% shadow.bib: bibliography on shadow algorithms, % direct illumination, % area light sources, % soft shadows, % texture mapping on graphics workstations, % and related topics including hemicubes and form factor calculation. % % Paul Heckbert, January 1997 % % many entries copied from the CS bibliography at % http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/bibliography/index.html @INPROCEEDINGS{Herf96sketch, AUTHOR={Michael Herf and Paul S. Heckbert}, TITLE={Fast Soft Shadows}, BOOKTITLE={Visual Proceedings, SIGGRAPH 96}, MONTH={Aug.}, YEAR={1996}, PAGES={145}, KEYWORDS={penumbra, graphics workstation, accumulation buffer, texture mapping}, } @TECHREPORT{Heckbert97shadow, AUTHOR={Paul S. Heckbert and Michael Herf}, TITLE={Simulating Soft Shadows with Graphics Hardware}, INSTITUTION={CS Dept., Carnegie Mellon U.}, MONTH={Jan.}, YEAR=1997, NOTE={CMU-CS-97-104, http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~ph}, KEYWORDS={penumbra, texture mapping, graphics workstation, interaction, real-time, SGI Reality Engine}, } @MISC{Herf97shadow, AUTHOR={Michael Herf and Paul S. Heckbert}, TITLE={Soft Shadow Textures}, NOTE={Submitted for publication}, YEAR=1997, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Nishita83, AUTHOR={Tomoyuki Nishita and Eihachiro Nakamae}, TITLE={Half-Tone Representation of 3-{D} Objects Illuminated by Area Sources or Polyhedron Sources}, BOOKTITLE={COMPSAC '83, Proc. IEEE 7th Intl. Comp. Soft. and Applications Conf.}, MONTH={Nov.}, YEAR={1983}, PAGES={237-242}, KEYWORDS={shading, shadow, penumbra}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Nakamae84, AUTHOR={Eihachiro Nakamae and Hideo Yamashita and Kohichi Harada and Tomoyuki Nishita}, TITLE={Computer Graphics for Visualizing Simulation Results}, BOOKTITLE={Eurographics '84}, MONTH={Sept.}, YEAR={1984}, PAGES={419-432}, KEYWORDS={shadow, penumbra}, } @ARTICLE{Nishita85, AUTHOR={Tomoyuki Nishita and Eihachiro Nakamae}, TITLE={Continuous Tone Representation of 3-{D} Objects Taking Account of Shadows and Interreflection}, JOURNAL={Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '85 Proceedings)}, VOLUME={19}, NUMBER={3}, MONTH={July}, YEAR={1985}, PAGES={23-30}, KEYWORDS={shading, penumbra, radiosity}, } @TECHREPORT{Campbell91tr1, AUTHOR={Campbell, III, A. T. and Donald S. Fussell}, TITLE={Analytic Illumination with Polygonal Light Sources}, NOTE={TR-91-15}, INSTITUTION={CS Dept, U of Texas at Austin}, MONTH={April}, YEAR={1991}, KEYWORDS={shadow}, ANNOTE={object space shadow algorithm, like Nishita83}, } @TECHREPORT{Campbell91tr2, AUTHOR={Campbell, III, A. T. and Donald S. Fussell}, TITLE={An Analytic Approach to Illumination with Area Light Sources}, NOTE={TR-91-25}, INSTITUTION={CS Dept, U of Texas at Austin}, MONTH={August}, YEAR={1991}, KEYWORDS={shadow}, ANNOTE={An early draft of chapters 5 and 6 of his dissertation}, } @MastersThesis{Woo89, author = "Andrew C. H. Woo", title = "Accelerators for Shadow Determination in Ray Tracing", pages = "136", month = feb, year = "1989", school = "Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto", keywords = "ray tracing, regular grid subdivision, voxel, shadow, efficiency, cull", } @InProceedings{Woo90voxel, author = "Andrew Woo and John Amanatides", title = "Voxel Occlusion Testing: {A} Shadow Determination Accelerator for Ray Tracing", pages = "213--220", booktitle = "Proceedings of Graphics Interface '90", year = "1990", month = may, conference = "Halifax, Canada", keywords = "grid, intersection culling, occlusion, penumbra, ray tracing, shadows, umbra, voxel traversal", abstract = " A shadow determination accelerator for ray tracing is presented. It is built on top of the uniform voxel traversal grid structure. The accelerator proves to be rather efficient, requires little additional memory and the worst case scenario per shadow determination just reduces down to traditional voxel traversal. It can also be extended to model linear, area lights, as well as atmospheric shadows. ", } @ARTICLE{Woo90survey, AUTHOR={Andrew Woo and Pierre Poulin and Alain Fournier}, TITLE={A Survey of Shadow Algorithms}, JOURNAL={IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications}, VOLUME={10}, NUMBER={6}, MONTH={Nov.}, YEAR={1990}, PAGES={13-32}, ABSTRACT={ Essential to realistic and visually appealing images, shadows are difficult to compute in most display environments. This survey characterizes the various types of shadows. It also describes most existing shadow algorithms and discusses their complexities, advantages, and shortcomings. We examine hard shadows, soft shadows, shadows of transparent objects, and shadows for complex modeling primitives. For each type, we examine shadow algorithms within various rendering techniques. This survey attempts to provide readers with enough background and insight on the various methods to allow them to choose the algorithm best suited to their needs. We also hope that our analysis will help identify the areas that need more research and point to possible solutions. }, } @INCOLLECTION{Woo92, AUTHOR={Andrew Woo}, TITLE={The Shadow Depth Map Revisited}, BOOKTITLE={Graphics Gems III}, EDITOR={David Kirk}, PUBLISHER={Academic Press}, ADDRESS={Boston, MA}, YEAR={1992}, PAGES={338-342, 582}, KEYWORDS={z-buffer shadow, aliasing}, annote = "includes code", } @Article{Woo93, author = "Andrew Woo", title = "Efficient shadow computations in ray tracing", journal = "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", pages = "78--83", volume = "13", number = "5", month = sep, year = "1993", annote = "Two simple techniques speed up shadows in ray tracing. Both require little memory and easily extend to other ray types. One can also benefit radiosity-related computations.", } @InProceedings{Poulin90shadow, author = "Pierre Poulin and John Amanatides", title = "Shading and Shadowing with Linear Light Sources", pages = "377--386", booktitle = "Eurographics '90", year = "1990", month = sep, publisher = "North-Holland", keywords = "soft shadow", } @ARTICLE{Bao93, AUTHOR={Hujun Bao and Qunsheng Peng}, TITLE={Shading Models for Linear and Area Light Sources}, JOURNAL={Computers and Graphics}, VOLUME={17}, NUMBER={2}, YEAR={1993}, PAGES={137-145}, KEYWORDS={shadow, penumbra}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Vedel93, AUTHOR={Christophe Vedel}, TITLE={Computing Illumination from Area Light Sources by Approximate Contour Integration}, BOOKTITLE={Proc. Graphics Interface '93}, PUBLISHER={Canadian Inf. Proc. Soc.