#ifndef _VspBspTree_H__ #define _VspBspTree_H__ #include "Mesh.h" #include "Containers.h" #include "Polygon3.h" #include #include "Statistics.h" #include "VssRay.h" #include "RayInfo.h" #include "ViewCellBsp.h" class ViewCell; //class BspViewCell; class Plane3; class VspBspTree; class BspInterior; class BspNode; class AxisAlignedBox3; class Ray; class ViewCellsStatistics; class ViewCellsManager; class MergeCandidate; class Beam; class ViewCellsTree; struct BspRay; //#define OCTREE_HACK 0 /** This is a view space partitioning specialised BSPtree. There are no polygon splits, but we split the sample rays. The candidates for the next split plane are evaluated only by checking the sampled visibility information. The polygons are employed merely as candidates for the next split planes. */ class VspBspTree { friend class ViewCellsParseHandlers; friend class VspBspViewCellsManager; public: /** Additional data which is passed down the BSP tree during traversal. */ class VspBspTraversalData { public: /// the current node BspNode *mNode; /// polygonal data for splitting PolygonContainer *mPolygons; /// current depth int mDepth; /// rays piercing this node RayInfoContainer *mRays; /// the probability that this node contains view point float mProbability; /// geometry of node induced by half planes BspNodeGeometry *mGeometry; /// pvs size int mPvs; /// how often this branch has missed the max-cost ratio int mMaxCostMisses; /// if this node is a kd-node (i.e., boundaries are axis aligned) bool mIsKdNode; /// current split axis: used for octree int mAxis; /// for priority traversal: priority of this traversal data float mPriority; /** Returns average ray contribution. */ float GetAvgRayContribution() const { return (float)mPvs / ((float)mRays->size() + Limits::Small); } VspBspTraversalData(): mNode(NULL), mPolygons(NULL), mDepth(0), mRays(NULL), mPvs(0), mProbability(0.0), mGeometry(NULL), mMaxCostMisses(0), mIsKdNode(false), mPriority(0) {} VspBspTraversalData(BspNode *node, PolygonContainer *polys, const int depth, RayInfoContainer *rays, const int pvs, const float p, BspNodeGeometry *geom): mNode(node), mPolygons(polys), mDepth(depth), mRays(rays), mPvs(pvs), mProbability(p), mGeometry(geom), mMaxCostMisses(0), mIsKdNode(false), mPriority(0) {} VspBspTraversalData(PolygonContainer *polys, const int depth, RayInfoContainer *rays, BspNodeGeometry *geom): mNode(NULL), mPolygons(polys), mDepth(depth), mRays(rays), mPvs(0), mProbability(0), mGeometry(geom), mMaxCostMisses(0), mIsKdNode(false) {} /** Returns cost of the traversal data. */ float GetCost() const { //cout << mPriority << endl; return mPriority; } // deletes contents and sets them to NULL void Clear() { DEL_PTR(mPolygons); DEL_PTR(mRays); DEL_PTR(mGeometry); } friend bool operator<(const VspBspTraversalData &a, const VspBspTraversalData &b) { return a.GetCost() < b.GetCost(); } }; typedef std::priority_queue VspBspTraversalQueue; struct VspBspSplitCandidate { /// the current node Plane3 mSplitPlane; /// split axis of this plane (0, 1, 2, or 3 if non-axis-aligned) int mSplitAxis; /// the number of misses of max cost ratio until this split int mMaxCostMisses; // parent data VspBspTraversalData mParentData; // cost of applying this split float mRenderCost; VspBspSplitCandidate(): mRenderCost(0) {}; VspBspSplitCandidate(const Plane3 &plane, const VspBspTraversalData &tData): mSplitPlane(plane), mParentData(tData), mRenderCost(0) {} /** Returns cost of the traversal data. */ float GetCost() const { #if 1 return mRenderCost; #endif #if 0 return (float) (-mDepth); // for kd tree #endif } friend bool operator<(const VspBspSplitCandidate &a, const VspBspSplitCandidate &b) { return a.GetCost() < b.GetCost(); } }; typedef std::priority_queue VspBspSplitQueue; /** Default constructor creating an empty tree. */ VspBspTree(); /** Default destructor. */ ~VspBspTree(); /** Returns BSP Tree statistics. */ const BspTreeStatistics &GetStatistics() const; /** Constructs the tree from a given set of rays. @param sampleRays the set of sample rays the construction is based on @param viewCells if not NULL, new view cells are created in the leafs and stored in the