1 | #ifndef _HierarchyManager_H__
2 | #define _HierarchyManager_H__
3 |
4 | #include <stack>
5 |
6 | #include "Mesh.h"
7 | #include "Containers.h"
8 | #include "Statistics.h"
9 | #include "VssRay.h"
10 | #include "RayInfo.h"
11 | #include "gzstream.h"
12 | #include "SubdivisionCandidate.h"
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 | namespace GtpVisibilityPreprocessor {
17 |
18 | class ViewCellLeaf;
19 | class OspTree;
20 | class VspTree;
21 | class Plane3;
22 | class AxisAlignedBox3;
23 | class Ray;
24 | class ViewCellsStatistics;
25 | class ViewCellsManager;
26 | class MergeCandidate;
27 | class Beam;
28 | class ViewCellsTree;
29 | class Environment;
30 | class VspInterior;
31 | class VspLeaf;
32 | class VspNode;
33 | class KdNode;
34 | class KdInterior;
35 | class KdLeaf;
36 | class OspTree;
37 | class KdIntersectable;
38 | class KdTree;
39 | class VspTree;
40 | class KdTreeStatistics;
41 | class BvHierarchy;
42 | class Exporter;
43 | class ViewCellsParseHandlers;
44 |
45 |
47 |
48 | /** View space / object space hierarchy statistics.
49 | */
50 | class HierarchyStatistics: public StatisticsBase
51 | {
52 | public:
53 | /// total number of entries in the pvs
54 | int mPvsEntries;
55 | /// storage cost in MB
56 | float mMemory;
57 | /// total number of nodes
58 | int mNodes;
59 | /// maximal reached depth
60 | int mMaxDepth;
61 | /// accumulated depth
62 | int mAccumDepth;
63 | /// time spent for queue repair
64 | float mRepairTime;
65 |
66 | // global cost ratio violations
67 | int mGlobalCostMisses;
68 | /// total cost of subdivision
69 | float mTotalCost;
70 | /// render cost decrease of subdivision
71 | float mRenderCostDecrease;
72 |
73 | // Constructor
74 | HierarchyStatistics()
75 | {
76 | Reset();
77 | }
78 |
79 | int Nodes() const {return mNodes;}
80 | int Interior() const { return mNodes / 2 - 1; }
81 | int Leaves() const { return (mNodes / 2) + 1; }
82 |
83 | // TODO: computation wrong
84 | double AvgDepth() const { return mAccumDepth / (double)Leaves();}
85 |
86 | void Reset()
87 | {
88 | mGlobalCostMisses = 0;
89 | mTotalCost = 0;
90 | mRenderCostDecrease = 0;
91 |
92 | mNodes = 0;
93 | mMaxDepth = 0;
94 | mAccumDepth = 0;
95 | mRepairTime = 0;
96 | mMemory = 0;
97 | mPvsEntries = 0;
98 | }
99 |
100 | void Print(ostream &app) const;
101 |
102 | friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &s, const HierarchyStatistics &stat)
103 | {
104 | stat.Print(s);
105 | return s;
106 | }
107 | };
108 |
109 |
110 | class HierarchySubdivisionStats
111 | {
112 | public:
113 |
114 | int mNumSplits;
115 |
116 | float mRenderCostDecrease;
117 |
118 | float mTotalRenderCost;
119 |
120 | int mEntriesInPvs;
121 |
122 | float mMemoryCost;
123 |
124 | float mFullMemory;
125 |
126 | int mViewSpaceSplits;
127 |
128 | int mObjectSpaceSplits;
129 |
130 | float mPriority;
131 |
132 | float VspOspRatio() const { return (float)mViewSpaceSplits / (float)mObjectSpaceSplits; }
133 |
134 | float FpsPerMb() const { return 1.0f / (mTotalRenderCost * mMemoryCost); }
135 |
136 | HierarchySubdivisionStats() { Reset(); }
137 |
138 | void Reset()
139 | {
140 | mNumSplits = 0;
141 | mRenderCostDecrease = 0;
142 | mTotalRenderCost = 0;
143 | mEntriesInPvs = 0;
144 | mMemoryCost = 0;
145 | mFullMemory = 0;
146 | mViewSpaceSplits = 0;
147 | mObjectSpaceSplits = 0;
148 | mPriority = 0;
149 | }
150 |
151 |
152 | void Print(ostream &app) const;
153 |
154 | friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &s, const HierarchySubdivisionStats &stat)
155 | {
156 | stat.Print(s);
157 | return s;
158 | }
159 | };
160 |
161 |
162 | /** This class implements a structure holding two different hierarchies,
163 | one for object space partitioning and one for view space partitioning.
