleObjects(); } // hierarchical culling // reset ambient light setAmbientLight(savedAmbient); // almost same effect as below getRenderQueue()->clear(mDeleteQueueAfterRendering); //if (!mDeleteQueueAfterRendering) // getRenderQueue()->clear(true); // finally clear render queue //else // OGRE_DELETE(mRenderQueue); // HACK: should rather only be cleared ... if (0) WriteLog(); // write out stats } } void BvHierarchySceneManager::_renderNode(BvHierarchy::NodePtr node, Camera * cam, bool onlyShadowCasters, int leavePassesInQueue) { RenderQueueGroup *currentGroup = getRenderQueue()->getQueueGroup(getRenderQueue()->getDefaultQueueGroup()); currentGroup->clear(leavePassesInQueue); node->queueVisibleObjects(mHierarchyInterface->GetFrameId(), cam, getRenderQueue(), onlyShadowCasters, mShowBoxes); mVisibleNodes.push_back(node); _renderQueueGroupObjects(currentGroup, QueuedRenderableCollection::OM_PASS_GROUP); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Pass *BvHierarchySceneManager::_setPass(const Pass* pass, bool evenIfSuppressed) { if (mRenderMethod == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL) { return SceneManager::_setPass(pass); } // TODO: setting vertex program is not efficient //Pass *usedPass = ((mIsDepthPassPhase && !pass->hasVertexProgram()) ? mDepthPass : pass); // set depth fill pass if we currently do not make an aabb occlusion query const bool useDepthPass = (mIsDepthPassPhase && !mHierarchyInterface->IsBoundingBoxQuery()); const IlluminationRenderStage savedStage = mIlluminationStage; // set illumination stage to NONE so no shadow material is used // for depth pass or for occlusion query if (mIsDepthPassPhase || mHierarchyInterface->IsBoundingBoxQuery()) { mIlluminationStage = IRS_NONE; } // --- set vertex program of current pass in order to set correct depth if (mExecuteVertexProgramForAllPasses && mIsDepthPassPhase && pass->hasVertexProgram()) { // add vertex program of current pass to depth pass mDepthPass->setVertexProgram(pass->getVertexProgramName()); if (mDepthPass->hasVertexProgram()) { const GpuProgramPtr& prg = mDepthPass->getVertexProgram(); // Load this program if not done already if (!prg->isLoaded()) prg->load(); // Copy params mDepthPass->setVertexProgramParameters(pass->getVertexProgramParameters()); } } else if (mDepthPass->hasVertexProgram()) // reset vertex program { mDepthPass->setVertexProgram(""); } const Pass *usedPass = useDepthPass ? mDepthPass : pass; // save old depth write: needed for item buffer const bool IsDepthWrite = usedPass->getDepthWriteEnabled(); // global option which enables / disables depth writes if (!mEnableDepthWrite) { // usedPass->setDepthWriteEnabled(false); } //else if (mIsItemBufferPass) {usedPass = mItemBufferPass;} //-- set actual pass here const Pass *result = SceneManager::_setPass(usedPass); // reset depth write if (!mEnableDepthWrite) { // usedPass->setDepthWriteEnabled(IsDepthWrite); } // reset illumination stage mIlluminationStage = savedStage; return result; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BvHierarchySceneManager::renderBasicQueueGroupObjects(RenderQueueGroup* pGroup, QueuedRenderableCollection::OrganisationMode om) { // Basic render loop // Iterate through priorities RenderQueueGroup::PriorityMapIterator groupIt = pGroup->getIterator(); while (groupIt.hasMoreElements()) { RenderPriorityGroup* pPriorityGrp = groupIt.getNext(); // Sort the queue first pPriorityGrp->sort(mCameraInProgress); // Do solids renderObjects(pPriorityGrp->getSolidsBasic(), om, true); // for correct rendering, transparents must be rendered after hierarchical culling // => do nothing // Do transparents (always descending) if (mRenderMethod == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL || !mSkipTransparents) { renderObjects(pPriorityGrp->getTransparents(), QueuedRenderableCollection::OM_SORT_DESCENDING, true); } }// for each priority } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool BvHierarchySceneManager::validatePassForRendering(Pass* pass) { if (mRenderMethod == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL) { return SceneManager::validatePassForRendering(pass); } // skip all but first pass if we are doing the depth pass if ((mIsDepthPassPhase || mIsItemBufferPhase) && (pass->getIndex() > 0)) { return