;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Antos 95 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Antos95, author = "K. Anto\v{s} and B. Je\v{z}ek and A. Homola and P. Felkel and R. Prymula", title = "Human Anatomy and Virtual Reality", booktitle = "MASERV'95 -- Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Military Applications of Synthetic Enviroments and Virtual Reality, 06.12.95 -- 10.12.95", year = "1996", key = "virtmed, virtual reality, medicine", place = "Stockholm", publisher = "FWM, Stockholm", month = dec, pages = "198--202" } @Article{Antos96:actaV96, author = {K. Antoš and B. Ježek and A. Homola and L. Kubínová and P. Felkel}, title = {{Methods for Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Structures}}, journal = {Acta Veterinaria }, year = 1996, number = 65, pages = {237--245}, where = {Brno : Vysoká škola veterinární. (4x ročně)} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Benes 90 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @Article{Benes:bajt90, author = "B. Bene\v{s}", title = "Jak se vlastn\v{e} pozn\'a kvalita po\v{c}\'{\i}ta\v{c}e ?", journal = "Bajt", year = 1990, number = 5, pages = "??", note = "In Czech." } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Benes 91 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @Article{Benes:bajt91a, author = "Bene\v{s}, B. ", title = "Frakt\'aly 1", key = "Fractals", journal = "Bajt", year = "1991", number = "3", note = "In Czech." } @Article{Benes:bajt:91b, author = "Bene\v{s}, B. ", title = "Frakt\'aly 2", key = "Fractals", journal = "Bajt", year = "1991", number = "4", note = "In Czech." } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Benes 92 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Benes:geom92, author = "B. Bene\v{s}", title = "Frakt\'aln\'{\i} geometrie a po\v{c}\'{\i}ta\v{c}ov\'a grafika", booktitle = "Sborn\'{\i}k setk\'an\'{\i} spole\v{c}nosti pro po\v{c}\'{\i}ta\v{c}ovou grafiku a geometrii", year = "1992", editor = "F. Je\v{z}ek", publisher = "Technical University Pilsen", month = oct, pages = "??" } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Benes 93 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @Article{Benes:cecho93, author = "Bene\v{s}, B. ", title = "Frakt\'aln\'{\i} geometrie a po\v{c}\'{\i}ta\v{c}ov\'a grafika", key = "Fractals", journal = "Computer Echo", year = "1993", volume = "II", number = "3", pages = "38-41", note = "In Czech" } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Benes 94 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Benes:dg94, author = "Bene\v{s}, B.", title = "Modelling of Plants using {NURBS}", key = "benes", pages = "97--102", booktitle = "Sborn\'{\i}k 14.setk\'{a}n\'{\i} spole\v{c}osti pro deskript\'{\i}vn\'{\i} geometrii, po\v{c}\'{\i}ta\v{c}ovou grafiku a technick\'{e} kreslen\'{\i}", year = "1994", note = "In Czech" } @InProceedings{Benes:geom94, author = "Bene\v{s}, B.", title = "Modelov\'{a}n\'{\i} rostlin pomoc\'{\i} {NURBS}", booktitle = "Sborn\'{\i}k 14.setk\'{a}n\'{\i} spole\v{c}osti pro deskript\'{\i}vn\'{\i} geometrii, po\v{c}\'{\i}ta\v{c}ovou grafiku a technick\'{e} kreslen\'{\i}", key = "Benes", pages = "97-102", publisher = "Technical University Pilsen", year = 1994, note = "In Czech" } @InProceedings{Benes:ws94, author = "B. Bene\v{s} and T. Pavlis and J. \v{Z}\'{a}ra", title = "Generating Trees and Plants for Computer Graphics", crossref = "ws94", key = "benes", pages = "29--30" } @InProceedings{Benes:wscg94, author = "Bene\v{s}, B.", title = "Generating Plants for Computer Graphics", crossref = "wscg94", key = "benes", pages = "221--223" } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Benes 95 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @Article{Benes:cecho95, author = "Bene\v{s}, B. and \v{Z}\'ara, J.", title = "Laborato\v{r} po\v{c}\'{\i}ta\v{c}ov\'e grafiky na {FEL} {\v{C}VUT}", journal = "Computer ECHO", year = "1995", volume = "IV", number = "1", pages = "8-12", month = feb, note = "In Czech" } @Article{Benes:sgiw95, author = "Bene\v{s}, B. and Pavlis, T. and \v{Z}\'ara, J.", title = {Interactive Data Visualization}, journal = "Silicon World", year = "1995", volume = "3", number = "10", pages = "38--41", note = "In Czech" } @InProceedings{Benes:ws95, author = "Bene\v{s}, B.", title = "Generating plants using {NURBS}", crossref = "ws95", key = "benes", pages = "253--254" } @InProceedings{Benes:wscg95, author = "Bene\v{s}, B.", title = "Generating a model of plant using {NURBS}", crossref = "wscg95", key = "Benes", volume = "I", pages = "1--4" } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Benes 96 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Benes:EGCAS96, author = "Bene\v{s}, B.", title = "An {E}fficient {E}stimation of {L}ight in {S}imulation of {P}lant {D}evelopment", editor = "R.Boulic and G.H\'egron", series = "Springer Computer Science", pages = "153-165", booktitle = "Computer {A}nimation and {S}imulation'96", year = 1996, publisher = "Springer--Verlag Wien New York", abstract = "During a simulation of plant development evaluation of the amount of light plays a significant role. Most of the previous works take into account only constant amount and constant direction of the light in the scene without respect to local shadows in the tree. In the other works this evaluation strongly depends on the number of objects in the scene. This paper introduces a new method for evaluation of amount of light for the artificial plants. This technique is based on Z-buffer algorithm and has the ability to evaluate the direction and the amount of light for every leaf in the plant with a significantly decreased time of calculation. Several new aspects of lifetime of the plant elements and of the whole plant are discussed." } @Article{Benes:cadgr96a, author = "Bene\v{s}, B. and \v{Z}\'ara, J.", title = {Za tajemnstv\'{\i}m {O}pen{GL}}, journal = "{CAD} \& {G}raphics", year = 1996, volume = "I", number = 3, pages = "58-61", note = "In Czech" } @Article{Benes:cadgr96b, author = "Bene\v{s}, B.", title = {{P}ohled do budoucnosti: {E}urographics'96}, journal = "{CAD} \& {G}raphics", year = "1996", volume = "I", number = "5", pages = "24--30", note = "In Czech" } @Article{Benes:sgiw96, author = "Bene\v{s}, B. and \v{Z}\'ara, J.", title = {{OpenGL} -- {N}ov\'e paradigma v po\v{c}\'{\i}ta\v{c}ov\'e grafice?}, journal = "Silicon World", year = "1996", volume = "I", number = "12", pages = "37--40", note = "In Czech" } @InProceedings{Benes:ws96, author = "Bene\v{s}, B. and \v{S}och, M.", title = "Simulation of plant development using extended strand model", crossref = "ws96", key = "benes", year = "1996", pages = "289-290" } @InProceedings{Benes:wscg96, author = "Bene\v{s}, B. and Hole\v{c}ek, A. and \v{Z}\'ara, J.", title = "Language {S}upport for {D}istributed {V}irtual {R}eality", key = "virtual reality, benes, holecek, zara", crossref = "wscg96", volume = "II", pages = "233-243" } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Benes 97 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @Book{Benes:skr97, author = {Beneš, Bedřich and Felkel, Petr and Sochor, Jiří and Žára, Jiří}, title = {{Vizualizace}}, edition = {1}, address = {Praha}, publisher = {ČVUT}, year = {1997}, pages = {197}, figures = {163}, isbn = {80-01-01582-3}, note = {(in Czech)} } @Article{Benes97a, author = {Beneš, Bedřich}, title = {{Eurographics'96}}, journal = {Silicon World}, number = {16}, volume = {IV}, year = {1997}, pages = {64--65}, note = {(in Czech)} } @Article{Benes97b, author = {Beneš, Bedřich}, title = {{Eurographics '97}}, journal = {Pixel}, volume = {II}, number = {11}, year = {1997}, pages = {14--15}, issn = {1211-5401}, note = {(in Czech)} } @Article{Benes97c, author = {Beneš, Bedřich}, title = {{Eurographics'97: Grafika, 3D a Internet}}, journal = {Computer Design}, volume = {I}, number = {5}, year = {1997}, pages = {6--13}, issn = {1211-1082}, note = {(in Czech)} } @Article{Benes97d, author = {Beneš, Bedřich and Vorlíček, Jan}, title = {{Esa třetího rozměru}}, journal = {Computer}, volume = {IV}, number = {4}, year = {1997}, pages = {4--8}, issn = {1210-8790}, note = {(in Czech)} } @Unpublished{Benes97e, author = {Beneš, Bedřich}, title = {{Fraktály}}, note = {Invited Lecture}, address = {VUT Brno}, organisation = {VUT Brno, doc.J.Sochor,CSc.