#include #include #include #include "ViewCell.h" #include "Plane3.h" #include "VspTree.h" #include "Mesh.h" #include "common.h" #include "Environment.h" #include "Polygon3.h" #include "Ray.h" #include "AxisAlignedBox3.h" #include "Exporter.h" #include "Plane3.h" #include "ViewCellsManager.h" #include "Beam.h" #include "KdTree.h" #include "IntersectableWrapper.h" #include "HierarchyManager.h" #include "BvHierarchy.h" #include "OspTree.h" namespace GtpVisibilityPreprocessor { #define VISUALIZE_SPLIT 0 #define USE_FIXEDPOINT_T 0 #define HACK_PERFORMANCE 1 ///////////// //-- static members VspTree *VspTree::VspSubdivisionCandidate::sVspTree = NULL; int VspNode::sMailId = 1; // variable for debugging volume contribution for heuristics static float debugVol; // pvs penalty can be different from pvs size inline static float EvalPvsPenalty(const float pvs, const float lower, const float upper) { // clamp to minmax values if (pvs < lower) { return (float)lower; } else if (pvs > upper) { return (float)upper; } return (float)pvs; } void VspTreeStatistics::Print(ostream &app) const { app << "=========== VspTree statistics ===============\n"; app << setprecision(4); app << "#N_CTIME ( Construction time [s] )\n" << Time() << " \n"; app << "#N_NODES ( Number of nodes )\n" << nodes << "\n"; app << "#N_INTERIORS ( Number of interior nodes )\n" << Interior() << "\n"; app << "#N_LEAVES ( Number of leaves )\n" << Leaves() << "\n"; app << "#N_SPLITS ( Number of splits in axes x y z)\n"; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i) app << splits[i] << " "; app << endl; app << "#N_PMAXDEPTHLEAVES ( Percentage of leaves at maximum depth )\n" << maxDepthNodes * 100 / (double)Leaves() << endl; app << "#N_PMINPVSLEAVES ( Percentage of leaves with mininimal PVS )\n" << minPvsNodes * 100 / (double)Leaves() << endl; app << "#N_PMINRAYSLEAVES ( Percentage of leaves with minimal number of rays)\n" << minRaysNodes * 100 / (double)Leaves() << endl; app << "#N_MAXCOSTNODES ( Percentage of leaves with terminated because of max cost ratio )\n" << maxCostNodes * 100 / (double)Leaves() << endl; app << "#N_PMINPROBABILITYLEAVES ( Percentage of leaves with mininum probability )\n" << minProbabilityNodes * 100 / (double)Leaves() << endl; app << "#N_PMAXRAYCONTRIBLEAVES ( Percentage of leaves with maximal ray contribution )\n" << maxRayContribNodes * 100 / (double)Leaves() << endl; app << "#N_PMAXDEPTH ( Maximal reached depth )\n" << maxDepth << endl; app << "#N_PMINDEPTH ( Minimal reached depth )\n" << minDepth << endl; app << "#AVGDEPTH ( average depth )\n" << AvgDepth() << endl; app << "#N_INVALIDLEAVES (number of invalid leaves )\n" << invalidLeaves << endl; app << "#AVGRAYS (number of rays / leaf)\n" << AvgRays() << endl; app << "#N_GLOBALCOSTMISSES ( Global cost misses )\n" << mGlobalCostMisses << endl; app << "========== END OF VspTree statistics ==========\n"; } /******************************************************************/ /* class VspNode implementation */ /******************************************************************/ VspNode::VspNode(): mParent(NULL), mTreeValid(true), mTimeStamp(0) {} VspNode::VspNode(VspInterior *parent): mParent(parent), mTreeValid(true), mTimeStamp(0) {} bool VspNode::IsRoot() const { return mParent == NULL; } VspInterior *VspNode::GetParent() { return mParent; } void VspNode::SetParent(VspInterior *parent) { mParent = parent; } bool VspNode::IsSibling(VspNode *n) const { return ((this != n) && mParent && (mParent->GetFront() == n) || (mParent->GetBack() == n)); } int VspNode::GetDepth() const { int depth = 0; VspNode *p = mParent; while (p) { p = p->mParent; ++ depth; } return depth; } bool VspNode::TreeValid() const { return mTreeValid; } void VspNode::SetTreeValid(const bool v) { mTreeValid = v; } /****************************************************************/ /* class VspInterior implementation */ /****************************************************************/ VspInterior::VspInterior(const AxisAlignedPlane &plane): mPlane(plane), mFront(NULL), mBack(NULL) {} VspInterior::~VspInterior() { DEL_PTR(mFront); DEL_PTR(mBack); } void VspInterior::ReplaceChildLink(VspNode *oldChild, VspNode *newChild) { if (mBack == oldChild) mBack = newChild; else mFront = newChild; } void VspInterior::SetupChildLinks(VspNode *front, VspNode *back) { mBack = back; mFront = front; } AxisAlignedBox3 VspInterior::GetBoundingBox() const { return mBoundingBox; } void VspInterior::SetBoundingBox(const AxisAlignedBox3 &box) { mBoundingBox = box; } int VspInterior::Type() const { return Interior; } /****************************************************************/ /* class VspLeaf implementation */ /****************************************************************/ VspLeaf::VspLeaf(): mViewCell(NULL), mSubdivisionCandidate(NULL) { } VspLeaf::~VspLeaf() { VssRayContainer::const_iterator vit, vit_end = mVssRays.end(); for (vit = mVssRays.begin(); vit != vit_end; ++ vit) { VssRay *ray = *vit; ray->Unref(); if (!ray->IsActive()) delete ray; } } int VspLeaf::Type() const { return Leaf; } VspLeaf::VspLeaf(ViewCellLeaf *viewCell): mViewCell(viewCell) { } VspLeaf::VspLeaf(VspInterior *parent): VspNode(parent), mViewCell(NULL) {} VspLeaf::VspLeaf(VspInterior *parent, ViewCellLeaf *viewCell): VspNode(parent), mViewCell(viewCell) { } void VspLeaf::SetViewCell(ViewCellLeaf *viewCell) { mViewCell = viewCell; } /*************************************************************************/ /* class VspTree implementation */ /*************************************************************************/ VspTree::VspTree(): mRoot(NULL), mOutOfBoundsCell(NULL), mStoreRays(false), //mStoreRays(true), mTimeStamp(1), mHierarchyManager(NULL) { mLocalSubdivisionCandidates = new vector; bool randomize = false; Environment::GetSingleton()->GetBoolValue("VspTree.Construction.randomize", randomize); if (randomize) Randomize(); // initialise random generator for heuristics char subdivisionStatsLog[100]; Environment::GetSingleton()->GetStringValue("VspTree.subdivisionStats", subdivisionStatsLog); mSubdivisionStats.open(subdivisionStatsLog); ///////////// //-- termination criteria for autopartition Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue("VspTree.Termination.maxDepth", mTermMaxDepth); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue("VspTree.Termination.minPvs", mTermMinPvs); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue("VspTree.Termination.minRays", mTermMinRays); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetFloatValue("VspTree.Termination.minProbability", mTermMinProbability); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetFloatValue("VspTree.Termination.maxRayContribution", mTermMaxRayContribution); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue("VspTree.Termination.missTolerance", mTermMissTolerance); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue("VspTree.Termination.maxViewCells", mMaxViewCells); // max cost ratio for early tree termination Environment::GetSingleton()->GetFloatValue("VspTree.Termination.maxCostRatio", mTermMaxCostRatio); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetFloatValue("VspTree.Termination.minGlobalCostRatio", mTermMinGlobalCostRatio); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue("VspTree.Termination.globalCostMissTolerance", mTermGlobalCostMissTolerance); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetFloatValue("VspTree.maxStaticMemory", mMaxMemory); ////////////// //-- factors for bsp tree split plane heuristics Environment::GetSingleton()->GetFloatValue("VspTree.Termination.ct_div_ci", mCtDivCi); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetFloatValue("VspTree.Construction.epsilon", mEpsilon); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetFloatValue("VspTree.Construction.minBand", mMinBand); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetFloatValue("VspTree.Construction.maxBand", mMaxBand); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue("VspTree.maxTests", mMaxTests); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetFloatValue("VspTree.Construction.renderCostDecreaseWeight", mRenderCostDecreaseWeight); // if only the driving axis is used for axis aligned split Environment::GetSingleton()->GetBoolValue("VspTree.splitUseOnlyDrivingAxis", mOnlyDrivingAxis); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetBoolValue("VspTree.useCostHeuristics", mUseCostHeuristics); Environment::GetSingleton()->GetBoolValue("VspTree.simulateOctree", mCirculatingAxis); //mMemoryConst = (float)(sizeof(VspLeaf) + sizeof(VspViewCell)); //mMemoryConst = 50;//(float)(sizeof(VspViewCell)); //mMemoryConst = (float)(sizeof(VspLeaf) + sizeof(ObjectPvs)); mMemoryConst = 16;//(float)sizeof(ObjectPvs); ////////////// //-- debug output Debug << "******* VSP options ********" << endl; Debug << "max depth: " << mTermMaxDepth << endl; Debug << "min PVS: " << mTermMinPvs << endl; Debug << "min probabiliy: " << mTermMinProbability << endl; Debug << "min rays: " << mTermMinRays << endl; Debug << "max ray contri: " << mTermMaxRayContribution << endl; Debug << "max cost ratio: " << mTermMaxCostRatio << endl; Debug << "miss tolerance: " << mTermMissTolerance << endl; Debug << "max view cells: " << mMaxViewCells << endl; Debug << "randomize: " << randomize << endl; Debug << "min global cost ratio: " << mTermMinGlobalCostRatio << endl; Debug << "global cost miss tolerance: " << mTermGlobalCostMissTolerance << endl; Debug << "only driving axis: " << mOnlyDrivingAxis << endl; Debug << "max memory: " << mMaxMemory << endl; Debug << "use cost heuristics: " << mUseCostHeuristics << endl; Debug << "subdivision stats log: " << subdivisionStatsLog << endl; Debug << "render