% wanted @TechReport{fussell88a, author = "Donald Fussell and K. R. Subramanian", title = "Fast Ray Tracing Using {K}-{D} Trees", institution = "U. of Texas, Austin, Dept. Of Computer Science", type = "Technical Report", number = "TR-88-07", month = mar, year = "1988", keywords = "hierarchies", } @INPROCEEDINGS{Heckbert92discon, AUTHOR={Paul S. Heckbert}, TITLE={Discontinuity Meshing for Radiosity}, BOOKTITLE={Third Eurographics Workshop on Rendering}, MONTH={May}, YEAR={1992}, ADDRESS={Bristol, UK}, PAGES={203-216}, KEYWORDS={radiosity, adaptive mesh, visibility}, } @InProceedings{kaplan85a, author = "M. Kaplan", title = "Space-Tracing: {A} Constant Time Ray-Tracer", pages = "149--158", booktitle = "SIGGRAPH '85 State of the Art in Image Synthesis seminar notes", year = "1985", month = jul, publisher = "Addison Wesley", keywords = "ray tracing cull", } % collected @InProceedings{Greene93a, author = "N. Greene and M. Kass and G. Miller", title = "Hierarchical {Z}-Buffer Visibility", booktitle = "Computer Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '93)", year = "1993", pages = "231--238" } @InProceedings{thibault87a, author = "William C. Thibault and Bruce F. Naylor", title = "Set Operations on Polyhedra Using Binary Space Partitioning Trees", pages = "153--162", booktitle = "Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '87", volume = "21", year = "1987", month = jul, keywords = "polyhedra, set operations, geometric modeling, geometric search, point location", } @InProceedings{Coorg96b , author = "Coorg, Satyan and Teller, Seth" , title = "Temporally Coherent Conservative Visibility" , booktitle = "Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry" , year = 1996 , optaddress = "Philadelphia, PA" , month = may , documentURL = "http://graphics.lcs.mit.edu/~satyan/pubs/temporalvis-cg96.ps.Z" , pages = "78--87" } @InProceedings{Coorg97, author = "Satyan Coorg and Seth Teller", title = "Real-Time Occlusion Culling for Models with Large Occluders", pages = "83--90", ISBN = "0-89791-884-3", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Symposium on Interactive 3{D} Graphics", optmonth = apr # "27--30~", publisher = "ACM Press", optaddress = "New York", year = "1997", } @InProceedings{Rohlf:1994:IPH, author = "John Rohlf and James Helman", booktitle = "Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '94", title = "{IRIS} Performer: {A} High Performance Multiprocessing Toolkit for Real--{T}ime 3{D} Graphics", pages = "381--395", month = jul, year = "1994", } @InProceedings{Airey90, author = "Airey, John M. and Rohlf, John H. and {Brooks, Jr.}, Frederick P.", title = "Towards Image Realism with Interactive Update Rates in Complex Virtual Building Environments", pages = "41--50", booktitle = "1990 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics", organization = "ACM SIGGRAPH", year = "1990", optmonth = mar, keywords = "model-space subdivision, potentially visible, radiosity, adaptive refinement", } @inproceedings{Teller93a , author = "Teller, S. and Hanrahan, P." , title = "Global visibility algorithms for illumination computations" , booktitle = "Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '93" , year = 1993 , pages = "239--246" , keywords = "hidden surface removal, visibility space, radiosity, global illumination, algorithmic triage" , documentURL = "http://www.cs.princeton.edu/staff/seth/visglobillum.ps.Z" , abstractURL = "http://www.cs.princeton.edu/gfx/papers/visglob" } @InProceedings{Teller91a , author = "S. J. Teller and C. H. S{\'e}quin" , title = "Visibility Preprocessing For Interactive Walkthroughs" , booktitle = "Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '91" , month = jul , year = 1991 , pages = "61--69" , keywords = "architectural simulation, linear programming, superset visibility" } @phdthesis{Teller92b , author = "Teller, Seth Jared" , title = "Visibility Computations in Densely Occluded Polyhedral Environments" , school = "Dept. of Computer Science, University of California" , address = "Berkeley" , year = 1992 , keywords = "graphics, visibility preprocessing, linear programming, spatial decomposition, visibility graphs, Plucker coordinates" , documentURL = "ftp://tr-ftp.cs.berkeley.edu/pub/tech-reports/csd/csd-92-708/all.ps" , note = "Also available as