164 |
165 | The object space and the view space are subdivided using a cost heuristics.
166 | If an object space split or a view space split is chosen is also evaluated
167 | based on the heuristics.
168 |
169 | The view space heuristics is evaluated by weighting and adding the pvss of the back and
170 | front node of each specific split. unlike for the standalone method vspbsp tree,
171 | the pvs of an object would not be the pvs of single object but that of all objects
172 | which are contained in the same leaf of the object subdivision. This could be done
173 | by storing the pointer to the object space partition parent, which would allow access to all children.
174 | Another possibility is to include traced kd-cells in the ray casing process.
175 |
176 | Accordingly, the object space heuristics is evaluated by storing a pvs of view cells with each object.
177 | the contribution to an object to the pvs is the number of view cells it can be seen from.
178 |
179 | @note
180 | There is a potential efficiency problem involved in a sense that once a certain type
181 | of split is chosen for view space / object space, the candidates for the next split of
182 | object space / view space must be reevaluated.
183 | */
184 | class HierarchyManager
185 | {
186 | public:
187 | /** Constructor with the view space partition tree and
188 | the object space hierarchy type as argument.
189 | */
190 | HierarchyManager(const int objectSpaceHierarchyType);
191 | /** Hack: OspTree will copy the content from this kd tree.
192 | Only view space hierarchy will be constructed.
193 | */
194 | HierarchyManager(KdTree *kdTree);
195 |
196 | /** Deletes space partition and view space partition.
197 | */
198 | ~HierarchyManager();
199 |
200 | /** Constructs the view space and object space subdivision from a given set of rays
201 | and a set of objects.
202 | @param sampleRays the set of sample rays the construction is based on
203 | @param objects the set of objects
204 | */
205 | void Construct(
206 | const VssRayContainer &sampleRays,
207 | const ObjectContainer &objects,
208 | AxisAlignedBox3 *forcedViewSpace);
209 |
210 | enum
211 | {
215 | };
216 |
217 | enum
218 | {
221 | };
222 |
223 | /** The type of object space subdivison
224 | */
225 | int GetObjectSpaceSubdivisionType() const;
226 | /** The type of view space space subdivison
227 | */
228 | int GetViewSpaceSubdivisionType() const;
229 | /** Sets a pointer to the view cells manager.
230 | */
231 | void SetViewCellsManager(ViewCellsManager *vcm);
232 | /** Sets a pointer to the view cells tree.
233 | */
234 | void SetViewCellsTree(ViewCellsTree *vcTree);
235 | /** Exports the object hierarchy to disc.
236 | */
237 | void ExportObjectSpaceHierarchy(OUT_STREAM &stream);
238 |
239 | /** Print out statistics.
240 | */
241 | void PrintHierarchyStatistics(ostream &stream) const;
242 |
243 | /** Returns the view space partition tree.
244 | */
245 | VspTree *GetVspTree();
246 |
247 | /** Returns view space bounding box.
248 | */
249 | //AxisAlignedBox3 GetViewSpaceBox() const;
250 |
251 | /** Returns object space bounding box.
252 | */
253 | AxisAlignedBox3 GetObjectSpaceBox() const;
254 |
255 | /** Exports object space hierarchy for visualization.
256 | */
257 | void ExportObjectSpaceHierarchy(Exporter *exporter,
258 | const ObjectContainer &objects,
259 | AxisAlignedBox3 *bbox,
260 | const bool exportBounds = true) const;
261 |
262 | /** Returns intersectable pierced by this ray.
263 | */
264 | Intersectable *GetIntersectable(const VssRay &ray, const bool isTermination) const;
265 |
266 | Intersectable *GetIntersectable(Intersectable *obj,
267 | const Vector3 &point) const;
268 |
269 | /** Export object space partition bounding boxes.
