#include #include #include #include "ViewCell.h" #include "Plane3.h" #include "HierarchyManager.h" #include "Mesh.h" #include "common.h" #include "Environment.h" #include "Polygon3.h" #include "Ray.h" #include "AxisAlignedBox3.h" #include "Exporter.h" #include "Plane3.h" #include "ViewCellsManager.h" #include "Beam.h" #include "KdTree.h" #include "IntersectableWrapper.h" #include "VspTree.h" #include "OspTree.h" #include "BvHierarchy.h" #include "ViewCell.h" namespace GtpVisibilityPreprocessor { #define USE_FIXEDPOINT_T 0 #define STUPID_METHOD 0 /*******************************************************************/ /* class HierarchyManager implementation */ /*******************************************************************/ HierarchyManager::HierarchyManager(const int objectSpaceSubdivisionType): mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType(objectSpaceSubdivisionType), mOspTree(NULL), mBvHierarchy(NULL) { switch(mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType) { case KD_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: mOspTree = new OspTree(); mOspTree->mVspTree = mVspTree; mOspTree->mHierarchyManager = this; break; case BV_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: mBvHierarchy = new BvHierarchy(); mBvHierarchy->mHierarchyManager = this; break; default: break; } // hierarchy manager links view space partition and object space partition mVspTree = new VspTree(); mVspTree->mHierarchyManager = this; mViewSpaceSubdivisionType = KD_BASED_VIEWSPACE_SUBDIV; ParseEnvironment(); } HierarchyManager::HierarchyManager(KdTree *kdTree): mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType(KD_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV), mBvHierarchy(NULL) { mOspTree = new OspTree(*kdTree); mOspTree->mVspTree = mVspTree; mVspTree = new VspTree(); mVspTree->mHierarchyManager = this; mViewSpaceSubdivisionType = KD_BASED_VIEWSPACE_SUBDIV; ParseEnvironment(); } void HierarchySubdivisionStats::Print(ostream &app) const { app << "#Pass\n" << 0 << endl << "#Splits\n" << mNumSplits << endl << "#TotalRenderCost\n" << mTotalRenderCost << endl << "#TotalEntriesInPvs\n" << mEntriesInPvs << endl << "#Memory\n" << mMemoryCost << endl << "#StepsView\n" << mViewSpaceSplits << endl << "#StepsObject\n" << mObjectSpaceSplits << endl << "#VspOspRatio\n" << VspOspRatio() << endl << "#FullMem\n" << mFullMemory << endl << "#RenderCostDecrease\n" << mRenderCostDecrease << endl << "#Priority\n" << mPriority << endl << "#FpsPerMb\n" << FpsPerMb() << endl << endl; } void HierarchyManager::ParseEnvironment() { Environment::GetSingleton()->GetFloatValue( "Hierarchy.Termination.minGlobalCostRatio", mTermMinGlobalCostRatio); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue( "Hierarchy.Termination.globalCostMissTolerance", mTermGlobalCostMissTolerance); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetBoolValue( "Hierarchy.Construction.startWithObjectSpace", mStartWithObjectSpace); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue( "Hierarchy.Termination.maxLeaves", mTermMaxLeaves); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue( "Hierarchy.Construction.type", mConstructionType); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue( "Hierarchy.Construction.minDepthForOsp", mMinDepthForObjectSpaceSubdivion); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue( "Hierarchy.Construction.minDepthForVsp", mMinDepthForViewSpaceSubdivion); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetBoolValue( "Hierarchy.Construction.repairQueue", mRepairQueue); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetBoolValue( "Hierarchy.Construction.useMultiLevel", mUseMultiLevelConstruction); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue( "Hierarchy.Construction.levels", mNumMultiLevels); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue( "Hierarchy.Construction.minStepsOfSameType", mMinStepsOfSameType); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue( "Hierarchy.Construction.maxStepsOfSameType", mMaxStepsOfSameType); char subdivisionStatsLog[100]; Environment::GetSingleton()->GetStringValue("Hierarchy.subdivisionStats", subdivisionStatsLog); mSubdivisionStats.open(subdivisionStatsLog); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetBoolValue( "Hierarchy.Construction.recomputeSplitPlaneOnRepair", mRecomputeSplitPlaneOnRepair); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetBoolValue( "Hierarchy.Construction.considerMemory", mConsiderMemory); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetFloatValue( "Hierarchy.Termination.maxMemory", mTermMaxMemory); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue( "Hierarchy.Construction.maxRepairs", mMaxRepairs); // compare to bytes mTermMaxMemory *= (1024.0f * 1024.0f); Debug << "******** Hierarchy Manager Options ***********" << endl; Debug << "max leaves: " << mTermMaxLeaves << endl; Debug << "min global cost ratio: " << mTermMinGlobalCostRatio << endl; Debug << "global cost miss tolerance: " << mTermGlobalCostMissTolerance << endl; Debug << "min depth for object space subdivision: " << mMinDepthForObjectSpaceSubdivion << endl; Debug << "repair queue: " << mRepairQueue << endl; Debug << "number of multilevels: " << mNumMultiLevels << endl; Debug << "recompute split plane on repair: " << mRecomputeSplitPlaneOnRepair << endl; Debug << "minimal number of steps from same type: " << mMinStepsOfSameType << endl; Debug << "maximal allowed memory: " << mTermMaxMemory << endl; Debug << "consider memory: " << mConsiderMemory << endl; Debug << "min steps of same kind: " << mMinStepsOfSameType << endl; Debug << "max steps of same kind: " << mMaxStepsOfSameType << endl; Debug << "max repairs: " << mMaxRepairs << endl; switch (mConstructionType) { case 0: Debug << "construction type: sequential" << endl; break; case 1: Debug << "construction type: interleaved" << endl; break; case 2: Debug << "construction type: gradient" << endl; break; case 3: Debug << "construction type: multilevel" << endl; break; default: Debug << "construction type " << mConstructionType << " unknown" << endl; break; } //Debug << "min render cost " << mMinRenderCostDecrease << endl; Debug << endl; } HierarchyManager::~HierarchyManager() { DEL_PTR(mOspTree); DEL_PTR(mVspTree); DEL_PTR(mBvHierarchy); } int HierarchyManager::GetObjectSpaceSubdivisionType() const { return mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType; } int HierarchyManager::GetViewSpaceSubdivisionType() const { return mViewSpaceSubdivisionType; } void HierarchyManager::SetViewCellsManager(ViewCellsManager *vcm) { mVspTree->SetViewCellsManager(vcm); if (mOspTree) { mOspTree->SetViewCellsManager(vcm); } else if (mBvHierarchy) { mBvHierarchy->SetViewCellsManager(vcm); } } void HierarchyManager::SetViewCellsTree(ViewCellsTree *vcTree) { mVspTree->SetViewCellsTree(vcTree); } VspTree *HierarchyManager::GetVspTree() { return mVspTree; } /* AxisAlignedBox3 HierarchyManager::GetViewSpaceBox() const { return mVspTree->mBoundingBox; }*/ AxisAlignedBox3 HierarchyManager::GetObjectSpaceBox() const { switch (mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType) { case KD_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: return mOspTree->mBoundingBox; case BV_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: return mBvHierarchy->mBoundingBox; default: // hack: empty box return AxisAlignedBox3(); } } SubdivisionCandidate *HierarchyManager::NextSubdivisionCandidate(SplitQueue &splitQueue) { SubdivisionCandidate *splitCandidate = splitQueue.Top(); splitQueue.Pop(); // split was not reevaluated before => do it now if (splitCandidate->IsDirty()) splitCandidate->EvalCandidate(); return splitCandidate; } float