1 | /*
2 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 | This source file is part of the GameTools Project
4 | http://www.gametools.org
5 |
6 | Author: Martin Szydlowski
7 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 | */
9 |
10 | #include <OgreCamera.h>
11 | #include <OgreSubEntity.h>
12 | #include <OgreMaterialManager.h>
13 | #include <OgreLogManager.h>
14 | #include <OgreStringConverter.h>
15 |
16 | #include "OgreBvHierarchySceneManager.h"
17 | #include "OgreBvHierarchySceneNode.h"
18 | #include "OgreBvHierarchy.h"
19 |
20 | #include <OgreMeshInstance.h>
21 | #include <OgreBoundingBoxConverter.h>
22 | #include <OgreTypeConverter.h>
23 | #include <VisibilityEnvironment.h>
24 | #include "OgreVisibilityOptionsManager.h"
25 |
26 | namespace Ogre
27 | {
28 |
29 | BvHierarchySceneManager::BvHierarchySceneManager(const String& name,
30 | GtpVisibility::VisibilityManager *vm):
31 | SceneManager(name),
32 | mVisibilityManager(vm),
33 | mBvHierarchy(0),
34 | mMaxDepth(BvHierarchy_MAX_DEPTH),
35 | mShowBoxes(false),
36 | mHiLiteLevel(0),
37 | mShowAllBoxes(false),
38 | mEnhancedVisiblity(true),
39 | mBuildMethod(BvHierarchy::BVHBM_RECURSIVE),
40 | mRenderMethod(BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL),
41 | mShowVisualization(false),
42 | mRenderNodesForViz(false),
43 | mRenderNodesContentForViz(false),
44 | mVisualizeCulledNodes(false),
45 | mLeavePassesInQueue(0),
46 | mDelayRenderTransparents(true),
47 | mUseDepthPass(false),
48 | mIsDepthPassPhase(false),
49 | mUseItemBuffer(false),
50 | mIsItemBufferPhase(false),
51 | mCurrentEntityId(1),
52 | mEnableDepthWrite(true),
53 | mSkipTransparents(false),
54 | mRenderTransparentsForItemBuffer(true),
55 | mExecuteVertexProgramForAllPasses(false),
56 | mIsHierarchicalCulling(false),
57 | mDeleteQueueAfterRendering(true),
58 | mViewCellsLoaded(false),
59 | mUseViewCells(false),
60 | mUseVisibilityFilter(false),
61 | mViewCellsManager(0),
62 | mElementaryViewCell(0),
63 | mCurrentViewCell(0)
64 | {
65 | // Replace root node with my node
66 | OGRE_DELETE(mSceneRoot);
67 | mSceneRoot = new BvHierarchySceneNode(this, "root node");
68 | mSceneRoot->_notifyRootNode();
69 |
70 | // init heirarchy interface
71 | mHierarchyInterface = new BvHierarchyInterface(this, mDestRenderSystem);
72 | }
73 |
74 | BvHierarchySceneManager::~BvHierarchySceneManager(void)
75 | {
76 | delete mHierarchyInterface;
77 | delete mBvHierarchy;
78 | }
79 |
80 | void BvHierarchySceneManager::clearScene()
81 | {
82 | // DEBUG
83 | //if (mBvHierarchy)
84 | // mBvHierarchy->dump();
85 |
86 | // must happen before actual scene is cleared
87 | OGRE_DELETE(mBvHierarchy);
88 |
89 | SceneManager::clearScene();
90 | }
91 |
92 |
93 | const String& BvHierarchySceneManager::getTypeName(void) const
94 | {
95 | return BvHierarchySceneManagerFactory::FACTORY_TYPE_NAME;
96 | }
97 |
98 | void BvHierarchySceneManager::setShowBoxes(bool showboxes)
99 | {
100 | mShowBoxes = showboxes;
101 | }
102 |
103 | bool BvHierarchySceneManager::getShowBoxes(void) const
104 | {
105 | return mShowBoxes;
106 | }
107 |
108 | bool BvHierarchySceneManager::setOption(const String& strKey, const void* pValue)
109 | {
110 | // change max depth of the BvHierarchy
111 | // rebuild the tree if already exists
112 | if (strKey == "BvHierarchyMaxDepth")
113 | {
114 | int maxdepth = *static_cast<const int *>(pValue);
115 |
116 | // no negative depth, plz!
117 | if (maxdepth < 0)
118 | {
119 | return false;
120 | }
121 | else
122 | {
123 | mMaxDepth = maxdepth;
124 | if (mHiLiteLevel > mMaxDepth)
125 | mHiLiteLevel = mMaxDepth;
126 | return true;
127 | }
128 | return true;
129 | }
130 | else if (strKey == "KT")
131 | {
132 | Real kt = *static_cast<const Real *>(pValue);
133 | if (kt > 0)
134 | {
135 | BvhPlaneEvent::KT = kt;
136 | return true;
137 | }
138 | else
139 | {
140 | return false;
141 | }
142 | }
143 | else if (strKey == "KI")
144 | {
145 | Real ki = *static_cast<const Real *>(pValue);
146 | if (ki > 0)
147 | {
148 | BvhPlaneEvent::KI = ki;
149 | return true;
150 | }
151 | else
152 | {
153 | return false;
154 | }
155 | }
156 | else if (strKey == "RebuildBvHierarchy")
157 | {
158 | OGRE_DELETE(mBvHierarchy);
159 | mBvHierarchy = new BvHierarchy(mMaxDepth, mBuildMethod, mHiLiteLevel, mShowAllBoxes, mShowNodes);
160 | mBvHierarchy->build(static_cast<BvHierarchySceneNode *>(mSceneRoot));
161 | mBvHierarchy->setEnhancedVis(mEnhancedVisiblity);
162 | return true;
163 | }
164 | else if (strKey == "EnhancedVisibility")
165 | {
166 | bool enh = *static_cast<const bool *>(pValue);
167 | mEnhancedVisiblity = enh;
168 | if (mBvHierarchy)
169 | mBvHierarchy->setEnhancedVis(mEnhancedVisiblity);
170 | //setEnhancedVis(enh);
171 | return true;
172 | }
173 | else if (strKey == "BuildMethod")
174 | {
175 | BvHierarchy::BuildMethod bm = *static_cast<const BvHierarchy::BuildMethod *>(pValue);
176 | if (bm == BvHierarchy::BVHBM_RECURSIVE || bm == BvHierarchy::BVHBM_PRIORITYQUEUE)
177 | {
178 | mBuildMethod = bm;
179 | return true;
180 | }
181 | else
182 | {
183 | return false;
184 | }
185 | }
186 | else if (strKey == "RenderMethod")
187 | {
188 | BvHierarchy::RenderMethod rm = *static_cast<const BvHierarchy::RenderMethod *>(pValue);
189 | if (rm == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL)
190 | {
191 | mRenderMethod = rm;
192 | return true;
193 | }
194 | else if (rm == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_GTP_VFC)
195 | {
196 | mRenderMethod = rm;
197 | int cmt = GtpVisibility::VisibilityEnvironment::FRUSTUM_CULLING;