container */ void Construct(const VssRayContainer &sampleRays, AxisAlignedBox3 *forcedBoundingBox); /** Returns list of BSP leaves with pvs smaller than a certain threshold. @param onlyUnmailed if only the unmailed leaves should be considered @param maxPvs the maximal pvs (-1 means unlimited) */ void CollectLeaves(vector &leaves, const bool onlyUnmailed = false, const int maxPvs = -1) const; /** Returns box which bounds the whole tree. */ AxisAlignedBox3 GetBoundingBox()const; /** Returns root of BSP tree. */ BspNode *GetRoot() const; /** Collects the leaf view cells of the tree @param viewCells returns the view cells */ void CollectViewCells(ViewCellContainer &viewCells, bool onlyValid) const; /** A ray is cast possible intersecting the tree. @param the ray that is cast. @returns the number of intersections with objects stored in the tree. */ int CastRay(Ray &ray); /// bsp tree construction types enum {FROM_INPUT_VIEW_CELLS, FROM_SCENE_GEOMETRY, FROM_SAMPLES}; /** finds neighbouring leaves of this tree node. */ int FindNeighbors(BspNode *n, vector &neighbors, const bool onlyUnmailed) const; /** Constructs geometry associated with the half space intersections leading to this node. */ void ConstructGeometry(BspNode *n, BspNodeGeometry &geom) const; /** Construct geometry of view cell. */ void ConstructGeometry(ViewCell *vc, BspNodeGeometry &geom) const; /** Returns random leaf of BSP tree. @param halfspace defines the halfspace from which the leaf is taken. */ BspLeaf *GetRandomLeaf(const Plane3 &halfspace); /** Returns random leaf of BSP tree. @param onlyUnmailed if only unmailed leaves should be returned. */ BspLeaf *GetRandomLeaf(const bool onlyUnmailed = false); /** Returns epsilon of this tree. */ float GetEpsilon() const; /** Casts line segment into the tree. @param origin the origin of the line segment @param termination the end point of the line segment @returns view cells intersecting the line segment. */ int CastLineSegment(const Vector3 &origin, const Vector3 &termination, ViewCellContainer &viewcells); /** Sets pointer to view cells manager. */ void SetViewCellsManager(ViewCellsManager *vcm); /** Returns distance from node 1 to node 2. */ int TreeDistance(BspNode *n1, BspNode *n2) const; /** Collapses the tree with respect to the view cell partition. @returns number of collapsed nodes */ int CollapseTree(); /** Returns view cell the current point is located in. */ ViewCell *GetViewCell(const Vector3 &point); /** Returns true if this view point is in a valid view space, false otherwise. */ bool ViewPointValid(const Vector3 &viewPoint) const; /** Returns view cell corresponding to the invalid view space. */ BspViewCell *GetOutOfBoundsCell(); /** Writes tree to output stream */ bool Export(ofstream &stream); /** Casts beam, i.e. a 5D frustum of rays, into tree. Tests conservative using the bounding box of the nodes. @returns number of view cells it intersected */ int CastBeam(Beam &beam); void CollectViewCells(BspNode *root, bool onlyValid, ViewCellContainer &viewCells, bool onlyUnmailed = false) const; int FindApproximateNeighbors(BspNode *n, vector &neighbors, const bool onlyUnmailed) const; /** Checks if tree validity-flags are right with respect to view cell valitiy. If not, marks subtree as invalid. */ void ValidateTree(); /** Invalid view cells are added to the unbounded space */ void CollapseViewCells(); /** Collects rays stored in the leaves. */ void CollectRays(VssRayContainer &rays); /** Intersects box with the tree and returns the number of intersected boxes. @returns number of view cells found */ int ComputeBoxIntersections(const AxisAlignedBox3 &box, ViewCellContainer &viewCells) const; // pointer to the hierarchy of view cells ViewCellsTree *mViewCellsTree; protected: // -------------------------------------------------------------- // For sorting objects // -------------------------------------------------------------- struct SortableEntry { enum EType { ERayMin, ERayMax }; int type; float value; VssRay *ray; SortableEntry() {} SortableEntry(const int t, const float v, VssRay *r):type(t), value(v), ray(r) { } friend bool operator<(const SortableEntry &a, const SortableEntry &b) { return a.value < b.value; } }; /** faster evaluation of split plane cost for kd axis aligned cells. */ float EvalAxisAlignedSplitCost(const VspBspTraversalData &data, const AxisAlignedBox3 &box, const int axis, const float &position, float &pFront, float &pBack) const; /** Evaluates candidate for splitting. */ void EvalSplitCandidate(VspBspTraversalData &tData, VspBspSplitCandidate &splitData); /** Computes priority of the traversal data and stores it in tData. */ void EvalPriority(VspBspTraversalData &tData) const; float EvalRenderCostDecrease(const Plane3 &candidatePlane, const VspBspTraversalData &data) const; void ConstructWithSplitQueue(const PolygonContainer &polys, RayInfoContainer *rays); /** Returns view cell corresponding to the invalid view space. If it does not exist, it is created. */ BspViewCell *GetOrCreateOutOfBoundsCell(); /** Collapses the tree with respect to the view cell partition, i.e. leaves having the same view cell are collapsed. @param node the root of the subtree to be collapsed @param collapsed returns the number of collapsed nodes @returns node of type leaf if the node could be collapsed, this node otherwise */ BspNode *CollapseTree(BspNode *node, int &collapsed); /** Helper function revalidating the view cell leaf list after merge. */ void RepairViewCellsLeafLists(); /** Evaluates tree stats in the BSP tree leafs. */ void EvaluateLeafStats(const VspBspTraversalData &data); /** Subdivides node with respect to the traversal data. @param tStack current traversal stack @param tData traversal data also holding node to be subdivided @returns new root of the subtree */ BspNode *Subdivide(VspBspTraversalQueue &tStack, VspBspTraversalData &tData); BspNode *Subdivide(VspBspSplitQueue &tQueue, VspBspSplitCandidate &splitCandidate); /** Constructs the tree from the given traversal data. @param polys stores set of polygons on which subdivision may be based @param rays storesset of rays on which subdivision may be based */ void Construct(const PolygonContainer &polys, RayInfoContainer *rays); /** Selects the best possible splitting plane. @param plane returns the split plane @param leaf the leaf to be split @param polys the polygon list on which the split decition is based @param rays ray container on which selection may be based @note the polygons can be reordered in the process @returns true if the cost of the split is under maxCostRatio */ bool SelectPlane(Plane3 &plane, BspLeaf *leaf, VspBspTraversalData &data, VspBspTraversalData &frontData, VspBspTraversalData &backData, int &splitAxis); /** Strategies where the effect of the split plane is tested on all input rays. @returns the cost of the candidate split plane */ float EvalSplitPlaneCost(const Plane3 &candidatePlane, const VspBspTraversalData &data, BspNodeGeometry &geomFront, BspNodeGeometry &geomBack, float &pFront, float &pBack) const; /** Subdivides leaf. @param leaf the leaf to be subdivided @param polys the polygons to be split @param frontPolys returns the polygons in front of the split plane @param backPolys returns the polygons in the back of the split plane @param rays the polygons to be filtered @param frontRays returns the polygons in front of the split plane @param backRays returns the polygons in the back of the split plane @returns the root of the subdivision */ BspInterior *SubdivideNode(const Plane3 &splitPlane, VspBspTraversalData &tData, VspBspTraversalData &frontData, VspBspTraversalData &backData, PolygonContainer &coincident); /** Extracts the meshes of the objects and adds them to polygons. Adds object aabb to the aabb of the tree. @param maxPolys the maximal number of objects to be stored as polygons @returns the number of polygons */ int AddToPolygonSoup(const ObjectContainer &objects, PolygonContainer &polys, int maxObjects = 0); /** Extracts the meshes of the view cells and and adds them to polygons. Adds view cell aabb to the aabb of the tree. @param maxPolys the maximal number of objects to be stored as polygons @returns the number of polygons */ int AddToPolygonSoup(const ViewCellContainer &viewCells, PolygonContainer &polys, int maxObjects = 0); /** Extract polygons of this mesh