HierarchyManager::EvalFullMem() const { // question: should I also add the mem usage of the hierarchies? const float objectSpaceMem = 16;//GetObjectSpaceMemUsage(); const float viewSpaceMem = 16;//mVspTree->GetMemUsage(); // HACK: the same value is used for view and object space return mHierarchyStats.mMemory + mHierarchyStats.Leaves() * objectSpaceMem; } float HierarchyManager::AvgRayContribution(const float pvs, const float rays) const { return (float)pvs / rays; } void HierarchyManager::EvalSubdivisionStats() { HierarchySubdivisionStats stats; stats.mNumSplits = mHierarchyStats.Leaves(); stats.mTotalRenderCost = mHierarchyStats.mTotalCost; stats.mEntriesInPvs = mHierarchyStats.mPvsEntries; stats.mMemoryCost = mHierarchyStats.mMemory / float(1024 * 1024); stats.mFullMemory = EvalFullMem() / float(1024 * 1024); stats.mViewSpaceSplits = mVspTree->mVspStats.Leaves(); stats.mObjectSpaceSplits = GetObjectSpaceSubdivisionLeaves(); stats.mRenderCostDecrease = mHierarchyStats.mRenderCostDecrease; stats.mPriority = mPriority; stats.Print(mSubdivisionStats); } void HierarchyManager::AddSubdivisionStats(const int splits, const float renderCostDecr, const float totalRenderCost, const int pvsEntries, const float memory, const float renderCostPerStorage, const float vspOspRatio) { mSubdivisionStats << "#Splits\n" << splits << endl << "#RenderCostDecrease\n" << renderCostDecr << endl << "#TotalEntriesInPvs\n" << pvsEntries << endl << "#TotalRenderCost\n" << totalRenderCost << endl << "#Memory\n" << memory << endl << "#FpsPerMb\n" << renderCostPerStorage << endl << "#VspOspRatio\n" << vspOspRatio << endl << endl; } bool HierarchyManager::GlobalTerminationCriteriaMet(SubdivisionCandidate *candidate) const { const bool terminationCriteriaMet = (0 || (mHierarchyStats.Leaves() >= mTermMaxLeaves) //|| (mHierarchyStats.mMemory >= mTermMaxMemory) || (EvalFullMem() >= mTermMaxMemory) || candidate->GlobalTerminationCriteriaMet() //|| (mHierarchyStats.mRenderCostDecrease < mMinRenderCostDecrease) //|| (mHierarchyStats.mGlobalCostMisses >= mTermGlobalCostMissTolerance) ); #if GTP_DEBUG if (terminationCriteriaMet) { Debug << "hierarchy global termination criteria met:" << endl; Debug << "leaves: " << mHierarchyStats.Leaves() << " " << mTermMaxLeaves << endl; Debug << "cost misses: " << mHierarchyStats.mGlobalCostMisses << " " << mTermGlobalCostMissTolerance << endl; Debug << "memory: " << mHierarchyStats.mMemory << " " << mTermMaxMemory << endl; Debug << "full memory: " << EvalFullMem() << " " << mTermMaxMemory << endl; } #endif return terminationCriteriaMet; } void HierarchyManager::Construct(const VssRayContainer &sampleRays, const ObjectContainer &objects, AxisAlignedBox3 *forcedViewSpace) { mTimeStamp = 1; switch (mConstructionType) { case MULTILEVEL: ConstructMultiLevel(sampleRays, objects, forcedViewSpace); break; case INTERLEAVED: case SEQUENTIAL: ConstructInterleaved(sampleRays, objects, forcedViewSpace); break; case GRADIENT: ConstructInterleavedWithGradient(sampleRays, objects, forcedViewSpace); break; default: break; } // hack: should be different parameter name if (mUseMultiLevelConstruction) { cout << "starting optimizing multilevel ... " << endl; // try to optimize on the above hierarchy OptimizeMultiLevel(sampleRays, objects, forcedViewSpace); cout << "finished" << endl; } } void HierarchyManager::ConstructInterleavedWithGradient(const VssRayContainer &sampleRays, const ObjectContainer &objects, AxisAlignedBox3 *forcedViewSpace) { mHierarchyStats.Reset(); mHierarchyStats.Start(); mHierarchyStats.mNodes = 2; // create first nodes mVspTree->Initialise(sampleRays, forcedViewSpace); InitialiseObjectSpaceSubdivision(objects); // hack: assume that object space can be seen from view space mHierarchyStats.mTotalCost = mInitialRenderCost = (float)objects.size(); // only one entry for start mHierarchyStats.mPvsEntries = 1; mHierarchyStats.mMemory = (float)ObjectPvs::GetEntrySizeByte(); EvalSubdivisionStats(); Debug << "setting total cost to " << mHierarchyStats.mTotalCost << endl; const long startTime = GetTime(); cout << "Constructing view space / object space tree ... \n"; SplitQueue objectSpaceQueue; SplitQueue viewSpaceQueue; int vspSteps = 0, ospSteps = 0; // use sah for evaluating osp tree construction // in the first iteration of the subdivision mSavedViewSpaceSubdivisionType = mViewSpaceSubdivisionType; mViewSpaceSubdivisionType = NO_VIEWSPACE_SUBDIV; mSavedObjectSpaceSubdivisionType = mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType; // number of initial splits const int minSteps = mMinStepsOfSameType; const int maxSteps = mMaxStepsOfSameType; PrepareObjectSpaceSubdivision(objectSpaceQueue, sampleRays, objects); ///////////////////////// // calulcate initial object space splits SubdivisionCandidateContainer dirtyList; // subdivide object space first // for first round, use sah splits. Once view space partition // has started, use render cost heuristics instead ospSteps = RunConstruction(objectSpaceQueue, dirtyList, NULL, minSteps, maxSteps); cout << "\n" << ospSteps << " object space partition steps taken" << endl; // create view space PrepareViewSpaceSubdivision(viewSpaceQueue, sampleRays, objects); dirtyList.clear(); // view space subdivision started mViewSpaceSubdivisionType = mSavedViewSpaceSubdivisionType; if (1) { // rather also start with 100 view space splits to avoid initial bias. vspSteps = RunConstruction(viewSpaceQueue, dirtyList, NULL, minSteps, maxSteps); cout << "\n" << vspSteps << " view space partition steps taken" << endl; /// Repair split queue cout << "repairing queue ... " << endl; RepairQueue(dirtyList, objectSpaceQueue, true); cout << "repaired " << (int)dirtyList.size() << " candidates" << endl; dirtyList.clear(); } else { // the priorities were calculated for driving sah. // => recalculate "real" priorities taking visibility into // account so we can compare to view space splits ResetQueue(objectSpaceQueue, false); } // This method subdivides view space / object space // in order to converge to some optimal cost for this partition // start with object space partiton // then optimizate view space partition for the current osp // and vice versa until iteration depth is reached. bool lastSplitWasOsp = true; while (!(viewSpaceQueue.Empty() && objectSpaceQueue.Empty())) { // decide upon next split type const float vspPriority = viewSpaceQueue.Top() ? viewSpaceQueue.Top()->GetPriority() : -1e20f; const float ospPriority = objectSpaceQueue.Top() ? objectSpaceQueue.Top()->GetPriority() : -1e20f; cout << "new decicion, vsp: " << vspPriority << ", osp: " << ospPriority << endl; // should view or object space be subdivided further? if (ospPriority >= vspPriority) //if (!lastSplitWasOsp) { lastSplitWasOsp = true; cout << "osp" << endl; // dirtied view space candidates SubdivisionCandidateContainer dirtyVspList; // subdivide object space first for first round, // use sah splits. Once view space partition // has started, use render cost heuristics instead const int ospSteps = RunConstruction(objectSpaceQueue, dirtyVspList, viewSpaceQueue.Top(), minSteps, maxSteps); cout << "\n" << ospSteps << " object space partition steps taken" << endl; Debug << "\n" << ospSteps << " object space partition steps taken" << endl; /// Repair split queue, i.e., affected view space candidates cout << "repairing queue ... " << endl; const int repaired = RepairQueue(dirtyVspList, viewSpaceQueue, true); cout << "\nrepaired " << repaired << " candidates from " << (int)dirtyVspList.size() << " dirtied candidates" << endl; } else { lastSplitWasOsp = false; cout << "vsp" << endl; ///////////////// // subdivide view space with respect to the objects // dirtied object space candidates