1 | #include "Environment.h"
2 | #include "GvsPreprocessor.h"
3 | #include "GlRenderer.h"
4 | #include "VssRay.h"
5 | #include "ViewCellsManager.h"
6 | #include "Triangle3.h"
7 | #include "IntersectableWrapper.h"
8 | #include "Plane3.h"
9 | #include "RayCaster.h"
10 | #include "Exporter.h"
11 | #include "SamplingStrategy.h"
12 |
13 |
14 | namespace GtpVisibilityPreprocessor
15 | {
16 |
17 | struct VizStruct
18 | {
19 | Polygon3 *enlargedTriangle;
20 | Triangle3 originalTriangle;
21 | VssRay *ray;
22 | };
23 |
24 | static vector<VizStruct> vizContainer;
25 |
26 | GvsPreprocessor::GvsPreprocessor():
27 | Preprocessor(),
28 | //mSamplingType(SamplingStrategy::DIRECTION_BASED_DISTRIBUTION),
29 | mSamplingType(SamplingStrategy::DIRECTION_BOX_BASED_DISTRIBUTION),
30 | mSampleContriPerPass(0),
31 | mTotalSampleContri(0),
32 | mReverseSamples(0),
33 | mBorderSamples(0)
34 | {
35 | Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue("GvsPreprocessor.totalSamples", mTotalSamples);
36 | Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue("GvsPreprocessor.initialSamples", mInitialSamples);
37 | Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue("GvsPreprocessor.samplesPerPass", mSamplesPerPass);
38 | Environment::GetSingleton()->GetFloatValue("GvsPreprocessor.epsilon", mEps);
39 | Environment::GetSingleton()->GetFloatValue("GvsPreprocessor.threshold", mThreshold);
40 |
41 | Debug << "Gvs preprocessor options" << endl;
42 | Debug << "number of total samples: " << mTotalSamples << endl;
43 | Debug << "number of initial samples: " << mInitialSamples << endl;
44 | Debug << "number of samples per pass: " << mSamplesPerPass << endl;
45 | Debug << "threshold: " << mThreshold << endl;
46 | Debug << "eps: " << mEps << endl;
47 |
48 | mStats.open("gvspreprocessor.log");
49 | }
50 |
51 |
52 | bool GvsPreprocessor::CheckDiscontinuity(const VssRay ¤tRay,
53 | const Triangle3 &hitTriangle,
54 | const VssRay &oldRay)
55 | {
56 | const float dist = Magnitude(oldRay.GetDir());
57 | const float newDist = Magnitude(currentRay.GetDir());
58 |
59 | #if 0
60 | if ((dist - newDist) > mThresHold)
61 | #else
62 | // rather take relative distance
63 | if ((dist / newDist) > mThreshold)
64 | #endif
65 | {
66 | VssRay *newRay = ReverseSampling(currentRay, hitTriangle, oldRay);
67 | // set flag for visualization
68 | newRay->mFlags |= VssRay::ReverseSample;
69 |
70 | // ray is not pushed into the queue => can delete ray
71 | if (!HandleRay(newRay))
72 | delete newRay;
73 |
74 | return true;
75 | }
76 |
77 | return false;
78 | }
79 |
80 |
81 | bool GvsPreprocessor::HandleRay(VssRay *vssRay)
82 | {
83 | const bool storeRaysForViz = true;
84 | mViewCellsManager->ComputeSampleContribution(*vssRay, true, storeRaysForViz);
85 |
86 | // some pvs contribution for this ray?
87 | if (vssRay->mPvsContribution > 0)
88 | {
89 | // add new ray to ray queue
90 | mRayQueue.push(vssRay);
91 |
92 | if (storeRaysForViz)
93 | {
94 | ViewCellContainer::const_iterator vit, vit_end = vssRay->mViewCells.end();
95 | for (vit = vssRay->mViewCells.begin(); vit != vit_end; ++ vit)
96 | {
97 | VssRay *nray = new VssRay(*vssRay);
98 | (*vit)->GetOrCreateRays()->push_back(nray);
99 | }
100 | }
101 | //mVssRays.push_back(new VssRay(*vssRay));
102 | ++ mSampleContriPerPass;
103 |
104 | return true;
105 | }
106 |
107 | return false;
108 | }
109 |
110 |
111 | /** Creates 3 new vertices for triangle vertex with specified index.