198 | return VisibilityOptionsManager(mVisibilityManager, mHierarchyInterface)
199 | .setOption("Algorithm", &cmt);
200 | }
201 | else if (rm == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_GTP_SWC)
202 | {
203 | mRenderMethod = rm;
204 | int cmt = GtpVisibility::VisibilityEnvironment::STOP_AND_WAIT_CULLING;
205 | return VisibilityOptionsManager(mVisibilityManager, mHierarchyInterface)
206 | .setOption("Algorithm", &cmt);
207 | }
208 | else if (rm == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_GTP_CHC)
209 | {
210 | mRenderMethod = rm;
211 | int cmt = GtpVisibility::VisibilityEnvironment::COHERENT_HIERARCHICAL_CULLING;
212 | return VisibilityOptionsManager(mVisibilityManager, mHierarchyInterface)
213 | .setOption("Algorithm", &cmt);
214 | }
215 | else
216 | {
217 | return false;
218 | }
219 | }
220 | // little hack in case someone uses "Algorithm" option from VisOptMan directly
221 | else if (strKey == "Algorithm")
222 | {
223 | bool success = VisibilityOptionsManager(mVisibilityManager, mHierarchyInterface)
224 | .setOption(strKey, pValue);
225 | // change setting only if change in VisOptMan was successful
226 | if (success)
227 | {
228 | int val = *static_cast<const int *>(pValue);
229 | if (val == GtpVisibility::VisibilityEnvironment::FRUSTUM_CULLING)
230 | mRenderMethod = BvHierarchy::BVHRM_GTP_VFC;
231 | else if (val == GtpVisibility::VisibilityEnvironment::STOP_AND_WAIT_CULLING)
232 | mRenderMethod = BvHierarchy::BVHRM_GTP_SWC;
233 | else if (val == GtpVisibility::VisibilityEnvironment::COHERENT_HIERARCHICAL_CULLING)
234 | mRenderMethod = BvHierarchy::BVHRM_GTP_CHC;
235 | // default, should never happen
236 | else
237 | mRenderMethod = BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL;
238 | }
239 | else
240 | {
241 | mRenderMethod = BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL;
242 | }
243 | return success;
244 | }
245 | else if (strKey == "ShowBvHierarchy")
246 | {
247 | bool sk = *static_cast<const bool *>(pValue);
248 | mShowBoxes = sk;
249 | return true;
250 | }
251 | else if (strKey == "HiLiteLevel")
252 | {
253 | int hl = *static_cast<const int *>(pValue);
254 | if (hl >= 0 && hl <= mMaxDepth)
255 | {
256 | mHiLiteLevel = hl;
257 | if (mBvHierarchy)
258 | mBvHierarchy->setHiLiteLevel(mHiLiteLevel);
259 | return true;
260 | }
261 | else
262 | {
263 | return false;
264 | }
265 | }
266 | else if (strKey == "ShowAllBoxes")
267 | {
268 | bool sa = *static_cast<const bool *>(pValue);
269 | mShowAllBoxes = sa;
270 | if (mBvHierarchy)
271 | mBvHierarchy->setShowAllBoxes(mShowAllBoxes);
272 | return true;
273 | }
274 | else if (strKey == "ShowNodes")
275 | {
276 | bool sn = *static_cast<const bool *>(pValue);
277 | mShowNodes = sn;
278 | if (mBvHierarchy)
279 | mBvHierarchy->setShowNodes(mShowNodes);
280 | return true;
281 | }
282 | // options for CHC
283 | else if (strKey == "UseDepthPass")
284 | {
285 | mUseDepthPass = (*static_cast<const bool *>(pValue));
286 | return true;
287 | }
288 | else if (strKey == "PrepareVisualization")
289 | {
290 | mShowVisualization = (*static_cast<const bool *>(pValue));
291 | return true;
292 | }
293 | else if (strKey == "RenderNodesForViz")
294 | {
295 | mRenderNodesForViz = (*static_cast<const bool *>(pValue));
296 | return true;
297 | }
298 | else if (strKey == "RenderNodesContentForViz")
299 | {
300 | mRenderNodesContentForViz = (*static_cast<const bool *>(pValue));
301 | return true;
302 | }
303 | else if (strKey == "SkyBoxEnabled")
304 | {
305 | mSkyBoxEnabled = (*static_cast<const bool *>(pValue));
306 | return true;
307 | }
308 | else if (strKey == "SkyPlaneEnabled")
309 | {
310 | mSkyPlaneEnabled = (*static_cast<const bool *>(pValue));
311 | return true;
312 | }
313 | else if (strKey == "SkyDomeEnabled")
314 | {
315 | mSkyDomeEnabled = (*static_cast<const bool *>(pValue));
316 | return true;
317 | }
318 | else if (strKey == "VisualizeCulledNodes")
319 | {
320 | mVisualizeCulledNodes = (*static_cast<const bool *>(pValue));
321 | return true;
322 | }
323 | else if (strKey == "DelayRenderTransparents")
324 | {
325 | mDelayRenderTransparents = (*static_cast<const bool *>(pValue));
326 | return true;
327 | }
328 |
329 | else if (strKey == "DepthWrite")
330 | {
331 | mEnableDepthWrite = (*static_cast<const bool *>(pValue));
332 | return true;
333 | }
334 | else if (strKey == "UseItemBuffer")
335 | {
336 | mUseItemBuffer = (*static_cast<const bool *>(pValue));
337 | return true;
338 | }
339 | else if (strKey == "ExecuteVertexProgramForAllPasses")
340 | {
341 | mExecuteVertexProgramForAllPasses = (*static_cast<const bool *>(pValue));
342 | return true;
343 | }
344 | else if (strKey == "RenderTransparentsForItemBuffer")
345 | {
346 | mRenderTransparentsForItemBuffer = (*static_cast<const bool *>(pValue));
347 | return true;
348 | }
349 | else if (strKey == "DeleteRenderQueue")
350 | {
351 | mDeleteQueueAfterRendering = (*static_cast<const bool *>(pValue));
352 | return true;
353 | }
354 | // options for viewcells
355 | else if (strKey == "LoadViewCells")
356 | {
357 | if (!mViewCellsLoaded)
358 | {
359 | String filename(static_cast<const char *>(pValue));
360 | mViewCellsLoaded = LoadViewCells(filename);
361 | }
362 |
363 | return mViewCellsLoaded;
364 | }
365 | else if (strKey == "UseViewCells")
366 | {
367 | if (mViewCellsLoaded)
368 | {
369 | mUseViewCells = *static_cast<const bool *>(pValue);
370 |
371 | // reset view cell
372 | OGRE_DELETE(mCurrentViewCell);
373 |
374 | if (mUseViewCells)