}, ADDRESS={Toronto, Ontario}, MONTH={May}, YEAR={1993}, PAGES={237-244}, KEYWORDS={shadow, penumbra}, } @InProceedings{Chin90, AUTHOR={Norman Chin and Steven Feiner}, TITLE={Near Real-Time Shadow Generation Using {BSP} Trees}, booktitle={Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '90}, MONTH={Aug.}, YEAR={1990}, PAGES={99-106}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Chin92, AUTHOR={Norman Chin and Steven Feiner}, TITLE={Fast Object-Precision Shadow Generation for Area Light Sources using {BSP} Trees}, BOOKTITLE={1992 Symp. on Interactive 3D Graphics}, PUBLISHER={ACM SIGGRAPH}, MONTH={Mar.}, YEAR={1992}, PAGES={21-30}, } @TechReport{Chin90t, author = "Norman Chin", title = "Near Real-Time Object-Precision Shadow Generation Using {BSP} Trees---Master Thesis", institution = "University of Columbia", number = "CUCS-068-90", year = "1990", abstract = "This master's thesis describes an object-precision shadow generation algorithm for static polygonal environments illuminated by movable point light sources. The algorithm can be easily implemented on any graphics system that provides fast polygon scan-conversion and achieves near real-time performance for environments of modest size. It combines elements of two kinds of current shadow generation algorithms: two-pass object-precision approaches and shadow volume approaches. This algorithm is an example of a new paradigm for shadow generation. Previously, the shadowing the problem can be viewed as solving the visible-surface problem from the point of view of a point light source. Another way to look at them, is from a geometric modeling point of view. By creating shadow volumes and then classifying polygons analytically against it, shadows can also be computed. Several optimizations are discussed. A way of reducing the amount of polygon fragmentation is shown by coalescing the fragments on the fly. Two methods of parallelizing the algorithm is presented. One method determines shadow fragments in parallel for a given light source. And more importantly, a method to handle shadowing from multiple point light sources independent of the number of light sources on workstations with alpha blending capabilities is described. Finally this algorithm has been extended to generate soft shadows by modeling area light sources. By initially meshing the scene into penumbra/umbra regions, and by adaptively meshing the penumbra regions with concentric contours similiar in shape to the outer penumbra region and by applying the point light source shadow algorithm to compute what fraction of an area light source is seen by a point to be rendered in the interior of the penumbra region and finally, by smooth shading the results, fuzzy shadows can be rendered. The future work section talks about combining all of the above to produce higher quality shadows in radiosity environments through adaptive meshing of the scene along penumbra/umbra boundaries via the area light source shadow algorithm and through analytically computing form-factors via the point light source shadow algorithm. Pseudocode is provided along with pictures and timings from an interactive implementation.", } @InProceedings{Fuchs80, AUTHOR={Henry Fuchs and Zvi M. Kedem and Bruce F. Naylor}, TITLE={On Visible Surface Generation by A Priori Tree Structures}, booktitle={Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '80}, MONTH={July}, YEAR={1980}, PAGES={124-133}, KEYWORDS={hidden surface, BSP tree}, } @ARTICLE{Brotman84, AUTHOR={Lynne Shapiro Brotman and Norman I. Badler}, TITLE={Generating Soft Shadows with a Depth Buffer Algorithm}, JOURNAL={IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications}, VOLUME={4}, NUMBER={10}, MONTH={Oct.}, YEAR={1984}, PAGES={5-24}, } @ARTICLE{Crow77, AUTHOR={Franklin C. Crow}, TITLE={Shadow Algorithms for Computer Graphics}, JOURNAL={Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '77 Proceedings)}, VOLUME={11}, NUMBER={2}, MONTH={Summer}, YEAR={1977}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Meyer90, AUTHOR={U. Meyer}, TITLE={Hemi-Cube Ray Tracing: A Method for Generating Soft Shadows}, BOOKTITLE={Eurographics '90}, PAGES={365-376}, } @ARTICLE{Williams78, AUTHOR={Lance Williams}, TITLE={Casting Curved Shadows on Curved Surfaces}, JOURNAL={Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '78 Proceedings)}, VOLUME={12}, NUMBER={3}, MONTH={Aug.}, YEAR={1978}, PAGES={270-274}, } @ARTICLE{Reeves87, AUTHOR={William T. Reeves and David H. Salesin and Robert L. Cook}, TITLE={Rendering Antialiased Shadows with Depth Maps}, JOURNAL={Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '87 Proceedings)}, VOLUME={21}, NUMBER={4}, MONTH={July}, YEAR={1987}, PAGES={283-291}, } @ARTICLE{Atherton78, AUTHOR={Peter R. Atherton and Kevin Weiler and Donald P. Greenberg}, TITLE={Polygon Shadow Generation}, JOURNAL={Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '78 Proceedings)}, VOLUME={12}, NUMBER={3}, MONTH={Aug.}, YEAR={1978}, PAGES={275-281}, KEYWORDS={hidden surface}, } @ARTICLE{Heckbert86, AUTHOR={Paul S. Heckbert}, TITLE={Survey of Texture Mapping}, JOURNAL={IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications}, VOLUME={6}, NUMBER={11}, MONTH={Nov.}, YEAR={1986}, PAGES={56-67}, } @ARTICLE{Heckbert90, AUTHOR={Paul S. Heckbert}, TITLE={Adaptive Radiosity Textures for Bidirectional Ray Tracing}, JOURNAL={Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '90 Proceedings)}, VOLUME={24}, NUMBER={4}, MONTH={Aug.