#ifndef _HierarchyManager_H__ #define _HierarchyManager_H__ #include #include "Mesh.h" #include "Containers.h" #include "Statistics.h" #include "VssRay.h" #include "RayInfo.h" #include "gzstream.h" #include "SubdivisionCandidate.h" namespace GtpVisibilityPreprocessor { class ViewCellLeaf; class OspTree; class VspTree; class Plane3; class AxisAlignedBox3; class Ray; class ViewCellsStatistics; class ViewCellsManager; class MergeCandidate; class Beam; class ViewCellsTree; class Environment; class VspInterior; class VspLeaf; class VspNode; class KdNode; class KdInterior; class KdLeaf; class OspTree; class KdIntersectable; class KdTree; class VspTree; class KdTreeStatistics; class BvHierarchy; class Exporter; class ViewCellsParseHandlers; #define COUNT_ORIGIN_OBJECTS 1 /** View space / object space hierarchy statistics. */ class HierarchyStatistics: public StatisticsBase { public: /// total number of entries in the pvs int mPvsEntries; /// storage cost in MB float mMemory; /// total number of nodes int mNodes; /// maximal reached depth int mMaxDepth; /// accumulated depth int mAccumDepth; /// time spent for queue repair float mRepairTime; // global cost ratio violations int mGlobalCostMisses; /// total cost of subdivision float mTotalCost; /// render cost decrease of subdivision float mRenderCostDecrease; // Constructor HierarchyStatistics() { Reset(); } int Nodes() const {return mNodes;} int Interior() const { return mNodes / 2 - 1; } int Leaves() const { return (mNodes / 2) + 1; } // TODO: computation wrong double AvgDepth() const { return mAccumDepth / (double)Leaves();} void Reset() { mGlobalCostMisses = 0; mTotalCost = 0; mRenderCostDecrease = 0; mNodes = 0; mMaxDepth = 0; mAccumDepth = 0; mRepairTime = 0; mMemory = 0; mPvsEntries = 0; } void Print(ostream &app) const; friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &s, const HierarchyStatistics &stat) { stat.Print(s); return s; } }; class HierarchySubdivisionStats { public: int mNumSplits; float mRenderCostDecrease; float mTotalRenderCost; int mEntriesInPvs; float mMemoryCost; float mFullMemory; int mViewSpaceSplits; int mObjectSpaceSplits; float VspOspRatio() const { return (float)mViewSpaceSplits / (float)mObjectSpaceSplits; } float FpsPerMb() const { return 1.0f / (mTotalRenderCost * mMemoryCost); } HierarchySubdivisionStats() { Reset(); } void Reset() { mNumSplits = 0; mRenderCostDecrease = 0; mTotalRenderCost = 0; mEntriesInPvs = 0; mMemoryCost = 0; mFullMemory = 0; mViewSpaceSplits = 0; mObjectSpaceSplits = 0; } void Print(ostream &app) const; friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &s, const HierarchySubdivisionStats &stat) { stat.Print(s); return s; } }; /** This class implements a structure holding two different hierarchies, one for object space partitioning and one for view space partitioning. The object space and the view space are subdivided using a cost heuristics. If an object space split or a view space split is chosen is also evaluated based on the heuristics. The view space heuristics is evaluated by weighting and adding the pvss of the back and front node of each specific split. unlike for the standalone method vspbsp tree, the pvs of an object would not be the pvs of single object but that of all objects which are contained in the same leaf of the object subdivision. This could be done by storing the pointer to the object space partition parent, which would allow access to all children. Another possibility is to include traced kd-cells in the ray casing process. Accordingly, the object space heuristics is evaluated by storing a pvs of view cells with each object. the contribution to an object to the pvs is the number of view cells it can be seen from. @note There is a potential efficiency problem involved in a sense that once a certain type of split is chosen for view space / object space, the candidates for the next split of object space / view space must be reevaluated. */ class HierarchyManager { public: /** Constructor with the view space partition tree and the object space hierarchy type as argument. */ HierarchyManager(const int objectSpaceHierarchyType); /** Hack: OspTree will copy the content from this kd tree. Only view space hierarchy will be constructed. */ HierarchyManager(KdTree *kdTree); /** Deletes space partition and view space partition. */ ~HierarchyManager(); /** Constructs the view space and object space subdivision from a given set of rays and a set of objects. @param sampleRays the set of sample rays the construction is based on @param objects the set of objects */ void Construct( const VssRayContainer &sampleRays, const ObjectContainer &objects, AxisAlignedBox3 *forcedViewSpace); enum { NO_OBJ_SUBDIV, KD_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV, BV_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV }; enum { NO_VIEWSPACE_SUBDIV, KD_BASED_VIEWSPACE_SUBDIV }; /** The type of object space subdivison */ int GetObjectSpaceSubdivisionType() const; /** The type of view space space subdivison */ int GetViewSpaceSubdivisionType() const; /** Sets a pointer to the view cells manager. */ void SetViewCellsManager(ViewCellsManager *vcm); /** Sets a pointer to the view cells tree. */ void SetViewCellsTree(ViewCellsTree *vcTree); /** Exports the object hierarchy to disc. */ void ExportObjectSpaceHierarchy(OUT_STREAM &stream); /** Adds a sample to the pvs of the specified view cell. */ bool AddSampleToPvs( Intersectable *obj, const Vector3 &hitPoint, ViewCell *vc, const float pdf, float &contribution) const; /** Print out statistics. */ void PrintHierarchyStatistics(ostream &stream) const; /** Returns the view space partition tree. */ VspTree *GetVspTree(); /** Returns view space bounding box. */ //AxisAlignedBox3 GetViewSpaceBox() const; /** Returns object space bounding box. */ AxisAlignedBox3 GetObjectSpaceBox() const; /** Exports object space hierarchy for visualization. */ void ExportObjectSpaceHierarchy(Exporter *exporter, const ObjectContainer &objects, const AxisAlignedBox3 *bbox, const bool exportBounds = true) const; /** Returns intersectable pierced by this ray. */ Intersectable *GetIntersectable(const VssRay &ray, const bool isTermination) const; /** Export object space partition bounding boxes. */ void ExportBoundingBoxes(OUT_STREAM &stream, const ObjectContainer &objects); friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &s, const HierarchyManager &hm) { hm.PrintHierarchyStatistics(s); return s; } HierarchyStatistics &GetHierarchyStats() { return mHierarchyStats; }; inline bool ConsiderMemory() const { return mConsiderMemory; } //inline float GetMemoryConst() const { return mMemoryConst; } void EvaluateSubdivision(const VssRayContainer &sampleRays, const ObjectContainer &objects, const string &filename); void EvaluateSubdivision2(ofstream &splitsStats, const int splitsStepSize); void CollectObjects(const AxisAlignedBox3 &box, ObjectContainer &objects); float mInitialRenderCost; protected: /** Returns true if the global termination criteria were met. */ bool GlobalTerminationCriteriaMet(SubdivisionCandidate *candidate) const; /** Prepare construction of the hierarchies, set parameters, compute first split candidates. */ SubdivisionCandidate *PrepareObjectSpaceSubdivision(const VssRayContainer &sampleRays, const ObjectContainer &objects); /** Create bounding box and root. */ void InitialiseObjectSpaceSubdivision(const ObjectContainer &objects); /** Returns memory usage of object space hierarchy. */ float GetObjectSpaceMemUsage() const; ////////////////////////////// // the main loop /** This is for interleaved construction / sequential construction. */ void RunConstruction(const bool repairQueue, const VssRayContainer &sampleRays, const ObjectContainer &objects, AxisAlignedBox3 *forcedViewSpace); /** This is for interleaved construction using some objects and some view space splits. */ int RunConstruction(SplitQueue &splitQueue, SubdivisionCandidateContainer &chosenCandidates, //const float minRenderCostDecr, SubdivisionCandidate *oldCandidate, const int minSteps, const int maxSteps); /** Default subdivision method. */ void RunConstruction(const bool repairQueue); //////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Evaluates the subdivision candidate and executes the split. */ bool ApplySubdivisionCandidate(SubdivisionCandidate *sc, SplitQueue &splitQueue, const bool repairQueue); /** Tests if hierarchy construction is finished. */ bool FinishedConstruction() const; /** Returns next subdivision candidate from the split queue. */ SubdivisionCandidate *NextSubdivisionCandidate(SplitQueue &splitQueue); /** Repairs the dirty entries of the subdivision candidate queue. The list of entries is given in the dirty list. */ void RepairQueue(const SubdivisionCandidateContainer &dirtyList, SplitQueue &splitQueue, const bool recomputeSplitPlaneOnRepair); /** Collect subdivision candidates which were affected by the splits from the chosenCandidates list. */ void CollectDirtyCandidates(const SubdivisionCandidateContainer &chosenCandidates, SubdivisionCandidateContainer &dirtyList); /** Evaluate subdivision stats for log. */ void EvalSubdivisionStats(); void AddSubdivisionStats(const int splits, const float renderCostDecr, const float totalRenderCost, const int totalPvsEntries, const float memory, const float renderCostPerStorage, const float vspOspRatio); bool AddSampleToPvs(Intersectable *obj, const float pdf, float &contribution) const; /** Collect affected view space candidates. */ void CollectViewSpaceDirtyList(SubdivisionCandidate *sc, SubdivisionCandidateContainer &dirtyList); /** Collect affected object space candidates. */ void CollectObjectSpaceDirtyList(SubdivisionCandidate *sc, SubdivisionCandidateContainer &dirtyList); /** Export object space partition tree. */ void ExportOspTree(Exporter *exporter, const ObjectContainer &objects) const; /** Parse the environment variables. */ void ParseEnvironment(); bool StartObjectSpaceSubdivision() const; bool StartViewSpaceSubdivision() const; //////////////////////////// // Helper function for preparation of subdivision /** Prepare bv hierarchy for subdivision */ SubdivisionCandidate *PrepareBvHierarchy(const VssRayContainer &sampleRays, const ObjectContainer &objects); /** Prepare object space kd tree for subdivision. */ SubdivisionCandidate *PrepareOspTree(const VssRayContainer &sampleRays, const ObjectContainer &objects); /** Prepare view space subdivision and add candidate to queue. */ SubdivisionCandidate *PrepareViewSpaceSubdivision(const VssRayContainer &sampleRays, const ObjectContainer &objects); /** Was object space subdivision already constructed? */ bool ObjectSpaceSubdivisionConstructed() const; /** Was view space subdivision already constructed? */ bool ViewSpaceSubdivisionConstructed() const; /** Reset the split queue, i.e., reevaluate the split candidates. */ void ResetQueue(SplitQueue &splitQueue, const bool recomputeSplitPlane); /** After the suddivision has ended, do some final tasks. */ void FinishObjectSpaceSubdivision(const ObjectContainer &objects, const bool removeRayRefs = true) const; /** Returns depth of object space subdivision. */ int GetObjectSpaceSubdivisionDepth() const; /** Returns number of leaves in object space subdivision. */ int GetObjectSpaceSubdivisionLeaves() const; int GetObjectSpaceSubdivisionNodes() const; /** Construct object space partition interleaved with view space partition. Each time the best object or view space candidate is selected for the next split. */ void ConstructInterleaved(const VssRayContainer &sampleRays, const ObjectContainer &objects, AxisAlignedBox3 *forcedViewSpace); /** Construct object space partition interleaved with view space partition. The method chooses a number candidates of each type for subdivision. The number is determined by the "gradient", i.e., the render cost decrease. Once this render cost decrease is lower than the render cost decrease for the