1 | #include "SceneGraph.h"
2 | #include "Exporter.h"
3 | #include "UnigraphicsParser.h"
4 | #include "X3dParser.h"
5 | #include "Preprocessor.h"
6 | #include "ViewCell.h"
7 | #include "Environment.h"
8 | #include "ViewCellsManager.h"
9 | #include "ViewCellBsp.h"
10 | #include "VspBspTree.h"
11 | #include "VspKdTree.h"
12 | #include "RenderSimulator.h"
13 | #include "GlRenderer.h"
14 | #include "PlyParser.h"
15 |
16 | namespace GtpVisibilityPreprocessor {
17 |
18 |
19 | Preprocessor *preprocessor;
20 |
21 |
22 | // HACK
23 | static void AddGeometry(SceneGraph *scene)
24 | {
25 | scene->mRoot->UpdateBox();
26 |
27 | AxisAlignedBox3 sceneBox = scene->GetBox();
28 |
29 | int n = 200;
30 |
31 | if (0){
32 | // form grid of boxes
33 | for (int i = 0; i < n; ++ i)
34 | {
35 | for (int j = 0; j < n; ++ j)
36 | {
37 | const Vector3 scale2((float)j * 0.8 / n + 0.1, 0.05, (float)i * 0.8 / (float)n + 0.1);
38 |
39 | const Vector3 pt2 = sceneBox.Min() + scale2 * (sceneBox.Max() - sceneBox.Min());
40 |
41 | const Vector3 boxSize = sceneBox.Size() * Vector3(0.0025f, 0.01f, 0.0025f);
42 | AxisAlignedBox3 box(pt2, pt2 + boxSize);
43 | Mesh *mesh = CreateBox(box);
44 |
45 | mesh->Preprocess();
46 |
47 | MeshInstance *mi = new MeshInstance(mesh);
48 | scene->mRoot->mGeometry.push_back(mi);
49 | }
50 | }
51 |
52 | for (int i = 0; i < n; ++ i)
53 | {
54 | for (int j = 0; j < n; ++ j)
55 | {
56 | const Vector3 scale2(0.15, (float)j * 0.8 / n + 0.1, (float)i * 0.8 / (float)n + 0.1);
57 |
58 | Vector3 pt2 = sceneBox.Min() + scale2 * (sceneBox.Max() - sceneBox.Min());
59 |
60 | Vector3 boxSize = sceneBox.Size() * Vector3(0.0025, 0.01, 0.0025);
61 | AxisAlignedBox3 box(pt2, pt2 + boxSize);
62 | Mesh *mesh = CreateBox(box);
63 |
64 | mesh->Preprocess();
65 |
66 | MeshInstance *mi = new MeshInstance(mesh);
67 | scene->mRoot->mGeometry.push_back(mi);
68 | }
69 | }
70 |
71 | for (int i = 0; i < n; ++ i)
72 | {
73 | const Vector3 scale2(2, 0.2, (float)i * 0.8 / (float)n + 0.1);
74 |
75 | Vector3 pt2 = sceneBox.Min() + scale2 * (sceneBox.Max() - sceneBox.Min());
76 |
77 | //Vector3 boxSize = sceneBox.Size() * Vector3(0.0025, 0.01, 0.0025);
78 | Vector3 boxSize = sceneBox.Size() * Vector3(0.005, 0.02, 0.005);
79 | AxisAlignedBox3 box(pt2 + 0.1, pt2 + boxSize);
80 | Mesh *mesh = CreateBox(box);
81 |
82 | mesh->Preprocess();
83 |
84 | MeshInstance *mi = new MeshInstance(mesh);
85 | scene->mRoot->mGeometry.push_back(mi);
86 | }
87 |
88 | scene->mRoot->UpdateBox();
89 | }
90 |
91 | // plane separating view space regions
92 | if (1)
93 | {
94 | const Vector3 scale(1.0, 0.0, 0);
95 |
96 | Vector3 pt = sceneBox.Min() + scale * (sceneBox.Max() - sceneBox.Min());
97 |
98 | Plane3 cuttingPlane(Vector3(1, 0, 0), pt);
99 | Mesh *planeMesh = new Mesh();
100 |
101 | Polygon3 *poly = sceneBox.CrossSection(cuttingPlane);
102 | IncludePolyInMesh(*poly, *planeMesh);
103 |
104 | planeMesh->Preprocess();
105 |
106 | MeshInstance *planeMi = new MeshInstance(planeMesh);
107 | scene->mRoot->mGeometry.push_back(planeMi);
108 | }
109 | }
110 |
111 |
112 | Preprocessor::Preprocessor():
113 | mKdTree(NULL),
114 | mBspTree(NULL),
115 | mVspKdTree(NULL),