}, date = {10.12.97}, year = {1997} } @InProceedings{Benes97f, author = {Beneš, Bedřich}, title = {{The Growth Direction in Virtual Plants Simulation}}, booktitle = {{Workshop 97}}, volume = {I}, address = {Prague}, publisher = {CTU}, year = {1997}, pages = {293--294} } @InProceedings{Benes97g, author = {Beneš, Bedřich and Marák, Ivo and Šimek, Pavel and Slavík, Pavel}, title = {{Hierarchical Erosion of Synthetical Terrains}}, booktitle = {{Spring Conference on Computer Graphics}}, address = {Bratislava}, publisher = {Comenius University}, year = {1997}, pages = {93--100}, isbn = {80-223-1176-6} } @InProceedings{Benes97h, author = {Beneš, Bedřich}, title = {{Visual Simulation of Plant Development with Respect to Influence of Light}}, booktitle = {{Computer Animation and Simulation '97}}, address = {Wien}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {1997}, pages = {125--136}, isbn = {3-211-83048-0} } @InProceedings{Benes97i, author = {Beneš, Bedřich}, title = {{Fast Estimation of Light in Simulation of Plant Development}}, booktitle = {{WSCG '97}}, volume = {1}, address = {Pilsen}, publisher = {University of West Bohemia}, year = {1997}, pages = {1--10}, isbn = {80-7082-306-2} } @InProceedings{Benes:wscg97, author = {B. Bene\v{s}}, title = {Fast Estimation of Growth Direction in Virtual Plants Simulation}, crossref = {wscg97}, volume = {I}, pages = {1--10}, note = {benes} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Berka 94 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Berka:sscg94, author = "R. Berka and I. Jel\'{\i}nek", title = "Formal Methods in Human Body Model Animation", crossref = "sscg94", key = "berka, jelinek", pages = "220--225" } @InProceedings{Berka:ws94, author = "R. Berka and I. Jel\'{\i}nek", title = "{VITALIATOR} - the human body animation system", crossref = "ws94", key = "berka, jelinek", pages = "45--46" } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Berka 95 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Berka:ws95, author = "R. Berka and I. Jel\'{\i}nek", title = "Using formal methods in the control of independent animated objects", crossref = "ws95", key = "berka, jelinek", pages = "251--252" } @InProceedings{Berka:wscg95, author = "R. Berka and I. Jel\'{\i}nek", title = "One Method of the Human Body Model Animation", crossref = "wscg95", key = "berka, jelinek", volume = "I", pages = "5--15" } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Berka 96 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Berka:rostock96, author = {R. Berka and M. Brachtl and A. Hole\v{c}ek and M. Novotn\'{y} and J. P\v{r}ikryl and P. Slav\'{i}k and J. \v{Z}\'{a}ra}, title = {Three-Dimensional Information System on the World Wide Web}, booktitle = {Multimedia '96}, editor = {B. Urban}, year = 1996, organization = {Eurographics}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {Wien, New York}, postscript = {/Publications/Berka_rostock96.ps.gz}, pages = {70--78} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Berka 97 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Berka97a, author = {Berka, Roman}, title = {{Reduction of Computations in Physics-Based Animation Using Level of Detail}}, booktitle = {{Spring Conference on Computer Graphics}}, address = {Bratislava}, publisher = {Comenius University}, year = {1997}, pages = {69--76}, isbn = {80-223-1176-6} } @InProceedings{Berka97b, author = {Berka, Roman and Novotný, Martin and Píč, V. and Slavík, Pavel}, title = {{EYE - the Navigation and Training System for Blind}}, booktitle = {{Workshop 97}}, volume = {I}, address = {Prague}, publisher = {CTU}, year = {1997}, pages = {291--292} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Berka 98 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Berka:poster98, author = {M. Koutek and R. Berka }, title = {Optimizing Motion of Two-Legged Creature}, crossref = {poster98}, pages = {IC-26} } @InProceedings{Berka:ecdvrat98, author = {R. Berka and P. Slav\'{\i}k}, title = {Virtual {R}eality for {B}lind {U}sers}, booktitle = {The 2nd Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies}, editor = {P. Sharkey and D. Rose and Jan-Ingvar Lindstr\"{o}m}, year = 1998, publisher = {University of Reading, UK}, address = {Sk\"{o}vde, Sweden}, month = {September}, pages = {89--98} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Bila 97 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Bila97, author = {Bíla, J. and Jelínek, Ivan}, title = {{Gate off Complexity - Artificial Intelligence or Artificial Life}}, booktitle = {{Workshop 97}}, volume = {I}, address = {Prague}, publisher = {CTU}, year = {1997}, pages = {245--246} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Bittner 96 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @TechReport{Bittner:delft96, author = {Bittner, J.}, title = {RECNET - The speech recognition system}, institution = {Technical University, Delft}, year = 1996, month = jun, } @TechReport{Bittner:dresden95, author = {Bittner, J. and Cup\'ak, M.}, title = {Dragon Voice Tools}, institution = {HTW Dresden}, year = 1995, month = sep, } @TechReport{Bittner:ecp96, author = {Bittner, J.}, title = {Enumeration of Convex Polyhedra in Arbitrary Dimension}, institution = {Department of Computers, Czech Technical University }, year = 1996, } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Bittner 97 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Bittner97, author = {Bittner, Jiří}, title = {{Global Visibility}}, booktitle = {{CESCG '97}}, address = {Wien}, publisher = {Technische Universität}, year = {1997}, pages = {105--111} } @InProceedings{Bittner:gaw97, author = {Bittner, J.}, title = {Object Space Visibility Computations}, booktitle = {Graphics and WEB '97}, year = 1997, organization = {HTW Dresden, Germany}, key = {global visibility, VRML, conservative visibility, spatial subdivision, visibility computations}, } @MastersThesis{Bittner:masters97, author = {Bittner, J.}, title = {Global Visibility Computations}, school = {Department of Computers, Czech Technical University}, year = 1997, month = jan, } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Bittner 98 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Bittner:poster98, author = {Ji\v{r}\'{\i} Bittner}, title = {Conservative Hierarchical Visibility with Occlusion Trees}, crossref = {poster98}, pages = {IC-3} } @inproceedings{bittner98b, author = "Bittner, J. and Havran, V. and Slavik, P.", title = "Hierarchical Visibility Culling with Occlusion Trees", booktitle = "Proceedings of Computer Graphics International '98 (CGI'98)", year = "1998", month = jun, pages = "207--219", address = "Hannover, Germany", publisher = "IEEE, New York", } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Brachtl 95 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Brachtl:poster95, author = "M. Brachtl and R. Berka", title = "{Comparing Test of a Few Graphical Workstations}", crossref = "Poster95", key = "benchmark, brachtl", pages = "125" } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Brachtl 96 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Brachtl:ws96, author = "M. Brachtl", title = "Distributed Information System on {World Wide Web}", crossref = "ws96", key = "www, brachtl", pages = "251--252" } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Brachtl 97 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Brachtl97, author = {Brachtl, Martin}, title = {{Particle-System Based Support for Behavioral Animation}}, booktitle = {{Workshop 97}}, volume = {I}, address = {Prague}, publisher = {CTU}, year = {1997}, pages = {327--328} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Cerveny 97 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Cerveny97, author = {Červený, Martin and Dryák, Aleš}, title = {{Routing in ATM Networks Using PNNI 1.0}}, booktitle = {{Workshop 97}}, volume = {I}, address = {Prague}, publisher = {CTU}, year = {1997}, pages = {313--314} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Chlumsky 97 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Chlumsky97, author = {Chlumský, Petr}, title = {{3D-Dithering}}, booktitle = {{CESCG '97}}, address = {Wien}, publisher = {Technische Universität}, year = {1997}, pages = {113--121} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Diblik 97 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Diblik97, author = {Diblík, Pavel and Slavík, Pavel}, title = {{Control of Lossy Compression of Three-Dimensional Data}}, booktitle = {{Workshop 97}}, volume = {I}, address = {Prague}, publisher = {CTU}, year = {1997}, pages = {295--296} } @InProceedings{Diblik97a, author = {Diblík, Pavel and Slavík, Pavel}, title = {{Control of Lossy Compression of Three-dimensional Data}}, booktitle = {{Spring Conference on Computer Graphics}}, address = {Bratislava}, publisher = {Comenius