#include "ViewCell.h" #include "Mesh.h" #include "Intersectable.h" #include "MeshKdTree.h" #include "Triangle3.h" #include "common.h" #include "Environment.h" #include "ViewCellsManager.h" #include "Exporter.h" #include #include #include template class myless { public: //bool operator() (HierarchyNode *v1, HierarchyNode *v2) const bool operator() (T v1, T v2) const { return (v1->GetMergeCost() < v2->GetMergeCost()); } }; typedef priority_queue, myless::value_type> > TraversalQueue; int ViewCell::sMailId = 21843194198; int ViewCell::sReservedMailboxes = 1; int ViewCell::sLastUpdated = 0; //int upperPvsLimit = 120; //int lowerPvsLimit = 5; float MergeCandidate::sRenderCostWeight = 0; // pvs penalty can be different from pvs size inline float EvalPvsPenalty(const int pvs, const int lower, const int upper) { // clamp to minmax values /*if (pvs < lower) return (float)lower; if (pvs > upper) return (float)upper; */ return (float)pvs; } inline int CountDiffPvs(ViewCell *vc) { int count = 0; ObjectPvsMap::const_iterator it, it_end = vc->GetPvs().mEntries.end(); for (it = vc->GetPvs().mEntries.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { if (!(*it).first->Mailed()) { (*it).first->Mail(); ++ count; } } return count; } int ComputeMergedPvsSize(const ObjectPvs &pvs1, const ObjectPvs &pvs2) { int pvs = pvs1.GetSize(); // compute new pvs size ObjectPvsMap::const_iterator it, it_end = pvs1.mEntries.end(); Intersectable::NewMail(); for (it = pvs1.mEntries.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { (*it).first->Mail(); } it_end = pvs2.mEntries.end(); for (it = pvs2.mEntries.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { Intersectable *obj = (*it).first; if (!obj->Mailed()) ++ pvs; } return pvs; } ViewCell::ViewCell(): MeshInstance(NULL), mPiercingRays(0), mArea(-1), mVolume(-1), mValid(true), mParent(NULL), mMergeCost(0), mIsActive(false) { } ViewCell::ViewCell(Mesh *mesh): MeshInstance(mesh), mPiercingRays(0), mArea(-1), mVolume(-1), mValid(true), mParent(NULL), mMergeCost(0), mIsActive(false), mLastUpdated(sLastUpdated) { } const ObjectPvs &ViewCell::GetPvs() const { return mPvs; } ObjectPvs &ViewCell::GetPvs() { return mPvs; } int ViewCell::Type() const { return VIEW_CELL; } float ViewCell::GetVolume() const { return mVolume; } void ViewCell::SetVolume(float volume) { mVolume = volume; } void ViewCell::SetMesh(Mesh *mesh) { mMesh = mesh; } float ViewCell::GetArea() const { return mArea; } void ViewCell::SetArea(float area) { mArea = area; } void ViewCell::SetValid(const bool valid) { mValid = valid; } bool ViewCell::GetValid() const { return mValid; } void ViewCell::SetParent(ViewCellInterior *parent) { mParent = parent; } bool ViewCell::IsRoot() const { return !mParent; } ViewCellInterior *ViewCell::GetParent() const { return mParent; } void ViewCell::SetMergeCost(const float mergeCost) { mMergeCost = mergeCost; } float ViewCell::GetMergeCost() const { return mMergeCost; } void ViewCell::SetActive() { mIsActive = true; mLastUpdated = sLastUpdated; } bool ViewCell::IsActive() const { return mIsActive && (mLastUpdated == sLastUpdated); } /************************************************************************/ /* class ViewCellInterior implementation */ /************************************************************************/ ViewCellInterior::ViewCellInterior() { } ViewCellInterior::~ViewCellInterior() { ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = mChildren.end(); for (it = mChildren.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) delete (*it); } ViewCellInterior::ViewCellInterior(Mesh *mesh): ViewCell(mesh) { } bool ViewCellInterior::IsLeaf() const { return false; } void ViewCellInterior::SetupChildLink(ViewCell *vc) { mChildren.push_back(vc); vc->mParent = this; } void ViewCellInterior::RemoveChildLink(ViewCell *l) { // erase leaf from old view cell ViewCellContainer::iterator it = mChildren.begin(); for (; (*it) != l; ++ it); if (it == mChildren.end()) Debug << "error" << endl; else mChildren.erase(it); } /************************************************************************/ /* class ViewCellsStatistics implementation */ /************************************************************************/ void ViewCellsStatistics::Print(ostream &app) const { app << "=========== View Cells Statistics ===============\n"; app << setprecision(4); //app << "#N_CTIME ( Construction time [s] )\n" << Time() << " \n"; app << "#N_OVERALLPVS ( objects in PVS )\n" << pvsSize << endl; app << "#N_PMAXPVS ( largest PVS )\n" << maxPvs << endl; app << "#N_PMINPVS ( smallest PVS )\n" << minPvs << endl; app << "#N_PAVGPVS ( average PVS )\n" << AvgPvs() << endl; app << "#N_PEMPTYPVS ( view cells with empty PVS )\n" << emptyPvs << endl; app << "#N_VIEWCELLS ( number of view cells)\n" << viewCells << endl; app << "#N_AVGLEAVES (average number of leaves per view cell )\n" << AvgLeaves() << endl; app << "#N_MAXLEAVES ( maximal number of leaves per view cell )\n" << maxLeaves << endl; app << "#N_INVALID ( number of invalid view cells )\n" << invalid << endl; app << "========== End of View Cells Statistics ==========\n"; } /*************************************************************************/ /* class ViewCellsTree implementation */ /*************************************************************************/ ViewCellsTree::ViewCellsTree(ViewCellsManager *vcm): mRoot(NULL), mUseAreaForPvs(false), mViewCellsManager(vcm), mIsCompressed(false) { environment->GetBoolValue("ViewCells.Visualization.exportMergedViewCells", mExportMergedViewCells); environment->GetFloatValue("ViewCells.maxStaticMemory", mMaxMemory); //-- merge