1 | #include "SamplingStrategy.h"
2 | #include "Ray.h"
3 | #include "Intersectable.h"
4 | #include "Preprocessor.h"
5 | #include "ViewCellsManager.h"
6 | #include "AxisAlignedBox3.h"
7 | #include "RssTree.h"
8 | #include "Vector2.h"
9 | #include "RndGauss.h"
10 | #include "Mutation.h"
11 | #include "Exporter.h"
12 |
13 | #ifdef GTP_INTERNAL
14 | #include "ArchModeler2MLRT.hxx"
15 | #endif
16 |
17 | namespace GtpVisibilityPreprocessor {
18 |
19 | #define MUTATION_USE_CDF 0
21 |
23 | #define MUTATE_ORIGIN 1
24 |
26 |
27 | #define Q_SEARCH_STEPS 2
28 |
29 | void
30 | MutationBasedDistribution::Update(VssRayContainer &vssRays)
31 | {
32 | // for (int i=0; i < mRays.size(); i++)
33 | // cout<<mRays[i].mMutations<<" ";
34 | // cout<<endl;
35 | cerr<<"Muattion update..."<<endl;
36 | cerr<<"rays = "<<mRays.size()<<endl;
37 | if (mRays.size()) {
38 | cerr<<"Oversampling factors = "<<
39 | GetEntry(0).mMutations<<" "<<
40 | GetEntry(1).mMutations<<" "<<
41 | GetEntry(2).mMutations<<" "<<
42 | GetEntry(3).mMutations<<" "<<
43 | GetEntry(4).mMutations<<" "<<
44 | GetEntry(5).mMutations<<" ... "<<
45 | GetEntry(mRays.size()-6).mMutations<<" "<<
46 | GetEntry(mRays.size()-5).mMutations<<" "<<
47 | GetEntry(mRays.size()-4).mMutations<<" "<<
48 | GetEntry(mRays.size()-3).mMutations<<" "<<
49 | GetEntry(mRays.size()-2).mMutations<<" "<<
50 | GetEntry(mRays.size()-1).mMutations<<endl;
51 | }
52 | int contributingRays = 0;
53 |
54 | int mutationRays = 0;
55 | int dummyNcMutations = 0;
56 | int dummyCMutations = 0;
57 |
58 | int reverseCandidates = 0;
59 |
60 | for (int i=0; i < vssRays.size(); i++) {
61 | if (vssRays[i]->mPvsContribution) {
62 | // reset the counter of unsuccsseful mutation for a generating ray (if it exists)
63 | if (vssRays[i]->mDistribution == MUTATION_BASED_DISTRIBUTION &&
64 | vssRays[i]->mGeneratorId != -1
65 | ) {
66 | mRays[vssRays[i]->mGeneratorId].mUnsuccessfulMutations = 0;
68 | mutationRays++;
69 |
70 | Intersectable *newObject =
71 | mPreprocessor.mViewCellsManager->GetIntersectable(
72 | *vssRays[i],
73 | true);
74 |
75 | Intersectable *oldObject =
76 | mPreprocessor.mViewCellsManager->GetIntersectable(
77 | *mRays[vssRays[i]->mGeneratorId].mRay,
78 | true);
79 |
80 | if (oldObject == newObject)
81 | dummyCMutations++;
82 | #endif
83 | }
84 | contributingRays++;
85 | if (mRays.size() < mMaxRays) {
86 | VssRay *newRay = new VssRay(*vssRays[i]);
87 | // add this ray
88 | newRay->Ref();
89 | mRays.push_back(RayEntry(newRay));
90 | } else {
91 | // unref the old ray
92 | *mRays[mBufferStart].mRay = *vssRays[i];
93 | mRays[mBufferStart].mMutations = 0;
94 | mRays[mBufferStart].ResetReverseMutation();
95 | // mRays[mBufferStart] = RayEntry(newRay);
96 | mBufferStart++;
97 | if (mBufferStart >= mMaxRays)
98 | mBufferStart = 0;
99 |
100 |
101 | }
102 | } else {
103 | if (vssRays[i]->mDistribution == MUTATION_BASED_DISTRIBUTION &&
104 | vssRays[i]->mGeneratorId != -1
105 | ) {
106 | // check whether not to store a new backward mutation candidate