University}, year = {1997}, pages = {144--151}, isbn = {80-223-1176-6} } @InProceedings{Diblik97b, author = {Diblík, Pavel and Slavík, Pavel}, title = {{Controlled Lossy Compression of Multidimensional Data}}, booktitle = {{Proceedings of 8th Eurographics Workshop on Visualization in Scientific Computing}}, volume = {1}, address = {Boulogne sur Mer}, publisher = {Universite du Littoral}, year = {1997}, pages = {183--192} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Felkel 93 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{ Felkel:ws93, author = {P. Felkel and J. \v{Z}\'ara}, title = {{The Roof Construction Problem}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of CTU Workshop '93}, editor = {A. Strejc}, volume = {I - Informatics \& Cybernetics}, year = 1993, publisher = {CTU-Publishing House, Prague}, month = jan # { 18--21,}, pages = {85--86}, where = {Grlab, PF sfcs-5}, procenta = {80,20}, annote = {Popis alg. na konstrukci střech - tj. de Facto konstrukci bisector Angular Network, jak to nazyva Oliva} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Felkel 94 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @TechReport{Felkel:bericht94, author = "P. Felkel", title = {{AutoCAD STEP} Processor Implementation. {D}evelopment of an {AutoCAD STEP} Postprocessor for a Ship Hull Geometry Model}, institution = "ZGDV Rostock", year = 1994, key = "felkel", pages = "1--23", number = "79/94", month = apr } @Article{Felkel:topics94, author = "P. Felkel and G. Vatterrott", title = { {STEP} {P}rozessor f{\"u}r {AutoCAD} (Auf der {G}rundlage der {K2-T}ools)}, key = "felkel", journal = "Computer Graphics Topics", year = "1994", volume = "6", number = "2", pages = "9", note = "In German." } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Felkel 95 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Felkel95, author = "P. Felkel and J. \v{Z}\'ara", title = "Segmentation and Visualization of data acquitted by {MR} scanner", year = "1995", key = "virtmed, virtual reality, medicine", pages = "62", month = may, place = "Prague", editor = "J. Hozman", booktitle = {Proceedings of contributions on workshop "Teaching and Research within the Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology at FEE CTU in Prague"}, note = "In Czech" } @Proceedings{Felkel:sr95, title = {Selected Readings of Computer Graphics Group}, year = 1995, editor = {P. Felkel and J. Mallat}, series = {DC-96-04 and 05}, publisher = {Czech Technical University}, address = {Prague}, note = {Collaborative Report}, procenta = {70,30} } @InProceedings{Felkel:ws95, author = "P. Felkel and J. \v{Z}\'{a}ra", title = "{VIRTMED}--A Project for {3D} Medical Data Processing and Visualization", crossref = "ws95", pages = "165--166", key = "virtmed, felkel, zara" } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Felkel 96 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Felkel:egvisc96, author = {P. Felkel and P. Mr\'{a}zek and L. S\'{y}kora and J. \v{Z}\'{a}ra and B. Je\v{z}ek}, title = {On Segmentation for Medical Data Visualization}, crossref = {egvisc96}, key = {segmentation, PDM, point distribution model, morphology, topology, 2,5D model}, pages = {189--198}, postscript = {/Publications/felkel_egvisc_96.ps.gz}, abstract = {Segmentation forms the crucial step of Magnetic Resonance (MR) data visualization. The aim of our article is to present two fundamental methods for segmentation of medical data acquired by MR scanners. After a short overview of rendering techniques the appropriate segmentation step for each of them is discussed. \\ Firstly, we describe a segmentation algorithm suitable for surface rendering. We present a model of object shape and appearance, and show how to match the model to the actual image data. Genetic algorithms perform the initial, rough estimation and the position is then refined by a gradient method. We demonstrate the functionality of a simple, one-level model, as well as that of a multiple resolution extended model.\\ Secondly, an algorithm suitable for volume rendering is discussed. It is based on combined model which stores not only grey level and gradient information, but takes into account also adjacency of organs and their hierarchical partitioning. We present results of practical tests of both methods described.} } @Article{Felkel:sn96, author = "P. Felkel and J. \v{Z}\'{a}ra", title = "Systems for scientific visualization (Systémy pro vizualizaci dat)", key = "scientific visualization, AVS, Explorer, ", journal = "Software newspaper (Softwarov\'e noviny)", year = "1996", volume = "VII", number = "2", pages = "26--30", month = feb, note = "In. Czech", annote = "pokec o AVS a Exploreru + zdroje med. dat" } @InProceedings{Felkel:ws96, author = "P. Felkel and J. \v{Z}\'{a}ra and P. Mr\'{a}zek", title = "Towards Knowledge Based Segmentation of Brain Structures", crossref = "ws96", key = "virtmed, knowledge based segmentation, brain, active shape model, genetic algorithms", pages = "253--254", month = jan } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Felkel 97 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @Article{Felkel:actaP97, author = {Felkel, Petr and Sýkora, Libor and Žára, Jiří}, title = {{Three Medical Image Segmentation Algorithms}}, journal = {Acta Polytechnica}, publisher = {Published by Czech Technical University, Prague}, volume = {37}, number = {2}, year = {1997}, html = {http://www.cvut.cz/ascii/ctu/publishing/acta.html}, postscript = {/Publications/felkel_actaP_96.ps.gz}, pages = {51--63}, issn = {1210-2709}, note = {Published by Czech Technical University, Prague} } @InProceedings{Felkel:itab97, author = {Felkel, Petr and Janáček, Jiří}, title = {{Custom-Made Modules of the Explorer Programme Package for Image/Volume Processing}}, booktitle = {{Information Technology Applications in Biomedicine -- ITAB'97}}, address = {Piscataway, NJ}, publisher = {IEEE}, editor = {V. Eck}, year = {1997}, month = sep # "7--9", pages = {90--91}, isbn = {0-7803-4318-2} } @Article{Antos:lat97, author = "K. Antoš and B. Ježek and A. Homola and P. Felkel and L. Kubínová", title = {Analyze -- programový nástroj pro vizualizaci medicínských dat}, journal = {Lékař a technika}, year = 1997, volume = 28, number = 6, month = nov, ISSN = {0301-5491}, anote = {Vydává Česká lékařská společnost J. E. Purkyně 6x za rok}, pages = {127--132}, where = {grlab}, note = {In Czech.} } @InProceedings{Felkel:sccg97, author = {Felkel, Petr and Janáček, Jiří}, title = {{Biomedical imaging application of Explorer}}, booktitle = {{SCCG 1997-Company Presentions Posters}}, volume = {2}, address = {Bratislava}, publisher = {Comenius University}, year = {1997}, pages = {19--20} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Felkel 98 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Felkel:ws98, author = {P. Felkel}, title = {{3D Reconstruction from Cross Sections by means of Contour Tiling}}, crossref = {ws98}, pages = {241--242} } @InProceedings{Felkel:poster98, author = {P. Felkel}, title = {Straight Skeleton Implementation}, crossref = {poster98}, pages = {IC-12} } @InProceedings{Felkel:sccg98, author = {P. Felkel and Š. Obdržálek}, title = {Straight Skeleton Computation}, crossref = {sccg98}, pages = {210--218}, postscript = {/Publications/felkel_sccg_98.ps.gz} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Havran 95 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @Booklet{Havran95, title = {Effective Homogeneous Transformation of Large Raster Images}, author = {V. Havran and J. \v{Z}\'{a}ra}, howpublished = {Poster on SOFSEM'95: 22nd Seminar on Current Trends inTheory and Practice of Informatics}, address = {Milovy, Czech Republic}, year = 1995, month = nov } @InProceedings{Havran:ws95, author = "V. Havran and J. \v{Z}\'{a}ra", title = "Simulation of Real Camera for Rendering", crossref = "ws95", key = "havran, zara", pages = "183--184" } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Havran 96 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Havran96:d, author = {Havran, V.}, title = {Parallel Implementation of Ray Tracing on Shared Memory Architecture}, booktitle = {Poster Section at SOFSEM'96}, month = {November 23-30}, year = {1996}, address = {Milovy, Czech Republic}, } @InProceedings{Havran96:c, author = {Havran, V. and \v{Z}\'{a}ra, J.}, title = {Some Practical Aspects of Ray Tracing on Shared Memory Machine}, booktitle = {Poster Section in Eurographics Workshop on Parallel Rendering}, month = {August 26-27}, year = {1996}, address = {Bristol, UK}, } @InProceedings{Havran96:poster96, author = {Havran, V.