112 | */
113 | static void CreateNewVertices(VertexContainer &vertices,
114 | const Triangle3 &hitTriangle,
115 | const VssRay &ray,
116 | const int index,
117 | const float eps)
118 | {
119 | const int indexU = (index + 1) % 3;
120 | const int indexL = (index == 0) ? 2 : index - 1;
121 |
122 | const Vector3 a = hitTriangle.mVertices[index] - ray.GetOrigin();
123 | const Vector3 b = hitTriangle.mVertices[indexU] - hitTriangle.mVertices[index];
124 | const Vector3 c = hitTriangle.mVertices[index] - hitTriangle.mVertices[indexL];
125 |
126 | const float len = Magnitude(a);
127 |
128 | const Vector3 dir1 = Normalize(CrossProd(a, b)); //N((pi-xp)×(pi+1- pi));
129 | const Vector3 dir2 = Normalize(CrossProd(a, c)); // N((pi-xp)×(pi- pi-1))
130 | const Vector3 dir3 = DotProd(dir2, dir1) > 0 ? // N((pi-xp)×di,i-1+di,i+1×(pi-xp))
131 | Normalize(dir2 + dir1) : Normalize(CrossProd(a, dir1) + CrossProd(dir2, a));
132 |
133 | // compute the new three hit points
134 | // pi, i + 1: pi+ e·|pi-xp|·di, j
135 | const Vector3 pt1 = hitTriangle.mVertices[index] + eps * len * dir1;
136 | // pi, i - 1: pi+ e·|pi-xp|·di, j
137 | const Vector3 pt2 = hitTriangle.mVertices[index] + eps * len * dir2;
138 | // pi, i: pi+ e·|pi-xp|·di, j
139 | const Vector3 pt3 = hitTriangle.mVertices[index] + eps * len * dir3;
140 |
141 | vertices.push_back(pt2);
142 | vertices.push_back(pt3);
143 | vertices.push_back(pt1);
144 | }
145 |
146 |
147 | void GvsPreprocessor::EnlargeTriangle(VertexContainer &vertices,
148 | const Triangle3 &hitTriangle,
149 | const VssRay &ray)
150 | {
151 | CreateNewVertices(vertices, hitTriangle, ray, 0, mEps);
152 | CreateNewVertices(vertices, hitTriangle, ray, 1, mEps);
153 | CreateNewVertices(vertices, hitTriangle, ray, 2, mEps);
154 | }
155 |
156 |
157 | static Vector3 CalcPredictedHitPoint(const VssRay &newRay,
158 | const Triangle3 &hitTriangle,
159 | const VssRay &oldRay)
160 | {
161 | Plane3 plane(hitTriangle.GetNormal(), hitTriangle.mVertices[0]);
162 |
163 | const Vector3 hitPt =
164 | plane.FindIntersection(newRay.mTermination, newRay.mOrigin);
165 |
166 | return hitPt;
167 | }
168 |
169 |
170 | static bool EqualVisibility(const VssRay &a, const VssRay &b)
171 | {
172 | return a.mTerminationObject == b.mTerminationObject;
173 | }
174 |
175 |
176 | int GvsPreprocessor::SubdivideEdge(const Triangle3 &hitTriangle,
177 | const Vector3 &p1,
178 | const Vector3 &p2,
179 | const VssRay &x,
180 | const VssRay &y,
181 | const VssRay &oldRay)
182 | {
183 | // the predicted hitpoint expects to hit the same mesh again
184 | const Vector3 predictedHitX = CalcPredictedHitPoint(x, hitTriangle, oldRay);
185 | const Vector3 predictedHitY = CalcPredictedHitPoint(y, hitTriangle, oldRay);
186 |
187 | CheckDiscontinuity(x, hitTriangle, oldRay);
188 | CheckDiscontinuity(y, hitTriangle, oldRay);
189 |
190 | if (EqualVisibility(x, y))
191 | {
192 | return 0;
193 | }
194 | else
195 | {
196 | cout << "s";
197 | const Vector3 p = (p1 + p2) * 0.5f;
198 | SimpleRay sray(oldRay.mOrigin, p - oldRay.mOrigin);
199 |
200 | // cast ray into the new subdivision point
201 | VssRay *newRay = mRayCaster->CastRay(sray, mViewCellsManager->GetViewSpaceBox(), false);
202 |
203 | if (!newRay) return 0;