}, YEAR={1990}, PAGES={145-154}, KEYWORDS={global illumination}, } @PHDTHESIS{Heckbert91, AUTHOR={Paul S. Heckbert}, TITLE={Simulating Global Illumination Using Adaptive Meshing}, SCHOOL={CS Division, UC Berkeley}, MONTH={June}, YEAR={1991}, NOTE={Tech. Report UCB/CSD 91/636}, KEYWORDS={radiosity, ray tracing, adaptive mesh, integral equation, thermal radiation, visibility}, } @ARTICLE{Diefenbach94, AUTHOR={Paul J. Diefenbach and Norman I. Badler}, TITLE={Pipeline Rendering: Interactive Refractions, Reflections, and Shadows}, JOURNAL={Displays}, ANNOTE={Special issue on Interactive Computer Graphics}, NOTE={http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~diefenba/home.html}, VOLUME={15}, NUMBER={3}, YEAR={1994}, PAGES={173-180}, KEYWORDS={beam tracing, hardware, real time}, } @PHDTHESIS{Diefenbach96, AUTHOR={Paul J. Diefenbach}, TITLE={Pipeline Rendering: Interaction and Realism through Hardware-Based Multi-Pass Rendering}, SCHOOL={U. of Pennsylvania}, YEAR=1996, KEYWORDS={beam tracing, hardware, real time, Phong illumination}, NOTE={http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~diefenba/home.html}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Diefenbach97inter, AUTHOR={Paul J. Diefenbach and Norman I. Badler}, title={Multi-pass Pipeline Rendering: Realism for Dynamic Environments}, BOOKTITLE={1997 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics}, publisher={ACM SIGGRAPH}, YEAR=1997, KEYWORDS={texture mapping}, NOTE={To appear}, } @InProceedings{Cohen85, AUTHOR={Michael F. Cohen and Donald P. Greenberg}, TITLE={The Hemi-Cube: A Radiosity Solution for Complex Environments}, JOURNAL={Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '85 Proceedings)}, MONTH={July}, YEAR={1985}, PAGES={31-40}, KEYWORDS={shading, diffuse reflection}, } @ARTICLE{Cohen88, AUTHOR={Michael F. Cohen and Shenchang Eric Chen and John R. Wallace and Donald P. Greenberg}, TITLE={A Progressive Refinement Approach to Fast Radiosity Image Generation}, JOURNAL={Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '88 Proceedings)}, VOLUME={22}, NUMBER={4}, MONTH={Aug.}, YEAR={1988}, PAGES={75-84}, ANNOTE={progressive radiosity}, } @BOOK{Cohen93, AUTHOR={Michael F. Cohen and John R. Wallace}, TITLE={Radiosity and Realistic Image Synthesis}, PUBLISHER={Academic Press}, ADDRESS={Boston}, YEAR={1993}, } @ARTICLE{Cook86, AUTHOR={Robert L. Cook}, TITLE={Stochastic Sampling in Computer Graphics}, JOURNAL={ACM Trans. on Graphics}, VOLUME={5}, NUMBER={1}, MONTH={Jan.}, YEAR={1986}, PAGES={51-72}, KEYWORDS={ray tracing, antialiasing, motion blur}, ANNOTE={came out 1987}, } @ARTICLE{Baum91, AUTHOR={Daniel R. Baum and Stephen Mann and Kevin P. Smith and James M. Winget}, TITLE={Making Radiosity Usable: Automatic Preprocessing and Meshing Techniques for the Generation of Accurate Radiosity Solutions}, MONTH={July}, YEAR={1991}, JOURNAL={Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '91 Proceedings)}, VOLUME={25}, NUMBER={4}, PAGES={51-60}, KEYWORDS={mesh generation}, } @ARTICLE{Hanrahan91, AUTHOR={Pat Hanrahan and David Salzman and Larry Aupperle}, TITLE={A Rapid Hierarchical Radiosity Algorithm}, MONTH={July}, YEAR={1991}, JOURNAL={Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '91 Proceedings)}, VOLUME={25}, NUMBER={4}, PAGES={197-206}, ANNOTE={adaptive sampling of kernel in quadtree-like fashion motivated by Greengard's fast n-body algorithm}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Heckbert92discon, AUTHOR={Paul S. Heckbert}, TITLE={Discontinuity Meshing for Radiosity}, BOOKTITLE={Third Eurographics Workshop on Rendering}, MONTH={May}, YEAR={1992}, ADDRESS={Bristol, UK}, PAGES={203-216}, KEYWORDS={radiosity, adaptive mesh, visibility}, } @ARTICLE{Lischinski92, AUTHOR={Dani Lischinski and Filippo Tampieri and Donald P. Greenberg}, TITLE={Discontinuity Meshing for Accurate Radiosity}, JOURNAL={IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications}, VOLUME={12}, NUMBER={6}, MONTH={November}, YEAR={1992}, PAGES={25-39}, } @PHDTHESIS{Campbell91, AUTHOR = {Campbell, III, A. T.}, TITLE = "Modeling Global Diffuse Illumination for Image Synthesis", SCHOOL = "CS Dept, University of Texas at Austin", YEAR = 1991, MONTH = {Dec.}, NOTE = {Tech. Report TR-91-39}, keywords = {mesh generation, radiosity, penumbra, shadow}, pages = "155", keywords = "Computational geometry data structure diffuse global illumination mesh generation optimization penumbra radiosity sampling shadow.", abstract = "Rapid developments in the design of algorithms for rendering globally illuminated scenes have taken place in the past five years. Net energy methods such as radiosity algorithms have become effective at computing the energy balance for scenes containing diffusely reflecting objects. Such methods first break up a scene description into a large set of elements, or possibly several levels of elements. Energy transfers among these elements are then determined using a variety of means. While much progress has been made in the design of energy transfer algorithms, little or no attention has been paid to the proper generation of the mesh of surface elements. This dissertation presents a technique for adaptively creating a mesh of surface elements as the energy transfers are computed. The method allows large numbers of small elements to be placed at parts of the scene where the most active energy transfers occur without requiring that other parts of the scene be subdivided needlessly to the same degree. As a result, the computational effort in the energy transfer computations can be concentrated where it has the most effect. Since the sources of direct and indirect illumination in the scene are polygonal elements, the effects of light sources with finite area must be computed. Most methods simplify the problem by approximating the area source with a collection of point sources. We present an object space algorithm to model illumination from polygonal light sources analytically. The result is a collection of smooth-shaded polygonal facets that may be rendered from any viewing position. Binary Space Partitioning trees are used to compute umbra and penumbra boundaries efficiently. Fast analytic techniques are developed for illumination calculations. Numerical optimization methods ensure that the shading function is sampled finely enough to find all significant illumination gradations. Illumination calculations are optimized to concentrate computational effort on parts of the scene where they are most needed.", note = "price (\$5.00)", } @ARTICLE{Ward88, AUTHOR={Gregory J. Ward and Francis M. Rubinstein and Robert D. Clear}, TITLE={A Ray Tracing Solution for Diffuse Interreflection}, JOURNAL={Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '88 Proceedings)}, VOLUME={22}, NUMBER={4}, MONTH={Aug.