}, title = {Load Balancing Techniques for Ray-tracer on Shared Memory Machine}, crossref = "poster96", pages = {74-74}, } @MastersThesis{Havran96:a, author = {Havran, V.}, title = {The simulation of Optical Effects}, address = {Prague, Czech Republic}, month = {February}, school = {CTU-FEE Prague, Department of Computer Science and Engineering}, year = 1996, } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Havran 97 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Havran97:f, author = {Havran, V.}, title = {Cache Sensitive Representation for the BSP Tree}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Compugraphics'97}, note = {Accepted to Compugraphics'97, International Conference on Computer Graphics, 8 pages, Portugal, held 15-18th of December}, year = {1997}, month = {December}, } @TechReport{Havran97:rep, author = {V. Havran}, title = {Spatial Data Structures for Visibility Computation}, institution = {CTU-FEE Prague}, number = {DC-PSR-97-05}, month = {May}, year = {1997}, note = {Postgraduate Study Report, 34 pages, available at ftp://sgi.felk.cvut.cz/outgoing/havran/minimum/dc-psr-97-05.ps.gz}, } @InProceedings{Havran97:poster97, author = {V. Havran}, title = {Evaluation of BSP trees for ray-tracing}, crossref = "poster97", pages = {2 pages}, year = {1997}, } @InProceedings{Havran97:sccg97, author = {Havran, Vlastimil and Žára, Jiří}, title = {{Evaluation of BSP Properties for Ray-tracing}}, booktitle = {{Spring Conference on Computer Graphics}}, address = {Bratislava}, publisher = {Comenius University}, year = {1997}, pages = {155--162}, isbn = {80-223-1176-6} } @InProceedings{Havran97:ws97a, author = {Havran, Vlastimil}, title = {{Parallel Ray-Tracer on Shared Memory Multiprocessor Machines Connected via Internet}}, booktitle = {{Workshop 97}}, volume = {I}, address = {Prague}, publisher = {CTU}, year = {1997}, pages = {321--322} } @InProceedings{Havran97:ws97b, author = {Havran, Vlastimil and Šimek, Pavel and Šoch, Michal and Tvrdík, Pavel}, title = {{Parallel Merge Sort on Shared Memory Multicomputer}}, booktitle = {{Workshop 97}}, volume = {I}, address = {Prague}, publisher = {CTU}, year = {1997}, pages = {287--288} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Havran 98 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Havran:poster98, author = "Vlastimil Havran", title = "Constructing Surface Area Binary Space Partitioning with Rope Trees for Ray Tracing", crossref = {poster98}, pages = {IC15} } @misc{Havran98:a, author = { Havran, V.}, title = {Statistically Optimized Traversal Algorithm for BSP trees}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Workshop'98}, organization = { CTU--FEE }, address = { Prague, Czech Republic }, editor= { A.Strejc }, month = { February 3--5 }, pages = { 365--166}, year = { 1998 }, } @InProceedings{Havran98:b, author = { Havran, V. and Bittner, J. and \v{Z}\'{a}ra, J.}, title = { Ray Tracing with Rope Trees}, booktitle = { Proceedings of 13th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics}, address = { Budme\v{r}ice}, date = {April 23--26}, year = 1998, pages = "130--139", } @misc{Havran98:d, author = {Havran, V. and Kopal, T. and Bittner, J. and \v{Z}\'{a}ra, J.}, title = {FAST ROBUST BSP TREE TRAVERSAL ALGORITHM FOR RAY TRACING}, note = { 8 pages, Submitted to Journal of Graphics Tools}, year = { 1998 }, } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Hejda 98 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{hejda:poster98, author = {Hejda, P.}, title = {Visual \& Interactive Simulation Package}, crossref = {poster98}, pages = {IC16} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Hejda 94 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @MastersThesis{Hejda:94, author = {Petr Hejda}, title = {{Stochastic Textures (in Czech)}}, school = {Department of Computer Science and Engineering, FEE, CTU Prague, Czech Republic}, year = 1994 } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Hejda 95 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Hejda:poster95, author = "Hejda, P.", title = "Channel as Representation of Data Flow", key = "hejda", pages = "173", crossref = "poster95" } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Hejda 96 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Hejda:poster96, author = "Petr Hejda", title = "How to Build and/or Optimize an Efficient User Interface", key = "hejda", pages = "75", crossref = "poster96", } @InProceedings{Hejda:ws96, author = "Hejda, P.", title = "Labyrinth Project", key = "hejda", pages = "287", volume = "II", crossref = "ws96" } @InProceedings{Hejda:wscg96, author = "Hejda, P. and \v{Z}\'ara, J.", title = "Channel - a Generalized Pipe", key = "hejda, zara", pages = "244-245", volume = "II", crossref = "wscg96" } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Hejda 97 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @TechReport{Hejda:97, author = {Petr Hejda and Suleyman Sevinc}, title = {{VISP - Visual and Interactive Simulation Package}}, institution = {Basser Department of Computer Science, The University of Sydney, N.S.W. Australia}, year = 1997, key = {hejda,sevinc}, ISBN = {??}, annote = {Fill in the ISBN} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Holecek 95 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Holecek:poster95, author = "Hole\v{c}ek, A. and P\v{r}ikryl, J. ", title = {On Efficency of Parallel Raytracing}, crossref = "poster95", } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Hollay 94 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Hollay:ws94, author = "P. Hollay and S. Hostomsk\'{y} and I. Jel\'{\i}nek and M. \v{S}norek ", title = "Multimedia generation and presentation system", crossref = "ws94", key = "hollay, jelinek, snorek", pages = "43--44" } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Hollay 97 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Hollay97:ws97, author = {Hollay, P. and Jelínek, Ivan}, title = {{Experimental Multimedia and Hypermedia System EMHS 2.0}}, booktitle = {{Workshop 97}}, volume = {I}, address = {Prague}, publisher = {CTU}, year = {1997}, pages = {297--298} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Hudec 93 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @Book{Hudec:skr93a, author = {B. Hudec}, title = {Programming techniques}, publisher = "Czech Technical University Publishing House, Prague", year = 1993, key = {hudec}, note = "In Czech." } @Book{Hudec:skr93b, author = {B. Hudec}, title = {Foundations of Computer Graphics}, publisher = "Czech Technical University Publishing House", year = 1993, pages = "222", note = "In Czech." } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Hudec 94 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @Book{Hudec:skr94, author = {B. Hudec}, title = {Graphics Systems {PHIGS} and GKS}, publisher = "Czech Technical University Publishing House", year = 1994, pages = "166", note = "In Czech." } @InProceedings{Hudec:wscg94, author = "B. Hudec", title = "Graphics Systems {PHIGS} and {PHIGS+}", crossref = "wscg94", key = "hudec", pages = "125--142" } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Hudec 97 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @Book{Hudec:skr97, author = {B. Hudec}, title = {{Základy počítačové grafiky}}, edition = {1}, address = {Praha}, publisher = {ČVUT}, year = {1997}, pages = {222}, figures = {153}, isbn = {80-01-00932-7}, note = {(in Czech)} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Jelinek 93 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @Book{Jelinek:skr93, author = {Ivan Jel\'{\i}nek}, title = {Automatizace in\v{z}e\'yrsk\'ych prac\'{\i}}, publisher = {Vydavatelstv\'{\i} ČVUT, Praha}, year = 1993 } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Jelinek 94 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Jelinek:fei94, author = "Jel\'{\i}nek, I.", title = "Formalization of design process in {CAD}", key = "jelinek", pages = "220--225", booktitle = "Proceedings of {FEI'25} Conference on Electronic computers and Informatics", year = "1994", address = "Ko\v{s}ice, Slovakia", month = sep } @InProceedings{Jelinek:mosis94, author = "Jel\'{\i}nek, I.", title = "Logical formalization of design process in {CAD} system", key = "jelinek", pages = "166--170", note = "In Czech", booktitle = "Modelling and simulation of systems - {MOSIS'94}", year = "1994", address = "Zabreh na Morave", month = may } @Book{Jelinek:skr94, author = "Jel\'{\i}nek, I.", title = "{CAD} systems construction", key = "jelinek", publisher = "CTU Publishing House", year = 1994, address = "Prague", note = "In Czech" } @Article{Jelinek:sn11a94, author = "Jel\'{\i}nek, I.", title = "We begin with Multimedia", key = "jelinek", journal = "Softwarov\'{e} noviny", year = 1994, volume = "V", number = 11, pages = "21--26", note = "In Czech" } @Article{Jelinek:sn11b94, author = "Jel\'{\i}nek, I.", title = "Authors Systems", key = "jelinek*", journal = "Softwarov\'{e} noviny", year = 1994, volume = "V", number = 11, pages = 40, note = "In Czech" } @InProceedings{Jelinek:ws94a, author = "I. Jel\'{\i}nek and J. Piln\'{y} and V. \v{S}afanda and P. Slav\'{\i}k", title = "{ESA-W--{E}ducational system for {AutoCAD} on sun workstation }", crossref = "ws94", key = "jelinek, slavik", pages = "41--42" } @InProceedings{Jelinek:ws94b, author = "Jel\'{\i}nek, I.", title = "Logical formalization of design process in {CAD} system", crossref = "ws94", key = "jelinek", pages = "47--48" } @InProceedings{Jelinek:ws94c, author = "Jel\'{\i}nek, I. and Slav\'{\i}k, P. and \v{S}norek, M.", title = "Multimedia in university education", crossref = "ws94", key = "jelinek, slavik, snorek", pages = "49--50" } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Jelinek 95 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @Misc{Jelinek:cgforum95, author = {Jel\'{\i}nek, I.