1 | \chapter{Introduction}%\chapter
2 |
3 | \label{chap:introduction}
4 |
5 | \section{Structure of the report}
6 |
7 | The report consists of two introductory chapters, which provide a
8 | theoretical background for description of the algorithms, and three
9 | chapters dealing with the actual visibility algorithms.
10 |
11 | This chapter provides an introduction to visibility by using a
12 | taxonomy of visibility problems and algorithms. The taxonomy is used
13 | to classify the later described visibility
14 | algorithms. Chapter~\ref{chap:analysis} provides an analysis of
15 | visibility in 2D and 3D polygonal scenes. This analysis also includes
16 | formal description of visibility using \plucker coordinates of
17 | lines. \plucker coordinates are exploited later in algorithms for
18 | mutual visibility verification (Chapter~\ref{chap:mutual}).
19 |
20 | Chapter~\ref{chap:online} describes a visibility culling algorithm
21 | used to implement the online visibility culling module. This
22 | algorithm can be used accelerate rendering of fully dynamic scenes
23 | using recent graphics hardware. Chapter~\ref{chap:sampling}
24 | describes global visibility sampling algorithm which forms a core of
25 | the PVS computation module. This chapter also describes view space
26 | partitioning algorithms used in close relation with the PVS
27 | computation. Finally, Chapter~\ref{chap:mutual} describes mutual
28 | visibility verification algorithms, which are used by the PVS
29 | computation module to generate the final solution for precomputed
30 | visibility.
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 | %% summarize the state of the art
36 | %% visibility algorithms and their relation to the proposed taxonomy of
37 | %% visibility problems. The second part of the survey should serve as a
38 | %% catalogue of visibility algorithms that is indexed by the proposed
39 | %% taxonomy of visibility problems.
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 | \section{Domain of visibility problems}
44 | \label{sec:prob_domain}
45 |
46 | Computer graphics deals with visibility problems in the context of
47 | 2D, \m25d, or 3D scenes. The actual problem domain is given by
48 | restricting the set of rays for which visibility should be
49 | determined.
50 |
51 | Below we list common problem domains used and the corresponding domain
52 | restrictions:
53 |
54 | \begin{enumerate}
55 | \item
56 | {\em visibility along a line}
57 | \begin{enumerate}
58 | \item line
59 | \item ray (origin + direction)
60 | \end{enumerate}
61 | \newpage
62 | \item
63 | {\em visibility from a point} ({\em from-point visibility})
64 | \begin{enumerate}
65 | \item point
66 | \item point + restricted set of rays
67 | \begin{enumerate}
68 | \item point + raster image (discrete form)
69 | \item point + beam (continuous form)
70 | \end{enumerate}
71 | \end{enumerate}
72 |
73 |
74 | \item
75 | {\em visibility from a line segment} ({\em from-segment visibility})
76 | \begin{enumerate}
77 | \item line segment
78 | \item line segment + restricted set of rays
79 | \end{enumerate}
80 |
81 | \item
82 | {\em visibility from a polygon} ({\em from-polygon visibility})
83 | \begin{enumerate}
84 | \item polygon
85 | \item polygon + restricted set of rays
86 | \end{enumerate}
87 |
88 | \item
89 | {\em visibility from a region} ({\em from-region visibility})
90 | \begin{enumerate}
91 | \item region
92 | \item region + restricted set of rays
93 | \end{enumerate}
94 |
95 | \item
96 | {\em global visibility}
97 | \begin{enumerate}
98 | \item no further input (all rays in the scene)
99 | \item restricted set of rays
100 | \end{enumerate}
101 | \end{enumerate}
102 |
103 | The domain restrictions can be given independently of the dimension
104 | of the scene, but the impact of the restrictions differs depending on
105 | the scene dimension. For example, visibility from a polygon is
106 | equivalent to visibility from a (polygonal) region in 2D, but not in
107 | 3D.