Technical Report UCB//CSD-92-708" } @article{Yagel95a , author = "Yagel, R. and Ray, W." , year = 1995 , title = "Visibility Computation for Efficient Walkthrough of Complex Environments" , journal = "Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments" , volume = 5 , number = 1 , page = "45-60" , documentURL = "http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/volviz/Papers/1995/presence.ps.gz" } @techreport{Georges95a , author = "Georges, Chris" , title = "Obscuration Culling on Parallel Graphics Architectures" , institution = "Department of Computer Science, University of N. Carolina, Chapel Hill" , number = "TR95-017" , year = 1995 , documentURL = "ftp://ftp.cs.unc.edu/pub/publications/techreports/95-017.ps.Z" } @InProceedings{Chin:1992:FOP, author = "Norman Chin and Steven Feiner", title = "Fast object-precision shadow generation for areal light sources using {BSP} trees", pages = "21--30", booktitle = "Computer Graphics (1992 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics)", volume = "25", number = "2", year = "1992", month = mar, editor = "David Zeltzer", conference = "held in Boston; 29 March - 1 April 1992", keywords = "shadow volume, area light source, penumbra, umbra", annote = "", } @Article{Moravec:1981:GWT, author = "Hans P. Moravec", title = "{3D} Graphics and the Wave Theory", journal = "Computer Graphics", volume = "15", number = "3", pages = "289--296", month = aug, year = "1981", coden = "CGRADI, CPGPBZ", ISSN = "0097-8930", annote = "A general overview of a new way of viewing light for computer graphics. He suggests using waves as the basis, and discusses the computational requirements and new capabilities. illumination by wave fronts, rather than light rays \\ A continuing trend in computer representation of three dimensional synthetic scenes is the ever more accurate modelling of complex illumination effects. Such effects provide cues necessary for a convincing illusion of reality. The best current methods simulate multiple specular reflections and refractions, but handle at most one scattering bounce per light ray. They cannot accurately simulate diffuse light sources, nor indirect lighting via scattering media, without prohibitive increases in the already very large computing costs. \\ Conventional methods depend implicitly on a {\em particle} model; light propagates in straight and conceptually infinitely thin rays. This paper argues that a {\em wave} model has important computational advantages for the complex situations. In this approach, light is represented by wave fronts which are stored as two dimensional arrays of complex numbers. \\ The propagation of such a front can be simulated by a linear transform. Several advantages accrue. Propagations in a direction orthogonal to the plane of a front are convolutions which can be done by FFT in $O(n \log n)$ time rather than the $n^{2}$ time for a similar operation using rays. A typical speedup is about 10,000. The wavelength of the illumination sets a resolution limit which prevents unnecessary computation of elements smaller than will be visible. The generated wavefronts contain multiplicities of views of the scene, which can be individually extracted by passing them through different simulated lenses. Lastly the wavefront calculations are ideally suited for implementation on available array processors, which provide more cost effective calculation for this task than general purpose computers. \\ The wave method eliminates the aliasing problem; the wavefronts are inherently spatially filtered, but substitutes diffraction effects and depth of focus limitations in its stead.", conference = "held in Dallas, Texas; July 1981", keywords = "I30 wave theory, effects, parallel processing", } @Article{Rajkumar:1996:RFBSP, author = {A. Rajkumar and B.F. Naylor and F. Feisullin and L. Rogers}, title = {Predicting RF coverage in large environments using ray--beam tracing and partitioning tree represented geometry}, journal = {Wireless Netwoks}, year = {1996}, volume = {2}, pages = {143--154}, } @TechReport{Teller:1998:FC, author = {Seth Teller and John Alex}, title = {Frustum casting for progressive, interactive rendering}, institution = {MIT}, year = {1998}, number = {MIT LCS TR--740}, month = {January}, } @InProceedings{Lukaszewski98, author = "A. Lukaszewski and A. Formella", title = "Fast Penumbra Calculation in Ray Tracing", booktitle = "Proceedings of WSCG'98, the 6th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualization '98", pages = "238--245", month = feb, year = "1998", keywords = "shadow computation, stochastic ray tracing, bounding volumes", } @TechReport{Havran97:rep, author = {Havran, V.