}, title = {We begin with multimedia - Tutorial}, howpublished = {Computer Graphics \& Computer Forum Exhibition Tutorial}, year = 1995, note = {In Czech.} } @Article{Jelinek:chip95, author = {I. Jel\'{\i}nek and M. Louck\'{y}}, title = {Highway to information (D\'{a}lnice k informac\'{\i}m)}, journal = {CHIP}, year = 1995, month = jan, number = 1, pages = {32--35} } @InProceedings{Jelinek:iced95, author = {Jel\'{\i}nek, I.}, title = {Formal methods in design process}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED'95}, editor = { Hubka, V.}, volume = 2, series = {Edition HEURISTA}, year = 1995, address = {Prague}, pages = {517--522}, url = "/Publications/jelinek_iced_95.html" } @Book{Jelinek:skr95, author = "Jel\'{\i}nek, I.", title = "The construction of {CAD} system", key = "jelinek", publisher = "CTU Publishing House", year = 1995, pages = "125", address = "Prague", note = "In Czech" } @InProceedings{Jelinek:ws95a, author = "Jel\'{\i}nek, I.", title = "Research on formalization of design process", crossref = "ws95", key = "jelinek", pages = "257--258" } @InProceedings{Jelinek:ws95b, author = { I. Jel\'{\i}nek, P. Hollay and S. Hostomsk\'{y} and P. Slav\'{\i}k and M. \v{S}norek}, title = {{EMHS~2} - Experimental Multimedia System }, crossref = {ws95}, key = {jelinek, snorek}, pages = {259--260} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Jelinek 96 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @Article{Jelinek:acta96, author = {I. Jel\'{\i}nek}, title = {Theoretical aspects of the design process}, journal = {Acta Polytechnica, CTU Prague}, year = 1995, volume = 35, number = 5, pages = {55--64} } @InProceedings{Jelinek:ithurs96, author = {I. Jel\'{\i}nek}, title = {Formalization of Design Process}, booktitle = {International Conference on Intelligent Technologies in Human-Related Sciences }, editor = {E. L. Gonzales}, volume = 1, year = 1996, organization = {AMSE}, publisher = {Universidad de Le\'{o}n}, month = jul, pages = {127--135} } @Book{Jelinek:skr96, author = "Jel\'{\i}nek, I.", title = "{CAD} systems construction", key = "jelinek", publisher = "CTU Publishing House", year = 1996, address = "Prague", note = "Second Edition, In Czech" } @InProceedings{Jelinek:ws96a, author = "J. B\'{\i}la and I. Jel\'{\i}nek", title = "Virtual Reality in the Design Process", crossref = "ws96", key = "jelinek", pages = "249--250" } @InProceedings{Jelinek:ws96b, author = { P. Hollay and S. Hostomsk\'{y} and I. Jel\'{\i}nek and M. \v{S}norek}, title = {Experimental Multimedia and Hypermedia System {EMHS~1.0}}, crossref = {ws96}, key = {jelinek, snorek}, pages = {243--244} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Jelinek 97 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @Book{Jelinek97a, author = {Jelínek, Ivan}, title = {{Formalization of the Design Process in CAD Systems}}, edition = {1}, address = {Prague}, publisher = {CTU}, year = {1997}, pages = {103}, figures = {8} } @TechReport{Jelinek97b, author = {Jelínek, Ivan and Rylek, Tomáš}, title = {{Annual Report 1996}}, type = {Annual Report}, number = {DC-97-01}, institution = {CTU Prague}, OPTIaddress = {Prague}, publisher = {CTU, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Computers}, year = {1997}, pages = {85} } @Article{Jelinek:cw97a, author = {Jelínek, Ivan}, title = {{C4=CAD+CAM+CAE+CIM}}, journal = {Computerworld}, volume = {VIII}, number = {17}, year = {1997}, pages = {30--32}, issn = {1210-9924}, note = {(in Czech)} } @Article{Jelinek:cw97b, author = {Jelínek, Ivan}, title = {{CAD systémy a práce s nimi}}, journal = {Computerworld}, volume = {VIII}, number = {4}, year = {1997}, pages = {13--14}, issn = {1210-9924}, note = {(in Czech)} } @Article{Jelinek:ln97a, author = {Jelínek, Ivan}, title = {{Plíživá destrukce vysokého školství}}, journal = {Lidové noviny}, volume = {10}, number = {140}, year = {1997}, pages = {9}, issn = {0862-5921}, note = {(in Czech)} } @Article{Jelinek:ln97b, author = {Jelínek, Ivan}, title = {{Co vlastně ohrožuje prestiž učitelů}}, journal = {Lidové noviny}, volume = {10}, number = {22}, year = {1997}, pages = {9}, issn = {0862-5921}, note = {(in Czech)} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Kopal 98 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Kopal98:poster98, author = {Kopal, T. and Havran, V. and Bittner, J. and \v{Z}\'{a}ra, J.}, title = {Directionality in Ray Tracing}, pages = {IC 24}, crossref = {poster98}, } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Limpouch 93-96 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @Book{Limpouch:book93, author = "A. Limpouch", title = "{X} {W}indow {S}ystem - application programming", key = "limpouch", publisher = "Grada", year = "1993", address = "Prague", note = "In Czech" } @InProceedings{Limpouch:design95, author = "A. Limpouch", title = "Grammar-based Formal Specification for the Object-Oriented User Interface Development", key = "limpouch", editor = "F. Paterno", pages = "369--382", booktitle = "Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems. Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop on Interactive Systems (Bocca di Magra, 1994)", year = "1995", publisher = "Springer-Verlag, Berlin" } @InProceedings{Limpouch:ica95, author = "A. Limpouch", title = "{GIS} for the Next Century", key = "limpouch", pages = "20--32", booktitle = "Proceedings of 17th International Cartographic Conference", year = "1995", publisher = "Institut Cartografic de Catalunya, Barcelona" } @InProceedings{Limpouch:sofs94, author = "A. Limpouch", title = "Architecture for Interactive Systems with Highly Graphical User Interfaces", key = "limpouch", pages = "63--68", year = "1994", booktitle = "Proceedings of SOFSEM'94", publisher = "Masaryk University, Brno", address = "Milovy", month = nov, note = "Contributed talk" } @InProceedings{Limpouch:sofs95, author = "K. Charv\'{a}t and A. Limpouch", title = "Quo Vadis {GIS}: {F}rom {GIS} and {GIMS} to Open {GIS}", key = "limpouch", pages = "334--349", booktitle = "Proceedings of SOFSEM'95", year = "1995", publisher = "Springer-Verlag, Berlin", month = nov, note = "Invited paper" } @InProceedings{Limpouch:sscg94, author = "A. Limpouch", title = "Graphical User Interfaces", crossref = "sscg94", key = "limpouch", pages = "17--39", note = "Invited paper" } @Article{Limpouch:swn95, author = "A. Limpouch", title = "Geographic Information Systems", key = "limpouch", journal = "Softwarov\'{e} noviny", year = 1995, volume = "VI", number = 4, pages = "36--46", note = "In Czech" } @InProceedings{Limpouch:transition94, author = "K. Charv\'{a}t and A. Limpouch", title = "{TopoL GIS} system", key = "limpouch", volume = "II", pages = "51--63", booktitle = "Proceedings of the conference Europe in Transition: The Context of GIS", year = "1994", publisher = "Masaryk University, Brno", address = "Brno", month = aug } @InProceedings{Limpouch:wscg94, author = "A. Limpouch", title = "{X} {W}indow System", crossref = "wscg94", key = "limpouch", pages = "197--206" } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Manda 96 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Manda:wscg96, author = "Manda, V. and Slav\'{\i}k, P.", title = "A New Method for Formal Description of 3D Scenes", key = "Slavik*", pages = "199--203", booktitle = "Proceedings of Winter School