options environment->GetFloatValue("ViewCells.PostProcess.renderCostWeight", mRenderCostWeight); environment->GetIntValue("ViewCells.PostProcess.minViewCells", mMergeMinViewCells); environment->GetFloatValue("ViewCells.PostProcess.maxCostRatio", mMergeMaxCostRatio); environment->GetBoolValue("ViewCells.PostProcess.refine", mRefineViewCells); Debug << "========= view cell tree options ================\n"; Debug << "minimum view cells: " << mMergeMinViewCells << endl; Debug << "max cost ratio: " << mMergeMaxCostRatio << endl; Debug << "max memory: " << mMaxMemory << endl; Debug << "refining view cells: " << mRefineViewCells << endl; Debug << "********* view cell tree options ***************\n"; MergeCandidate::sRenderCostWeight = mRenderCostWeight; } // return memory usage in MB float ViewCellsTree::GetMemUsage() const { return 0; /*(sizeof(ViewCellsTree) + mBspStats.Leaves() * sizeof(BspLeaf) + mBspStats.Interior() * sizeof(BspInterior) + mBspStats.accumRays * sizeof(RayInfo)) / (1024.0f * 1024.0f);*/ } int ViewCellsTree::GetSize(ViewCell *vc) const { int vcSize = 0; stack tstack; tstack.push(vc); while (!tstack.empty()) { ViewCell *vc = tstack.top(); tstack.pop(); if (vc->IsLeaf()) { ++ vcSize; } else { ViewCellInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(vc); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = interior->mChildren.end(); for (it = interior->mChildren.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) tstack.push(*it); } } return vcSize; } void ViewCellsTree::CollectLeaves(ViewCell *vc, ViewCellContainer &leaves) const { stack tstack; tstack.push(vc); while (!tstack.empty()) { ViewCell *vc = tstack.top(); tstack.pop(); if (vc->IsLeaf()) { leaves.push_back(vc); } else { ViewCellInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(vc); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = interior->mChildren.end(); for (it = interior->mChildren.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { tstack.push(*it); } } } } ViewCellsTree::~ViewCellsTree() { DEL_PTR(mRoot); } int ViewCellsTree::ConstructMergeTree(const VssRayContainer &rays, const ObjectContainer &objects) { mNumActiveViewCells = (int)mViewCellsManager->GetViewCells().size(); float variance = 0; int totalPvs = 0; float totalRenderCost = 0; //-- compute statistics values of initial view cells mViewCellsManager->EvaluateRenderStatistics(totalRenderCost, mExpectedCost, mDeviation, variance, totalPvs, mAvgRenderCost); //-- fill merge queue vector candidates; mViewCellsManager->CollectMergeCandidates(rays, candidates); while(!candidates.empty()) { MergeCandidate mc = candidates.back(); candidates.pop_back(); EvalMergeCost(mc); mMergeQueue.push(mc); } Debug << "************************* merge ***********************************" << endl; Debug << "deviation: " << mDeviation << endl; Debug << "avg render cost: " << mAvgRenderCost << endl; Debug << "expected cost: " << mExpectedCost << endl; ViewCellsManager::PvsStatistics pvsStats; mViewCellsManager->GetPvsStatistics(pvsStats); //static float expectedValue = pvsStats.avgPvs; // the current view cells are kept in this container // we start with the current view cells from the view cell manager. // The active view cells will change with subsequent merges Debug << "here2" << endl; Debug.flush(); // todo: should rather take initial view cells ViewCellContainer &activeViewCells = mViewCellsManager->GetViewCells(); //ViewCellContainer activeViewCells; Debug << "here2.6" << endl; Debug.flush(); ViewCell::NewMail(); MergeStatistics mergeStats; mergeStats.Start(); long startTime = GetTime(); mergeStats.collectTime = TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime()); mergeStats.candidates = (int)mMergeQueue.size(); startTime = GetTime(); // frequency stats are updated const int statsOut = 500; Debug << "here3" << endl; Debug.flush(); // passes are needed for statistics, because we don't want to record // every merge int pass = 0; int mergedPerPass = 0; float realExpectedCost = mExpectedCost; float realAvgRenderCost = mAvgRenderCost; int realNumActiveViewCells = mNumActiveViewCells; // maximal ratio of old expected render cost to expected render // when the the render queue has to be reset. float avgCostMaxDeviation; int maxMergesPerPass; int numMergedViewCells = 0; Debug << "here5" << endl; Debug.flush(); environment->GetIntValue("ViewCells.PostProcess.maxMergesPerPass", maxMergesPerPass); environment->GetFloatValue("ViewCells.PostProcess.avgCostMaxDeviation", avgCostMaxDeviation); cout << "actual merge starts now ... " << endl; //-- use priority queue to merge leaf pairs //const float maxAvgCost = 350; while (!mMergeQueue.empty())//NumActiveViewCells > mMergeMinViewCells)) { //-- reset merge queue if the ratio of current expected cost / real expected cost // too small or after a given number of merges if ((mergedPerPass > maxMergesPerPass) || (avgCostMaxDeviation > mAvgRenderCost / realAvgRenderCost)) { Debug << "************ reset queue *****************\n" << "ratios: " << avgCostMaxDeviation << " real avg render cost " << realAvgRenderCost << " average render cost " << mAvgRenderCost << " merged per pass : " << mergedPerPass << " of maximal " << maxMergesPerPass << endl; Debug << "Values before reset: " << " erc: " << mExpectedCost << " avgrc: " << mAvgRenderCost << " dev: " << mDeviation << endl; // adjust render cost ++ pass; mergedPerPass = 0; mExpectedCost = realExpectedCost; mAvgRenderCost = realAvgRenderCost; mNumActiveViewCells = realNumActiveViewCells; const int numMergedViewCells = UpdateActiveViewCells(activeViewCells); //-- resets / refines the view cells //-- priorities are recomputed //-- the candidates are put back into merge queue if (mRefineViewCells) RefineViewCells(rays, objects); else ResetMergeQueue(); Debug << "Values after reset: " << " erc: " << mExpectedCost << " avg: " << mAvgRenderCost << " dev: " << mDeviation << endl; if (mExportMergedViewCells) { ExportMergedViewCells(activeViewCells, objects, numMergedViewCells); } } MergeCandidate mc = mMergeQueue.top(); mMergeQueue.pop(); // both view cells equal because of previous merges // NOTE: do I really still need this? probably cannot happen!! if (mc.mLeftViewCell == mc.mRightViewCell) continue; if (mc.IsValid()) { ViewCell::NewMail(); //-- update statistical values -- realNumActiveViewCells; ++ mergeStats.merged; ++ mergedPerPass; const float renderCostIncr = mc.GetRenderCost(); const float mergeCostIncr = mc.GetMergeCost(); totalRenderCost += renderCostIncr; mDeviation += mc.GetDeviationIncr(); //-- merge the view cells of leaf1 and leaf2 int pvsDiff; ViewCellInterior *mergedVc = MergeViewCells(mc.mLeftViewCell, mc.mRightViewCell, pvsDiff); // total render cost and deviation has changed // real expected cost will be larger than expected cost used for the // cost heuristics, but cannot recompute costs on each increase of the // expected cost totalPvs += pvsDiff; realExpectedCost = totalRenderCost / (float)realNumActiveViewCells; realAvgRenderCost = (float)totalPvs / (float)realNumActiveViewCells; // set merge cost to this node mergedVc->SetMergeCost(totalRenderCost); //if (mViewCellsManager->EqualToSpatialNode(mergedVc)) // ++ mergeStats.siblings; mergedVc->SetCost(realExpectedCost); if ((mergeStats.merged % statsOut) == 0) cout << "merged " << mergeStats.merged << " view cells" << endl; } else { // merge candidate not valid, because one of the leaves was already // merged with another one => validate and reinsert into queue if (ValidateMergeCandidate(mc)) { EvalMergeCost(mc); mMergeQueue.push(mc); } } } // adjust stats and reset queue one final time mExpectedCost = realExpectedCost; mAvgRenderCost = realAvgRenderCost; mNumActiveViewCells = realNumActiveViewCells; UpdateActiveViewCells(activeViewCells); // refine view cells and reset costs if (mRefineViewCells) RefineViewCells(rays, objects); else ResetMergeQueue(); // create a root node if the merge was not done till root level, // else take the single node as new root if ((int)activeViewCells.size() > 1) { Debug << "creating root of view cell hierarchy for " << (int)activeViewCells.size() << " view cells" << endl; ViewCellInterior *root = mViewCellsManager->MergeViewCells(activeViewCells); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = root->mChildren.end(); for (it = root->mChildren.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) (*it)->SetParent(root); root->SetMergeCost(totalRenderCost); // $$JB keep this 0 temporarilly root->SetCost(0.0f); mRoot = root; } // normal case else if (!activeViewCells.empty()) { Debug << "setting root of the merge history" << endl; mRoot = activeViewCells[0]; Debug << "rootvc volume: " << mRoot->GetVolume() << endl; } //-- empty merge queue just in case while (!mMergeQueue.empty()) { mMergeQueue.pop(); } // TODO delete because makes no sense here mergeStats.expectedRenderCost = realExpectedCost; mergeStats.deviation = mDeviation; // we want to optimize this heuristics mergeStats.heuristics = mDeviation * (1.0f - mRenderCostWeight) + mExpectedCost * mRenderCostWeight; mergeStats.mergeTime = TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime()); mergeStats.Stop(); Debug << mergeStats << endl << endl; // assign colors for the view cells so that at least one is always consistent AssignRandomColors(); //TODO: should return sample contributions? return mergeStats.merged; } ViewCell *ViewCellsTree::GetRoot() const { return mRoot; } void ViewCellsTree::ResetMergeQueue() { cout << "reset merge queue ... "; vector buf; buf.reserve(mMergeQueue.size()); // store merge candidates in intermediate buffer while (!mMergeQueue.empty()) { MergeCandidate mc = mMergeQueue.top(); mMergeQueue.pop(); // recalculate cost if (ValidateMergeCandidate(mc)) { EvalMergeCost(mc); buf.push_back(mc); } } vector::const_iterator bit, bit_end = buf.end(); // reinsert back into queue for (bit = buf.begin(); bit != bit_end; ++ bit) { mMergeQueue.push(*bit); } cout << "finished" << endl; } int ViewCellsTree::UpdateActiveViewCells(ViewCellContainer &viewCells) { int numMergedViewCells = 0; Debug << "updating active vc: " << (int)viewCells.size() << endl; // find all already merged view cells and remove them from view cells // sort out all view cells which are not active anymore, i.e., they // were already part of a merge int i = 0; ViewCell::NewMail(); while (1) { // remove all merged view cells from end of the vector while (!viewCells.empty() && (viewCells.back()->GetParent())) { viewCells.pop_back(); } // all merged view cells have been found if (i >= (int)viewCells.size()) break; // already merged this view cell, put it to end of vector if (viewCells[i]->GetParent()) swap(viewCells[i], viewCells.back()); // mail view cell as it has not been merged viewCells[i]->Mail(); // increase loop counter ++ i; } // add new view cells to container only if they don't have been // merged