splits of previous type, the method will stop current subdivision and evaluate if view space or object space would be the beneficial for the next number of split. */ void ConstructInterleavedWithGradient(const VssRayContainer &sampleRays, const ObjectContainer &objects, AxisAlignedBox3 *forcedViewSpace); /** Use iteration to construct the object space hierarchy. */ void ConstructMultiLevel(const VssRayContainer &sampleRays, const ObjectContainer &objects, AxisAlignedBox3 *forcedViewSpace); /** Based on a given subdivision, we try to optimize using an multiple iteration over view and object space. */ void OptimizeMultiLevel(const VssRayContainer &sampleRays, const ObjectContainer &objects, AxisAlignedBox3 *forcedViewSpace); /** Reset the object space subdivision. E.g., deletes hierarchy and resets stats. so construction can be restarted. */ SubdivisionCandidate *ResetObjectSpaceSubdivision(const VssRayContainer &rays, const ObjectContainer &objects); SubdivisionCandidate *ResetViewSpaceSubdivision(const VssRayContainer &rays, const ObjectContainer &objects, AxisAlignedBox3 *forcedViewSpace); /////////////////////////// void ExportStats(ofstream &stats, SplitQueue &tQueue, const ObjectContainer &objects); void CollectBestSet(const int maxSplits, const float maxMemoryCost, ViewCellContainer &viewCells, vector &bvhNodes); int ExtractStatistics(const int maxSplits, const float maxMemoryCost, float &renderCost, float &memory, int &pvsEntries, int &viewSpaceSplits, int &objectSpaceSplits); protected: /** construction types sequential: construct first view space, then object space interleaved: construct view space and object space fully interleaved gradient: construct view space / object space until a threshold is reached multilevel: iterate until subdivisions converge to the optimum. */ enum {SEQUENTIAL, INTERLEAVED, GRADIENT, MULTILEVEL}; /// type of hierarchy construction int mConstructionType; /// Type of object space partition int mObjectSpaceSubdivisionType; /// Type of view space partition int mViewSpaceSubdivisionType; /// the traversal queue SplitQueue mTQueue; //////////// //-- helper variables // the original osp type int mSavedObjectSpaceSubdivisionType; // the original vsp type int mSavedViewSpaceSubdivisionType; /// the current subdivision candidate //SubdivisionCandidate *mCurrentCandidate; /////////////////// // Hierarchies /// view space hierarchy VspTree *mVspTree; /// object space partition kd tree OspTree *mOspTree; public: /// bounding volume hierarchy BvHierarchy *mBvHierarchy; protected: ////////// //-- global termination criteria /// the mininal acceptable cost ratio for a split float mTermMinGlobalCostRatio; /// the threshold for global cost miss tolerance int mTermGlobalCostMissTolerance; /// maximum number of leaves int mTermMaxLeaves; /// Maximal allowed memory consumption. float mTermMaxMemory; //////////////////// /// number of minimal steps of the same type int mMinStepsOfSameType; int mMaxStepsOfSameType; /// statistics about the hierarchy HierarchyStatistics mHierarchyStats; int mMinDepthForObjectSpaceSubdivion; int mMinDepthForViewSpaceSubdivion; //int mMinRenderCostDecrease; ofstream mSubdivisionStats; /// if the queue should be repaired after a subdivision steps bool mRepairQueue; bool mStartWithObjectSpace; /** if multi level construction method should be used where we iterate over both hierarchies until we converge to the optimum. */ bool mUseMultiLevelConstruction; /// number of iteration steps for multilevel approach int mNumMultiLevels; /** if split plane should be recomputed for the repair. Otherwise only the priority is recomputed, the split plane itself stays the same */ bool mRecomputeSplitPlaneOnRepair; /** If memory should be considered during choosing of the next split type during gradient method. */ bool mConsiderMemory; bool mConsiderMemory2; int mMaxRepairs; int mTimeStamp; friend VspTree; friend OspTree; friend BvHierarchy; friend ViewCellsParseHandlers; }; } #endif