#ifndef __PVS_H #define __PVS_H #include #include #include "common.h" namespace GtpVisibilityPreprocessor { class KdNode; class BspNode; class Ray; class Intersectable; class ViewCell; /** Information stored with a PVS entry. Consists of the number the object was seen from the view cell. */ template class PvsEntry { public: PvsEntry() {} PvsEntry(T sample, const S &data): mObject(sample), mData(data) {} T mObject; S mData; template friend int operator< (const PvsEntry &a, const PvsEntry &b); }; template int operator< (const PvsEntry &a, const PvsEntry &b) { return a.mObject < b.mObject; } template struct LtSample { bool operator()(const PvsEntry &a, const PvsEntry &b) const { return a.mObject < b.mObject; } }; /** Information stored with a PVS entry. Consists of the number the object was seen from the view cell. */ class PvsData { public: PvsData() {} PvsData(const float sumPdf): mSumPdf(sumPdf) {} // $$JB in order to return meaningfull values // it assumes that the sum pdf has been normalized somehow!!! inline float GetVisibility() { return mSumPdf; } /// sum of probability density of visible sample rays float mSumPdf; }; class MailablePvsData { public: // sum of probability density of visible sample rays float mSumPdf; int mCounter; MailablePvsData() {} MailablePvsData(const float sumPdf): mSumPdf(sumPdf) {} // $$JB in order to return meaningfull values // it assumes that the sum pdf has been normalized somehow!!! float GetVisibility() { return mSumPdf; } //////////////////////////// // Mailing stuff // last mail id -> warning not thread safe! // both mailId and mailbox should be unique for each thread!!! static int sMailId; static int sReservedMailboxes; static void NewMail(const int reserve = 1) { sMailId += sReservedMailboxes; sReservedMailboxes = reserve; } void Mail() { mMailbox = sMailId; } bool Mailed() const { return mMailbox == sMailId; } void Mail(const int mailbox) { mMailbox = sMailId + mailbox; } bool Mailed(const int mailbox) const { return mMailbox == sMailId + mailbox; } int IncMail() { return ++ mMailbox - sMailId; } ////////////////////////////////////////// protected: int mMailbox; }; template class PvsIterator { public: PvsIterator(){} PvsIterator(const typename vector >::const_iterator &itCurrent, const typename vector >::const_iterator &itEnd): mItCurrent(itCurrent), mItEnd(itEnd) { } bool HasMoreEntries() const { return (mItCurrent != mItEnd); } const PvsEntry &Next() { return *(mItCurrent ++); } private: typename vector >::const_iterator mItCurrent; typename vector >::const_iterator mItEnd; }; /** Template class representing the Potentially Visible Set (PVS) mainly from a view cell, but also e.g., from objects. */ template class Pvs { template friend class PvsIterator; public: Pvs(): mSamples(0), mEntries(), mLastSorted(0) {} /** creates pvs and initializes it with the given entries. Assumes that entries are sorted- */ Pvs(const vector > &samples); virtual ~Pvs() {}; /** Compresses PVS lossless or lossy. */ int Compress() {return 0;} int GetSize() const {return (int)mEntries.size();} bool Empty() const {return mEntries.empty();} /** Normalize the visibility of entries in order to get comparable results. */ void NormalizeMaximum(); /** Merges pvs of a into this pvs. Warning: very slow! */ void MergeInPlace(const Pvs &a); /** Difference of pvs to pvs b. @returns number of different entries. */ int Diff(const Pvs &b); /** Finds sample in PVS. @returns iterator on the sample. */ typename vector >::iterator Find(T sample); bool GetSampleContribution(T sample, const float pdf, float &contribution); /** Adds sample to PVS. @contribution contribution of sample (0 or 1) @returns true if sample was not already in PVS. */ bool AddSample(T sample, const float pdf, float &contribution); /** Adds sample to PVS. @returns contribution of sample (0 or 1) */ float AddSample(T sample, const float pdf); /** Adds sample to PVS without checking for presence of the sample pvs remians unsorted! */ void AddSampleDirty(T sample, const float pdf); /** Sort pvs entries - this should always be called after a sequence of AddSampleDirty calls */ void Sort(); /** Adds sample to PVS. Assumes that the pvs is sorted @returns contribution of sample (0 or 1) */ float AddSamples(const vector > &samples); /** Adds sample to PVS. @returns PvsData */ typename std::vector >::iterator AddSample2(T sample, const float pdf); /** Subtracts one pvs from another one. WARNING: could contains bugs @returns new pvs size */ int