}, YEAR={1988}, PAGES={85-92}, ANNOTE={cache diffuse samples}, } @InProceedings{ward91a, author = "Gregory Ward", title = "Adaptive shadow testing for ray tracing", booktitle = "Eurographics Workshop on Rendering", month = "May", year = "1991", conference = "Barcelona", pages = "11--20", keywords = "efficiency", abstract = "Method for reducing the number of shadow rays for scenes with a large number of light sources. The sources are sorted on their contribution, and only for the most important sources rays are cast. The influence of the other sources is estimated statistically. Tests are done with different tolerances (threshold to determine whether sources are important) and certainties (rate of accuracy). The method gives good reduction and is able to find the most important shadows because it selects contrast as criterion.", annote = "avoid shooting rays at lights determined to not affect perception of image", } @TECHREPORT{Garland95tr, AUTHOR={Michael Garland and Paul S. Heckbert}, TITLE={Fast Polygonal Approximation of Terrains and Height Fields}, INSTITUTION={CS Dept., Carnegie Mellon U.}, MONTH={Sept.}, YEAR={1995}, NOTE={CMU-CS-95-181, http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~garland/scape}, KEYWORDS={surface simplification, Delaunay triangulation, data-dependent triangulation, triangulated irregular network, TIN, multiresolution modeling, greedy insertion}, } @ARTICLE{Blinn88, AUTHOR={James F. Blinn}, TITLE={Me and My (Fake) Shadow}, JOURNAL={IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications}, VOLUME={8}, NUMBER={1}, MONTH={Jan.}, YEAR={1988}, PAGES={82-86}, KEYWORDS={projection, homogeneous matrix}, } @ARTICLE{Heidmann91, AUTHOR={Tim Heidmann}, TITLE={Real Shadows, Real Time}, JOURNAL={Iris Universe}, NOTE={Silicon Graphics, Inc.}, VOLUME={18}, YEAR={1991}, PAGES={28-31}, KEYWORDS={soft shadow, SGI Reality Engine, stencil buffer, shadow volume}, ANNOTE={includes C, GL code}, } @PHDTHESIS{Grant92, AUTHOR={Charles W. Grant}, TITLE={Visibility Algorithms in Image Synthesis}, SCHOOL={U. of California, Davis}, YEAR={1992}, KEYWORDS={z buffer, ray tracing, shadow, taxonomy}, annote={partial electronic version available from grant1@llnl.gov, A successor to Sutherland-Sproull-Schumacker, Comput. Surv. 74}, } @ARTICLE{Tessman89, AUTHOR={Thant Tessman}, TITLE={Casting Shadows on Flat Surfaces}, JOURNAL={Iris Universe}, NOTE={Silicon Graphics, Inc.}, MONTH={Winter}, YEAR={1989}, PAGES={16-19}, KEYWORDS={projection, homogeneous matrix}, ANNOTE={includes C, GL code}, } @BOOK{Neider93, AUTHOR={Jackie Neider and Tom Davis and Mason Woo}, TITLE={{OpenGL} Programming Guide}, PUBLISHER={Addison-Wesley}, ADDRESS={Reading MA}, YEAR={1993}, KEYWORDS={computer graphics, graphics workstation, SGI}, ANNOTE={shadows on a plane p. 401}, } @BOOK{McReynolds96, editor={Tom McReynolds}, title={Programming with {OpenGL}: Advanced Rendering}, note={SIGGRAPH '96 course notes}, year=1996, keywords={Silicon Graphics, graphics workstation, texture mapping, stencil buffer, accumulation buffer, shadow}, annote={article and code at http://www.sgi.com/Technology/openGL/advanced_sig96.html}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Akeley93, AUTHOR={Kurt Akeley}, TITLE={{RealityEngine} Graphics}, BOOKTITLE={SIGGRAPH '93 Proc.}, MONTH={Aug.}, YEAR={1993}, PAGES={109-116}, KEYWORDS={hardware, texture mapping, graphics workstation, SGI}, } @ARTICLE{Clark76, AUTHOR={James H. Clark}, TITLE={Hierarchical Geometric Models for Visible Surface Algorithms}, JOURNAL={CACM}, VOLUME={19}, NUMBER={10}, MONTH={Oct.}, YEAR={1976}, PAGES={547-554}, KEYWORDS={bounding volume, spatial data structure}, } @ARTICLE{Haeberli90accum, AUTHOR={Paul Haeberli and Kurt Akeley}, TITLE={The Accumulation Buffer: Hardware Support for High-Quality Rendering}, JOURNAL={Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '90 Proceedings)}, VOLUME={24}, NUMBER={4}, MONTH={Aug.}, YEAR={1990}, PAGES={309-318}, KEYWORDS={antialiasing, motion blur, depth of field, soft shadows, stochastic sampling}, } @ARTICLE{Segal92, AUTHOR={Mark Segal and Carl Korobkin and Rolf van Widenfelt and Jim Foran and Paul Haeberli}, TITLE={Fast Shadows and Lighting Effects using Texture Mapping}, JOURNAL={Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '92 Proceedings)}, VOLUME={26}, NUMBER={2}, MONTH={July}, YEAR={1992}, PAGES={249-252}, KEYWORDS={perspective, scan conversion}, } @ARTICLE{Chen90, author = "Shenchang Eric Chen", title = "Incremental Radiosity: An Extension of Progressive Radiosity to an Interactive Image Synthesis System", pages = "135-144", journal = "Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '90 Proceedings)", volume = "24", number = "4", year = "1990", month = "August", keywords = "animation", } @InCollection{Chen91prograd, author = "Shenchang Eric Chen", editor = "James Arvo", title = "Implementing Progressive Radiosity with User-Provided Polygon Display Routines", booktitle = "Graphics Gems II", pages = "295-298, 583-597", publisher = "Academic Press Professional", address = "Boston, MA", year = "1991", note = "includes code", } @Article{george90a, author = "David W. George and Francois X. Sillion and Donald P. Greenberg", title = "Radiosity Redistribution for Dynamic Environments", journal = "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", pages = "26--34", volume = "10", number = "4", month = jul, year = "1990", keywords = "radiosity, animation, interaction, shadow, negative radiosity", annote = "They present a modification to the progressive radiosity to allow faster radiosity computation for animation sequences where objects can be added, moved, removed or their surface changed properties. When an object is added, radiosity is shot onto these new patches. A shadow volume is determined and a negative radiosity is shot to the patches in shadow. When an object is moved, it is removed from the scene and added to the new position, the radiosity being recomputed at each step. The radiosity recomputed is based on two strategies: redistribute first or interleave redistribution and propagation. Some heuristics are presented to choose the most important patches. This solution is good when just a few objects are involved but as the complexity of the scenes and mostly moving objects increases, the algorithm lost of its interest.", } @INCOLLECTION{Sillion91shadow, AUTHOR={Francois Sillion}, TITLE={Detection of Shadow Boundaries for Adaptive Meshing in Radiosity}, EDITOR={James Arvo}, BOOKTITLE={Graphics Gems II}, PAGES={311-315}, PUBLISHER={Academic Press}, ADDRESS={Boston MA}, YEAR={1991}, KEYWORDS={discontinuity meshing}, } @Article{haines86a, author = "Eric A. Haines and Donald P. Greenberg", title = "The Light Buffer: {A} Ray Tracer Shadow Testing Accelerator", pages = "6--16", journal = "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", volume = "6", number = "9", year = "1986", month = sep, keywords = "shading, ray tracing, shadows, ray tracing shadow cull", abstract = "In one area of computer graphics, realistic image synthesis, the ultimate goal is to produce a picture indistinguishable from a photograph of a real environment. A particularly powerful technique for simulating light reflection---an important element in creating this realism---is called ray tracing. This method produces images of excellent quality, but suffers from lengthy computation time that limits its practical use. \\ This article presents a new method to reduce shadow testing time during ray tracing. The technique involves generating light buffers, each of which partition the environment with respect to an individual light source. These partition descriptions are then used during shadow testing to quickly determine a small subset of objects that may have to be tested for intersection. \\ The results of timing tests illustrate the beneficial performance of these techniques. The tests compare the standard ray-tracing algorithm to light buffers of varying resolution.", } @InProceedings{bouville88a, author = "C. Bouville and J. L. Dubois and I. Marchal and M. L. Viaud", title = "Monte-Carlo integration applied to an illumination model", pages = "483--498", booktitle = "Eurographics '88", year = "1988", month = sep, editor = "D. A. Duce and P. Jancene", publisher = "North-Holland", conference = "European Computer Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Nice, France; 12 -- 16 September 1988", keywords = "illumination model", abstract = "The use of Monte-Carlo integration together with stochastic sampling is very useful for dealing with the scattering phenomena that occur in the propagation and reflection of light. In this paper, these techniques have been applied to the implementation of a physics-based global illumination model. The theoretical basis of this approach is presented briefly and various applications to realistic image are then described. This concerns the rendering of penumbra and scattered reflection effects, antialiasing and accurate color modelling through spectral integration. For all these applications, both theoretical and implementation aspects are developed and it is shown that stochastic techiques can provide very simple and efficient algorithms.", } @InProceedings{Drettakis94, author = "George Drettakis and Eugene Fiume", title = "A Fast Shadow Algorithm for Area Light Sources Using Backprojection", booktitle = "SIGGRAPH '94 Proc.", pages = "223--230", year = "1994", keywords = "shadows, umbra, penumbra, discontinuity meshing, global illumination, backprojection", note = "http://safran.imag.fr/Membres/George.Drettakis/pub.html", } @InProceedings{Stewart94, author = "A. James Stewart and Sherif Ghali", title = "Fast Computation of Shadow Boundaries using Spatial Coherence and Backprojection", booktitle = "Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '94", pages = "231--238", month = jul, year = "1994", keywords = "shadows, backprojection, discontinuity mesh, aspect graphs, radiosity, visual events, efficient surface enumeration, spatial coherence", } @InProceedings{Stewart93, author = "A. James Stewart and Sherif Ghali", title = "An Output Sensitive Algorithm for the Computation of Shadow Boundaries", booktitle = "Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry", pages = "291--296", month = aug, year = "1993", } @InProceedings{haines91shaft, author = "Eric Haines and John Wallace", title = "Shaft culling for efficient ray-traced radiosity", booktitle = "Eurographics Workshop on Rendering", month = "may", year = "1991", conference = "Barcelona", keywords = "radiosity, ray tracing, bounding volumes", abstract = " A shaft is a volume between an emitter and receiver. A list of enclosing boxes, c.q. patches that are in that volume is generated. The ray casting to determine visibility between emitter and receiver can be reduced by only testing the rays against the patches in the shaft. Methods to make the shafts, and to determine which object are in the shaft are given. ", } @InProceedings{shirley91direct, author = "Peter Shirley and Changyaw Wang", title = "Direct lighting calculation by Monte Carlo integration", booktitle = "Eurographics Workshop on Rendering", year = "1991", conference = "held in Barcelona, Spain; 13-15 May 1991", keywords = "monte carlo, illumination", abstract = "Application of Monte Carlo