375 | mCurrentViewCell = mViewCellsManager->GenerateViewCell();
376 |
377 | mElementaryViewCell = NULL;
378 |
379 | // if using view cells, all objects are set to false initially
380 | SetObjectsVisible(!mUseViewCells);
381 |
382 | return true;
383 | }
384 | else
385 | {
386 | return false;
387 | }
388 |
389 | }
390 | else if (strKey == "UseVisibilityFilter")
391 | {
392 | if (mViewCellsLoaded)
393 | {
394 | mUseVisibilityFilter = *static_cast<const bool *>(pValue);
395 | // set null =>recomputation of the pvs
396 | mElementaryViewCell = NULL;
397 | return true;
398 | }
399 | else
400 | {
401 | return false;
402 | }
403 | }
404 |
405 | return VisibilityOptionsManager(mVisibilityManager, mHierarchyInterface)
406 | .setOption(strKey, pValue) || SceneManager::setOption(strKey, pValue);
407 | }
408 |
409 | bool BvHierarchySceneManager::getOption(const String& strKey, void* pDestValue)
410 | {
411 | if (strKey == "BvHierarchyMaxDepth")
412 | {
413 | *static_cast<int *>(pDestValue) = mMaxDepth;
414 | return true;
415 | }
416 | else if (strKey == "KT")
417 | {
418 | *static_cast<Real *>(pDestValue) = BvhPlaneEvent::KT;
419 | return true;
420 | }
421 | else if (strKey == "KI")
422 | {
423 | *static_cast<Real *>(pDestValue) = BvhPlaneEvent::KI;
424 | return true;
425 | }
426 | else if (strKey == "EnhancedVisibility")
427 | {
428 | if (mBvHierarchy)
429 | *static_cast<bool *>(pDestValue) = mBvHierarchy->getEnhancedVis();
430 | else
431 | *static_cast<bool *>(pDestValue) = mEnhancedVisiblity;
432 | return true;
433 | }
434 | else if (strKey == "BuildMethod")
435 | {
436 | *static_cast<BvHierarchy::BuildMethod *>(pDestValue) = mBuildMethod;
437 | return true;
438 | }
439 | else if (strKey == "RenderMethod")
440 | {
441 | *static_cast<BvHierarchy::RenderMethod *>(pDestValue) = mRenderMethod;
442 | return true;
443 | }
444 | else if (strKey == "ShowBvHierarchy")
445 | {
446 | *static_cast<bool *>(pDestValue) = mShowBoxes;
447 | return true;
448 | }
449 | else if (strKey == "HiLiteLevel")
450 | {
451 | *static_cast<int *>(pDestValue) = mHiLiteLevel;
452 | return true;
453 | }
454 | else if (strKey == "ShowAllBoxes")
455 | {
456 | *static_cast<bool *>(pDestValue) = mShowAllBoxes;
457 | return true;
458 | }
459 | else if (strKey == "ShowNodes")
460 | {
461 | *static_cast<bool *>(pDestValue) = mShowNodes;
462 | return true;
463 | }
464 | // vis options
465 | else if (strKey == "NumFrustumCulledNodes")
466 | {
467 | if (mRenderMethod == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL)
468 | {
469 | unsigned int numnodes = 0;
470 | if (mBvHierarchy)
471 | numnodes = mBvHierarchy->getFramesStats().mFrustumCulledNodes;
472 |
473 | * static_cast<unsigned int *>(pDestValue) = (unsigned int)numnodes;
474 | return true;
475 | }
476 | // otherwise let fall through to VisibilityOptionsManager
477 | }
478 | else if (strKey == "NumQueryCulledNodes")
479 | {
480 | if (mRenderMethod == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL)
481 | {
482 | * static_cast<unsigned int *>(pDestValue) = 0;
483 | return true;
484 | }
485 | // otherwise let fall through to VisibilityOptionsManager
486 | }
487 | else if (strKey == "NumHierarchyNodes")
488 | {
489 | unsigned int numnodes = 0;
490 | if (mBvHierarchy)
491 | numnodes = mBvHierarchy->getTreeStats().mNumNodes;
492 |
493 | * static_cast<unsigned int *>(pDestValue) = (unsigned int)numnodes;
494 | return true;
495 | }
496 | else if (strKey == "NumRenderedNodes")
497 | {
498 | if (mRenderMethod == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL)
499 | {
500 | unsigned int numnodes = 0;
501 | if (mBvHierarchy)
502 | numnodes = mBvHierarchy->getFramesStats().mRenderedNodes;
503 |
504 | * static_cast<unsigned int *>(pDestValue) = (unsigned int)numnodes;
505 | return true;
506 | }
507 | // otherwise let fall through to VisibilityOptionsManager
508 | }
509 | else if (strKey == "NumQueriesIssued")
510 | {
511 | if (mRenderMethod == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL)
512 | {
513 | * static_cast<unsigned int *>(pDestValue) = 0;
514 | return true;
515 | }
516 | // otherwise let fall through to VisibilityOptionsManager
517 | }
518 | else if (strKey == "NumTraversedNodes")
519 | {
520 | if (mRenderMethod == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL)
521 | {
522 | unsigned int numnodes = 0;
523 | if (mBvHierarchy)
524 | numnodes = mBvHierarchy->getFramesStats().mTraversedNodes;
525 |
526 | * static_cast<unsigned int *>(pDestValue) = (unsigned int)numnodes;
527 | return true;
528 | }
529 | // otherwise let fall through to VisibilityOptionsManager
530 | }
531 | else if (strKey == "VisibilityManager")
532 | {
533 | * static_cast<GtpVisibility::VisibilityManager **>(pDestValue) =
534 | (GtpVisibility::VisibilityManager *)mVisibilityManager;
535 | return true;
536 | }
537 | else if (strKey == "HierarchInterface")
538 | {
539 | * static_cast<GtpVisibility::HierarchyInterface **>(pDestValue) =
540 | (GtpVisibility::HierarchyInterface *)mHierarchyInterface;
541 | return true;
542 | }
543 | // view cell options
544 |
545 | else if (strKey == "UseViewCells")
546 | {
547 | *static_cast<bool *>(pDestValue) = mUseViewCells;
548 | return mViewCellsLoaded;
549 | }
550 | else if (strKey == "UseVisibilityFilter")
551 | {
552 | *static_cast<bool *>(pDestValue) = mUseVisibilityFilter;
553 | return mViewCellsLoaded;
554 | }
555 |
556 | return VisibilityOptionsManager(mVisibilityManager, mHierarchyInterface)
557 | .getOption(strKey, pDestValue) || SceneManager::getOption(strKey, pDestValue);