in the mean time ViewCellContainer::const_iterator ait, ait_end = mMergedViewCells.end(); for (ait = mMergedViewCells.begin(); ait != ait_end; ++ ait) { ViewCell *vc = mMergedViewCells.back(); if (!vc->GetParent() && !vc->Mailed()) { vc->Mail(); viewCells.push_back(vc); ++ numMergedViewCells; } } mMergedViewCells.clear(); // update standard deviation ViewCellContainer::const_iterator vit, vit_end = viewCells.end(); mDeviation = 0; for (vit = viewCells.begin(); vit != vit_end; ++ vit) { int lower = mViewCellsManager->GetMinPvsSize(); int upper = mViewCellsManager->GetMaxPvsSize(); float penalty = EvalPvsPenalty((*vit)->GetPvs().GetSize(), lower, upper); mDeviation += fabs(mAvgRenderCost - penalty); } mDeviation /= (float)viewCells.size(); return numMergedViewCells; } void ViewCellsTree::ExportMergedViewCells(ViewCellContainer &viewCells, const ObjectContainer &objects, const int numMergedViewCells) { char s[64]; sprintf(s, "merged_viewcells%07d.x3d", (int)viewCells.size()); Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter(s); if (exporter) { cout << "exporting " << (int)viewCells.size() << " merged view cells ... "; exporter->ExportGeometry(objects); //Debug << "vc size " << (int)viewCells.size() << " merge queue size: " << (int)mMergeQueue.size() << endl; ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = viewCells.end(); int i = 0; for (it = viewCells.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { Material m; // assign special material to new view cells // new view cells are on the back of container if (i ++ >= (viewCells.size() - numMergedViewCells)) { //m = RandomMaterial(); m.mDiffuseColor.r = RandomValue(0.5f, 1.0f); m.mDiffuseColor.g = RandomValue(0.5f, 1.0f); m.mDiffuseColor.b = RandomValue(0.5f, 1.0f); } else { float col = RandomValue(0.1f, 0.4f); m.mDiffuseColor.r = col; m.mDiffuseColor.g = col; m.mDiffuseColor.b = col; } exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); mViewCellsManager->ExportViewCellGeometry(exporter, *it); } delete exporter; cout << "finished" << endl; } } // TODO: should be done in view cells manager ViewCellInterior *ViewCellsTree::MergeViewCells(ViewCell *l, ViewCell *r, int &pvsDiff) //const { ViewCellInterior *vc = mViewCellsManager->MergeViewCells(l, r); // if merge was unsuccessful if (!vc) return NULL; l->SetParent(vc); r->SetParent(vc); // set new size of view cell if (mUseAreaForPvs) { vc->SetArea(l->GetArea() + l->GetArea()); } else { vc->SetVolume(r->GetVolume() + l->GetVolume()); } // important so other merge candidates sharing this view cell // are notified that the merge cost must be updated!! vc->Mail(); const int pvs1 = l->GetPvs().GetSize(); const int pvs2 = r->GetPvs().GetSize(); // new view cells are stored in this vector mMergedViewCells.push_back(vc); pvsDiff = vc->GetPvs().GetSize() - pvs1 - pvs2; return vc; } int ViewCellsTree::RefineViewCells(const VssRayContainer &rays, const ObjectContainer &objects) { Debug << "refining " << (int)mMergeQueue.size() << " candidates " << endl; // intermediate buffer for shuffled view cells vector buf; buf.reserve(mMergeQueue.size()); // Use priority queue of remaining leaf pairs // The candidates either share the same view cells or // are border leaves which share a boundary. // We test if they can be shuffled, i.e., // either one leaf is made part of one view cell or the other // leaf is made part of the other view cell. It is tested if the // remaining view cells are "better" than the old ones. const int numPasses = 3; int pass = 0; int passShuffled = 0; int shuffled = 0; int shuffledViewCells = 0; ViewCell::NewMail(); while (!mMergeQueue.empty()) { MergeCandidate mc = mMergeQueue.top(); mMergeQueue.pop(); // both view cells equal or already shuffled if ((mc.GetLeftViewCell() == mc.GetRightViewCell()) || mc.GetLeftViewCell()->IsLeaf() || mc.GetRightViewCell()->IsLeaf()) { continue; } // candidate for shuffling const bool wasShuffled = ShuffleLeaves(mc); // shuffled or put into other queue for further refine if (wasShuffled) { ++ passShuffled; if (!mc.GetLeftViewCell()->Mailed()) { mc.GetLeftViewCell()->Mail(); ++ shuffledViewCells; } if (!mc.GetRightViewCell()->Mailed()) { mc.GetRightViewCell()->Mail(); ++ shuffledViewCells; } } // put back into intermediate vector buf.push_back(mc); } //-- in the end, the candidates must be in the mergequeue again // with the correct cost cout << "reset merge queue ... "; vector::const_iterator bit, bit_end = buf.end(); for (bit = buf.begin(); bit != bit_end; ++ bit) { MergeCandidate mc = *bit; // recalculate cost if (ValidateMergeCandidate(mc)) { EvalMergeCost(mc); mMergeQueue.push(mc); } } cout << "finished" << endl; return shuffledViewCells; } inline int AddedPvsSize(ObjectPvs pvs1, const ObjectPvs &pvs2) { return pvs1.AddPvs(pvs2); } // recomputes pvs size minus pvs of leaf l #if 0 inline int SubtractedPvsSize(BspViewCell *vc, BspLeaf *l, const ObjectPvs &pvs2) { ObjectPvs pvs; vector::const_iterator it, it_end = vc->mLeaves.end(); for (it = vc->mLeaves.begin(); it != vc->mLeaves.end(); ++ it) if (*it != l) pvs.AddPvs(*(*it)->mPvs); return pvs.GetSize(); } #endif // computes pvs1 minus pvs2 inline int SubtractedPvsSize(ObjectPvs pvs1, const ObjectPvs &pvs2) { return pvs1.SubtractPvs(pvs2); } float ViewCellsTree::EvalShuffleCost(ViewCell *leaf, ViewCellInterior *vc1, ViewCellInterior *vc2) const { //const int pvs1 = SubtractedPvsSize(vc1, leaf, *leaf->mPvs); const int pvs1 = SubtractedPvsSize(vc1->GetPvs(), leaf->GetPvs()); const int pvs2 = AddedPvsSize(vc2->GetPvs(), leaf->GetPvs()); const int lowerPvsLimit = mViewCellsManager->GetMinPvsSize(); const int upperPvsLimit = mViewCellsManager->GetMaxPvsSize(); const float pvsPenalty1 = EvalPvsPenalty(pvs1, lowerPvsLimit, upperPvsLimit); const float pvsPenalty2 = EvalPvsPenalty(pvs2, lowerPvsLimit, upperPvsLimit); // don't shuffle leaves with pvs > max if (0 && (pvs1 + pvs2 > mViewCellsManager->GetMaxPvsSize())) { return 1e20f; } float p1, p2; if (mUseAreaForPvs) { p1 = vc1->GetArea() - leaf->GetArea(); p2 = vc2->GetArea() + leaf->GetArea(); } else { p1 = vc1->GetVolume() - leaf->GetVolume(); p2 = vc2->GetVolume() + leaf->GetVolume(); } const float renderCost1 = pvsPenalty1 * p1; const float renderCost2 = pvsPenalty2 * p2; float dev1, dev2; if (1) { dev1 = fabs(mAvgRenderCost - pvsPenalty1); dev2 = fabs(mAvgRenderCost - pvsPenalty2); } else { dev1 = fabs(mExpectedCost - renderCost1); dev2 = fabs(mExpectedCost - renderCost2); } return mRenderCostWeight * (renderCost1 + renderCost2) + (1.0f - mRenderCostWeight) * (dev1 + dev2) / (float)mNumActiveViewCells; } void ViewCellsTree::ShuffleLeaf(ViewCell *leaf, ViewCellInterior *vc1, ViewCellInterior *vc2) const { // compute new pvs and area // TODO change vc1->GetPvs().SubtractPvs(leaf->GetPvs()); vc2->GetPvs().AddPvs(leaf->GetPvs()); if (mUseAreaForPvs) { vc1->SetArea(vc1->GetArea() - leaf->GetArea()); vc2->SetArea(vc2->GetArea() + leaf->GetArea()); } else { vc1->SetVolume(vc1->GetVolume() - leaf->GetVolume()); vc2->SetVolume(vc2->GetVolume() + leaf->GetVolume()); } ViewCellInterior *p = dynamic_cast(leaf->GetParent()); p->RemoveChildLink(leaf); vc2->SetupChildLink(leaf); } bool ViewCellsTree::ShuffleLeaves(MergeCandidate &mc) const { float cost1, cost2; ViewCellInterior *vc1 = dynamic_cast(mc.GetLeftViewCell()); ViewCellInterior *vc2 = dynamic_cast(mc.GetRightViewCell()); ViewCell *leaf1 = mc.GetInitialLeftViewCell(); ViewCell *leaf2 = mc.GetInitialRightViewCell(); //-- first test if shuffling would decrease cost cost1 = GetCostHeuristics(vc1); cost2 = GetCostHeuristics(vc2); const float oldCost = cost1 + cost2; float shuffledCost1 = Limits::Infinity; float shuffledCost2 = Limits::Infinity; if (leaf1) shuffledCost1 = EvalShuffleCost(leaf1, vc1, vc2); if (leaf2) shuffledCost2 = EvalShuffleCost(leaf2, vc2, vc1); // if cost of shuffle is less than old cost => shuffle if ((oldCost <= shuffledCost1) && (oldCost <= shuffledCost2)) return false; if (shuffledCost1 < shuffledCost2) { if (leaf1) ShuffleLeaf(leaf1, vc1, vc2); mc.mInitialLeftViewCell = NULL; } else { if (leaf2) ShuffleLeaf(leaf2, vc2, vc1); mc.mInitialRightViewCell = NULL; } return true; } float ViewCellsTree::GetVariance(ViewCell *vc) const { const int upper = mViewCellsManager->GetMaxPvsSize(); const int lower = mViewCellsManager->GetMinPvsSize(); if (1) { const float penalty = EvalPvsPenalty(vc->GetPvs().GetSize(), lower, upper); return (mAvgRenderCost - penalty) * (mAvgRenderCost - penalty) / (float)mNumActiveViewCells; } const float leafCost = GetRenderCost(vc); return (mExpectedCost - leafCost) * (mExpectedCost - leafCost); } float ViewCellsTree::GetDeviation(ViewCell *vc) const { const int upper = mViewCellsManager->GetMaxPvsSize(); const int lower = mViewCellsManager->GetMinPvsSize(); if (1) { const float penalty = EvalPvsPenalty(vc->GetPvs().GetSize(), lower, upper); return fabs(mAvgRenderCost - penalty) / (float)mNumActiveViewCells; } const float renderCost = GetRenderCost(vc); return fabs(mExpectedCost - renderCost); } float ViewCellsTree::GetRenderCost(ViewCell *vc) const { if (mUseAreaForPvs) return vc->GetPvs().GetSize() * vc->GetArea(); return vc->GetPvs().GetSize() * vc->GetVolume(); } float ViewCellsTree::GetCostHeuristics(ViewCell *vc) const { return GetRenderCost(vc) * mRenderCostWeight + GetDeviation(vc) * (1.0f - mRenderCostWeight); } bool ViewCellsTree::ValidateMergeCandidate(MergeCandidate &mc) const { while (mc.mLeftViewCell->mParent) { mc.mLeftViewCell = mc.mLeftViewCell->mParent; } while (mc.mRightViewCell->mParent) { mc.mRightViewCell = mc.mRightViewCell->mParent; } return mc.mLeftViewCell != mc.mRightViewCell; } void ViewCellsTree::EvalMergeCost(MergeCandidate &mc) const { //-- compute pvs difference const int newPvs = ComputeMergedPvsSize(mc.mLeftViewCell->GetPvs(), mc.mRightViewCell->GetPvs()); const float newPenalty = EvalPvsPenalty(newPvs, mViewCellsManager->GetMinPvsSize(), mViewCellsManager->GetMaxPvsSize()); ViewCell *vc1 = mc.mLeftViewCell; ViewCell *vc2 = mc.mRightViewCell; //-- compute ratio of old cost // (i.e., added size of left and right view cell times pvs size) // to new rendering cost (i.e, size of merged view cell times pvs size) const float oldCost = GetRenderCost(vc1) + GetRenderCost(vc2); const float newCost = mUseAreaForPvs ? (float)newPenalty * (vc1->GetArea() + vc2->GetArea()) : (float)newPenalty * (vc1->GetVolume() + vc2->GetVolume()); // strong penalty if pvs size too large if (0 && (newPvs > mViewCellsManager->GetMaxPvsSize())) { mc.mRenderCost = 1e20f; } else { mc.mRenderCost = (newCost - oldCost) / mViewCellsManager->GetViewSpaceBox().GetVolume(); } //-- merge cost also takes deviation into account float newDev, oldDev; if (1) newDev = fabs(mAvgRenderCost - newPenalty) / (float)mNumActiveViewCells; else newDev = fabs(mExpectedCost - newCost) / (float)mNumActiveViewCells; oldDev = GetDeviation(vc1) + GetDeviation(vc2); // compute deviation increase mc.mDeviationIncr = newDev - oldDev; //Debug << "render cost: " << mc.mRenderCost * mRenderCostWeight << endl; //Debug << "standard deviation: " << mc.mDeviationIncr * mRenderCostWeight << endl; } void ViewCellsTree::CompressViewCellsPvs() { if (!mIsCompressed) { mIsCompressed = true; CompressViewCellsPvs(mRoot); } } void ViewCellsTree::CompressViewCellsPvs(ViewCell *root) { if (!root->IsLeaf()) { ViewCellInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(root); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = interior->mChildren.end(); // compress child sets first for (it = interior->mChildren.