SubtractPvs(const Pvs &pvs); /** Returns PVS data, i.e., how often it was seen from the view cell, and the object itsef. */ void GetData(const int index, T &entry, S &data); /** Collects the PVS entries and returns them in the vector. */ void CollectEntries(std::vector &entries); /** Removes sample from PVS if reference count is zero. @param visibleSamples number of references to be removed */ bool RemoveSample(T sample, const float pdf); /** Compute continuous PVS difference */ void ComputeContinuousPvsDifference(Pvs &pvs, float &pvsReduction, float &pvsEnlargement); /** Clears the pvs. */ void Clear(const bool trim = true); void Trim(); static int GetEntrySizeByte(); static float GetEntrySize(); /** Compute continuous PVS difference */ float GetPvsHomogenity(Pvs &pvs); static void Merge(Pvs &mergedPvs, const Pvs &a, const Pvs &b); int GetSamples() const { return mSamples; } typename PvsIterator GetIterator() const; protected: /// vector of PVS entries vector > mEntries; /// Number of samples used to create the PVS int mSamples; /// Last sorted entry in the pvs (important for find and merge int mLastSorted; }; template Pvs::Pvs(const vector > &samples) { mEntries.reserve(samples.size()); mEntries = samples; mLastSorted = 0; } template void Pvs::Sort() { std::vector >::iterator it = mEntries.begin(); it.inc(mLastSorted); sort(it, mEntries.end()); mLastSorted = mEntries.size() - 1; } /** Compute continuous PVS difference of 'b' with respect to the base PVS (*this). Provides separatelly PVS reduction from PVS enlargement. */ template void Pvs::ComputeContinuousPvsDifference(Pvs &b, float &pvsReduction, float &pvsEnlargement) { pvsReduction = 0.0f; pvsEnlargement = 0.0f; // Uses sum of log differences, which corresponds to entropy std::vector >::iterator it; for (it = b.mEntries.begin(); it != b.mEntries.end(); ++ it) { float bSumPdf = (*it).mData.mSumPdf; float aSumPdf = 0.0f; vector >::iterator oit = Find((*it).mObject); const bool entryFound = (it != mEntries.end()) && ((*it).mObject == (*oit).mObject); if (entryFound) { aSumPdf = (*it).mData.mSumPdf; // mark this entry as processed to avoid double counting (*it).mData.mSumPdf = -aSumPdf; } #if 0 const float diff = bSumPdf - aSumPdf; if (diff > 0.0f) { pvsEnlargement += diff; } else { pvsReduction += -diff; } #else if (!entryFound) pvsEnlargement += 1.0f; #endif } for (it = mEntries.begin(); it != mEntries.end(); ++ it) { float aSumPdf = (*it).mData.mSumPdf; float bSumPdf = 0.0f; if (aSumPdf < 0.0f) { // this entry was already accounted for! // just revert it back (*it).mData.mSumPdf = -aSumPdf; } else { vector >::iterator oit = b.Find((*it).mObject); const bool entryFound = (it != mEntries.end()) && ((*it).mObject == (*oit).mObject); if (entryFound) { bSumPdf = (*oit).mData.mSumPdf; } #if 0 const float diff = bSumPdf - aSumPdf; if (diff > 0.0f) { pvsEnlargement += diff; } else { pvsReduction += -diff; } #else if (!entryFound) pvsReduction += 1.0f; #endif } } } template int Pvs::Diff(const Pvs &b) { int dif = 0; std::vector >::const_iterator it; for (it = b.mEntries.begin(); it != b.mEntries.end(); ++ it) { std::vector >::const_iterator bit = Find((*it).first); if (bit == mEntries.end()) ++ dif; } return dif; } template void Pvs::MergeInPlace(const Pvs &a) { // early exit if (a.Empty()) { return; } else if (Empty()) { mEntries.reserve(a.GetSize()); mEntries = a.mEntries; mSamples = a.mSamples; return; } ObjectPvs interPvs; Merge(interPvs, *this, a); mEntries.reserve(interPvs.GetSize()); mEntries = interPvs.mEntries; mSamples = interPvs.mSamples; } template void Pvs::Merge(Pvs &mergedPvs, const Pvs &a, const Pvs &b) { std::vector >::const_iterator ait = a.mEntries.begin(), ait_end = a.mEntries.end(); std::vector >::const_iterator bit = b.mEntries.begin(), bit_end = b.mEntries.end(); for (; (ait != ait_end); ++ ait) { Intersectable *aObj = (*ait).mObject; Intersectable *bObj = NULL; PvsEntry aEntry = (*ait); for (; (bit != bit_end) && ((*bit).mObject <= (*ait).mObject); ++ bit) { bObj = (*bit).mObject; // object found => add up probabilities if (bObj == aEntry.mObject) { PvsData newData(aEntry.mData.mSumPdf + (*bit).mData.mSumPdf); PvsEntry entry(bObj, newData); mergedPvs.mEntries.push_back(entry); } else { mergedPvs.mEntries.push_back(*bit); } } // only push back if objects different // (equal case is handled by second loop) if (aObj != bObj) { mergedPvs.mEntries.push_back(*ait); } } // add the rest for (; (bit != bit_end); ++ bit) { mergedPvs.mEntries.push_back(*bit); } mergedPvs.mSamples = a.mSamples + b.mSamples; } template void Pvs::Clear(const bool trim = true) { mEntries.clear(); mSamples = 0; if (trim) { vector >().swap(mEntries); } } template void Pvs::Trim() { vector >(mEntries).swap(mEntries); } template typename std::vector >::iterator Pvs::Find(T sample) { PvsEntry dummy(sample, PvsData()); vector >::iterator it = lower_bound(mEntries.begin(), mEntries.end(), dummy); return it; } template void Pvs::GetData(const int index, T &entry, S &data) { std::vector >::iterator i = mEntries.begin(); for (int k = 0; k != index && i != mEntries.end(); ++ i, ++ k); entry = (*i).first; data = (*i).second; } template float Pvs::AddSample(T sample, const float pdf) { ++ mSamples; std::vector >::iterator it = Find(sample); if ((it != mEntries.end()) && ((*it).mObject == sample)) { S &data = (*it).mData; data.mSumPdf += pdf; return data.mSumPdf; } else { PvsEntry entry(sample, pdf); mEntries.insert(it, entry); return pdf; } } template void Pvs::AddSampleDirty(T sample, const float pdf) { ++ mSamples; mEntries.push_back(PvsEntry(sample, pdf)); } template typename vector< PvsEntry >::iterator Pvs::AddSample2(T sample, const float pdf) { ++ mSamples; std::vector >::iterator it = Find(sample); if ((it != mEntries.end()) && ((*it).mObject == sample)) { S &data = (*it).second; data->mSumPdf += pdf; } else { PvsEntry entry(sample, pdf); mEntries.insert(it, entry); } return it; } template bool Pvs::AddSample(T sample, const float pdf, float &contribution) { ++ mSamples; std::vector >::iterator it = Find(sample); if ((it != mEntries.end()) && ((*it).mObject == sample)) { S &data = (*it).mData; data.mSumPdf += pdf; contribution = pdf / data.mSumPdf; return false; } else { PvsEntry entry(sample, pdf); mEntries.insert(it, entry); contribution = 1.0f; return true; } } template bool Pvs::GetSampleContribution(T sample, const float pdf, float &contribution) { std::vector >::iterator it = Find(sample); if (it != mEntries.end() && ((*it).mObject == sample)) { S &data = (*it).mData; contribution = pdf / (data.mSumPdf + pdf); return false; } else { contribution = 1.0f; return true; } } template bool Pvs::RemoveSample(T sample, const float pdf) { -- mSamples; std::vector >::iterator it = Find(sample); if (it == mEntries.end()) return false; S &data = (*it).mData; data.mSumPdf -= pdf; if (data.mSumPdf <= 0.0f) { mEntries.erase(it); } return true; } template int Pvs::SubtractPvs(const Pvs &pvs) { const int samples = mSamples - pvs.mSamples; std::vector >:: const_iterator it, it_end = pvs.mEntries.end(); // output PVS of view cell for (it = pvs.mEntries.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) RemoveSample((*it).mObject, (*it).mData.mSumPdf); mSamples = samples; return GetSize(); } template void Pvs::CollectEntries(std::vector &entries) { std::vector >:: const_iterator it, it_end = mEntries.end(); // output PVS of view cell for (it = mEntries.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) entries.push_back((*it)->first); } template void Pvs::NormalizeMaximum() { std::vector >:: const_iterator it, it_end = mEntries.end(); float maxPdfSum = -1.0f; // output PVS of view cell for (it = mEntries.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { float sum = (*it)->second.sumPdf; if (sum > maxSum) maxSum = sum; } maxSum = 1.0f / maxSum; for (it = mEntries.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { (*it)->second.sumPdf *= maxSum; } } template float Pvs::GetEntrySize() { return (float)(sizeof(T) + sizeof(S)) / float(1024 * 1024); } template int Pvs::GetEntrySizeByte() { return sizeof(T) + sizeof(S); } template float Pvs::GetPvsHomogenity(Pvs &pvs) { float pvsReduction, pvsEnlargement; ComputeContinuousPvsDifference(pvs, pvsReduction, pvsEnlargement); return pvsReduction + pvsEnlargement; } template typename PvsIterator Pvs::GetIterator() const { PvsIterator pit(mEntries.begin(), mEntries.end()); return pit; } /////////////////////////////////////// /** Class instantiating the Pvs template for kd tree nodes. */ class KdPvs: public Pvs { public: int Compress(); }; class ObjectPvs: public Pvs { public: /** Counts object int the pvs. Different to method "GetSize", not only the raw container size is returned, but the individual contributions of the entries are summed up. */ float EvalPvsCost() const; }; //////////// //-- typedefs typedef PvsEntry ObjectPvsEntry; typedef std::vector ObjectPvsEntries; typedef Pvs ViewCellPvs; typedef PvsIterator ObjectPvsIterator; } #endif