558 | }
559 |
560 | bool BvHierarchySceneManager::getOptionKeys(StringVector &refKeys)
561 | {
562 | refKeys.push_back("Algorithm");
563 | refKeys.push_back("BuildMethod");
564 | refKeys.push_back("DelayRenderTransparents");
565 | refKeys.push_back("DeleteRenderQueue");
566 | refKeys.push_back("DepthWrite");
567 | refKeys.push_back("EnhancedVisibility");
568 | refKeys.push_back("ExecuteVertexProgramForAllPasses");
569 | refKeys.push_back("HiLiteLevel");
570 | refKeys.push_back("HierarchInterface");
571 | refKeys.push_back("KI");
572 | refKeys.push_back("KT");
573 | refKeys.push_back("BvHierarchyMaxDepth");
574 | refKeys.push_back("LoadViewCells");
575 | refKeys.push_back("NumHierarchyNodes");
576 | refKeys.push_back("PrepareVisualization");
577 | refKeys.push_back("RebuildBvHierarchy");
578 | refKeys.push_back("RenderMethod");
579 | refKeys.push_back("RenderNodesContentForViz");
580 | refKeys.push_back("RenderNodesForViz");
581 | refKeys.push_back("RenderTransparentsForItemBuffer");
582 | refKeys.push_back("ShowAllBoxes");
583 | refKeys.push_back("ShowBvHierarchy");
584 | refKeys.push_back("ShowNodes");
585 | refKeys.push_back("SkyBoxEnabled");
586 | refKeys.push_back("SkyDomeEnabled");
587 | refKeys.push_back("SkyPlaneEnabled");
588 | refKeys.push_back("UseDepthPass");
589 | refKeys.push_back("UseItemBuffer");
590 | refKeys.push_back("UseViewCells");
591 | refKeys.push_back("UseVisibilityFilter");
592 | refKeys.push_back("VisibilityManager");
593 | refKeys.push_back("VisualizeCulledNodes");
594 | return VisibilityOptionsManager(mVisibilityManager, mHierarchyInterface)
595 | .getOptionKeys(refKeys);
596 | }
597 |
598 | bool BvHierarchySceneManager::getOptionValues(const String & key, StringVector &refValueList)
599 | {
600 | return SceneManager::getOptionValues(key, refValueList);
601 | }
602 |
603 | void BvHierarchySceneManager::setVisibilityManager(GtpVisibility::VisibilityManager *visManager)
604 | {
605 | mVisibilityManager = visManager;
606 | }
607 |
608 | GtpVisibility::VisibilityManager * BvHierarchySceneManager::getVisibilityManager()
609 | {
610 | return mVisibilityManager;
611 | }
612 |
613 | GtpVisibility::VisibilityManager * BvHierarchySceneManager::GetVisibilityManager()
614 | {
615 | return mVisibilityManager;
616 | }
617 |
618 | BvHierarchyInterface * BvHierarchySceneManager::GetHierarchyInterface()
619 | {
620 | return mHierarchyInterface;
621 | }
622 |
623 | Camera* BvHierarchySceneManager::createCamera(const String& name)
624 | {
625 | // Check name not used
626 | if (mCameras.find(name) != mCameras.end())
627 | {
629 | Exception::ERR_DUPLICATE_ITEM,
630 | "A camera with the name " + name + " already exists",
631 | "SceneManager::createCamera" );
632 | }
633 |
634 | Camera *c = new BvHierarchyCamera(name, this);
635 | mCameras.insert(CameraList::value_type(name, c));
636 |
637 | return c;
638 | }
639 |
640 | SceneNode* BvHierarchySceneManager::createSceneNode(void)
641 | {
642 | SceneNode* sn = new BvHierarchySceneNode(this);
643 | assert(mSceneNodes.find(sn->getName()) == mSceneNodes.end());
644 | mSceneNodes[sn->getName()] = sn;
645 | return sn;
646 | }
647 |
648 | SceneNode* BvHierarchySceneManager::createSceneNode(const String& name)
649 | {
650 | // Check name not used
651 | if (mSceneNodes.find(name) != mSceneNodes.end())
652 | {
654 | Exception::ERR_DUPLICATE_ITEM,
655 | "A scene node with the name " + name + " already exists",
656 | "BvHierarchySceneManager::createSceneNode" );
657 | }
658 |
659 | SceneNode* sn = new BvHierarchySceneNode(this, name);
660 | mSceneNodes[sn->getName()] = sn;
661 | return sn;
662 | }
663 |
664 | Entity * BvHierarchySceneManager::createEntity(const String& entityName, const String& meshName)
665 | {
666 | Entity *ent = SceneManager::createEntity(entityName, meshName);
668 | for (int i = 0; i < (int)ent->getNumSubEntities(); ++i)
669 | {
670 | ent->getSubEntity(i)->setId(mCurrentEntityId);
671 | }
672 |
673 | // increase counter of entity id values
674 | ++ mCurrentEntityId;
675 | #endif
676 | return ent;
677 | }
678 |
679 | // make sure it's called only for non-empty nodes .. avoids one uneccessary funciton call
680 | void BvHierarchySceneManager::_updateNode(BvHierarchySceneNode *node)
681 | {
682 | //LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("### _updateNode called for " + node->getName());
683 |
684 | /* Rebuild BvHierarchy when it was wiped out
685 | * Usually this happens only before the first frame
686 | * The initial AABB shall enclose all objects present
687 | * in the scene at the time of construction
688 | * TODO: find a more appropriate place for it,
689 | * e.g., before the first render call
690 | * teh stupid thing is I can't find any other place so far ...
691 | */
692 | if (!mBvHierarchy)
693 | {
694 | mBvHierarchy = new BvHierarchy(mMaxDepth, mBuildMethod);
695 | mBvHierarchy->build(static_cast<BvHierarchySceneNode *>(mSceneRoot));
696 | mBvHierarchy->setEnhancedVis(mEnhancedVisiblity);
697 | }
698 |
699 | // if the node is in the tree and _updateNode was called, then the node was moved/rotated/resized/wahtever
700 | if (node->isAttached())
701 | {
702 | // TEST: perfomance when adding & removing for every frame
703 | //mBvHierarchy->remove(node);
704 | //mBvHierarchy->insert(node);
705 | }
706 | // there's a new node in town ...
707 | else
708 | {
709 | // inserting single nodes yields sub-optimal results
710 | // rebuilding tree takes too long
711 | // "What now?", spoke Zeus ...
