@InCollection{p-rsls-97, author = "M. Pellegrini", title = "Ray shooting and lines in space", chapter = 32 , editor = "Jacob E. Goodman and Joseph O'Rourke", booktitle = "Handbook of Discrete and Computational Geometry", publisher = "CRC Press LLC", address = "Boca Raton, FL", year = 1997, pages = "599--614", update = "97.11 orourke", who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0046", } @TechReport{Kahan94, author = "S. Kahan and P. Kelsen", title = "Constant Time Parallel Indexing of Points in a Triangle", institution = "Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia", number = "UBC CS TR-94-06", month = feb, year = "1994", url = "http://www.cs.ubc.ca/cgi-bin/tr/1994/TR-94-06", who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0045", } @Booklet{matousek94, author = "Matou\v{s}ek, J.", title = "Topological Methods in Combinatorics and Geometry", howpublished = "Lecture Notes", address = "Charles University--Praha", year = 1994, who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0044", } @Article{KalShe94, author = "L.J. Guibas and J-C. Latombe and S.M. Lavalle and D. Lin and R. Motwani", title = "Visibility-Based Pursuit-Evasion in a Polygonal Environment", journal = "Special issue on the CGC Workshop on Computational Geometry, International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications", volume = "??", year = "1997", who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0043", } @TechReport{Luebke96:TCHR, author = "D. Luebke", title = "Hierarchical Structures For Dynamic Polygonal Simplification", institution = "Department of Computer Science, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill", number = "TR96-006", month = feb # " 16", year = "1996", url = "ftp://ftp.cs.unc.edu/pub/publications/techreports/96-006.ps.Z", note = "Wed, 26 Jun 1996 18:07:48 GMT", who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0042", } @TechReport{Erikson96, author = "Carl Erikson", title = "Polygonal Simplification: An Overview", institution = "Department of Computer Science, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill", number = "TR96-016", month = feb # " 16", year = "1996", url = "ftp://ftp.cs.unc.edu/pub/publications/techreports/96-016.ps.Z", note = "Wed, 26 Jun 1996 18:07:48 GMT", who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0041", } @techreport{TH83 , author = "S. Teller and M. Hohmeyer" , title = "Computing the Lines Piercing Four Lines" , type = "Technical {Report}" , number = "UCB/CSD 93/161" , institution = "UC Berkeley" , month = apr , year = 1993 , who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0040" } @Article{KalShe94a, author = "Kalpakis and Sherman", title = "Probabilistic Analysis of an Enhanced Partitioning Algorithm for the Steiner Tree Problem", journal = "NETWORKS: Networks: An International Journal", volume = "24", year = "1994", who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0039", } @Article{Blinn:1992:JBCc, author = "James F. Blinn", title = "{Jim Blinn}'s Corner --- Uppers and downers: Part 2", journal = "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", volume = "12", number = "3", pages = "80--85", month = may, year = "1992", coden = "ICGADZ", ISSN = "0272-1716", bibdate = "Sat Jan 25 06:42:48 MST 1997", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "California Inst of Technol, CA, USA", classification = "723; 921", journalabr = "IEEE Comput Graphics Appl", keywords = "Applications; Computer Graphics; Feynman Diagrams; Mathematical Techniques --- Tensors", who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0038", } @Article{Blinn:1992:JBCb, author = "James F. Blinn", title = "{Jim Blinn}'s Corner --- Uppers and downers", journal = "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", volume = "12", number = "2", pages = "85--91", month = mar, year = "1992", coden = "ICGADZ", ISSN = "0272-1716", bibdate = "Sat Jan 25 06:42:48 MST 1997", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "California Inst of Technol, CA, USA", classification = "723; 921", journalabr = "IEEE Comput Graphics Appl", keywords = "Computational Geometry; Computer Graphics; Mathematical Techniques; Mathematical Techniques --- Tensors; Matrix Algebra", who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0037", } @Article{RavadaSherman, author = "S. Ravada and A. T. Sherman", title = "Experimental evaluation of a partitioning algorithm for the {Steiner} tree problem in {$R^2$} and {$R^3$}", journal = "Networks", note = "(to appear)", year = "1993", url = "http://www.cs.umbc.edu/\~{}sherman/Rtopics/Algs/steiner.html", postscript = "http://www.cs.umbc.edu/pub/REPORTS/cs-93-12.ps", who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0036", } @inproceedings{held:cgi:98, author = "M. Held", title = "Efficient and Reliable Triangulation of Polygons", booktitle = "Proceedings of Computer Graphics International '98 (CGI'98)", year = "1998", month = jun, pages = "633--643", address = "Hannover, Germany", publisher = "IEEE, NY", who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0035", } @Article{Kolingerov:1997:CPL, author = "Ivana Kolingerov", title = "Convex polyhedron-line intersection detection using dual representation", journal = "The Visual Computer", year = "1997", volume = "13", number = "1", pages = "42--49", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", note = "ISSN 0178-2789", keywords = "intersection detection, dual representation, line-polyhedron intersection, convex polyhedron, computer graphics", annote = "Duality is a well-known principle of computational geometry. It is often used for detecting the mutual position of convex geometrical objects, the dimensions of which do not differ more than by one; e.g., a convex polyhedron and a hyperplane or two convex polyhedra of the same dimensions. In this paper, a new possibility of usage is shown for objects with dimensions different by two. The mutual position of a convex polyhedron and a line is tested. The method works as follows. The line is described as an intersection of two planes. With a proper choice of these planes, the original problem of detecting a polyhedron-line intersection is reduced to a one-dimensional range search, which is much simpler to solve. The price to be paid for this reduction is computationally more demanding preprocessing.", who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0034", } @InCollection{Green95gems, author = "D. Green and D. Hatch", editor = "Alan W. Paeth", title = "Fast Polygon-Cube Intersection Testing", booktitle = "Graphics Gems V", pages = "375--379", publisher = "Academic Press", address = "Boston MA", year = "1995", who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0033", } @InProceedings{Barequet:1996:HCR, title = "History Consideration in Reconstructing Polyhedral Surfaces from Parallel Slices", author = "Gill Barequet and Daniel Shapiro and Ayellet Tal", booktitle = "IEEE Visualization '96", organization = "IEEE", year = "1996", month = oct, note = "ISBN 0-89791-864-9", who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0032", } @InProceedings{SODA::AgarwalP1998, title = "Exact and Approximation Algorithms for Clustering (Extended Abstract)", author = "Pankaj K. Agarwal and Cecilia M. Procopiuc", pages = "658--667", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Ninth Annual {ACM}-{SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms", month = "25--27 " # jan, year = "1998", address = "San Francisco, California", references = "\cite{ACMCS::AgarwalS1998} \cite{ICVLDB::AgrawalGIIS1992} \cite{JALGO::Bar-IlanKP1993} \cite{STOC::charikarCFM1997} \cite{ICVLDB::DiwanRSS1996} \cite{STOC::FederG1988} \cite{IPL::FowlerPT1981} \cite{TCS::Gonzalez1985} \cite{IPL::Gonzalez1991} \cite{ALGOR::HwangCL1993} \cite{ALGOR::HwangLC1993} \cite{ESA::KhullerS1996} \cite{SODA::LuptonMY1996} \cite{SICOMP::MegiddoS1984} \cite{ICVLDB::NgH1994} \cite{SODA::Raghavan1997} \cite{ICVLDB::ShaverAM1997} \cite{STOC::ShmoysTA1997}", who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0031", } @techreport{c-accgc-96 , author = "Bernard Chazelle and others" , title = "Application Challenges to Computational Geometry: {CG} Impact Task Force Report" , type = "Technical {Report}" , number = "TR-521-96" , institution = "Princeton Univ." , month = apr , year = 1996 , url = "http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~chazelle/taskforce/CGreport.ps" , comments = "Also at \path|http://www.cs.duke.edu/~jeffe/compgeom/taskforce.html|" , update = "98.03 mitchell, 97.03 pocchiola+tamassia, 96.09 orourke" , who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0030" } @Booklet{matousek94:LN, author = "Matou\v{s}ek, J.", title = "Lecture notes on combinatorial and algorithmic geometry", howpublished = "Lecture Notes", address = "Charles University--Praha", year = 1998, who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0029", } @techreport{ae-rsir-97 , author = "Pankaj K. Agarwal and Jeff Erickson" , title = "Geometric range searching and its relatives" , type = "Tech.