SubdivisionCandidateContainer dirtyOspList; // process view space candidates const int vspSteps = RunConstruction(viewSpaceQueue, dirtyOspList, objectSpaceQueue.Top(), minSteps, maxSteps); cout << "\n" << vspSteps << " view space partition steps taken" << endl; Debug << "\n" << vspSteps << " view space partition steps taken" << endl; // view space subdivision constructed mViewSpaceSubdivisionType = mSavedViewSpaceSubdivisionType; /// Repair split queue cout << "repairing queue ... " << endl; const int repaired = RepairQueue(dirtyOspList, objectSpaceQueue, true); cout << "\nrepaired " << repaired << " candidates from " << (int)dirtyOspList.size() << " dirtied candidates" << endl; } } cout << "\nfinished in " << TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime()) * 1e-3 << " secs" << endl; mHierarchyStats.Stop(); mVspTree->mVspStats.Stop(); FinishObjectSpaceSubdivision(objects, !mUseMultiLevelConstruction); } void HierarchyManager::ConstructInterleaved(const VssRayContainer &sampleRays, const ObjectContainer &objects, AxisAlignedBox3 *forcedViewSpace) { mHierarchyStats.Reset(); mHierarchyStats.Start(); // two nodes for view space and object space mHierarchyStats.mNodes = 2; mHierarchyStats.mPvsEntries = 1; mHierarchyStats.mMemory = (float)ObjectPvs::GetEntrySizeByte(); mHierarchyStats.mTotalCost = (float)objects.size(); mHierarchyStats.mRenderCostDecrease = 0; EvalSubdivisionStats(); Debug << "setting total cost to " << mHierarchyStats.mTotalCost << endl; const long startTime = GetTime(); cout << "Constructing view space / object space tree ... \n"; // create only roots mVspTree->Initialise(sampleRays, forcedViewSpace); InitialiseObjectSpaceSubdivision(objects); // use objects for evaluating vsp tree construction in the // first levels of the subdivision mSavedObjectSpaceSubdivisionType = mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType; mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType = NO_OBJ_SUBDIV; mSavedViewSpaceSubdivisionType = mViewSpaceSubdivisionType; mViewSpaceSubdivisionType = NO_VIEWSPACE_SUBDIV; // start view space subdivison immediately? if (StartViewSpaceSubdivision()) { // prepare vsp tree for traversal mViewSpaceSubdivisionType = mSavedViewSpaceSubdivisionType; PrepareViewSpaceSubdivision(mTQueue, sampleRays, objects); } // start object space subdivision immediately? if (StartObjectSpaceSubdivision()) { mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType = mSavedObjectSpaceSubdivisionType; PrepareObjectSpaceSubdivision(mTQueue, sampleRays, objects); } // begin subdivision RunConstruction(mRepairQueue, sampleRays, objects, forcedViewSpace); cout << "\nfinished in " << TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime()) * 1e-3 << " secs" << endl; mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType = mSavedObjectSpaceSubdivisionType; mViewSpaceSubdivisionType = mSavedViewSpaceSubdivisionType; mHierarchyStats.Stop(); mVspTree->mVspStats.Stop(); FinishObjectSpaceSubdivision(objects, !mUseMultiLevelConstruction); } void HierarchyManager::PrepareViewSpaceSubdivision(SplitQueue &tQueue, const VssRayContainer &sampleRays, const ObjectContainer &objects) { cout << "\npreparing view space hierarchy construction ... " << endl; // hack: reset global cost misses mHierarchyStats.mGlobalCostMisses = 0; RayInfoContainer *viewSpaceRays = new RayInfoContainer(); mVspTree->PrepareConstruction(tQueue, sampleRays, *viewSpaceRays); ///////// //-- new stats mHierarchyStats.mTotalCost = mVspTree->mTotalCost; cout << "\nreseting cost for vsp, new total cost: " << mHierarchyStats.mTotalCost << endl; } float HierarchyManager::GetObjectSpaceMemUsage() const { if (mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType == KD_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV) { // TODO; } else if (mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType == BV_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV) { return mBvHierarchy->GetMemUsage(); } return -1; } void HierarchyManager::InitialiseObjectSpaceSubdivision(const ObjectContainer &objects) { if (mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType == KD_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV) { // TODO; } else if (mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType == BV_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV) { mBvHierarchy->Initialise(objects); } } void HierarchyManager::PrepareObjectSpaceSubdivision(SplitQueue &tQueue, const VssRayContainer &sampleRays, const ObjectContainer &objects) { // hack: reset global cost misses mHierarchyStats.mGlobalCostMisses = 0; if (mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType == KD_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV) { return PrepareOspTree(tQueue, sampleRays, objects); } else if (mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType == BV_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV) { return PrepareBvHierarchy(tQueue, sampleRays, objects); } } void HierarchyManager::PrepareBvHierarchy(SplitQueue &tQueue, const VssRayContainer &sampleRays, const ObjectContainer &objects) { const long startTime = GetTime(); cout << "preparing bv hierarchy construction ... " << endl; // compute first candidate mBvHierarchy->PrepareConstruction(tQueue, sampleRays, objects); mHierarchyStats.mTotalCost = mBvHierarchy->mTotalCost; Debug << "\nreseting cost, new total cost: " << mHierarchyStats.mTotalCost << endl; cout << "finished bv hierarchy preparation in " << TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime()) * 1e-3 << " secs" << endl; } void HierarchyManager::PrepareOspTree(SplitQueue &tQueue, const VssRayContainer &sampleRays, const ObjectContainer &objects) { cout << "starting osp tree construction ... " << endl; RayInfoContainer *objectSpaceRays = new RayInfoContainer(); // start with one big kd cell - all objects can be seen from everywhere // note: only true for view space = object space // compute first candidate mOspTree->PrepareConstruction(tQueue, sampleRays, objects, *objectSpaceRays); mHierarchyStats.mTotalCost = mOspTree->mTotalCost; Debug << "\nreseting cost for osp, new total cost: " << mHierarchyStats.mTotalCost << endl; } bool HierarchyManager::ApplySubdivisionCandidate(SubdivisionCandidate *sc, SplitQueue &splitQueue, const bool repairQueue) { const bool terminationCriteriaMet = GlobalTerminationCriteriaMet(sc); const bool success = sc->Apply(splitQueue, terminationCriteriaMet); if (sc->IsDirty()) cerr << "Error: Should never come here!" << endl; if (!success) // split was not taken { cout << "x"; return false; } //cout << "priority: " << sc->GetPriority() << " rc decr: " << sc->GetRenderCostDecrease() << " | "; /////////////// //-- split was successful => update stats and queue // cost ratio of cost decrease / totalCost const float costRatio = sc->GetRenderCostDecrease() / mHierarchyStats.mTotalCost; //cout << "ratio: " << costRatio << " min ratio: " << mTermMinGlobalCostRatio << endl; if (costRatio < mTermMinGlobalCostRatio) { ++ mHierarchyStats.mGlobalCostMisses; } cout << sc->Type() << " "; ///////////// // update stats mHierarchyStats.mNodes += 2; mHierarchyStats.mTotalCost -= sc->GetRenderCostDecrease(); const int pvsEntriesIncr = sc->GetPvsEntriesIncr(); mHierarchyStats.mPvsEntries += pvsEntriesIncr; //cout << "pvs entries: " << pvsEntriesIncr << " " << mHierarchyStats.pvsEntries << endl; // memory size in byte mHierarchyStats.mMemory += (float)ObjectPvs::GetEntrySizeByte() * pvsEntriesIncr; mHierarchyStats.mRenderCostDecrease = sc->GetRenderCostDecrease(); mPriority = sc->GetPriority(); static float memoryCount = 0; if (mHierarchyStats.mMemory > memoryCount) { memoryCount += 100000; cout << "\nstorage cost: " << mHierarchyStats.mMemory / float(1024 * 1024) << " MB, steps: " << mHierarchyStats.Leaves() << endl; } // output stats EvalSubdivisionStats(); if (repairQueue) { // reevaluate candidates affected by the split for view space splits, // this would be object space splits and other way round vector dirtyList; sc->CollectDirtyCandidates(dirtyList, false); RepairQueue(dirtyList, splitQueue, mRecomputeSplitPlaneOnRepair); } return true; } int HierarchyManager::GetObjectSpaceSubdivisionDepth() const { int maxDepth = 0; if (mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType == KD_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV) { maxDepth = mOspTree->mOspStats.maxDepth; } else if (mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType == BV_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV) { maxDepth = mBvHierarchy->mBvhStats.maxDepth; } return maxDepth; } int HierarchyManager::GetObjectSpaceSubdivisionLeaves() const { int maxLeaves= 0; if (mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType == KD_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV) { maxLeaves = mOspTree->mOspStats.Leaves(); } else if (mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType == BV_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV) { maxLeaves = mBvHierarchy->mBvhStats.Leaves(); } return maxLeaves; } int HierarchyManager::GetObjectSpaceSubdivisionNodes() const { int maxLeaves = 0; if (mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType == KD_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV) { maxLeaves = mOspTree->mOspStats.nodes; } else if (mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType == BV_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV) { maxLeaves = mBvHierarchy->mBvhStats.nodes; } return maxLeaves; } bool HierarchyManager::StartObjectSpaceSubdivision() const { // view space construction already started if (ObjectSpaceSubdivisionConstructed()) return false; // start immediately with object space subdivision? if (mStartWithObjectSpace) return true; // is the queue empty again? if (ViewSpaceSubdivisionConstructed() && mTQueue.Empty()) return true; // has the depth for subdivision been reached? return ((mConstructionType == INTERLEAVED) && (mMinStepsOfSameType <= mVspTree->mVspStats.nodes)); } bool HierarchyManager::StartViewSpaceSubdivision() const { // view space construction already started if (ViewSpaceSubdivisionConstructed()) return false; // start immediately with view space subdivision? if (!mStartWithObjectSpace) return true; // is the queue empty again? if (ObjectSpaceSubdivisionConstructed() && mTQueue.Empty()) return true; // has the depth for subdivision been reached? return ((mConstructionType == INTERLEAVED) && (mMinStepsOfSameType <= GetObjectSpaceSubdivisionLeaves())); } void HierarchyManager::RunConstruction(const bool repairQueue, const VssRayContainer &sampleRays, const ObjectContainer &objects, AxisAlignedBox3 *forcedViewSpace) { while (!FinishedConstruction()) { SubdivisionCandidate *sc = NextSubdivisionCandidate(mTQueue); /////////////////// //-- subdivide leaf node ApplySubdivisionCandidate(sc, mTQueue, repairQueue); // we use objects for evaluating vsp tree construction until // a certain depth once a certain depth existiert ... if (StartObjectSpaceSubdivision()) { mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType = mSavedObjectSpaceSubdivisionType; cout << "\nstarting object space subdivision after " << mVspTree->mVspStats.nodes << " (" << mMinStepsOfSameType << ") steps, mem=" << mHierarchyStats.mMemory / float(1024 * 1024) << " MB" << endl; PrepareObjectSpaceSubdivision(mTQueue, sampleRays, objects); cout << "reseting queue ... "; ResetQueue(mTQueue, mRecomputeSplitPlaneOnRepair); cout << "finished" << endl; } if (StartViewSpaceSubdivision()) { mViewSpaceSubdivisionType = mSavedViewSpaceSubdivisionType; cout << "\nstarting view space subdivision at " << GetObjectSpaceSubdivisionLeaves() << " (" << mMinStepsOfSameType << ") , mem=" << mHierarchyStats.mMemory / float(1024 * 1024) << " MB" << endl; PrepareViewSpaceSubdivision(mTQueue, sampleRays, objects); cout << "reseting queue ... "; ResetQueue(mTQueue, mRecomputeSplitPlaneOnRepair); cout << "finished" << endl; } DEL_PTR(sc); } } void HierarchyManager::RunConstruction(const bool repairQueue) { // main loop while (!FinishedConstruction()) { SubdivisionCandidate *sc = NextSubdivisionCandidate(mTQueue); //////// //-- subdivide leaf node of either type ApplySubdivisionCandidate(sc, mTQueue, repairQueue); DEL_PTR(sc); } } int HierarchyManager::RunConstruction(SplitQueue &splitQueue, SubdivisionCandidateContainer &dirtyCandidates, SubdivisionCandidate *oldCandidate, const int minSteps, const int maxSteps) { if (minSteps >= maxSteps) cout << "error!! " << minSteps << " equal or larger maxSteps" << endl; int steps = 0; SubdivisionCandidate::NewMail(); // main loop while (!splitQueue.Empty()) { const float priority = splitQueue.Top()->GetPriority(); const float threshold = oldCandidate ? oldCandidate->GetPriority() : 1e20f; // minimum slope reached if ((steps >= maxSteps) || ((priority < threshold) && !(steps < minSteps))) { cout << "\nbreaking on " << priority << " smaller than " << threshold << endl; break; } //////// //-- subdivide leaf node of either type SubdivisionCandidate *sc = NextSubdivisionCandidate(splitQueue); const bool repairQueue = false; const bool success = ApplySubdivisionCandidate(sc, splitQueue, repairQueue); if (success) { sc->CollectDirtyCandidates(dirtyCandidates, true); ++ steps; } DEL_PTR(sc); } return steps; } void HierarchyManager::ResetObjectSpaceSubdivision(SplitQueue &tQueue, const VssRayContainer &sampleRays, const ObjectContainer &objects) { SubdivisionCandidate *firstCandidate; // object space partition constructed => reconstruct switch (mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType) { case BV_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: { cout << "\nreseting bv hierarchy" << endl; Debug << "old bv hierarchy:\n " << mBvHierarchy->mBvhStats << endl; // rather use this: remove previous nodes and add the two new ones //mHierarchyStats.mNodes -= mBvHierarchy->mBvhStats.nodes + 1; mHierarchyStats.mNodes = mVspTree->mVspStats.nodes; // create root mBvHierarchy->Initialise(objects); mBvHierarchy->Reset(tQueue, sampleRays, objects); mHierarchyStats.mTotalCost = mBvHierarchy->mTotalCost; //mHierarchyStats.mPvsEntries -= mBvHierarchy->mPvsEntries + 1; mHierarchyStats.mPvsEntries = mBvHierarchy->CountViewCells(objects); mHierarchyStats.mMemory = (float)mHierarchyStats.mPvsEntries * ObjectPvs::GetEntrySizeByte(); mHierarchyStats.mRenderCostDecrease = 0; // evaluate stats before first subdivision EvalSubdivisionStats(); cout << "finished bv hierarchy preparation" << endl; } break; case KD_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: // TODO default: break; } } void HierarchyManager::ResetViewSpaceSubdivision(SplitQueue &tQueue, const VssRayContainer &sampleRays, const ObjectContainer &objects, AxisAlignedBox3 *forcedViewSpace) { ViewCellsManager *vm = mVspTree->mViewCellsManager; // HACK: rather not destroy vsp tree DEL_PTR(mVspTree); mVspTree = new VspTree(); mVspTree->mHierarchyManager = this; mVspTree->mViewCellsManager = vm; mVspTree->Initialise(sampleRays, forcedViewSpace); ////////// //-- reset stats mHierarchyStats.mNodes = GetObjectSpaceSubdivisionNodes(); //-mVspTree->mVspStats.nodes + 1; PrepareViewSpaceSubdivision(mTQueue, sampleRays, objects); mHierarchyStats.mPvsEntries = mVspTree->mPvsEntries; mHierarchyStats.mRenderCostDecrease = 0; mHierarchyStats.mMemory = (float)mHierarchyStats.mPvsEntries * ObjectPvs::GetEntrySizeByte(); // evaluate new stats before first subdivsiion