#ifndef _ViewCell_H__ #define _ViewCell_H__ #include "Mesh.h" #include "Containers.h" #include "Ray.h" #include "Statistics.h" #include "Material.h" //namespace GtpVisibilityPreprocessor { namespace GtpVisibilityPreprocessor { struct Triangle3; class BspInterior; class BspPvs; class BspLeaf; class VspKdTree; class VspKdLeaf; class KdLeaf; class ViewCellInterior; class MergeCandidate; class ViewCellsManager; class ViewCellLeaf; class Environment; /** Statistics for a view cell partition. */ class ViewCellsStatistics: public StatisticsBase { public: /// number of view cells int viewCells; /// size of the PVS int pvsSize; /// largest PVS of all view cells int maxPvs; /// smallest PVS of all view cells int minPvs; /// view cells with empty PVS int emptyPvs; /// number of leaves covering the view space int leaves; /// largest number of leaves covered by one view cell int maxLeaves; int invalid; // Constructor ViewCellsStatistics() { Reset(); } double AvgLeaves() const {return (double)leaves / (double)viewCells;}; double AvgPvs() const {return (double)pvsSize / (double)viewCells;}; void Reset() { viewCells = 0; pvsSize = 0; maxPvs = 0; minPvs = 999999; emptyPvs = 0; leaves = 0; maxLeaves = 0; invalid = 0; } void Print(ostream &app) const; friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &s, const ViewCellsStatistics &stat) { stat.Print(s); return s; } }; /** View cell with an optional mesh representation */ class ViewCell: public MeshInstance { friend class ViewCellsTree; friend class ViewCellsManager; friend class VspBspViewCellsManager; friend class BspViewCellsManager; friend class VspBspTree; friend class FromPointVisibilityTree; friend class BspTree; public: ViewCell(); /** Constructor taking a mesh representing the shape of the viewcell. */ ViewCell(Mesh *mesh); /** Default destructor. */ virtual ~ViewCell() {} /** Returns Pvs. */ const ObjectPvs &GetPvs() const; ObjectPvs &GetPvs(); void SetPvs(const ObjectPvs &pvs); /** Type of view cells. */ int Type() const; void SetParent(ViewCellInterior *parent); /** Adds a passing ray to the passing ray container. */ void AddPassingRay(const Ray &ray, const int contributions); /** Returns volume of the view cell. */ float GetVolume() const; /** Returns area of the view cell. */ float GetArea() const; /** Sets the volume of the view cell. */ void SetVolume(float volume); /** Sets the area of the view cell. */ void SetArea(float area); /** if this view cell is the root of a view cell hierarchy */ bool IsRoot() const; /** Returns parent view cell. */ ViewCellInterior *GetParent() const; /** Sets the mesh for this view cell. */ void SetMesh(Mesh *mesh); void SetValid(const bool valid); bool GetValid() const; /** Returns estimated render cost of this view cell. */ float GetRenderCost() const; /** set color for visiualizations. */ void SetColor(const RgbColor &color); /** get color for visualuzations. */ RgbColor GetColor() const; /// parent view cell in the view cell hierarchy ViewCellInterior *mParent; /// Rays piercing this view cell. RayContainer mPiercingRays; /** if this is a view cell correspending to a leaf in a hierarchy. */ virtual bool IsLeaf() const = 0; static bool SmallerPvs(const ViewCell *a, const ViewCell *b) { return a->GetPvs().GetSize() < b->GetPvs().GetSize(); } static bool SmallerRenderCost(const ViewCell *a, const ViewCell *b) { return a->GetRenderCost() < b->GetRenderCost(); } static bool LargerRenderCost(const ViewCell *a, const ViewCell *b) { return a->GetRenderCost() > b->GetRenderCost(); } void SetMergeCost(const float mergeCost); float GetMergeCost() const; static void NewMail(const int reserve = 1) { sMailId += sReservedMailboxes; sReservedMailboxes = reserve; } void Mail() { mMailbox = sMailId; } bool Mailed() const { return mMailbox == sMailId; } void Mail(const int mailbox) { mMailbox = sMailId + mailbox; } bool Mailed(const int mailbox) const { return mMailbox == sMailId + mailbox; } int IncMail() { return ++mMailbox - sMailId; } // last mail id -> warning not thread safe! // both mailId and mailbox should be unique for each thread!!! static int sMailId; static int sReservedMailboxes; protected: /// the potentially visible objects ObjectPvs mPvs; float mVolume; float mArea; float mMergeCost; bool mValid; /// color used for consistent visualization RgbColor mColor; /// pvs size, used for lazy pvs computation int mPvsSize; /// if the given pvs size is the real pvs size bool mPvsSizeValid; }; class ViewCellInterior: public ViewCell { friend class ViewCellsManager; public: ViewCellInterior(); ~ViewCellInterior(); ViewCellInterior(Mesh *mesh); /** Sets pointer from parent to