108 |
109 | %*****************************************************************************
110 |
111 | \section{Dimension of the problem-relevant line set}
112 |
113 | The six domains of visibility problems stated in
114 | Section~\ref{sec:prob_domain} can be characterized by the {\em
115 | problem-relevant line set} denoted ${\cal L}_R$. We give a
116 | classification of visibility problems according to the dimension of
117 | the problem-relevant line set. We discuss why this classification is
118 | important for understanding the nature of the given visibility problem
119 | and for identifying its relation to other problems.
120 |
121 |
122 | For the following discussion we assume that a line in {\em primal
123 | space} can be mapped to a point in {\em line space}. For purposes of
124 | the classification we define the line space as a vector space where a
125 | point corresponds to a line in the primal space\footnote{A classical
126 | mathematical definition says: Line space is a direct product of two
127 | Hilbert spaces~\cite{Weisstein:1999:CCE}. However, this definition
128 | differs from the common understanding of line space in computer
129 | graphics~\cite{Durand99-phd}}.
130 |
131 |
132 |
133 | \subsection{Parametrization of lines in 2D}
134 |
135 | There are two independent parameters that specify a 2D line and thus
136 | the corresponding set of lines is two-dimensional. There is a natural
137 | duality between lines and points in 2D. For example a line expressed
138 | as: $l:y=ax+c$ is dual to a point $p=(-c,a)$. This particular duality
139 | cannot handle vertical lines. %See Figure~\ref{fig:duality2d} for an
140 | example of other dual mappings in the plane. To avoid the singularity
141 | in the mapping, a line $l:ax+by+c=0$ can be represented as a point
142 | $p_l=(a,b,c)$ in 2D projective space ${\cal
143 | P}^2$~\cite{Stolfi:1991:OPG}. Multiplying $p_l$ by a non-zero scalar
144 | we obtain a vector that represents the same line $l$. More details
145 | about this singularity-free mapping will be discussed in
146 | Chapter~\ref{chap:analysis}.
147 |
148 |
149 | %\begin{figure}[!htb]
150 | %\centerline{
151 | %\includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth,draft=\DRAFTFIGS]{figs/duality2d}}
152 | %\caption{Duality between points and lines in 2D.}
153 | %\label{fig:duality2d}
154 | %\end{figure}
155 |
156 |
157 |
158 |
159 |
160 | To sum up: In 2D there are two degrees of freedom in description of a
161 | line and the corresponding line space is two-dimensional. The
162 | problem-relevant line set ${\cal L}_R$ then forms a $k$-dimensional
163 | subset of ${\cal P}^2$, where $0\leq k \leq 2$. An illustration of the
164 | concept of the problem-relevant line set is depicted in
165 | %Figure~\ref{fig:classes}.
166 |
167 |
168 | %\begin{figure}[htb]
169 | %\centerline{
170 | %\includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth,draft=\DRAFTFIGS]{figs/classes}}
171 | %\caption{The problem-relevant set of lines in 2D. The ${\cal L}_R$ for
172 | %visibility along a line is formed by a single point that is a mapping
173 | %of the given line. The ${\cal L}_R$ for visibility from a point $p$ is
174 | %formed by points lying on a line. This line is a dual mapping of the
175 | %point $p$. ${\cal L}_R$ for visibility from a line segment is formed
176 | %by a 2D region bounded by dual mappings of endpoints of the given
177 | %segment.}
178 | %\label{fig:classes}
179 | %\end{figure}
180 |
181 |
182 | \subsection{Parametrization of lines in 3D}
183 |
184 |
185 | Lines in 3D form a four-parametric space~\cite{p-rsls-97}. A line
186 | intersecting a given scene can be described by two points on a sphere
187 | enclosing the scene. Since the surface of the sphere is a two
188 | parametric space, we need four parameters to describe the line.