techniques for rendering scenes with multiple light sources. Only one shadow ray per viewing ray is used. Some issues for the design of probability densities for light sources are given.", } @InProceedings{kok91a, author = "Arjan Kok and Frederik Jansen", title = "Source selection for the direct lighting component in global illumination", booktitle = "Eurographics Workshop on Rendering", year = "1991", conference = "held in Barcelona, Spain; 13-15 May 1991", keywords = "two pass", abstract = "Describes criteria for deciding which patches should be considered to be light sources in a two pass method in which direct lighting component is calculated separately in the second pass.", } @InCollection{Zimmerman95, author = "Kurt Zimmerman", editor = "Alan W. Paeth", title = "Direct Lighting Models for Ray Tracing with Cylindrical Lamps", booktitle = "Graphics Gems V", pages = "285--289", publisher = "Academic Press Professional", address = "Boston, MA", year = "1995", } @INCOLLECTION{Zimmerman95twopass, AUTHOR={Kurt Zimmerman and Peter Shirley}, TITLE={A Two-Pass Realistic Image Synthesis Method for Complex Scenes}, BOOKTITLE={Rendering Techniques '95 (Proceedings of the Sixth Eurographics Workshop on Rendering)}, PUBLISHER={Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS={NY}, PAGES={284-295}, YEAR=1995, NOTE={Also ftp://ftp.cs.indiana.edu/pub/techreports/TR434.ps.Z}, KEYWORDS={shadow}, } @InCollection{Wang92, author = "Changyaw Wang", editor = "David Kirk", title = "Physically Correct Direct Lighting for Distribution Ray Tracing", booktitle = "Graphics Gems III", pages = "307-313, 562-568", publisher = "Academic Press", address = "Boston, MA", year = "1992", keywords = "monte carlo, area light source, soft shadows", annote = "includes code", } @InProceedings{rossignac89b, author = "J. Rossignac and J. Wu", title = "Depth-interval buffer for hardware-assisted shading from {CSG}: Accurate treatment of coincident faces and shadows", booktitle = "Fifth Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware", year = "1989", editor = "D. Grimsdale and A. Kaufman", conference = "held in Lausanne, Switzerland; 2-3 September 1989", keywords = "hardware", annote = "Discuss the role of a depth interval buffer using a new version of the Trickle algorithm for handling coincident faces and shadows with CSG representations.", } @article{Fuchs85sig, author = "Henry Fuchs and Jack Goldfeather and Jeff P. Hultquist and Susan Spach and John D. Austin and Brooks, Jr., Frederick P. and John G. Eyles and John Poulton", title = "Fast Spheres, Shadows, Textures, Transparencies, and Image Enhancements in {Pixel-Planes}", pages = "111--120", journal = "Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '85 Proceedings)", volume = "19", number = "3", year = "1985", month = jul, keywords = "pixel planes, parallel processing", annote = "Fuchs' Pixel-Planes machine is explained in general. See [Eyles 87] for a final report. Explanation of how the machine can process linear equations, and gives several algorithms for display. Also published in Advances in Computer Graphics I, EUROGRAPHICS 86.", } @Article{eyles87a, author = "John Eyles and John Austin and Henry Fuchs and Trey Greer and John Poulton", title = "{Pixel-Planes} 4: {A} Summary", pages = "183--207", journal = "Advances in Computer Graphics Hardware II, Record of Second Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware", year = "1987", keywords = "parallel processing", annote = "A final report on the Pixel-Planes system. See also [Fuchs 85].", } @InProceedings{amanatides84a, author = "John Amanatides", title = "Ray Tracing with Cones", pages = "129--135", journal = "Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '84 Proceedings)", volume = "18", number = "3", year = "1984", month = jul, conference = "held in Minneapolis, Minnesota; 23--27 July 1984", keywords = "cone tracing, antialiasing, I35 Ray Tracing", annote = "ray tracing spheres and polygons with circular conical rays A technique for antialiasing in ray tracing is presented which utilizes cones instead of rays. Cones prevent problems generally associated with point sampling, and therefore allow for more natural images. The mathematics involved seem only ``pretty'' for spherical objects, so an acid test has yet to be performed. \\ A new approach to ray tracing is introduced. The definition of a ``ray'' is extended into a cone by including information on the spread angle and the virtual origin. The advantages of this approach, which tries to model light propagation with more fidelity, include a better method of antialiasing, a way of calculating fuzzy shadows and dull reflections, a method of calculating the correct level of detail in a procedural model and texture map, and finally, a procedure for faster intersection calculation.", } @InProceedings{salesin89a, author = "David Salesin and Jorge Stolfi", title = "The {ZZ}-Buffer: a Simple and Efficient Rendering Algorithm with Reliable Antialiasing", pages = "451--466", journal = "Proceedings of the PIXIM '89", year = "1989", annote = "The ZZ-buffer is a new rendering algorithm that is simple, efficient, and produces high-quality images. The algorithm correctly renders transparent surfaces, shadows with real penumbrae, and depth of field effects. The ZZ-buffer algorithm is substantially faster than ray tracing an nearly as versatile. While the ZZ-buffer is somewhat slower than the Z-buffer or A-buffer, it avoids the aliasing and other artifacts of these algorithms. The algorithm's efficiency comes from a screen-space object indexing scheme, and from the use of lazy evaluation for visibility tests. It achieves reliable antialiasing by employing an adaptive form of stochastic supersampling. The algorithm is simple enough that we give most of its code here in this paper. The algorithm has been implemented as part of a commercial production system and has proved robust over a large variety of images.", } @InProceedings{Muller:1994:FRR, author = "Stefan Muller and Frank