116 | mVspBspTree(NULL),
117 | mViewCellsManager(NULL)
118 | {
119 | environment->GetBoolValue("Preprocessor.useGlRenderer", mUseGlRenderer);
120 |
121 | // renderer will be constructed when the scene graph and viewcell manager will be known
122 | renderer = NULL;
123 |
124 | environment->GetBoolValue("Preprocessor.useGlDebugger", mUseGlDebugger);
125 | environment->GetBoolValue("Preprocessor.loadPolygonsAsMeshes", mLoadPolygonsAsMeshes);
126 | environment->GetBoolValue("Preprocessor.quitOnFinish", mQuitOnFinish);
127 | environment->GetBoolValue("Preprocessor.computeVisibility", mComputeVisibility);
128 | environment->GetBoolValue("Preprocessor.detectEmptyViewSpace", mDetectEmptyViewSpace);
129 | environment->GetBoolValue("Preprocessor.exportVisibility", mExportVisibility );
130 |
131 | char buffer[256];
132 | environment->GetStringValue("Preprocessor.visibilityFile", buffer);
133 | mVisibilityFileName = buffer;
134 | environment->GetBoolValue("Preprocessor.applyVisibilityFilter", mApplyVisibilityFilter );
135 | environment->GetBoolValue("Preprocessor.applyVisibilitySpatialFilter",
136 | mApplyVisibilitySpatialFilter );
137 | environment->GetFloatValue("Preprocessor.visibilityFilterWidth", mVisibilityFilterWidth);
138 |
139 | Debug << "detect empty view space=" << mDetectEmptyViewSpace << endl;
140 | Debug << "load polygons as meshes: " << mLoadPolygonsAsMeshes << endl;
141 | }
142 |
143 |
144 | Preprocessor::~Preprocessor()
145 | {
146 | cout << "cleaning up" << endl;
147 |
148 | cout << "Deleting view cells manager ... \n";
149 | DEL_PTR(mViewCellsManager);
150 | cout << "done.\n";
151 |
152 | cout << "Deleting bsp tree ... \n";
153 | DEL_PTR(mBspTree);
154 | cout << "done.\n";
155 |
156 | cout << "Deleting kd tree...\n";
157 | DEL_PTR(mKdTree);
158 | cout << "done.\n";
159 |
160 | cout << "Deleting vspkd tree...\n";
161 | DEL_PTR(mVspKdTree);
162 | cout << "done.\n";
163 |
164 | cout << "Deleting vspbsp tree...\n";
165 | DEL_PTR(mVspBspTree);
166 | cout << "done.\n";
167 | }
168 |
169 | int
170 | SplitFilenames(const string str, vector<string> &filenames)
171 | {
172 | int pos = 0;
173 |
174 | while(1) {
175 | int npos = (int)str.find(';', pos);
176 |
177 | if (npos < 0 || npos - pos < 1)
178 | break;
179 | filenames.push_back(string(str, pos, npos - pos));
180 | pos = npos + 1;
181 | }
182 |
183 | filenames.push_back(string(str, pos, str.size() - pos));
184 | return (int)filenames.size();
185 | }
186 |
187 |
188 | bool
189 | Preprocessor::LoadScene(const string filename)
190 | {
191 | // use leaf nodes of the original spatial hierarchy as occludees
192 | mSceneGraph = new SceneGraph;
193 |
194 | Parser *parser;
195 | vector<string> filenames;
196 | int files = SplitFilenames(filename, filenames);
197 | cout << "number of input files: " << files << endl;
198 | bool result = false;
199 | if (files == 1) {
200 |
201 | if (strstr(filename.c_str(), ".x3d"))
202 | parser = new X3dParser;
203 | else
204 | if (strstr(filename.c_str(), ".ply") || strstr(filename.c_str(), ".plb"))
205 | parser = new PlyParser;
206 | else
207 | parser = new UnigraphicsParser;
208 |
209 | cout<<filename<<endl;