189 |
190 | The {\em two plane parametrization} of 3D lines describes a line by
191 | points of intersection with the given two
192 | planes~\cite{Gu:1997:PGT}. This parametrization exhibits a singularity
193 | since it cannot describe lines parallel to these planes. See
194 | %Figure~\ref{fig:3dlines} for illustrations of the spherical and the
195 | two plane parameterizations.
196 |
197 |
198 | %\begin{figure}[htb]
199 | %\centerline{
200 | %\includegraphics[width=0.78\textwidth,draft=\DRAFTFIGS]{figs/3dlines}}
201 | %\caption{Parametrization of lines in 3D. (left) A line can be
202 | % described by two points on a sphere enclosing the scene. (right) The
203 | % two plane parametrization describes a line by point of intersection
204 | % with two given planes.}
205 | %\label{fig:3dlines}
206 | %\end{figure}
207 |
208 | Another common parametrization of 3D lines are the {\em \plucker
209 | coordinates}. \plucker coordinates of an oriented 3D line are a six
210 | tuple that can be understood as a point in 5D oriented projective
211 | space~\cite{Stolfi:1991:OPG}. There are six coordinates in \plucker
212 | representation of a line although we know that the ${\cal L}_R$ is
213 | four-dimensional. This can be explained as follows:
214 |
215 | \begin{itemize}
216 | \item Firstly, \plucker coordinates are {\em homogeneous
217 | coordinates} of a 5D point. By multiplication of the coordinates
218 | by any positive scalar we get a mapping of the same line.
219 | \item Secondly, only 4D subset of the 5D oriented projective space
220 | corresponds to real lines. This subset is a 4D ruled quadric called
221 | the {\em \plucker quadric} or the {\em Grassman
222 | manifold}~\cite{Stolfi:1991:OPG,Pu98-DSGIV}.
223 | \end{itemize}
224 |
225 | Although the \plucker coordinates need more coefficients they have no
226 | singularity and preserve some linearities: lines intersecting a set of
227 | lines in 3D correspond to an intersection of 5D hyperplanes. More
228 | details on \plucker coordinates will be discussed in
229 | Chapter~\ref{chap:analysis} and Chapter~\ref{chap:mutual} where they
230 | are used to solve the from-region visibility problem.
231 |
232 | To sum up: In 3D there are four degrees of freedom in the
233 | description of a line and thus the corresponding line space is
234 | four-dimensional. Fixing certain line parameters (e.g. direction) the
235 | problem-relevant line set, denoted ${\cal L}_R$, forms a
236 | $k$-dimensional subset of ${\cal P}^4$, where $0\leq k \leq 4$.
237 |
238 |
239 | \subsection{Visibility along a line}
240 |
241 | The simplest visibility problems deal with visibility along a single
242 | line. The problem-relevant line set is zero-dimensional, i.e. it is
243 | fully specified by the given line. A typical example of a visibility
244 | along a line problem is {\em ray shooting}.
245 |
246 | A similar problem to ray shooting is the {\em point-to-point}
247 | visibility. The point-to-point visibility determines whether the
248 | line segment between two points is occluded, i.e. it has an
249 | intersection with an opaque object in the scene. Point-to-point
250 | visibility provides a visibility classification (answer 1a), whereas
251 | ray shooting determines a visible object (answer 2a) and/or a point of
252 | intersection (answer 3a). Note that the {\em point-to-point}
253 | visibility can be solved easily by means of ray shooting. Another
254 | constructive visibility along a line problem is determining the {\em
255 | %maximal free line segments} on a given line. See Figure~\ref{fig:val}
256 | for an illustration of typical visibility along a line problems.
257 |
258 | %\begin{figure}[htb]
259 | %\centerline{
260 | %\includegraphics[width=0.85\textwidth,draft=\DRAFTFIGS]{figs/val}}
261 | %\caption{Visibility along a line. (left) Ray shooting. (center) Point-to-point visibility. (right) Maximal free line segments between two points.}
262 | %\label{fig:val}
263 | %\end{figure}
264 |
265 |
266 | \subsection{Visibility from a point}
267 |
268 | Lines intersecting a point in 3D can be described by two
269 | parameters. For example the lines can be expressed by an intersection
270 | with a unit sphere centered at the given point. The most common
271 | parametrization describes a line by a point of intersection with a
272 | given viewport. Note that this parametrization accounts only for a
273 | %subset of lines that intersect the viewport (see Figure~\ref{fig:vfp}).