204 |
205 | newRay->mFlags |= VssRay::BorderSample;
206 |
207 | // add new ray to queue
208 | const bool enqueued = HandleRay(newRay);
209 |
210 | // subdivide further
211 | const int s1 = SubdivideEdge(hitTriangle, p1, p, x, *newRay, oldRay);
212 | const int s2 = SubdivideEdge(hitTriangle, p, p2, *newRay, y, oldRay);
213 |
214 | if (!enqueued)
215 | delete newRay;
216 |
217 | return s1 + s2 + 1;
218 | }
219 | }
220 |
221 |
222 | int GvsPreprocessor::AdaptiveBorderSampling(const VssRay ¤tRay)
223 | {
224 | cout << "a";
225 | Intersectable *tObj = currentRay.mTerminationObject;
226 | Triangle3 hitTriangle;
227 |
228 | // other types not implemented yet
229 | if (tObj->Type() == Intersectable::TRIANGLE_INTERSECTABLE)
230 | {
231 | hitTriangle = dynamic_cast<TriangleIntersectable *>(tObj)->GetItem();
232 | }
233 | else
234 | {
235 | cout << "not yet implemented" << endl;
236 | }
237 |
238 | VertexContainer enlargedTriangle;
239 |
240 | /// create 3 new hit points for each vertex
241 | EnlargeTriangle(enlargedTriangle, hitTriangle, currentRay);
242 |
243 | /// create rays from sample points and handle them
244 | SimpleRayContainer simpleRays;
245 | simpleRays.reserve(9);
246 |
247 | VertexContainer::const_iterator vit, vit_end = enlargedTriangle.end();
248 |
249 | for (vit = enlargedTriangle.begin(); vit != vit_end; ++ vit)
250 | {
251 | const Vector3 rayDir = (*vit) - currentRay.GetOrigin();
252 | SimpleRay sr(currentRay.GetOrigin(), rayDir);
253 | simpleRays.AddRay(sr);
254 | }
255 |
256 | if (0)
257 | {
258 | VizStruct dummy;
259 | dummy.enlargedTriangle = new Polygon3(enlargedTriangle);
260 | dummy.originalTriangle = hitTriangle;
261 | //dummy.ray = new VssRay(currentRay);
262 | vizContainer.push_back(dummy);
263 | }
264 |
265 | // cast rays to triangle vertices and determine visibility
266 | VssRayContainer vssRays;
267 | CastRays(simpleRays, vssRays, false, false);
268 |
269 | // set flags
270 | VssRayContainer::const_iterator rit, rit_end = vssRays.end();
271 | for (rit = vssRays.begin(); rit != rit_end; ++ rit)
272 | {
273 | (*rit)->mFlags |= VssRay::BorderSample;
274 | }
275 |
276 | // add to ray queue
277 | EnqueueRays(vssRays);
278 |
279 | const int n = (int)enlargedTriangle.size();
280 | int castRays = (int)vssRays.size();
281 |
282 | // recursivly subdivide each edge
283 | for (int i = 0; 1 && (i < n); ++ i)
284 | {
285 | castRays += SubdivideEdge(
286 | hitTriangle,
287 | enlargedTriangle[i],
288 | enlargedTriangle[(i + 1) % n],
289 | *vssRays[i],
290 | *vssRays[(i + 1) % n],
291 | currentRay);
292 | }
293 |
294 | mBorderSamples += castRays;
295 | return castRays;
296 | }
297 |
298 |
299 | static Vector3 GetPassingPoint(const VssRay ¤tRay,
300 | const Triangle3 &hitTriangle,
301 | const VssRay &oldRay)
302 | {
303 | // intersect triangle plane with plane spanned by current samples
304 | Plane3 plane(currentRay.GetOrigin(), currentRay.GetTermination(), oldRay.GetTermination());
305 | Plane3 triPlane(hitTriangle.GetNormal(), hitTriangle.mVertices[0]);
306 |
307 | SimpleRay intersectLine = GetPlaneIntersection(plane, triPlane);
308 |
309 | // Evaluate new hitpoint just outside the triangle
310 | const float factor = 0.95f;