712 |
713 | //mBvHierarchy->insert(node);
714 |
715 | //delete mBvHierarchy;
716 | //mBvHierarchy = new BvHierarchy(mMaxDepth);
717 | //mBvHierarchy->build(static_cast<BvHierarchySceneNode *>(mSceneRoot));
718 | }
719 |
720 | }
721 |
722 | void BvHierarchySceneManager::_updateSceneGraph(Camera* cam)
723 | {
724 | mVisibilityManager->GetCullingManager()->SetHierarchyInterface(mHierarchyInterface);
725 | mHierarchyInterface->SetRenderSystem(mDestRenderSystem);
726 |
727 | SceneManager::_updateSceneGraph(cam);
728 | }
729 |
730 | void BvHierarchySceneManager::_findVisibleObjects(Camera *cam, bool onlyShadowCasters)
731 | {
732 | if (mRenderMethod == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL)
733 | {
734 | getRenderQueue()->clear();
735 | if (mShowVisualization)
736 | {
737 | PrepareVisualization(cam);
738 | }
739 | else
740 | {
741 | mVisibleNodes.clear();
742 | if (mBvHierarchy)
743 | {
744 | // determine visibility
745 | mBvHierarchy->queueVisibleObjects(BVHCAMPTR_CAST(cam), getRenderQueue(), onlyShadowCasters, mShowBoxes, mVisibleNodes);
746 | // apply view cell pvs
747 | updatePvs(cam);
748 | }
749 | }
750 | }
751 | else
752 | {
753 | //-- show visible scene nodes and octree bounding boxes from last frame
754 | if (mShowVisualization)
755 | {
756 | PrepareVisualization(cam);
757 | }
758 | else
759 | {
760 | // for hierarchical culling, we interleave identification
761 | // and rendering of objects in _renderVisibibleObjects
762 |
763 | // for the shadow pass we use only standard rendering
764 | // because of low occlusion
765 | if (mShadowTechnique == SHADOWTYPE_TEXTURE_MODULATIVE &&
766 | mIlluminationStage == IRS_RENDER_TO_TEXTURE)
767 | {
768 | getRenderQueue()->clear();
769 | if (mBvHierarchy)
770 | mBvHierarchy->queueVisibleObjects(BVHCAMPTR_CAST(cam), getRenderQueue(), onlyShadowCasters, mShowBoxes, mVisibleNodes);
771 | }
772 |
773 | // only shadow casters will be rendered in shadow texture pass
774 | if (0) mHierarchyInterface->SetOnlyShadowCasters(onlyShadowCasters);
775 |
776 |
777 | //-- apply view cell pvs -
778 | updatePvs(cam);
779 | }
780 | mVisibleNodes.clear();
781 | }
782 | }
783 |
784 | void BvHierarchySceneManager::_renderVisibleObjects()
785 | {
786 | if (mRenderMethod == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL)
787 | {
788 | SceneManager::_renderVisibleObjects();
789 | }
790 | else
791 | {
792 | InitDepthPass(); // create material for depth pass
793 | InitItemBufferPass(); // create material for item buffer pass
794 |
795 | // save ambient light to reset later
796 | ColourValue savedAmbient = mAmbientLight;
797 |
798 | //-- apply standard rendering for some modes (e.g., visualization, shadow pass)
799 |
800 | if (mShowVisualization ||
801 | (mShadowTechnique == SHADOWTYPE_TEXTURE_MODULATIVE &&
802 | mIlluminationStage == IRS_RENDER_TO_TEXTURE))
803 | {
804 | IlluminationRenderStage savedStage = mIlluminationStage;
805 |
806 | if (mShowVisualization)
807 | {
808 | // disable illumination stage to prevent rendering shadows
809 | mIlluminationStage = IRS_NONE;
810 | }
811 |
812 | // standard rendering for shadow maps because of performance
813 | SceneManager::_renderVisibleObjects();
814 |
815 | mIlluminationStage = savedStage;
816 | }
817 | else //-- the hierarchical culling algorithm
818 | {
819 | // this is also called in TerrainSceneManager: really necessary?
820 | //mDestRenderSystem -> setLightingEnabled(false);
821 |
822 | // don't render backgrounds for item buffer
823 | if (mUseItemBuffer)
824 | {
825 | clearSpecialCaseRenderQueues();
826 | getRenderQueue()->clear();
827 | }
828 |
829 | //-- hierarchical culling
830 |
831 | // the objects of different layers (e.g., background, scene,
832 | // overlay) must be identified and rendered one after another
833 |
834 | //-- render all early skies
835 | clearSpecialCaseRenderQueues();
836 | addSpecialCaseRenderQueue(RENDER_QUEUE_BACKGROUND);
837 | addSpecialCaseRenderQueue(RENDER_QUEUE_SKIES_EARLY);
838 | setSpecialCaseRenderQueueMode(SceneManager::SCRQM_INCLUDE);
839 |
840 | SceneManager::_renderVisibleObjects();
841 |
843 | // delete previously rendered content
844 | _deleteRenderedQueueGroups();
845 | #endif
846 |
847 | //-- prepare queue for visible objects (i.e., all but overlay and skies late)
848 | clearSpecialCaseRenderQueues();
849 | addSpecialCaseRenderQueue(RENDER_QUEUE_SKIES_LATE);
850 | addSpecialCaseRenderQueue(RENDER_QUEUE_OVERLAY);
851 |
852 | // exclude this queues from hierarchical rendering
853 | setSpecialCaseRenderQueueMode(SceneManager::SCRQM_EXCLUDE);
854 |
855 |
856 | // set all necessary parameters for
857 | // hierarchical visibility culling and rendering
858 | InitVisibilityCulling(mCameraInProgress);
859 |
860 |
861 | /**
862 | * the hierarchical culling algorithm
863 | * for depth pass: we just find objects and update depth buffer
864 | * for "delayed" rendering: we render some passes afterwards
865 | * e.g., transparents, because they need front-to-back sorting
866 | **/
867 |
868 | mVisibilityManager->ApplyVisibilityCulling();
869 |
870 | // delete remaining renderables from queue:
871 | // all which are not in mLeavePassesInQueue
873 | _deleteRenderedQueueGroups(mLeavePassesInQueue);
874 | #endif
875 |
876 | //-- reset parameters
877 | mIsDepthPassPhase = false;
878 | mIsItemBufferPhase = false;
879 | mSkipTransparents = false;
880 | mIsHierarchicalCulling = false;
881 |
882 | mLeavePassesInQueue = 0;
883 |
884 | // add visible nodes found by the visibility culling algorithm
885 | if (mUseDepthPass)
886 | {
887 | BvHierarchy::NodeList::const_iterator it, end = mVisibleNodes.end();
888 | for (it = mVisibleNodes.begin(); it != end; it++)
889 | {
890 | (*it)->queueVisibleObjects(mHierarchyInterface->GetFrameId(), mCameraInProgress,
891 | getRenderQueue(), false, mShowBoxes);
892 | }
893 | }
894 |
895 | //-- now we can render all remaining queue objects
896 | //-- used for depth pass, transparents, overlay
897 | clearSpecialCaseRenderQueues();
898 |
899 | SceneManager::_renderVisibleObjects();
900 | } // hierarchical culling
901 |
902 |
903 | // reset ambient light
904 | setAmbientLight(savedAmbient);
905 |
906 |
907 | // almost same effect as below
908 | getRenderQueue()->clear(mDeleteQueueAfterRendering);
909 |
910 | //if (!mDeleteQueueAfterRendering)
911 | // getRenderQueue()->clear(true); // finally clear render queue
912 | //else
913 | // OGRE_DELETE(mRenderQueue); // HACK: should rather only be cleared ...