EvalSubdivisionStats(); } void HierarchyManager::ConstructMultiLevel(const VssRayContainer &sampleRays, const ObjectContainer &objects, AxisAlignedBox3 *forcedViewSpace) { mHierarchyStats.Reset(); mHierarchyStats.Start(); mHierarchyStats.mNodes = 2; mHierarchyStats.mTotalCost = (float)objects.size(); Debug << "setting total cost to " << mHierarchyStats.mTotalCost << endl; const long startTime = GetTime(); cout << "Constructing view space / object space tree ... \n"; // initialise view / object space mVspTree->Initialise(sampleRays, forcedViewSpace); InitialiseObjectSpaceSubdivision(objects); // use sah for evaluating osp tree construction // in the first iteration of the subdivision mSavedViewSpaceSubdivisionType = mViewSpaceSubdivisionType; mViewSpaceSubdivisionType = NO_VIEWSPACE_SUBDIV; PrepareObjectSpaceSubdivision(mTQueue, sampleRays, objects); ////////////////////////// const int limit = mNumMultiLevels; int i = 0; // This method subdivides view space / object space // in order to converge to some optimal cost for this partition // start with object space partiton // then optimizate view space partition for the current osp // and vice versa until iteration depth is reached. while (1) { char subdivisionStatsLog[100]; sprintf(subdivisionStatsLog, "tests/i3d/subdivision-%04d.log", i); mSubdivisionStats.open(subdivisionStatsLog); // subdivide object space first ResetObjectSpaceSubdivision(mTQueue, sampleRays, objects); // process object space candidates RunConstruction(false); // object space subdivision constructed mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType = mSavedObjectSpaceSubdivisionType; cout << "iteration " << i << " of " << limit << " finished" << endl; mSubdivisionStats.close(); if ((i ++) >= limit) break; sprintf(subdivisionStatsLog, "tests/i3d/subdivision-%04d.log", i); mSubdivisionStats.open(subdivisionStatsLog); ///////////////// // subdivide view space with respect to the objects ResetViewSpaceSubdivision(mTQueue, sampleRays, objects, forcedViewSpace); // view space subdivision constructed mViewSpaceSubdivisionType = mSavedViewSpaceSubdivisionType; // process view space candidates RunConstruction(false); cout << "iteration " << i << " of " << limit << " finished" << endl; mSubdivisionStats.close(); if ((i ++) >= limit) break; } cout << "\nfinished in " << TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime()) * 1e-3 << " secs" << endl; mHierarchyStats.Stop(); mVspTree->mVspStats.Stop(); FinishObjectSpaceSubdivision(objects); } void HierarchyManager::OptimizeMultiLevel(const VssRayContainer &sampleRays, const ObjectContainer &objects, AxisAlignedBox3 *forcedViewSpace) { const long startTime = GetTime(); const int limit = mNumMultiLevels; // open up new subdivision mSubdivisionStats.close(); int steps = 0; int maxViewSpaceLeaves = mVspTree->mVspStats.Leaves(); int maxObjectSpaceLeaves; // set the number of leaves 'evaluated' from the previous methods // we go for the same numbers, but we try to optimize both subdivisions switch (mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType) { case BV_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: maxObjectSpaceLeaves = mBvHierarchy->mBvhStats.Leaves(); break; case KD_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: maxObjectSpaceLeaves = mOspTree->mOspStats.Leaves(); default: maxObjectSpaceLeaves = 0; break; } // This method subdivides view space / object space // in order to converge to some optimal cost for this partition // start with object space partiton // then optimizate view space partition for the current osp // and vice versa until iteration depth is reached. while (1) { char subdivisionStatsLog[100]; sprintf(subdivisionStatsLog, "tests/i3d/subdivision-%04d.log", steps); mSubdivisionStats.open(subdivisionStatsLog); // subdivide object space first ResetObjectSpaceSubdivision(mTQueue, sampleRays, objects); // set the number of leaves 'evaluated' from the previous methods // we go for the same numbers, but we try to optimize both subdivisions mBvHierarchy->mTermMaxLeaves = maxObjectSpaceLeaves; // process object space candidates RunConstruction(false); cout << "iteration " << steps << " of " << limit << " finished" << endl; mSubdivisionStats.close(); if ((++ steps) >= limit) break; sprintf(subdivisionStatsLog, "tests/i3d/subdivision-%04d.log", steps); mSubdivisionStats.open(subdivisionStatsLog); ///////////////// // subdivide view space with respect to the objects ResetViewSpaceSubdivision(mTQueue, sampleRays, objects, forcedViewSpace); mVspTree->mMaxViewCells = maxViewSpaceLeaves; // process view space candidates RunConstruction(false); cout << "iteration " << steps << " of " << limit << " finished" << endl; mSubdivisionStats.close(); if ((++ steps) >= limit) break; } cout << "\nfinished in " << TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime()) * 1e-3 << " secs" << endl; mHierarchyStats.Stop(); mVspTree->mVspStats.Stop(); FinishObjectSpaceSubdivision(objects); } bool HierarchyManager::FinishedConstruction() const { return mTQueue.Empty(); } bool HierarchyManager::ObjectSpaceSubdivisionConstructed() const { /*switch (mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType) { case KD_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: return mOspTree && mOspTree->GetRoot(); case BV_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: return mBvHierarchy && mBvHierarchy->GetRoot(); default: return false; }*/ return mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType != NO_OBJ_SUBDIV; } bool HierarchyManager::ViewSpaceSubdivisionConstructed() const { return mViewSpaceSubdivisionType != NO_VIEWSPACE_SUBDIV; //return mVspTree && mVspTree->GetRoot(); } void HierarchyManager::CollectDirtyCandidates(const SubdivisionCandidateContainer &chosenCandidates, SubdivisionCandidateContainer &dirtyList) { SubdivisionCandidateContainer::const_iterator sit, sit_end = chosenCandidates.end(); SubdivisionCandidate::NewMail(); for (sit = chosenCandidates.begin(); sit != sit_end; ++ sit) { (*sit)->CollectDirtyCandidates(dirtyList, true); } } int HierarchyManager::RepairQueue(const SubdivisionCandidateContainer &dirtyList, SplitQueue &splitQueue, const bool recomputeSplitPlaneOnRepair) { // for each update of the view space partition: // the candidates from object space partition which // have been afected by the view space split (the kd split candidates // which saw the view cell which was split) must be reevaluated // (maybe not locally, just reinsert them into the queue) // // vice versa for the view cells // for each update of the object space partition // reevaluate split candidate for view cells which saw the split kd cell // // the priority queue update can be solved by implementing a binary heap // (explicit data structure, binary tree) // *) inserting and removal is efficient // *) search is not efficient => store queue position with each // split candidate int repaired = 0; // collect list of "dirty" candidates const long startTime = GetTime(); if (0) cout << "repairing " << (int)dirtyList.size() << " candidates ... "; const float prop = (float)mMaxRepairs / (float)dirtyList.size(); /////////////////////////// //-- reevaluate the dirty list SubdivisionCandidateContainer::const_iterator sit, sit_end = dirtyList.end(); for (sit = dirtyList.begin(); sit != sit_end; ++ sit) { // only repair a certain number of candidates if ((mMaxRepairs < (int)dirtyList.size()) && (Random(1.0f) >= prop)) continue; SubdivisionCandidate* sc = *sit; const float rcd = sc->GetRenderCostDecrease(); // erase from queue splitQueue.Erase(sc); // reevaluate candidate sc->EvalCandidate(recomputeSplitPlaneOnRepair); // reinsert splitQueue.Push(sc); ++ repaired; cout << "."; #ifdef