1 | #include "SceneGraph.h"
2 | #include "KdTree.h"
3 | #include "SamplingPreprocessor.h"
4 | #include "X3dExporter.h"
5 | #include "Environment.h"
6 | #include "MutualVisibility.h"
7 | #include "Polygon3.h"
8 | #include "ViewCell.h"
9 | #include "ViewCellsManager.h"
10 | #include "RenderSimulator.h"
11 | #include "VssRay.h"
12 | #include "SamplingStrategy.h"
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 | namespace GtpVisibilityPreprocessor {
17 |
18 |
19 | SamplingPreprocessor::SamplingPreprocessor(): Preprocessor(), mPass(0)
20 | {
21 | // this should increase coherence of the samples
22 | Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue("SamplingPreprocessor.samplesPerPass", mSamplesPerPass);
23 | Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue("SamplingPreprocessor.totalSamples", mTotalSamples);
24 |
25 | }
26 |
27 | SamplingPreprocessor::~SamplingPreprocessor()
28 | {
29 | CLEAR_CONTAINER(mSampleRays);
30 | CLEAR_CONTAINER(mVssSampleRays);
31 | }
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 | void
37 | SamplingPreprocessor::VerifyVisibility(Intersectable *object)
38 | {
39 | #if 0 // 6.10. 2006 due to kdPVS removal from intersectable
40 | // mail all nodes from the pvs
41 | Intersectable::NewMail();
42 | KdPvsMap::iterator i = object->mKdPvs.mEntries.begin();
43 | for (; i != object->mKdPvs.mEntries.end(); i++) {
44 | KdNode *node = (*i).first;
45 | node->Mail();
46 | }
47 | Debug << "Get all neighbours from PVS" << endl;
48 | vector<KdNode *> invisibleNeighbors;
49 | // get all neighbors of all PVS nodes
50 | i = object->mKdPvs.mEntries.begin();
51 | for (; i != object->mKdPvs.mEntries.end(); i++) {
52 | KdNode *node = (*i).first;
53 | mKdTree->FindNeighbors(node, invisibleNeighbors, true);
54 | AxisAlignedBox3 box = object->GetBox();
55 | for (int j=0; j < invisibleNeighbors.size(); j++) {
56 | int visibility = ComputeBoxVisibility(mSceneGraph,
57 | mKdTree,
58 | box,
59 | mKdTree->GetBox(invisibleNeighbors[j]),
60 | 1e-6f);
61 | // exit(0);
62 | }
63 | // now rank all the neighbors according to probability that a new
64 | // sample creates some contribution
65 | }
66 | #endif
67 | }
68 |
69 | bool
70 | SamplingPreprocessor::ComputeVisibility()
71 | {
72 |
73 | Debug << "type: sampling" << endl;
74 |
75 | cout<<"Sampling Preprocessor started\n"<<flush;
76 | // cout<<"Memory/ray "<<sizeof(VssRay)+sizeof(RssTreeNode::RayInfo)<<endl;
77 |
78 | Randomize(0);
79 | const long startTime = GetTime();
80 | int totalSamples = 0;
81 |
82 | // if not already loaded, construct view cells from file
83 | if (!mLoadViewCells) {
84 | ConstructViewCells();
85 | }
86 |
87 | int intersectables, faces;
88 | mSceneGraph->GetStatistics(intersectables, faces);
89 | HaltonSequence halton;
90 |
91 | int samples = 0;
92 | int i=0;
93 | while (samples < mTotalSamples) {
94 | for (i=0; i < mSamplesPerPass;) {
95 | SimpleRayContainer rays;
96 | VssRayContainer vssRays;
97 | vector<ViewCell *> viewcells;
98 | for (; rays.size() < 16; ) {
99 | if (i%10000 == 0)
100 | cout<<"+";
101 |
102 | float r[5];
103 | halton.GetNext(5, r);
104 | Vector3 origin, direction;
105 | mViewCellsManager->GetViewPoint(origin, Vector3(r[0], r[1], r[2]));
106 |
107 | direction = UniformRandomVector(r[3],r[4]);
108 | ViewCell *viewcell = mViewCellsManager->GetViewCell(origin);
109 |
110 | if (viewcell && viewcell->GetValid()) {
111 | viewcells.push_back(viewcell);
112 | // cast rays in both directions to make the number of samples comparable
113 | // with the global sampling method which also casts a "double" ray per sample
114 | rays.push_back(SimpleRay(origin,
115 | direction,
117 | 1.0f));
118 | i++;
119 | samples++;
120 | }
121 | }
122 |
123 | CastRays(rays,
124 | vssRays,
125 | true,
126 | false);
127 |
128 | if (vssRays.size()!=32) {
129 | cerr<<"wrong number of rays "<<(int)vssRays.size()<<endl;
130 | exit(1);
131 | }
132 |
133 | for (int j=0; j < vssRays.size(); j++)
134 | if (vssRays[j]->mFlags & VssRay::Valid) {
135 | Intersectable *obj = mViewCellsManager->GetIntersectable(*(vssRays[j]),
136 | true);
137 | if (obj) {
138 | // if ray not outside of view space
139 | float contribution;
140 | int pvsContribution = 0;
141 | float relativePvsContribution = 0;
142 | float pdf = 1.0f;
143 | ViewCell *viewcell = viewcells[j/2];
144 | if (viewcell->GetPvs().GetSampleContribution(obj,
145 | pdf,
146 | contribution))
147 | ++pvsContribution;
148 | relativePvsContribution += contribution;
149 | viewcell->GetPvs().AddSample(obj, pdf);
150 | }
151 | }
152 |
153 | CLEAR_CONTAINER(vssRays);
154 |
155 | if (samples > mTotalSamples)
156 | break;
157 | }
158 |
159 | #if 0
160 | Debug<<"Valid viewcells before set validity: "<<mViewCellsManager->CountValidViewcells()<<endl;
161 | mViewCellsManager->SetValidity(0, intersectables/2);
162 | Debug<<"Valid viewcells after set validity: "<<mViewCellsManager->CountValidViewcells()<<endl;
163 | #endif
164 |
165 | // mVssRays.PrintStatistics(mStats);
166 | mStats <<
167 | "#Time\n" << TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime())*1e-3<<endl<<
168 | "#TotalSamples\n" <<samples<<endl;
169 |
170 | mViewCellsManager->PrintPvsStatistics(mStats);
171 | // ComputeRenderError();
172 | }
173 |
174 | if (0) {
175 | Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter("ray-density.x3d");
176 | exporter->SetExportRayDensity(true);
177 | exporter->ExportKdTree(*mKdTree);
178 | delete exporter;
179 | }
180 |
181 |
182 | // $$JB temporary removed
183 | // mViewCellsManager->PostProcess(objects, mSampleRays);
184 |
185 | //-- several visualizations and statistics
186 | Debug << "view cells after post processing: " << endl;
187 | mViewCellsManager->PrintStatistics(Debug);
188 |
189 | EvalViewCellHistogram();
190 |
191 | //-- render simulation after merge
192 | cout << "\nevaluating bsp view cells render time after merge ... ";
193 |
194 | mRenderSimulator->RenderScene();
195 | SimulationStatistics ss;
196 | mRenderSimulator->GetStatistics(ss);
197 |
198 | cout << " finished" << endl;
199 | cout << ss << endl;
200 | Debug << ss << endl;
201 |
202 | // $$JB temporary removed
203 | //mViewCellsManager->Visualize(objects, mSampleRays);
204 |
205 | return true;
206 | }
207 |
208 |
209 | }