#include "SceneGraph.h" #include "Exporter.h" #include "UnigraphicsParser.h" #include "X3dParser.h" #include "Preprocessor.h" #include "ViewCell.h" #include "Environment.h" #include "ViewCellsManager.h" #include "ViewCellBsp.h" #include "VspBspTree.h" #include "RenderSimulator.h" #include "GlRenderer.h" #include "PlyParser.h" #include "SamplingStrategy.h" #include "VspTree.h" #include "OspTree.h" #include "ObjParser.h" #include "BvHierarchy.h" #include "HierarchyManager.h" #include "VssRay.h" #include "IntelRayCaster.h" #include "InternalRayCaster.h" #include "GlobalLinesRenderer.h" #define DEBUG_RAYCAST 0 #define SHOW_RAYCAST_TIMING 1 namespace GtpVisibilityPreprocessor { const static bool ADDITIONAL_GEOMETRY_HACK = false; Preprocessor *preprocessor = NULL; // HACK: Artificially modify scene to watch rendercost changes static void AddGeometry(SceneGraph *scene) { scene->GetRoot()->UpdateBox(); AxisAlignedBox3 sceneBox = scene->GetBox(); int n = 200; if (0) { // form grid of boxes for (int i = 0; i < n; ++ i) { for (int j = 0; j < n; ++ j) { const Vector3 scale2((float)j * 0.8f / n + 0.1f, 0.05f, (float)i * 0.8f / (float)n + 0.1f); const Vector3 pt2 = sceneBox.Min() + scale2 * (sceneBox.Max() - sceneBox.Min()); const Vector3 boxSize = sceneBox.Size() * Vector3(0.0025f, 0.01f, 0.0025f); AxisAlignedBox3 box(pt2, pt2 + boxSize); Mesh *mesh = CreateMeshFromBox(box); mesh->Preprocess(); MeshInstance *mi = new MeshInstance(mesh); scene->GetRoot()->mGeometry.push_back(mi); } } for (int i = 0; i < n; ++ i) { for (int j = 0; j < n; ++ j) { const Vector3 scale2(0.15f, (float)j * 0.8f / n + 0.1f, (float)i * 0.8f / (float)n + 0.1f); Vector3 pt2 = sceneBox.Min() + scale2 * (sceneBox.Max() - sceneBox.Min()); Vector3 boxSize = sceneBox.Size() * Vector3(0.0025f, 0.01f, 0.0025f); AxisAlignedBox3 box(pt2, pt2 + boxSize); Mesh *mesh = CreateMeshFromBox(box); mesh->Preprocess(); MeshInstance *mi = new MeshInstance(mesh); scene->GetRoot()->mGeometry.push_back(mi); } } for (int i = 0; i < n; ++ i) { const Vector3 scale2(2, 0.2f, (float)i * 0.8f / (float)n + 0.1f); Vector3 pt2 = sceneBox.Min() + scale2 * (sceneBox.Max() - sceneBox.Min()); Vector3 boxSize = sceneBox.Size() * Vector3(0.005f, 0.02f, 0.005f); AxisAlignedBox3 box(pt2 + 0.1f, pt2 + boxSize); Mesh *mesh = CreateMeshFromBox(box); mesh->Preprocess(); MeshInstance *mi = new MeshInstance(mesh); scene->GetRoot()->mGeometry.push_back(mi); } scene->GetRoot()->UpdateBox(); } if (1) { // plane separating view space regions const Vector3 scale(1.0f, 0.0, 0); Vector3 pt = sceneBox.Min() + scale * (sceneBox.Max() - sceneBox.Min()); Plane3 cuttingPlane(Vector3(1, 0, 0), pt); Mesh *planeMesh = new Mesh(); Polygon3 *poly = sceneBox.CrossSection(cuttingPlane); IncludePolyInMesh(*poly, *planeMesh); planeMesh->Preprocess(); MeshInstance *planeMi = new MeshInstance(planeMesh); scene->GetRoot()->mGeometry.push_back(planeMi); } } Preprocessor::Preprocessor(): mKdTree(NULL), mBspTree(NULL), mVspBspTree(NULL), mViewCellsManager(NULL), mRenderSimulator(NULL), mPass(0), mSceneGraph(NULL), mRayCaster(NULL), mStopComputation(false), mThread(NULL), mGlobalLinesRenderer(NULL) { Environment::GetSingleton()->GetBoolValue("Preprocessor.useGlRenderer", mUseGlRenderer); // renderer will be constructed when the scene graph and viewcell manager will be known renderer = NULL; Environment::GetSingleton()->GetBoolValue("Preprocessor.useGlDebugger", mUseGlDebugger); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetBoolValue("Preprocessor.loadMeshes", mLoadMeshes); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetBoolValue("Preprocessor.quitOnFinish", mQuitOnFinish); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetBoolValue("Preprocessor.computeVisibility", mComputeVisibility); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetBoolValue("Preprocessor.detectEmptyViewSpace", mDetectEmptyViewSpace); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetBoolValue("Preprocessor.exportVisibility", mExportVisibility ); char buffer[256]; Environment::GetSingleton()->GetStringValue("Preprocessor.visibilityFile", buffer); mVisibilityFileName = buffer; Environment::GetSingleton()->GetStringValue("Preprocessor.stats", buffer); mStats.open(buffer); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetBoolValue("Preprocessor.applyVisibilityFilter", mApplyVisibilityFilter); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetBoolValue("Preprocessor.applyVisibilitySpatialFilter", mApplyVisibilitySpatialFilter ); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetFloatValue("Preprocessor.visibilityFilterWidth", mVisibilityFilterWidth); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetBoolValue("Preprocessor.exportObj", mExportObj); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetBoolValue("Preprocessor.useViewSpaceBox", mUseViewSpaceBox); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetBoolValue("Preprocessor.Export.rays", mExportRays); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetBoolValue("Preprocessor.Export.animation", mExportAnimation); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue("Preprocessor.Export.numRays", mExportNumRays); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue("Preprocessor.samplesPerPass", mSamplesPerPass); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue("Preprocessor.totalSamples", mTotalSamples); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue("Preprocessor.totalTime", mTotalTime); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue("Preprocessor.samplesPerEvaluation", mSamplesPerEvaluation); Debug << "******* Preprocessor Options **********" << endl; Debug << "detect empty view space=" << mDetectEmptyViewSpace << endl; Debug << "load meshes: " << mLoadMeshes << endl; Debug << "load meshes: " << mLoadMeshes << endl; Debug << "export obj: " << mExportObj << endl; Debug << "use view space box: " << mUseViewSpaceBox << endl; cout << "samples per pass " << mSamplesPerPass << endl; } Preprocessor::~Preprocessor() { cout << "cleaning up" << endl; cout << "Deleting view cells manager ... \n"; DEL_PTR(mViewCellsManager); cout << "done.\n"; cout << "Deleting bsp tree ... \n"; DEL_PTR(mBspTree); cout << "done.\n"; cout << "Deleting kd tree ...\n"; DEL_PTR(mKdTree); cout << "done.\n"; cout << "Deleting vspbsp tree ... \n"; DEL_PTR(mVspBspTree); cout << "done.\n"; cout << "Deleting scene graph ... \n"; DEL_PTR(mSceneGraph); cout << "done.\n"; cout << "deleting render simulator ... \n"; DEL_PTR(mRenderSimulator); mRenderSimulator = NULL; cout << "deleting renderer ... \n"; DEL_PTR(renderer); renderer = NULL; cout << "deleting ray caster ... \n"; DEL_PTR(mRayCaster); #ifdef USE_CG cout << "deleting global lines renderer ... \n"; DEL_PTR(mGlobalLinesRenderer); #endif cout << "finished" << endl; } GlRendererBuffer *Preprocessor::GetRenderer() { return renderer; } static int SplitFilenames(const string str, vector &filenames) { int pos = 0; while(1) { int npos = (int)str.find(';', pos); if (npos < 0 || npos - pos < 1) break; filenames.push_back(string(str, pos, npos - pos)); pos = npos + 1; } filenames.push_back(string(str, pos, str.size() - pos)); return (int)filenames.size(); } void Preprocessor::SetThread(PreprocessorThread *t) { mThread = t; } PreprocessorThread *Preprocessor::GetThread() const { return mThread; } bool Preprocessor::LoadBinaryObj(const string filename, SceneGraphNode *root, vector *parents) { //ifstream samplesIn(filename, ios::binary); igzstream samplesIn(filename.c_str()); if (!samplesIn.is_open()) return false; cout << "binary obj dump available, loading " << filename.c_str() << endl; // table for vertices VertexContainer vertices; if (parents) cout << "using face parents" << endl; else cout << "not using face parents" << endl; // read in triangle size int numTriangles; samplesIn.read(reinterpret_cast(&numTriangles), sizeof(int)); root->mGeometry.reserve(numTriangles); cout << "loading " << numTriangles << " triangles (" << numTriangles * (sizeof(TriangleIntersectable) + sizeof(TriangleIntersectable *)) / (1024 * 1024) << " MB)" << endl; int i = 0; while (1) { Triangle3 tri; samplesIn.read(reinterpret_cast(tri.mVertices + 0), sizeof(Vector3)); samplesIn.read(reinterpret_cast(tri.mVertices + 1), sizeof(Vector3)); samplesIn.read(reinterpret_cast(tri.mVertices + 2), sizeof(Vector3)); // end of file reached if (samplesIn.eof()) break; TriangleIntersectable *obj = new TriangleIntersectable(tri); root->mGeometry.push_back(obj); i ++; if (i % 500000 == 499999) cout<<"\r"<mGeometry.size(); samplesOut.write(reinterpret_cast(&numTriangles), sizeof(int)); ObjectContainer::const_iterator oit, oit_end = root->mGeometry.end(); for (oit = root->mGeometry.begin(); oit != oit_end; ++ oit) { Intersectable *obj = *oit; if (obj->Type() == Intersectable::TRIANGLE_INTERSECTABLE) { Triangle3 tri = static_cast(obj)->GetItem(); samplesOut.write(reinterpret_cast(tri.mVertices + 0), sizeof(Vector3)); samplesOut.write(reinterpret_cast(tri.mVertices + 1), sizeof(Vector3)); samplesOut.write(reinterpret_cast(tri.mVertices + 2), sizeof(Vector3)); } else { cout << "not implemented intersectable type " << obj->Type() << endl; } } cout << "exported " << numTriangles << " triangles" << endl; return true; } bool Preprocessor::ExportObj(const string filename, const ObjectContainer &objects) { ofstream samplesOut(filename.c_str()); if (!samplesOut.is_open()) return false; ObjectContainer::const_iterator oit, oit_end = objects.end(); //AxisAlignedBox3 bbox = mSceneGraph->GetBox(); bbox.Enlarge(30.0); for (oit = objects.begin(); oit != oit_end; ++ oit) { Intersectable *obj = *oit; if (obj->Type() == Intersectable::TRIANGLE_INTERSECTABLE) { Triangle3 tri = static_cast(obj)->GetItem(); //if (!(bbox.IsInside(tri.mVertices[0]) && bbox.IsInside(tri.mVertices[1]) && bbox.IsInside(tri.mVertices[2])))continue; samplesOut << "v " << tri.mVertices[0].x << " " << tri.mVertices[0].y << " " << tri.mVertices[0].z << endl; samplesOut << "v " << tri.mVertices[1].x << " " << tri.mVertices[1].y << " " << tri.mVertices[1].z << endl; samplesOut << "v " << tri.mVertices[2].x << " " << tri.mVertices[2].y << " " << tri.mVertices[2].z << endl; //} } else { cout << "not implemented intersectable type " << obj->Type() << endl; } } // write faces int i = 1; for (oit = objects.begin(); oit != oit_end; ++ oit) { Intersectable *obj = *oit; if (obj->Type() == Intersectable::TRIANGLE_INTERSECTABLE) { //Triangle3 tri = static_cast(obj)->GetItem(); //if (!(bbox.IsInside(tri.mVertices[0]) && bbox.IsInside(tri.mVertices[1]) && bbox.IsInside(tri.mVertices[2]))) continue; Triangle3 tri = static_cast(obj)->GetItem(); samplesOut << "f " << i << " " << i + 1 << " " << i + 2 << endl; i += 3; } else { cout << "not implemented intersectable type " << obj->Type() << endl; } } return true; } static string ReplaceSuffix(string filename, string a, string b) { string result = filename; int pos = (int)filename.rfind(a, (int)filename.size() - 1); if (pos == filename.size() - a.size()) { result.replace(pos, a.size(), b); } return result; } Intersectable *Preprocessor::GetParentObject(const int index) const { if (index < 0) { //cerr << "Warning: triangle index smaller zero! " << index << endl; return NULL; } if (!mFaceParents.empty()) { if (index >= (int)mFaceParents.size()) { cerr << "Warning: triangle index out of range! " << index << endl; return NULL; } else { return mFaceParents[index].mObject; } } else { if (index >= (int)mObjects.size()) { cerr<<"Warning: triangle index out of range! " << index << endl; return NULL; } else { return mObjects[index]; } } } Vector3 Preprocessor::GetParentNormal(const int index) const { if (!mFaceParents.empty()) { return mFaceParents[index].mObject->GetNormal(mFaceParents[index].mFaceIndex); } else { return mObjects[index]->GetNormal(0); } } bool Preprocessor::LoadScene(const string filename) { // use leaf nodes of the original spatial hierarchy as occludees mSceneGraph = new SceneGraph; Parser *parser; vector filenames; const int files = SplitFilenames(filename, filenames); cout << "number of input files: " << files << endl; bool result = false; bool isObj = false; // root for different files mSceneGraph->SetRoot(new SceneGraphNode()); // intel ray caster can only trace triangles int rayCastMethod; Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue("Preprocessor.rayCastMethod", rayCastMethod); vector *fi = ((rayCastMethod == RayCaster::INTEL_RAYCASTER) && mLoadMeshes) ? &mFaceParents : NULL; if (files == 1) { if (strstr(filename.c_str(), ".x3d")) { parser = new X3dParser; result = parser->ParseFile(filename, mSceneGraph->GetRoot(), mLoadMeshes, fi); delete parser; } else if (strstr(filename.c_str(), ".ply") || strstr(filename.c_str(), ".plb")) { parser = new PlyParser; result = parser->ParseFile(filename, mSceneGraph->GetRoot(), mLoadMeshes, fi); delete parser; } else if (strstr(filename.c_str(), ".obj")) { isObj = true; // hack: load binary dump const string bnFile = ReplaceSuffix(filename, ".obj", ".bn"); if (!mLoadMeshes) { result = LoadBinaryObj(bnFile, mSceneGraph->GetRoot(), fi); } // parse obj if (!result) { cout << "no binary dump available or loading full meshes, parsing file" << endl; parser = new ObjParser; result = parser->ParseFile(filename, mSceneGraph->GetRoot(), mLoadMeshes, fi); cout << "loaded " << (int)mSceneGraph->GetRoot()->mGeometry.size() << " entities" << endl; // only works for triangles if (result && !mLoadMeshes) { cout << "exporting binary obj to " << bnFile << "... " << endl; ExportBinaryObj(bnFile, mSceneGraph->GetRoot()); cout << "finished" << endl; } delete parser; } else if (0) { ExportBinaryObj("../data/test.bn", mSceneGraph->GetRoot()); } } else { parser = new UnigraphicsParser; result = parser->ParseFile(filename, mSceneGraph->GetRoot(), mLoadMeshes, fi); delete parser; } cout << filename << endl; } else { vector::const_iterator fit, fit_end = filenames.end(); for (fit = filenames.begin(); fit != fit_end; ++ fit) { const string filename = *fit; cout << "parsing file " << filename.c_str() << endl; if (strstr(filename.c_str(), ".x3d")) parser = new X3dParser; else parser = new UnigraphicsParser; SceneGraphNode *node = new SceneGraphNode(); const bool success = parser->ParseFile(filename, node, mLoadMeshes, fi); if (success) { mSceneGraph->GetRoot()->mChildren.push_back(node); result = true; // at least one file parsed } // temporare hack //if (!strstr(filename.c_str(), "plane")) mSceneGraph->GetRoot()->UpdateBox(); delete parser; } } if (result) { // HACK if (ADDITIONAL_GEOMETRY_HACK) AddGeometry(mSceneGraph); mSceneGraph->AssignObjectIds(); int intersectables, faces; mSceneGraph->GetStatistics(intersectables, faces); cout<CollectObjects(&mObjects); // temp hack //ExportObj("cropped_vienna.obj", mObjects); mSceneGraph->GetRoot()->UpdateBox(); cout << "finished loading" << endl; } return result; } bool Preprocessor::ExportPreprocessedData(const string filename) { mViewCellsManager->ExportViewCells(filename, true, mObjects); return true; } bool Preprocessor::PostProcessVisibility() { if (mApplyVisibilityFilter || mApplyVisibilitySpatialFilter) { cout<<"Applying visibility filter ..."; cout<<"filter width = " << mVisibilityFilterWidth << endl; if (!mViewCellsManager) return false; mViewCellsManager->ApplyFilter(mKdTree, mApplyVisibilityFilter ? mVisibilityFilterWidth : -1.0f, mApplyVisibilitySpatialFilter ? mVisibilityFilterWidth : -1.0f); cout << "done." << endl; } // export the preprocessed information to a file if (mExportVisibility) { ExportPreprocessedData(mVisibilityFileName); } return true; } bool Preprocessor::BuildKdTree() { mKdTree = new KdTree; // add mesh instances of the scene graph to the root of the tree KdLeaf *root = (KdLeaf *)mKdTree->GetRoot(); mSceneGraph->CollectObjects(&root->mObjects); const long startTime = GetTime(); cout << "building kd tree ... " << endl; mKdTree->Construct(); cout << "finished kd tree construction in " << TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime()) * 1e-3 << " secs " << endl; return true; } void Preprocessor::KdTreeStatistics(ostream &s) { s<GetStatistics(); } void Preprocessor::BspTreeStatistics(ostream &s) { s << mBspTree->GetStatistics(); } bool Preprocessor::Export( const string filename, const bool scene, const bool kdtree ) { Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter(filename); if (exporter) { if (2 && scene) exporter->ExportScene(mSceneGraph->GetRoot()); if (1 && kdtree) { exporter->SetWireframe(); exporter->ExportKdTree(*mKdTree); } delete exporter; return true; } return false; } bool Preprocessor::PrepareViewCells() { /////// //-- parse view cells construction method Environment::GetSingleton()->GetBoolValue("ViewCells.loadFromFile", mLoadViewCells); char buf[100]; if (mLoadViewCells) { Environment::GetSingleton()->GetStringValue("ViewCells.filename", buf); cout << "loading view cells from " << buf << endl<GetStringValue("ViewCells.type", buf); mViewCellsManager = CreateViewCellsManager(buf); // default view space is the extent of the scene AxisAlignedBox3 viewSpaceBox; if (mUseViewSpaceBox) { viewSpaceBox = mSceneGraph->GetBox(); // use a small box outside of the scene viewSpaceBox.Scale(Vector3(0.15f, 0.3f, 0.5f)); //viewSpaceBox.Translate(Vector3(Magnitude(mSceneGraph->GetBox().Size()) * 0.5f, 0, 0)); viewSpaceBox.Translate(Vector3(Magnitude(mSceneGraph->GetBox().Size()) * 0.3f, 0, 0)); mViewCellsManager->SetViewSpaceBox(viewSpaceBox); } else { viewSpaceBox = mSceneGraph->GetBox(); mViewCellsManager->SetViewSpaceBox(viewSpaceBox); } bool loadVcGeometry; Environment::GetSingleton()->GetBoolValue("ViewCells.loadGeometry", loadVcGeometry); bool extrudeBaseTriangles; Environment::GetSingleton()->GetBoolValue("ViewCells.useBaseTrianglesAsGeometry", extrudeBaseTriangles); char vcGeomFilename[100]; Environment::GetSingleton()->GetStringValue("ViewCells.geometryFilename", vcGeomFilename); // create view cells from specified geometry if (loadVcGeometry) { if (mViewCellsManager->GetType() == ViewCellsManager::BSP) { if (!mViewCellsManager->LoadViewCellsGeometry(vcGeomFilename, extrudeBaseTriangles)) { cerr << "loading view cells geometry failed" << endl; } } else { cerr << "loading view cells geometry is not implemented for this manager" << endl; } } } //////// //-- evaluation of render cost heuristics float objRenderCost = 0, vcOverhead = 0, moveSpeed = 0; Environment::GetSingleton()->GetFloatValue("Simulation.objRenderCost",objRenderCost); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetFloatValue("Simulation.vcOverhead", vcOverhead); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetFloatValue("Simulation.moveSpeed", moveSpeed); mRenderSimulator = new RenderSimulator(mViewCellsManager, objRenderCost, vcOverhead, moveSpeed); mViewCellsManager->SetRenderer(mRenderSimulator); mViewCellsManager->SetPreprocessor(this); return true; } bool Preprocessor::ConstructViewCells() { // construct view cells using it's own set of samples mViewCellsManager->Construct(this); // visualizations and statistics Debug << "finished view cells:" << endl; mViewCellsManager->PrintStatistics(Debug); return true; } ViewCellsManager *Preprocessor::CreateViewCellsManager(const char *name) { ViewCellsTree *vcTree = new ViewCellsTree; if (strcmp(name, "kdTree") == 0) { mViewCellsManager = new KdViewCellsManager(vcTree, mKdTree); } else if (strcmp(name, "bspTree") == 0) { Debug << "view cell type: Bsp" << endl; mBspTree = new BspTree(); mViewCellsManager = new BspViewCellsManager(vcTree, mBspTree); } else if (strcmp(name, "vspBspTree") == 0) { Debug << "view cell type: VspBsp" << endl; mVspBspTree = new VspBspTree(); mViewCellsManager = new VspBspViewCellsManager(vcTree, mVspBspTree); } else if (strcmp(name, "vspOspTree") == 0) { Debug << "view cell type: VspOsp" << endl; char buf[100]; Environment::GetSingleton()->GetStringValue("Hierarchy.type", buf); mViewCellsManager = new VspOspViewCellsManager(vcTree, buf); } else if (strcmp(name, "sceneDependent") == 0) //TODO { Debug << "view cell type: Bsp" << endl; mBspTree = new BspTree(); mViewCellsManager = new BspViewCellsManager(vcTree, mBspTree); } else { cerr << "Wrong view cells type " << name << "!!!" << endl; exit(1); } return mViewCellsManager; } // use ascii format to store rays #define USE_ASCII 0 static inline bool ilt(Intersectable *obj1, Intersectable *obj2) { return obj1->mId < obj2->mId; } bool Preprocessor::LoadKdTree(const string filename) { mKdTree = new KdTree(); return mKdTree->LoadBinTree(filename.c_str(), mObjects); } bool Preprocessor::ExportKdTree(const string filename) { return mKdTree->ExportBinTree(filename.c_str()); } bool Preprocessor::LoadSamples(VssRayContainer &samples, ObjectContainer &objects) const { std::stable_sort(objects.begin(), objects.end(), ilt); char fileName[100]; Environment::GetSingleton()->GetStringValue("Preprocessor.samplesFilename", fileName); Vector3 origin, termination; // HACK: needed only for lower_bound algorithm to find the // intersected objects MeshInstance sObj(NULL); MeshInstance tObj(NULL); #if USE_ASCII ifstream samplesIn(fileName); if (!samplesIn.is_open()) return false; string buf; while (!