for Computer Graphics", year = 1996, publisher = "West Bohemian University, Plzen", volume = "I", month = feb } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Marak 97 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Marak97, author = {Marák, Ivo}, title = {{On Synthetic Terrain Erosion Modelling: A Survey}}, booktitle = {{CESCG '97}}, address = {Wien}, publisher = {Technische Universität}, year = {1997}, pages = {63--71} } @InProceedings{Marak:ws97, author = {Marák, Ivo and Beneš, Bedřich and Slavík, Pavel}, title = {{Terrain Erosion Model Based on Rewriting Matricies}}, booktitle = {{Workshop 97}}, volume = {I}, address = {Prague}, publisher = {CTU}, year = {1997}, pages = {299--300} } @InProceedings{Marak:wscg97, author = {I. Mar\'{a}k and B. Bene\v{s} and P. Slav\'{\i}k}, title = {Terrain Erosion Model Based on Rewriting of Matrices}, crossref = {wscg97}, volume = {II}, pages = {341--350} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Menzal 94 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Menzel94, author = "K. Menzel and O. Schmidt and F. Stangenberg and Chr. Hornung and B. Lange and A. Hole\v{c}ek and J. P\v{r}ikryl and J. \v{Z}\'ara", title = "Distributed Rendering Techniques using Virtual Walls", key = "rt, holecek, prikryl, zara", pages = "10", booktitle = "Proceedings of First European PVM Users Group Meeting", year = 1994, address = "Roma, Italy", month = oct } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Miksicek 97 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Miksicek97, author = {Mikšíček, Lukáš}, title = {{3D Sound - an overview}}, booktitle = {{CESCG '97}}, address = {Wien}, publisher = {Technische Universität}, year = {1997}, pages = {155--162} } @InProceedings{Miksicek:ws97, author = {Mikšíček, Lukáš}, title = {{Raster Image Output for Blind Users}}, booktitle = {{Workshop 97}}, volume = {I}, address = {Prague}, publisher = {CTU}, year = {1997}, pages = {323--324} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Mrazek 95 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Mrazek:sscg95, author = "P. Mr\'azek and P. Felkel and L. S\'ykora", title = "Model-Based Segmentation of Medical Images", key = "virtmed, virtual reality, medicine", pages = "DM.22--DM.31", crossref = "sscg95", postscript = "/Publications/mrazek_sscg_95.ps.gz" } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Mrazek 96 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Mrazek96, author = "P. Mr\'azek", title = "Genetic Algorithms and Image Search", crossref = "wscg96", pages = "278--284" } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Prikryl 96 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Prikryl:usp:1996, author = {Jan P\v{r}ikryl}, title = {{\'{U}}vod do syst\'{e}mu {PVM}}, booktitle = {Programy a algoritmy numerick\'{e} matematiky 8}, year = {1996}, publisher = {Matematick\'{y} \'{u}stav {AV} {\v{C}R}}, organization = {Matematick\'{y} \'{u}stav {AV} {\v{C}R}}, address = {{\v{Z}}itn\'{a} 25, CZ-11567 Praha 1}, month = {June}, note = {In Czech}, pages = {162--167} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Prikryl 97 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Prikryl:wscg97, author = {J. P\v{r}ikryl}, title = {On Mesh Preprocessing for Radiosity}, crossref = {wscg97}, key = {radiosity, mesh, discontinuity meshing}, volume = {IV}, pages = {687--690} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Simek 96 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Simek:wscg96, author = "\v{S}imek, P. and Slav\'{\i}k, P.", title = "Constraint Satisfaction Problem Solved by Minimal Change method", key = "slavik", pages = "311--321", crossref = "wscg96", year = 1996, volume = "II" } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Slavik 92 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Slavik:ws92, author = "Slav\'{\i}k, P. and P. Bene\v{s}, B.", title = "Generative description of objects and randomness", crossref = "ws92", key = "slavik, benes", pages = "??" } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Slavik 93 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @Book{Slavik:grada93, author = "P. Slav\'{\i}k and M. \v{S}norek", title = "PC Video Adapter Programming", year = "1993", publisher = "Grada", note = "In Czech." } @InProceedings{Slavik:geom93, author = "P. Slav\'{\i}k", title = "Data Formats for Image Processing", key = "slavik", pages = "28--33", booktitle = "Proceeding of the 13th workshop on Geometry and Computer Graphics", year = 1993, publisher = "West Bohemian University, Plzen", address = "Rostock", month = sep } @TechReport{Slavik:uid93, author = "P. Slav\'{\i}k and A. Limpouch", title = "User Interface Design Based on the Theory of Formal Languages", institution = "Department of Computers, Czech Technical University", key = "slavik", year = "1993", type = "Research Report", number = "DC--93--03", address = "Prague, Czech Republic" } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Slavik 94 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Slavik:cmuid94, author = "P. Slav\'{\i}k", title = "Grammars and rewriting systems as models for {GUI}", key = "slavik", editor = "C. Stary", pages = "1--11", booktitle = "First Interdisciplinary Workshop on Cognitive Modelling \& User Interface Development", year = 1994, address = "Vienna", month = dec } @Article{Slavik:sn12a94, author = "P. Slav\'{\i}k", title = "Compression of Graphical Information and Multimedia Systems", key = "slavik", journal = "Softwarov\'{e} noviny", year = 1994, volume = "V", number = 12, pages = "19--24", note = "In Czech" } @Article{Slavik:sn12b94, author = "P. Slav\'{\i}k", title = "Multimedia and Virtual Reality", key = "slavik", journal = "Softwarov\'{e} noviny", year = 1994, volume = "V", number = 12, pages = "26--27", note = "In Czech" } @InProceedings{Slavik:hci94, author = "P. Slav\'{\i}k and R. Herr", title = "Interaction in 3{D} Space and 3{D} window manager", key = "slavik, herr", editor = "D. England", pages = 2, booktitle = "{HCI '94} Ancillary Proceedings", year = 1994, publisher = "The University of Glasgow", month = aug } @InProceedings{Slavik:ica94, author = "P. Slav\'{\i}k", title = "Accelerating Interaction in 3{D} Space by Means of Constrains", key = "slavik", pages = "1--12", booktitle = "ICA '94. Integratioon of {CAD}-techniques in theory and Practice", year = 1994, publisher = "ZGDV e.V., Rostock", address = "Rostock", month = sep } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Slavik 95 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InCollection{Slavik95, author = {P. Slav\'{\i}k}, title = "{CAD} Systems: trends and developments", booktitle = "Information Management in Computer Integrated Manufacturing", key = {slavik}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, year = 1995, editor = "H. Adelsberger and J. La\v{z}ansk\'{y} and V. Ma\v{r}\'{i}k", volume = 973, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages = {478--492} } @InProceedings{Slavik:wscg95, author = "Slav\'{\i}k, P. and P\v{r}ikryl, J.", title = "Dithering as a method for image data compression", crossref = "wscg95", postscript = {/Publications/slavik_wscg_95.ps.gz}, volume = "II", pages = "283--288" } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Slavik 96 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @Manual{Slavik:96, title = {WISE/E: Advanced User Manual}, author = {Pavel Slav{\'\i}k and Martin Brachtl and Petr Hejda and Luk\'{a}\v{s} Mik\v{s}{\'\i}\v{c}ek and Ji\v{r}{\'\i} \v{Z}{\'a}ra and Vilu, J.