}, title = {Spatial Data Structures for Visibility Computation}, institution = {CTU--FEE Prague}, number = {DC-PSR-97-05}, month = {May}, year = {1997}, note = {Postgraduate Study Report, 34 pages, also available as ftp://www.cgg.cvut.cz/{}outgoing/havran/minimum/{}dc-psr-97-04.ps.gz}, } @PhdThesis{Grant92, author = "Charles W. Grant", title = "Visibility Algorithms in Image Synthesis", school = "U. of California, Davis", year = "1992", keywords = "z buffer, ray tracing, shadow, taxonomy", annote = "partial electronic version available from grant1@llnl.gov, A successor to Sutherland-Sproull-Schumacker, Comput. Surv. 74", } @InProceedings{Berg93, author = "M. de Berg", title = "Generalized hidden surface removal", pages = "1--10", ISBN = "0-89791-582-8", editor = "ACM-SIGACT ACM-SIGGRAPH", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 9th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry ({SCG} '93)", address = "San Diego, CA, USA", month = may, year = "1993", publisher = "ACM Press", } @Article{Franklin:1990:POH, author = "W. Randolph Franklin and Mohan S. Kankanhalli", editor = "Forest Baskett", title = "Parallel Object-Space Hidden Surface Removal", journal = "Computer Graphics", volume = "24", number = "4", pages = "87--94", month = aug, year = "1990", coden = "CGRADI, CPGPBZ", ISSN = "0097-8930", conference = "held in Dallas, Texas; 6--10 August 1990", } @Book{Foley90, author = "James D. Foley and Andries van Dam and Steven K. Feiner and John F. Hughes", title = "Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice", edition = "2nd", pages = "1174", publisher = "Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.", address = "Reading, MA", year = "1990", mrnumber = "B.Foley.90", ISBN = "0-201-12110-7", contents = "(not listed)", } @InProceedings{Zhang:1997:FBC, author = "Hansong Zhang and Kenneth E. {Hoff III}", title = "Fast Backface Culling Using Normal Masks", booktitle = "1997 Symposium on Interactive {3D} Graphics", pages = "103--106", year = "1997", editor = "Michael Cohen and David Zeltzer", month = apr, organization = "ACM SIGGRAPH", note = "ISBN 0-89791-884-3", } @Article{tvcg-1997-21, author = "Kalpathi R. Subramanian and Bruce F. Naylor", title = "{Converting Discrete Images to Partitioning Trees}", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics", volume = "3", number = "3", month = jul, year = "1997", pages = "273--?", abstract = "The discrete space representation of most scientific datasets (pixels, voxels, etc.), generated through instruments or by sampling continuously defined fields, while being simple, is also verbose and structureless. We propose the use of a particular spatial structure, the {\em binary space partitioning tree}, or, simply, {\em partitioning tree}, as a new representation to perform efficient geometric computation in discretely defined domains. The ease of performing affine transformations, set operations between objects, and correct implementation of transparency (exploiting the visibility ordering inherent to the representation) makes the partitioning tree a good candidate for probing and analyzing medical reconstructions, in such applications as surgery planning and prostheses design. The multiresolution characteristics of the representation can be exploited to perform such operations at interactive rates by smooth variation of the amount of geometry. Application to ultrasound data segmentation and visualization is proposed. The paper describes methods for constructing partitioning trees from a discrete image/volume data set. Discrete space operators developed for edge detection are used to locate discontinuities in the image from which lines/planes containing the discontinuities are fitted by using either the Hough transform or a hyperplane sort. A multiresolution representation can be generated by ordering the choice of hyperplanes by the magnitude of the discontinuities. Various