#include "Triangle3.h" #include "Ray.h" #include "SimpleRay.h" #include "AxisAlignedBox3.h" #include "Containers.h" #include "Polygon3.h" using namespace std; namespace GtpVisibilityPreprocessor { Triangle3::Triangle3(const Vector3 &a, const Vector3 &b, const Vector3 &c) { Init(a, b, c); } void Triangle3::Init(const Vector3 &a, const Vector3 &b, const Vector3 &c) { mVertices[0] = a; mVertices[1] = b; mVertices[2] = c; } float Triangle3::GetSpatialAngle(const Vector3 &point) const { return 0.0f; } int Triangle3::CastRay(const Ray &ray, float &t, const float nearestT, Vector3 &normal) const { ////////////// // specialised triangle ray casting version // using ray-plane intersection // get triangle edge vectors and plane normal const Vector3 u = mVertices[0] - mVertices[1]; const Vector3 v = mVertices[2] - mVertices[1]; // cross product normal = Normalize(CrossProd(v, u)); // ray direction vector const Vector3 dir = ray.GetDir(); const Vector3 w0 = ray.GetLoc() - mVertices[1]; // params to calc ray-plane intersect const float a = -DotProd(normal, w0); const float b = DotProd(normal, dir); // check for division by zero if (fabs(b) < Limits::Small) { // ray is parallel to triangle plane if (a == 0) { // ray lies in triangle plane return Ray::INTERSECTION_OUT_OF_LIMITS; } else { // ray disjoint from plane return Ray::NO_INTERSECTION; } } // distance from origin of ray to plane t = a / b; if (t <= Limits::Small) // ray goes away from triangle { return Ray::INTERSECTION_OUT_OF_LIMITS; } // already found nearer intersection else if ((ray.GetType() == Ray::LOCAL_RAY) && (t >= nearestT)) { return Ray::NO_INTERSECTION; } ///////////////// //-- found intersection point //-- check if it is inside triangle const Vector3 pt = ray.GetLoc() + t * dir; #if GTP_DEBUG if (!pt.CheckValidity()) { cout << "tr: " << *this << endl; cout << "v: " << pt << " t: " << t << " a: " << a << " b: " << b << " n: " << normal << endl; } #endif const Vector3 w = pt - mVertices[1]; const float uu = DotProd(u, u); const float uv = DotProd(u, v); const float vv = DotProd(v, v); const float wu = DotProd(w, u); const float wv = DotProd(w, v); const float D = uv * uv - uu * vv; // get and test parametric coords const float s = (uv * wv - vv * wu) / D; if ((s < -Limits::Small) || (s > 1.0f + Limits::Small)) // pt is outside triangle { return Ray::NO_INTERSECTION; } const float s2 = (uv * wu - uu * wv) / D; if ((s2 < -Limits::Small) || ((s + s2) > 1.0f + Limits::Small)) // pt is outside triangle { return Ray::NO_INTERSECTION; } return Ray::INTERSECTION; // I is in T } int Triangle3::CastSimpleRay(const SimpleRay &ray, float &t, const float nearestT) const { ////////////// // specialised triangle ray casting version // using ray-plane intersection // get triangle edge vectors and plane normal const Vector3 u = mVertices[0] - mVertices[1]; const Vector3 v = mVertices[2] - mVertices[1]; // cross product const Vector3 normal = Normalize(CrossProd(v, u)); // ray direction vector const Vector3 dir = ray.mDirection; const Vector3 w0 = ray.mOrigin - mVertices[1]; // params to calc ray-plane intersect const float a = -DotProd(normal, w0); const float b = DotProd(normal, dir); // check for division by zero if (fabs(b) < Limits::Small) { // ray is parallel to triangle plane if (a == 0) { // ray lies in triangle plane return Ray::INTERSECTION_OUT_OF_LIMITS; } else { // ray disjoint from plane return Ray::NO_INTERSECTION; } } // distance from origin of ray to plane t = a / b; if (t <= Limits::Small) // ray goes away from triangle { return Ray::INTERSECTION_OUT_OF_LIMITS; } // already found nearer intersection if (t > nearestT + 1e-5) { return Ray::NO_INTERSECTION; } ///////////////// //-- found intersection point //-- check if it is inside triangle const Vector3 pt = ray.mOrigin + t * dir; #if GTP_DEBUG if (!pt.CheckValidity()) { cout << "tr: " << *this << endl; cout << "v: " << pt << " t: " << t << " a: " << a << " b: " << b << " n: " << normal << endl; } #endif const Vector3 w = pt - mVertices[1]; const float uu = DotProd(u, u); const float uv = DotProd(u, v); const float vv = DotProd(v, v); const float wu = DotProd(w, u); const float wv = DotProd(w, v); const float D = uv * uv - uu * vv; // get and test parametric coords const float s = (uv * wv - vv * wu) / D; if ((s < -Limits::Small) || (s > 1.0f + Limits::Small)) // pt is outside triangle { return Ray::NO_INTERSECTION; } const float s2 = (uv * wu - uu * wv) / D; if ((s2 < -Limits::Small) || ((s + s2) > 1.0f + Limits::Small)) // pt is outside triangle { return Ray::NO_INTERSECTION; } return Ray::INTERSECTION; // I is in T } AxisAlignedBox3 Triangle3::GetBoundingBox() const { AxisAlignedBox3 box; box.Initialize(); box.Include(mVertices[0]); box.Include(mVertices[1]); box.Include(mVertices[2]); box.EnlargeToMinSize(); return box; } Vector3 Triangle3::GetNormal() const { const Vector3 v1 = mVertices[0] - mVertices[1]; const Vector3 v2 = mVertices[2] - mVertices[1]; return Normalize(CrossProd(v2, v1)); } Vector3 Triangle3::GetCenter() const { return (mVertices[0] + mVertices[1] + mVertices[2]) / 3.0f; } float Triangle3::GetArea() const { Vector3 v1 = mVertices[0] - mVertices[1], v2=mVertices[2] - mVertices[1]; return 0.5f * Magnitude(CrossProd(v2, v1)); } bool Triangle3::CheckValidity() const { return !( EpsilonEqualV3(mVertices[0], mVertices[1]) || EpsilonEqualV3(mVertices[0], mVertices[2]) || EpsilonEqualV3(mVertices[1], mVertices[2]) ); } bool Triangle3::GetPlaneIntersection(const Plane3 &plane, Vector3 &intersectA, Vector3 &intersectB) const { int side[3]; // compute distance from plane for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i) { side[i] = plane.Side(mVertices[i], Limits::Small); } ///// // no intersection => early exit if (((side[0] > 0) && (side[1] > 0) && (side[2] > 0)) || ((side[0] < 0) && (side[1] < 0) && (side[2] < 0))) { return false; } ///////////// // at least 2 triangle vertices lie in plane => early exit for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i) { if (!side[i] && !side[(i + 1) % 3]) { intersectA = mVertices[i]; intersectB = mVertices[(i + 1) % 3]; return true; } } bool foundA = false; // compute intersection points for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i) { const int i_2 = (i + 1) % 3; // intersection found if ((side[i] >= 0) && (side[i_2] <= 0) || (side[i] <= 0) && (side[i_2] >= 0)) { const float t = plane.FindT(mVertices[i], mVertices[i_2]); if (!foundA) { intersectA = mVertices[i] + t * (mVertices[i_2] - mVertices[i]); foundA = true; } else { intersectB = mVertices[i] + t * (mVertices[i_2] - mVertices[i]); return true; } } } cout << "warning! wrong triangle - plane intersection" << endl; return false; // something went wrong! } }