Schoffel", booktitle = "Fifth Eurographics Workshop on Rendering", title = "Fast Radiosity Repropagation for Interactive Virtual Environments Using a Shadow-Form-Factor-List", address = "Darmstadt, Germany", pages = "325--342", month = jun, year = "1994", keywords = "dynamic environments, shadow-form-factor-list, scene coherence, radiosity repropagation, progressive refinement radiosity", bibsource = "sig-11-1994", } @TechReport{Seales89, author = "W. Brent Seales and Charles R. Dyer", title = "Using the {ASP} for the Interactive Viewing of Polyhedral Scenes", institution = "University of Wisconsin", number = "TR 903", month = dec, year = "1989", abstract = "In this paper we discuss an approach for solving the problem of interactively viewing a polyhedral scene. Interactive viewing is the computation and display of an interactively controlled sequence of views of a scene corresponding to a viewer's movement along a continuous viewpath. We present an algorithm for generating such views with hidden-lines removed, and consider extensions to solve the problem of generating views with hidden-surfaces removed. The method relies on a precomputation phase which constructs the {\it aspect representation}, or asp. This representation can be used to interactively view a polyhedral scene at video rates with hidden-lines or surfaces removed. The method exploits {\it viewpath coherence}, a form of frame-to-frame coherence present in such a sequence of views. The display of polyhedral line drawings with hidden lines removed makes use of the topology of the image line drawing and the pre-ordering of visual events which change that topology. This approach is extended to interactive viewing with hidden-surfaces removed and with shading, shadows, and multiple light sources. The set of object resolution polygons representing the visible faces and the shadow polygons for a single frame can be computed efficiently from the previous frame using the asp. The hidden-line and hidden-surface algorithms are closely related via the asp. Interactive viewing with hidden-lines removed is shown to be about as fast as the interactive display of a wire-frame scene. The primary on-line cost of hidden-surface interactive viewing is the cost associated with scan converting the visible surfaces and shadow polygons.", } @InProceedings{seales90a, author = "W. Brent Seales and Charles R. Dyer", title = "Shaded Rendering and Shadow Computation for Polyhedral Animation", pages = "175--182", journal = "Proceedings of Graphics Interface '90", year = "1990", month = may, conference = "held in Halifax, Nova Scotia; 14-18 May 1990", keywords = "animation, aspect representation, hidden-surface computation, interactive viewing, viewpath coherence", } @InProceedings{wanger92a, author = "Leonard Wanger", title = "The effect of shadow quality on the perception of spatial relationships in computer generated imagery", pages = "39--42", journal = "Computer Graphics (1992 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics)", volume = "25", number = "2", year = "1992", month = mar, editor = "David Zeltzer", conference = "held in Boston; 29 March - 1 April 1992", keywords = "interactive tasks, spatial relations, cue theory", } @TechReport{QMW-DCS-521-1990a, author = "M. Slater", title = "Dynamic Modification Of Objects In 3{D} Scenes Using Tiling And {A} {Z} -Buffer", institution = "Queen Mary College, Department of Computer Science", year = "1990", month = nov, number = "QMW-DCS-1990-521", scope = "ace", abstract-url = "http://www.dcs.qmw.ac.uk/publications/report_abstracts/1990/521", keywords = "Interactive 3D Graphics, Z-Buffer, Tiling, Shadows, Graphica Objects, Segments.", } @InProceedings{Chrysantho1995a, author = "Yiorgos Chrysanthou and Mel Slater", booktitle = "ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, Monterey, CA", title = "Shadow Volume {BSP} Trees for Computation of Shadows in Dynamic Scenes", year = "1995", month = apr, pages = "45--50", } @Incollection{arvo89survey, author = "James Arvo and David Kirk", title = "A survey of ray tracing acceleration techniques", pages = "201--262", booktitle = "An introduction to ray tracing", year = "1989", editor = "Andrew S. Glassner", publisher = "Academic Press", } @InProceedings{Arvo95irrad, author = "James Arvo", title = "Applications of Irradiance Tensors to the Simulation of Non-Lambertian Phenomena", pages = "335--342", booktitle = "SIGGRAPH 95 Proceedings", year = "1995", month = aug, keywords={shadow, shading}, } @Article{Hourcade85, author = "J. C. Hourcade and A. Nicolas", title = "Algorithms for Antialiased Cast Shadows", pages = "259--265", journal = "Computers and Graphics", volume = "9", number = "3", year = "1985", keywords = "z-buffer shadow", } @InProceedings{Tanaka90, author = "Toshimitsu Tanaka and Tokiichiro Takahashi", title = "Cross Scanline Algorithm", pages = "63--74", booktitle = "Eurographics '90", year = "1990", month = sep, publisher = "North-Holland", } @inproceedings{Tanaka91, author = "Toshimitsu Tanaka and Tokiichiro Takahashi", title = "Shading with Area Light Sources", booktitle = "Eurographics '91", publisher = "North-Holland", pages = "235--246, 535--537", month = sep, year = "1991", annote = "no shadows", } @ARTICLE{Tanaka94, author = "Toshimitsu Tanaka and Tokiichiro Takahashi", journal = "Computer Graphics Forum", title = "Cross Scan Buffer and its Applications", volume = "13", number = "3", publisher = "Basil Blackwell Ltd", pages = "467--376", year = "1994", note = "Eurographics '94 Conference issue", } @ARTICLE{Tanaka95, title = "Fast Shadowing Algorithm for Linear Light Sources", author = "Toshimitsu Tanaka and Tokiichiro Takahashi", journal = "Computer Graphics Forum", volume = "14", number = "3", pages = "205--216", year = "1995", note = "Eurographics '95 Conference issue", } @ARTICLE{Tanaka96, title={Fast Analytic Shading and Shadowing for Area Light Sources}, author={Toshimitsu Tanaka and Tokiichiro Takahashi}, note={Submitted for publication}, year=1996, annote={diffuse