approximations can be obtained by pruning the tree according to an error metric. The segmentation of the image into edgeless regions can yield significant data compression. A hierarchical encoding schema for both lossless and lossy encodings is described.", keywords = "-Partitioning trees, BSP trees, space partitioning, miltiresolution representations, image reconstruction, image coding, scientific visualization, MRI visualization", tvcg-abstract-url = "http://www.computer.org/tvcg/tg1997/v0273abs.htm", tvcg-pdf-url = "http://pdf.computer.org/tg/books/tg1997/pdf/v0273.pdf", } @InProceedings{Murali:1997:CSB, author = "T. M. Murali and Thomas A. Funkhouser", title = "Consistent Solid and Boundary Representations from Arbitrary Polygonal Data", booktitle = "1997 Symposium on Interactive {3D} Graphics", pages = "155--162", year = "1997", editor = "Michael Cohen and David Zeltzer", month = apr, organization = "ACM SIGGRAPH", note = "ISBN 0-89791-884-3", } @InProceedings{Stewart:1998:AVM, author = {A. J. Stewart and T. Karkanis}, title = {Computing the approximate visibility map, with applications to form factors and discontinuity meshing}, booktitle = "Proceedings of the Ninth Eurographics Workshop on Rendering", pages = "57--68", year = "1998", } @Article{Bishop:1998:DPG, author = "Lars Bishop and Dave Eberly and Turner Whitted and Mark Finch and Michael Shantz", title = "Designing a {PC} Game Engine", journal = "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", volume = "18", number = "1", pages = "46--53", month = jan # "\slash " # feb, year = "1998", coden = "ICGADZ", ISSN = "0272-1716", bibdate = "Thu Feb 26 12:06:17 MST 1998", url = "http://computer.org/cga/cg1998/g1046abs.htm; http://dlib.computer.org/cg/books/cg1998/pdf/g1046.pdf", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @TechReport{Wimmer:1998:FWIC, author = {M. Wimmer and M. Giegl and D. Schmalstieg}, title = {Fast Walkthroughs with Image Caches and Ray Casting}, institution = {Institut f\"ur Computergraphik, TU Wien}, year = {1998}, number = {TR-186-2-98-30}, month = {December}, } @TechReport{Wonka:1999:OSFW, author = {P. Wonka and D. Schmalstieg}, title = {Occluder Shadows for Fast Walkthroughs of Urban Environments}, institution = {Institut f\"ur Computergraphik, TU Wien}, year = {1999}, number = {TR-186-2-99-03}, month = {January}, } @TechReport{Szirmay-Kalos98a, author = "Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos", title = "Global Ray-bundle Tracing", institution = "Vienna University of Technology", type = "Technical Report,", number = "TR-186-2-98-18", address = "Vienna", year = "1998", } @InProceedings{Szirmay-Kalos98b, author = "Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos and Werner Purgathofer", title = "Global Ray-bundle Tracing with Hardware Acceleration", booktitle = "Ninth Eurographics Workshop on Rendering", address = "Vienna, Austria", month = jun, year = "1998", keywords = "hardware", } @InProceedings{Snyder:1998:VSC, author = "John Snyder and Jed Lengyel", title = "Visibility Sorting and Compositing Without Splitting for Image Layer Decomposition", booktitle = "SIGGRAPH 98 Conference Proceedings", editor = "Michael Cohen", series = "Annual Conference Series", year = "1998", organization = "ACM SIGGRAPH", publisher = "Addison Wesley", month = jul, pages = "219--230", note = "ISBN 0-89791-999-8", keywords = "visibility sorting, compositing, nonsplitting layered decomposition, occlusion cycle, occlusion graph, sprite, kd-tree", annote = "We present an efficient algorithm for visibility sorting a set of moving geometric objects into a sequence of image layers which are composited to produce the final image. Instead of splitting the geometry as in previous visibility approaches, we detect mutual occluders and resolve them using an appropriate image compositing expression or merge them into a single layer. Such an algorithm has many applications in computer graphics; we demonstrate two: rendering acceleration using image interpolation and visibility-correct depth of field using image blurring. We propose a new, incremental method for identifying mutually occluding sets of objects and computing a visibility sort among these sets. Occlusion queries are accelerated by testing on convex bounding hulls; less