GTP_DEBUG Debug << "candidate " << sc << " reevaluated\n" << "render cost decrease diff " << rcd - sc->GetRenderCostDecrease() << " old: " << rcd << " new " << sc->GetRenderCostDecrease() << endl; #endif } const long endTime = GetTime(); const Real timeDiff = TimeDiff(startTime, endTime); mHierarchyStats.mRepairTime += timeDiff; return repaired; } void HierarchyManager::ResetQueue(SplitQueue &splitQueue, const bool recomputeSplitPlane) { SubdivisionCandidateContainer mCandidateBuffer; // remove from queue while (!splitQueue.Empty()) { SubdivisionCandidate *candidate = NextSubdivisionCandidate(splitQueue); // reevaluate local split plane and priority candidate->EvalCandidate(recomputeSplitPlane); cout << "."; mCandidateBuffer.push_back(candidate); } // put back into queue SubdivisionCandidateContainer::const_iterator sit, sit_end = mCandidateBuffer.end(); for (sit = mCandidateBuffer.begin(); sit != sit_end; ++ sit) { splitQueue.Push(*sit); } } void HierarchyManager::ExportObjectSpaceHierarchy(OUT_STREAM &stream) { // the type of the view cells hierarchy switch (mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType) { case KD_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: stream << "" << endl; mOspTree->Export(stream); stream << endl << "" << endl; break; case BV_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: stream << "" << endl; mBvHierarchy->Export(stream); stream << endl << "" << endl; break; } } void HierarchyManager::PrintHierarchyStatistics(ostream &stream) const { stream << mHierarchyStats << endl; stream << "\nview space:" << endl << endl; stream << mVspTree->GetStatistics() << endl; stream << "\nobject space:" << endl << endl; switch (mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType) { case KD_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: { stream << mOspTree->GetStatistics() << endl; break; } case BV_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: { stream << mBvHierarchy->GetStatistics() << endl; break; } default: break; } } void HierarchyManager::ExportObjectSpaceHierarchy(Exporter *exporter, const ObjectContainer &objects, AxisAlignedBox3 *bbox, const bool exportBounds) const { switch (mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType) { case KD_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: { ExportOspTree(exporter, objects); break; } case BV_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: { exporter->ExportBvHierarchy(*mBvHierarchy, 0, bbox, exportBounds); break; } default: break; } } void HierarchyManager::ExportOspTree(Exporter *exporter, const ObjectContainer &objects) const { if (0) exporter->ExportGeometry(objects); exporter->SetWireframe(); exporter->ExportOspTree(*mOspTree, 0); } Intersectable *HierarchyManager::GetIntersectable(Intersectable *obj, const Vector3 &point) const { if (!obj) return NULL; switch (mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType) { case HierarchyManager::KD_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: { KdLeaf *leaf = mOspTree->GetLeaf(point, NULL); return mOspTree->GetOrCreateKdIntersectable(leaf); } case HierarchyManager::BV_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: { BvhLeaf *leaf = mBvHierarchy->GetLeaf(obj); return leaf; } default: return obj; } } Intersectable *HierarchyManager::GetIntersectable(const VssRay &ray, const bool isTermination) const { Intersectable *obj = NULL; Vector3 pt; KdNode *node; ray.GetSampleData(isTermination, pt, &obj, &node); if (!obj) return NULL; switch (mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType) { case HierarchyManager::KD_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: { KdLeaf *leaf = mOspTree->GetLeaf(pt, node); return mOspTree->GetOrCreateKdIntersectable(leaf); } case HierarchyManager::BV_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: { BvhLeaf *leaf = mBvHierarchy->GetLeaf(obj); return leaf; } default: break; } return obj; } void HierarchyStatistics::Print(ostream &app) const { app << "=========== Hierarchy statistics ===============\n"; app << setprecision(4); app << "#N_CTIME ( Construction time [s] )\n" << Time() << " \n"; app << "#N_RTIME ( Repair time [s] )\n" << mRepairTime * 1e-3f << " \n"; app << "#N_NODES ( Number of nodes )\n" << mNodes << "\n"; app << "#N_INTERIORS ( Number of interior nodes )\n" << Interior() << "\n"; app << "#N_LEAVES ( Number of leaves )\n" << Leaves() << "\n"; app << "#N_PMAXDEPTH ( Maximal reached depth )\n" << mMaxDepth << endl; app << "#N_GLOBALCOSTMISSES ( Global cost misses )\n" << mGlobalCostMisses << endl; app << "========== END OF Hierarchy statistics ==========\n"; } static void RemoveRayRefs(const ObjectContainer &objects) { ObjectContainer::const_iterator oit, oit_end = objects.end(); for (oit = objects.begin(); oit != oit_end; ++ oit) { (*oit)->DelRayRefs(); } } void HierarchyManager::FinishObjectSpaceSubdivision(const ObjectContainer &objects, const bool removeRayRefs) const { switch (mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType) { case KD_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: { mOspTree->mOspStats.Stop(); break; } case BV_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: { mBvHierarchy->mBvhStats.Stop(); if (removeRayRefs) RemoveRayRefs(objects); break; } default: break; } } void HierarchyManager::ExportBoundingBoxes(OUT_STREAM &stream, const ObjectContainer &objects) { stream << "" << endl; if (mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType == KD_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV) { KdIntersectableMap::const_iterator kit, kit_end = mOspTree->mKdIntersectables.end(); int id = 0; for (kit = mOspTree->mKdIntersectables.begin(); kit != kit_end; ++ kit, ++ id) { Intersectable *obj = (*kit).second; const AxisAlignedBox3 box = obj->GetBox(); obj->SetId(id); stream << "" << endl; } } else { ObjectContainer::const_iterator oit, oit_end = objects.end(); for (oit = objects.begin(); oit != oit_end; ++ oit) { const AxisAlignedBox3 box = (*oit)->GetBox(); stream << "GetId() << "\"" << " min=\"" << box.Min().x << " " << box.Min().y << " " << box.Min().z << "\"" << " max=\"" << box.Max().x << " " << box.Max().y << " " << box.Max().z << "\" />" << endl; } } stream << "" << endl; } class HierarchyNodeWrapper; template class myless { public: bool operator() (T v1, T v2) const { return (v1->GetMergeCost() < v2->GetMergeCost()); } }; typedef priority_queue, myless::value_type> > HierarchyNodeQueue; class HierarchyNodeWrapper { public: enum {VSP_NODE, BVH_NODE, VIEW_CELL}; virtual float GetMergeCost() const = 0; virtual int Type() const = 0; virtual bool IsLeaf() const = 0; virtual void PushChildren(HierarchyNodeQueue &tQueue) = 0; }; class VspNodeWrapper: public HierarchyNodeWrapper { public: VspNodeWrapper(VspNode *node): mNode(node) {} int Type() const { return VSP_NODE; } float GetMergeCost() const { return (float) -mNode->mTimeStamp; }; bool IsLeaf() const { return mNode->IsLeaf(); } void PushChildren(HierarchyNodeQueue &tQueue) { if (!mNode->IsLeaf()) { VspInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(mNode); tQueue.push(new VspNodeWrapper(interior->GetFront())); tQueue.push(new VspNodeWrapper(interior->GetBack())); } } VspNode *mNode; }; class BvhNodeWrapper: public HierarchyNodeWrapper { public: BvhNodeWrapper(BvhNode *node): mNode(node) {} int Type() const { return BVH_NODE; } float GetMergeCost() const { return (float)-mNode->GetTimeStamp(); }; bool IsLeaf() const { return mNode->IsLeaf(); } void PushChildren(HierarchyNodeQueue &tQueue) { if (!mNode->IsLeaf()) { BvhInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(mNode); tQueue.push(new BvhNodeWrapper(interior->GetFront())); tQueue.push(new BvhNodeWrapper(interior->GetBack())); } } BvhNode *mNode; }; class ViewCellWrapper: public HierarchyNodeWrapper { public: ViewCellWrapper(ViewCell *vc): mViewCell(vc) {} int Type() const { return VIEW_CELL; } float GetMergeCost() const { return mViewCell->GetMergeCost(); }; bool IsLeaf() const { return mViewCell->IsLeaf(); } void PushChildren(HierarchyNodeQueue &tQueue) { if (!mViewCell->IsLeaf()) { ViewCellInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(mViewCell); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = interior->mChildren.end(); for (it = interior->mChildren.