# ####################### # Publications in 1998 # # 6 pieces # ######################### @misc{Havran98:d, author = {Havran, V. and Kopal, T. and Bittner, J. and \v{Z}\'{a}ra, J.}, title = {FAST ROBUST BSP TREE TRAVERSAL ALGORITHM FOR RAY TRACING}, note = { 8 pages, Submitted to Journal of Graphics Tools}, year = { 1998 }, month = jul, } @inproceedings{bittner98b, author = "Bittner, J. and Havran, V. and Slavik, P.", title = "Hierarchical Visibility Culling with Occlusion Trees", booktitle = "Proceedings of Computer Graphics International '98 (CGI'98)", year = "1998", month = jun, pages = "207--219", address = "Hannover, Germany", publisher = "IEEE, New York", } @InProceedings{Kopal98:b, author = {Kopal, T. and Havran, V. and Bittner, J. and \v{Z}\'{a}ra, J.}, title = {Directionality in Ray Tracing}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Poster'98}, note = {2nd International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering}, organization = { CTU--FEE }, address = {Prague, Czech Republic}, pages = {2 pages, IC 24}, month = {May}, year = {1998}, } @InProceedings{Havran98:c, author = {Havran, V.}, title = {Constructing Surface Area Binary Space Partitioning with Rope Trees for Ray Tracing}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Poster'98}, note = {2nd International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering}, organization = { CTU--FEE }, address = {Prague, Czech Republic}, pages = {2 pages, IC 15}, month = {May}, year = {1998}, } @InProceedings{Havran98:b, author = { Havran, V. and Bittner, J. and \v{Z}\'{a}ra, J.}, title = { Ray Tracing with Rope Trees}, booktitle = { Proceedings of 13th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics}, address = { Budme\v{r}ice}, month = apr, year = {1998}, pages = "130--139", } @InProceedings{Havran98:a, author = {Havran, V.}, title = {Statistically Optimized Traversal Algorithm for BSP trees}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Workshop'98}, organization = { CTU--FEE }, address = { Prague, Czech Republic }, editor= { A. Strejc }, month = { February}, pages = { 365--366}, year = { 1998 }, } # ####################### # Publications in 1997 # # 6 pieces # ######################### @InProceedings{Havran97:f, author = {Havran, V.}, title = {Cache Sensitive Representation for the BSP Tree}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Compugraphics'97}, note = {International Conference on Computer Graphics}, year = {1997}, month = dec, pages = { 369--376 }, place = {Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal}, anote = {Sixth International Conference on Computational Graphics and Visualization Techniques}, } @TechRep{Havran97:rep, author = {Havran, V.}, title = {Spatial Data Structures for Visibility Computation}, institution = {CTU--FEE Prague}, number = {DC-PSR-97-05}, month = {May}, year = {1997}, note = {Postgraduate Study Report, 34 pages, available at ftp://www.cgg.cvut.cz/outgoing/havran/minimum/dc-psr-97-04.ps.gz}, } @InProceedings{Havran97:d, author = {Havran, V.}, title = {Evaluation of BSP trees for ray--tracing}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Poster'97}, note = {1st International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering}, address = {Prague, Czech Republic}, pages = {2 pages, IC 12}, month = {May}, year = {1997}, } @InProceedings{Havran97:c, author = "Havran, V. and \v{Z}\'{a}ra, J.", title = "Evaluation of BSP properties for ray--tracing", booktitle = { Proceedings of 12th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics}, pages = { 155--162 }, address = { Budme\v{r}ice}, month = jun, year = {1997}, } @InProceedings{Havran97:b, author = { Havran, V.}, title = { Parallel Ray-tracer on Shared Memory Multiprocessor Machines Connected via Internet}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Workshop'97}, organization = { CTU--FEE }, address = { Prague, Czech Republic }, editor= { A. Strejc }, month = jan, pages = { 321--322 }, year = { 1997 }, } @InProceedings{Havran97:a, author = {Havran, V. and \v{S}och, M. and \v{S}imek, P. and Tvrd\'{\i}k, P.}, title = {Parallel Merge Sort on Shared Memory Multicomputer.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Workshop'97}, pages = {287--288}, editor= { A. Strejc}, address = {Prague, Czech Republic}, organization = { CTU--FEE }, month = jan, year = {1997}, } # ####################### # Publications in 1996 # # 4 pieces # ######################### @InProceedings{Havran96:d, author = {Havran, V.}, title = {Parallel Implementation of Ray Tracing on Shared Memory Architecture}, booktitle = {Poster Section at SOFSEM'96}, month = nov, year = {1996}, address = {Milovy, Czech Republic}, } @InProceedings{Havran96:c, author = {Havran, V. and \v{Z}\'{a}ra, J.}, title = {Some Practical Aspects of Ray Tracing on Shared Memory Machine}, booktitle = {Poster Section at Eurographics Workshop on Parallel Rendering}, month = aug, year = {1996}, address = {Bristol, UK}, } @InProceedings{Havran96:b, author = {Havran, V.}, title = {Load Balancing Techniques for Ray-tracer on Shared Memory Machine}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Poster'96}, organization = { CTU--FEE }, address = {Prague, Czech Republic}, pages = {74--74}, month = {May}, year = {1996}, } @MastersThesis{Havran96:a, author = {Havran, V.}, title = {The simulation of Optical Effects}, month = feb, school = {CTU--FEE, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic}, year = 1996, } # ####################### # Publications in 1995 # # 2 pieces # ######################### @InProceedings{Havran95:b, author = {Havran, V. and \v{Z}\'{a}ra, J.}, title = {Effective Homogenous Transformation of Large Raster Images}, booktitle = {Poster Section at SOFSEM'95}, month = nov, address = {Milovy, Czech Republic}, year = 1995, } @InProceedings{Havran95:a, author = {Havran, V. and \v{Z}\'{a}ra, J.}, title = {The simulation of the Real Camera for Rendering}, booktitle = { Proceedings of Workshop'95}, organization = {CTU--FEE}, address = {Prague, Czech Republic}, month = jan, year = {1995}, pages = {183--184}, }