conservative tests are also discussed. Kd-trees formed by combinations of directions in object or image space provide an initial cull on potential occluders, and incremental collision detection algorithms are adapted to resolve pairwise occlusions, when necessary. Mutual occluders are further analyzed to generate an image compositing expression; in the case of nonbinary occlusion cycles, an expression can always be generated without merging the objects into a single layer. Results demonstrate that the algorithm is practical for real-time animation of scenes involving hundreds of objects each comprising hundreds or thousands of polygons.", } @InProceedings{Plantinga:1990:RTH, author = "Harry Plantinga and Charles R. Dyer and W. Brent Seales", title = "Real-Time Hidden-Line Elimination for a Rotating Polyhedral Scene Using the Aspect Representation", pages = "9--16", booktitle = "Proceedings of Graphics Interface '90", year = "1990", month = may, conference = "held in Halifax, Nova Scotia; 14-18 May 1990", } @PhdThesis{Chrysantho1996a, author = "Yiorgos Chrysanthou", school = "QMW, Dept of Computer Science", title = "Shadow Computation for 3{D} Interaction and Animation", year = "1996", keywords = "Technical Report No. 715", month = jan, scope = "ace", } @PhdThesis{Campbell91, author = "A. T. {Campbell, III}", title = "Modeling Global Diffuse Illumination for Image Synthesis", school = "CS Dept, University of Texas at Austin", year = "1991", month = dec, note = "Tech. Report TR-91-39", keywords = "mesh generation, radiosity, penumbra, shadow", pages = "155", abstract = "Rapid developments in the design of algorithms for rendering globally illuminated scenes have taken place in the past five years. Net energy methods such as radiosity algorithms have become effective at computing the energy balance for scenes containing diffusely reflecting objects. Such methods first break up a scene description into a large set of elements, or possibly several levels of elements. Energy transfers among these elements are then determined using a variety of means. While much progress has been made in the design of energy transfer algorithms, little or no attention has been paid to the proper generation of the mesh of surface elements. This dissertation presents a technique for adaptively creating a mesh of surface elements as the energy transfers are computed. The method allows large numbers of small elements to be placed at parts of the scene where the most active energy transfers occur without requiring that other parts of the scene be subdivided needlessly to the same degree. As a result, the computational effort in the energy transfer computations can be concentrated where it has the most effect. Since the sources of direct and indirect illumination in the scene are polygonal elements, the effects of light sources with finite area must be computed. Most methods simplify the problem by approximating the area source with a collection of point sources. We present an object space algorithm to model illumination from polygonal light sources analytically. The result is a collection of smooth-shaded polygonal facets that may be rendered from any viewing position. Binary Space Partitioning trees are used to compute umbra and penumbra boundaries efficiently. Fast analytic techniques are developed for illumination calculations. Numerical optimization methods ensure that the shading function is sampled finely enough to find all significant illumination gradations. Illumination calculations are optimized to concentrate computational effort on parts of the scene where they are most needed.", } @PhdThesis{Drettakis94-SSRII, author = "George Drettakis", month = jan, year = "1994", title = "Structured {Sampling} and {Reconstruction} of {Illumination} for {Image} {Synthesis}", number = "293", address = "Toronto, Ontario", school = "Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto", type = "{CSRI} {Technical} {Report}", comments = "available via anonymous ftp as: ftp.csri.toronto.edu:csri-technical-reports/293 and via the World Wide Web at: http://safran.imag.fr/Membres/George.Drettakis/pub.html", } @Article{Schroeder:1993:FFB, author = "P. Schroeder and P. Hanrahan", title = "On the Form Factor between Two Polygons", journal = "Computer Graphics", volume = "27", number = "{Annual Conference Series}", pages = "163--164", year = "1993", bibdate = "Thu Feb 6 10:16:14 MST 1997", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "ACM; computer graphics; SIGGRAPH", } @PhdThesis{Funkhouser93phd, author = "Thomas A. Funkhouser", title = "Database and Display Algorithms for Interactive Visualization of Architectural Models", school = "CS Division, UC Berkeley", year = "1993", keywords = "multiresolution, architectural walkthrough", } @Book{Boissonnat98, author = {J.