child and vice versa. */ void SetupChildLink(ViewCell *l); void RemoveChildLink(ViewCell *l); bool IsLeaf() const; ViewCellContainer mChildren; void SetCost(const float c) { mCost = c; } float GetCost() const { return mCost; } protected: /** overall cost resulting from the merge */ float mCost; }; /** Leaf of the view cell. */ class ViewCellLeaf: public ViewCell { public: ViewCellLeaf() { mActiveViewCell = this; } ViewCellLeaf(Mesh *mesh): ViewCell(mesh) { mActiveViewCell = this; } bool IsLeaf() const { return true; } /** Returns if this view cell is active. */ ViewCell *GetActiveViewCell() const { return mActiveViewCell; } /** Sets this view cell to be an active view cell. */ void SetActiveViewCell(ViewCell *vc) { mActiveViewCell = vc;} /// points to the currently active view cell. ViewCell *mActiveViewCell; }; /** Leaf of the view cell hierarchy corresponding to a leaf in a spatial hierarchy. */ template class HierarchyLeafViewCell: public ViewCellLeaf { public: HierarchyLeafViewCell(): ViewCellLeaf() { } HierarchyLeafViewCell(Mesh *mesh): ViewCellLeaf(mesh) { } bool IsLeaf() const { return true; } /// Leaf of some hierarchy which is part of this view cell. T mLeaf; }; typedef HierarchyLeafViewCell BspViewCell; typedef HierarchyLeafViewCell KdViewCell; typedef HierarchyLeafViewCell VspKdViewCell; class ViewCellsTree { friend class ViewCellsManager; public: ViewCellsTree(ViewCellsManager *vcm, Environment *env); ~ViewCellsTree(); /** Returns number of leaves this view cell consists of. */ int GetNumInitialViewCells(ViewCell *vc) const; /** Collects leaves corresponding to a view cell. */ void CollectLeaves(ViewCell *vc, ViewCellContainer &leaves) const; /** Merges view cells according to some cost heuristics. */ int ConstructMergeTree(const VssRayContainer &rays, const ObjectContainer &objects); /** Refines view cells using shuffling, i.e., border leaves of two view cells are exchanged if the resulting view cells are tested to be "better" than the old ones. @returns number of refined view cells */ int RefineViewCells(const VssRayContainer &rays, const ObjectContainer &objects); /** Assign colors to the viewcells so that they can be renderered interactively without color flickering. */ void AssignRandomColors(); /** Updates view cell stats for this particular view cell */ void UpdateViewCellsStats(ViewCell *vc, ViewCellsStatistics &vcStat); /** Get costs resulting from each merge step. */ void GetCostFunction(vector &costFunction); /** Returns optimal set of view cells for a given number of view cells. */ void CollectBestViewCellSet(ViewCellContainer &viewCells, const int numViewCells); /** Root of view cells tree. */ ViewCell *GetRoot() const; /** Returns pvs of view cell. @note pvs is returned per reference if tree is not compressed, per copy else. */ void GetPvs(ViewCell *vc, ObjectPvs &pvs) const; /** Returns pvs size of view cell. */ int GetPvsSize(ViewCell *vc) const; /** Returns actual number of object in this pvs and the children. */ int GetNumPvsEntries(ViewCell *vc) const; /** Returns memory cost of this view cell. */ float GetMemoryCost(ViewCell *vc) const; /** Sets method of storage for view cells. */ void SetViewCellsStorage(int type); /** pvs storage methods */ enum {PVS_IN_INTERIORS, COMPRESSED, PVS_IN_LEAVES}; /** If view cells in this tree have compressed pvs. */ int ViewCellsStorage() const; /** Returns active view cell that is in the path of this view cell. */ ViewCell *GetActiveViewCell(ViewCellLeaf *vc) const; /** Sets the leaves to be the currently active view cells. */ void SetActiveSetToLeaves(); /** Propagates pvs up the tree to the root and downwards the tree. */ void PropagatePvs(ViewCell *vc); /** Exports view cells to file. */ bool Export(ofstream &stream, const bool exportPvs = false); /** Export statistics of this view cell tree. */ void ExportStats(const string &mergeStats); /** Sets root of hierarchy. */ void SetRoot(ViewCell *root); //float ComputeVolume(ViewCell *vc); /** Assignes unique ids to view cells. */ void CreateUniqueViewCellsIds(); /** Resets pvs of whole tree. */ void ResetPvs(); protected: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // merge related stuff // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Computes render cost of the merged pvs. */ float ComputeMergedPvsCost(const ObjectPvs &pvs1, const ObjectPvs &pvs2) const; /** Returns cost of this leaf according to current heuristics. */ float GetCostHeuristics(ViewCell *vc) const; /** Returns cost of leaf. */ float GetRenderCost(ViewCell *vc) const; /** Evaluates the merge cost of this merge candidate pair. */ void EvalMergeCost(MergeCandidate &mc) const; /** Variance of leaf. */ float GetVariance(ViewCell *vc) const; /** Standard deviation of leaf. */ float GetDeviation(ViewCell *vc) const; /** Tries to set this merge candidate to valid. @returns false if both view cells are the same */ bool ValidateMergeCandidate(MergeCandidate &mc) const; /** Merge view cells of leaves l1 and l2. @returns difference in pvs size */ ViewCellInterior *MergeViewCells(ViewCell *l, ViewCell *r, int &pvsDiff); //const; /** Shuffles, i.e. takes border leaf from view cell 1 and adds it to view cell 2. */ void ShuffleLeaf(ViewCell *leaf, ViewCellInterior *vc1, ViewCellInterior *vc2) const; /** Shuffles the leaves, i.e., tests if exchanging the leaves helps in improving the view cells. */ bool ShuffleLeaves(MergeCandidate &mc) const; /** Calculates cost for merge of view cell 1 and 2. */ float EvalShuffleCost(ViewCell *leaf, ViewCellInterior *vc1, ViewCellInterior *vc2) const; /** Exports a snapshot of the merged view cells to disc. */ void ExportMergedViewCells(ViewCellContainer &viewCells, const ObjectContainer &objects, const int numNewViewCells); /** merge queue must be reset after some time because expected value may not be valid. */ void ResetMergeQueue(); /** Updates the current top level of view cells. @returns number of newly merged view cells */ int UpdateActiveViewCells(ViewCellContainer &viewCells); void PullUpVisibility(ViewCellInterior *interior); void CompressViewCellsPvs(ViewCell *root); /** Returns memory usage of view cells. */ float GetMemUsage() const; /** Exports single view cell. NOTE: should be in exporter!! */ void ExportViewCell(ViewCell *viewCell, ofstream &stream, const bool exportPvs); /** Exports pvs of a view cell. */ void ExportPvs(ViewCell *viewCell, ofstream &stream); /// if the view cell tree hold compressed pvs int mViewCellsStorage; ViewCellsManager *mViewCellsManager; ViewCell *mRoot; /// if merge visualization should be shown bool mExportMergedViewCells; /// intermediate container of merged view cells. ViewCellContainer mMergedViewCells; /// if merged view cells are refined. bool mRefineViewCells; /// weights between variance and render cost increase (must be between zero and one) float mRenderCostWeight; /// overall cost used to normalize cost ratio float mOverallCost; float mExpectedCost; float mDeviation; float mAvgRenderCost; /// the area is used for pvs heuristics int mUseAreaForPvs; int mNumActiveViewCells; /// minimal number of view cells int mMergeMinViewCells; /// maximal cost ratio for the merge float mMergeMaxCostRatio; typedef priority_queue MergeQueue; MergeQueue mMergeQueue; float mMaxMemory; int mMaxMergesPerPass; float mAvgCostMaxDeviation; }; /** Candidate for leaf merging based on priority. */ class MergeCandidate { friend class ViewCellsTree; public: MergeCandidate(ViewCell *l, ViewCell *r); /** If this merge pair is still valid. */ bool IsValid() const; friend bool operator<(const MergeCandidate &leafa, const MergeCandidate &leafb) { return leafb.GetMergeCost() < leafa.GetMergeCost(); } void SetLeftViewCell(ViewCell *l); void SetRightViewCell(ViewCell *l); ViewCell *GetLeftViewCell() const; ViewCell *GetRightViewCell() const; /** Returns leaf view cell initially associated with this merge candidate. */ ViewCell *GetInitialLeftViewCell() const; ViewCell *GetInitialRightViewCell() const; /** Returns the increase of the standard deviation of this merge candidate. */ float GetDeviationIncr() const; /** Merge cost of this candidate pair. */ float GetMergeCost() const; /** Render cost of this candidate. */ float GetRenderCost() const; static float sRenderCostWeight; protected: /// render cost increase by this merge float mRenderCost; /// increase / decrease of standard deviation float mDeviationIncr; ViewCell *mLeftViewCell; ViewCell *mRightViewCell; ViewCell *mInitialLeftViewCell; ViewCell *mInitialRightViewCell; }; class MergeStatistics: public StatisticsBase { public: int merged; int siblings; int candidates; int nodes; int accTreeDist; int maxTreeDist; Real collectTime; Real mergeTime; Real overallCost; Real expectedRenderCost; Real deviation; Real heuristics; // Constructor MergeStatistics() { Reset(); } double AvgTreeDist() const {return (double)accTreeDist / (double)merged;}; void Reset() { nodes = 0; merged = 0; siblings = 0; candidates = 0; accTreeDist = 0; maxTreeDist = 0; collectTime = 0; mergeTime = 0; overallCost = 0; expectedRenderCost = 0; deviation = 0; heuristics = 0; } void Print(ostream &app) const; friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &s, const MergeStatistics &stat) { stat.Print(s); return s; } }; } #endif