(getline(samplesIn, buf)).eof()) { sscanf(buf.c_str(), "%f %f %f %f %f %f %d %d", &origin.x, &origin.y, &origin.z, &termination.x, &termination.y, &termination.z, &(sObj.mId), &(tObj.mId)); Intersectable *sourceObj = NULL; Intersectable *termObj = NULL; if (sObj.mId >= 0) { ObjectContainer::iterator oit = lower_bound(objects.begin(), objects.end(), &sObj, ilt); sourceObj = *oit; } if (tObj.mId >= 0) { ObjectContainer::iterator oit = lower_bound(objects.begin(), objects.end(), &tObj, ilt); termObj = *oit; } samples.push_back(new VssRay(origin, termination, sourceObj, termObj)); } #else ifstream samplesIn(fileName, ios::binary); if (!samplesIn.is_open()) return false; while (1) { samplesIn.read(reinterpret_cast(&origin), sizeof(Vector3)); samplesIn.read(reinterpret_cast(&termination), sizeof(Vector3)); samplesIn.read(reinterpret_cast(&(sObj.mId)), sizeof(int)); samplesIn.read(reinterpret_cast(&(tObj.mId)), sizeof(int)); if (samplesIn.eof()) break; Intersectable *sourceObj = NULL; Intersectable *termObj = NULL; if (sObj.mId >= 0) { ObjectContainer::iterator oit = lower_bound(objects.begin(), objects.end(), &sObj, ilt); sourceObj = *oit; } if (tObj.mId >= 0) { ObjectContainer::iterator oit = lower_bound(objects.begin(), objects.end(), &tObj, ilt); termObj = *oit; } samples.push_back(new VssRay(origin, termination, sourceObj, termObj)); } #endif samplesIn.close(); return true; } bool Preprocessor::ExportSamples(const VssRayContainer &samples) const { char fileName[100]; Environment::GetSingleton()->GetStringValue("Preprocessor.samplesFilename", fileName); VssRayContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = samples.end(); #if USE_ASCII ofstream samplesOut(fileName); if (!samplesOut.is_open()) return false; for (it = samples.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { VssRay *ray = *it; int sourceid = ray->mOriginObject ? ray->mOriginObject->mId : -1; int termid = ray->mTerminationObject ? ray->mTerminationObject->mId : -1; samplesOut << ray->GetOrigin().x << " " << ray->GetOrigin().y << " " << ray->GetOrigin().z << " " << ray->GetTermination().x << " " << ray->GetTermination().y << " " << ray->GetTermination().z << " " << sourceid << " " << termid << "\n"; } #else ofstream samplesOut(fileName, ios::binary); if (!samplesOut.is_open()) return false; for (it = samples.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { VssRay *ray = *it; Vector3 origin(ray->GetOrigin()); Vector3 termination(ray->GetTermination()); int sourceid = ray->mOriginObject ? ray->mOriginObject->mId : -1; int termid = ray->mTerminationObject ? ray->mTerminationObject->mId : -1; samplesOut.write(reinterpret_cast(&origin), sizeof(Vector3)); samplesOut.write(reinterpret_cast(&termination), sizeof(Vector3)); samplesOut.write(reinterpret_cast(&sourceid), sizeof(int)); samplesOut.write(reinterpret_cast(&termid), sizeof(int)); } #endif samplesOut.close(); return true; } int Preprocessor::GenerateRays(const int number, SamplingStrategy &strategy, SimpleRayContainer &rays) { return strategy.GenerateSamples(number, rays); } int Preprocessor::GenerateRays(const int number, const int sampleType, SimpleRayContainer &rays) { const int startSize = (int)rays.size(); SamplingStrategy *strategy = GenerateSamplingStrategy(sampleType); int castRays = 0; if (!strategy) { return 0; } #if 1 castRays = strategy->GenerateSamples(number, rays); #else GenerateRayBundle(rays, newRay, 16, 0); castRays += 16; #endif delete strategy; return castRays; } SamplingStrategy *Preprocessor::GenerateSamplingStrategy(const int strategyId) { switch (strategyId) { case SamplingStrategy::OBJECT_BASED_DISTRIBUTION: return new ObjectBasedDistribution(*this); case SamplingStrategy::OBJECT_DIRECTION_BASED_DISTRIBUTION: return new ObjectDirectionBasedDistribution(*this); case SamplingStrategy::DIRECTION_BASED_DISTRIBUTION: return new DirectionBasedDistribution(*this); case SamplingStrategy::DIRECTION_BOX_BASED_DISTRIBUTION: return new DirectionBoxBasedDistribution(*this); case SamplingStrategy::SPATIAL_BOX_BASED_DISTRIBUTION: return new SpatialBoxBasedDistribution(*this); case SamplingStrategy::REVERSE_OBJECT_BASED_DISTRIBUTION: return new ReverseObjectBasedDistribution(*this); case SamplingStrategy::VIEWCELL_BORDER_BASED_DISTRIBUTION: return new