1 | // ===================================================================
2 | // $Id: environ.h,v 1.1 2004/02/16 14:46:00 bittner Exp $
3 | //
4 | // environ.h
5 | // Header file for environment operations, i.e.. reading
6 | // environment file, reading command line parameters etc.
7 | //
8 | // Class: CEnvironment
9 | //
10 | /// Initial coding by
11 | /// @author Tomas Kopal
12 |
13 | #ifndef __ENVIRONMENT_H__
14 | #define __ENVIRONMENT_H__
15 |
16 | // forward declarations
17 |
18 | #include "common.h"
19 |
20 | namespace GtpVisibilityPreprocessor {
21 |
22 | class Vector3;
23 |
24 |
25 | /// Enumeration type used to distinguish the type of the environment variable
26 | enum EOptType {
27 | /// the integer variable
28 | optInt,
29 | /// the Real variable
30 | optFloat,
31 | /// the bool variable
32 | optBool,
33 | /// the vector variable
34 | optVector,
35 | /// the string variable
36 | optString
37 | };
38 |
39 | class COption
40 | {
41 | public:
42 | COption() {
43 | name = NULL;
44 | value = NULL;
45 | abbrev = NULL;
46 | defaultValue = NULL;
47 | description = NULL;
48 | pointer = NULL;
49 | }
50 |
51 | virtual ~COption() {
52 | if (name)
53 | delete name;
54 | if (value)
55 | delete value;
56 | if (abbrev)
57 | delete abbrev;
58 | if (defaultValue)
59 | delete defaultValue;
60 | if (description)
61 | delete description;
62 |
63 | }
64 |
65 | EOptType type;
66 | char *name;
67 | char *value;
68 | char *abbrev;
69 | char *defaultValue;
70 |
71 | char *description;
72 | void *pointer;
73 | friend ostream &operator <<(ostream &s, const COption &o) {
74 | s<<o.name<<"\t";
75 | if (o.abbrev)
76 | s<<o.abbrev;
77 | else
78 | s<<"no abbrev";
79 | s<<"\t";
80 | if (o.value)
81 | s<<o.value;
82 | else
83 | s<<"not set";
84 | s<<"\t";
85 | if (o.defaultValue)
86 | s<<"["<<o.defaultValue<<"]";
87 | else
88 | s<<"[not set]";
89 | s<<"\t";
90 | if (o.description)
91 | s<<endl<<o.description;
92 | return s;
93 | }
94 |
95 | };
96 |
97 | /** CEnvironment class.
98 | This class is used for reading command line, reading environment file and
99 | managing options. Each recognizable option must be registered in the
100 | constructor of this class.
101 | */
102 | class Environment {
103 | /**@name Variables */
104 | //@{
105 | private:
106 | /// Maximal number of options
107 | int maxOptions;
108 | /// Number of columns in the parameter table.
109 | int numParams;
110 | /// Number of rows in the parameter table.
111 | int paramRows;
112 | /// String with prefixes with non-optional parameters.
113 | char *optionalParams;
114 | /// Current row in the parameter table.
115 | int curRow;
116 |
117 | /** Parameter table itself.
118 | The organization of this table is two dimensional array of character
119 | strings. First column are parameters, all the other columns are options
120 | prefixed by char passed to function GetCmdlineParams and paired with
121 | corresponding parameters.
122 | */
123 | char ***params;
124 |
125 | /// Number of registered options.
126 | int numOptions;
127 | /** Options table itself.
128 | This table is two dimensional array of character strings with four
129 | columns. First column contains name of the option, second it's value,
130 | third eventual abbreviation, and finally the fourth contains the default
131 | value specified when registering the option.
132 | */
133 | COption *options;
134 | // char ***options;
135 | /** Options types.
136 | This is auxiliary table to the table "options". It contains the type of
137 | each option as specified when registering.
