1 | #ifndef __GLRENDERER_H
2 | #define __GLRENDERER_H
3 |
4 | #include "Vector3.h"
5 | #include "Containers.h"
6 | #include "Halton.h"
7 | #include "Renderer.h"
8 | #include "Beam.h"
9 | #include "Pvs.h"
10 |
11 |
12 | namespace GtpVisibilityPreprocessor {
13 |
14 | class SceneGraph;
15 | class ViewCellsManager;
16 | class Mesh;
17 | class MeshInstance;
18 | class Intersectable;
19 | class Material;
20 | class Beam;
21 | class KdTree;
22 | class GlRendererBuffer;
23 | class BeamSampleStatistics;
24 | class OcclusionQuery;
25 | class TransformedMeshInstance;
26 |
27 | struct VssRayContainer;
28 |
29 | struct PvsRenderStatistics {
30 |
31 | float maxError;
32 | float sumError;
33 | int sumPvsSize;
34 | int frames;
35 | int errorFreeFrames;
36 |
37 | PvsRenderStatistics() { Reset(); }
38 |
39 | void Reset() {
40 | maxError = 0.0f;
41 | sumError = 0.0f;
42 | frames = 0;
43 | errorFreeFrames = 0;
44 | sumPvsSize = 0;
45 | }
46 |
47 | float GetMaxError() { return maxError; }
48 | float GetAvgError() { return sumError/frames; }
49 | float GetErrorFreeFrames() { return errorFreeFrames/(float)frames; }
50 | float GetAvgPvs() { return sumPvsSize/(float)frames; }
51 |
52 | };
53 |
54 | struct RenderCostSample {
55 |
56 | RenderCostSample() {}
57 |
58 | void Reset() {
59 | mVisibleObjects = 0;
60 | mVisiblePixels = 0;
61 | }
62 |
63 | Vector3 mPosition;
64 |
65 | // visible object from the given point
66 | int mVisibleObjects;
67 |
68 | // visible pixels
69 | int mVisiblePixels;
70 |
71 | ObjectPvs mPvs;
72 |
73 | };
74 |
75 | /** Class encapsulating gl rendering for the scene.
76 | There is no gl context binding so the binding is performed in the
77 | derived classes
78 | */
79 | class GlRenderer: public Renderer
80 | {
81 |
82 | public:
83 |
84 | GlRenderer(SceneGraph *sceneGraph,
85 | ViewCellsManager *viewcells,
86 | KdTree *tree);
87 |
88 | GlRenderer() {}
89 |
90 | virtual ~GlRenderer();
91 |
92 |
93 | void SetupFalseColor(const int id);
94 | void RenderIntersectable(Intersectable *);
95 | void RenderViewCell(ViewCell *vc);
96 | void RenderMeshInstance(MeshInstance *mi);
97 | void RenderTransformedMeshInstance(TransformedMeshInstance *mi);
98 | void RenderMesh(Mesh *m);
99 | void SetupMaterial(Material *m);
100 | virtual void SetupCamera();
101 |
102 | bool
103 | RenderScene();
104 |
105 | void
106 | _RenderScene();
107 |
108 |
109 | virtual void
110 | SetupProjection(const int w, const int h, const float angle = 70.0f);
111 |
112 |
113 |
114 |
115 | void InitGL();
116 |
117 | virtual int GetWidth() const = 0;
118 | virtual int GetHeight() const = 0;
119 |
120 | int GetId(int r, int g, int b) const;
121 |
122 | inline const bool GetSnapErrorFrames() { return mSnapErrorFrames; }
123 | inline const string GetSnapPrefix() { return mSnapPrefix; }
124 |
125 | inline void SetSnapErrorFrames(bool snapframes) { mSnapErrorFrames = snapframes; }
126 | inline void SetSnapPrefix(const string &pref) { mSnapPrefix = pref; }
127 |
128 | protected:
129 |
130 |
131 | vector<OcclusionQuery *> mOcclusionQueries;
132 |
133 | ObjectContainer mObjects;
134 |
135 | Vector3 mViewPoint;
136 | Vector3 mViewDirection;
137 |
138 | int timerId;
139 | bool mUseFalseColors;
140 | bool mUseForcedColors;
141 |
142 | HaltonSequence halton;
143 |
144 | int mFrame;
145 | bool mWireFrame;
146 |
147 | bool mDetectEmptyViewSpace;
148 | bool mSnapErrorFrames;
149 |
150 | bool mUseGlLists;
151 |
152 | string mSnapPrefix;
153 |
154 | KdTree *mKdTree;
155 |
156 | };
157 |
158 | /* Class implementing an OpenGl render buffer.