ViewCellBorderBasedDistribution(*this); case SamplingStrategy::VIEWSPACE_BORDER_BASED_DISTRIBUTION: return new ViewSpaceBorderBasedDistribution(*this); case SamplingStrategy::REVERSE_VIEWSPACE_BORDER_BASED_DISTRIBUTION: return new ReverseViewSpaceBorderBasedDistribution(*this); case SamplingStrategy::GLOBAL_LINES_DISTRIBUTION: return new GlobalLinesDistribution(*this); //case OBJECTS_INTERIOR_DISTRIBUTION: // return new ObjectsInteriorDistribution(*this); default: // no valid strategy Debug << "warning: no valid sampling strategy" << endl; return NULL; } return NULL; // should never come here } bool Preprocessor::LoadInternKdTree( const string internKdTree) { bool mUseKdTree = true; if (!mUseKdTree) { // create just a dummy KdTree mKdTree = new KdTree; return true; } // always try to load the kd tree cout << "loading kd tree file " << internKdTree << " ... " << endl; if (!LoadKdTree(internKdTree)) { cout << "error loading kd tree with filename " << internKdTree << ", rebuilding it instead ... " << endl; // build new kd tree from scene geometry BuildKdTree(); // export kd tree? const long startTime = GetTime(); cout << "exporting kd tree ... "; if (!ExportKdTree(internKdTree)) { cout << " error exporting kd tree with filename " << internKdTree << endl; } else { cout << "finished in " << TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime()) * 1e-3 << " secs" << endl; } } KdTreeStatistics(cout); cout << mKdTree->GetBox() << endl; return true; } bool Preprocessor::InitRayCast(const string externKdTree, const string internKdTree) { // always try to load the kd tree /* cout << "loading kd tree file " << internKdTree << " ... " << endl; if (!LoadKdTree(internKdTree)) { cout << "error loading kd tree with filename " << internKdTree << ", rebuilding it instead ... " << endl; // build new kd tree from scene geometry BuildKdTree(); // export kd tree? const long startTime = GetTime(); cout << "exporting kd tree ... "; if (!ExportKdTree(internKdTree)) { cout << " error exporting kd tree with filename " << internKdTree << endl; } else { cout << "finished in " << TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime()) * 1e-3 << " secs" << endl; } } KdTreeStatistics(cout); cout << mKdTree->GetBox() << endl; */ int rayCastMethod; Environment::GetSingleton()-> GetIntValue("Preprocessor.rayCastMethod", rayCastMethod); if (rayCastMethod == 0) { cout << "ray cast method: internal" << endl; mRayCaster = new InternalRayCaster(*this); } else { #ifdef GTP_INTERNAL cout << "ray cast method: intel" << endl; mRayCaster = new IntelRayCaster(*this, externKdTree); #endif } // reserve constant block of rays cout << "======================" << endl; cout << "reserving " << 2 * mSamplesPerPass << " rays " << endl; mRayCaster->ReserveVssRayPool(2 * mSamplesPerPass); return true; } void Preprocessor::CastRays( SimpleRayContainer &rays, VssRayContainer &vssRays, const bool castDoubleRays, const bool pruneInvalidRays ) { const long t1 = GetTime(); if (rays.size() > 10000) { mRayCaster->SortRays(rays); cout<<"Rays sorted in "<CastGlobalLines(ray, vssRays); continue; } #endif rayBucket.push_back(ray); // 16 rays gathered => do ray casting if ((int)rayBucket.size() >= 16) { mRayCaster->CastRays16( rayBucket, vssRays, mViewCellsManager->GetViewSpaceBox(), castDoubleRays, pruneInvalidRays); rayBucket.clear(); } if ((int)rays.size() > 100000 && i % 100000 == 0) cout<<"\r"<CastGlobalLines(ray, vssRays); continue; } #endif mRayCaster->CastRay( ray, vssRays, mViewCellsManager->GetViewSpaceBox(), castDoubleRays, pruneInvalidRays); } if ((int)rays.size() > 10000) { cout << endl; long t2 = GetTime(); #if SHOW_RAYCAST_TIMING if (castDoubleRays) cout << 2 * rays.size() / (1e3f * TimeDiff(t1, t2)) << "M rays/s" << endl; else cout << rays.size() / (1e3f * TimeDiff(t1, t2)) << "M rays/s" << endl; #endif } DeterminePvsObjects(vssRays); } bool Preprocessor::GenerateRayBundle(SimpleRayContainer &rayBundle, const SimpleRay &mainRay, const int number, const int pertubType) const { rayBundle.push_back(mainRay); const float pertubOrigin = 0.0f; const float pertubDir = 0.2f; for (int i = 0; i < number - 1; ++ i) { Vector3 pertub; pertub.x = RandomValue(0.0f, pertubDir); pertub.y = RandomValue(0.0f, pertubDir); pertub.z = RandomValue(0.0f, pertubDir); const Vector3 newDir = mainRay.mDirection + pertub; //const Vector3 newDir = mainRay.mDirection; pertub.x = RandomValue(0.0f, pertubOrigin); pertub.y = RandomValue(0.0f, pertubOrigin); pertub.z = RandomValue(0.0f, pertubOrigin); const Vector3 newOrigin = mainRay.mOrigin + pertub; //const Vector3 newOrigin = mainRay.mOrigin; rayBundle.push_back(SimpleRay(newOrigin, newDir, 0, 1.0f)); } return true; } void Preprocessor::SetupRay(Ray &ray, const Vector3 &point, const Vector3 &direction) const { ray.Clear(); // do not store anything else then intersections at the ray ray.Init(point, direction, Ray::LOCAL_RAY); } void Preprocessor::EvalViewCellHistogram() { char filename[256]; Environment::GetSingleton()->GetStringValue("Preprocessor.histogram.file", filename); // mViewCellsManager->EvalViewCellHistogram(filename, 1000000); mViewCellsManager->EvalViewCellHistogramForPvsSize(filename, 1000000); } bool Preprocessor::ExportRays(const char *filename, const VssRayContainer &vssRays, const int number, const bool exportScene ) { cout<<"Exporting vss rays..."<SetWireframe(); exporter->ExportKdTree(*mKdTree); } exporter->SetFilled(); // $$JB temporarily do not export the scene if (exportScene) exporter->ExportScene(mSceneGraph->GetRoot()); exporter->SetWireframe(); if (1) { exporter->SetForcedMaterial(RgbColor(1,0,1)); exporter->ExportBox(mViewCellsManager->GetViewSpaceBox()); exporter->ResetForcedMaterial(); } VssRayContainer rays; vssRays.SelectRays(number, rays); exporter->ExportRays(rays, RgbColor(1, 0, 0)); delete exporter; cout<<"done."< &vssRays ) { cout<<"Exporting vss rays..."<SetWireframe(); exporter->ExportKdTree(*mKdTree); } exporter->SetFilled(); // $$JB temporarily do not export the scene if (0) exporter->ExportScene(mSceneGraph->GetRoot()); exporter->SetWireframe(); if (1) { exporter->SetForcedMaterial(RgbColor(1,0,1)); exporter->ExportBox(mViewCellsManager->GetViewSpaceBox()); exporter->ResetForcedMaterial(); } exporter->ExportRaySets(vssRays, RgbColor(1, 0, 0)); delete exporter; cout<<"done."<mPvsStatFrames) { // emit EvalPvsStat(); // QMutex mutex; // mutex.lock(); // renderer->mRenderingFinished.wait(&mutex); // mutex.unlock(); if (mViewCellsManager->GetViewCellPoints()->size()) { vector *vcPoints = mViewCellsManager->GetViewCellPoints(); vector::const_iterator vit, vit_end = vcPoints->end(); SimpleRayContainer viewPoints; for (vit = vcPoints->begin(); vit != vit_end; ++ vit) { ViewCellPoints *vp = *vit; SimpleRayContainer::const_iterator rit = vp->second.begin(), rit_end = vp->second.end(); for (; rit!=rit_end; ++rit) viewPoints.push_back(*rit); } renderer->EvalPvsStat(viewPoints); } else renderer->EvalPvsStat(); mStats << "#AvgPvsRenderError\n" <mPvsStat.GetAvgError()<GetAvgPixelError()<GetMaxPixelError()<mPvsStat.GetMaxError()<mPvsStat.GetErrorFreeFrames()<mPvsStat.GetAvgPvs()<GetId() == object.GetId())) { return (*oit); } else { return NULL; } #else return mObjects[id - 1]; #endif } void Preprocessor::PrepareHwGlobalLines() { int texHeight, texWidth; float eps; int maxDepth; bool sampleReverse; Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue("Preprocessor.HwGlobalLines.texHeight", texHeight); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue("Preprocessor.HwGlobalLines.texWidth", texWidth); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetFloatValue("Preprocessor.HwGlobalLines.stepSize", eps); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue("Preprocessor.HwGlobalLines.maxDepth", maxDepth); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetBoolValue("Preprocessor.HwGlobalLines.sampleReverse", sampleReverse); Debug << "****** hw global line options *******" << endl; Debug << "texWidth: " << texWidth << endl; Debug << "texHeight: " << texHeight << endl; Debug << "sampleReverse: " << sampleReverse << endl; Debug << "max depth: " << maxDepth << endl; Debug << "step size: " << eps << endl; Debug << endl; #ifdef USE_CG globalLinesRenderer = mGlobalLinesRenderer = new GlobalLinesRenderer(this, texHeight, texWidth, eps, maxDepth, sampleReverse); mGlobalLinesRenderer->InitGl(); #endif } void Preprocessor::DeterminePvsObjects(VssRayContainer &rays) { mViewCellsManager->DeterminePvsObjects(rays, false); } }