1 | #ifndef __RAY_H__
2 | #define __RAY_H__
3 |
4 | #include <vector>
5 | #include <algorithm>
6 | #include "Matrix4x4.h"
7 | #include "Vector3.h"
8 |
9 |
10 | namespace GtpVisibilityPreprocessor {
11 |
12 | // forward declarations
13 | class Plane3;
14 | class Intersectable;
15 | class KdLeaf;
16 | class MeshInstance;
17 | class ViewCell;
18 | class BspLeaf;
19 | class VssRay;
20 |
21 |
22 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
23 | // CRay class. A ray is defined by a location and a direction.
24 | // The direction is always normalized (length == 1).
25 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
26 |
27 | class Ray
28 | {
29 | public:
31 |
33 |
34 | /// if ray is on back (front) side of plane, or goes from the
35 | /// front (back) to the back (front)
37 |
38 | struct Intersection
39 | {
40 | /// the point of intersection
41 | float mT;
42 |
43 | /// the normal of the intersection
44 | Vector3 mNormal;
45 |
46 | /// can be either mesh or a viewcell
47 | Intersectable *mObject;
48 |
49 | /// the face of the intersectable
50 | int mFace;
51 |
52 | Intersection(const float t,
53 | const Vector3 &normal,
54 | Intersectable *object,
55 | const int face):
56 | mT(t), mNormal(normal), mObject(object), mFace(face)
57 | {}
58 |
59 | Intersection(): mT(0), mNormal(0,0,0), mObject(NULL), mFace(0)
60 | {}
61 |
62 | bool operator<(const Intersection &b) const
63 | {
64 | return mT < b.mT;
65 | }
66 | };
67 |
68 |
69 | // I should have some abstract cell data type !!! here
70 | // corresponds to the spatial elementary cell
71 | /** intersection with the source object if any */
72 | Intersection sourceObject;
73 |
74 | vector<Intersection> intersections;
75 | // vector<BspIntersection> bspIntersections;
76 | vector<KdLeaf *> kdLeaves;
77 | vector<Intersectable *> testedObjects;
78 |
79 | // various flags
81 | int mFlags;
82 |
83 |
84 | // constructors
85 | Ray(const Vector3 &wherefrom,
86 | const Vector3 &whichdir,
87 | const int _type):mFlags(CULL_BACKFACES) {
88 | loc = wherefrom;
89 | if (_type == LINE_SEGMENT)
90 | dir = whichdir;
91 | else
92 | dir = Normalize(whichdir);
93 | mType = _type;
94 | depth = 0;
95 | Init();
96 | }
97 | // dummy constructor
98 | Ray() {}
99 |
100 | /** Construct ray from a vss ray.
101 | */
102 | Ray(const VssRay &vssRay) {
103 | Init(vssRay);
104 | mFlags |= CULL_BACKFACES;
105 | }
106 |
107 | void Clear() {
108 | intersections.clear();
109 | kdLeaves.clear();
110 | testedObjects.clear();
111 | // bspIntersections.clear();
112 | }
113 |
114 | void Init(const VssRay &vssRay);
115 |
116 | void SortIntersections() {
117 | sort(intersections.begin(), intersections.end());
118 | }
119 |
120 | Intersectable *GetIntersectionObject(const int i) const {
121 | return intersections[i].mObject;
122 | }
123 |
124 | Vector3 GetIntersectionPoint(const int i) const {
125 | return Extrap(intersections[i].mT);
126 | }
127 |
128 | // Inititalize the ray again when already constructed
129 | void Init(const Vector3 &wherefrom,
130 | const Vector3 &whichdir,
131 | const int _type,
132 | bool dirNormalized = false) {
133 | loc = wherefrom;
134 | dir = (dirNormalized || _type == LINE_SEGMENT) ? whichdir: Normalize(whichdir) ;
135 | mType = _type;
136 | depth = 0;
137 | Init();
138 | Precompute();
139 | }
140 |
141 | // --------------------------------------------------------
142 | // Extrapolate ray given a signed distance, returns a point
143 | // --------------------------------------------------------
144 | Vector3 Extrap(float t) const {
145 | return loc + dir * t;
146 | }
147 |
148 | // -----------------------------------
149 | // Return parameter given point on ray
150 | // -----------------------------------
151 | float Interp(Vector3 &x) const {
152 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
153 | if (Abs(dir[i]) > Limits::Small)
154 | return (x[i] - loc[i]) / dir[i];
155 | return 0;
156 | }
157 |
158 | // -----------------------------------
159 | // Reflects direction of reflection for the ray,
160 | // given the normal to the surface.
161 | // -----------------------------------
162 | Vector3 ReflectRay(const Vector3 &N) const {
163 | return N * 2.0 * DotProd(N, -dir) + dir;
164 | }
165 | void ReflectRay(Vector3 &result, const Vector3 &N) const {
166 | result = N * 2.0 * DotProd(N, -dir) + dir;
167 | }
168 |
169 | // Computes the inverted direction of the ray, used optionally by
170 | // a ray traversal algorithm.