159 | */
160 | class GlRendererBuffer: public GlRenderer
161 | {
162 |
163 | public:
164 |
165 | GlRendererBuffer(SceneGraph *sceneGraph,
166 | ViewCellsManager *viewcells,
167 | KdTree *tree);
168 |
169 |
170 | /** Evaluates render cost of a point sample.
171 | @param sample the render cost sample to be evaluated
172 | @param useOcclusionQueries if occlusion queries should be used or item buffer
173 | @param threshold number of pixels / samples from where an object is considered visible.
174 | */
175 | void EvalRenderCostSample(RenderCostSample &sample,
176 | const bool useOcclusionQueries,
177 | const int threshold);
178 |
179 | /** Evaluates render cost of a number of point samples. The point samples
180 | are distributed uniformly over the defined view space.
181 |
182 | @param numSamples the number of point samples taken
183 | @param samples stores the taken point samples in a container
184 | @param useOcclusionQueries if occlusion queries should be used or item buffer
185 | @param threshold number of pixels / samples from where an object is considered visible.
186 | */
187 | void SampleRenderCost(const int numSamples,
188 | vector<RenderCostSample> &samples,
189 | const bool useOcclusionQueries,
190 | const int threshold = 0)
191 | {}
192 |
193 | /** Implerment in subclasses.
194 | */
195 | void EvalPvsStat() {};
196 |
197 | void ClearErrorBuffer();
198 |
199 |
200 | virtual int GetWidth() const { return 0; }
201 | virtual int GetHeight() const { return 0; }
202 |
203 |
204 | void RandomViewPoint();
205 | void SampleBeamContributions(
206 | Intersectable *sourceObject,
207 | Beam &beam,
208 | const int samples,
209 | BeamSampleStatistics &stat
210 | );
211 |
212 | void
213 | SampleViewpointContributions(
214 | Intersectable *sourceObject,
215 | const Vector3 viewPoint,
216 | Beam &beam,
217 | const int desiredSamples,
218 | BeamSampleStatistics &stat
219 | );
220 |
221 | void InitGL();
222 |
223 | /** Computes rays from information gained with hw sampling-
224 | */
225 | void ComputeRays(Intersectable *sourceObj, VssRayContainer &rays);
226 |
227 | int ComputePvs() const;
228 |
229 | float
230 | GetPixelError(int &pvsSize);
231 |
232 | int ComputePvs(ObjectContainer &objects, ObjectContainer &pvs) const;
233 |
234 | PvsRenderStatistics mPvsStat;
235 |
236 | int mPvsStatFrames;
237 | struct PvsErrorEntry {
238 | PvsErrorEntry() {}
239 | float mError;
240 | int mPvsSize;
241 | Vector3 mPosition;
242 | Vector3 mDirection;
243 | };
244 |
245 | vector<PvsErrorEntry> mPvsErrorBuffer;
246 |
247 |
248 | protected:
249 | unsigned int *mPixelBuffer;
250 |
251 | static void GenQueries(const int numQueries);
252 |
253 | void SetupProjectionForViewPoint(const Vector3 &viewPoint,
254 | const Beam &beam,
255 |
256 | Intersectable *sourceObject);
257 |
258 | /** Evaluates query for one direction using item buffer.
259 | */
260 | void EvalQueryWithItemBuffer();
261 |
262 | /** Evaluates query for one direction using occlusion queries.
263 | */
264 | void EvalQueryWithOcclusionQueries();
265 |
266 | public:
267 | // matt: remove qt dependencies
268 | // signals:
269 | // void UpdatePvsErrorItem(int i, GlRendererBuffer::PvsErrorEntry &);
270 | };
271 |
272 |
273 | /** Abstract class for implmenenting a gl render widget.
274 | */
275 | class GlRendererWidget: public GlRenderer
276 | {
277 | public:
278 |
279 | GlRendererWidget(SceneGraph *sceneGraph, ViewCellsManager *vcm, KdTree *kdTree):
280 | GlRenderer(sceneGraph, vcm, kdTree)
281 | {}
282 |
283 | GlRendererWidget() {}
284 |
285 | virtual ~GlRendererWidget() {}
286 |
287 | //virtual void Create() {}
288 | virtual void Show() {}
289 |
290 |
291 | protected:
292 |
293 |
294 | SceneGraph *mSceneGraph;
295 | ViewCellsManager *mViewCellsManager;
296 | KdTree *mKdTree;
297 | };
298 |
299 | //extern GlRendererWidget *rendererWidget;
300 |
301 | };
302 |
303 | #endif |