107 | VssRay *oldRay = mRays[vssRays[i]->mGeneratorId].mRay;
108 | VssRay *newRay = vssRays[i];
109 |
110 | #define DIST_THRESHOLD 3.0f
111 |
112 | Intersectable *oldObject =
113 | mPreprocessor.mViewCellsManager->GetIntersectable(
114 | *oldRay,
115 | true);
116 |
117 |
118 | if (!mRays[newRay->mGeneratorId].HasReverseMutation()) {
119 | if (DotProd(oldRay->GetDir(), newRay->GetDir()) > 0.0f) {
120 | float oldDist = Magnitude(oldRay->mTermination - newRay->mOrigin);
121 | float newDist = Magnitude(newRay->mTermination - newRay->mOrigin);
122 |
123 | if (newDist < oldDist - oldObject->GetBox().Radius()*DIST_THRESHOLD) {
124 | Vector3 origin, termination;
125 | if (ComputeReverseMutation(*oldRay, *newRay, origin, termination)) {
126 | mRays[newRay->mGeneratorId].SetReverseMutation(origin, termination);
127 | }
128 |
129 | reverseCandidates++;
130 | //mReverseCandidates
131 | }
132 | }
133 | }
135 | mutationRays++;
136 |
137 | Intersectable *newObject =
138 | mPreprocessor.mViewCellsManager->GetIntersectable(
139 | *vssRays[i],
140 | true);
141 |
142 |
143 | if (oldObject == newObject)
144 | dummyNcMutations++;
145 | #endif
146 | }
147 | }
148 | }
149 |
150 | if (mutationRays) {
151 | cout<<"Mutated rays:"<<mutationRays<<endl;
152 | cout<<"Dummy mutations ratio:"<<100.0f*(dummyCMutations + dummyNcMutations)/
153 | (float)mutationRays<<"%"<<endl;
154 | cout<<"Dummy NC mutations ratio:"<<100.0f*dummyNcMutations/(float)mutationRays<<"%"<<endl;
155 | cout<<"Dummy C mutations ratio:"<<100.0f*dummyCMutations/(float)mutationRays<<"%"<<endl;
156 | cout<<"Reverse candidates:"<<reverseCandidates<<endl;
157 | }
158 |
159 | float pContributingRays = contributingRays/(float)vssRays.size();
160 | // float importance = 1.0f/(pContributingRays + 1e-5);
161 | float importance = 1.0f;
162 | // set this values for last contributingRays
163 | int index = mBufferStart - 1;
164 |
165 | for (int i=0; i < contributingRays; i++, index--) {
166 | if (index < 0)
167 | index = mRays.size()-1;
168 | mRays[index].mImportance = importance;
169 | }
170 |
172 | // compute cdf
173 | mRays[0].mCdf = mRays[0].mImportance/(mRays[0].mMutations+1);
174 | for (int i=1; i < mRays.size(); i++)
175 | mRays[i].mCdf = mRays[i-1].mCdf + mRays[i].mImportance/(mRays[i].mMutations+1);
176 |
177 | float scale = 1.0f/mRays[i-1].mCdf;
178 | for (i=0; i < mRays.size(); i++) {
179 | mRays[i].mCdf *= scale;
180 | }
181 | #endif
182 |
183 | cout<<"Importance = "<<
184 | GetEntry(0).mImportance<<" "<<
185 | GetEntry(mRays.size()-1).mImportance<<endl;
186 |
187 | cerr<<"Mutation update done."<<endl;
188 | }
189 |
190 |
191 | Vector3
192 | MutationBasedDistribution::ComputeOriginMutation(const VssRay &ray,
193 | const Vector3 &U,
194 | const Vector3 &V,
195 | const Vector2 vr2,
196 | const float radius
197 | )
198 | {
199 | #if 0
200 | Vector3 v;
201 | if (d.DrivingAxis() == 0)
202 | v = Vector3(0, r[0]-0.5f, r[1]-0.5f);
203 | else
204 | if (d.DrivingAxis() == 1)
205 | v = Vector3(r[0]-0.5f, 0, r[1]-0.5f);
206 | else