274 |
275 | %\begin{figure}[htb]
276 | %\centerline{
277 | %\includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth,draft=\DRAFTFIGS]{figs/vfp}}
278 | %\caption{Visibility from a point. Lines intersecting a point can be described by a
279 | % point of intersection with the given viewport.}
280 | %\label{fig:vfp}
281 | %\end{figure}
282 |
283 | In 3D the problem-relevant line set ${\cal L}_R$ is a 2D subset of
284 | the 4D line space. In 2D the ${\cal L}_R$ is a 1D subset of the 2D
285 | line space. The typical visibility from a point problem is the visible
286 | surface determination. Due to its importance the visible surface
287 | determination is covered by the majority of existing visibility
288 | algorithms. Other visibility from a point problem is the construction
289 | of the {\em visibility map} or the {\em point-to-region visibility}
290 | that classifies a region as visible, invisible, or partially visible
291 | with respect to the given point.
292 |
293 |
294 | \subsection{Visibility from a line segment}
295 |
296 | Lines intersecting a line segment in 3D can be described by three
297 | parameters. One parameter fixes the intersection of the line with the
298 | segment the other two express the direction of the line. The
299 | problem-relevant line set ${\cal L}_R$ is three-dimensional and it can
300 | be understood as a 2D cross section of ${\cal L}_R$ swept according
301 | to the translation on the given line segment (see
302 | %Figure~\ref{fig:vls}).
303 |
304 |
305 | %\begin{figure}[htb]
306 | %\centerline{
307 | %\includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth,draft=\DRAFTFIGS]{figs/vls}}
308 | %\caption{Visibility from a line segment. (left) Line segment, a
309 | % spherical object $O$, and its projections $O^*_0$, $O^*_{0.5}$, $O^*_{1}$
310 | % with respect to the three points on the line segment. (right)
311 | % A possible parametrization of lines that stacks up 2D planes.
312 | % Each plane corresponds to mappings of lines intersecting a given
313 | % point on the line segment.}
314 | %\label{fig:vls}
315 | %\end{figure}
316 |
317 | In 2D lines intersecting a line segment form a two-dimensional
318 | problem-relevant line set. Thus for the 2D case the ${\cal L}_R$ is a
319 | two-dimensional subset of 2D line space.
320 |
321 |
322 | \subsection{Visibility from a region}
323 |
324 | Visibility from a region (or from-region visibility) involves the
325 | most general visibility problems. In 3D the ${\cal L}_R$ is a 4D
326 | subset of the 4D line space. In 2D the ${\cal L}_R$ is a 2D subset of
327 | the 2D line space. Consequently, in the presented classification
328 | visibility from a region in 2D is equivalent to visibility from a line
329 | segment in 2D.
330 |
331 | A typical visibility from a region problem is the problem of {\em
332 | region-to-region} visibility that aims to determine if the two given
333 | regions in the scene are visible, invisible, or partially visible (see
334 | %Figure~\ref{fig:vfr}). Another visibility from region problem is the
335 | computation of a {\em potentially visible set} (PVS) with respect to a
336 | given view cell. The PVS consists of a set of objects that are
337 | potentially visible from any point inside the view cell. Further
338 | visibility from a region problems include computing form factors
339 | between two polygons, soft shadow algorithms or discontinuity meshing.