171 | void ComputeInvertedDir() const;
172 |
173 | // Given the matrix 4x4, transforms the ray to another space
174 | void ApplyTransform(const Matrix4x4 &tform) {
175 | loc = tform * loc;
176 | dir = RotateOnly(tform, dir);
177 | // note that normalization to the unit size of the direction
178 | // is NOT computed -- this is what we want.
179 | Precompute();
180 | }
181 |
182 | // returns ID of this ray (use for mailboxes)
183 | int GetId() const { return ID; }
184 |
185 | // returns the transfrom ID of the ray (use for ray transformations)
186 | int GetTransformID() const { return transfID; }
187 |
188 | // copy the transform ID from an input ray
189 | void CopyTransformID(const Ray &ray) { transfID = ray.transfID; }
190 |
191 | // set unique ID for a given ray - always avoid setting to zero
192 | void SetId() {
193 | if ((ID = ++genID) == 0)
194 | ID = ++genID;
195 | transfID = ID;
196 | }
197 | // set ID to explicit value - it can be even 0 for rays transformed
198 | // to the canonical object space to supress the mailbox failure.
199 | void SetId(int newID) {
200 | ID = newID;
201 | // note that transfID is not changed!
202 | }
203 |
204 |
205 | // the object on which the ray starts at
206 | const Intersection* GetStartObject() const { return &intersections[0]; }
207 | const Intersection* GetStopObject() const { return &intersections[intersections.size()-1]; }
208 |
209 |
210 | void SetLoc(const Vector3 &l);
211 | Vector3& GetLoc() { return loc; }
212 | Vector3 GetLoc() const { return loc; }
213 |
214 | float GetLoc(const int axis) const { return loc[axis]; }
215 |
216 | void SetDir(const Vector3 &ndir) { dir = ndir;}
217 | Vector3& GetDir() { return dir; }
218 | Vector3 GetDir() const { return dir; }
219 | float GetDir(const int axis) const { return dir[axis]; }
220 |
221 | int GetType() const { return mType; }
222 | void SetType(const int t) { mType = t; }
223 |
224 | // make such operation to slightly change the ray direction
225 | // in case any component of ray direction is zero.
226 | void CorrectZeroComponents();
227 |
228 | // the depth of the ray - primary rays are in the depth 0
229 | int GetDepth() const { return depth;}
230 | void SetDepth(int newDepth) { depth = newDepth;}
231 |
232 | /** Classifies ray with respect to the plane.
233 | */
234 | int ClassifyPlane(const Plane3 &plane,
235 | const float minT,
236 | const float maxT,
237 | Vector3 &entP,
238 | Vector3 &extP) const;
239 |
240 | Vector3 GetInvDir() const { return invDir; }
241 |
242 | // precompute some values that are necessary
243 | void Precompute();
244 |
245 | private:
246 | Vector3 loc, dir; // Describes ray origin and vector
247 |
248 | // The inverted direction of the ray components. It is computed optionally
249 | // by the ray traversal algorithm using function ComputeInvertedDir();
250 | mutable Vector3 invDir;
251 |
252 | // Type of the ray: primary, shadow, dummy etc., see ERayType above
253 | int mType;
254 |
255 |
256 | // unique ID of a ray for the use in the mailboxes
257 | int ID;
258 |
259 | // unique ID of a ray for the use with a transformations - this one
260 | // never can be changed that allows the nesting of transformations
261 | // and caching the transformed rays correctly
262 | int transfID;
263 |
264 | // the ID generator fo each ray instantiated
265 | static int genID;
266 |
267 | // When ray shot from the source(camera/light), this number is equal
268 | // to the number of bounces of the ray, also called the depth of the
269 | // ray (primary ray has its depth zero)
270 | int depth;
271 |
272 |
273 |
274 | void Init();
275 |
276 |
277 | friend class AxisAlignedBox3;
278 | friend class Plane3;
279 |
280 | // for CKDR GEMS
281 | friend float DistanceToXPlane(const Vector3 &vec, const Ray &ray);
282 | friend float DistanceToYPlane(const Vector3 &vec, const Ray &ray);
283 | friend float DistanceToZPlane(const Vector3 &vec, const Ray &ray);
284 | friend int MakeIntersectLine(const Plane3 &p, const Plane3 &q, Ray &ray);
285 |
286 | friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &s, const Ray &r) {
287 | return s<<"Ray:loc="<<r.loc<<" dir="<<r.dir;
288 | }
289 | };
290 |
291 |
292 | class PassingRaySet {
293 | public:
294 | enum { Resolution = 2 };
295 | int mDirectionalContributions[3*Resolution*Resolution];
296 | int mRays;
297 | int mContributions;
298 |
299 | PassingRaySet() {
300 | Reset();
301 | }
302 |
303 | void
304 | Reset();
305 |
306 | void AddRay(const Ray &ray, const int contributions);
307 | void AddRay2(const Ray &ray,
308 | const int objects,
309 | const int viewcells);
310 |
311 | int GetEntryIndex(const Vector3 &direction) const;
312 |
313 | friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &s, const PassingRaySet &set);
314 |
315 | };
316 |
317 |
318 | }
319 |
320 | #endif
321 |