207 | v = Vector3(r[0]-0.5f, r[1]-0.5f, 0);
208 | return v*(2*radius);
209 | #endif
210 | #if 0
211 | return (U*(r[0] - 0.5f) + V*(r[1] - 0.5f))*(2*radius);
212 | #endif
213 |
214 |
215 | // Output random variable
216 | Vector2 gaussvec2;
217 |
218 | // Here we apply transform to gaussian, so 2D bivariate
219 | // normal distribution
220 | // float sigma = ComputeSigmaFromRadius(radius);
221 | float sigma = radius;
222 | GaussianOn2D(vr2,
223 | sigma, // input
224 | gaussvec2); // output
225 |
226 |
227 | // Here we tranform the point correctly to 3D space using base
228 | // vectors of the 3D space defined by the direction
229 | Vector3 shift = gaussvec2.xx * U + gaussvec2.yy * V;
230 |
231 | // cout<<shift<<endl;
232 | return shift;
233 | }
234 |
235 | Vector3
236 | MutationBasedDistribution::ComputeTerminationMutation(const VssRay &ray,
237 | const Vector3 &U,
238 | const Vector3 &V,
239 | const Vector2 vr2,
240 | const float radius
241 | )
242 | {
243 | #if 0
244 | Vector3 v;
245 | // mutate the termination
246 | if (d.DrivingAxis() == 0)
247 | v = Vector3(0, r[2]-0.5f, r[3]-0.5f);
248 | else
249 | if (d.DrivingAxis() == 1)
250 | v = Vector3(r[2]-0.5f, 0, r[3]-0.5f);
251 | else
252 | v = Vector3(r[2]-0.5f, r[3]-0.5f, 0);
253 |
254 | // Vector3 nv;
255 |
256 | // if (Magnitude(v) > Limits::Small)
257 | // nv = Normalize(v);
258 | // else
259 | // nv = v;
260 |
261 | // v = nv*size + v*size;
262 |
263 | return v*(4.0f*radius);
264 | #endif
265 | #if 0
266 | return (U*(vr2.xx - 0.5f) + V*(vr2.yy - 0.5f))*(4.0f*radius);
267 | #endif
268 | Vector2 gaussvec2;
269 | #if 1
270 | float sigma = radius;
271 | GaussianOn2D(vr2,
272 | sigma, // input
273 | gaussvec2); // output
274 | Vector3 shift = gaussvec2.xx * U + gaussvec2.yy * V;
275 | // cout<<shift<<endl;
276 | return shift;
277 | #endif
278 | #if 0
279 | // Here we estimate standard deviation (sigma) from radius
280 | float sigma = 1.1f*ComputeSigmaFromRadius(radius);
281 | Vector3 vr3(vr2.xx, vr2.yy, RandomValue(0,1));
282 | PolarGaussianOnDisk(vr3,
283 | sigma,
284 | radius, // input
285 | gaussvec2); // output
286 |
287 | // Here we tranform the point correctly to 3D space using base
288 | // vectors of the 3D space defined by the direction
289 | Vector3 shift = gaussvec2.xx * U + gaussvec2.yy * V;
290 |
291 | // cout<<shift<<endl;
292 | return shift;
293 | #endif
294 | }
295 |
296 | bool
297 | MutationBasedDistribution::ComputeReverseMutation(
298 | const VssRay &oldRay,
299 | const VssRay &newRay,
300 | Vector3 &origin,
301 | Vector3 &termination
302 | )
303 | {
304 | // first reconstruct the termination point
305 | Vector3 oldDir = Normalize(oldRay.GetDir());
306 | Plane3 oldPlane(oldDir, oldRay.mTermination);
307 |
308 | termination = oldPlane.FindIntersection(newRay.mOrigin,
309 | newRay.mTermination);
310 |
311 | // now find the new origin of the ray by casting ray backward from the termination and termining
312 | // silhouette point with respect to the occluding object (object containing the newRay termination)