340 |
341 |
342 | %\begin{figure}[htb]
343 | %\centerline{
344 | %\includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth,draft=\DRAFTFIGS]{figs/vfr}}
345 | %\caption{Visibility from a region --- an example of the region-to-region
346 | % visibility. Two regions and two occluders $A$, $B$
347 | % in a 2D scene. In line space the region-to-region visibility can be
348 | % solved by subtracting the sets of lines $A^*$ and $B^*$
349 | % intersecting objects $A$ and $B$ from the lines intersecting both
350 | % regions.}
351 | %\label{fig:vfr}
352 | %\end{figure}
353 |
354 |
355 | \subsection{Global visibility}
356 |
357 | According to the classification the global visibility problems can be
358 | seen as an extension of the from-region visibility problems. The
359 | dimension of the problem-relevant line set is the same ($k=2$ for 2D
360 | and $k=4$ for 3D scenes). Nevertheless, the global visibility problems
361 | typically deal with much larger set of rays, i.e. all rays that
362 | penetrate the scene. Additionally, there is no given set of reference
363 | points from which visibility is studied and hence there is no given
364 | priority ordering of objects along each particular line from ${\cal
365 | L}_R$. Therefore an additional parameter must be used to describe
366 | visibility (visible object) along each ray.
367 |
368 |
369 | \subsection{Summary}
370 |
371 | The classification of visibility problems according to the dimension
372 | of the problem-relevant line set is summarized in
373 | Table~\ref{table:classification3D}. This classification provides
374 | means for understanding how difficult it is to compute, describe, and
375 | maintain visibility for a particular class of problems. For example a
376 | data structure representing the visible or occluded parts of the scene
377 | for the visibility from a point problem needs to partition a 2D ${\cal
378 | L}_R$ into visible and occluded sets of lines. This observation
379 | conforms with the traditional visible surface algorithms -- they
380 | partition a 2D viewport into empty/nonempty regions and associate each
381 | nonempty regions (pixels) with a visible object. In this case the
382 | viewport represents the ${\cal L}_R$ as each point of the viewport
383 | corresponds to a line through that point. To analytically describe
384 | visibility from a region a subdivision of 4D ${\cal L}_R$ should be
385 | performed. This is much more difficult than the 2D
386 | subdivision. Moreover the description of visibility from a region
387 | involves non-linear subdivisions of both primal space and line space
388 | even for polygonal scenes~\cite{Teller:1992:CAA,Durand99-phd}.
389 |
390 | \begin{table*}[htb]
391 | \begin{small}
392 | \begin{center}
393 | \begin{tabular}{|l|c|l|}
394 | \hline
395 | \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{2D} \\
396 | \hline
397 | \mc{domain} & $d({\cal L}_R)$ & \mc{problems} \\
398 | \hline
399 | \hline
400 | \begin{tabular}{l}visibility along a line\end{tabular} & 0 & \begin{tabular}{l}ray shooting, point-to-point visibility\end{tabular}\\
401 | \hline
402 | \begin{tabular}{l}visibility from a point\end{tabular} & 1 & \begin{tabular}{l}view around a point, point-to-region visibility\end{tabular}\\
403 | \hline
404 | \begin{tabular}{l} visibility from a line segment \\ visibility from region \\ global visibility \end{tabular}
405 | & 2 & \begin{tabular}{l} region-to-region visibility, PVS \end{tabular}\\
406 | \hline
407 | \hline
408 | \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{3D} \\
409 | \hline
410 | \mc{domain} & $d({\cal L}_R)$ & \mc{problems} \\
411 | \hline
412 | \hline
413 | \begin{tabular}{l}visibility along a line\end{tabular} & 0 & \begin{tabular}{l} ray shooting, point-to-point visibility \end{tabular}\\
414 | \hline
415 | \begin{tabular}{l}from point in a surface\end{tabular} & 1 & \begin{tabular}{l} see visibility from point in 2D \end{tabular}\\
416 | \hline
417 | \begin{tabular}{l}visibility from a point\end{tabular} & 2 & \begin{tabular}{l} visible (hidden) surfaces, point-to-region visibility,\\
418 | visibility map, hard shadows
419 | \end{tabular} \\
420 | \hline
421 | \begin{tabular}{l}visibility from a line segment\end{tabular} & 3 & \begin{tabular}{l} segment-to-region visibility (rare) \end{tabular}\\
422 | \hline
423 | \begin{tabular}{l}visibility from a region\\global visibility\end{tabular} & 4 & \begin{tabular}{l} region-region visibility, PVS, aspect graph,\\
424 | soft shadows, discontinuity meshing
425 | \end{tabular} \\
426 |
427 | \hline
428 | \end{tabular}
429 | \end{center}
430 | \end{small}
431 | \caption{Classification of visibility problems in 2D and 3D according
432 | to the dimension of the problem-relevant line set.}
433 | \label{table:classification3D}
434 | \end{table*}
435 |
436 |
437 |
438 |
439 |
440 | \section{Classification of visibility algorithms}
441 |
442 |
443 | The taxonomy of visibility problems groups similar visibility problems
444 | in the same class. A visibility problem can be solved by means of
445 | various visibility algorithms. A visibility algorithm poses further
446 | restrictions on the input and output data. These restrictions can be
447 | seen as a more precise definition of the visibility problem that is
448 | solved by the algorithm.