210 | result = parser->ParseFile(filename, &mSceneGraph->mRoot, mLoadPolygonsAsMeshes);
211 |
212 | delete parser;
213 |
214 | } else {
215 | // root for different files
216 | mSceneGraph->mRoot = new SceneGraphNode;
217 | for (int i= 0; i < filenames.size(); i++) {
218 | if (strstr(filenames[i].c_str(), ".x3d"))
219 | parser = new X3dParser;
220 | else
221 | parser = new UnigraphicsParser;
222 |
223 | SceneGraphNode *node;
224 | if (parser->ParseFile(filenames[i], &node)) {
225 | mSceneGraph->mRoot->mChildren.push_back(node);
226 | // at least one file parsed
227 | result = true;
228 | }
229 | delete parser;
230 | }
231 | }
232 |
233 |
234 | if (result)
235 | {
236 | // HACK
237 | //AddGeometry(mSceneGraph);
238 | mSceneGraph->AssignObjectIds();
239 |
240 | int intersectables, faces;
241 | mSceneGraph->GetStatistics(intersectables, faces);
242 |
243 | cout<<filename<<" parsed successfully."<<endl;
244 | cout<<"#NUM_OBJECTS (Total numner of objects)\n"<<intersectables<<endl;
245 | cout<<"#NUM_FACES (Total numner of faces)\n"<<faces<<endl;
246 | mSceneGraph->CollectObjects(&mObjects);
247 | mSceneGraph->mRoot->UpdateBox();
248 |
249 | /* Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter("testload.x3d");
250 |
251 | if (exporter)
252 | {
253 | exporter->ExportGeometry(mObjects);
254 | delete exporter;
255 | }*/
256 |
257 | }
258 |
259 |
260 | return result;
261 | }
262 |
263 | bool
264 | Preprocessor::ExportPreprocessedData(const string filename)
265 | {
266 |
267 | mViewCellsManager->ExportViewCells(filename, true, mObjects);
268 |
269 | return true;
270 | }
271 |
272 | bool
273 | Preprocessor::PostProcessVisibility()
274 | {
275 |
276 | if (mApplyVisibilityFilter || mApplyVisibilitySpatialFilter) {
277 | cout<<"Applying visibility filter...";
278 | cout<<"filyter width = "<<mVisibilityFilterWidth<<endl;
279 |
280 | mViewCellsManager->ApplyFilter(mKdTree,
281 | mApplyVisibilityFilter ? mVisibilityFilterWidth : -1.0f,
282 | mApplyVisibilitySpatialFilter ? mVisibilityFilterWidth : -1.0f);
283 | cout<<"done.";
284 | }
285 |
286 | // export the preprocessed information to a file
287 | if (mExportVisibility)
288 | ExportPreprocessedData(mVisibilityFileName);
289 |
290 | return true;
291 | }
292 |
293 |
294 | bool
295 | Preprocessor::BuildKdTree()
296 | {
297 | mKdTree = new KdTree;
298 | // add mesh instances of the scene graph to the root of the tree
299 | KdLeaf *root = (KdLeaf *)mKdTree->GetRoot();
300 | mSceneGraph->CollectObjects(&root->mObjects);
301 |
302 | mKdTree->Construct();
303 | return true;
304 | }
305 |
306 | void
307 | Preprocessor::KdTreeStatistics(ostream &s)
308 | {
309 | s<<mKdTree->GetStatistics();
310 | }
311 |
312 | void
313 | Preprocessor::BspTreeStatistics(ostream &s)
314 | {
315 | s << mBspTree->GetStatistics();
316 | }
317 |
318 | bool
319 | Preprocessor::Export( const string filename,
320 | const bool scene,
321 | const bool kdtree,
322 | const bool bsptree
323 | )
324 | {
325 | Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter(filename);
326 |
327 | if (exporter) {
328 | if (scene)
329 | exporter->ExportScene(mSceneGraph->mRoot);
330 |