313 |
314 | Plane3 newPlane(oldDir, newRay.mTermination);
315 |
316 | Vector3 oldPivot = newPlane.FindIntersection(oldRay.mOrigin,
317 | oldRay.mTermination);
318 |
319 | Vector3 newPivot = newRay.mTermination;
320 | Vector3 line = 2.0f*(oldPivot - newPivot);
321 |
322 | Intersectable *occluder = mPreprocessor.mViewCellsManager->GetIntersectable(
323 | newRay,
324 | true);
325 |
326 | AxisAlignedBox3 box = occluder->GetBox();
327 | box.Scale(2.0f);
328 |
329 | const int packetSize = 4;
330 | static int hit_triangles[packetSize];
331 | static float dist[packetSize];
332 | static Vector3 dirs[packetSize];
333 | static Vector3 shifts[packetSize];
334 | // now find the silhouette along the line
335 | int i;
336 | float left = 0.0f;
337 | float right = 1.0f;
338 | // cast rays to find silhouette ray
339 | for (int j=0; j < Q_SEARCH_STEPS; j++) {
340 | for (i=0; i < packetSize; i++) {
341 | float r = left + (i+1)*(right-left)/(packetSize+1);
342 | shifts[i] = r*line;
343 | dirs[i] = Normalize(newPivot + shifts[i] - termination );
344 | mlrtaStoreRayASEye4(&termination.x,
345 | &dirs[i].x,
346 | i);
347 | }
348 |
349 | mlrtaTraverseGroupASEye4(&box.Min().x,
350 | &box.Max().x,
351 | hit_triangles,
352 | dist);
353 |
354 | for (i=0; i < packetSize; i++) {
355 | if (hit_triangles[i] == -1) {
356 | // break on first passing ray
357 | break;
358 | }
359 | }
360 | float rr = left + (i+1)*(right-left)/(packetSize+1);
361 | float rl = left + i*(right-left)/(packetSize+1);
362 | left = rl;
363 | right = rr;
364 | }
365 |
366 | float t = right;
367 | if (right==1.0f)
368 | return false;
369 |
370 | if (i == packetSize)
371 | origin = newPivot + right*line;
372 | else
373 | origin = newPivot + shifts[i];
374 |
375 | if (0) {
376 |
377 | static VssRayContainer rRays;
378 | static int counter = 0;
379 | char filename[256];
380 |
381 | if (counter < 50) {
382 | sprintf(filename, "reverse_rays_%03d.x3d", counter++);
383 |
384 | VssRay tRay(origin, termination, NULL, NULL);
385 | rRays.push_back((VssRay *)&oldRay);
386 | rRays.push_back((VssRay *)&newRay);
387 | rRays.push_back(&tRay);
388 |
389 | Exporter *exporter = NULL;
390 | exporter = Exporter::GetExporter(filename);
391 |
392 | exporter->SetFilled();
393 |
394 | Intersectable *occludee = mPreprocessor.mViewCellsManager->GetIntersectable(
395 | oldRay,
396 | true);
397 |
398 | exporter->SetForcedMaterial(RgbColor(0,0,1));
399 | exporter->ExportIntersectable(occluder);
400 | exporter->SetForcedMaterial(RgbColor(0,1,0));
401 | exporter->ExportIntersectable(occludee);
402 | exporter->ResetForcedMaterial();
403 |
404 | exporter->SetWireframe();
405 |
406 |
407 | exporter->ExportRays(rRays, RgbColor(1, 0, 0));
408 | delete exporter;
409 | rRays.clear();
410 | }
411 | }
412 |
413 |
414 |
415 | return true;
416 |
417 | // now the origin and termination is swapped compred to the generator ray
418 | // swap(origin, termination);???
419 | // -> perhaps not neccessary as the reverse mutation wil only be used once!