449 |
450 | Above we classified visibility problems according to the problem
451 | domain and the desired answers. In this section we provide a
452 | classification of visibility algorithms according to other
453 | important criteria characterizing a particular visibility algorithm.
454 |
455 |
456 | \subsection{Scene restrictions}
457 | \label{sec:scene_restrictions}
458 |
459 | Visibility algorithms can be classified according to the restrictions
460 | they pose on the scene description. The type of the scene description
461 | influences the difficulty of solving the given problem: it is simpler
462 | to implement an algorithm computing a visibility map for scenes
463 | consisting of triangles than for scenes with NURBS surfaces. We list
464 | common restrictions on the scene primitives suitable for visibility
465 | computations:
466 |
467 |
468 | \begin{itemize}
469 | \item
470 | triangles, convex polygons, concave polygons,
471 |
472 | \item
473 | volumetric data,
474 |
475 | \item
476 | points,
477 |
478 | \item
479 | general parametric, implicit, or procedural surfaces.
480 |
481 | \end{itemize}
482 |
483 | Some attributes of scenes objects further increase the complexity of the visibility computation:
484 |
485 | \begin{itemize}
486 |
487 | \item
488 | transparent objects,
489 |
490 | \item
491 | dynamic objects.
492 |
493 | \end{itemize}
494 |
495 | The majority of analytic visibility algorithms deals with static
496 | polygonal scenes without transparency. The polygons are often
497 | subdivided into triangles for easier manipulation and representation.
498 |
499 | \subsection{Accuracy}
500 | \label{sec:accuracy}
501 |
502 | Visibility algorithms can be classified according to the accuracy of
503 | the result as:
504 |
505 | \begin{itemize}
506 | \item exact,
507 | \item conservative,
508 | \item aggressive,
509 | \item approximate.
510 | \end{itemize}
511 |
512 |
513 | An exact algorithm provides an exact analytic result for the given
514 | problem (in practice however this result is typically influenced by
515 | the finite precision of the floating point arithmetics). A
516 | conservative algorithm overestimates visibility, i.e. it never
517 | misses any visible object, surface or point. An aggressive algorithm
518 | always underestimates visibility, i.e. it never reports an invisible
519 | object, surface or point as visible. An approximate algorithm
520 | provides only an approximation of the result, i.e. it can overestimate
521 | visibility for one input and underestimate visibility for another
522 | input.
523 |
524 | The classification according to the accuracy is best illustrated on
525 | computing PVS: an exact algorithm computes an exact PVS. A
526 | conservative algorithm computes a superset of the exact PVS. An
527 | aggressive algorithm determines a subset of the exact PVS. An
528 | approximate algorithm computes an approximation to the exact PVS that
529 | is neither its subset or its superset for all possible inputs.