331 | if (kdtree) {
332 | exporter->SetWireframe();
333 | exporter->ExportKdTree(*mKdTree);
334 | }
335 |
336 | if (bsptree) {
337 | //exporter->SetWireframe();
338 | exporter->ExportBspTree(*mBspTree);
339 | }
340 |
341 | delete exporter;
342 | return true;
343 | }
344 |
345 | return false;
346 | }
347 |
348 |
349 | bool Preprocessor::PrepareViewCells()
350 | {
351 | //-- parse view cells construction method
352 | environment->GetBoolValue("ViewCells.loadFromFile", mLoadViewCells);
353 | char buf[100];
354 |
355 | if (mLoadViewCells)
356 | {
357 | environment->GetStringValue("ViewCells.filename", buf);
358 | mViewCellsManager = ViewCellsManager::LoadViewCells(buf, &mObjects, environment, true);
359 | }
360 | else
361 | {
362 | //-- parse type of view cell container
363 | char viewCellsStr[64];
364 | environment->GetStringValue("ViewCells.type", viewCellsStr);
365 | mViewCellsManager = CreateViewCellsManager(viewCellsStr);
366 | }
367 |
368 | float objRenderCost = 0, vcOverhead = 0, moveSpeed = 0;
369 |
370 | environment->GetFloatValue("Simulation.objRenderCost",objRenderCost);
371 | environment->GetFloatValue("Simulation.vcOverhead", vcOverhead);
372 | environment->GetFloatValue("Simulation.moveSpeed", moveSpeed);
373 |
374 | mRenderSimulator =
375 | new RenderSimulator(mViewCellsManager, objRenderCost, vcOverhead, moveSpeed);
376 |
377 | mViewCellsManager->SetRenderer(mRenderSimulator);
378 |
379 |
380 | if (mUseGlRenderer || mUseGlDebugger)
381 | {
382 | // NOTE: render texture should be power of 2 and square
383 | // renderer must be initialised
384 | renderer = new GlRendererBuffer(1024, 768, mSceneGraph, mViewCellsManager, mKdTree);
385 | // renderer->makeCurrent();
386 |
387 | }
388 |
389 | return true;
390 | }
391 |
392 |
393 | ViewCellsManager *Preprocessor::CreateViewCellsManager(const char *name)
394 | {
395 | if (strcmp(name, "kdTree") == 0)
396 | {
397 | mViewCellsManager = new KdViewCellsManager(mKdTree, environment);
398 | }
399 | else if (strcmp(name, "bspTree") == 0)
400 | {
401 | Debug << "view cell type: Bsp" << endl;
402 |
403 | mBspTree = new BspTree();
404 | mViewCellsManager = new BspViewCellsManager(mBspTree, environment);
405 | }
406 | else if (strcmp(name, "vspBspTree") == 0)
407 | {
408 | Debug << "view cell type: VspBsp" << endl;
409 |
410 | mVspBspTree = new VspBspTree(environment);
411 | mViewCellsManager = new VspBspViewCellsManager(mVspBspTree, environment);
412 | }
413 | else if (strcmp(name, "vspKdTree") == 0)
414 | {
415 | mVspKdTree = new VspKdTree();
416 |
417 | mViewCellsManager = new VspKdViewCellsManager(mVspKdTree, environment);
418 | }
419 | else if (strcmp(name, "sceneDependent") == 0)
420 | {
421 | //TODO
422 | mBspTree = new BspTree();
423 |
424 | Debug << "view cell type: Bsp" << endl;
425 |
426 | mViewCellsManager = new BspViewCellsManager(mBspTree, environment);
427 | }
428 | else
429 | {
430 | cerr << "Wrong view cells type " << name << "!!!" << endl;
431 | exit(1);
432 | }
433 |
434 | return mViewCellsManager;
435 | }
436 |
437 |
438 | // use ascii format to store rays
439 | #define USE_ASCII 0
440 |
441 |