and add to polygon container. @param mesh the mesh that drives the polygon construction @param parent the parent intersectable this polygon is constructed from @returns number of polygons */ int AddMeshToPolygons(Mesh *mesh, PolygonContainer &polys, MeshInstance *parent); /** Selects an axis aligned for the next split. @returns cost for this split */ float SelectAxisAlignedPlane(Plane3 &plane, const VspBspTraversalData &tData, int &axis, BspNodeGeometry **frontGeom, BspNodeGeometry **backGeom, float &pFront, float &pBack, const bool useKdSplit); /** Sorts split candidates for surface area heuristics for axis aligned splits. @param polys the input for choosing split candidates @param axis the current split axis @param splitCandidates returns sorted list of split candidates */ void SortSplitCandidates(const RayInfoContainer &rays, const int axis, float minBand, float maxBand); /** Computes best cost for axis aligned planes. */ float BestCostRatioHeuristics(const RayInfoContainer &rays, const AxisAlignedBox3 &box, const int pvsSize, const int axis, float &position); /** Selects an axis aligned split plane. @Returns true if split is valied */ bool SelectAxisAlignedPlane(Plane3 &plane, const PolygonContainer &polys) const; /** Subdivides the rays into front and back rays according to the split plane. @param plane the split plane @param rays contains the rays to be split. The rays are distributed into front and back rays. @param frontRays returns rays on the front side of the plane @param backRays returns rays on the back side of the plane @returns the number of splits */ int SplitRays(const Plane3 &plane, RayInfoContainer &rays, RayInfoContainer &frontRays, RayInfoContainer &backRays) const; /** Extracts the split planes representing the space bounded by node n. */ void ExtractHalfSpaces(BspNode *n, vector &halfSpaces) const; /** Adds the object to the pvs of the front and back leaf with a given classification. @param obj the object to be added @param cf the ray classification regarding the split plane @param frontPvs returns the PVS of the front partition @param backPvs returns the PVS of the back partition */ void AddObjToPvs(Intersectable *obj, const int cf, int &frontPvs, int &backPvs, int &totalPvs) const; /** Computes PVS size induced by the rays. */ int ComputePvsSize(const RayInfoContainer &rays) const; /** Returns true if tree can be terminated. */ inline bool LocalTerminationCriteriaMet(const VspBspTraversalData &data) const; /** Returns true if global tree can be terminated. */ inline bool GlobalTerminationCriteriaMet(const VspBspTraversalData &data) const; /** Computes accumulated ray lenght of this rays. */ float AccumulatedRayLength(const RayInfoContainer &rays) const; /** Splits polygons with respect to the split plane. @param plane the split plane @param polys the polygons to be split. the polygons are consumed and distributed to the containers frontPolys, backPolys, coincident. @param frontPolys returns the polygons in the front of the split plane @param backPolys returns the polygons in the back of the split plane @param coincident returns the polygons coincident to the split plane @returns the number of splits */ int SplitPolygons(const Plane3 &plane, PolygonContainer &polys, PolygonContainer &frontPolys, PolygonContainer &backPolys, PolygonContainer &coincident) const; /** Adds ray sample contributions to the PVS. @param sampleContributions the number contributions of the samples @param contributingSampels the number of contributing rays */ void AddToPvs(BspLeaf *leaf, const RayInfoContainer &rays, float &sampleContributions, int &contributingSamples); /** Take 3 ray endpoints, where two are minimum and one a maximum point or the other way round. */ Plane3 ChooseCandidatePlane(const RayInfoContainer &rays) const; /** Take plane normal as plane normal and the midpoint of the ray. PROBLEM: does not resemble any point where visibility is likely to change */ Plane3 ChooseCandidatePlane2(const RayInfoContainer &rays) const; /** Fit the plane between the two lines so that the plane has equal shortest distance to both lines. */ Plane3 ChooseCandidatePlane3(const RayInfoContainer &rays) const; /** Collects candidates for merging. @param leaves the leaves to be merged @returns number of leaves in queue */ int CollectMergeCandidates(const vector leaves, vector &candidates); /** Collects candidates for the merge in the merge queue. @returns number of leaves in queue */ int CollectMergeCandidates(const VssRayContainer &rays, vector &candidates); /** Preprocesses polygons and throws out all polygons which are coincident to the view space box faces (they can be problematic). */ void PreprocessPolygons(PolygonContainer &polys); /** Propagates valid flag up the tree. */ void PropagateUpValidity(BspNode *node); /** Writes the node to disk @note: should be implemented as visitor */ void ExportNode(BspNode *node, ofstream &stream); /** Returns estimated memory usage of tree. */ //float GetMemUsage(const VspBspTraversalQueue &tstack) const; float GetMemUsage() const; /// Pointer to the root of the tree BspNode *mRoot; BspTreeStatistics mBspStats; /// Strategies for choosing next split plane. enum {NO_STRATEGY = 0, RANDOM_POLYGON = 1, AXIS_ALIGNED = 2, LEAST_RAY_SPLITS = 256, BALANCED_RAYS = 512, PVS = 1024 }; /// box around the whole view domain AxisAlignedBox3 mBox; bool mUseCostHeuristics; /// minimal number of rays before subdivision termination int mTermMinRays; /// maximal possible depth int mTermMaxDepth; /// mininum probability float mTermMinProbability; /// mininum PVS int mTermMinPvs; /// maximal contribution per ray float mTermMaxRayContribution; /// minimal accumulated ray length float mTermMinAccRayLength; //HACK int mTermMinPolygons; float mTermMinGlobalCostRatio; int mTermGlobalCostMissTolerance; int mGlobalCostMisses; bool mUseSplitCostQueue; //-- termination criteria for axis aligned split /// minimal number of rays for axis aligned split int mTermMinRaysForAxisAligned; // max ray contribution float mTermMaxRayContriForAxisAligned; /// strategy to get the best split plane int mSplitPlaneStrategy; /// number of candidates evaluated for the next split plane int mMaxPolyCandidates; /// number of candidates for split planes evaluated using the rays int mMaxRayCandidates; /// balancing factor for PVS criterium float mCtDivCi; //-- axis aligned split criteria float mAxisAlignedCtDivCi; /// spezifies the split border of the axis aligned split float mAxisAlignedSplitBorder; /// maximal acceptable cost ratio float mTermMaxCostRatio; /// tolerance value indicating how often the max cost ratio can be failed int mTermMissTolerance; //-- factors guiding the split plane heuristics float mLeastRaySplitsFactor; float mBalancedRaysFactor; float mPvsFactor; /// if area or volume should be used for PVS heuristics bool mUseAreaForPvs; /// tolerance for polygon split float mEpsilon; /// maximal number of test rays used to evaluate candidate split plane int mMaxTests; /// normalizes different bsp split plane criteria float mCostNormalizer; /// maximal number of view cells int mMaxViewCells; ofstream mSubdivisionStats; // if rays should be stored in leaves bool mStoreRays; /// if only driving axis should be used for split bool mOnlyDrivingAxis; ViewCellsManager *mViewCellsManager; vector *mSplitCandidates; float mRenderCostWeight; /// View cell corresponding to the space outside the valid view space BspViewCell *mOutOfBoundsCell; /// maximal tree memory float mMaxMemory; /// the tree is out of memory bool mOutOfMemory; float mTotalCost; int mTotalPvsSize; //int mSplits; /// subdivision stats output file ofstream mSubdivsionStats; /// if random split axis should be used bool mUseRandomAxis; /// use polygon split whenever there are polys left bool mUsePolygonSplitIfAvailable; /// current time stamp (used for keeping split history) int mTimeStamp; /// number of currenly generated view cells int mCreatedViewCells; /// if vsp bsp tree should simulate octree bool mSimulateOctree; /// if we should use breath first priority for the splits bool mBreathFirstSplits; bool mEmptyViewCellsMergeAllowed; private: /// Generates unique ids for PVS criterium static void GenerateUniqueIdsForPvs(); //-- unique ids for PVS criterium static int sFrontId; static int sBackId; static int sFrontAndBackId; }; #endif