914 |
915 | if (0) WriteLog(); // write out stats
916 | }
917 | }
918 |
919 |
920 | void BvHierarchySceneManager::_renderNode(BvHierarchy::NodePtr node, Camera * cam,
921 | bool onlyShadowCasters, int leavePassesInQueue)
922 | {
923 | RenderQueueGroup *currentGroup =
924 | getRenderQueue()->getQueueGroup(getRenderQueue()->getDefaultQueueGroup());
925 | currentGroup->clear(leavePassesInQueue);
926 |
927 | node->queueVisibleObjects(mHierarchyInterface->GetFrameId(), cam, getRenderQueue(),
928 | onlyShadowCasters, mShowBoxes);
929 | mVisibleNodes.push_back(node);
930 |
931 | _renderQueueGroupObjects(currentGroup, QueuedRenderableCollection::OM_PASS_GROUP);
932 | }
933 |
934 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
935 | const Pass *BvHierarchySceneManager::_setPass(const Pass* pass, bool evenIfSuppressed)
936 | {
937 | if (mRenderMethod == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL)
938 | {
939 | return SceneManager::_setPass(pass);
940 | }
941 |
942 | // TODO: setting vertex program is not efficient
943 | //Pass *usedPass = ((mIsDepthPassPhase && !pass->hasVertexProgram()) ? mDepthPass : pass);
944 |
945 | // set depth fill pass if we currently do not make an aabb occlusion query
946 | const bool useDepthPass =
947 | (mIsDepthPassPhase && !mHierarchyInterface->IsBoundingBoxQuery());
948 |
949 | const IlluminationRenderStage savedStage = mIlluminationStage;
950 |
951 | // set illumination stage to NONE so no shadow material is used
952 | // for depth pass or for occlusion query
953 | if (mIsDepthPassPhase || mHierarchyInterface->IsBoundingBoxQuery())
954 | {
955 | mIlluminationStage = IRS_NONE;
956 | }
957 |
958 | // --- set vertex program of current pass in order to set correct depth
959 | if (mExecuteVertexProgramForAllPasses &&
960 | mIsDepthPassPhase &&
961 | pass->hasVertexProgram())
962 | {
963 | // add vertex program of current pass to depth pass
964 | mDepthPass->setVertexProgram(pass->getVertexProgramName());
965 |
966 | if (mDepthPass->hasVertexProgram())
967 | {
968 | const GpuProgramPtr& prg = mDepthPass->getVertexProgram();
969 | // Load this program if not done already
970 | if (!prg->isLoaded())
971 | prg->load();
972 | // Copy params
973 | mDepthPass->setVertexProgramParameters(pass->getVertexProgramParameters());
974 | }
975 | }
976 | else if (mDepthPass->hasVertexProgram()) // reset vertex program
977 | {
978 | mDepthPass->setVertexProgram("");
979 | }
980 |
981 | const Pass *usedPass = useDepthPass ? mDepthPass : pass;
982 |
983 | // save old depth write: needed for item buffer
984 | const bool IsDepthWrite = usedPass->getDepthWriteEnabled();
985 |
986 | // global option which enables / disables depth writes
987 | if (!mEnableDepthWrite)
988 | {
989 | // usedPass->setDepthWriteEnabled(false);
990 | }
991 | //else if (mIsItemBufferPass) {usedPass = mItemBufferPass;}
992 |
993 |
994 | //-- set actual pass here
995 | const Pass *result = SceneManager::_setPass(usedPass);
996 |
997 |
998 | // reset depth write
999 | if (!mEnableDepthWrite)
1000 | {
1001 | // usedPass->setDepthWriteEnabled(IsDepthWrite);
1002 | }
1003 |
1004 | // reset illumination stage
1005 | mIlluminationStage = savedStage;
1006 |
1007 | return result;
1008 | }
1009 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1010 | void BvHierarchySceneManager::renderBasicQueueGroupObjects(RenderQueueGroup* pGroup,
1011 | QueuedRenderableCollection::OrganisationMode om)
1012 | {
1013 | // Basic render loop
1014 | // Iterate through priorities
1015 | RenderQueueGroup::PriorityMapIterator groupIt = pGroup->getIterator();
1016 |
1017 | while (groupIt.hasMoreElements())
1018 | {
1019 | RenderPriorityGroup* pPriorityGrp = groupIt.getNext();
1020 |
1021 | // Sort the queue first
1022 | pPriorityGrp->sort(mCameraInProgress);
1023 |
1024 | // Do solids
1025 | renderObjects(pPriorityGrp->getSolidsBasic(), om, true);
1026 |
1027 | // for correct rendering, transparents must be rendered after hierarchical culling
1028 | // => do nothing
1029 |
1030 | // Do transparents (always descending)
1031 | if (mRenderMethod == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL || !mSkipTransparents)
1032 | {
1033 | renderObjects(pPriorityGrp->getTransparents(),
1034 | QueuedRenderableCollection::OM_SORT_DESCENDING, true);
1035 | }
1036 |
1037 |
1038 | }// for each priority
1039 | }
1040 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1041 | bool BvHierarchySceneManager::validatePassForRendering(Pass* pass)
1042 | {
1043 | if (mRenderMethod == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL)
1044 | {
1045 | return SceneManager::validatePassForRendering(pass);
1046 | }
1047 |
1048 | // skip all but first pass if we are doing the depth pass
1049 | if ((mIsDepthPassPhase || mIsItemBufferPhase) && (pass->getIndex() > 0))
1050 | {
1051 | return false;
1052 | }
1053 | // all but first pass
1054 | /*else if ((!mIsDepthPassPhase || mIsItemBufferPhase) && (pass->getIndex() != 0))
1055 | {
1056 | return false;
1057 | }*/
1058 |
1059 | return SceneManager::validatePassForRendering(pass);
1060 | }
1061 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1062 | void BvHierarchySceneManager::_renderQueueGroupObjects(RenderQueueGroup* pGroup,
1063 | QueuedRenderableCollection::OrganisationMode om)
1064 | {
1065 | if (mRenderMethod == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL || !mIsItemBufferPhase)
1066 | {
1067 | SceneManager::_renderQueueGroupObjects(pGroup, om);
1068 | return;
1069 | }
1070 | #ifdef ITEM_BUFFER
1071 | //-- item buffer
1072 | //-- item buffer: render objects using false colors
1073 |
1074 | // Iterate through priorities
1075 | RenderQueueGroup::PriorityMapIterator groupIt = pGroup->getIterator();
1076 |
1077 | while (groupIt.hasMoreElements())
1078 | {
1079 | RenderItemBuffer(groupIt.getNext());
1080 | }
1081 | #endif // ITEM_BUFFER
1082 | }
1083 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1084 | void BvHierarchySceneManager::renderAdditiveStencilShadowedQueueGroupObjects(
1085 | RenderQueueGroup* pGroup, QueuedRenderableCollection::OrganisationMode om)
1086 | {
1087 | // only render solid passes during hierarchical culling
1088 | if (mIsHierarchicalCulling)
1089 | {
1090 | RenderQueueGroup::PriorityMapIterator groupIt = pGroup->getIterator();
1091 | LightList lightList;
1092 |
1093 | while (groupIt.hasMoreElements())
1094 | {
1095 | RenderPriorityGroup* pPriorityGrp = groupIt.getNext();
1096 |
1097 | // Sort the queue first
1098 | pPriorityGrp->sort(mCameraInProgress);
1099 |
1100 | // Clear light list
1101 | lightList.clear();
1102 |
1103 | // Render all the ambient passes first, no light iteration, no lights
1104 | /*** msz: no more IRS_AMBIENT, see OgreSceneManager.h ***/
1105 | // mIlluminationStage = IRS_AMBIENT;
1106 |
1107 | SceneManager::renderObjects(pPriorityGrp->getSolidsBasic(), om, false, &lightList);
1108 | // Also render any objects which have receive shadows disabled
1109 | SceneManager::renderObjects(pPriorityGrp->getSolidsNoShadowReceive(), om, true);
1110 | }
1111 | }
1112 | else // render the rest of the passes
1113 | {
1114 | SceneManager::renderAdditiveStencilShadowedQueueGroupObjects(pGroup, om);
1115 | }
1116 | }
1117 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1118 | void BvHierarchySceneManager::renderModulativeStencilShadowedQueueGroupObjects(
1119 | RenderQueueGroup* pGroup, QueuedRenderableCollection::OrganisationMode om)
1120 | {
1121 | if (mIsHierarchicalCulling)
1122 | {
1123 | // Iterate through priorities
1124 | RenderQueueGroup::PriorityMapIterator groupIt = pGroup->getIterator();
1125 |
1126 | while (groupIt.hasMoreElements())
1127 | {
1128 | RenderPriorityGroup* pPriorityGrp = groupIt.getNext();
1129 |
1130 | // Sort the queue first
1131 | pPriorityGrp->sort(mCameraInProgress);
1132 |
1133 | // Do (shadowable) solids
1134 | SceneManager::renderObjects(pPriorityGrp->getSolidsBasic(), om, true);
1135 | }
1136 | }
1137 | else
1138 | {
1139 | SceneManager::renderModulativeStencilShadowedQueueGroupObjects(pGroup, om);
1140 | }
1141 | }
1142 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1143 | void BvHierarchySceneManager::InitDepthPass()
1144 | {
1145 | MaterialPtr depthMat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName("Visibility/DepthPass");
1146 |
1147 | if (depthMat.isNull())
1148 | {
1149 | depthMat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().create(
1150 | "Visibility/DepthPass",
1151 | ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME);
1152 |
1153 | mDepthPass = depthMat->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0);
1154 | mDepthPass->setColourWriteEnabled(false);
1155 | mDepthPass->setDepthWriteEnabled(true);
1156 | mDepthPass->setLightingEnabled(false);
1157 | }
1158 | else
1159 | {
1160 | mDepthPass = depthMat->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0);
1161 | }
1162 | }
1163 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1164 | void BvHierarchySceneManager::InitItemBufferPass()
1165 | {
1166 | MaterialPtr itemBufferMat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().