442 | inline bool ilt(Intersectable *obj1, Intersectable *obj2)
443 | {
444 | return obj1->mId < obj2->mId;
445 | }
446 |
447 |
448 | bool Preprocessor::LoadSamples(VssRayContainer &samples,
449 | ObjectContainer &objects) const
450 | {
451 | std::stable_sort(objects.begin(), objects.end(), ilt);
452 | char fileName[100];
453 | environment->GetStringValue("Preprocessor.samplesFilename", fileName);
454 |
455 | Vector3 origin, termination;
456 | // HACK: needed only for lower_bound algorithm to find the
457 | // intersected objects
458 | MeshInstance sObj(NULL);
459 | MeshInstance tObj(NULL);
460 |
461 | #if USE_ASCII
462 | ifstream samplesIn(fileName);
463 | if (!samplesIn.is_open())
464 | return false;
465 |
466 | string buf;
467 | while (!(getline(samplesIn, buf)).eof())
468 | {
469 | sscanf(buf.c_str(), "%f %f %f %f %f %f %d %d",
470 | &origin.x, &origin.y, &origin.z,
471 | &termination.x, &termination.y, &termination.z,
472 | &(sObj.mId), &(tObj.mId));
473 |
474 | Intersectable *sourceObj = NULL;
475 | Intersectable *termObj = NULL;
476 |
477 | if (sObj.mId >= 0)
478 | {
479 | ObjectContainer::iterator oit =
480 | lower_bound(objects.begin(), objects.end(), &sObj, ilt);
481 | sourceObj = *oit;
482 | }
483 |
484 | if (tObj.mId >= 0)
485 | {
486 | ObjectContainer::iterator oit =
487 | lower_bound(objects.begin(), objects.end(), &tObj, ilt);
488 | termObj = *oit;
489 | }
490 |
491 | samples.push_back(new VssRay(origin, termination, sourceObj, termObj));
492 | }
493 | #else
494 | ifstream samplesIn(fileName, ios::binary);
495 | if (!samplesIn.is_open())
496 | return false;
497 |
498 | while (1)
499 | {
500 | samplesIn.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&origin), sizeof(Vector3));
501 | samplesIn.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&termination), sizeof(Vector3));
502 | samplesIn.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&(sObj.mId)), sizeof(int));
503 | samplesIn.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&(tObj.mId)), sizeof(int));
504 |
505 | if (samplesIn.eof())
506 | break;
507 |
508 | Intersectable *sourceObj = NULL;
509 | Intersectable *termObj = NULL;
510 |
511 | if (sObj.mId >= 0)
512 | {
513 | ObjectContainer::iterator oit =
514 | lower_bound(objects.begin(), objects.end(), &sObj, ilt);
515 | sourceObj = *oit;
516 | }
517 |
518 | if (tObj.mId >= 0)
519 | {
520 | ObjectContainer::iterator oit =
521 | lower_bound(objects.begin(), objects.end(), &tObj, ilt);
522 | termObj = *oit;
523 | }
524 |
525 | samples.push_back(new VssRay(origin, termination, sourceObj, termObj));
526 | }
527 |
528 | #endif
529 | samplesIn.close();
530 |
531 | return true;
532 | }
533 |
534 |
535 | bool Preprocessor::ExportSamples(const VssRayContainer &samples) const
536 | {
537 | char fileName[100];
538 | environment->GetStringValue("Preprocessor.samplesFilename", fileName);
539 |
540 |
541 | VssRayContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = samples.end();
542 |
543 | #if USE_ASCII
544 | ofstream samplesOut(fileName);
545 | if (!samplesOut.is_open())
546 | return false;
547 |
548 | for (it = samples.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it)
549 | {