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { CompressViewCellsPvs(*it); } // compress root node PullUpVisibility(interior); } } void ViewCellsTree::ExportStats(const string &mergeStats) { TraversalQueue tqueue; tqueue.push(mRoot); int numViewCells = 1; const AxisAlignedBox3 box = mViewCellsManager->GetViewSpaceBox(); const float vol = box.GetVolume(); Debug << "vsb volume: " << vol << endl; Debug << "root volume: " << mRoot->GetVolume() << endl; Debug << "root pvs: " << mRoot->GetPvs().GetSize() << endl; int totalPvs; float totalRenderCost, avgRenderCost, expectedCost; float deviation = 0; totalPvs = (int)mRoot->GetPvs().GetSize(); totalRenderCost = avgRenderCost = expectedCost = (float)mRoot->GetPvs().GetSize(); ofstream stats; stats.open(mergeStats.c_str()); stats << "#Pass\n" << 0 << endl //<< "#Merged\n" << mergeStats.merged << endl << "#ViewCells\n" << numViewCells << endl << "#RenderCostDecrease\n" << 0 << endl // TODO << "#TotalRenderCost\n" << totalRenderCost << endl << "#CurrentPvs\n" << mRoot->GetPvs().GetSize() << endl << "#ExpectedCost\n" << expectedCost << endl << "#AvgRenderCost\n" << avgRenderCost << endl << "#Deviation\n" << deviation << endl << "#TotalPvs\n" << totalPvs << endl << "#PvsSizeDecrease\n" << 0 << endl // TODO << "#Volume\n" << mRoot->GetVolume() << endl << endl; while (!tqueue.empty()) { ViewCell *vc = tqueue.top(); tqueue.pop(); if (!vc->IsLeaf()) { ViewCellInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(vc); const int parentPvs = interior->GetPvs().GetSize(); const float parentCost = (float)parentPvs * interior->GetVolume(); float childCost = 0; int childPvs = 0; -- numViewCells; ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = interior->mChildren.end(); for (it = interior->mChildren.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { childCost += (float)(*it)->GetPvs().GetSize() * (*it)->GetVolume(); childPvs += (*it)->GetPvs().GetSize(); tqueue.push(*it); ++ numViewCells; } const float costDecr = (parentCost - childCost) / vol; totalRenderCost -= costDecr; totalPvs += childPvs - parentPvs; expectedCost = totalRenderCost / (float)numViewCells; avgRenderCost = (float)totalPvs / (float)numViewCells; stats << "#Pass\n" << 0 << endl //<< "#Merged\n" << mergeStats.merged << endl << "#ViewCells\n" << numViewCells << endl << "#RenderCostDecrease\n" << costDecr << endl // TODO << "#TotalRenderCost\n" << totalRenderCost << endl << "#CurrentPvs\n" << vc->GetPvs().GetSize() << endl << "#ExpectedCost\n" << expectedCost << endl << "#AvgRenderCost\n" << avgRenderCost << endl << "#Deviation\n" << deviation << endl << "#TotalPvs\n" << totalPvs << endl << "#PvsSizeDecrease\n" << childPvs - parentPvs << endl // TODO << "#Volume\n" << vc->GetVolume() << endl << endl; } } stats.close(); } #if 0 float ViewCellsTree::ComputeVolume(ViewCell *vc) { if (vc->IsLeaf()) { return vc->GetVolume(); } else { ViewCellInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(vc); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = interior->mChildren.end(); float volume = 0; for (it = interior->mChildren.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { volume += ComputeVolume(*it); } interior->SetVolume(volume); return volume; } } #endif void ViewCellsTree::SetRoot(ViewCell *root) { mRoot = root; } void ViewCellsTree::CollectBestViewCellSet(ViewCellContainer &viewCells, const int numViewCells) { TraversalQueue tqueue; tqueue.push(mRoot); while (!tqueue.empty()) { ViewCell *vc = tqueue.top(); tqueue.pop(); // save the view cells if it is a leaf or if enough view cells have already been traversed // because of the priority queue, this will be the optimal set of v if (vc->IsLeaf() || ((viewCells.size() + tqueue.size() + 1) >= numViewCells)) { viewCells.push_back(vc); } else { ViewCellInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(vc); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = interior->mChildren.end(); for (it = interior->mChildren.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { tqueue.push(*it); } } } } void ViewCellsTree::PullUpVisibility(ViewCellInterior *interior) { Intersectable::NewMail((int)interior->mChildren.size()); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator cit, cit_end = interior->mChildren.end(); ObjectPvsMap::const_iterator oit; // mail all objects in the leaf sets // we are interested in the objects which are present in all leaves // => count how often an object is part of a child set for (cit = interior->mChildren.begin(); cit != cit_end; ++ cit) { ViewCell *vc = *cit; ObjectPvsMap::const_iterator oit_end = vc->GetPvs().mEntries.end(); for (oit = vc->GetPvs().mEntries.begin(); oit != oit_end; ++ oit) { Intersectable *obj = (*oit).first; if ((cit == interior->mChildren.begin()) && !obj->Mailed()) obj->Mail(); int incm = obj->IncMail(); } } interior->GetPvs().mEntries.clear(); // only the objects which are present in all leaf pvs // should remain in the parent pvs // these are the objects which have been mailed in all children for (cit = interior->mChildren.begin(); cit != cit_end; ++ cit) { ViewCell *vc = *cit; ObjectPvsMap::const_iterator oit_end = vc->GetPvs().mEntries.end(); for (oit = vc->GetPvs().mEntries.begin(); oit != oit_end; ++ oit) { if ((*oit).first->Mailed((int)interior->mChildren.size())) { interior->GetPvs().AddSample((*oit).first, (*oit).second.mSumPdf); } } } // delete all the objects from the leaf sets which were moved to parent pvs ObjectPvsMap::const_iterator oit_end = interior->GetPvs().mEntries.end(); for (oit = interior->GetPvs().mEntries.begin(); oit != oit_end; ++ oit) { for (cit = interior->mChildren.begin(); cit != cit_end; ++ cit) { if (!