311 | float t = triPlane.FindT(intersectLine);
312 | const Vector3 newPoint = intersectLine.mOrigin + t * factor * intersectLine.mDirection;
313 |
314 | return newPoint;
315 | }
316 |
317 |
318 | VssRay *GvsPreprocessor::ReverseSampling(const VssRay ¤tRay,
319 | const Triangle3 &hitTriangle,
320 | const VssRay &oldRay)
321 | {
322 | //-- The plane p = (xp, hit(x), hit(xold)) is intersected
323 | //-- with the newly found triangle (xold is the previous ray from
324 | //-- which x was generated). On the intersecting line, we select a point
325 | //-- pnew which lies just outside of the new triangle so the ray
326 | //-- just passes by inside the gap
327 | const Vector3 newPoint = GetPassingPoint(currentRay, hitTriangle, oldRay);
328 | const Vector3 predicted = CalcPredictedHitPoint(currentRay, hitTriangle, oldRay);
329 |
330 | //-- Construct the mutated ray with xnew,dir = predicted(x)- pnew
331 | //-- as direction vector
332 | const Vector3 newDir = predicted - newPoint ;
333 | // take xnew,p = intersect(viewcell, line(pnew, predicted(x)) as origin ?
334 | // difficult to say!!
335 | const Vector3 newOrigin = newDir * -5000.0f;
336 |
337 | ++ mReverseSamples;
338 |
339 | return new VssRay(currentRay);
340 | }
341 |
342 |
343 | int GvsPreprocessor::CastInitialSamples(const int numSamples,
344 | const int sampleType)
345 | {
346 | const long startTime = GetTime();
347 |
348 | // generate simple rays
349 | SimpleRayContainer simpleRays;
350 | GenerateRays(numSamples, sampleType, simpleRays);
351 |
352 | // generate vss rays
353 | VssRayContainer samples;
354 | CastRays(simpleRays, samples, true);
355 | // add to ray queue
356 | EnqueueRays(samples);
357 |
358 | //Debug << "generated " << numSamples << " samples in " << TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime()) * 1e-3 << " secs" << endl;
359 | return (int)samples.size();
360 | }
361 |
362 |
363 | void GvsPreprocessor::EnqueueRays(VssRayContainer &samples)
364 | {
365 | // add samples to ray queue
366 | VssRayContainer::const_iterator vit, vit_end = samples.end();
367 | for (vit = samples.begin(); vit != vit_end; ++ vit)
368 | {
369 | HandleRay(*vit);
370 | }
371 | }
372 |
373 |
374 | int GvsPreprocessor::Pass()
375 | {
376 | // reset samples
377 | int castSamples = 0;
378 | mSampleContriPerPass = 0;
379 |
380 | while (castSamples < mSamplesPerPass)
381 | {
382 | // Ray queue empty =>
383 | // cast a number of uniform samples to fill ray queue
384 | castSamples += CastInitialSamples(mInitialSamples, mSamplingType);
385 | castSamples += ProcessQueue();
386 | //cout << "\ncast " << castSamples << " samples in a processing pass" << endl;
387 | }
388 |
389 | mTotalSampleContri += mSampleContriPerPass;
390 | return castSamples;
391 | }
392 |
393 |
394 | int GvsPreprocessor::ProcessQueue()
395 | {
396 | int castSamples = 0;
397 | ++ mGvsPass;
398 |
399 | while (!mRayQueue.empty())
400 | {
401 | // handle next ray
402 | VssRay *ray = mRayQueue.top();
403 | mRayQueue.pop();
404 |
405 | castSamples += AdaptiveBorderSampling(*ray);
406 | delete ray;
407 | }
408 |
409 | return castSamples;
410 | }
411 |
412 |
413 | bool GvsPreprocessor::ComputeVisibility()
414 | {
415 | cout << "Gvs Preprocessor started\n" << flush;