420 | }
421 |
422 | Vector3
423 | MutationBasedDistribution::ComputeSilhouetteTerminationMutation(const VssRay &ray,
424 | const Vector3 &origin,
425 | const AxisAlignedBox3 &box,
426 | const Vector3 &U,
427 | const Vector3 &V,
428 | const Vector2 vr2,
429 | const float radius
430 | )
431 | {
432 | const int packetSize = 4;
433 | static int hit_triangles[packetSize];
434 | static float dist[packetSize];
435 | static Vector3 dirs[packetSize];
436 | static Vector3 shifts[packetSize];
437 | // mutate the
438 | float alpha = RandomValue(0.0f, 2.0f*M_PI);
439 | //float alpha = vr2.x*2.0f*M_PI;
440 |
441 | // direction along which we will mutate the ray
442 | Vector3 line = sin(alpha)*U + cos(alpha)*V;
443 |
444 | // cout<<line<<endl;
445 | // create 16 rays along the selected dir
446 | int i;
447 | float left = 0.0f;
448 | float right = radius;
449 | // cast rays to find silhouette ray
450 | for (int j=0; j < Q_SEARCH_STEPS; j++) {
451 | for (i=0; i < packetSize; i++) {
452 | float r = left + (i+1)*(right-left)/(packetSize+1);
453 | shifts[i] = r*line;
454 | dirs[i] = Normalize(ray.mTermination + shifts[i] - origin );
455 | mlrtaStoreRayASEye4(&origin.x,
456 | &dirs[i].x,
457 | i);
458 | }
459 |
460 | mlrtaTraverseGroupASEye4(&box.Min().x,
461 | &box.Max().x,
462 | hit_triangles,
463 | dist);
464 |
465 | for (i=0; i < packetSize; i++) {
466 | if (hit_triangles[i] == -1) {
467 | // if (hit_triangles[i] == -1 || !box.IsInside(origin + dist[i]*dirs[i])) {
468 | // break on first passing ray
469 | break;
470 | }
471 | }
472 | float rr = left + (i+1)*(right-left)/(packetSize+1);
473 | float rl = left + i*(right-left)/(packetSize+1);
474 | left = rl;
475 | right = rr;
476 | }
477 |
478 | if (i == packetSize) {
479 | // cerr<<"Warning: hit the same box here should never happen!"<<endl;
480 | // shift the ray even a bit more
481 | //cout<<"W"<<i<<endl;
482 | // return (RandomValue(1.0f, 1.5f)*radius)*line;
483 | return right*line;
484 | }
485 |
486 | // cout<<i<<endl;
487 | return shifts[i];
488 | }
489 |
490 |
491 | bool
492 | MutationBasedDistribution::GenerateSample(SimpleRay &sray)
493 | {
494 |
495 | if (mRays.size() == 0) {
496 | float rr[5];
497 | // use direction based distribution
498 | Vector3 origin, direction;
499 | static HaltonSequence halton;
500 |
501 | halton.GetNext(5, rr);
502 | mPreprocessor.mViewCellsManager->GetViewPoint(origin,
503 | Vector3(rr[0], rr[1], rr[2]));
504 |
505 |
506 | direction = UniformRandomVector(rr[3], rr[4]);
507 |
508 | const float pdf = 1.0f;
509 | sray = SimpleRay(origin, direction, MUTATION_BASED_DISTRIBUTION, pdf);
510 | sray.mGeneratorId = -1;
511 |
512 | return true;
513 | }
514 |
515 | int index;
516 |
518 | // get tail of the buffer
519 | index = (mLastIndex+1)%mRays.size();
520 | if (mRays[index].GetSamplingFactor() >
521 | mRays[mLastIndex].GetSamplingFactor()) {
522 | // search back for index where this is valid
523 | index = (mLastIndex - 1 + mRays.size())%mRays.size();
524 | for (int i=0; i < mRays.size(); i++) {
525 |
526 | // if (mRays[index].mMutations > mRays[mLastIndex].mMutations)
527 | // break;
528 | if (mRays[index].GetSamplingFactor() >
529 | mRays[mLastIndex].GetSamplingFactor() )
530 | break;
531 | index = (index - 1 + mRays.size())%mRays.size();
532 | }
533 | // go one step back