-D. Boissonnat and M. Yvinec}, title = {Algorithmic Geometry}, publisher = {cambridge University Press}, year = 1998, where = {A19} } @Misc{Chrysanthou:1998:VP, author = {Y. Chrysanthou and D. Cohen-Or and E. Zadicario}, title = {Viewspace Partitioning of Densely Occluded Scenes}, howpublished = {Abstract of a video presentation, at the 13th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, Minnesota, pages 413--414}, month = {June}, year = {1998}, } @Unpublished{Sagadic, author = {Amela Sagadic}, title = {An Algorithm for Invariant Polygon Visibility Orderings}, note = {Downloaded from the WWW} } @Unpublished{Teichmann:WV, author = {Marek Teichmann and Seth Teller}, title = {A Weak Visibility Algorithm with an Application to an Interactive Walkthrough}, note = {Downloaded from the WWW} } @inproceedings{Tanaka91, author = "Toshimitsu Tanaka and Tokiichiro Takahashi", title = "Shading with Area Light Sources", booktitle = "Eurographics '91", publisher = "North-Holland", pages = "235--246, 535--537", month = sep, year = "1991", annote = "no shadows", } @InProceedings{Wang98, author = {Yigang Wang and Hujun Bao and Qunsheng Peng}, title = {Accelerated Walkthroughs of Virtual Environments Based on Visibility Preprocessing and Simplification}, booktitle = {Eurographics '98}, volume = {17}, number = {3}, year = {1998}, pages = {187--194}, } @InProceedings{Nechvile99, author = {Karel Nechv\'\i{}le and Petr Tobola}, title = {Local Approach to Dynamic Visibility in a Plane}, booktitle = {Proceedings of WSCG'99, the 7th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualization '99}, year = {1999}, pages = {202--208}, } @InProceedings{Tobola99, author = {Petr Tobola and Karel Nechv\'\i{}le}, title = {Linear Size BSP trees for Scenes with Low Directional Density}, booktitle = {Proceedings of WSCG'99, the 7th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualization '99}, year = {1999}, pages = {297--304}, } @InProceedings{grant85a, author = "C. W. Grant", title = "Integrated Analytic Spatial and Temporal Anti-Aliasing for Polyhedra in 4-Space", pages = "79--84", booktitle = "Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '85 Proceedings)", volume = "19", number = "3", year = "1985", month = jul, editor = "B. A. Barsky", conference = "held in San Francisco, CA; 22--26 July 1985", keywords = "I37 anti-aliasing, temporal, I37 anti-aliasing, I37 visible surface algorithms", } @InProceedings{Schilling:1997:TRT, author = "Andreas Schilling", title = "Toward Real-Time Photorealistic Rendering: Challenges and Solutions", booktitle = "1997 SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware", editor = "Steven Molnar and Bengt-Olaf Schneider", year = "1997", organization = "ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics", publisher = "ACM Press", address = "New York City, NY", month = aug, pages = "7--16", note = "ISBN 0-89791-961-0", keywords = "antialiasing, bump mapping, environment mapping, anisotropic filtering", annote = "A growing number of real-time applications need graphics with photorealistic quality, especially in the field of training (virtual operation, driving and flight simulation), but also in the areas of design or ergonomic research. We take a closer look at main deficiencies of today's real time graphics hardware and present solutions for several of the identified problems in the areas of antialiasing and texture-, bump- and reflection mapping. In the second part of the paper, a new method for antialiasing bump maps is explained in more detail.", } @Article{Greene:1994:EAR, author = "N. Greene and M. Kass", title = "Error-Bounded Antialiased Rendering of Complex Environments", journal = "Computer Graphics", volume = "28", number = "{Annual Conference Series}", pages = "59--66", month = jul, year = "1994", coden = "CGRADI", ISSN = "0097-8930", bibdate = "Thu Feb 6 08:30:20 MST 1997", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "ACM; computer graphics; SIGGRAPH", } @InProceedings{Bartz98, author = {Dirk Bartz and Michael Meissner and Tobias H\"uttner}, title = {Extending Graphics Hardware for Occlusion Queries in OpenGL}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1998 Workshop on Graphics Hardware}, pages = {97--104}, year = {1998}, } @Article{Clark:1976:HGM, author = "James H. Clark", title = "Hierarchical Geometric Models for Visible Surface Algorithms", journal = "Communications of the ACM", volume = "19", number = "10", pages = "547--554", month = oct, year = "1976", coden = "CACMA2", ISSN = "0001-0782", bibdate = "Tue Mar 25 13:26:09 MST 1997", abstract = "By using an extension of traditional structure information, or a geometric hierarchy, five significant improvements to current techniques of computer picture production are possible. First, the range of complexity of an environment is greatly increased while the visible complexity of any given scene is kept within a fixed upper limit. Second, a meaningful way is provided to vary the amount of detail presented in a scene. Third, ``clipping'' becomes a very fast logarithmic search for the resolvable parts of the environment within the field of view. Fourth, frame to frame coherence and clipping define a graphical ``working set,'' or fraction of the total structure that should be present in primary store for immediate access by the visible surface algorithm. Finally, the geometric structure suggests a recursive descent, visible surface algorithm in which the computation time potentially grows linearly with the visible complexity of the scene.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classcodes = "C5540 (Terminals and graphic displays); C6130B (Graphics techniques)", classification = "723; 921", corpsource = "Univ. of California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA", journalabr = "Commun ACM", keywords = "algorithms; computer graphics; geometric models; hidden surface; hierarchical data structures; image processing; mathematical techniques --- Combinatorial Mathematics; model; visible surface algorithms", treatment = "A Application; P Practical; T Theoretical or Mathematical", } @Book{Skiena:1998:ADM, author = "Steven S. Skiena", title = "The Algorithm Design Manual", publisher = "Spring{\-}er-Ver{\-}lag", address = "Berlin, Germany~/ Heidelberg, Germany~/ London, UK~/ etc.", pages = "xvi + 486", year = "1998", ISBN = "0-387-94860-0", LCCN = "QA76.9.A43S55 1997", bibdate = "Tue Feb 10 10:51:27 1998", price = "US\$54.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Blinn:1996:JBC, author = "Jim Blinn", title = "{Jim Blinn}'s Corner: {A} Trip Down the Graphics Pipeline", publisher = "Morgan Kaufmann Publishers", address = "Los Altos, CA 94022, USA", pages = "vii + 214", year = "1996", ISBN = "1-55860-387-5", LCCN = "T385.B585 1996", bibdate = "Tue Jan 28 14:26:03 1997", note = "This book is a collection of columns from the journal IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Blinn:1998:JBC, author = "Jim Blinn", title = "{Jim Blinn}'s Corner: Dirty Pixels", publisher = "Morgan Kaufmann Publishers", address = "Los Altos, CA 94022, USA", pages = "256", year = "1998", ISBN = "1-55860-455-3", LCCN = "T385.B586 1998", bibdate = "Tue Jan 28 14:26:03 1997", note = "This book is a collection of columns from the journal IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Prep85, author = "F. P. Preparata and M. I. Shamos", title = "Computational Geometry~: An Introduction", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", year = "1985", } @ARTICLE{Gigus90, AUTHOR = "Ziv Gigus and Jitendra Malik", TITLE = "Computing the aspect graph for line drawings of polyhedral objects", JOURNAL = "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence", VOLUME = 12, NUMBER = 2, MONTH = Feb, YEAR = 1990, PAGES = "113--122" } @Article{Blinn:1998:JBCc, author = "Jim Blinn", title = "Jim Blinn's Corner: Ten More Unsolved Problems in Computer Graphics", journal = "IEEE Computer Graphics \& Applications", year = "1998", volume = "18", number = "5", month = sep # " -- " # oct, note = "ISSN 0272-1716", }