(*cit)->GetPvs().RemoveSample((*oit).first, Limits::Infinity)) Debug << "should not come here!" << endl; } } int dummy = interior->GetPvs().GetSize(); for (cit = interior->mChildren.begin(); cit != cit_end; ++ cit) { dummy += (*cit)->GetPvs().GetSize(); } } void ViewCellsTree::GetPvs(ViewCell *vc, ObjectPvs &pvs) const { Intersectable::NewMail(); if (!mIsCompressed) pvs = vc->GetPvs(); int pvsSize = 0; ViewCell *root = vc; // also add pvs from this view cell to root while (root->GetParent()) { root = root->GetParent(); pvs.AddPvs(root->GetPvs()); } stack tstack; tstack.push(vc); while (!tstack.empty()) { vc = tstack.top(); tstack.pop(); pvs.AddPvs(vc->GetPvs()); if (!vc->IsLeaf()) { ViewCellInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(vc); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = interior->mChildren.end(); for (it = interior->mChildren.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { tstack.push(*it); } } } } int ViewCellsTree::GetPvsSize(ViewCell *vc) const { Intersectable::NewMail(); if (!mIsCompressed) return vc->GetPvs().GetSize(); ////////////////////////777 //-- compressed pvs int pvsSize = 0; ViewCell *root = vc; // also add pvs from this view cell to root while (root->GetParent()) { root = root->GetParent(); pvsSize += CountDiffPvs(root); } stack tstack; tstack.push(vc); while (!tstack.empty()) { vc = tstack.top(); tstack.pop(); pvsSize += CountDiffPvs(vc); if (!vc->IsLeaf()) { ViewCellInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(vc); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = interior->mChildren.end(); for (it = interior->mChildren.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { tstack.push(*it); } } } return pvsSize; } float ViewCellsTree::GetMemoryCost(ViewCell *vc) const { const float entrySize = sizeof(PvsData) + sizeof(Intersectable *); return (float)GetNumPvsEntries(vc) * entrySize; } int ViewCellsTree::GetNumPvsEntries(ViewCell *vc) const { int pvsSize = 0; // only count leaves for uncompressed method for fairness if (mIsCompressed || vc->IsLeaf()) pvsSize = vc->GetPvs().GetSize(); if (!vc->IsLeaf()) { ViewCellInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(vc); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = interior->mChildren.end(); for (it = interior->mChildren.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { pvsSize += GetNumPvsEntries(*it); } } return pvsSize; } bool ViewCellsTree::IsCompressed() const { return mIsCompressed; } ViewCell *ViewCellsTree::GetActiveViewCell(ViewCell *vc) const { while (vc->GetParent() && !vc->IsActive()) { vc = vc->GetParent(); } return vc; } void ViewCellsTree::PropagatePvs(ViewCell *vc) { ViewCell *viewCell = vc; // propagate pvs up while (viewCell->GetParent()) { viewCell->GetParent()->GetPvs().Merge(vc->GetPvs()); viewCell = viewCell->GetParent(); } if (vc->IsLeaf()) return; // propagate pvs to the leaves stack tstack; tstack.push(vc); while (!tstack.empty()) { ViewCell *viewCell = tstack.top(); tstack.pop(); if (viewCell != vc) { viewCell->GetPvs().Merge(vc->GetPvs()); } if (!viewCell->IsLeaf()) { ViewCellInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(viewCell); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = interior->mChildren.end(); for (it = interior->mChildren.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { tstack.push(*it); } } } } void ViewCellsTree::AssignRandomColors() { TraversalQueue tqueue; tqueue.push(mRoot); mRoot->SetColor(RandomColor(0.3f, 1.0f)); while (!tqueue.empty()) { ViewCell *vc = tqueue.top(); tqueue.pop(); // save the view cells if it is a leaf or if enough view cells have already been traversed // because of the priority queue, this will be the optimal set of v if (!vc->IsLeaf()) { ViewCellInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(vc); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = interior->mChildren.end(); float maxProbability = -1.0f; ViewCell *maxViewCell = NULL; for (it = interior->mChildren.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { ViewCell *v = *it; // set random color v->SetColor(RandomColor(0.3f, 1.0f)); if (v->GetVolume() > maxProbability) { maxProbability = v->GetVolume(); maxViewCell = v; } if (maxViewCell) { maxViewCell->SetColor(vc->GetColor()); } tqueue.push(v); } } } } /** Get costs resulting from each merge step. */ void ViewCellsTree::GetCostFunction(vector &costFunction) { TraversalQueue tqueue; tqueue.push(mRoot); while (!tqueue.empty()) { ViewCell *vc = tqueue.top(); tqueue.pop(); // save the view cells if it is a leaf or if enough view cells have already been traversed // because of the priority queue, this will be the optimal set of v if (!vc->IsLeaf()) { ViewCellInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(vc); costFunction.push_back(interior->GetCost()); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = interior->mChildren.end(); for (it = interior->mChildren.