1 | /*
2 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 | This source file is part of the GameTools Project
4 | http://www.gametools.org
5 |
6 | Author: Martin Szydlowski
7 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 | */
9 |
10 | #include "OgreKdTreeSceneNode.h"
11 | #include "OgreKdTreeSceneManager.h"
12 |
13 | #include <OgreStringConverter.h>
14 | #include <OgreLogManager.h>
15 |
16 | namespace Ogre
17 | {
18 | // TRIVIA: this function is _not_ called for nodes which did not change since the last frame
19 | // only exception: the root node ... it's aabb should be null however, so we don't care
20 | void KdTreeSceneNode::_updateBounds(void)
21 | {
22 | // Reset bounds first
23 | mWorldAABB.setNull();
24 |
25 | // Update bounds from own attached objects
26 | ObjectMap::iterator i;
27 | for (i = mObjectsByName.begin(); i != mObjectsByName.end(); ++i)
28 | {
29 | // Merge world bounds of each object
30 | mWorldAABB.merge(i->second->getWorldBoundingBox(true));
31 | }
32 |
33 | if (!mWorldAABB.isNull())
34 | {
35 | static_cast<KdTreeSceneManager *>(mCreator)->_updateNode(this);
36 | }
37 | }
38 |
39 | void KdTreeSceneNode::computeScene(PlaneEventList& events, AxisAlignedBox& aabb, int& nObjects, bool includeChildren)
40 | {
41 | /**************************************************************************************/
42 | /* HACK: do not include camera node, FUCKS UP world AABB really BAD, dunno why */
43 | /* TODO: find a generic solution where MOVABLE nodes are NOT INSERTED into the KDTREE */
44 | /**************************************************************************************/
45 | //if (mName == "PlayerCamNode")
46 | // return;
47 |
48 | // first compute nodes AABB
49 | mWorldAABB.setNull();
50 | // Update bounds from own attached objects
51 | ObjectMap::iterator i;
52 | for (i = mObjectsByName.begin(); i != mObjectsByName.end(); ++i)
53 | {
54 | // ignore objects with no actual geometry like frustums & lights
55 | if (getExcludedMovables().find(i->second->getMovableType()) == getExcludedMovables().end())
56 | {
57 | //LogManager::getSingleton().getLog(KDTREE_LOGNAME)->logMessage("Adding movable type " + i->second->getMovableType() + " to KdTree");
58 | // Merge world bounds of each object
59 | mWorldAABB.merge(i->second->getWorldBoundingBox(true));
60 | }
61 | }
62 |
63 | // create information for KdTree/SAH
64 | if (!mWorldAABB.isNull())
65 | {
66 | // merge aabb with global AABB
67 | aabb.merge(mWorldAABB);
68 |
69 | // increase object count
70 | nObjects++;
71 |
72 | // generate events
73 | PlaneEvent::Dimension axes[] =
74 | {PlaneEvent::PED_X, PlaneEvent::PED_Y, PlaneEvent::PED_Z};
75 | Vector3 min = mWorldAABB.getMinimum();
76 | Vector3 max = mWorldAABB.getMaximum();
77 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
78 | {
79 | // 1-D and 2-D objects
80 | if (min[i] == max[i])
81 | {
82 | //e = new PlaneEvent(this, min, axes[i], PlaneEvent::PET_ON);
83 | //sceneinfo.events.push_back(*e);
84 | events.push_back(PlaneEvent(this, min, axes[i], PlaneEvent::PET_ON));
85 | }
86 | else
87 | {
88 | //e = new PlaneEvent(this, min, axes[i], PlaneEvent::PET_START);
89 | //sceneinfo.events.push_back(*e);
90 | //e = new PlaneEvent(this, max, axes[i], PlaneEvent::PET_END);
91 | //sceneinfo.events.push_back(*e);
92 | events.push_back(PlaneEvent(this, min, axes[i], PlaneEvent::PET_START));
93 | events.push_back(PlaneEvent(this, max, axes[i], PlaneEvent::PET_END));
94 | }
95 | }
96 | }
97 |
98 | // Merge with children
99 | if (includeChildren)
100 | {
101 | ChildNodeMap::iterator child;
102 | for (child = mChildren.begin(); child != mChildren.end(); ++child)
103 | {
104 | KdTreeSceneNode* sceneChild = static_cast<KdTreeSceneNode*>(child->second);
105 | sceneChild->computeScene(events, aabb, nObjects);
106 | }
107 | }
108 | }
109 |
110 | //void KdTreeSceneNode::_findVisibleObjects(Camera* cam, RenderQueue* queue,
111 | // bool includeChildren, bool displayNodes, bool onlyShadowCasters)
112 | void KdTreeSceneNode::queueObjects(Camera* cam, RenderQueue* queue, bool onlyShadowCasters)
113 | {
114 | //SceneNode::_findVisibleObjects(cam, queue, includeChildren, displayNodes, onlyShadowCasters);
115 |
116 | // Add all entities
117 | ObjectMap::iterator iobj;
118 | ObjectMap::iterator iobjend = mObjectsByName.end();
119 | for (iobj = mObjectsByName.begin(); iobj != iobjend; ++iobj)
120 | {
121 | // Tell attached objects about camera position (incase any extra processing they want to do)
122 | iobj->second->_notifyCurrentCamera(cam);
123 | if (iobj->second->isVisible() &&
124 | (!onlyShadowCasters || iobj->second->getCastShadows()))
125 | {
126 | iobj->second->_updateRenderQueue(queue);
127 | }
128 | }
129 |
130 | // Check if the bounding box should be shown.
131 | // See if our flag is set or if the scene manager flag is set.
132 | if (mShowBoundingBox || (mCreator && mCreator->getShowBoundingBoxes()))
133 | {
134 | _addBoundingBoxToQueue(queue);
135 | }
136 | }
137 |
138 | void KdTreeSceneNode::getGeometryList(GeometryVector *geometryList)
139 | {
140 | SceneNode::ObjectIterator objIt = getAttachedObjectIterator();
141 |
142 | while (objIt.hasMoreElements())
143 | {
144 | MovableObject *movable = objIt.getNext();
145 |
146 | // we are interested only in the entities, i.e., instances of geometry
147 | if (movable->getMovableType() == "Entity")
148 | {
149 | Entity *ent = static_cast<Entity *>(movable);
150 | geometryList->push_back(ent);
151 | }
152 | }
153 | }
154 |
155 | // recalculate the world aabb
156 | AxisAlignedBox KdTreeSceneNode::getBoundingBox(void) const
157 | {
158 | return mWorldAABB;
159 | }
160 |
161 | KdTreeSceneNode::StringSet& KdTreeSceneNode::getExcludedMovables(void)
162 | {
163 | static StringSet sExluded;
164 |
165 | // initialise once
166 | if (sExluded.empty())
167 | {
168 | sExluded.insert("Camera");
169 | sExluded.insert("Frustum");
170 | sExluded.insert("Light");
171 | }
172 |
173 | return sExluded;
174 | }
175 |
176 | // DEBUG
177 | String KdTreeSceneNode::dumpToString(void)
178 | {
179 | String objects;
180 | // Add all entities
181 | ObjectMap::iterator iobj = mObjectsByName.begin();
182 | ObjectMap::iterator iobjend = mObjectsByName.end();
183 | while (iobj != iobjend)
184 | {
185 | objects += " " + iobj->second->getName();
186 | iobj++;
187 | }
188 | objects += " Attached to " + StringConverter::toString(mLeaves.size()) + " KdLeaves.";
189 | return objects;
190 | }
191 | } |