270 | */
271 | void ExportBoundingBoxes(OUT_STREAM &stream, const ObjectContainer &objects);
272 |
273 | friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &s, const HierarchyManager &hm)
274 | {
275 | hm.PrintHierarchyStatistics(s);
276 | return s;
277 | }
278 |
279 | HierarchyStatistics &GetHierarchyStats() { return mHierarchyStats; };
280 |
281 | inline bool ConsiderMemory() const { return mConsiderMemory; }
282 |
283 | void EvaluateSubdivision(const VssRayContainer &sampleRays,
284 | const ObjectContainer &objects,
285 | const string &filename);
286 |
287 | void EvaluateSubdivision2(ofstream &splitsStats,
288 | const int splitsStepSize,
289 | const bool useFilter);
290 |
291 |
292 | void CollectObjects(const AxisAlignedBox3 &box, ObjectContainer &objects);
293 |
294 | float mInitialRenderCost;
295 |
296 |
297 | protected:
298 |
299 | /** Returns true if the global termination criteria were met.
300 | */
301 | bool GlobalTerminationCriteriaMet(SubdivisionCandidate *candidate) const;
302 |
303 | /** Prepare construction of the hierarchies, set parameters, compute
304 | first split candidates.
305 | */
306 | void PrepareObjectSpaceSubdivision(SplitQueue &tQueue,
307 | const VssRayContainer &sampleRays,
308 | const ObjectContainer &objects);
309 |
310 |
311 | /** Create bounding box and root.
312 | */
313 | void InitialiseObjectSpaceSubdivision(const ObjectContainer &objects);
314 |
315 | /** Returns memory usage of object space hierarchy.
316 | */
317 | float GetObjectSpaceMemUsage() const;
318 |
319 |
320 | //////////////////////////////
321 | // the main loop
322 |
323 | /** This is for interleaved construction / sequential construction.
324 | */
325 | void RunConstruction(const bool repairQueue,
326 | const VssRayContainer &sampleRays,
327 | const ObjectContainer &objects,
328 | AxisAlignedBox3 *forcedViewSpace);
329 |
330 | /** This is for interleaved construction using some objects
331 | and some view space splits.
332 | */
333 | int RunConstruction(SplitQueue &splitQueue,
334 | SubdivisionCandidateContainer &chosenCandidates,
335 | //const float minRenderCostDecr,
336 | SubdivisionCandidate *oldCandidate,
337 | const int minSteps,
338 | const int maxSteps);
339 |
340 | /** Default subdivision method.
341 | */
342 | void RunConstruction(const bool repairQueue);
343 |
344 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////
345 |
346 | /** Evaluates the subdivision candidate and executes the split.
347 | */
348 | bool ApplySubdivisionCandidate(SubdivisionCandidate *sc,
349 | SplitQueue &splitQueue,
350 | const bool repairQueue);
351 |
352 | /** Tests if hierarchy construction is finished.
353 | */
354 | bool FinishedConstruction() const;
355 |
356 | /** Returns next subdivision candidate from the split queue.
357 | */
358 | SubdivisionCandidate *NextSubdivisionCandidate(SplitQueue &splitQueue);
359 |
360 | /** Repairs the dirty entries of the subdivision candidate queue. The
361 | list of entries is given in the dirty list.
362 |
363 | @returns number of repaired candidates
364 | */
365 | int RepairQueue(const SubdivisionCandidateContainer &dirtyList,
366 | SplitQueue &splitQueue,
367 | const bool recomputeSplitPlaneOnRepair);
368 |
369 | /** Collect subdivision candidates which were affected by the splits from the
370 | chosenCandidates list.
371 | */
372 | void CollectDirtyCandidates(const SubdivisionCandidateContainer &chosenCandidates,
373 | SubdivisionCandidateContainer &dirtyList);
374 |
375 | /** Evaluate subdivision stats for log.
376 | */
377 | void EvalSubdivisionStats();
378 |
379 | void AddSubdivisionStats(const int splits,
380 | const float renderCostDecr,
381 | const float totalRenderCost,
382 | const int totalPvsEntries,
383 | const float memory,
384 | const float renderCostPerStorage,
385 | const float vspOspRatio);
386 |
387 | /** Collect affected view space candidates.
388 | */
389 | void CollectViewSpaceDirtyList(SubdivisionCandidate *sc,
390 | SubdivisionCandidateContainer &dirtyList);
391 |
392 | /** Collect affected object space candidates.
393 | */
394 | void CollectObjectSpaceDirtyList(SubdivisionCandidate *sc,
395 | SubdivisionCandidateContainer &dirtyList);
396 |
397 | /** Export object space partition tree.