138 | */
139 | // EOptType *optTypes;
140 | //@}
141 |
142 | /**@name Methods */
143 | //@{
144 | /** Auxiliary method for parsing environment file.
145 | Function gets one string from buffer, skipping leading whitespaces, and
146 | appends it at the end of the string parameter. Returns pointer to the next
147 | string in the buffer with trailing whitespaces skipped. If no string in
148 | the buffer can't be found, returns NULL.
149 | @param buffer Input line for parsing.
150 | @param string Buffer to append gathered string to.
151 | @return Pointer to next string or NULL if not succesful.
152 | */
153 | char* ParseString(char *buffer, char *string) const;
154 | /** Method for checking variable type.
155 | This method is used to check if the value of the variable can be taken
156 | as the specified type.
157 | @param value Tested value of the variable.
158 | @param type The type of the variable.
159 | @return true if the variable is of the specified type, false elsewhere.
160 | */
161 | bool CheckType(const char *value, const EOptType type) const;
162 | //@}
163 |
164 | int
165 | FindOption(const char *name,
166 | const bool isFatal=false) const;
167 |
168 | bool
169 | ParseBool(const char *name) const;
170 | void
171 | ParseVector(const char *name, Vector3 &v) const;
172 |
173 |
174 |
175 | public:
176 | /**@name Methods */
177 | //@{
178 | /// Constructor of the CEnvironment class.
179 | Environment();
180 | /// Destructor of the CEnvironment class.
181 | virtual ~Environment();
182 |
183 | /// This method is used as a help on available command line options.
184 | virtual void PrintUsage(ostream &s) const;
185 |
186 | virtual void SetStaticOptions();
187 |
188 |
189 | /** Method for registering new option.
190 | Using this method is possible to register new option with it's name, type,
191 | abbreviation and default value.
192 | @param name Name of the option.
193 | @param type The type of the variable.
194 | @param abbrev If not NULL, alias usable as a command line option.
195 | @param defValue Implicit value used if not specified explicitly.
196 | */
197 | void RegisterOption(const char *name, const EOptType type,
198 | const char *abbrev, const char *defValue = NULL);
199 |
200 | /** Check if the specified switch is present in the command line.
201 | Primary use of this function is to check for presence of some special
202 | switch, e.g. -h for help. It can be used anytime.
203 | @param argc Number of command line arguments.
204 | @param argv Array of command line arguments.
205 | @param swtch Switch we are checking for.
206 | @return true if found, false elsewhere.
207 | */
208 | bool CheckForSwitch(const int argc,
209 | char **argv,
210 | const char swtch) const;
211 | /** First pass of parsing command line.
212 | This function parses command line and gets from there all non-optional
213 | parameters (i.e. not prefixed by the dash) and builds a table of
214 | parameters. According to param optParams, it also writes some optional
215 | parameters to this table and pair them with corresponding non-optional
216 | parameters.
217 | @param argc Number of command line arguments.
218 | @param argv Array of command line arguments.
219 | @param optParams String consisting of prefixes to non-optional parameters.
220 | All prefixes must be only one character wide !
221 | */
222 | void ReadCmdlineParams(const int argc,
223 | char **argv,
224 | const char *optParams);
225 | /** Reading of the environment file.
226 | This function reads the environment file.
227 | @param filename The name of the environment file to read.
228 | @return true if OK, false in case of error.
229 | */
230 | bool ReadEnvFile(const char *filename);
231 | /** Second pass of the command line parsing.
232 | Performs parsing of the command line ignoring all parameters and options
233 | read in the first pass. Builds table of options.
234 | @param argc Number of command line arguments.
235 | @param argv Array of command line arguments.
236 | @param index Index of non-optional parameter, of which options should
237 | be read in.
238 | */
239 | void ParseCmdline(const int argc, char **argv, const int index);
240 |
241 | /** Clears the environment data structures.
242 | This function is intended to clear all data structures corresponding to
243 | particular non-optional parameter to allow options for the next
244 | non-optional parameter to be read. After this clearing, function
245 | ReadEnvFile() can be called again to obtain next load of options.