550 | VssRay *ray = *it;
551 | int sourceid = ray->mOriginObject ? ray->mOriginObject->mId : -1;
552 | int termid = ray->mTerminationObject ? ray->mTerminationObject->mId : -1;
553 |
554 | samplesOut << ray->GetOrigin().x << " " << ray->GetOrigin().y << " " << ray->GetOrigin().z << " "
555 | << ray->GetTermination().x << " " << ray->GetTermination().y << " " << ray->GetTermination().z << " "
556 | << sourceid << " " << termid << "\n";
557 | }
558 | #else
559 | ofstream samplesOut(fileName, ios::binary);
560 | if (!samplesOut.is_open())
561 | return false;
562 |
563 | for (it = samples.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it)
564 | {
565 | VssRay *ray = *it;
566 | Vector3 origin(ray->GetOrigin());
567 | Vector3 termination(ray->GetTermination());
568 |
569 | int sourceid = ray->mOriginObject ? ray->mOriginObject->mId : -1;
570 | int termid = ray->mTerminationObject ? ray->mTerminationObject->mId : -1;
571 |
572 | samplesOut.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&origin), sizeof(Vector3));
573 | samplesOut.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&termination), sizeof(Vector3));
574 | samplesOut.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&sourceid), sizeof(int));
575 | samplesOut.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&termid), sizeof(int));
576 | }
577 | #endif
578 | samplesOut.close();
579 | return true;
580 | }
581 |
582 |
583 |
584 | bool
585 | Preprocessor::GenerateRays(
586 | const int number,
587 | const int sampleType,
588 | SimpleRayContainer &rays
589 | )
590 | {
591 | Vector3 origin, direction;
592 | int startSize = (int)rays.size();
593 | for (int i=0; (int)rays.size() - startSize < number; i ++) {
594 | // now get the direction
595 | switch (sampleType) {
597 | mViewCellsManager->GetViewPoint(origin);
598 | Vector3 point;
599 | Vector3 normal;
600 | int i = RandomValue(0, mObjects.size() - 1);
601 | Intersectable *object = mObjects[i];
602 | object->GetRandomSurfacePoint(point, normal);
603 | direction = point - origin;
604 | }
605 | break;
607 | int i = RandomValue(0, mObjects.size() - 1);
608 | Intersectable *object = mObjects[i];
609 | Vector3 normal;
610 | object->GetRandomSurfacePoint(origin, normal);
611 | direction = UniformRandomVector(normal);
612 | origin += 0.1f*direction;
613 | }
614 | break;
616 | mViewCellsManager->GetViewPoint(origin);
617 | direction = UniformRandomVector();
618 | break;
620 | mViewCellsManager->GetViewPoint(origin);
621 | float alpha = RandomValue(0.0f, 2*M_PI);
622 | float beta = RandomValue(-M_PI/2, M_PI/2);
623 | direction = VssRay::GetDirection(alpha, beta);
624 | break;
625 | }
627 | mViewCellsManager->GetViewPoint(origin);
628 | direction = mKdTree->GetBox().GetRandomPoint() - origin;
629 | break;
630 | default:
631 | // unsuported distribution type
632 | return false;
633 | }
634 | // $$ jb the pdf is yet not correct for all sampling methods!
635 | float pdf = 1.0f;
636 | float c = Magnitude(direction);
637 | if (c > Limits::Small) {
638 | direction*=1.0f/c;
639 | rays.AddRay(SimpleRay(origin, direction, pdf));
640 | }
641 | }
642 | return true;
643 | }
644 |
645 | }