1167 | getByName("Visibility/ItemBufferPass");
1168 |
1169 | if (itemBufferMat.isNull())
1170 | {
1171 | // Init
1172 | itemBufferMat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().create("Visibility/ItemBufferPass",
1173 | ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME);
1174 |
1175 | mItemBufferPass = itemBufferMat->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0);
1176 | mItemBufferPass->setColourWriteEnabled(true);
1177 | mItemBufferPass->setDepthWriteEnabled(true);
1178 | mItemBufferPass->setLightingEnabled(true);
1179 | //mItemBufferPass->setLightingEnabled(false);
1180 | }
1181 | else
1182 | {
1183 | mItemBufferPass = itemBufferMat->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0);
1184 | }
1185 | //mItemBufferPass->setAmbient(1, 1, 0);
1186 | }
1187 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1188 | void BvHierarchySceneManager::PrepareVisualization(Camera *cam)
1189 | {
1190 | // add player camera for visualization purpose
1191 | try
1192 | {
1193 | Camera *c;
1194 | if ((c = getCamera("PlayerCam")) != NULL)
1195 | {
1196 | getRenderQueue()->addRenderable(c);
1197 | }
1198 | }
1199 | catch (...)
1200 | {
1201 | // ignore
1202 | }
1203 |
1204 | if (mRenderNodesForViz || mRenderNodesContentForViz)
1205 | {
1206 | RenderQueue * queue = getRenderQueue();
1207 | unsigned long frameid = 0;
1208 |
1209 | if (mRenderMethod == BvHierarchy::BVHRM_INTERNAL)
1210 | frameid = Root::getSingleton().getCurrentFrameNumber();
1211 | else
1212 | frameid = mHierarchyInterface->GetFrameId();
1213 |
1214 | for (BvHierarchy::NodeList::iterator it = mVisibleNodes.begin(); it != mVisibleNodes.end(); ++it)
1215 | {
1216 | if (mRenderNodesForViz && (*it)->isLeaf())
1217 | {
1218 | WireBoundingBox * wirebox = (*it)->getWireBoundingBox();
1219 | wirebox->setMaterial("BvHierarchy/BoxViz");
1220 | getRenderQueue()->addRenderable(wirebox);
1221 | }
1222 | // add renderables itself
1223 | if (mRenderNodesContentForViz)
1224 | {
1225 | (*it)->queueVisibleObjects(frameid, cam, queue, false, false);
1226 | }
1227 | }
1228 | }
1229 | }
1230 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1231 | void BvHierarchySceneManager::InitVisibilityCulling(Camera *cam)
1232 | {
1233 | // reset culling manager stats
1234 | mVisibilityManager->GetCullingManager()->InitFrame(mVisualizeCulledNodes);
1235 |
1236 | // set depth pass flag before rendering
1237 | mIsDepthPassPhase = mUseDepthPass;
1238 |
1239 | mIsHierarchicalCulling = true; // during hierarchical culling
1240 |
1241 | // item buffer needs full ambient lighting to use item colors as unique id
1242 | if (mUseItemBuffer)
1243 | {
1244 | mIsItemBufferPhase = true;
1245 | setAmbientLight(ColourValue(1,1,1,1));
1246 | }
1247 |
1248 |
1249 | // set passes which are stored in render queue
1250 | // for rendering AFTER hierarchical culling, i.e., passes which need
1251 | // a special rendering order
1252 |
1253 | mLeavePassesInQueue = 0;
1254 |
1255 | // if we have the depth pass or use an item buffer, no passes are left in the queue
1256 | if (1 && !mUseDepthPass && !mUseItemBuffer)
1257 | {
1258 | if (mShadowTechnique == SHADOWTYPE_STENCIL_ADDITIVE)
1259 | {
1260 | // TODO: remove this pass because it should be processed during hierarchical culling
1261 | //mLeavePassesInQueue |= RenderPriorityGroup::SOLID_PASSES_NOSHADOW;
1262 |
1263 | mLeavePassesInQueue |= RenderPriorityGroup::SOLID_PASSES_DECAL;
1264 | mLeavePassesInQueue |= RenderPriorityGroup::SOLID_PASSES_DIFFUSE_SPECULAR;
1265 | mLeavePassesInQueue |= RenderPriorityGroup::TRANSPARENT_PASSES;
1266 |
1267 | // just render ambient passes
1268 | /*** msz: no more IRS_AMBIENT, see OgreSceneManager.h ***/
1269 | // mIlluminationStage = IRS_AMBIENT;
1270 | //getRenderQueue()->setSplitPassesByLightingType(true);
1271 | }
1272 |
1273 | if (mShadowTechnique == SHADOWTYPE_STENCIL_MODULATIVE)
1274 | {
1275 | mLeavePassesInQueue |= RenderPriorityGroup::SOLID_PASSES_NOSHADOW;
1276 | mLeavePassesInQueue |= RenderPriorityGroup::TRANSPARENT_PASSES;
1277 | }
1278 |
1279 | // transparents should be rendered after hierarchical culling to
1280 | // provide front-to-back ordering
1281 | if (mDelayRenderTransparents)
1282 | {
1283 | mLeavePassesInQueue |= RenderPriorityGroup::TRANSPARENT_PASSES;
1284 | }
1285 | }
1286 |
1287 | // skip rendering transparents during the hierarchical culling
1288 | // (because they will be rendered afterwards)
1289 | mSkipTransparents =
1290 | (mIsDepthPassPhase || (mLeavePassesInQueue & RenderPriorityGroup::TRANSPARENT_PASSES));
1291 |
1292 | // -- initialise interface for rendering traversal of the hierarchy
1293 | mHierarchyInterface->SetHierarchyRoot(mBvHierarchy->getRoot());
1294 |
1295 | // possible two cameras (one for culling, one for rendering)
1296 | mHierarchyInterface->InitTraversal(mCameraInProgress,
1297 | /*mCullCamera ? getCamera("CullCamera") : */NULL,
1298 | mLeavePassesInQueue);
1299 |
1300 | }
1301 |
1302 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1303 | void BvHierarchySceneManager::SetObjectsVisible(const bool visible)
1304 | {
1305 | GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::ObjectContainer::iterator it, it_end = mObjects.end();
1306 |
1307 | for (it = mObjects.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it)
1308 | {
1309 | OgreMeshInstance *omi = static_cast<OgreMeshInstance *>(*it);
1310 | Entity *ent = omi->GetEntity();
1311 |
1312 | ent->setVisible(visible);
1313 | }
1314 | }
1315 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1316 | bool BvHierarchySceneManager::LoadViewCells(const String &filename)
1317 | {
1318 | // objects are set to invisible initially
1319 | SetObjectsVisible(false);
1320 |
1321 | const string bboxesFilename =
1322 | mVisibilityManager->GetVisibilityEnvironment()->getViewCellsFileName();
1323 |