246 | */
247 | // void ClearEnvironment();
248 |
249 | /** Parameters number query function.
250 | This function returns number of non-optional parameters specified on
251 | the command line.
252 | */
253 | int GetParamNum() const { return paramRows; }
254 | /** Returns the indexed parameter or corresponding optional parameter.
255 | This function is used for queries on individual non-optional parameters.
256 | The table must be constructed to allow this function to operate (i.e. the
257 | first pass of command line parsing must be done).
258 | @param name If space (' '), returns the non-optional parameter, else returns
259 | the corresponding optional parameter.
260 | @param index Index of the non-optional parameter to which all other options
261 | corresponds.
262 | @param value Return value of the queried parameter.
263 | @return true if OK, false in case of error or if the parameter wasn't
264 | specified.
265 | */
266 | bool GetParam(const char name, const int index, char *value) const;
267 |
268 | /**@name Options query functions.
269 | These functions are used for queries on individual options. The table must
270 | be constructed to allow these functions to operate (i.e. the environment
271 | file must be read and the second pass of command line parsing be done).
272 | @param name Name of the option to retrieve.
273 | @param value Return value of the queried option.
274 | @param isFatal Boolean value specifying, if the function should exit or
275 | return false in case of error.
276 | @return true if OK, false in case of error.
277 | */
278 | //@{
279 | /// returns true, if the specified option has been specified
280 | bool OptionPresent(const char *name) const;
281 | /// returns named option as a integral value.
282 | bool GetIntValue(const char *name,
283 | int &value,
284 | const bool isFatal = false) const;
285 |
286 | /// returns named option as a floating point value.
287 | bool GetDoubleValue(const char *name,
288 | double &value,
289 | const bool isFatal = false) const;
290 |
291 | /// returns named option as a floating point value.
292 | bool GetRealValue(const char *name,
293 | Real &value,
294 | const bool isFatal = false) const;
295 |
296 | bool GetFloatValue(const char *name,
297 | float &value,
298 | const bool isFatal = false) const;
299 |
300 | /// returns named option as a boolean value.
301 | bool GetBoolValue(const char *name,
302 | bool &value,
303 | const bool isFatal = false) const;
304 |
305 | bool GetBool(const char *name, const bool isFatal = false) const;
306 |
307 | /// returns named option as a 3D vector.
308 | bool GetVectorValue(const char *name,
309 | Vector3 &v,
310 | const bool isFatal = false) const;
311 |
312 | /// returns named option as a character string.
313 | bool GetStringValue(const char *name,
314 | char *value,
315 | const bool isFatal = false) const;
316 |
317 | //@}
318 | /**@name Options set functions.
319 | These functions are used for setting individual options.
320 | @param name Name of the option to set.
321 | @param value Value to set the option to.
322 | */
323 | //@{
324 | /// sets named option as a integral value.
325 | void SetInt(const char *name, const int value);
326 | /// sets named option as a floating point value.
327 | void SetFloat(const char *name, const Real value);
328 | /// sets named option as a boolean value.
329 | void SetBool(const char *name, const bool value);
330 | /// sets named option as a 3D vector.
331 | void SetVector(const char *name,
332 | const Vector3 &v);
333 | /// sets named option as a character string.
334 | void SetString(const char *name, const char *value);
335 | //@}
336 | //@}
337 |
338 | bool Parse(const int argc, char **argv, bool useExePath);
339 |
340 | void
341 | CodeString(char *buff, int max);
342 |
343 | void
344 | DecodeString(char *buff, int max);
345 |
346 | void
347 | SaveCodedFile(char *filenameText,
348 | char *filenameCoded);
349 |
350 | };
351 |
352 | // global environment value
353 | extern Environment *environment;
354 |
355 | }
356 |
357 | #endif // __ENVIRON_H__
358 |