1 | #include "OgrePlatformQueryManager.h"
2 | #include "OcclusionQuery.h"
3 | #include <OgreSceneManager.h>
4 | #include <OgreLogManager.h>
5 | #include <OgreStringConverter.h>
6 | #include <vector>
7 | #include <OgreSubEntity.h>
8 | #include "OgrePlatformHierarchyInterface.h"
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 | namespace Ogre {
13 |
14 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
15 | void PlatformQueryManager::SetViewport(Viewport *vp)
16 | {
17 | mViewport = vp;
18 | }
19 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
20 | void PlatformQueryManager::ComputeFromPointVisibility(
21 | const Vector3 &point,
22 | NodeInfoContainer *visibleNodes,
23 | MeshInfoContainer *visibleGeometry,
24 | PatchInfoContainer *visiblePatches,
25 | const bool relativeVisibility,
26 | const bool approximateVisibility)
27 | {
28 | SceneManager *sm = static_cast<PlatformHierarchyInterface *>
29 | (mHierarchyInterface)->GetSceneManager();
30 |
31 | // create a camera for the point query
32 | Camera *cam = sm->createCamera("PointQueryCam");
33 |
34 | //save old camera
35 | Camera *savedCam = mViewport->getCamera();
36 |
37 |
38 | //////////////
39 | //-- initialise new camera
40 |
41 | mViewport->setCamera(cam);
42 | cam->setPosition(point);
43 |
44 | cam->setNearClipDistance(savedCam->getNearClipDistance());
45 | cam->setFarClipDistance(savedCam->getFarClipDistance());
46 |
47 | // set frustum to 45 degrees so all the scene can be captured with 6 shots
48 | cam->setAspectRatio(1.0);
49 | cam->setFOVy(Radian(Math::HALF_PI));
50 |
51 | int sign = -1;
52 |
53 | ///////////////
54 | //-- capture visibility from all 6 directions
55 |
56 | for (int dir=0; dir < 6; dir++)
57 | {
58 | sign *= -1;
59 |
60 | // Print camera details
61 | if (0)
62 | {
63 | std::stringstream d;
64 | d << "Point query camera: " + StringConverter::toString(cam->getDerivedPosition()) +
65 | " " + "O: " + StringConverter::toString(cam->getDerivedOrientation());
66 | LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage(d.str());
67 | }
68 |
69 | // prevent from initialising geometry / node array again
70 | if (dir > 0)
71 | mWasInitialised = true;
72 |
73 | ComputeCameraVisibility(*cam,
74 | visibleNodes,
75 | visibleGeometry,
76 | visiblePatches,
77 | relativeVisibility,
78 | approximateVisibility);
79 |
80 | // permute directions
81 | Vector3 direction(0,0,0);
82 | direction[dir / 2] = sign;
83 |
84 | cam->setDirection(direction);
85 | }
86 |
87 | // reset camera
88 | mViewport->setCamera(savedCam);
89 | }
90 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
91 | void PlatformQueryManager::ComputeCameraVisibility(
92 | const Camera &camera,
93 | NodeInfoContainer *visibleNodes,
94 | MeshInfoContainer *visibleGeometry,
95 | PatchInfoContainer *visiblePatches,
96 | const bool relativeVisibility,
97 | const bool approximateVisibility)
98 | {
99 | // we need access to the scene manager and the rendersystem
100 | PlatformHierarchyInterface *pfHierarchyInterface =
101 | static_cast<PlatformHierarchyInterface *>(mHierarchyInterface);
102 |
103 | SceneManager *sm = pfHierarchyInterface->GetSceneManager();
104 |
105 |
106 | // const_cast allowed because camera is not changed in renderScene
107 | Camera *pCam = const_cast<Camera *>(&camera);
108 |
109 | // disable overlays, reset them later
110 | bool overlayEnabled = mViewport->getOverlaysEnabled();
111 | mViewport->setOverlaysEnabled(false);
112 |
113 | // clear background with black (i.e., not a valid item id)
114 | ColourValue bg = mViewport->getBackgroundColour();
115 | mViewport->setBackgroundColour(ColourValue(0, 0, 0, 0));
116 | //pfHierarchyInterface->GetRenderSystem()->clearFrameBuffer(FBT_COLOUR | FBT_DEPTH);
117 |
118 | // render scene once to fill depth buffer
119 | sm->_renderScene(pCam, mViewport, false);
120 |
121 | mWasInitialised = false; // reset flag
122 | mViewport->setOverlaysEnabled(overlayEnabled); // reset old overlay status
123 | mViewport->setBackgroundColour(bg); // reset background color
124 | }
125 |
126 | } // namespace Ogre