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { tQueue.push(new ViewCellWrapper(*it)); } } } ViewCell *mViewCell; }; void HierarchyManager::CollectBestSet(const int maxSplits, const float maxMemoryCost, ViewCellContainer &viewCells, vector &bvhNodes) { HierarchyNodeQueue tqueue; //tqueue.push(new VspNodeWrapper(mVspTree->GetRoot())); tqueue.push(new ViewCellWrapper(mVspTree->mViewCellsTree->GetRoot())); tqueue.push(new BvhNodeWrapper(mBvHierarchy->GetRoot())); float memCost = 0; while (!tqueue.empty()) { HierarchyNodeWrapper *nodeWrapper = tqueue.top(); tqueue.pop(); //cout << "priority: " << nodeWrapper->GetMergeCost() << endl; // save the view cells if it is a leaf or if enough view cells have already been traversed // because of the priority queue, this will be the optimal set of v if (nodeWrapper->IsLeaf() || ((viewCells.size() + bvhNodes.size() + tqueue.size() + 1) >= maxSplits) || (memCost > maxMemoryCost) ) { if (nodeWrapper->Type() == HierarchyNodeWrapper::VIEW_CELL) { //cout << "1"; ViewCellWrapper *viewCellWrapper = dynamic_cast(nodeWrapper); viewCells.push_back(viewCellWrapper->mViewCell); } else { //cout << "0"; BvhNodeWrapper *bvhNodeWrapper = dynamic_cast(nodeWrapper); bvhNodes.push_back(bvhNodeWrapper->mNode); } } else { nodeWrapper->PushChildren(tqueue); } delete nodeWrapper; } } void HierarchyManager::ComputePvs(const ObjectPvs &pvs, float &rc, int &pvsEntries) { BvhNode::NewMail(); ObjectPvsIterator pit = pvs.GetIterator(); while (pit.HasMoreEntries()) { const ObjectPvsEntry &entry = pit.Next(); if (entry.mObject->Type() != Intersectable::BVH_INTERSECTABLE) cout << "error " << entry.mObject->Type() << endl; BvhNode *intersect = dynamic_cast(entry.mObject); BvhNode *activeNode; // hack for choosing which node to account for if (intersect->IsLeaf()) { activeNode = dynamic_cast(intersect)->GetActiveNode(); } else { activeNode = intersect; } if (!activeNode->Mailed()) { activeNode->Mail(); #if STUPID_METHOD ObjectContainer objects; activeNode->CollectObjects(objects); rc += mBvHierarchy->EvalAbsCost(objects); #else rc += mBvHierarchy->GetRenderCostIncrementially(activeNode); #endif ++ pvsEntries; } } } void HierarchyManager::GetPvsEfficiently(ViewCell *viewCell, ObjectPvs &pvs) const { //////////////// //-- pvs is not stored with the interiors => reconstruct // add pvs from leaves stack tstack; tstack.push(viewCell); Intersectable::NewMail(); while (!tstack.empty()) { ViewCell *vc = tstack.top(); tstack.pop(); // add newly found pvs to merged pvs: break here even for interior if (!vc->GetPvs().Empty()) { ObjectPvsIterator pit = vc->GetPvs().GetIterator(); while (pit.HasMoreEntries()) { const ObjectPvsEntry &entry = pit.Next(); Intersectable *object = entry.mObject; if (!object->Mailed()) { object->Mail(); pvs.AddSampleDirty(object, 1.0f); } } } else if (!vc->IsLeaf()) // interior cells: go down to leaf level { ViewCellInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(vc); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = interior->mChildren.end(); for (it = interior->mChildren.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { tstack.push(*it); } } } } // TODO matt: implement this function for different storing methods void HierarchyManager::GetPvsIncrementially(ViewCell *vc, ObjectPvs &pvs) const { //////////////// //-- pvs is not stored with the interiors => reconstruct // add pvs from leaves stack tstack; tstack.push(vc); while (!tstack.empty()) { vc = tstack.top(); tstack.pop(); // add newly found pvs to merged pvs: break here even for interior if (!vc->GetPvs().Empty()) { //if (vc->IsLeaf()) cout << " l " << pvs.GetSize(); //else cout << " i " << pvs.GetSize(); pvs.MergeInPlace(vc->GetPvs()); } else if (!vc->IsLeaf()) // interior cells: go down to leaf level { //cout <<" t"; ViewCellInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(vc); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = interior->mChildren.end(); for (it = interior->mChildren.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { tstack.push(*it); } } else cout <<"k"; } } // TODO matt: implement this function for different storing methods void HierarchyManager::PullUpPvsIncrementally(ViewCell *viewCell) const { //////////////// //-- pvs is not stored with the interiors => reconstruct // early exit: pvs is already pulled up to this view cell if (!viewCell->GetPvs().Empty()) return; // add pvs from leaves stack tstack; tstack.push(viewCell); ViewCell *vc = viewCell; while (!tstack.empty()) { vc = tstack.top(); tstack.pop(); // add newly found pvs to merged pvs: break here even for interior if (!vc->GetPvs().Empty()) { viewCell->GetPvs().MergeInPlace(vc->GetPvs()); } else if (!vc->IsLeaf()) // interior cells: go down to leaf level { //cout <<" t"; ViewCellInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(vc); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = interior->mChildren.end(); for (it = interior->mChildren.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { tstack.push(*it); } } } } // TODO matt: implement this function for different storing methods void HierarchyManager::GetPvsRecursive(ViewCell *vc, ObjectPvs &pvs) const { //////////////// //-- pvs is not stored with the interiors => reconstruct if (vc->IsLeaf() || !vc->GetPvs().Empty()) { pvs = vc->GetPvs(); } else { ViewCellInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(vc); #if 0 ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = interior->mChildren.end(); const int childPvsSize = (int)interior->mChildren.size(); vector childPvs; childPvs.resize((int)interior->mChildren.size()); int i = 0; for (it = interior->mChildren.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it, ++ i) { GetPvsRecursive(*it, childPvs[i]); pvs.MergeInPlace(childPvs[i]); } #else ObjectPvs leftPvs, rightPvs; GetPvsRecursive(interior->mChildren[0], leftPvs); GetPvsRecursive(interior->mChildren[1], rightPvs); ObjectPvs::Merge(pvs, leftPvs, rightPvs); #endif } } int HierarchyManager::ExtractStatistics(const int maxSplits, const float maxMemoryCost, float &renderCost, float &memory, int &pvsEntries, int &viewSpaceSplits, int &objectSpaceSplits, const bool useFilter) { ViewCellContainer viewCells; vector bvhNodes; // collect best set of view cells for this #splits CollectBestSet(maxSplits, maxMemoryCost, viewCells, bvhNodes); vector::const_iterator bit, bit_end = bvhNodes.end(); // set new nodes to be active for (bit = bvhNodes.begin(); bit != bit_end; ++ bit) { mBvHierarchy->SetActive(*bit); } ViewCellContainer::const_iterator vit, vit_end = viewCells.end(); pvsEntries = 0; renderCost = 0.0f; ViewCell::NewMail(); //cout << "\nviewcells: " << viewCells.size() << endl; for (vit = viewCells.begin(); vit != vit_end; ++ vit) { ViewCell *vc = *vit; float rc = 0; #if STUPID_METHOD ObjectPvs pvs; GetPvsIncrementially(vc, pvs); vc->SetPvs(pvs); #else ObjectPvs pvs; if (vc->GetPvs().Empty()) { // warning: uses mailing, pvs not sorted!! GetPvsEfficiently(vc, pvs); //GetPvsRecursive(vc, pvs); vc->SetPvs(pvs); //cout << "q"; } //else cout << "t"; #endif vc->Mail(); if (useFilter) { const long startT = GetTime(); ObjectPvs filteredPvs; mVspTree->mViewCellsManager->ApplyFilter2(vc, false, 1.0f, filteredPvs); const long endT = GetTime(); //cout << "filter computed in " << TimeDiff(startT, endT) * 1e-3f << " secs" << endl; ComputePvs(filteredPvs, rc, pvsEntries); } else { ComputePvs(vc->GetPvs(), rc, pvsEntries); } rc *= vc->GetVolume(); renderCost += rc; } renderCost /= mVspTree->mViewCellsManager->GetViewSpaceBox().GetVolume(); memory = pvsEntries * ObjectPvs::GetEntrySize(); viewSpaceSplits = (int)viewCells.size(); objectSpaceSplits = (int)bvhNodes.size(); //cout << "viewCells: " << (int)viewCells.size() << " nodes: " << (int)bvhNodes.size() << " rc: " << renderCost << " entries: " << pvsEntries << endl; // delete old "base" view cells if they are not leaves ViewCellContainer::const_iterator oit, oit_end = mOldViewCells.end(); for (oit = mOldViewCells.begin(); oit != oit_end; ++ oit) { if (!