530 |
531 | A more precise quality measure of algorithms computing PVSs can be
532 | expressed by the {\em relative overestimation} and the {\em relative
533 | underestimation} of the PVS with respect to the exact PVS. We can
534 | define a quality measure of an algorithm $A$ on input $I$ as a tuple
535 | $\mbi{Q}^A(I)$:
536 |
537 | \begin{eqnarray}
538 | \mbi{Q}^A(I) & = & (Q^A_o(I), Q^A_u(I)), \qquad I \in {\cal D} \\
539 | Q^A_o(I) & = & {|S^A(I) \setminus S^{\cal E}(I)| \over |S^{\cal E}(I)|} \\
540 | Q^A_u(I) & = & {|S^{\cal E}(I) \setminus S^A(I) | \over |S^{\cal E}(I)|}
541 | \end{eqnarray}
542 |
543 | where $I$ is an input from the input domain ${\cal D}$, $S^A(I)$ is
544 | the PVS determined by the algorithm $A$ for input $I$ and $S^{\cal
545 | E}(I)$ is the exact PVS for the given input. $Q^A_o(I)$ expresses the
546 | {\em relative overestimation} of the PVS, $Q^A_u(I)$ is the {\em
547 | relative underestimation}.
548 |
549 | The expected quality of the algorithm over all possible inputs can be
550 | given as:
551 |
552 | \begin{eqnarray}
553 | Q^A & = & E[\| \mbi{Q}^A(I) \|] \\
554 | & = & \sum_{\forall I \in {\cal D}} f(I).\sqrt{Q^A_o(I)^2 + Q^A_o(I)^2}
555 | \end{eqnarray}
556 |
557 | where f(I) is the probability density function expressing the
558 | probability of occurrence of input $I$. The quality measure
559 | $\mbi{Q}^A(I)$ can be used to classify a PVS algorithm into one of the
560 | four accuracy classes according to Section~\ref{sec:accuracy}:
561 |
562 | \begin{enumerate}
563 | \item exact\\
564 | $\forall I \in {\cal D} :Q_o^A(I) = 0 \wedge Q_u^A(I) = 0$
565 | \item conservative\\
566 | $\forall I \in {\cal D} : Q_o^A(I) \geq 0 \wedge Q_u^A(I) = 0$
567 | \item aggressive \\
568 | $\forall I \in {\cal D} : Q_o^A(I) = 0 \wedge Q_u^A(I) \geq 0$
569 | \item approximate \\
570 | $\qquad \exists I_j, I_k \in {\cal D}: Q_o^A(I_j) > 0 \wedge Q_u^A(I_k) > 0$
571 | \end{enumerate}
572 |
573 |
574 |
575 | \subsection{Solution space}
576 |
577 | \label{sec:solspace}
578 |
579 | The solution space is the domain in which the algorithm determines
580 | the desired result. Note that the solution space does not need to
581 | match the domain of the result.
582 |
583 | The algorithms can be classified as:
584 |
585 | \begin{itemize}
586 | \item discrete,
587 | \item continuous,
588 | \item hybrid.
589 | \end{itemize}
590 |
591 | A discrete algorithm solves the problem using a discrete solution
592 | space; the solution is typically an approximation of the result. A
593 | continuous algorithm works in a continuous domain and often computes an
594 | analytic solution to the given problem. A hybrid algorithm uses both
595 | the discrete and the continuous solution space.
596 |
597 | The classification according to the solution space is easily
598 | demonstrated on visible surface algorithms: The
599 | z-buffer~\cite{Catmull:1975:CDC} is a common example of a discrete
600 | algorithm. The Weiler-Atherton algorithm~\cite{Weiler:1977:HSR} is an
601 | example of a continuous one. A hybrid solution space is used by
602 | scan-line algorithms that solve the problem in discrete steps
603 | (scan-lines) and for each step they provide a continuous solution
604 | (spans).