416 | const long startTime = GetTime();
417 |
418 | Randomize(0);
419 |
420 | mPass = 0;
421 | mGvsPass = 0;
422 | mSampleContriPerPass = 0;
423 | mTotalSampleContri = 0;
424 | mReverseSamples = 0;
425 | mBorderSamples = 0;
426 |
427 | int castSamples = 0;
428 |
429 | if (!mLoadViewCells)
430 | {
431 | /// construct the view cells from the scratch
432 | ConstructViewCells();
433 | // reset pvs already gathered during view cells construction
434 | mViewCellsManager->ResetPvs();
435 | cout << "finished view cell construction" << endl;
436 | }
437 | else if (0)
438 | {
439 | //-- load view cells from file
440 | //-- test successful view cells loading by exporting them again
441 | VssRayContainer dummies;
442 | mViewCellsManager->Visualize(mObjects, dummies);
443 | mViewCellsManager->ExportViewCells("test.xml.gz", mViewCellsManager->GetExportPvs(), mObjects);
444 | }
445 |
446 | while (castSamples < mTotalSamples)
447 | {
448 | castSamples += Pass();
449 |
450 | ////////
451 | //-- stats
452 | cout << "\nPass " << mPass << " #samples: " << castSamples << " of " << mTotalSamples << endl;
453 |
454 | //mVssRays.PrintStatistics(mStats);
455 | mStats
456 | << "#Pass\n" << mPass << endl
457 | << "#Time\n" << TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime())*1e-3 << endl
458 | << "#TotalSamples\n" << castSamples << endl
459 | << "#ScDiff\n" << mSampleContriPerPass << endl
460 | << "#SamplesContri\n" << mTotalSampleContri << endl
461 | << "#ReverseSamples\n" << mReverseSamples << endl
462 | << "#BorderSamples\n" << mBorderSamples << endl
463 | << "#GvsRuns\n" << mGvsPass << endl;
464 |
465 | mViewCellsManager->PrintPvsStatistics(mStats);
466 |
467 | char str[64]; sprintf(str, "tmp/pass%04d-", mPass);
468 |
469 | // visualization
470 | if (mSampleContriPerPass > 0)
471 | {
472 | const bool exportRays = true;
473 | const bool exportPvs = true;
474 |
475 | mViewCellsManager->ExportSingleViewCells(mObjects, 10, false, exportPvs, exportRays, 1000, str);
476 | }
477 |
478 | // remove pass samples
479 | ViewCellContainer::const_iterator vit, vit_end = mViewCellsManager->GetViewCells().end();
480 | for (vit = mViewCellsManager->GetViewCells().begin(); vit != vit_end; ++ vit)
481 | {
482 | (*vit)->DelRayRefs();
483 | }
484 |
485 | //CLEAR_CONTAINER(mVssRays);
486 | // ComputeRenderError();
487 | ++ mPass;
488 | }
489 |
490 | cout << 2 * castSamples / (1e3f * TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime())) << "M rays/s" << endl;
491 | Visualize();
492 |
493 | return true;
494 | }
495 |
496 |
497 | void GvsPreprocessor::Visualize()
498 | {
499 | Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter("gvs.wrl");
500 |
501 | if (!exporter)
502 | return;
503 |
504 | vector<VizStruct>::const_iterator vit, vit_end = vizContainer.end();
505 | for (vit = vizContainer.begin(); vit != vit_end; ++ vit)
506 | {
507 | exporter->SetWireframe();
508 | exporter->ExportPolygon((*vit).enlargedTriangle);
509 | //Material m;
510 | exporter->SetFilled();
511 | Polygon3 poly = Polygon3((*vit).originalTriangle);
512 | exporter->ExportPolygon(&poly);
513 | }
514 |
515 | exporter->ExportRays(mVssRays);
516 | delete exporter;
517 | }
518 |
519 | } |