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { tqueue.push(*it); } } } } void ViewCellsTree::UpdateViewCellsStats(ViewCell *vc, ViewCellsStatistics &vcStat) { ++ vcStat.viewCells; const int pvsSize = GetPvsSize(vc); vcStat.pvsSize += pvsSize; if (pvsSize == 0) ++ vcStat.emptyPvs; if (pvsSize > vcStat.maxPvs) vcStat.maxPvs = pvsSize; if (pvsSize < vcStat.minPvs) vcStat.minPvs = pvsSize; if (!vc->GetValid()) ++ vcStat.invalid; /*ViewCellsContainer leaves; CollectLeaves(vc, leaves); vcStat.leaves = (int)leaves.size();*/ } bool ViewCellsTree::Export(ofstream &stream) { ExportViewCell(mRoot, stream); return true; } void ViewCellsTree::CreateUniqueViewCellsIds() { stack tstack; int currentId = 0; tstack.push(mRoot); while (!tstack.empty()) { ViewCell *vc = tstack.top(); tstack.pop(); vc->SetId(currentId ++); if (!vc->IsLeaf()) { ViewCellInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(vc); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = interior->mChildren.end(); for (it = interior->mChildren.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { tstack.push(*it); } } } } void ViewCellsTree::ExportViewCell(ViewCell *viewCell, ofstream &stream) { ObjectPvsMap::iterator it, it_end = viewCell->GetPvs().mEntries.end(); if (viewCell->IsLeaf()) { stream << "GetId() << "\" "; stream << "active=\"" << viewCell->IsActive() << "\" "; stream << "mergecost=\"" << viewCell->GetMergeCost() << "\" "; stream << "pvs=\""; if (0)// test with empty pvs for (it = viewCell->GetPvs().mEntries.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { stream << (*it).first->GetId() << " "; } stream << "\" />" << endl; //stream << " " << endl; } else { ViewCellInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(viewCell); stream << "GetId() << "\" "; stream << "active=\"" << viewCell->IsActive() << "\" "; stream << "mergecost=\"" << viewCell->GetMergeCost() << "\" "; stream << "pvs=\""; if (0)// test with empty pvs for (it = viewCell->GetPvs().mEntries.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { stream << (*it).first->GetId() << " "; } stream << "\" >" << endl; ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = interior->mChildren.end(); for (it = interior->mChildren.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { ExportViewCell(*it, stream); } stream << "" << endl; } } void ViewCellsTree::ResetPvs() { stack tstack; tstack.push(mRoot); while (!tstack.empty()) { ViewCell *vc = tstack.top(); tstack.pop(); vc->GetPvs().mEntries.clear(); if (!vc->IsLeaf()) { ViewCellInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(vc); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = interior->mChildren.end(); for (it = interior->mChildren.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { tstack.push(*it); } } } } void ViewCellsTree::SetActiveSetToLeaves() { } /**************************************************************************/ /* MergeCandidate implementation */ /**************************************************************************/ MergeCandidate::MergeCandidate(ViewCell *l, ViewCell *r): mRenderCost(0), mDeviationIncr(0), mLeftViewCell(l), mRightViewCell(r), mInitialLeftViewCell(l), mInitialRightViewCell(r) { //EvalMergeCost(); } void MergeCandidate::SetRightViewCell(ViewCell *v) { mRightViewCell = v; } void MergeCandidate::SetLeftViewCell(ViewCell *v) { mLeftViewCell = v; } ViewCell *MergeCandidate::GetRightViewCell() const { return mRightViewCell; } ViewCell *MergeCandidate::GetLeftViewCell() const { return mLeftViewCell; } ViewCell *MergeCandidate::GetInitialRightViewCell() const { return mInitialRightViewCell; } ViewCell *MergeCandidate::GetInitialLeftViewCell() const { return mInitialLeftViewCell; } bool MergeCandidate::IsValid() const { return !(mLeftViewCell->mParent || mRightViewCell->mParent); } float MergeCandidate::GetRenderCost() const { return mRenderCost; } float MergeCandidate::GetDeviationIncr() const { return mDeviationIncr; } float MergeCandidate::GetMergeCost() const { return mRenderCost * sRenderCostWeight + mDeviationIncr * (1.0f - sRenderCostWeight); } /************************************************************************/ /* MergeStatistics implementation */ /************************************************************************/ void MergeStatistics::Print(ostream &app) const { app << "===== Merge statistics ===============\n"; app << setprecision(4); app << "#N_CTIME ( Overall time [s] )\n" << Time() << " \n"; app << "#N_CCTIME ( Collect candidates time [s] )\n" << collectTime * 1e-3f << " \n"; app << "#N_MTIME ( Merge time [s] )\n" << mergeTime * 1e-3f << " \n"; app << "#N_NODES ( Number of nodes before merge )\n" << nodes << "\n"; app << "#N_CANDIDATES ( Number of merge candidates )\n" << candidates << "\n"; app << "#N_MERGEDSIBLINGS ( Number of merged siblings )\n" << siblings << "\n"; app << "#OVERALLCOST ( overall merge cost )\n" << overallCost << "\n"; app << "#N_MERGEDNODES ( Number of merged nodes )\n" << merged << "\n"; app << "#MAX_TREEDIST ( Maximal distance in tree of merged leaves )\n" << maxTreeDist << "\n"; app << "#AVG_TREEDIST ( Average distance in tree of merged leaves )\n" << AvgTreeDist() << "\n"; app << "#EXPECTEDCOST ( expected render cost )\n" << expectedRenderCost << "\n"; app << "#DEVIATION ( deviation )\n" << deviation << "\n"; app << "#HEURISTICS ( heuristics )\n" << heuristics << "\n"; app << "===== END OF BspTree statistics ==========\n"; }