534 | index = (index+1)%mRays.size();
535 | }
536 | #else
537 | static HaltonSequence iHalton;
538 | iHalton.GetNext(1, rr);
539 | //rr[0] = RandomValue(0,1);
540 | // use binary search to find index with this cdf
541 | int l=0, r=mRays.size()-1;
542 | while(l<r) {
543 | int i = (l+r)/2;
544 | if (rr[0] < mRays[i].mCdf )
545 | r = i;
546 | else
547 | l = i+1;
548 | }
549 | index = l;
550 | // if (rr[0] >= mRays[r].mCdf)
551 | // index = r;
552 | // else
553 | // index = l;
554 |
555 |
556 | #endif
557 | // cout<<index<<" "<<rr[0]<<" "<<mRays[index].mCdf<<" "<<mRays[(index+1)%mRays.size()].mCdf<<endl;
558 |
559 | mLastIndex = index;
560 |
561 | if (mRays[index].HasReverseMutation()) {
562 | //cout<<"R "<<mRays[index].mutatedOrigin<<" "<<mRays[index].mutatedTermination<<endl;
563 | sray = SimpleRay(mRays[index].mutatedOrigin,
564 | Normalize(mRays[index].mutatedTermination - mRays[index].mutatedOrigin),
566 | sray.mGeneratorId = index;
567 | mRays[index].ResetReverseMutation();
568 | mRays[index].mMutations++;
569 | mRays[index].mUnsuccessfulMutations++;
570 |
571 | return true;
572 | }
573 |
575 | return GenerateSilhouetteMutation(index, sray);
576 | #else
577 | return GenerateMutation(index, sray);
578 | #endif
579 | }
580 |
581 |
582 |
583 |
584 |
585 | bool
586 | MutationBasedDistribution::GenerateMutationCandidate(const int index,
587 | SimpleRay &sray,
588 | Intersectable *object,
589 | const AxisAlignedBox3 &box
590 | )
591 | {
592 | float rr[4];
593 |
594 | VssRay *ray = mRays[index].mRay;
595 |
596 | mRays[index].mHalton.GetNext(4, rr);
597 | // rr[0] = RandomValue(0.0f,0.99999f);
598 | // rr[1] = RandomValue(0.0f,0.99999f);
599 | // rr[2] = RandomValue(0.0f,0.99999f);
600 | // rr[3] = RandomValue(0.0f,0.99999f);
601 |
602 | // mutate the origin
603 | Vector3 d = ray->GetDir();
604 |
605 | float objectRadius = 0.5f*Magnitude(box.Diagonal());
606 | // cout<<objectRadius<<endl;
607 | if (objectRadius < Limits::Small)
608 | return false;
609 |
610 | // Compute right handed coordinate system from direction
611 | Vector3 U, V;
612 | Vector3 nd = Normalize(d);
613 | nd.RightHandedBase(U, V);
614 |
615 | Vector3 origin = ray->mOrigin;
616 | Vector3 termination = ray->mTermination; //box.Center(); //ray->mTermination; //box.Center();
617 |
618 | // optimal for Pompeii 0.1f
619 | // optimal for Vienna 0.5f
620 |
621 | float radiusExtension = 0.1f;
622 | // + mRays[index].mMutations/50.0f;
623 |
624 | float mutationRadius = objectRadius*radiusExtension;
625 |
626 | // tmp for pompeii
627 | // mutationRadius = 0.22f;
628 |
630 | origin += ComputeOriginMutation(*ray, U, V,
631 | Vector2(rr[0], rr[1]),
632 | mutationRadius);
633 | #endif
634 |
636 | termination += ComputeSilhouetteTerminationMutation(*ray,
637 | origin,
638 | box,
639 | U, V,
640 | Vector2(rr[2], rr[3]),
641 | 2.0f*objectRadius);
642 | #else
643 | termination += ComputeTerminationMutation(*ray, U, V,
644 | Vector2(rr[2], rr[3]),
645 | mutationRadius);
646 | #endif
647 | Vector3 direction = termination - origin;
648 |
649 | if (Magnitude(direction) < Limits::Small)
650 | return false;
651 |
652 | // shift the origin a little bit
653 | origin += direction*0.5f;
654 |
655 | direction.Normalize();
656 |
657 | // $$ jb the pdf is yet not correct for all sampling methods!