false; } // all but first pass /*else if ((!mIsDepthPassPhase || mIsItemBufferPhase) && (pass->getIndex() != 0)) { return false; }*/ return SceneManager::validatePassForRendering(pass); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BvHierarchySceneManager::_renderQueueGroupObjects(RenderQueueGroup* pGroup, QueuedRenderableCollection::OrganisationMode om) { if (mRenderMethod == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL || !mIsItemBufferPhase) { SceneManager::_renderQueueGroupObjects(pGroup, om); return; } #ifdef ITEM_BUFFER //-- item buffer //-- item buffer: render objects using false colors // Iterate through priorities RenderQueueGroup::PriorityMapIterator groupIt = pGroup->getIterator(); while (groupIt.hasMoreElements()) { RenderItemBuffer(groupIt.getNext()); } #endif // ITEM_BUFFER } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BvHierarchySceneManager::renderAdditiveStencilShadowedQueueGroupObjects( RenderQueueGroup* pGroup, QueuedRenderableCollection::OrganisationMode om) { // only render solid passes during hierarchical culling if (mIsHierarchicalCulling) { RenderQueueGroup::PriorityMapIterator groupIt = pGroup->getIterator(); LightList lightList; while (groupIt.hasMoreElements()) { RenderPriorityGroup* pPriorityGrp = groupIt.getNext(); // Sort the queue first pPriorityGrp->sort(mCameraInProgress); // Clear light list lightList.clear(); // Render all the ambient passes first, no light iteration, no lights /*** msz: no more IRS_AMBIENT, see OgreSceneManager.h ***/ // mIlluminationStage = IRS_AMBIENT; SceneManager::renderObjects(pPriorityGrp->getSolidsBasic(), om, false, &lightList); // Also render any objects which have receive shadows disabled SceneManager::renderObjects(pPriorityGrp->getSolidsNoShadowReceive(), om, true); } } else // render the rest of the passes { SceneManager::renderAdditiveStencilShadowedQueueGroupObjects(pGroup, om); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BvHierarchySceneManager::renderModulativeStencilShadowedQueueGroupObjects( RenderQueueGroup* pGroup, QueuedRenderableCollection::OrganisationMode om) { if (mIsHierarchicalCulling) { // Iterate through priorities RenderQueueGroup::PriorityMapIterator groupIt = pGroup->getIterator(); while (groupIt.hasMoreElements()) { RenderPriorityGroup* pPriorityGrp = groupIt.getNext(); // Sort the queue first pPriorityGrp->sort(mCameraInProgress); // Do (shadowable) solids SceneManager::renderObjects(pPriorityGrp->getSolidsBasic(), om, true); } } else { SceneManager::renderModulativeStencilShadowedQueueGroupObjects(pGroup, om); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BvHierarchySceneManager::InitDepthPass() { MaterialPtr depthMat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName("Visibility/DepthPass"); if (depthMat.isNull()) { depthMat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().create( "Visibility/DepthPass", ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME); mDepthPass = depthMat->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0); mDepthPass->setColourWriteEnabled(false); mDepthPass->setDepthWriteEnabled(true); mDepthPass->setLightingEnabled(false); } else { mDepthPass = depthMat->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BvHierarchySceneManager::InitItemBufferPass() { MaterialPtr itemBufferMat = MaterialManager::getSingleton(). getByName("Visibility/ItemBufferPass"); if (itemBufferMat.isNull()) { // Init itemBufferMat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().create("Visibility/ItemBufferPass", ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME); mItemBufferPass = itemBufferMat->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0); mItemBufferPass->setColourWriteEnabled(true); mItemBufferPass->setDepthWriteEnabled(true); mItemBufferPass->setLightingEnabled(true); //mItemBufferPass->setLightingEnabled(false); } else { mItemBufferPass = itemBufferMat->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0); } //mItemBufferPass->setAmbient(1, 1, 0); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BvHierarchySceneManager::PrepareVisualization(Camera *cam) { // add player camera for visualization purpose try { Camera *c; if ((c = getCamera("PlayerCam")) != NULL) { getRenderQueue()->addRenderable(c); } } catch (...) { // ignore } if (mRenderNodesForViz || mRenderNodesContentForViz) { RenderQueue * queue = getRenderQueue(); unsigned long frameid = 0; if (mRenderMethod == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL) frameid = Root::getSingleton().getCurrentFrameNumber(); else frameid = mHierarchyInterface->GetFrameId(); for (BvHierarchy::NodeList::iterator it = mVisibleNodes.begin(); it != mVisibleNodes.end(); ++it) { if (mRenderNodesForViz && (*it)->isLeaf()) { WireBoundingBox * wirebox = (*it)->getWireBoundingBox(); wirebox->setMaterial("BvHierarchy/BoxViz"); getRenderQueue()->addRenderable(wirebox); } // add renderables itself if (mRenderNodesContentForViz) { (*it)->queueVisibleObjects(frameid, cam, queue, false, false); } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BvHierarchySceneManager::InitVisibilityCulling(Camera *cam) { // reset culling manager stats mVisibilityManager->GetCullingManager()->InitFrame(mVisualizeCulledNodes); // set depth pass flag before rendering mIsDepthPassPhase = mUseDepthPass; mIsHierarchicalCulling = true; // during hierarchical culling // item buffer needs full ambient lighting to use item colors as unique id if (mUseItemBuffer) { mIsItemBufferPhase = true; setAmbientLight(ColourValue(1,1,1,1)); } // set passes which are stored in render queue // for rendering AFTER hierarchical culling, i.e., passes which need // a special rendering order mLeavePassesInQueue = 0; // if we have the depth pass or use an item buffer, no passes are left in the queue if (1 && !mUseDepthPass && !mUseItemBuffer) { if (mShadowTechnique == SHADOWTYPE_STENCIL_ADDITIVE) { // TODO: remove this pass because it should be processed during hierarchical culling //mLeavePassesInQueue |= RenderPriorityGroup::SOLID_PASSES_NOSHADOW; mLeavePassesInQueue |= RenderPriorityGroup::SOLID_PASSES_DECAL; mLeavePassesInQueue |= RenderPriorityGroup::SOLID_PASSES_DIFFUSE_SPECULAR; mLeavePassesInQueue |= RenderPriorityGroup::TRANSPARENT_PASSES; // just render ambient passes /*** msz: no more IRS_AMBIENT, see OgreSceneManager.h ***/ // mIlluminationStage = IRS_AMBIENT; //getRenderQueue()->setSplitPassesByLightingType(true); } if (mShadowTechnique == SHADOWTYPE_STENCIL_MODULATIVE) { mLeavePassesInQueue |= RenderPriorityGroup::SOLID_PASSES_NOSHADOW; mLeavePassesInQueue |= RenderPriorityGroup::TRANSPARENT_PASSES; } // transparents should be rendered after hierarchical culling to // provide front-to-back ordering if (mDelayRenderTransparents) { mLeavePassesInQueue |= RenderPriorityGroup::TRANSPARENT_PASSES; } } // skip rendering transparents during the hierarchical culling // (because they will be rendered afterwards) mSkipTransparents = (mIsDepthPassPhase || (mLeavePassesInQueue & RenderPriorityGroup::TRANSPARENT_PASSES)); // -- initialise interface for rendering traversal of the hierarchy mHierarchyInterface->SetHierarchyRoot(mBvHierarchy->getRoot()); // possible two cameras (one for culling, one for rendering) mHierarchyInterface->InitTraversal(mCameraInProgress, /*mCullCamera ? getCamera("CullCamera") : */NULL, mLeavePassesInQueue); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BvHierarchySceneManager::SetObjectsVisible(const bool visible) { GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::ObjectContainer::iterator it, it_end = mObjects.end(); for (it = mObjects.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { OgreMeshInstance *omi = static_cast(*it); Entity *ent = omi->GetMesh(); ent->setVisible(visible); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool BvHierarchySceneManager::LoadViewCells(const String &filename) { // objects are set to invisible initially SetObjectsVisible(false); const string bboxesFilename = mVisibilityManager->GetVisibilityEnvironment()->getViewCellsFileName(); // converter between view cell ids and Ogre entites GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::IndexedBoundingBoxContainer iboxes; #if 0 OgreBoundingBoxConverter bconverter(this); // load the view cells assigning the found objects to the pvss mViewCellsManager = GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::ViewCellsManager::LoadViewCells(filename, &mObjects, false, &bconverter); return (mViewCellsManager != NULL); #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BvHierarchySceneManager::applyViewCellPvs(GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::ViewCell *vc, const bool load) { // NOTE: should not happen, rather apply view cell representing unbounded space then if (!vc) { // set everything visible for savety SetObjectsVisible(true); return; } GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::ObjectPvsMap::const_iterator oit, oit_end = vc->GetPvs().mEntries.end(); //-- PVS of view cell for (oit = vc->GetPvs().mEntries.begin(); oit != oit_end; ++ oit) { if (!