and specular surfaces}, } @ARTICLE{Max95, AUTHOR={Nelson Max}, TITLE={Optimal Sampling for Hemicubes}, JOURNAL={IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics}, VOLUME={1}, NUMBER={1}, YEAR={1995}, KEYWORDS={hemicube, radiosity, form factor, sampling, variance, optimization}, ABSTRACT={ The hemicube estimates of form factors are based on a finite set of sample directions. We obtain several optimal arrangements of sample directions, which minimize the variance of these estimates. They are based on changing the size or shape of the pixels or the shape of the hemicube, or using non-uniform pixel grids. The best reduces the variance by 43%. The variance calculation is based on the assumption that the errors in the estimate are caused by the projections of single polygon edges, and that the positions and orientations of these edges are random. This replaces the infinite dimensional space of possible environments by the two dimensional space of great circles on the unit sphere, making the numerical variance minimization possible. }, } @InProceedings{Myszkowski94, title = "Texture Mapping as an Alternative for Meshing During Walkthrough Animation", author = "Karol Myszkowski and Tosiyasu L. Kunii", booktitle = "Fifth Eurographics Workshop on Rendering", pages = "375--388", month = jun, year = "1994", keywords = "texture mapping, Gouraud shading, meshing, radiosity", } @INPROCEEDINGS{Ayatsuka96, TITLE={Penumbrae for 3D Interactions}, AUTHOR={Yuji Ayatsuka and Satoshi Matsuoka and Jun Rekimoto}, BOOKTITLE={9th Annl. Symp. for User Interface Software and Technology (UIST96)}, MONTH={Nov.}, YEAR=1996, PAGES={165-166}, ABSTRACT={ We propose a new feedback technique for 3D interaction in augmented reality using penumbrae which the objects cast. Rather than generating a real penumbra, which is computationally expensive, a fast, simplified algorithm is employed, which also is better suited for position feedback purposes. User studies show that 1) compared to orthographic shadow projections, 3D spatial recognition and placement tasks are substantially faster with our penumbrae, and 2) the users feel the feedback to be more natural, which is especially important in augmented reality. from http://www-masuda.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~aya/works/penumbra.html }, } @TECHREPORT{Goslin95, author={Michael Goslin}, title={Illumination as Texture Maps for Faster Rendering}, SCHOOL={Dept. of CS, U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill}, year=1995, note={TR 95-042}, keywords={texture mapping, radiosity, walkthrough, graphics workstation}, note={ftp://ftp.cs.unc.edu/pub/publications/techreports/95.html}, } @TECHREPORT{Bastos96, AUTHOR={Rui Bastos and Michael Goslin and Hansong Zhang}, TITLE={Efficient Rendering of Radiosity Using Textures and Bicubic Reconstruction}, NOTE={TR 96-025}, INSTITUTION={Dept. of CS, U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill}, YEAR=1996, KEYWORDS={texture mapping}, NOTE={http://www.cs.unc.edu/~bastos/radiosity.html}, annote={also available at ftp://ftp.cs.unc.edu/pub/publications/techreports/96.html}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Bastos97, AUTHOR={Rui Bastos and Michael Goslin and Hansong Zhang}, TITLE={Efficient Radiosity Rendering using Textures and Bicubic Reconstruction}, BOOKTITLE={1997 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics}, publisher={ACM SIGGRAPH}, YEAR=1997, KEYWORDS={texture mapping}, NOTE={To appear. http://www.cs.unc.edu/~bastos/radiosity.html}, } @Article{Appel67qi, author = "Arthur Appel", title = "The Notion of Quantitative Invisibility and the Machine Rendering of Solids", year = "1967", journal = "Proc. ACM Natl. Mtg.", pages = "387-393", keywords = "hidden line", } @ARTICLE{Ackland81edge, author = "Bryan D. Ackland and Neil H. Weste", title = "The edge flag algorithm - a fill method for raster scan displays", journal = "IEEE Trans. on Comp.", volume = "C-30", year = "1981", pages = "41--47", descriptors = "Method; display; realization; two-dimensional plot; three-dimensional plot; graphics; frame store; polygon fill; raster scan; computer animation;", annote = "Contour (polygon) filling is a primitive required in many application areas of raster scan graphics. The bit-map memory in a frame-store display is computationally well suited to this task, as it provides a large scratch pad working space. In this paper, a number of contour filling algorithms based on the read/write properties of the frame-store memory are compared with the classical {"}ordered-edge-list{"} approach.", } @INPROCEEDINGS{Hardt96, author={Stephen Hardt and Seth Teller}, title={High-Fidelity Radiosity Rendering at Interactive Rates}, booktitle={Rendering Techniques '96}, publisher={Springer-Verlag}, year=1996, note={(Proc. Eurographics Workshop on Rendering)}, pages={71-80,283}, keywords={real time}, } @TECHREPORT{Moller95ms, author={Tomas M\"oller}, title={Virtual Radiosity}, month={Sept.}, year=1995, institution={Dept. of Computer Engineering, Lund Inst. of Tech., Sweden}, keywords={texture mapping, graphics workstation, level of detail, virtual reality}, note={Master's thesis, http://www.clarus.se/People/tompa/reports.html}, annote={radiosity algorithm for graphics workstations that uses hardware texture mapping and multiple LODs}, } @TECHREPORT{Moller96lic, author={Tomas M\"oller}, title={Speed-Up Techniques for Computer Graphics}, month={Dec.}, year=1996, institution={Dept. of Computer Engineering, Chalmers U. of Tech., Sweden}, note={Technical Report No. 250L, Licenciate thesis, http://www.clarus.se/People/tompa/reports.html}, annote={66 pp., contains four papers: (1) image resampling (Fast Bitmap Stretching, Gems III), (2) ray-surface intersection optimization (Faster Ray Tracing Using Scanline Rejection, Gems V), (3) texturing for radiosity in VR (Radiosity Techniques for Virtual Reality, Plzen, Czech, 1996), (4) faster soft shadows (Speed-Up Techniques for Soft Shadow Generation, submitted 1996). }, }