cost decrease weight: " << mRenderCostDecreaseWeight << endl; Debug << "circulating axis: " << mCirculatingAxis << endl; Debug << "minband: " << mMinBand << endl; Debug << "maxband: " << mMaxBand << endl; Debug << "vsp mem const: " << mMemoryConst << endl; Debug << endl; } VspViewCell *VspTree::GetOutOfBoundsCell() { return mOutOfBoundsCell; } VspViewCell *VspTree::GetOrCreateOutOfBoundsCell() { if (!mOutOfBoundsCell) { mOutOfBoundsCell = new VspViewCell(); mOutOfBoundsCell->SetId(-1); mOutOfBoundsCell->SetValid(false); } return mOutOfBoundsCell; } const VspTreeStatistics &VspTree::GetStatistics() const { return mVspStats; } VspTree::~VspTree() { DEL_PTR(mRoot); DEL_PTR(mLocalSubdivisionCandidates); } void VspTree::ComputeBoundingBox(const VssRayContainer &rays, AxisAlignedBox3 *forcedBoundingBox) { if (forcedBoundingBox) { mBoundingBox = *forcedBoundingBox; return; } ////////////////////////////////////////////// // bounding box of view space includes all visibility events mBoundingBox.Initialize(); VssRayContainer::const_iterator rit, rit_end = rays.end(); for (rit = rays.begin(); rit != rit_end; ++ rit) { VssRay *ray = *rit; mBoundingBox.Include(ray->GetTermination()); mBoundingBox.Include(ray->GetOrigin()); } } void VspTree::AddSubdivisionStats(const int viewCells, const float renderCostDecr, const float totalRenderCost, const float avgRenderCost) { mSubdivisionStats << "#ViewCells\n" << viewCells << endl << "#RenderCostDecrease\n" << renderCostDecr << endl << "#TotalRenderCost\n" << totalRenderCost << endl << "#AvgRenderCost\n" << avgRenderCost << endl; } // $$matt temporary: number of rayrefs + pvs should be in there, but // commented out for testing float VspTree::GetMemUsage() const { return (float) (sizeof(VspTree) + mVspStats.Leaves() * sizeof(VspLeaf) + mVspStats.Leaves() * sizeof(VspViewCell) + mVspStats.Interior() * sizeof(VspInterior) //+ mVspStats.pvs * sizeof(PvsData) //+ mVspStats.rayRefs * sizeof(RayInfo) ) / (1024.0f * 1024.0f); } inline bool VspTree::LocalTerminationCriteriaMet(const VspTraversalData &data) const { const bool localTerminationCriteriaMet = (0 || ((int)data.mRays->size() <= mTermMinRays) || (data.mPvs <= mTermMinPvs) || (data.mProbability <= mTermMinProbability) || (data.mDepth >= mTermMaxDepth) ); #if GTP_DEBUG if (localTerminationCriteriaMet) { Debug << "local termination criteria met:" << endl; Debug << "rays: " << (int)data.mRays->size() << " " << mTermMinRays << endl; Debug << "pvs: " << data.mPvs << " " << mTermMinPvs << endl; Debug << "p: " << data.mProbability << " " << mTermMinProbability << endl; Debug << "avg contri: " << data.GetAvgRayContribution() << " " << mTermMaxRayContribution << endl; Debug << "depth " << data.mDepth << " " << mTermMaxDepth << endl; } #endif return localTerminationCriteriaMet; } inline bool VspTree::GlobalTerminationCriteriaMet(const VspTraversalData &data) const { // note: to track for global cost misses does not really // make sense because termination on cost or memory is done // in the hierarchy mananger const bool terminationCriteriaMet = (0 // || mOutOfMemory || (mVspStats.Leaves() >= mMaxViewCells) // || (mVspStats.mGlobalCostMisses >= mTermGlobalCostMissTolerance) ); #if GTP_DEBUG if (terminationCriteriaMet) { Debug << "vsp global termination criteria met:" << endl; Debug << "cost misses: " << mVspStats.mGlobalCostMisses << " " << mTermGlobalCostMissTolerance << endl; Debug << "leaves: " << mVspStats.Leaves() << " " << mMaxViewCells << endl; } #endif return terminationCriteriaMet; } void VspTree::CreateViewCell(VspTraversalData &tData, const bool updatePvs, const float renderCost, const int pvs) { /////////////// //-- create new view cell VspLeaf *leaf = tData.mNode; VspViewCell *viewCell = new VspViewCell(); leaf->SetViewCell(viewCell); int conSamp = 0; float sampCon = 0.0f; if (updatePvs) { // store pvs of view cell AddSamplesToPvs(leaf, *tData.mRays, sampCon, conSamp); // update scalar pvs size value ObjectPvs &pvs = viewCell->GetPvs(); mViewCellsManager->UpdateScalarPvsSize(viewCell, pvs.EvalPvsCost(), pvs.GetSize()); mVspStats.contributingSamples += conSamp; mVspStats.sampleContributions += (int)sampCon; } else { viewCell->SetTrianglesInPvs(renderCost); viewCell->SetEntriesInPvs(pvs); //cout << "create view cell with tri=" << (int)renderCost << " pvs=" << pvs << endl; } if (mStoreRays) { /////////// //-- store sampling rays RayInfoContainer::const_iterator rit, rit_end = tData.mRays->end(); for (rit = tData.mRays->begin(); rit != rit_end; ++ rit) { VssRay *ray = new VssRay(*(*rit).mRay); ray->Ref(); // note: should rather store rays with view cell leaf->mVssRays.push_back(ray); } } // set view cell values viewCell->mLeaves.push_back(leaf); viewCell->SetVolume(tData.mProbability); leaf->mProbability = tData.mProbability; } void VspTree::EvalSubdivisionStats(const SubdivisionCandidate &sc) { const float costDecr = sc.GetRenderCostDecrease(); AddSubdivisionStats(mVspStats.Leaves(), costDecr, mTotalCost, (float)mTotalPvsSize / (float)mVspStats.Leaves()); } VspNode *VspTree::Subdivide(SplitQueue &tQueue, SubdivisionCandidate *splitCandidate, const bool globalCriteriaMet) { mSubdivTimer.Entry(); // todo remove dynamic cast VspSubdivisionCandidate *sc = static_cast(splitCandidate); VspTraversalData &tData = sc->mParentData; VspNode *newNode = tData.mNode; if (!LocalTerminationCriteriaMet(tData) && !globalCriteriaMet) { /////////// //-- continue subdivision VspTraversalData tFrontData; VspTraversalData tBackData; // create new interior node and two leaf node const int maxCostMisses = sc->GetMaxCostMisses(); newNode = SubdivideNode(*sc, tFrontData, tBackData); // how often was max cost ratio missed in this branch? tFrontData.mMaxCostMisses = maxCostMisses; tBackData.mMaxCostMisses = maxCostMisses; mTotalCost -= sc->GetRenderCostDecrease(); //mTotalPvsSize += (int)(tFrontData.mPvs + tBackData.mPvs - tData.mPvs); mPvsEntries += sc->GetPvsEntriesIncr(); // subdivision statistics if (1) EvalSubdivisionStats(*sc); ///////////// //-- evaluate new split candidates for global greedy cost heuristics VspSubdivisionCandidate *frontCandidate = new VspSubdivisionCandidate(tFrontData); VspSubdivisionCandidate *backCandidate = new VspSubdivisionCandidate(tBackData); EvalSubdivisionCandidate(*frontCandidate); EvalSubdivisionCandidate(*backCandidate); // cross reference tFrontData.mNode->SetSubdivisionCandidate(frontCandidate); tBackData.mNode->SetSubdivisionCandidate(backCandidate); tQueue.Push(frontCandidate); tQueue.Push(backCandidate); // note: leaf is not destroyed because it is needed to collect // dirty candidates in hierarchy manager } if (newNode->IsLeaf()) // subdivision terminated { VspLeaf *leaf = static_cast(newNode); if (0 && mStoreRays) { ////////// //-- store rays piercing this view cell RayInfoContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = tData.mRays->end(); for (it = tData.mRays->begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { (*it).mRay->Ref(); leaf->mVssRays.push_back((*it).mRay); } } // finally evaluate statistics for this leaf EvaluateLeafStats(tData); // detach subdivision candidate: this leaf is no candidate for // splitting anymore tData.mNode->SetSubdivisionCandidate(NULL); // detach node so it won't get deleted tData.mNode = NULL; } mSubdivTimer.Exit(); return newNode; } void VspTree::EvalSubdivisionCandidate(VspSubdivisionCandidate &splitCandidate, bool computeSplitPlane) { mPlaneTimer.Entry(); if (computeSplitPlane) { float frontProb; float backProb; // compute locally best split plane const float ratio = SelectSplitPlane(splitCandidate.mParentData, splitCandidate.mSplitPlane, frontProb, backProb); const bool maxCostRatioViolated = mTermMaxCostRatio < ratio; const int maxCostMisses = splitCandidate.mParentData.mMaxCostMisses; // max cost threshold violated? splitCandidate.SetMaxCostMisses(maxCostRatioViolated ? maxCostMisses + 1: maxCostMisses); } mPlaneTimer.Exit(); mEvalTimer.Entry(); VspLeaf *leaf = static_cast(splitCandidate.mParentData.mNode); ////////////// //-- compute global decrease in render cost const AxisAlignedPlane candidatePlane = splitCandidate.mSplitPlane; RayInfoContainer::const_iterator rit, rit_end = splitCandidate.mParentData.mRays->end(); SplitData sData; Intersectable::NewMail(3); KdLeaf::NewMail(3); for (rit = splitCandidate.mParentData.mRays->begin(); rit != rit_end; ++ rit) { RayInfo rayInf = *rit; float t; // classify ray const int cf = rayInf.ComputeRayIntersection(candidatePlane.mAxis, candidatePlane.mPosition, t); VssRay *ray = rayInf.mRay; #if HACK_PERFORMANCE Intersectable *obj = (*ray).mTerminationObject; BvhLeaf *leaf = mBvHierarchy->GetLeaf(obj); // evaluate contribution of ray endpoint to front // and back pvs with respect to the classification UpdateContributionsToPvs(leaf, cf, sData); #if COUNT_ORIGIN_OBJECTS obj = (*ray).mOriginObject; if (obj) { leaf = mBvHierarchy->GetLeaf(obj); UpdateContributionsToPvs(leaf, cf, sData); } #endif #else cerr << "TODO classify" << endl; #endif } sData.mTotalRenderCost = mViewCellsManager->ComputeRenderCost(sData.mTotalTriangles, sData.mTotalObjects); sData.mBackRenderCost = mViewCellsManager->ComputeRenderCost(sData.mBackTriangles, sData.mBackObjects); sData.mFrontRenderCost = mViewCellsManager->ComputeRenderCost(sData.mFrontTriangles, sData.mFrontObjects); ///////////// // avg ray contri const float avgRayContri = (float)sData.mTotalObjects / ((float)splitCandidate.mParentData.mRays->size() + Limits::Small); const float avgRaysPerObject = (float)splitCandidate.mParentData.mRays->size() / ((float)sData.mTotalObjects + Limits::Small); //cout << "avg rays per obj: " << avgRaysPerObject << endl; splitCandidate.SetAvgRayContribution(avgRayContri); splitCandidate.SetAvgRaysPerObject(avgRaysPerObject); // todo: compute old render cost in the function // using michi's render cost evaluation float oldRenderCost; const float renderCostDecr = EvalRenderCostDecrease(splitCandidate, oldRenderCost, sData); splitCandidate.SetRenderCostDecrease(renderCostDecr); // the increase in pvs entries num induced by this split const int pvsEntriesIncr = EvalPvsEntriesIncr(splitCandidate, sData); splitCandidate.SetPvsEntriesIncr(pvsEntriesIncr); splitCandidate.mFrontTriangles = (float)sData.mFrontTriangles; splitCandidate.mBackTriangles = (float)sData.mBackTriangles; // take render cost of node into account // otherwise danger of being stuck in a local minimum! float priority = mRenderCostDecreaseWeight * renderCostDecr + (1.0f - mRenderCostDecreaseWeight) * oldRenderCost; if (mHierarchyManager->mConsiderMemory) { priority /= ((float)splitCandidate.GetPvsEntriesIncr() + mMemoryConst); } splitCandidate.SetPriority(priority); //cout << "vsp render cost decrease=" << renderCostDecr << endl; mEvalTimer.Exit(); } int VspTree::EvalPvsEntriesIncr(VspSubdivisionCandidate &splitCandidate, const SplitData &sData) const { const float oldPvsRatio = (splitCandidate.mParentData.mPvs > 0) ? sData.mTotalObjects / splitCandidate.mParentData.mPvs : 1; const float correctedOldPvs = splitCandidate.mParentData.mCorrectedPvs * oldPvsRatio; splitCandidate.mCorrectedFrontPvs = mHierarchyManager->EvalCorrectedPvs((float)sData.mFrontObjects, (float)correctedOldPvs, splitCandidate.GetAvgRaysPerObject()); splitCandidate.mCorrectedBackPvs = mHierarchyManager->EvalCorrectedPvs((float)sData.mBackObjects, (float)correctedOldPvs, splitCandidate.GetAvgRaysPerObject()); splitCandidate.mFrontPvs = (float)sData.mFrontObjects; splitCandidate.mBackPvs = (float)sData.mBackObjects; return (int)(splitCandidate.mCorrectedFrontPvs + splitCandidate.mCorrectedBackPvs - correctedOldPvs); } VspInterior *VspTree::SubdivideNode(const VspSubdivisionCandidate &sc, VspTraversalData &frontData, VspTraversalData &backData) { mNodeTimer.Entry(); VspLeaf *leaf = static_cast(sc.mParentData.mNode); const VspTraversalData &tData = sc.mParentData; const AxisAlignedPlane &splitPlane = sc.mSplitPlane; /////////////// //-- new traversal values frontData.mDepth = tData.mDepth + 1; backData.mDepth = tData.mDepth + 1; frontData.mRays = new RayInfoContainer(); backData.mRays = new RayInfoContainer(); //-- subdivide rays SplitRays(splitPlane, *tData.mRays, *frontData.mRays, *backData.mRays); //-- compute pvs frontData.mPvs = sc.mFrontPvs; backData.mPvs = sc.mBackPvs; //-- compute pvs correction for coping with undersampling frontData.mCorrectedPvs = sc.mCorrectedFrontPvs; backData.mCorrectedPvs = sc.mCorrectedBackPvs; //-- split front and back node geometry and compute area tData.mBoundingBox.Split(splitPlane.mAxis, splitPlane.mPosition, frontData.mBoundingBox, backData.mBoundingBox); frontData.mProbability = frontData.mBoundingBox.GetVolume(); backData.mProbability = tData.mProbability - frontData.mProbability; //-- compute render cost frontData.mRenderCost = sc.mFrontRenderCost; backData.mRenderCost = sc.mBackRenderCost; frontData.mCorrectedRenderCost = sc.mCorrectedFrontRenderCost; backData.mCorrectedRenderCost = sc.mCorrectedBackRenderCost; //////// //-- update some stats if (tData.mDepth > mVspStats.maxDepth) { mVspStats.maxDepth = tData.mDepth; } // two more leaves per split mVspStats.nodes += 2; // and a new split ++ mVspStats.splits[splitPlane.mAxis]; //////////////// //-- create front and back and subdivide further VspInterior *interior = new VspInterior(splitPlane); VspInterior *parent = leaf->GetParent(); // replace a link from node's parent if (parent) { parent->ReplaceChildLink(leaf, interior); interior->SetParent(parent); } else // new root { mRoot = interior; } VspLeaf *frontLeaf = new VspLeaf(interior); VspLeaf *backLeaf = new VspLeaf(interior); // and setup child links interior->SetupChildLinks(frontLeaf, backLeaf); // add bounding box interior->SetBoundingBox(tData.mBoundingBox); // set front and back leaf frontData.mNode = frontLeaf; backData.mNode = backLeaf; // create front and back view cell for the new leaves CreateViewCell(frontData, false, sc.mFrontTriangles, (int)sc.mFrontPvs); CreateViewCell(backData, false, sc.mBackTriangles, (int)sc.mBackPvs); // set the time stamp so the order of traversal can be reconstructed interior->mTimeStamp = mHierarchyManager->mTimeStamp ++; mNodeTimer.Exit(); return interior; } void VspTree::AddSamplesToPvs(VspLeaf *leaf, const RayInfoContainer &rays, float &sampleContributions, int &contributingSamples) { sampleContributions = 0; contributingSamples = 0; RayInfoContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = rays.end(); ViewCellLeaf *vc = leaf->GetViewCell(); // add contributions from samples to the pvs for (it = rays.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { float sc = 0.0f; VssRay *ray = (*it).mRay; bool madeContrib = false; float contribution = 1; Intersectable *entry = mHierarchyManager->GetIntersectable(ray->mTerminationObject, true); if (entry) { madeContrib = vc->GetPvs().AddSample(entry, ray->mPdf); sc += contribution; } #if COUNT_ORIGIN_OBJECTS entry = mHierarchyManager->GetIntersectable(ray->mOriginObject, true); if (entry) { madeContrib = vc->GetPvs().AddSample(entry, ray->mPdf); sc += contribution; } #endif if (madeContrib) { ++ contributingSamples; } } } void VspTree::SortSubdivisionCandidates(const RayInfoContainer &rays, const int axis, float minBand, float maxBand) { mSortTimer.Entry(); mLocalSubdivisionCandidates->clear(); const int requestedSize = 2 * (int)(rays.size()); // creates a sorted split candidates array if (mLocalSubdivisionCandidates->capacity() > 500000 && requestedSize < (int)(mLocalSubdivisionCandidates->capacity() / 10) ) { delete mLocalSubdivisionCandidates; mLocalSubdivisionCandidates = new vector; } mLocalSubdivisionCandidates->reserve(requestedSize); float pos; RayInfoContainer::const_iterator rit, rit_end = rays.end(); const bool delayMinEvent = false; //////////// //-- insert all queries for (rit = rays.begin(); rit != rit_end; ++ rit) { const bool positive = (*rit).mRay->HasPosDir(axis); // origin point pos = (*rit).ExtrapOrigin(axis); const int oType = positive ? SortableEntry::ERayMin : SortableEntry::ERayMax; if (delayMinEvent && oType == SortableEntry::ERayMin) pos += mEpsilon; // could be useful feature for walls mLocalSubdivisionCandidates->push_back(SortableEntry(oType, pos, (*rit).mRay)); // termination point pos = (*rit).ExtrapTermination(axis); const int tType = positive ? SortableEntry::ERayMax : SortableEntry::ERayMin; if (delayMinEvent && tType == SortableEntry::ERayMin) pos += mEpsilon; // could be useful feature for walls mLocalSubdivisionCandidates->push_back(SortableEntry(tType, pos, (*rit).mRay)); } if (1) stable_sort(mLocalSubdivisionCandidates->begin(), mLocalSubdivisionCandidates->end()); else sort(mLocalSubdivisionCandidates->begin(), mLocalSubdivisionCandidates->end()); mSortTimer.Exit(); } float VspTree::PrepareHeuristics(KdLeaf *leaf) { float pvsSize = 0; if (!leaf->Mailed()) { leaf->Mail(); leaf->mCounter = 1; // add objects without the objects which are in several kd leaves pvsSize += (int)(leaf->mObjects.size() - leaf->mMultipleObjects.size()); } else { ++ leaf->mCounter; } //-- the objects belonging to several leaves must be handled seperately ObjectContainer::const_iterator oit, oit_end = leaf->mMultipleObjects.end(); for (oit = leaf->mMultipleObjects.begin(); oit != oit_end; ++ oit) { Intersectable *object = *oit; if (!object->Mailed()) { object->Mail(); object->mCounter = 1; ++ pvsSize; } else { ++ object->mCounter; } } return pvsSize; } float VspTree::PrepareHeuristics(const RayInfoContainer &rays) { Intersectable::NewMail(); KdNode::NewMail(); float pvsSize = 0; RayInfoContainer::const_iterator ri, ri_end = rays.end(); // set all kd nodes / objects as belonging to the front pvs for (ri = rays.begin(); ri != ri_end; ++ ri) { VssRay *ray = (*ri).mRay; pvsSize += PrepareHeuristics(*ray, true); #if COUNT_ORIGIN_OBJECTS pvsSize += PrepareHeuristics(*ray, false); #endif } return pvsSize; } float VspTree::EvalMaxEventContribution(KdLeaf *leaf) const { float pvs = 0; // leaf falls out of right pvs if (-- leaf->mCounter == 0) { pvs -= ((float)leaf->mObjects.size() - (float)leaf->mMultipleObjects.size()); } ////// //-- separately handle objects which are in several kd leaves ObjectContainer::const_iterator oit, oit_end = leaf->mMultipleObjects.end(); for (oit = leaf->mMultipleObjects.begin(); oit != oit_end; ++ oit) { Intersectable *object = *oit; if (-- object->mCounter == 0) { ++ pvs; } } return pvs; } float VspTree::EvalMinEventContribution(KdLeaf *leaf) const { if (leaf->Mailed()) return 0; leaf->Mail(); // add objects without those which are part of several kd leaves float pvs = ((float)leaf->mObjects.size() - (float)leaf->mMultipleObjects.size()); // separately handle objects which are part of several kd leaves ObjectContainer::const_iterator oit, oit_end = leaf->mMultipleObjects.end(); for (oit = leaf->mMultipleObjects.begin(); oit != oit_end; ++ oit) { Intersectable *object = *oit; // object not previously in pvs if (!object->Mailed()) { object->Mail(); ++ pvs; } } return pvs; } void VspTree::EvalHeuristics(const SortableEntry &ci, float &pvsLeft, float &pvsRight) const { VssRay *ray = ci.ray; // eval changes in pvs causes by min event if (ci.type == SortableEntry::ERayMin) { pvsLeft += EvalMinEventContribution(*ray, true); #if COUNT_ORIGIN_OBJECTS pvsLeft += EvalMinEventContribution(*ray, false); #endif } else // eval changes in pvs causes by max event { pvsRight -= EvalMaxEventContribution(*ray, true); #if