398 | */
399 | void ExportOspTree(Exporter *exporter,
400 | const ObjectContainer &objects) const;
401 |
402 | /** Parse the environment variables.
403 | */
404 | void ParseEnvironment();
405 |
406 | bool StartObjectSpaceSubdivision() const;
407 | bool StartViewSpaceSubdivision() const;
408 |
409 |
410 | ////////////////////////////
411 | // Helper function for preparation of subdivision
412 |
413 | /** Prepare bv hierarchy for subdivision
414 | */
415 | void PrepareBvHierarchy(SplitQueue &tQueue,
416 | const VssRayContainer &sampleRays,
417 | const ObjectContainer &objects);
418 |
419 | /** Prepare object space kd tree for subdivision.
420 | */
421 | void PrepareOspTree(SplitQueue &tQueue,
422 | const VssRayContainer &sampleRays,
423 | const ObjectContainer &objects);
424 |
425 | /** Prepare view space subdivision and add candidate to queue.
426 | */
427 | void PrepareViewSpaceSubdivision(SplitQueue &tQueue,
428 | const VssRayContainer &sampleRays,
429 | const ObjectContainer &objects);
430 |
431 | /** Was object space subdivision already constructed?
432 | */
433 | bool ObjectSpaceSubdivisionConstructed() const;
434 |
435 | /** Was view space subdivision already constructed?
436 | */
437 | bool ViewSpaceSubdivisionConstructed() const;
438 |
439 | /** Reset the split queue, i.e., reevaluate the split candidates.
440 | */
441 | void ResetQueue(SplitQueue &splitQueue, const bool recomputeSplitPlane);
442 |
443 | /** After the suddivision has ended, do some final tasks.
444 | */
445 | void FinishObjectSpaceSubdivision(const ObjectContainer &objects,
446 | const bool removeRayRefs = true) const;
447 |
448 | /** Returns depth of object space subdivision.
449 | */
450 | int GetObjectSpaceSubdivisionDepth() const;
451 |
452 | /** Returns number of leaves in object space subdivision.
453 | */
454 | int GetObjectSpaceSubdivisionLeaves() const;
455 | int GetObjectSpaceSubdivisionNodes() const;
456 |
457 | /** Construct object space partition interleaved with view space partition.
458 | Each time the best object or view space candidate is selected
459 | for the next split.
460 | */
461 | void ConstructInterleaved(const VssRayContainer &sampleRays,
462 | const ObjectContainer &objects,
463 | AxisAlignedBox3 *forcedViewSpace);
464 |
465 | /** Construct object space partition interleaved with view space partition.
466 | The method chooses a number candidates of each type for subdivision.
467 | The number is determined by the "gradient", i.e., the render cost decrease.
468 | Once this render cost decrease is lower than the render cost decrease
469 | for the splits of previous type, the method will stop current subdivision and
470 | evaluate if view space or object space would be the beneficial for the
471 | next number of split.
472 | */
473 | void ConstructInterleavedWithGradient(const VssRayContainer &sampleRays,
474 | const ObjectContainer &objects,
475 | AxisAlignedBox3 *forcedViewSpace);
476 |
477 | /** Use iteration to construct the object space hierarchy.
478 | */
479 | void ConstructMultiLevel(const VssRayContainer &sampleRays,
480 | const ObjectContainer &objects,
481 | AxisAlignedBox3 *forcedViewSpace);
482 |
483 | /** Based on a given subdivision, we try to optimize using an
484 | multiple iteration over view and object space.
485 | */
486 | void OptimizeMultiLevel(const VssRayContainer &sampleRays,
487 | const ObjectContainer &objects,
488 | AxisAlignedBox3 *forcedViewSpace);
489 |
490 | /** Reset the object space subdivision.
491 | E.g., deletes hierarchy and resets stats.
492 | so construction can be restarted.