(*oit)->Mailed() && !(*oit)->IsLeaf()) { (*oit)->GetPvs().Clear(); } } // store current level mOldViewCells = viewCells; return (int)(viewCells.size() + bvhNodes.size()); } void HierarchyManager::ExportStats(ofstream &stats, SplitQueue &tQueue, const ObjectContainer &objects) { HierarchySubdivisionStats subStats; subStats.Reset(); ///////////// //-- initial situation subStats.mNumSplits = 0; subStats.mTotalRenderCost = (float)objects.size(); subStats.mEntriesInPvs = 1; subStats.mMemoryCost = (float)ObjectPvs::GetEntrySize(); subStats.mFullMemory = subStats.mMemoryCost; subStats.mViewSpaceSplits = 0; subStats.mObjectSpaceSplits = 0; subStats.mRenderCostDecrease = 0; subStats.Print(stats); cout << "exporting vsposp stats ... " << endl; //-- go through tree in the order of render cost decrease //-- which is the same order as the view cells were merged //-- or the reverse order of subdivision for subdivision-only //-- view cell hierarchies. while (!tQueue.Empty()) { SubdivisionCandidate *nextCandidate = NextSubdivisionCandidate(tQueue); bool isLeaf; int timeStamp; float rcDecr; int entriesIncr; if (nextCandidate->Type() == SubdivisionCandidate::VIEW_SPACE) { timeStamp = (int)-nextCandidate->GetPriority(); VspNode *newNode = mVspTree->SubdivideAndCopy(tQueue, nextCandidate); VspNode *oldNode = (VspNode *)nextCandidate->mEvaluationHack; isLeaf = newNode->IsLeaf(); //subStats.mRenderCostDecrease = oldNode->mRenderCostDecr; //entriesIncr = oldNode->mPvsEntriesIncr; } else { timeStamp = (int)-nextCandidate->GetPriority(); BvhNode *newNode = mBvHierarchy->SubdivideAndCopy(tQueue, nextCandidate); BvhNode *oldNode = (BvhNode *)nextCandidate->mEvaluationHack; isLeaf = newNode->IsLeaf(); //subStats.mRenderCostDecrease = oldNode->mRenderCostDecr; //entriesIncr = oldNode->mPvsEntriesIncr; } if (!isLeaf) { subStats.mTotalRenderCost -= subStats.mRenderCostDecrease; //subStats.mEntriesInPvs += entriesIncr; if (nextCandidate->Type() == SubdivisionCandidate::VIEW_SPACE) { ++ subStats.mViewSpaceSplits; cout << "v"; //cout << "vsp t: " << timeStamp << " rc: " << rcDecr << " pvs: " << entriesIncr << endl; } else { ++ subStats.mObjectSpaceSplits; cout << "o"; //"osp t: " << timeStamp << " rc: " << rcDecr << " pvs: " << entriesIncr << endl; } ++ subStats.mNumSplits; if ((subStats.mNumSplits % 500) == 499) cout << subStats.mNumSplits << " steps taken" << endl; subStats.mMemoryCost = (float)subStats.mEntriesInPvs * (float)ObjectPvs::GetEntrySize(); subStats.mFullMemory = subStats.mMemoryCost; subStats.Print(stats); } DEL_PTR(nextCandidate); } stats.close(); } void HierarchyManager::EvaluateSubdivision(const VssRayContainer &sampleRays, const ObjectContainer &objects, const string &filename) { #if 0 VspTree *oldVspTree = mVspTree; ViewCellsManager *vm = mVspTree->mViewCellsManager; BvHierarchy *oldHierarchy = mBvHierarchy; mBvHierarchy = new BvHierarchy(); mBvHierarchy->mHierarchyManager = this; mBvHierarchy->mViewCellsManager = vm; mVspTree = new VspTree(); mVspTree->mHierarchyManager = this; mVspTree->mViewCellsManager = vm; // create first nodes mVspTree->Initialise(sampleRays, &oldVspTree->mBoundingBox); InitialiseObjectSpaceSubdivision(objects); const long startTime = GetTime(); cout << "Constructing evaluation hierarchies ... \n"; ofstream stats; stats.open(filename.c_str()); SplitQueue tQueue; BvhNode *oldBvhRoot = oldHierarchy->GetRoot(); VspNode *oldVspRoot = oldVspTree->GetRoot(); RayInfoContainer *viewSpaceRays = new RayInfoContainer(); SubdivisionCandidate *firstVsp = mVspTree->PrepareConstruction(sampleRays, *viewSpaceRays); tQueue.Push(firstVsp); mBvHierarchy->PrepareConstruction(tQueue, sampleRays, objects); firstVsp->mEvaluationHack = oldVspRoot; firstBvh->mEvaluationHack = oldBvhRoot; firstVsp->SetPriority((float)-oldVspRoot->mTimeStamp); firstBvh->SetPriority((float)-oldBvhRoot->GetTimeStamp()); ExportStats(stats, tQueue, objects); cout << "\nfinished in " << TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime()) * 1e-3 << " secs" << endl; RemoveRayRefs(objects); // view cells needed only for evaluation ViewCellContainer viewCells; mVspTree->CollectViewCells(viewCells, false); // helper trees can be destroyed DEL_PTR(mVspTree); DEL_PTR(mBvHierarchy); CLEAR_CONTAINER(viewCells); // reset hierarchies mVspTree = oldVspTree; mBvHierarchy = oldHierarchy; // reinstall old bv refs vector leaves; mBvHierarchy->CollectLeaves(mBvHierarchy->GetRoot(), leaves); vector::const_iterator bit, bit_end = leaves.end(); for (bit = leaves.begin(); bit != bit_end; ++ bit) { mBvHierarchy->AssociateObjectsWithLeaf(*bit); } #endif } void HierarchyManager::EvaluateSubdivision2(ofstream &splitsStats, const int splitsStepSize, const bool useFilter) { vector subStatsContainer; int splits = (1 + (mHierarchyStats.Leaves() - 1) / splitsStepSize) * splitsStepSize; cout << "splits: " << splits << endl; while (1) { HierarchySubdivisionStats subStats; subStats.mNumSplits = ExtractStatistics(splits, 99999.0, subStats.mTotalRenderCost, subStats.mMemoryCost, subStats.mEntriesInPvs, subStats.mViewSpaceSplits, subStats.mObjectSpaceSplits, useFilter); const float objectSpaceHierarchyMem = float( subStats.mObjectSpaceSplits * mBvHierarchy->mMemoryConst//sizeof(ObjectContainer) //+ (subStats.mObjectSpaceSplits - 1) * sizeof(BvhInterior) //+sizeof(BvHierarchy) ) / float(1024 * 1024); const float viewSpaceHierarchyMem = float( subStats.mViewSpaceSplits * mVspTree->mMemoryConst//sizeof(ObjectPvs) //+ (subStats.mViewSpaceSplits - 1) * sizeof(VspInterior) + sizeof(ObjectPvs) //+ sizeof(VspTree) ) / float(1024 * 1024); subStats.mFullMemory = subStats.mMemoryCost + objectSpaceHierarchyMem + viewSpaceHierarchyMem; subStatsContainer.push_back(subStats); if (splits == 0) { break; } splits -= splitsStepSize; cout << "splits: " << subStats.mNumSplits << " "; } vector::const_reverse_iterator hit, hit_end = subStatsContainer.rend(); for (hit = subStatsContainer.rbegin(); hit != hit_end; ++ hit) { (*hit).Print(splitsStats); } // delete old "base" view cells: only pvss in the leaves are allowed ViewCellContainer::const_iterator oit, oit_end = mOldViewCells.end(); for (oit = mOldViewCells.begin(); oit != oit_end; ++ oit) { if (!(*oit)->IsLeaf()) { (*oit)->GetPvs().Clear(); } } mOldViewCells.clear(); // reset active nodes vector bvhLeaves; mBvHierarchy->CollectLeaves(mBvHierarchy->GetRoot(), bvhLeaves); vector::const_iterator bit, bit_end = bvhLeaves.end(); for (bit = bvhLeaves.begin(); bit != bit_end; ++ bit) { (*bit)->SetActiveNode(*bit); } cout << endl; } void HierarchyManager::CollectObjects(const AxisAlignedBox3 &box, ObjectContainer &objects) { mBvHierarchy->CollectObjects(box, objects); } int HierarchyManager::CompressObjectSpace() { //mBvHierarchy->Compress(); return mVspTree->CompressObjects(); } void HierarchyManager::CreateUniqueObjectIds() { mBvHierarchy->CreateUniqueObjectIds(); } }