1324 | // converter between view cell ids and Ogre entites
1325 | GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::IndexedBoundingBoxContainer iboxes;
1326 | BvhBoundingBoxConverter bconverter(this);
1327 |
1328 | // load the view cells and assigns the objects in the pvs to
1329 | // the scene objects using the bounding boxes
1330 | mViewCellsManager =
1331 | GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::ViewCellsManager::LoadViewCells(filename, &mObjects, false, &bconverter);
1332 |
1333 | return (mViewCellsManager != NULL);
1334 | }
1335 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1336 | void BvHierarchySceneManager::applyViewCellPvs(GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::ViewCell *vc,
1337 | const bool load)
1338 | {
1339 | if (!vc)
1340 | {
1341 | // set everything visible for savety
1342 |
1343 | // NOTE: should not happen, rather apply view cell
1344 | // representing unbounded space then
1345 | SetObjectsVisible(true);
1346 | return;
1347 | }
1348 |
1349 | //////////
1350 | //-- set PVS of view cell visible
1351 | GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::ObjectPvsIterator pit = vc->GetPvs().GetIterator();
1352 |
1353 | while (pit.HasMoreEntries())
1354 | {
1355 | GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::ObjectPvsEntry entry = pit.Next();
1356 |
1357 | if (entry.mObject)
1358 | {
1359 | OgreMeshInstance *omi = dynamic_cast<OgreMeshInstance *>(entry.mObject);
1360 | omi->GetEntity()->setVisible(load);
1361 | }
1362 | }
1363 | }
1364 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1365 | void BvHierarchySceneManager::updatePvs(Camera *cam)
1366 | {
1367 | if (!(mViewCellsLoaded && mUseViewCells))
1368 | return;
1369 |
1370 | const GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::Vector3 viewPoint =
1371 | OgreTypeConverter::ConvertFromOgre(cam->getDerivedPosition());
1372 |
1373 | GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::ViewCell *newElementary =
1374 | mViewCellsManager->GetViewCell(viewPoint);
1375 |
1376 | // elementary view cell did not change => apply same pvs
1377 | if (mElementaryViewCell == newElementary)
1378 | return;
1379 |
1380 | mElementaryViewCell = newElementary;
1381 | //LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("unloading");
1382 | //-- unload old pvs
1383 | applyViewCellPvs(mCurrentViewCell, false);
1384 |
1385 |
1386 | //-- the new view cell
1387 |
1388 | GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::ViewCell *viewCell;
1389 |
1390 |
1391 | if (mUseVisibilityFilter)
1392 | {
1393 | //-- compute new filtered cell
1394 | GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::PrVs prvs;
1395 | mViewCellsManager->GetPrVS(viewPoint, prvs, 5);
1396 | viewCell = prvs.mViewCell;
1397 | }
1398 | else
1399 | {
1400 | viewCell = newElementary;
1401 | }
1402 | //LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("loading");
1403 | //-- load new pvs
1404 | applyViewCellPvs(viewCell, true);
1405 |
1406 | // store pvs
1407 | mCurrentViewCell->SetPvs(viewCell->GetPvs());
1408 |
1409 | // delete merge tree of filtered view cell
1410 | if (mUseVisibilityFilter)
1411 | mViewCellsManager->DeleteLocalMergeTree(viewCell);
1412 | }
1413 |
1414 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1415 | void BvHierarchySceneManager::WriteLog()
1416 | {
1417 | std::stringstream d;
1418 |
1419 | d << "Depth pass: " << StringConverter::toString(mUseDepthPass) << ", "
1420 | << "Delay transparents: " << StringConverter::toString(mDelayRenderTransparents) << ", "
1421 | << "Use optimization: " << StringConverter::toString(mHierarchyInterface->GetTestGeometryForVisibleLeaves()) << ", "
1422 | << "Algorithm type: " << mVisibilityManager->GetCullingManagerType() << ", "
1423 | << "Hierarchy nodes: " << (mBvHierarchy ? mBvHierarchy->getTreeStats().mNumNodes : 0) << ", "
1424 | << "Traversed nodes: " << mHierarchyInterface->GetNumTraversedNodes() << ", "
1425 | << "Rendered nodes: " << mHierarchyInterface->GetNumRenderedNodes() << ", "
1426 | << "Query culled nodes: " << mVisibilityManager->GetCullingManager()->GetNumQueryCulledNodes() << ", "
1427 | << "Frustum culled nodes: " << mVisibilityManager->GetCullingManager()->GetNumFrustumCulledNodes() << ", "
1428 | << "Queries issued: " << mVisibilityManager->GetCullingManager()->GetNumQueriesIssued() << ", "
1429 | << "Found objects: " << (int)mVisibleNodes.size() << "\n"
1430 | ;
1431 |
1432 | LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage(d.str());
1433 | }
1434 |
1435 | /************************************************************************/
1436 | /* Factory for BvHierarchySceneManager */
1437 | /************************************************************************/
1438 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1439 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1440 | const String BvHierarchySceneManagerFactory::FACTORY_TYPE_NAME = "BvHierarchySceneManager";
1441 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1442 | void BvHierarchySceneManagerFactory::initMetaData(void) const
1443 | {
1444 | mMetaData.typeName = FACTORY_TYPE_NAME;
1445 | mMetaData.description = "Scene manager that organises the scene based on a kd-tree";
1446 | mMetaData.sceneTypeMask = 0xFFFF; // support all types of scenes (hopefully)
1447 | mMetaData.worldGeometrySupported = false;
1448 | }
1449 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1450 | SceneManager* BvHierarchySceneManagerFactory::createInstance(
1451 | const String& instanceName)
1452 | {
1453 | return new BvHierarchySceneManager(instanceName, visManager);
1454 | }
1455 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1456 | void BvHierarchySceneManagerFactory::destroyInstance(SceneManager* instance)
1457 | {
1458 | delete instance;
1459 | }
1460 |
1461 | } // namespace Ogre
1462 |