}, organization = {Frauenhofer Institut, Rostock}, year = 1996, annote = {WISE/E} } @Article{Slavik:cg96, author = {P. Slav\'{\i}k}, title = {Computer Graphics Education in the {C}zech {R}epublic}, journal = {Computer Graphics}, year = 1996, number = 1, pages = {22--24} } @InProceedings{Slavik:egvisc96, author = {P. Slav\'{\i}k and F. Hrdli\v{c}ka and T. Pavlis and P. Vl\v{c}ek}, title = {Visualization of the dispersion of airborne effluents}, crossref = {egvisc96}, pages = {153--169} } @Article{Slavik:sgiw96, author = {P. Slav\'{\i}k}, title = {Report about {SIGGRAPH~'95}}, journal = {Silicon World}, year = 1996, pages = {57--59} } @Book{Slavik:skr196, author = "P. Slav\'{\i}k", title = "Methods for Graphical Information Processing. (Metody zpracov\'{a}n\'{\i} grafick\'{e} informace)", year = "1996", publisher = "CTU Prague", note = "In Czech." } @Book{Slavik:skr296, author = {P. Slav\'{\i}k}, title = {Machine Oriented languages}, publisher = {CTU Prague}, year = 1996, pages = 191 } @Article{Slavik:sn196, author = "Slav\'{\i}k, P.", title = "Applications of Scientific Visualization", key = "Slavik*", journal = "Softwarov\'{e} noviny", year = 1996, volume = "V", number = 2, pages = "23--24", note = "(In Czech)" } @Article{Slavik:sn296, author = "Slav\'{\i}k, P.", title = "Scientific Visualization", key = "Slavik*", journal = "Softwarov\'{e} noviny", year = 1996, volume = "V", number = 2, pages = "18--22", note = "(In Czech)" } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Slavik 97 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @Article{Slavik97a, author = {Slavík, Pavel}, title = {{Grammars and Rewriting Systems as Models for Graphical User Interfaces}}, journal = {Cognitive Systems}, volume = {4}, number = {4-3}, year = {1997}, pages = {381--399}, issn = {0256-663X} } @Article{Slavik97b, author = {Slavík, Pavel}, title = {{Vizualizace dat mezinárodně}}, journal = {Computer Design}, volume = {I}, number = {4}, year = {1997}, pages = {76--79}, issn = {1211-1082}, note = {(in Czech)} } @Article{Slavik97c, author = {Slavík, Pavel and Hudec, Bohuslav}, title = {{Vybíráme a testujeme CAD/CAM systémy}}, journal = {Computer Design}, volume = {I}, number = {5}, year = {1997}, pages = {112--117}, issn = {1211-1082}, note = {(in Czech)} } @Article{Slavik97d, author = {Slavík, Pavel}, title = {{Tvoříme prototypy rychle a levně}}, journal = {Computer Design}, number = {5}, volume = {I}, year = {1997}, pages = {78--81}, issn = {1211-1082}, note = {(in Czech)} } @Unpublished{Slavik97e, author = {Slavík, Pavel}, title = {{Lossy 3D Compression Methods}}, note = {Invited Lecture}, address = {Dagstuhl}, organisation = {Universitaet Kaiserslautern}, date = {12.06.97}, year = {1997} } @Unpublished{Slavik97f, author = {Slavík, Pavel}, title = {{HCI Education at CTU Prague}}, note = {Invited Lecture}, address = {Dresden}, organisation = {TU Dresden}, date = {05.03.97}, year = {1997} } @InProceedings{Slavik97g, author = {Slavík, Pavel}, title = {{Internet Applications at Department of Computer Science and Engineering}}, booktitle = {{Computer Networking and Services of Distributed Systems}}, address = {Aachen}, publisher = {RWTH Aachen}, year = {1997}, pages = {107--119} } @InProceedings{Slavik97h, author = {Slavík, Pavel}, title = {{HCI in the Czech Republic}}, booktitle = {{CHI 97 Extended Abstracts}}, volume = {1}, address = {New York}, publisher = {ACM}, year = {1997}, pages = {47--48} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Snorek 94 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @Article{Snorek:bajt94, author = "M. \v{S}norek", title = "{PC} motherboard evolution", key = "snorek", journal = "Bajt", year = 1994, pages = "151--156", month = jun, note = "In Czech" } @InProceedings{Snorek:ca94, author = "M. \v{S}norek", title = "{Hardware for Multimedia}", year = 1994, pages = "1--40", note = "In Czech", booktitle = "Computer Academy, AVAMP", organization = "Prague" } @Article{Snorek:sn1194, author = "M. \v{S}norek", title = "{Hardware for Multimedia}", journal = "Softwarov\'{e} noviny", year = 1994, volume = "V", number = 11, pages = "28--38", note = "In Czech" } @Article{Snorek:sn694, author = "M. \v{S}norek", title = "{RISC and PowerPC}", journal = "Softwarov\'{e} noviny", year = 1994, volume = "V", number = 6, pages = "20--27", note = "In Czech" } @InProceedings{Snorek:ws94, author = "\v{S}norek, M.", title = "Computer Graphics hardware", crossref = "ws94", key = "Snorek*", pages = "35--39" } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Snorek 95 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @Book{Snorek:skr95, author = "\v{S}norek, M.", title = "Technical Equipment for Computer Graphics", year = "1995", publisher = "CTU publishing house", pages = "194", note = "In Czech." } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Snorek 96 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Snorek 97 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @Unpublished{Snorek97, author = {Šnorek, Miroslav}, title = {{A "Bad" Student Prediction}}, note = {Invited Lecture}, address = {Dresden}, organisation = {FTW Dresden}, date = {13.11.97}, year = {1997} } @Unpublished{Snorek97b, author = {Šnorek, Miroslav}, title = {{Generalized Fingerprint}}, note = {Invited Lecture}, address = {Berlin}, organisation = {PTB Berlin}, date = {26.06.97}, year = {1997} } @InProceedings{Snorek97c, author = {Šnorek, Miroslav}, title = {{Generalized Fingerprint}}, booktitle = {{Workshop 97}}, volume = {I}, address = {Prague}, publisher = {CTU}, year = {1997}, pages = {305--306} } @Book{Snorek97d, author = {Šnorek, Miroslav}, title = {{Periferní zařízení}}, edition = {1}, address = {Praha}, publisher = {ČVUT}, year = {1997}, pages = {162}, figures = {160}, isbn = {80-01-01645-5}, note = {(in Czech)} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Soch 95 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Soch:sscg95, author = "\v{S}och, M. and Bene\v{s}, B.", title = "Simulation of Plant Developement using Strands Model,", key = "Benes", pages = "AP.30-AP.35", crossref = "sscg95", postscript = "/Publications/soch_sscg_95.ps.gz" } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Sochor 96 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @Book{Sochor:skr96, author = "Sochor, J. and \v{Z}\'ara, J. and Bene\v{s}, B.", title = "Algoritmy po\v{c}\'{\i}ta\v{c}ov\'e grafiky", year = "1996", publisher = "CVUT publishing house", month = jan, pages = 194, note = "In Czech." } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Steuer 97 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Steuer97, author = {Steuer, Michal and Rothkrantz, L. and Šnorek, Miroslav}, title = {{Improvement of Training of the Neocognitron Neural Network}}, booktitle = {{Workshop 97}}, volume = {I}, address = {Prague}, publisher = {CTU}, year = {1997}, pages = {329--330} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Trefny 97 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Trefny97a, author = {Trefný, Marek and Bittner, J.}, title = {{Global Visibility}}, booktitle = {{Workshop 97}}, volume = {I}, address = {Prague}, publisher = {CTU}, year = {1997}, pages = {325--326} } @InProceedings{Trefny97b, author = {M. Trefn\'{y} and J. Bittner}, title = {Global Visibility}, crossref = {wscg97}, key = {global visibility, VRML, conservative visibility, spatial subdivision, visibility computations}, volume = {IV}, pages = {691--694} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Vecerka 94 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Vecerka:ssb94, author = "Ve\v{c}erka, D. and Vitou\v{s}ek, R.", title = "Medical Volume Visualization", key = "virtmed, vecerka, vitousek", booktitle = "Student Seminar on Computer Graphics `94", year = 1994, organization = "VUT Brno, CTU Prague, TU Vienna", publisher = "VUT Brno", address = "Brno, Czech Republic", month = nov } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Zara 93 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @Book{Zara:book93, author = "\v{Z}\'ara, J. and Limpouch, A. and Bene\v{s}, B. and Werner, T.", title = "Po\v{c}\'{\i}ta\v{c}ov\'a grafika - principy a algoritmy", year = "1993", publisher = "Grada", note = "In Czech." } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Zara 94 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @InProceedings{Zara:sscg94, author = "J. \v{Z}\'{a}ra and A. Hole\v{c}ek and J. P\v{r}ikryl", title = "When the Parallel Ray--Tracer Starts to be Efficient?", crossref = "sscg94", key = "rt, zara", pages = "108--116" } @InProceedings{Zara:ws94, author = "J. \v{Z}\'{a}ra and A. Hole\v{c}ek and J. P\v{r}ikryl", title = "Distributed Ray Tracing under {PVM}.", crossref = "ws94", key = "rt, zara", pages = "93--94" } @InProceedings{Zara:wscg94, author = "J. \v{Z}\'{a}ra and A. Hole\v{c}ek and J. P\v{r}ikryl", title = "Parallelisation of the Ray--Tracing Algorithm.", crossref = "wscg94", key = "rt, zara", pages = "113--117" } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Zara 95 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @Article{Zara:sgiw95, author = " \v{Z}\'ara, J. and Bene\v{s}, B. and Pavlis, T.", title = {Interaktivn\'{\i} vizualizace dat - Explorer}, journal = "Silicon World", year = "1995", volume = "II", number = "10", pages = "38-41", note = "In Czech" } @InProceedings{Zara:sscg95, author = {J. \v{Z}\'{a}ra}, title = {Speeding Up Ray Tracing - {SW} and {HW} Approaches}, crossref = {sscg95}, key = "rt, zara", pages = {IP.29--IP.44}, postscript = "/Publications/zara_sscg_95.ps.gz" } @InProceedings{Zara:ws95, author = "J. \v{Z}\'{a}ra and A. Hole\v{c}ek and