\ Report" , number = "CS-1997-11" , institution = "Department of Computer Science" , address = "Duke University" , year = 1997 , update = "98.03 agarwal" , who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0028" } techreport{a-rs-96 , author = "Pankaj K. Agarwal" , title = "Range searching" , type = "Report" , number = "CS-1996-05" , institution = "Dept. Comput. Sci., Duke Univ." , address = "Durham, NC" , year = 1996 , update = "96.09 agarwal" , who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0027" } @inproceedings{aas-lalsp-97 , author = "B. Aronov and Pankaj Agarwal and Micha Sharir" , title = "On Levels in Arrangements of Lines, Segments, Planes, and Triangles" , booktitle = "Proc. 13th Annu. ACM Sympos. Comput. Geom." , year = 1997 , pages = "30--38" , update = "98.03 mitchell, 97.07 efrat" , who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0026" } @incollection{dt-cg-97 , author = "D. Dobkin and S. Teller" , title = "Computer graphics" , chapter = 42 , editor = "Jacob E. Goodman and Joseph O'Rourke" , booktitle = "Handbook of Discrete and Computational Geometry" , publisher = "CRC Press LLC" , address = "Boca Raton, FL" , year = 1997 , pages = "779--796" , update = "97.11 orourke" , who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0025" } @article{aaas-cvgbr-94 , author = "Pankaj K. Agarwal and N. Alon and B. Aronov and Subhash Suri" , title = "Can visibility graphs be represented compactly?" , journal = "Discrete Comput. Geom." , volume = 12 , year = 1994 , pages = "347--365" , update = "98.03 mitchell, 96.05 agarwal, 95.01 smid" , who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0024" } @article{hs-parss-95 , author = "J. Hershberger and Subhash Suri" , title = "A Pedestrian Approach to Ray Shooting: {Shoot} a Ray, Take a Walk" , journal = "J. Algorithms" , volume = 18 , year = 1995 , pages = "403--431" , keywords = "mesh generation, triangulation, stabbing number" , succeeds = "hs-parss-93" , update = "98.03 mitchell, 96.05 mitchell+pocchiola" , annote = "Special issue of selected papers from the 4th Symposium on Discrete Algorithms." , who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0023" } @article{k-3vrs2-97 , author = "M. J. Katz" , title = "{3-D} vertical ray shooting and {2-D} point enclosure, range searching, and arc shooting amidst convex fat objects" , journal = "Comput. Geom. Theory Appl." , volume = 8 , year = 1997 , pages = "299--316" , update = "97.11 katz" , who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0022" } @article{bgo-nrbsp-97 , author = "M. de Berg and M. de Groot and M. Overmars" , title = "New results on binary space partitions in the plane" , journal = "Comput. Geom. Theory Appl." , volume = 8 , year = 1997 , pages = "317--333" , update = "97.11 oostrum" , who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0021" } @inproceedings{aeg-kbspi-98 , author = "Pankaj K. Agarwal and Jeff Erickson and Leonidas J. Guibas" , title = "Kinetic binary space partitions for intersecting segments and disjoint triangles" , booktitle = "Proc. 9th ACM-SIAM Sympos. Discrete Algorithms" , journal = "Proc. 1st Internat. IEE/IEEE Conf. on Genetic Algorithms in Engineering Systems: Innovations and Applications" , year = 1998 , pages = "107--116" , update = "98.03 agarwal" , who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0020" } @inproceedings{ab-hgach-95 , author = "David Avis and David Bremner" , title = "How Good are Convex Hull Algorithms?" , booktitle = "Proc. 11th Annu. ACM Sympos. Comput. Geom." , year = 1995 , pages = "20--28" , keywords = "vertex enumeration, pivoting" , cites = "af-pachv-92, bdh-qach-93, bl-cacp-93, b-icp-83, cgaf-gstlm-94, ck-acp-70, c-ochaa-93, c-lp-83, cs-adpch-88, d-cvem-83, f-crmv0-, gkz-drmd-94, h-sretn-91, k-pptrl-74, km-hgisa-72, l-epcrn-88, lt-sptcc-91, l-rtp-91, mrtt-ddm-53, s-chaop-81, s-chdch-86, y-stgd-90, ZZZ" , update = "98.03 bibrelex, 95.09 mitchell" , who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0019", } @techreport{pv-pc-96 , author = "M. Pocchiola and G. Vegter" , title = "On polygonal covers" , number = "96-16" , institution = "Labo. Inf. Ens" , address = "45 rue d'Ulm 75230 Paris, France" , month = jul , year = 1996 , note = "" , keywords = "illumination, covering, separation" , comments = "" , succeeds = "pv-ptta-96" , update = "97.03 pocchiola" , who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0018", } @inproceedings{pv-ptta-96 , author = "Michel Pocchiola and Gert Vegter" , title = "Pseudo-Triangulations: Theory and Applications" , booktitle = "Proc. 12th Annu. ACM Sympos. Comput. Geom." , year = 1996 , pages = "291--300" , cites = "pv-vc-96, pv-cvgpt-95, b-rsdoh-93, c-cgr-95, f-icd-77, ers-ccsno-90, blsz-om-93, rz-rspu-95, pa-cg-95, gp-ms-83, bcm-anlcg-90" , update = "97.11 bibrelex, 96.05 efrat+pocchiola" , who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0017", } @inproceedings{bp-sccpa-96 , author = "Chandrajit L. Bajaj and Valerio Pascucci" , title = "Splitting a Complex of Convex Polytopes in any Dimension" , booktitle = "Proc. 12th Annu. ACM Sympos. Comput. Geom." , year = 1996 , pages = "88--97" , cites = "am-dhsrr-95, am-rsss-94, b-rgsdd-93, bd-cdpr-92, be-mgot-92i, c-oaitd-92, cd-icott-87, dk-fdpi-83, e-acg-87, em-sstcd-90, fm-nsala-91, g-cp-67, hk-prga-92, k-opcbf-95, l-ndgcm-94, lc-mchr3-87, lm-cschu-90, m-cgitr-93, m-rpm-93, m-rsehc-93, mhc-avcev-90, n-cgpt-93, nat-mbtyp-90, pbcf-dimsc-93, pfp-diccb-95, py-ebsph-90, s-lrapi-94, s-rcaic-94, t-cpos-92, tn-sopub-87, v-bimsp-91, ZZZ" , update = "97.11 bibrelex, 96.05 efrat" , who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0016", } @incollection{g-dirsc-94 , author = "Ned Greene" , title = "Detecting Intersection of a Rectangular Solid and a Convex Polyhedron" , editor = "Paul Heckbert" , booktitle = "Graphics Gems IV" , publisher = "Academic Press" , address = "Boston, MA" , year = 1994 , pages = "74--82" , keywords = "collision detection, octree, computational geometry" , update = "94.09 heckbert" , annote = "Presents an optimized technique to test for intersection between a convex polyhedron and a box. This is useful when comparing bounding boxes against a viewing frustum in a rendering program, for instance. Contains pseudocode." , who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0015", } @techreport{as-eago-96 , author = "Pankaj K. Agarwal and Micha Sharir" , title = "Efficient algorithms for geometric optimization" , type = "Tech.\ Report" , number = "CS-1996-19" , institution = "Dept. Computer Science, Duke University" , year = 1996 , update = "97.07 agarwal" , who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0014", } @inproceedings{as-rsacp-93 , author = "Pankaj K. Agarwal and M. Sharir" , title = "Ray Shooting Amidst Convex Polytopes in Three Dimensions" , booktitle = "Proc. 4th ACM-SIAM Sympos. Discrete Algorithms" , year = 1993 , pages = "260--270" , precedes = "as-rsacp-96ii" , update = "96.05 smid, 93.05 smid" , who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0013", } @article{as-rsacp-96i , author = "P. K. Agarwal and M. Sharir" , title = "Ray shooting amidst convex polygons in {2D}" , journal = "J. Algorithms" , volume = 21 , year = 1996 , pages = "508--519" , update = "97.03 agarwal+pocchiola+smid, 96.09 agarwal, 96.05 agarwal" , who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0012", } @TechReport{EVL-1996-11, author = "Andr{\'e} Hinkenjann and Markus Kubuk and Heinrich M{\"u}ller", title = "Answering Line Segment Intersection Queries Based On Sample Answers", number = "620/1996", type = "Research Report", institution = "University of Dortmund", address = "Universit{\"a}t Dortmund, 44221 Dortmund, Germany", month = aug, year = "1996", abstract = "Geometric query problems can be solved by preprocessing the answers for a representative set of sample queries. An arbitrary query is answered by the response of a closest sample query. In general, this answer will not be correct. A framework is presented in which the quality of approximation of this approach can be characterized. Futher, efficiency considerations are performed. They consist in empirical experiments for the classical line segment intersection query problem, but also in giving theoretical time and space bounds describing the trade-off between quality of approximation and computational complexity. Finally, approaches to the choice of favorable sample queries are discussed.", postscript-url = "ftp://euklid.informatik.uni-dortmund.de/pub/reports/ls7/rr-6 20.ps.gz", evlib-url = "http://infovis.zib.de:8000/Dienst/UI/2.0/Describe/evl.computat ionalgeometry%2FEVL-1996-11", evlib-revision = "1st", evlib-postscript-md5 = "14a18f6a52af153a3c3eb1c7037c344c", who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0011", } @article{m-vrsa-93 , author = "J. Matou{\v s}ek" , title = "On Vertical Ray Shooting in Arrangements" , journal = "Comput. Geom. Theory Appl." , volume = 2 , number = 5 , month = mar , year = 1993 , pages = "279--285" , keywords = "ray shooting, zone theorem, cutting, hyperplane arrangement" , update = "93.09 held+matousek+milone+mitchell" , who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0010", } @incollection{as-atgo-95 , author = "P. K. Agarwal and Micha Sharir" , title = "Algorithmic techniques for geometric optimization" , booktitle = "??" , series = "Lecture Notes Comput. Sci." , volume = 1000 , publisher = "Springer-Verlag" , year = 1995 , pages = "234--253" , update = "98.03 mitchell, 97.11 bibrelex" , who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0009", } article{h-iarat-96 , author = "Philip M. Hubbard" , title = "Improving Accuracy in a Robust Algorithm for Three-Dimensional {Voronoi} Diagrams" , journal = "Journal of Graphics Tools" , volume = 1 , number = 1 , year = 1996 , pages = "33--47" , update = "96.09 held+hubbard" , annote = "Extends \cite{iss-nriac-92}" , abstract = "This paper describes extensions to a previous algorithm that robustly builds three-dimensional Voronoi diagrams in the presence of inexact numerical computations. The extensions improve the algorithm's accuracy, making its results more nearly represent the proximity properties of an ideal Voronoi diagram. In empirical tests, these extensions have improved accuracy by more than eight orders of magnitude. Complete pseudocode for the algorithm appears in an appendix of this paper." , who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0008", } @article{yn-sbgtc-97 , author = "F. Yamaguchi and M. Niizeki" , title = "Some Basic Geometric Test Conditions in Terms of Pluecker Coordinates and Pluecker Coefficients" , journal = "Visual Comput." , volume = 13 , number = 1 , year = 1997 , pages = "29--41" , update = "97.03 held" , who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0007", } @incollection{m-ccpps-91 , author = "J. Matou{\v s}ek" , title = "Computing the center of planar point sets" , editor = "J. E. Goodman and R. Pollack and W. Steiger" , booktitle = "Computational Geometry: papers from the DIMACS special year" , publisher = "American Mathematical Society" , address = "Providence" , year = 1991 , pages = "221--230" , keywords = "centerpoint, parametric search, cutting, k-level" , update = "96.05 agarwal, 93.09 matousek" , who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0006", } @article{m-dcg-96 , author = "J. Matou{\v s}ek" , title = "Derandomization in computational geometry" , journal = "J. Algorithms" , volume = 20 , year = 1996 , pages = "545--580" , update = "97.03 smid" , who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0005", } @inproceedings{amv-ptcbs-97 , author = "P. Agarwal and T. Murali and J. Vitter" , title = "Practical techniques for constructing binary space partitions for orthogonal rectangles" , booktitle = "Proc. 13th Annu. ACM Sympos. Comput. Geom." , year = 1997 , pages = "382--384" , update = "97.07 efrat" , who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0004", } @inproceedings{agm-bspfr-96 , author = "P. K. Agarwal and E. F. Grove and T. M. Murali and J. S. Vitter" , title = "Binary Space Partitions for Fat Rectangles" , booktitle = "Proc. 37th Annu. IEEE Sympos. Found. Comput. Sci." , site = "Burlington, VT" , month = oct , year = 1996 , pages = "482--491" , update = "97.07 smid, 97.03 murali" , who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0003", } @inproceedings{agmv-cskbs-97 , author = "Pankaj K. Agarwal and Leonidas J. Guibas and T. M. Murali and Jeffrey Scott Vitter" , title = "Cylindrical Static and Kinetic Binary Space Partitions" , booktitle = "Proc. 13th Annu. ACM Sympos. Comput. Geom." , year = 1997 , pages = "39--48" , update = "97.07 agarwal+efrat" , who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0002", } @InProceedings{Agarwal94soda, author = "Pankaj K. Agarwal and Subhash Suri", title = "Surface Approximation and Geometric Partitions", booktitle = "Proc. 5th ACM-SIAM Sympos. Discrete Algorithms", year = "1994", pages = "24--33", keywords = "triangulation, ray shooting", update = "95.01 mitchell", annote = "polygonal approximation of terrains within log factor of optimal", note = "(Also available as Duke U. CS tech report, URL {ftp://ftp.cs.duke.edu/dist/techreport/1994/1994-21.ps.Z})", who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0001", } @book{bkos-cgaa-97 , author = "Mark de Berg and Marc van Kreveld and Mark Overmars and Otfried Schwarzkopf" , title = "Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications" , publisher = "Springer-Verlag" , address = "Berlin" , year = 1997 , isbn = "3-540-61270-X" , url = "http://www.cs.ruu.nl/geobook/" , keywords = "textbook" , update = "98.03 agarwal+mitchell, 97.11 oostrum+orourke" , who = "Havran Vlastimil: CGE-0087" }