658 | const float pdf = 1.0f;
659 |
660 | sray = SimpleRay(origin, direction, MUTATION_BASED_DISTRIBUTION, pdf);
661 | sray.mGeneratorId = index;
662 | }
663 |
664 | bool
665 | MutationBasedDistribution::GenerateMutation(const int index, SimpleRay &sray)
666 | {
667 | VssRay *ray = mRays[index].mRay;
668 |
669 | Intersectable *object = mPreprocessor.mViewCellsManager->GetIntersectable(
670 | *ray,
671 | true);
672 |
673 | AxisAlignedBox3 box = object->GetBox();
674 |
675 | if (GenerateMutationCandidate(index, sray, object, box)) {
676 | mRays[index].mMutations++;
677 | mRays[index].mUnsuccessfulMutations++;
678 |
679 | return true;
680 | }
681 | return false;
682 | }
683 |
684 | bool
685 | MutationBasedDistribution::GenerateSilhouetteMutation(const int index, SimpleRay &sray)
686 | {
687 | #ifndef GTP_INTERNAL
688 | return GenerateMutation(index, sray);
689 | #else
690 | const int packetSize = 4;
691 | const int maxTries = 8;
692 |
693 | static int hit_triangles[16];
694 | static float dist[16];
695 |
696 | SimpleRay mutationCandidates[packetSize];
697 | int candidates = 0;
698 |
699 | VssRay *ray = mRays[index].mRay;
700 |
701 | Intersectable *object = mPreprocessor.mViewCellsManager->GetIntersectable(
702 | *ray,
703 | true);
704 |
705 | AxisAlignedBox3 box = object->GetBox();
706 |
707 | int id = 0;
708 | int silhouetteRays = 0;
709 | int tries = 0;
710 | while (silhouetteRays == 0 && tries < maxTries) {
711 | for (candidates = 0; candidates < packetSize && tries < maxTries; tries++)
712 | if (GenerateMutationCandidate(index, mutationCandidates[candidates], object, box))
713 | candidates++;
714 |
715 | if (candidates < packetSize)
716 | break;
717 |
718 | // cout<<candidates<<endl;
719 | // cast rays to find silhouette edge
720 | for (int i=0; i < packetSize; i++)
721 | mlrtaStoreRayAS4(&mutationCandidates[i].mOrigin.x,
722 | &mutationCandidates[i].mDirection.x,
723 | i);
724 |
725 | mlrtaTraverseGroupAS4(&box.Min().x,
726 | &box.Max().x,
727 | hit_triangles,
728 | dist);
729 |
730 | for (int i=0; i < packetSize; i++)
731 | if (hit_triangles[i] == -1) {
732 | silhouetteRays++;
733 | id = i;
734 | break;
735 | }
736 | }
737 |
738 | if (candidates == 0)
739 | return false;
740 |
741 | // cout<<id<<endl;
742 | // cout<<tries<<endl;
743 | sray = mutationCandidates[id];
744 | mRays[index].mMutations++;
745 | mRays[index].mUnsuccessfulMutations++;
746 |
747 | return true;
748 | #endif
749 | }
750 |
751 |
752 |
753 |
754 | MutationBasedDistribution::MutationBasedDistribution(Preprocessor &preprocessor
755 | ) :
756 | SamplingStrategy(preprocessor)
757 | {
759 | mBufferStart = 0;
760 | mMaxRays = 500000;
761 | mRays.reserve(mMaxRays);
762 | mOriginMutationSize = 10.0f;
763 | mLastIndex = 0;
764 | // mOriginMutationSize = Magnitude(preprocessor.mViewCellsManager->
765 | // GetViewSpaceBox().Diagonal())*1e-3;
766 |
767 | }
768 |
769 |
770 | }