J. P\v{r}ikryl", title = "Loadbalancing for distributed raytracer", crossref = "ws95", key = "rt, zara", pages = "167--168" } @InProceedings{Zara:wscg95, author = "J. \v{Z}\'{a}ra and A. Hole\v{c}ek and J. P\v{r}ikryl and J. Buri\'{a}nek and K. Menzel", title = "Load balancing for parallel raytracer on Virtual Walls", crossref = "wscg95", key = "rt, zara", volume = {II}, pages = "439--447" } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Zara 96 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Zara 97 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @Article{Zara97, author = {Žára, Jiří}, title = {{Jazyk VRML pro modelování virtuální reality}}, journal = {Magazín ČSN}, volume = {7}, number = {1}, year = {1997}, pages = {5--8}, issn = {0862-7932}, note = {(in Czech)} } @InProceedings{Zara:rufis97, author = {Žára, Jiří and Zrzavý, Jakub}, title = {{Multimedia Information System in 3D Space (MISS)}}, booktitle = {{RUFIS '97. Proceedings for International Part of the Conference}}, address = {Prague}, publisher = {CTU}, year = {1997}, pages = {213--218}, isbn = {80-01-01710-9} } @Article{Zara:sn97a, author = {Žára, Jiří}, title = {{VRML - jazyk pro virtuální realitu}}, journal = {Softwarové noviny}, volume = {VIII}, number = 1, year = 1997, pages = {62--69}, issn = {1210-8472}, note = {(in Czech)} } @Article{Zara:sn97b, author = {Žára, Jiří and Dachs, Libor and Buriánek, Jan}, title = {{Vystačíme s osmi bity?}}, journal = {Softwarové noviny}, volume = {VIII}, number = 11, year = 1997, pages = {88--94}, issn = {1210-8472}, note = {(in Czech)} } @InProceedings{Zara:sofsem97, author = {J. Žára}, title = {An Introduction to Virtual Reality Modeling Language}, booktitle = {Sofsem'97: Theory and Practice of Informatics}, editor = {F. Plášil and K. G. Jeffery}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, number = 1338, year = 1997, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Milovy, Czech Republic}, month = nov, pages = {331--348}, postscript = {/Publications/zara_sofsem_97.ps.gz} } @PhDThesis{Zara:theses97, author = {Žára, J.}, title = {{On the Parallelization and Other Speeding Up Techniques for the Ray Tracing Algorithm}}, type = {Associate Professor Theses}, address = {Prague}, year = {1997}, pages = {62}, school = {CTU, Faculty of Electrical Engineering} } @Book{Zara:book98, author = {Jiří Žára, Bedřich Beneš, Petr Felkel}, title = {Moderní počítačová grafika}, publisher = {Computer Press, Brno}, year = 1998, html = {http://sgi.felk.cvut.cz/Contact} } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; crossref 94 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @TechReport{collrep94, author = "P. Tvrd\'{\i}k", title = "Research Activities of Department of Computers", institution = "Department of Computers, Czech Technical University", year = 1993, type = "Collaborative Report", number = "DC--93--02", address = "Prague, Czechoslovakia", month = may } @Proceedings{egvisc96, title = {Proceedings of 7th Eurographics Workshop on Visualization in Scientific Computing }, booktitle = {Proceedings of 7th Eurographics Workshop on Visualization in Scientific Computing}, year = 1996, editor = {P. Slavík and J.v. Wijk and P. Felkel and J. Vorlíček}, publisher = {Czech Technical University, Department of Computer Science \& Engineering and Czech ACM Chapter, Prague}, month = apr # {~23--25,}, note = {198 pages}, procenta = {30 30 20 20} } @Proceedings{poster95, title = "Poster '95", booktitle = "Poster '95", year = "1995", editor = "J. T\v{u}ma", publisher = "Czech Technical University Publishing House" } @Proceedings{poster96, title = "Poster '96", booktitle = "Poster '96", year = 1996, month = may, editor = "J. T\v{u}ma", publisher = "Czech Technical University Publishing House" } @Proceedings{poster97, title = "Poster '97", booktitle = "Poster '97 -- 1st International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering", month = may, year = 1997, editor = "J. T\v{u}ma", publisher = "Czech Technical University Publishing House" } @Proceedings{poster98, title = "Poster '98", booktitle = "Poster '98 -- 2nd International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering", month = may, year = 1998, editor = "J. T\v{u}ma", publisher = "Czech Technical University Publishing House, Prague" } @Proceedings{sccg97, title = {Proceedings of Spring Conference on Computer Graphics}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Spring Conference on Computer Graphics}, year = 1997, editor = {T. Plachetka and A. Ferko}, address = {Budmerice, Slovakia}, month = jun # { 5--8}, } @Proceedings{sccg97pos, title = {Proceedings of Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, Company Presentations , Posters}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, Company Presentations , Posters}, year = 1997, editor = {T. Plachetka and A. Ferko}, address = {Budmerice, Slovakia}, month = jun # { 5--8}, } @Proceedings{sscg94, title = "Proceedings of 10th Spring School on Computer Graphics", booktitle = "Proceedings of 10th Spring School on Computer Graphics", year = 1994, editor = "E. Ru\v{z}ick\'{y}", address = "Bratislava, Slovakia", month = jun } @Proceedings{sscg95, title = "Proceedings of 11th Spring School on Computer Graphics", booktitle = "Proceedings of 11th Spring School on Computer Graphics", year = 1995, editor = "T. Plachetka", address = "Bratislava, Slovakia", month = may } @Proceedings{ws92, title = "CTU Workshop '92", booktitle = "CTU Workshop '92", year = "1992", editor = "A. Strejc", volume = "Part I.", publisher = "Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic", month = jan } @Proceedings{ws93, title = "CTU Workshop '93", booktitle = "CTU Workshop '93", year = "1993", editor = "A. Strejc", volume = "A", publisher = "Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic", month = jan } @Proceedings{ws94, title = "CTU Seminar '94", booktitle = "CTU Seminar '94", year = "1994", editor = "A. Strejc", volume = "B", publisher = "Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic", month = jan } @Proceedings{ws95, title = "CTU Workshop '95", booktitle = "CTU Workshop '95", year = "1995", editor = "A. Strejc", volume = "1", publisher = "Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic", month = jan } @Proceedings{ws96, title = "Workshop '96", booktitle = "Workshop '96", year = "1996", editor = "A. Strejc", volume = "I", publisher = "Czech Technical University Publishing House, Brno/Prague, Czech Republic", month = jan } @Proceedings{ ws98, title = "Workshop '98", booktitle = "Workshop '98", year = "1998", editor = "A. Strejc", volume = "I", publisher = "Czech Technical University Publishing House, Prague, Czech Republic", month = feb # { 3.--5.} } @Proceedings{wscg94, title = "Proceedings of Winter School of Computer Graphics and CAD Systems", booktitle = "Proceedings of Winter School of Computer Graphics and CAD Systems", year = "1994", editor = "V\'{a}clav Skala", publisher = "University of West Bohemia, Plze\v{n}, Czech Republic", month = jan } @Proceedings{wscg95, title = "Proceedings of The Third International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualisation '95", booktitle = "Proceedings of The Third International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualisation '95", year = "1995", editor = "V\'{a}clav Skala", publisher = "University of West Bohemia, Plze\v{n}, Czech Republic", month = feb } @Proceedings{wscg96, title = "Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualisation '96", booktitle = "Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualisation '96", year = "1996", editor = "V\'{a}clav Skala", publisher = "University of West Bohemia, Plze\v{n}, Czech Republic", month = feb } @Proceedings{wscg97, title = {Proceedings of The Fifth Internatinal Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualization '97}, booktitle = {Proceedings of The Fifth Internatinal Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualization '97}, year = {1997}, editor = {Nadia Magenant Thalman and V\'{a}clav Skala}, address = {Depatment of Computer Science, University of West Bohemia, Univerzitn\'{\i} 22, BOX 314, CZ-30614 Plze\v{n}}, month = feb } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% konference 1998 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @Proceedings{sccg98, title = {Spring Conference on Computer Graphics}, year = 1998, editor = {Lázló Szirmay-Kalos}, address = {Budmerice, Slovakia}, month = apr # { 23--25}, html = {http://center.fmph.uniba.sk/~sccg/index.html}, where = {Grlab}, isbn = {ISBN 80-223-0837-4} }