605 |
606 | Further classification reflects the semantics of the solution
607 | space. According to this criteria we can classify the algorithms as:
608 |
609 | \begin{itemize}
610 | \item primal space (object space),
611 | \item line space,
612 | \begin{itemize}
613 | \item image space,
614 | \item general,
615 | \end{itemize}
616 | \item hybrid.
617 | \end{itemize}
618 |
619 | A primal space algorithm solves the problem by studying the
620 | visibility between objects without a transformation to a different
621 | solution space. A line space algorithm studies visibility using a
622 | transformation of the problem to line space. Image space algorithms
623 | can be seen as an important subclass of line space algorithms for
624 | solving visibility from a point problems in 3D. These algorithms cover
625 | all visible surface algorithms and many visibility culling
626 | algorithms. They solve visibility in a given image plane that
627 | represents the problem-relevant line set ${\cal L}_R$ --- each ray
628 | originating at the viewpoint corresponds to a point in the image plane.
629 |
630 | The described classification differs from the sometimes mentioned
631 | understanding of image space and object space algorithms that
632 | incorrectly considers all image space algorithms discrete and all
633 | object space algorithms continuous.
634 |
635 |
636 | %*****************************************************************************
637 |
638 |
639 |
640 | \section{Summary}
641 |
642 | The presented taxonomy classifies visibility problems independently of
643 | their target application. The classification should help to understand
644 | the nature of the given problem and it should assist in finding
645 | relationships between visibility problems and algorithms in different
646 | application areas. The algorithms address the following classes of
647 | visibility problems:
648 |
649 | \begin{itemize}
650 | \item Visibility from a point in 3D $d({\cal L}_R)=2$.
651 | \item Global visibility in 3D $d({\cal L}_R)=4$.
652 | \item Visibility from a region in 3D, $d({\cal L}_R)=4$.
653 | \end{itemize}
654 |
655 | This chapter discussed several important criteria for the
656 | classification of visibility algorithms. This classification can be
657 | seen as a finer structuring of the taxonomy of visibility problems. We
658 | discussed important steps in the design of a visibility algorithm that
659 | should also assist in understanding the quality of a visibility
660 | algorithm. According to the classification the visibility algorithms
661 | described later in the report address algorithms with the following
662 | properties:
663 |
664 | \begin{itemize}
665 | \item Domain:
666 | \begin{itemize}
667 | \item viewpoint (online visibility culling),
668 | \item global visibility (global visibility sampling)
669 | \item polygon or polyhedron (mutual visibility verification)
670 | \end{itemize}
671 | \item Scene restrictions (occluders):
672 | \begin{itemize}
673 | \item meshes consisting of convex polygons
674 | \end{itemize}
675 | \item Scene restrictions (group objects):
676 | \begin{itemize}
677 | \item bounding boxes
678 | \end{itemize}
679 | \item Output:
680 | \begin{itemize}
681 | \item PVS
682 | \end{itemize}
683 | \item Accuracy:
684 | \begin{itemize}
685 | \item conservative
686 | \item exact
687 | \item aggresive
688 | \end{itemize}
689 | \item Solution space:
690 | \begin{itemize}
691 | \item discrete (online visibility culling, global visibility sampling, conservative and approximate algorithm from the mutual visibility verification)
692 | \item continuous (exact algorithm from mutual visibility verification)
693 | \end{itemize}
694 | \item Solution space data structures: viewport (online visibility culling), ray stack (global visibility sampling, conservative and approximate algorithm from the mutual visibility verification), BSP tree (exact algorithm from the mutual visibility verification)
695 | \item Use of coherence of visibility:
696 | \begin{itemize}
697 | \item spatial coherence (all algorithms)
698 | \item temporal coherence (online visibility culling)
699 | \end{itemize}
700 | \item Output sensitivity: expected in practice (all algorithms)
701 | \item Acceleration data structure: kD-tree (all algorithms)
702 | \item Use of graphics hardware: online visibility culling
703 | \end{itemize}
704 |
705 |