(*oit).first) continue; OgreMeshInstance *omi = dynamic_cast((*oit).first); omi->GetMesh()->setVisible(load); //GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::Debug << "assigned id " << omi->GetId() << endl; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BvHierarchySceneManager::updatePvs(Camera *cam) { if (!(mViewCellsLoaded && mUseViewCells)) return; const GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::Vector3 viewPoint = OgreTypeConverter::ConvertFromOgre(cam->getDerivedPosition()); GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::ViewCell *newElementary = mViewCellsManager->GetViewCell(viewPoint); // elementary view cell did not change => apply same pvs if (mElementaryViewCell == newElementary) return; mElementaryViewCell = newElementary; //LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("unloading"); //-- unload old pvs applyViewCellPvs(mCurrentViewCell, false); //-- the new view cell GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::ViewCell *viewCell; if (mUseVisibilityFilter) { //-- compute new filtered cell GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::PrVs prvs; mViewCellsManager->GetPrVS(viewPoint, prvs, 5); viewCell = prvs.mViewCell; } else { viewCell = newElementary; } //LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("loading"); //-- load new pvs applyViewCellPvs(viewCell, true); // store pvs mCurrentViewCell->SetPvs(viewCell->GetPvs()); // delete merge tree of filtered view cell if (mUseVisibilityFilter) mViewCellsManager->DeleteLocalMergeTree(viewCell); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BvHierarchySceneManager::WriteLog() { std::stringstream d; d << "Depth pass: " << StringConverter::toString(mUseDepthPass) << ", " << "Delay transparents: " << StringConverter::toString(mDelayRenderTransparents) << ", " << "Use optimization: " << StringConverter::toString(mHierarchyInterface->GetTestGeometryForVisibleLeaves()) << ", " << "Algorithm type: " << mVisibilityManager->GetCullingManagerType() << ", " << "Hierarchy nodes: " << (mBvHierarchy ? mBvHierarchy->getTreeStats().mNumNodes : 0) << ", " << "Traversed nodes: " << mHierarchyInterface->GetNumTraversedNodes() << ", " << "Rendered nodes: " << mHierarchyInterface->GetNumRenderedNodes() << ", " << "Query culled nodes: " << mVisibilityManager->GetCullingManager()->GetNumQueryCulledNodes() << ", " << "Frustum culled nodes: " << mVisibilityManager->GetCullingManager()->GetNumFrustumCulledNodes() << ", " << "Queries issued: " << mVisibilityManager->GetCullingManager()->GetNumQueriesIssued() << ", " << "Found objects: " << (int)mVisibleNodes.size() << "\n" ; LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage(d.str()); } /************************************************************************/ /* Factory for BvHierarchySceneManager */ /************************************************************************/ //----------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const String BvHierarchySceneManagerFactory::FACTORY_TYPE_NAME = "BvHierarchySceneManager"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BvHierarchySceneManagerFactory::initMetaData(void) const { mMetaData.typeName = FACTORY_TYPE_NAME; mMetaData.description = "Scene manager that organises the scene based on a kd-tree"; mMetaData.sceneTypeMask = 0xFFFF; // support all types of scenes (hopefully) mMetaData.worldGeometrySupported = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- SceneManager* BvHierarchySceneManagerFactory::createInstance( const String& instanceName) { return new BvHierarchySceneManager(instanceName, visManager); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BvHierarchySceneManagerFactory::destroyInstance(SceneManager* instance) { delete instance; } } // namespace Ogre