COUNT_ORIGIN_OBJECTS pvsRight -= EvalMaxEventContribution(*ray, false); #endif } } float VspTree::EvalLocalCostHeuristics(const VspTraversalData &tData, const AxisAlignedBox3 &box, const int axis, float &position, const RayInfoContainer &usedRays) { const float minBox = box.Min(axis); const float maxBox = box.Max(axis); const float sizeBox = maxBox - minBox; const float minBand = minBox + mMinBand * sizeBox; const float maxBand = minBox + mMaxBand * sizeBox; // sort by the current dimension SortSubdivisionCandidates(usedRays, axis, minBand, maxBand); // prepare the sweep // note: returns pvs size => no need t give pvs size as function parameter const float pvsCost = PrepareHeuristics(usedRays); // go through the lists, count the number of objects left and right // and evaluate the following cost funcion: // C = ct_div_ci + (ql*rl + qr*rr)/queries float pvsl = 0; float pvsr = pvsCost; float pvsBack = pvsl; float pvsFront = pvsr; float sum = pvsCost * sizeBox; float minSum = 1e20f; // if no good split can be found, take mid split position = minBox + 0.5f * sizeBox; // the relative cost ratio float ratio = 99999999.0f; bool splitPlaneFound = false; Intersectable::NewMail(); KdLeaf::NewMail(); const float volRatio = tData.mBoundingBox.GetVolume() / (sizeBox * mBoundingBox.GetVolume()); //////// //-- iterate through visibility events vector::const_iterator ci, ci_end = mLocalSubdivisionCandidates->end(); #ifdef GTP_DEBUG const int leaves = mVspStats.Leaves(); const bool printStats = ((axis == 0) && (leaves > 0) && (leaves < 90)); ofstream sumStats; ofstream pvslStats; ofstream pvsrStats; if (printStats) { char str[64]; sprintf(str, "tmp/vsp_heur_sum-%04d.log", leaves); sumStats.open(str); sprintf(str, "tmp/vsp_heur_pvsl-%04d.log", leaves); pvslStats.open(str); sprintf(str, "tmp/vsp_heur_pvsr-%04d.log", leaves); pvsrStats.open(str); } #endif for (ci = mLocalSubdivisionCandidates->begin(); ci != ci_end; ++ ci) { // compute changes to front and back pvs EvalHeuristics(*ci, pvsl, pvsr); // Note: sufficient to compare size of bounding boxes of front and back side? if (((*ci).value >= minBand) && ((*ci).value <= maxBand)) { float currentPos; // HACK: current positition is BETWEEN visibility events if (0 && ((ci + 1) != ci_end)) currentPos = ((*ci).value + (*(ci + 1)).value) * 0.5f; else currentPos = (*ci).value; sum = pvsl * ((*ci).value - minBox) + pvsr * (maxBox - (*ci).value); #ifdef GTP_DEBUG if (printStats) { sumStats << "#Position\n" << currentPos << endl << "#Sum\n" << sum * volRatio << endl << "#Pvs\n" << pvsl + pvsr << endl; pvslStats << "#Position\n" << currentPos << endl << "#Pvsl\n" << pvsl << endl; pvsrStats << "#Position\n" << currentPos << endl << "#Pvsr\n" << pvsr << endl; } #endif if (sum < minSum) { splitPlaneFound = true; minSum = sum; position = currentPos; pvsBack = pvsl; pvsFront = pvsr; } } } ///////// //-- compute cost const float pOverall = sizeBox; const float pBack = position - minBox; const float pFront = maxBox - position; const float penaltyOld = pvsCost; const float penaltyFront = pvsFront; const float penaltyBack = pvsBack; const float oldRenderCost = penaltyOld * pOverall + Limits::Small; const float newRenderCost = penaltyFront * pFront + penaltyBack * pBack; #if VISUALIZE_SPLIT const int leaves = mVspStats.Leaves(); const bool showViz = (leaves >= 3000) && (leaves % 497 == 0); if (showViz) { //cout << "========================== exporting split ===================" << endl; Exporter *exporter; char str[64]; sprintf(str, "vc-%04d_%d.wrl", leaves, axis); exporter = Exporter::GetExporter(str); Material m; m.mDiffuseColor.r = 1.0f; m.mDiffuseColor.g = 0.0f; m.mDiffuseColor.b = 0.0f; exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); exporter->SetWireframe(); exporter->ExportBox(tData.mBoundingBox); exporter->ResetForcedMaterial(); RayInfoContainer::const_iterator rit, rit_end = tData.mRays->end(); exporter->SetFilled(); m.mDiffuseColor.r = 0.0f; m.mDiffuseColor.g = 1.0f; m.mDiffuseColor.b = 0.0f; exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); // create unique ids for pvs heuristics Intersectable::NewMail(3); float a = 0, b = 0, c = 0; // this is the main ray classification loop! for(rit = tData.mRays->begin(); rit != rit_end; ++ rit) { VssRay *ray = (*rit).mRay; // determine the side of this ray with respect to the plane float t; const int side = (*rit).ComputeRayIntersection(axis, position, t); UpdateContributionsToPvs(*ray, true, side, a, b, c); UpdateContributionsToPvs(*ray, false, side, a, b, c); } for (rit = tData.mRays->begin(); rit != rit_end; ++ rit) { RayInfo rayInf = *rit; // export objects VssRay *ray = rayInf.mRay; BvhLeaf *leaf = mBvHierarchy->GetLeaf(ray->mTerminationObject); //left and right if (leaf->Mailed(2)) { m.mDiffuseColor.r = 0.0f; m.mDiffuseColor.g = 1.0f; m.mDiffuseColor.b = 1.0f; } else if (leaf->Mailed(1)) // only right { m.mDiffuseColor.r = 0.0f; m.mDiffuseColor.g = 1.0f; m.mDiffuseColor.b = 0.0f; } else // left { m.mDiffuseColor.r = 0.0f; m.mDiffuseColor.g = 0.0f; m.mDiffuseColor.b = 1.0f; } exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); exporter->ExportIntersectable(leaf); } m.mDiffuseColor.r = 1.0f; m.mDiffuseColor.g = 0.0f; m.mDiffuseColor.b = 1.0f; exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); AxisAlignedBox3 vizPlaneBox; vizPlaneBox = tData.mBoundingBox; vizPlaneBox.SetMin(axis, position - 0.01); vizPlaneBox.SetMax(axis, position + 0.01); exporter->ExportBox(vizPlaneBox); delete exporter; } #endif if (splitPlaneFound) { ratio = newRenderCost / oldRenderCost; } #ifdef GTP_DEBUG Debug << "\n((((( eval local vsp cost )))))" << endl << "back pvs: " << penaltyBack << " front pvs: " << penaltyFront << " total pvs: " << penaltyOld << endl << "back p: " << pBack * volRatio << " front p " << pFront * volRatio << " p: " << pOverall * volRatio << endl << "old rc: " << oldRenderCost * volRatio << " new rc: " << newRenderCost * volRatio << endl << "render cost decrease: " << oldRenderCost * volRatio - newRenderCost * volRatio << endl; #endif return ratio; } float VspTree::SelectSplitPlane(const VspTraversalData &tData, AxisAlignedPlane &plane, float &pFront, float &pBack) { mSplitTimer.Entry(); float nPosition[3]; float nCostRatio[3]; float nProbFront[3]; float nProbBack[3]; // create bounding box of node geometry AxisAlignedBox3 box = tData.mBoundingBox; int sAxis = 0; int bestAxis = -1; // do we use some kind of specialised "fixed" axis? const bool useSpecialAxis = mOnlyDrivingAxis || mCirculatingAxis; // get subset of rays RayInfoContainer randomRays; randomRays.reserve(min(mMaxTests, (int)tData.mRays->size())); RayInfoContainer *usedRays; if (mMaxTests < (int)tData.mRays->size()) { GetRayInfoSets(*tData.mRays, mMaxTests, randomRays); usedRays = &randomRays; } else { usedRays = tData.mRays; } if (mCirculatingAxis) { int parentAxis = 0; VspNode *parent = tData.mNode->GetParent(); if (parent) { parentAxis = static_cast(parent)->GetAxis(); } sAxis = (parentAxis + 1) % 3; } else if (mOnlyDrivingAxis) { sAxis = box.Size().DrivingAxis(); } for (int axis = 0; axis < 3; ++ axis) { if (!useSpecialAxis || (axis == sAxis)) { if (mUseCostHeuristics) { //-- place split plane using heuristics nCostRatio[axis] = EvalLocalCostHeuristics(tData, box, axis, nPosition[axis], *usedRays); } else { //-- split plane position is spatial median nPosition[axis] = (box.Min()[axis] + box.Max()[axis]) * 0.5f; nCostRatio[axis] = EvalLocalSplitCost(tData, box, axis, nPosition[axis], nProbFront[axis], nProbBack[axis]); } if (bestAxis == -1) { bestAxis = axis; } else if (nCostRatio[axis] < nCostRatio[bestAxis]) { bestAxis = axis; } } } ///////////////////////// //-- assign values of best split plane.mAxis = bestAxis; // best split plane position plane.mPosition = nPosition[bestAxis]; pFront = nProbFront[bestAxis]; pBack = nProbBack[bestAxis]; mSplitTimer.Exit(); return nCostRatio[bestAxis]; } float VspTree::EvalRenderCostDecrease(VspSubdivisionCandidate &sc, float &normalizedOldRenderCost, const SplitData &sData) const { const float viewSpaceVol = mBoundingBox.GetVolume(); const VspTraversalData &tData = sc.mParentData; const AxisAlignedPlane &candidatePlane = sc.mSplitPlane; const float avgRaysPerObject = sc.GetAvgRaysPerObject(); AxisAlignedBox3 frontBox; AxisAlignedBox3 backBox; tData.mBoundingBox.Split(candidatePlane.mAxis, candidatePlane.mPosition, frontBox, backBox); // probability that view point lies in back / front node float pOverall = tData.mProbability; float pFront = frontBox.GetVolume(); float pBack = pOverall - pFront; /////////////////// //-- evaluate render cost heuristics // ratio of how render cost changed since last evaluation const float oldRenderCostRatio = (tData.mRenderCost > 0)? (sData.mTotalRenderCost / tData.mRenderCost) : 1; const float penaltyOld = tData.mCorrectedRenderCost * oldRenderCostRatio; sc.mCorrectedFrontRenderCost = mHierarchyManager->EvalCorrectedPvs(sData.mFrontRenderCost, penaltyOld, avgRaysPerObject); sc.mCorrectedBackRenderCost = mHierarchyManager->EvalCorrectedPvs(sData.mBackRenderCost, penaltyOld, avgRaysPerObject); sc.mFrontRenderCost = sData.mFrontRenderCost; sc.mBackRenderCost = sData.mBackRenderCost; const float oldRenderCost = penaltyOld * pOverall; const float newRenderCost = sc.mCorrectedFrontRenderCost * pFront + sc.mCorrectedBackRenderCost * pBack; // the normalized old render cost is needed for the priority normalizedOldRenderCost = oldRenderCost / viewSpaceVol; // the render cost decrase for this split const float renderCostDecrease = (oldRenderCost - newRenderCost) / viewSpaceVol; #if GTP_DEBUG Debug << "old: " << normalizedOldRenderCost << " new: " << newRenderCost / viewSpaceVol << " corr: " << tData.mCorrectedRenderCost << " ratio: " << oldRenderCostRatio << endl; #endif return renderCostDecrease; } float VspTree::EvalLocalSplitCost(const VspTraversalData &tData, const AxisAlignedBox3 &box, const int axis, const float &position, float &pFront, float &pBack) const { float pvsTotal = 0; float pvsFront = 0; float pvsBack = 0; // create unique ids for pvs heuristics Intersectable::NewMail(3); KdLeaf::NewMail(3); RayInfoContainer::const_iterator rit, rit_end = tData.mRays->end(); // this is the main ray classification loop! for(rit = tData.mRays->begin(); rit != rit_end; ++ rit) { VssRay *ray = (*rit).mRay; // determine the side of this ray with respect to the plane float t; const int side = (*rit).ComputeRayIntersection(axis, position, t); UpdateContributionsToPvs(*ray, true, side, pvsFront, pvsBack, pvsTotal); UpdateContributionsToPvs(*ray, false, side, pvsFront, pvsBack, pvsTotal); } ////////////// //-- evaluate cost heuristics float pOverall = tData.mProbability; // we use spatial mid split => simplified computation pBack = pFront = pOverall * 0.5f; const float newCost = pvsBack * pBack + pvsFront * pFront; const float oldCost = (float)pvsTotal * pOverall + Limits::Small; #ifdef GTPGTP_DEBUG Debug << "axis: " << axis << " " << pvsSize << " " << pvsBack << " " << pvsFront << endl; Debug << "p: " << pFront << " " << pBack << " " << pOverall << endl; #endif return (mCtDivCi + newCost) / oldCost; } void VspTree::UpdateContributionsToPvs(Intersectable *obj, const int cf, float &frontPvs, float &backPvs, float &totalPvs) const { if (!obj) return; // object in none of the pvss => new object if (!obj->Mailed() && !obj->Mailed(1) && !obj->Mailed(2)) { totalPvs += 1.0f; } // QUESTION matt: is it safe to assume that // the object belongs to no pvs in this case? //if (cf == Ray::COINCIDENT) return; if (cf >= 0) // front pvs { if (!obj->Mailed() && !obj->Mailed(2)) { frontPvs += 1.0f; // already in back pvs => in both pvss if (obj->Mailed(1)) obj->Mail(2); else obj->Mail(); } } if (cf <= 0) // back pvs { if (!obj->Mailed(1) && !obj->Mailed(2)) { backPvs += 1.0f; // already in front pvs => in both pvss if (obj->Mailed()) obj->Mail(2); else obj->Mail(1); } } } void VspTree::UpdateContributionsToPvs(BvhLeaf *leaf, const int cf, float &frontPvs, float &backPvs, float &totalPvs, const bool countEntries) const { if (!leaf) return; const float renderCost = countEntries ? 1 : (float)leaf->mObjects.size(); // leaf in no pvs => new if (!leaf->Mailed() && !leaf->Mailed(1) && !leaf->Mailed(2)) { totalPvs += renderCost; } if (cf >= 0) // front pvs { if (!leaf->Mailed() && !leaf->Mailed(2)) { frontPvs += renderCost; // already in back pvs => in both pvss if (leaf->Mailed(1)) leaf->Mail(2); else leaf->Mail(); } } if (cf <= 0) // back pvs { if (!leaf->Mailed(1) && !leaf->Mailed(2)) { backPvs += renderCost; // already in front pvs => in both pvss if (leaf->Mailed()) leaf->Mail(2); else leaf->Mail(1); } } } void VspTree::UpdateContributionsToPvs(BvhLeaf *leaf, const int cf, SplitData &sData) const { const int triSize = (int)leaf->mObjects.size(); // object in no pvs => count as new if (!leaf->Mailed() && !leaf->Mailed(1) && !leaf->Mailed(2)) { sData.mTotalTriangles += (int)triSize; ++ sData.mTotalObjects; } if (cf >= 0) // front pvs { if (!leaf->Mailed() && !leaf->Mailed(2)) { sData.mFrontTriangles += triSize; ++ sData.mFrontObjects; // already in back pvs => in both pvss if (leaf->Mailed(1)) leaf->Mail(2); else leaf->Mail(); } } if (cf <= 0) // back pvs { if (!leaf->Mailed(1) && !leaf->Mailed(2)) { sData.mBackTriangles += triSize; ++ sData.mBackObjects; // already in front pvs => in both pvss if (leaf->Mailed()) leaf->Mail(2); else leaf->Mail(1); } } } void VspTree::UpdateContributionsToPvs(KdLeaf *leaf, const int cf, float &frontPvs, float &backPvs, float &totalPvs) const { if (!leaf) return; // the objects which are referenced in this and only this leaf const int contri = (int)(leaf->mObjects.size() - leaf->mMultipleObjects.size()); // newly found leaf if (!leaf->Mailed() && !leaf->Mailed(1) && !leaf->Mailed(2)) { totalPvs += contri; } // recursivly update contributions of yet unclassified objects ObjectContainer::const_iterator oit, oit_end = leaf->mMultipleObjects.end(); for (oit = leaf->mMultipleObjects.begin(); oit != oit_end; ++ oit) { UpdateContributionsToPvs(*oit, cf, frontPvs, backPvs, totalPvs); } if (cf >= 0) // front pvs { if (!leaf->Mailed() && !leaf->Mailed(2)) { frontPvs += contri; // already in back pvs => in both pvss if (leaf->Mailed(1)) leaf->Mail(2); else leaf->Mail(); } } if (cf <= 0) // back pvs { if (!leaf->Mailed(1) && !leaf->Mailed(2)) { backPvs += contri; // already in front pvs => in both pvss if (leaf->Mailed()) leaf->Mail(2); else leaf->Mail(1); } } } void VspTree::CollectLeaves(vector &leaves, const bool onlyUnmailed, const int maxPvsSize) const { stack nodeStack; nodeStack.push(mRoot); while (!nodeStack.empty()) { VspNode *node = nodeStack.top(); nodeStack.pop(); if (node->IsLeaf()) { // test if this leaf is in valid view space VspLeaf *leaf = static_cast(node); if (leaf->TreeValid() && (!onlyUnmailed || !leaf->Mailed()) && ((maxPvsSize < 0) || (leaf->GetViewCell()->GetPvs().EvalPvsCost() <= maxPvsSize))) { leaves.push_back(leaf); } } else { VspInterior *interior = static_cast(node); nodeStack.push(interior->GetBack()); nodeStack.push(interior->GetFront()); } } } AxisAlignedBox3 VspTree::GetBoundingBox() const { return mBoundingBox; } VspNode *VspTree::GetRoot() const { return mRoot; } void VspTree::EvaluateLeafStats(const VspTraversalData &data) { // the node became a leaf -> evaluate stats for leafs VspLeaf *leaf = static_cast(data.mNode); if (data.mPvs > mVspStats.maxPvs) { mVspStats.maxPvs = (int)data.mPvs; } mVspStats.pvs += (int)data.mPvs; if (data.mDepth < mVspStats.minDepth) { mVspStats.minDepth = data.mDepth; } if (data.mDepth >= mTermMaxDepth) { ++ mVspStats.maxDepthNodes; } // accumulate rays to compute rays / leaf mVspStats.rayRefs += (int)data.mRays->size(); if (data.mPvs < mTermMinPvs) ++ mVspStats.minPvsNodes; if ((int)data.mRays->size() < mTermMinRays) ++ mVspStats.minRaysNodes; if (data.GetAvgRayContribution() > mTermMaxRayContribution) ++ mVspStats.maxRayContribNodes; if (data.mProbability <= mTermMinProbability) ++ mVspStats.minProbabilityNodes; // accumulate depth to compute average depth mVspStats.accumDepth += data.mDepth; ++ mCreatedViewCells; #ifdef GTP_DEBUG Debug << "BSP stats: " << "Depth: " << data.mDepth << " (max: " << mTermMaxDepth << "), " << "PVS: " << data.mPvs << " (min: " << mTermMinPvs << "), " << "#rays: " << (int)data.mRays->size() << " (max: " << mTermMinRays << "), " << "#pvs: " << leaf->GetViewCell()->GetPvs().EvalPvsCost() << "), " << "#avg ray contrib (pvs): " << (float)data.mPvs / (float)data.mRays->size() << endl; #endif } void VspTree::CollectViewCells(ViewCellContainer &viewCells, bool onlyValid) const { ViewCell::NewMail(); CollectViewCells(mRoot, onlyValid, viewCells, true); } void VspTree::CollectRays(VssRayContainer &rays) { vector leaves; CollectLeaves(leaves); vector::const_iterator lit, lit_end = leaves.end(); for (lit = leaves.begin(); lit != lit_end; ++ lit) { VspLeaf *leaf = *lit; VssRayContainer::const_iterator rit, rit_end = leaf->mVssRays.end(); for (rit = leaf->mVssRays.begin(); rit != rit_end; ++ rit) rays.push_back(*rit); } } void VspTree::SetViewCellsManager(ViewCellsManager *vcm) { mViewCellsManager = vcm; } void VspTree::ValidateTree() { if (!mRoot) return; mVspStats.invalidLeaves = 0; stack nodeStack; nodeStack.push(mRoot); while (!nodeStack.empty()) { VspNode *node = nodeStack.top(); nodeStack.pop(); if (node->IsLeaf()) { VspLeaf *leaf = static_cast(node); if (!leaf->GetViewCell()->GetValid()) ++ mVspStats.invalidLeaves; // validity flags don't match => repair if (leaf->GetViewCell()->GetValid() != leaf->TreeValid()) { leaf->SetTreeValid(leaf->GetViewCell()->GetValid()); PropagateUpValidity(leaf); } } else { VspInterior *interior = static_cast(node); nodeStack.push(interior->GetFront()); nodeStack.push(interior->GetBack()); } } Debug << "invalid leaves: " << mVspStats.invalidLeaves << endl; } void VspTree::CollectViewCells(VspNode *root, bool onlyValid, ViewCellContainer &viewCells, bool onlyUnmailed) const { if (!root) return; stack nodeStack; nodeStack.push(root); while (!nodeStack.empty()) { VspNode *node = nodeStack.top(); nodeStack.pop(); if (node->IsLeaf()) { if (!onlyValid || node->TreeValid()) { ViewCellLeaf *leafVc = static_cast(node)->GetViewCell(); ViewCell *viewCell = mViewCellsTree->GetActiveViewCell(leafVc); if (!onlyUnmailed || !viewCell->Mailed()) { viewCell->Mail(); viewCells.push_back(viewCell); } } } else { VspInterior *interior = static_cast(node); nodeStack.push(interior->GetFront()); nodeStack.push(interior->GetBack()); } } } int VspTree::FindNeighbors(VspLeaf *n, vector &neighbors, const bool onlyUnmailed) const { stack nodeStack; nodeStack.push(mRoot); const AxisAlignedBox3 box = GetBoundingBox(n); while (!nodeStack.empty()) { VspNode *node = nodeStack.top(); nodeStack.pop(); if (node->IsLeaf()) { VspLeaf *leaf = static_cast(node); if (leaf != n && (!onlyUnmailed || !leaf->Mailed())) neighbors.push_back(leaf); } else { VspInterior *interior = static_cast(node); if (interior->GetPosition() > box.Max(interior->GetAxis())) nodeStack.push(interior->GetBack()); else { if (interior->GetPosition() < box.Min(interior->GetAxis())) nodeStack.push(interior->GetFront()); else { // random decision nodeStack.push(interior->GetBack()); nodeStack.push(interior->GetFront()); } } } } return (int)neighbors.size(); } // Find random neighbor which was not mailed VspLeaf *VspTree::GetRandomLeaf(const Plane3 &plane) { stack nodeStack; nodeStack.push(mRoot); int mask = rand(); while (!nodeStack.empty()) { VspNode *node = nodeStack.top(); nodeStack.pop(); if (node->IsLeaf()) { return static_cast(node); } else { VspInterior *interior = static_cast(node); VspNode *next; if (GetBoundingBox(interior->GetBack()).Side(plane) < 0) { next = interior->GetFront(); } else { if (GetBoundingBox(interior->GetFront()).Side(plane) < 0) { next = interior->GetBack(); } else { // random decision if (mask & 1) next = interior->GetBack(); else next = interior->GetFront(); mask = mask >> 1; } } nodeStack.push(next); } } return NULL; } VspLeaf *VspTree::GetRandomLeaf(const bool onlyUnmailed) { stack nodeStack; nodeStack.push(mRoot); int mask = rand(); while (!nodeStack.empty()) { VspNode *node = nodeStack.top(); nodeStack.pop(); if (node->IsLeaf()) { if ( (!onlyUnmailed || !node->Mailed()) ) return static_cast(node); } else { VspInterior *interior = static_cast(node); // random decision if (mask & 1) nodeStack.push(interior->GetBack()); else nodeStack.push(interior->GetFront()); mask = mask >> 1; } } return NULL; } float VspTree::EvalPvsCost(const RayInfoContainer &rays) const { float pvsCost = 0; Intersectable::NewMail(); KdNode::NewMail(); RayInfoContainer::const_iterator rit, rit_end = rays.end(); for (rit = rays.begin(); rit != rays.end(); ++ rit) { VssRay *ray = (*rit).mRay; pvsCost += EvalContributionToPvs(*ray, true); #if COUNT_ORIGIN_OBJECTS pvsCost += EvalContributionToPvs(*ray, false); #endif } return pvsCost; } int VspTree::EvalPvsEntriesContribution(const VssRay &ray, const bool isTermination) const { #if HACK_PERFORMANCE Intersectable *obj = isTermination ? ray.mTerminationObject : ray.mOriginObject; if (!obj) return 0; BvhLeaf *bvhleaf = mBvHierarchy->GetLeaf(obj); if (!bvhleaf->Mailed()) { bvhleaf->Mail(); return 1; } #else Intersectable *obj; static Vector3 pt; KdNode *node; ray.GetSampleData(isTermination, pt, &obj, &node); if (!obj) return 0; switch(mHierarchyManager->GetObjectSpaceSubdivisionType()) { case HierarchyManager::NO_OBJ_SUBDIV: { if (!obj->Mailed()) { obj->Mail(); return 1; } return 0; } case HierarchyManager::KD_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: { KdLeaf *leaf = mHierarchyManager->mOspTree->GetLeaf(pt, node); if (!leaf->Mailed()) { leaf->Mail(); return 1; } return 0; } case HierarchyManager::BV_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: { BvhLeaf *bvhleaf = mBvHierarchy->GetLeaf(obj); if (!bvhleaf->Mailed()) { bvhleaf->Mail(); return 1; } return 0; } default: break; } #endif return 0; } int VspTree::EvalPvsEntriesSize(const RayInfoContainer &rays) const { int pvsSize = 0; Intersectable::NewMail(); KdNode::NewMail(); RayInfoContainer::const_iterator rit, rit_end = rays.end(); for (rit = rays.begin(); rit != rays.end(); ++ rit) { VssRay *ray = (*rit).mRay; pvsSize += EvalPvsEntriesContribution(*ray, true); #if COUNT_ORIGIN_OBJECTS pvsSize += EvalPvsEntriesContribution(*ray, false); #endif } return pvsSize; } float VspTree::GetEpsilon() const { return mEpsilon; } int VspTree::CastLineSegment(const Vector3 &origin, const Vector3 &termination, ViewCellContainer &viewcells, const bool useMailboxing) { int hits = 0; float mint = 0.0f, maxt = 1.0f; const Vector3 dir = termination - origin; stack tStack; Vector3 entp = origin; Vector3 extp = termination; VspNode *node = mRoot; VspNode *farChild; float position; int axis; while (1) { if (!node->IsLeaf()) { VspInterior *in = static_cast(node); position = in->GetPosition(); axis = in->GetAxis(); if (entp[axis] <= position) { if (extp[axis] <= position) { node = in->GetBack(); // cases N1,N2,N3,P5,Z2,Z3 continue; } else { // case N4 node = in->GetBack(); farChild = in->GetFront(); } } else { if (position <= extp[axis]) { node = in->GetFront(); // cases P1,P2,P3,N5,Z1 continue; } else { node = in->GetFront(); farChild = in->GetBack(); // case P4 } } // $$ modification 3.5.2004 - hints from Kamil Ghais // case N4 or P4 const float tdist = (position - origin[axis]) / dir[axis]; tStack.push(LineTraversalData(farChild, extp, maxt)); //TODO // new exit point for near child extp = origin + dir * tdist; maxt = tdist; } else { // compute intersection with all objects in this leaf VspLeaf *leaf = static_cast(node); ViewCell *viewCell; if (0) viewCell = mViewCellsTree->GetActiveViewCell(leaf->GetViewCell()); else viewCell = leaf->GetViewCell(); // don't have to mail if each view cell belongs to exactly one leaf if (!useMailboxing || !viewCell->Mailed()) { if (useMailboxing) viewCell->Mail(); viewcells.push_back(viewCell); ++ hits; } // get the next node from the stack if (tStack.empty()) break; // set new entry point for far child entp = extp; mint = maxt; LineTraversalData &s = tStack.top(); node = s.mNode; extp = s.mExitPoint; maxt = s.mMaxT; tStack.pop(); } } return hits; } int VspTree::TraverseRayPacket(RayPacket &rp, const bool useMailboxing) { #ifdef USE_SSE int hits = 0; // reciprocal of ray directions float one = 1.0f; float zero = 0.0f; __m128 one4 = _mm_load1_ps(&one); __m128 zero4 = _mm_load1_ps(&zero); union { __m128 mask4; float mask[4];}; union { __m128 mask4_2; float mask_2[4];}; mask4 = one4; __declspec(align(16)) __m128 entp4[] = {rp.mOriginX4, rp.mOriginY4, rp.mOriginZ4}; __declspec(align(16)) __m128 extp4[] = {rp.mTerminationX4, rp.mTerminationY4, rp.mTerminationZ4}; __m128 *origin = &rp.mOriginX4; __m128 *termination = &rp.mTerminationX4; // ray directions __m128 dirX4 = _mm_sub_ps(rp.mTerminationX4, rp.mOriginX4); __m128 dirY4 = _mm_sub_ps(rp.mTerminationY4, rp.mOriginY4);; __m128 dirZ4 = _mm_sub_ps(rp.mTerminationZ4, rp.mOriginZ4);; __m128 rdx4 = _mm_div_ps(one4, dirX4); __m128 rdy4 = _mm_div_ps(one4, dirY4); __m128 rdz4 = _mm_div_ps(one4, dirZ4); __m128 maxT4 = one4; __m128 minT4 = zero4; PacketTraversalStack tStack(1000); VspNode *node = mRoot; VspNode *farChild; float position; int axis; __m128 position4; while (1) { if (!node->IsLeaf()) { VspInterior *in = static_cast(node); position = in->GetPosition(); axis = in->GetAxis(); position4 = _mm_load1_ps(&position); // are the entry points all in near leaf? if (_mm_movemask_ps(_mm_and_ps(_mm_cmple_ps(entp4[axis], position4), mask4))) { // are the exit points all in near leaf? if (_mm_movemask_ps(_mm_and_ps(_mm_cmple_ps(extp4[axis], position4), mask4))) { node = in->GetBack(); // cases N1,N2,N3,P5,Z2,Z3 continue; } else // traverse both children { // case N4 node = in->GetBack(); farChild = in->GetFront(); } } else { if (_mm_movemask_ps(_mm_and_ps(_mm_cmple_ps(position4, entp4[axis]), mask4)) && _mm_movemask_ps(_mm_and_ps(_mm_cmple_ps(position4, extp4[axis]), mask4))) { node = in->GetFront(); // cases P1,P2,P3,N5,Z1 continue; } else // traverse both children { node = in->GetFront(); farChild = in->GetBack(); // case P4 } } // $$ modification 3.5.2004 - hints from Kamil Ghais // case N4 or P4 const __m128 tDist4 = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(position4, origin[axis]), termination[axis]); mask4 = _mm_and_ps(_mm_cmplt_ps(tDist4, minT4), mask4); mask4_2 = _mm_and_ps(_mm_cmpgt_ps(tDist4, minT4), mask4); // push far child for further processing tStack.Push(PacketTraversalData(farChild, extp4[0], extp4[1], extp4[2], maxT4, mask4_2)); // compute new exit point extp4[0] = _mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(dirX4, tDist4), rp.mOriginX4); extp4[1] = _mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(dirY4, tDist4), rp.mOriginY4); extp4[2] = _mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(dirZ4, tDist4), rp.mOriginZ4); maxT4 = tDist4; } else { // compute intersection with all objects in this leaf VspLeaf *leaf = static_cast(node); ViewCell *viewCell; viewCell = leaf->GetViewCell(); // note: don't have to mail if each view // cell belongs to exactly one leaf if (!useMailboxing || !viewCell->Mailed()) { if (useMailboxing) viewCell->Mail(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { // push view cells for all valid rays if (mask[i]) rp.mViewCells[i].push_back(viewCell); } ++ hits; } // get the next node from the stack if (tStack.Empty()) break; // use memcopy? entp4[0] = extp4[0]; entp4[1] = extp4[1]; entp4[2] = extp4[2]; minT4 = maxT4; const PacketTraversalData &s = tStack.Top(); node = s.mNode; extp4[0] = s.mExitPointX4; extp4[1] = s.mExitPointY4; extp4[2] = s.mExitPointZ4; maxT4 = s.mMaxT4; mask4 = s.mMask4; tStack.Pop(); } } return hits; #else return 0; #endif } int VspTree::CastRay(Ray &ray) { int hits = 0; stack tStack; const Vector3 dir = ray.GetDir(); float maxt, mint; if (!mBoundingBox.GetRaySegment(ray, mint, maxt)) return 0; Intersectable::NewMail(); ViewCell::NewMail(); Vector3 entp = ray.Extrap(mint); Vector3 extp = ray.Extrap(maxt); const Vector3 origin = entp; VspNode *node = mRoot; VspNode *farChild = NULL; float position; int axis; while (1) { if (!node->IsLeaf()) { VspInterior *in = static_cast(node); position = in->GetPosition(); axis = in->GetAxis(); if (entp[axis] <= position) { if (extp[axis] <= position) { node = in->GetBack(); // cases N1,N2,N3,P5,Z2,Z3 continue; } else { // case N4 node = in->GetBack(); farChild = in->GetFront(); } } else { if (position <= extp[axis]) { node = in->GetFront(); // cases P1,P2,P3,N5,Z1 continue; } else { node = in->GetFront(); farChild = in->GetBack(); // case P4 } } // $$ modification 3.5.2004 - hints from Kamil Ghais // case N4 or P4 const float tdist = (position - origin[axis]) / dir[axis]; tStack.push(LineTraversalData(farChild, extp, maxt)); //TODO extp = origin + dir * tdist; maxt = tdist; } else { // compute intersection with all objects in this leaf VspLeaf *leaf = static_cast(node); ViewCell *vc = leaf->GetViewCell(); if (!vc->Mailed()) { vc->Mail(); // todo: add view cells to ray ++ hits; } // get the next node from the stack if (tStack.empty()) break; entp = extp; mint = maxt; LineTraversalData &s = tStack.top(); node = s.mNode; extp = s.mExitPoint; maxt = s.mMaxT; tStack.pop(); } } return hits; } ViewCell *VspTree::GetViewCell(const Vector3 &point, const bool active) { if (!mRoot) return NULL; stack nodeStack; nodeStack.push(mRoot); ViewCellLeaf *viewcell = NULL; while (!nodeStack.empty()) { VspNode *node = nodeStack.top(); nodeStack.pop(); if (node->IsLeaf()) { /*const AxisAlignedBox3 box = GetBoundingBox(static_cast(node)); if (!box.IsInside(point)) cerr << "error, point " << point << " should be in view cell " << box << endl; */ viewcell = static_cast(node)->GetViewCell(); break; } else { VspInterior *interior = static_cast(node); // random decision if (interior->GetPosition() - point[interior->GetAxis()] < 0) { nodeStack.push(interior->GetFront()); } else { nodeStack.push(interior->GetBack()); } } } // return active or leaf view cell if (active) { return mViewCellsTree->GetActiveViewCell(viewcell); } else { return viewcell; } } bool VspTree::ViewPointValid(const Vector3 &viewPoint) const { VspNode *node = mRoot; while (1) { // early exit if (node->TreeValid()) return true; if (node->IsLeaf()) return false; VspInterior *in = static_cast(node); if (in->GetPosition() - viewPoint[in->GetAxis()] <= 0) { node = in->GetBack(); } else { node = in->GetFront(); } } // should never come here return false; } void VspTree::PropagateUpValidity(VspNode *node) { const bool isValid = node->TreeValid(); // propagative up invalid flag until only invalid nodes exist over this node if (!isValid) { while (!node->IsRoot() && node->GetParent()->TreeValid()) { node = node->GetParent(); node->SetTreeValid(false); } } else { // propagative up valid flag until one of the subtrees is invalid while (!node->IsRoot() && !node->TreeValid()) { node = node->GetParent(); VspInterior *interior = static_cast(node); // the parent is valid iff both leaves are valid node->SetTreeValid(interior->GetBack()->TreeValid() && interior->GetFront()->TreeValid()); } } } bool VspTree::Export(OUT_STREAM &stream) { ExportNode(mRoot, stream); return true; } void VspTree::ExportNode(VspNode *node, OUT_STREAM &stream) { if (node->IsLeaf()) { VspLeaf *leaf = static_cast(node); ViewCell *viewCell = mViewCellsTree->GetActiveViewCell(leaf->GetViewCell()); int id = -1; if (viewCell != mOutOfBoundsCell) id = viewCell->GetId(); stream << "" << endl; } else { VspInterior *interior = static_cast(node); AxisAlignedPlane plane = interior->GetPlane(); stream << "" << endl; ExportNode(interior->GetBack(), stream); ExportNode(interior->GetFront(), stream); stream << "" << endl; } } int VspTree::SplitRays(const AxisAlignedPlane &plane, RayInfoContainer &rays, RayInfoContainer &frontRays, RayInfoContainer &backRays) const { int splits = 0; RayInfoContainer::const_iterator rit, rit_end = rays.end(); for (rit = rays.begin(); rit != rit_end; ++ rit) { RayInfo bRay = *rit; VssRay *ray = bRay.mRay; float t; // get classification and receive new t // test if start point behind or in front of plane const int side = bRay.ComputeRayIntersection(plane.mAxis, plane.mPosition, t); if (side == 0) { ++ splits; if (ray->HasPosDir(plane.mAxis)) { backRays.push_back(RayInfo(ray, bRay.GetMinT(), t)); frontRays.push_back(RayInfo(ray, t, bRay.GetMaxT())); } else { frontRays.push_back(RayInfo(ray, bRay.GetMinT(), t)); backRays.push_back(RayInfo(ray, t, bRay.GetMaxT())); } } else if (side == 1) { frontRays.push_back(bRay); } else { backRays.push_back(bRay); } } return splits; } AxisAlignedBox3 VspTree::GetBoundingBox(VspNode *node) const { if (!node->GetParent()) return mBoundingBox; if (!node->IsLeaf()) { return (static_cast(node))->GetBoundingBox(); } VspInterior *parent = static_cast(node->GetParent()); AxisAlignedBox3 box(parent->GetBoundingBox()); if (parent->GetFront() == node) box.SetMin(parent->GetAxis(), parent->GetPosition()); else box.SetMax(parent->GetAxis(), parent->GetPosition()); return box; } int VspTree::ComputeBoxIntersections(const AxisAlignedBox3 &box, ViewCellContainer &viewCells) const { stack nodeStack; ViewCell::NewMail(); nodeStack.push(mRoot); while (!nodeStack.empty()) { VspNode *node = nodeStack.top(); nodeStack.pop(); const AxisAlignedBox3 bbox = GetBoundingBox(node); if (Overlap(bbox, box)) { if (node->IsLeaf()) { VspLeaf *leaf = static_cast(node); if (!leaf->GetViewCell()->Mailed() && leaf->TreeValid()) { leaf->GetViewCell()->Mail(); viewCells.push_back(leaf->GetViewCell()); } } else { VspInterior *interior = static_cast(node); VspNode *first = interior->GetFront(); VspNode *second = interior->GetBack(); nodeStack.push(first); nodeStack.push(second); } } // default: cull } return (int)viewCells.size(); } void VspTree::PreprocessRays(const VssRayContainer &sampleRays, RayInfoContainer &rays) { VssRayContainer::const_iterator rit, rit_end = sampleRays.end(); long startTime = GetTime(); cout << "storing rays ... "; Intersectable::NewMail(); //////////////// //-- store rays and objects VssRay *lastVssRay = NULL; for (rit = sampleRays.begin(); rit != rit_end; ++ rit) { VssRay *ray = *rit; // filter out double rays (last ray the same as this ray if ( !lastVssRay || !(ray->mOrigin == lastVssRay->mTermination) || !(ray->mTermination == lastVssRay->mOrigin)) { lastVssRay = ray; float minT, maxT; static Ray hray; hray.Init(*ray); // TODO: not very efficient to implictly cast between rays types if (GetBoundingBox().GetRaySegment(hray, minT, maxT)) { const float len = ray->Length(); if (len) // ray not degenerate { //len = Limits::Small; rays.push_back(RayInfo(ray, minT / len, maxT / len)); } } } else { //cout << "r"; // store object only for one ray //lastVssRay->mOriginObject = ray->mTerminationObject; } } cout << "finished in " << TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime()) * 1e-3 << " secs" << endl; } void VspTree::GetViewCells(const VssRay &ray, ViewCellContainer &viewCells) { mViewCellsTimer.Entry(); static Ray hray; hray.Init(ray); float tmin = 0, tmax = 1.0; if (!mBoundingBox.GetRaySegment(hray, tmin, tmax) || (tmin > tmax)) return; const Vector3 origin = hray.Extrap(tmin); const Vector3 termination = hray.Extrap(tmax); // view cells were not precomputed and are extracted on the fly // don't mail because the same view cells can be found for different rays CastLineSegment(origin, termination, viewCells, false); mViewCellsTimer.Exit(); } void VspTree::Initialise(const VssRayContainer &rays, AxisAlignedBox3 *forcedBoundingBox, const ObjectContainer &objects) { ComputeBoundingBox(rays, forcedBoundingBox); VspLeaf *leaf = new VspLeaf(); mRoot = leaf; VspViewCell *viewCell = new VspViewCell(); leaf->SetViewCell(viewCell); viewCell->SetTrianglesInPvs((float)objects.size()); viewCell->SetEntriesInPvs(1); // set view cell values viewCell->mLeaves.push_back(leaf); viewCell->SetVolume(mBoundingBox.GetVolume()); leaf->mProbability = mBoundingBox.GetVolume(); } void VspTree::PrepareConstruction(SplitQueue &tQueue, const VssRayContainer &sampleRays, RayInfoContainer &rays) { mVspStats.Reset(); mVspStats.Start(); mVspStats.nodes = 1; // store pointer to this tree VspSubdivisionCandidate::sVspTree = this; mBvHierarchy = mHierarchyManager->mBvHierarchy; // initialise termination criteria mTermMinProbability *= mBoundingBox.GetVolume(); // get clipped rays PreprocessRays(sampleRays, rays); /// collect pvs from rays const float pvsCost = EvalPvsCost(rays); // root and bounding box were already constructed VspLeaf *leaf = static_cast(mRoot); ////////// //-- prepare view space partition const float prop = mBoundingBox.GetVolume(); // first vsp traversal data VspTraversalData vData(leaf, 0, &rays, pvsCost, prop, mBoundingBox); mTotalCost = vData.mCorrectedRenderCost = vData.mRenderCost = pvsCost; mPvsEntries = EvalPvsEntriesSize(rays); vData.mCorrectedPvs = vData.mPvs = (float)mPvsEntries; ////////////// //-- create the first split candidate VspSubdivisionCandidate *splitCandidate = new VspSubdivisionCandidate(vData); EvalSubdivisionCandidate(*splitCandidate); leaf->SetSubdivisionCandidate(splitCandidate); EvalSubdivisionStats(*splitCandidate); tQueue.Push(splitCandidate); } void VspTree::CollectDirtyCandidate(const VssRay &ray, const bool isTermination, vector &dirtyList, const bool onlyUnmailed) const { #if HACK_PERFORMANCE Intersectable *obj = isTermination ? ray.mTerminationObject : ray.mOriginObject; if (!obj) return; BvhLeaf *leaf = mBvHierarchy->GetLeaf(obj); SubdivisionCandidate *candidate; if (!leaf->Mailed()) { leaf->Mail(); candidate = leaf->GetSubdivisionCandidate(); } else { candidate = NULL; } #else SubdivisionCandidate *candidate = NULL; Intersectable *obj; Vector3 pt; KdNode *node; ray.GetSampleData(isTermination, pt, &obj, &node); if (!obj) return; switch (mHierarchyManager->GetObjectSpaceSubdivisionType()) { case HierarchyManager::KD_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: { KdLeaf *leaf = mHierarchyManager->mOspTree->GetLeaf(pt, node); if (!leaf->Mailed()) { leaf->Mail(); candidate = leaf->mSubdivisionCandidate; } break; } case HierarchyManager::BV_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: { BvhLeaf *leaf = mBvHierarchy->GetLeaf(obj); if (!leaf->Mailed()) { leaf->Mail(); candidate = leaf->GetSubdivisionCandidate(); } break; } default: cerr << "collectdirtycandidates not implemented yet" << endl; candidate = NULL; break; } #endif // is this leaf still a split candidate? if (candidate && (!onlyUnmailed || !candidate->Mailed())) { candidate->Mail(); candidate->SetDirty(true); dirtyList.push_back(candidate); } } void VspTree::CollectDirtyCandidates(VspSubdivisionCandidate *sc, vector &dirtyList, const bool onlyUnmailed) { VspTraversalData &tData = sc->mParentData; VspLeaf *node = tData.mNode; KdLeaf::NewMail(); Intersectable::NewMail(); RayInfoContainer::const_iterator rit, rit_end = tData.mRays->end(); // add all nodes seen by the rays for (rit = tData.mRays->begin(); rit != rit_end; ++ rit) { VssRay *ray = (*rit).mRay; CollectDirtyCandidate(*ray, true, dirtyList, onlyUnmailed); #if COUNT_ORIGIN_OBJECTS CollectDirtyCandidate(*ray, false, dirtyList, onlyUnmailed); #endif } } float VspTree::EvalMaxEventContribution(const VssRay &ray, const bool isTermination) const { #if HACK_PERFORMANCE Intersectable *obj = isTermination ? ray.mTerminationObject : ray.mOriginObject; if (!obj) return 0.0f; BvhLeaf *leaf = mBvHierarchy->GetLeaf(obj); // simple render cost evaluation if (-- leaf->mCounter == 0) return (float)leaf->mObjects.size(); else return 0.0f; #else Intersectable *obj; Vector3 pt; KdNode *node; ray.GetSampleData(isTermination, pt, &obj, &node); if (!obj) return 0.0f; float pvs = 0.0f; switch (mHierarchyManager->GetObjectSpaceSubdivisionType()) { case HierarchyManager::NO_OBJ_SUBDIV: { if (-- obj->mCounter == 0) ++ pvs; break; } case HierarchyManager::KD_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: { KdLeaf *leaf = mHierarchyManager->mOspTree->GetLeaf(pt, node); // add contributions of the kd nodes pvs += EvalMaxEventContribution(leaf); break; } case HierarchyManager::BV_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: { BvhLeaf *leaf = mBvHierarchy->GetLeaf(obj); // simple render cost evaluation if (-- leaf->mCounter == 0) //pvs += (int)leaf->mObjects.size(); pvs += BvHierarchy::EvalAbsCost(leaf->mObjects); break; } default: break; } return pvs; #endif } float VspTree::PrepareHeuristics(const VssRay &ray, const bool isTermination) { #if HACK_PERFORMANCE Intersectable *obj = isTermination ? ray.mTerminationObject : ray.mOriginObject; if (!obj) return 0.0f; BvhLeaf *leaf = mBvHierarchy->GetLeaf(obj); if (!leaf->Mailed()) { leaf->Mail(); leaf->mCounter = 1; return (float)leaf->mObjects.size(); } else { ++ leaf->mCounter; return 0.0f; } #else float pvsSize = 0; Intersectable *obj; Vector3 pt; KdNode *node; ray.GetSampleData(isTermination, pt, &obj, &node); if (!obj) return 0.0f; switch (mHierarchyManager->GetObjectSpaceSubdivisionType()) { case HierarchyManager::NO_OBJ_SUBDIV: { if (!obj->Mailed()) { obj->Mail(); obj->mCounter = 0; ++ pvsSize; } ++ obj->mCounter; break; } case HierarchyManager::KD_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: { KdLeaf *leaf = mHierarchyManager->mOspTree->GetLeaf(pt, node); pvsSize += PrepareHeuristics(leaf); break; } case HierarchyManager::BV_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: { BvhLeaf *leaf = mBvHierarchy->GetLeaf(obj); if (!leaf->Mailed()) { leaf->Mail(); leaf->mCounter = 0; pvsSize += BvHierarchy::EvalAbsCost(leaf->mObjects); } ++ leaf->mCounter; break; } default: break; } return pvsSize; #endif } float VspTree::EvalMinEventContribution(const VssRay &ray, const bool isTermination) const { #if HACK_PERFORMANCE Intersectable *obj = isTermination ? ray.mTerminationObject : ray.mOriginObject; if (!obj) return 0.0f; BvhLeaf *leaf = mBvHierarchy->GetLeaf(obj); if (!leaf->Mailed()) { leaf->Mail(); return (float)leaf->mObjects.size(); } else { return 0.0f; } #else Intersectable *obj; static Vector3 pt; KdNode *node; ray.GetSampleData(isTermination, pt, &obj, &node); if (!obj) return 0; float pvs = 0.0f; switch (mHierarchyManager->GetObjectSpaceSubdivisionType()) { case HierarchyManager::NO_OBJ_SUBDIV: { if (!obj->Mailed()) { obj->Mail(); ++ pvs; } break; } case HierarchyManager::KD_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: { KdLeaf *leaf = mHierarchyManager->mOspTree->GetLeaf(pt, node); // add contributions of the kd nodes pvs += EvalMinEventContribution(leaf); break; } case HierarchyManager::BV_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: { BvhLeaf *leaf = mBvHierarchy->GetLeaf(obj); if (!leaf->Mailed()) { leaf->Mail(); pvs += BvHierarchy->EvalAbsCost(leaf->mObjects); } break; } default: break; } return pvs; #endif } void VspTree::UpdateContributionsToPvs(const VssRay &ray, const bool isTermination, const int cf, float &frontPvs, float &backPvs, float &totalPvs) const { #if HACK_PERFORMANCE BvhLeaf *leaf = mBvHierarchy->GetLeaf(ray.mTerminationObject); UpdateContributionsToPvs(leaf, cf, frontPvs, backPvs, totalPvs, false); #else Intersectable *obj; static Vector3 pt; KdNode *node; ray.GetSampleData(isTermination, pt, &obj, &node); if (!obj) return; switch (mHierarchyManager->GetObjectSpaceSubdivisionType()) { case HierarchyManager::NO_OBJ_SUBDIV: { // find front and back pvs for origing and termination object UpdateContributionsToPvs(obj, cf, frontPvs, backPvs, totalPvs); break; } case HierarchyManager::KD_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: { KdLeaf *leaf = mHierarchyManager->mOspTree->GetLeaf(pt, node); UpdateContributionsToPvs(leaf, cf, frontPvs, backPvs, totalPvs); break; } case HierarchyManager::BV_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: { BvhLeaf *leaf = mBvHierarchy->GetLeaf(obj); UpdateContributionsToPvs(leaf, cf, frontPvs, backPvs, totalPvs, false); break; } } #endif } void VspTree::UpdatePvsEntriesContribution(const VssRay &ray, const bool isTermination, const int cf, float &pvsFront, float &pvsBack, float &totalPvs) const { #if HACK_PERFORMANCE BvhLeaf *leaf = mBvHierarchy->GetLeaf(ray.mTerminationObject); UpdateContributionsToPvs(leaf, cf, pvsFront, pvsBack, totalPvs, true); #else Intersectable *obj; static Vector3 pt; KdNode *node; ray.GetSampleData(isTermination, pt, &obj, &node); if (!obj) return; switch (mHierarchyManager->GetObjectSpaceSubdivisionType()) { case HierarchyManager::KD_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: // TODO break; case HierarchyManager::BV_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: { BvhLeaf *leaf = mBvHierarchy->GetLeaf(obj); UpdateContributionsToPvs(leaf, cf, pvsFront, pvsBack, totalPvs, true); break; } default: { UpdateContributionsToPvs(obj, cf, pvsFront, pvsBack, totalPvs); break; } } #endif } float VspTree::EvalContributionToPvs(const VssRay &ray, const bool isTermination) const { #if HACK_PERFORMANCE Intersectable *obj = isTermination ? ray.mTerminationObject : ray.mOriginObject; if (!obj) return 0; BvhLeaf *leaf = mBvHierarchy->GetLeaf(obj); if (!leaf->Mailed()) { leaf->Mail(); return (float)leaf->mObjects.size(); } else { return 0.0f; } #else Intersectable *obj; static Vector3 pt; KdNode *node; ray.GetSampleData(isTermination, pt, &obj, &node); if (!obj) return 0; float pvs = 0.0f; switch (mHierarchyManager->GetObjectSpaceSubdivisionType()) { case HierarchyManager::NO_OBJ_SUBDIV: { if (!obj->Mailed()) { obj->Mail(); ++ pvs; } break; } case HierarchyManager::KD_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: { KdLeaf *leaf = mHierarchyManager->mOspTree->GetLeaf(pt, node); pvs += EvalContributionToPvs(leaf); break; } case HierarchyManager::BV_BASED_OBJ_SUBDIV: { BvhLeaf *bvhleaf = mBvHierarchy->GetLeaf(obj); if (!bvhleaf->Mailed()) { bvhleaf->Mail(); pvs += BvHierarchy::EvalAbsCost(bvhleaf->mObjects); } break; } default: break; } return pvs; #endif } float VspTree::EvalContributionToPvs(KdLeaf *leaf) const { if (leaf->Mailed()) // leaf already mailed return 0; leaf->Mail(); // this is the pvs which is uniquely part of this kd leaf float pvs = (float)(leaf->mObjects.size() - leaf->mMultipleObjects.size()); ObjectContainer::const_iterator oit, oit_end = leaf->mMultipleObjects.end(); for (oit = leaf->mMultipleObjects.begin(); oit != oit_end; ++ oit) { Intersectable *obj = *oit; if (!obj->Mailed()) { obj->Mail(); ++ pvs; } } return pvs; } int VspTree::CompressObjects(VspLeaf *leaf) { bool compressed = true; while (compressed) { BvhNode::NewMail(2); ObjectPvsIterator oit = leaf->GetViewCell()->GetPvs().GetIterator(); vector parents; ObjectPvs newPvs; compressed = false; while (oit.HasMoreEntries()) { BvhNode *obj = static_cast(oit.Next()); if (!obj->IsRoot()) { BvhNode *parent = obj->GetParent(); if (!parent->Mailed()) { if (parent->Mailed(1)) cout << "error!!" << endl; parent->Mail(); } else { // sibling was already found => // this entry can be exchanged by the parent parents.push_back(parent); parent->Mail(1); compressed = true; } } } PvsData pvsData; oit = leaf->GetViewCell()->GetPvs().GetIterator(); while (oit.HasMoreEntries()) { BvhNode *obj = static_cast(oit.Next(pvsData)); if (!obj->IsRoot()) { BvhNode *parent = obj->GetParent(); // add only entries that cannot be exchanged with the parent if (!parent->Mailed(1)) { newPvs.AddSampleDirty(obj, pvsData.mSumPdf); } } } // add parents vector::const_iterator bit, bit_end = parents.end(); for (bit = parents.begin(); bit != bit_end; ++ bit) { newPvs.AddSampleDirty(*bit, 1); } //cout << "size " << newPvs.GetSize() << endl; leaf->GetViewCell()->SetPvs(newPvs); } return leaf->GetViewCell()->GetPvs().GetSize(); } int VspTree::CompressObjects() { vector leaves; CollectLeaves(leaves); int numEntries = 0; vector::const_iterator lit, lit_end = leaves.end(); for (lit = leaves.begin(); lit != lit_end; ++ lit) { numEntries += CompressObjects(*lit); } return numEntries; } void VspTree::EvalMinMaxDepth(int &minDepth, int &maxDepth) { stack > nodeStack; nodeStack.push(pair(mRoot, 0)); minDepth = 999999; maxDepth = 0; while (!nodeStack.empty()) { VspNode *node = nodeStack.top().first; const int depth = nodeStack.top().second; nodeStack.pop(); if (node->IsLeaf()) { // test if this leaf is in valid view space VspLeaf *leaf = static_cast(node); if (depth < minDepth) minDepth = depth; if (depth > maxDepth) maxDepth = depth; } else { VspInterior *interior = static_cast(node); nodeStack.push(pair(interior->GetBack(), depth + 1)); nodeStack.push(pair(interior->GetFront(), depth + 1)); } } } }