493 | */
494 | void ResetObjectSpaceSubdivision(SplitQueue &tQueue,
495 | const VssRayContainer &rays,
496 | const ObjectContainer &objects);
497 |
498 | void ResetViewSpaceSubdivision(SplitQueue &tQueue,
499 | const VssRayContainer &rays,
500 | const ObjectContainer &objects,
501 | AxisAlignedBox3 *forcedViewSpace);
502 |
503 |
504 | ///////////////////////////
505 |
506 | void ExportStats(ofstream &stats,
507 | SplitQueue &tQueue,
508 | const ObjectContainer &objects);
509 |
510 | void CollectBestSet(const int maxSplits,
511 | const float maxMemoryCost,
512 | ViewCellContainer &viewCells,
513 | vector<BvhNode *> &bvhNodes);
514 |
515 | int ExtractStatistics(const int maxSplits,
516 | const float maxMemoryCost,
517 | float &renderCost,
518 | float &memory,
519 | int &pvsEntries,
520 | int &viewSpaceSplits,
521 | int &objectSpaceSplits,
522 | const bool useFilter);
523 |
524 | void ComputePvs(const ObjectPvs &pvs, float &rc, int &pvsEntries);
525 | void GetPvsIncrementally(ViewCell *vc, ObjectPvs &pvs) const;
526 | protected:
527 |
528 | /** construction types
529 | sequential: construct first view space, then object space
530 | interleaved: construct view space and object space fully interleaved
531 | gradient: construct view space / object space until a threshold is reached
532 | multilevel: iterate until subdivisions converge to the optimum.
533 | */
535 |
536 | /// type of hierarchy construction
537 | int mConstructionType;
538 |
539 | /// Type of object space partition
540 | int mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType;
541 | /// Type of view space partition
542 | int mViewSpaceSubdivisionType;
543 |
544 | /// the traversal queue
545 | SplitQueue mTQueue;
546 |
547 | ////////////
548 | //-- helper variables
549 |
550 | // the original osp type
551 | int mSavedObjectSpaceSubdivisionType;
552 | // the original vsp type
553 | int mSavedViewSpaceSubdivisionType;
554 | /// the current subdivision candidate
555 | //SubdivisionCandidate *mCurrentCandidate;
556 |
557 |
558 | ///////////////////
559 | // Hierarchies
560 |
561 | /// view space hierarchy
562 | VspTree *mVspTree;
563 | /// object space partition kd tree
564 | OspTree *mOspTree;
565 |
566 | public:
567 | /// bounding volume hierarchy
568 | BvHierarchy *mBvHierarchy;
569 |
570 | protected:
571 |
572 |
573 | //////////
574 | //-- global termination criteria
575 |
576 | /// the mininal acceptable cost ratio for a split
577 | float mTermMinGlobalCostRatio;
578 | /// the threshold for global cost miss tolerance
579 | int mTermGlobalCostMissTolerance;
580 | /// maximum number of leaves
581 | int mTermMaxLeaves;
582 | /// Maximal allowed memory consumption.
583 | float mTermMaxMemory;
584 |
585 |
586 | ////////////////////
587 |
588 | /// number of minimal steps of the same type
589 | int mMinStepsOfSameType;
590 | int mMaxStepsOfSameType;
591 |
592 | /// statistics about the hierarchy
593 | HierarchyStatistics mHierarchyStats;
594 |
595 | int mMinDepthForObjectSpaceSubdivion;
596 | int mMinDepthForViewSpaceSubdivion;
597 |
598 | //int mMinRenderCostDecrease;
599 |
600 | ofstream mSubdivisionStats;
601 |
602 | /// if the queue should be repaired after a subdivision steps
603 | bool mRepairQueue;
604 |
605 | bool mStartWithObjectSpace;
606 | /** if multi level construction method should be used
607 | where we iterate over both hierarchies until we
608 | converge to the optimum.
609 | */
610 | bool mUseMultiLevelConstruction;
611 |
612 | /// number of iteration steps for multilevel approach
613 | int mNumMultiLevels;
614 |
615 | /** if split plane should be recomputed for the repair.
616 | Otherwise only the priority is recomputed, the
617 | split plane itself stays the same
618 | */
619 | bool mRecomputeSplitPlaneOnRepair;
620 |
621 | /** If memory should be considered during choosing
622 | of the next split type during gradient method.
623 | */
624 | bool mConsiderMemory;
625 |
626 | int mMaxRepairs;
627 |
628 | int mTimeStamp;
629 | friend VspTree;
630 | friend OspTree;
631 | friend BvHierarchy;
632 |
633 | float mPriority;
634 |
635 | friend ViewCellsParseHandlers;
636 |
637 | ViewCellContainer mOldViewCells;
638 | };
639 |
640 | }
641 |
642 | #endif