#include "VssRay.h" #include "AxisAlignedBox3.h" #include "SamplingStrategy.h" #include "Ray.h" namespace GtpVisibilityPreprocessor { // Static variables int VssRay::mailID = 0; #define OLD_PARAM 0 VssRay::VssRay( const Vector3 &origin, const Vector3 &termination, Intersectable *originObject, Intersectable *terminationObject, const int pass, const float pdf ): mMailbox(-1), mOrigin(origin), mTermination(termination), mOriginObject(originObject), mTerminationObject(terminationObject), mRefCount(0), mFlags(0), mPass(pass), #if VSS_STORE_VIEWCELLS mViewCells(0), #endif mWeightedPvsContribution(0), mPdf(pdf), mTerminationNode(NULL), mOriginNode(NULL), mPvsContribution(0) { Precompute(); } VssRay::VssRay(const Ray &ray) { Init(ray); } void VssRay::Init(const Ray &ray) { mRefCount = 0; mFlags = 0; mMailbox = -1; mOriginObject = ray.sourceObject.mObject; mPass = 0; mPdf = 1.0f; mTerminationNode = NULL; mOriginNode = NULL; mPvsContribution = 0; #if VSS_STORE_VIEWCELLS mViewCells.clear(); #endif if (ray.sourceObject.mObject) mOrigin = ray.Extrap(ray.sourceObject.mT); else mOrigin = ray.GetLoc(); //Debug << "origin: " << mOrigin << endl; if (!ray.intersections.empty()) { mTermination = ray.Extrap(ray.intersections[0].mT); mTerminationObject = ray.intersections[0].mObject; } else { mTermination = ray.Extrap(1e6f); //TODO: should be Limits::Infinity mTerminationObject = NULL; } Precompute(); } void VssRay::Precompute() { mFlags = 0; Vector3 dir = GetDir(); #define BIDIRECTIONAL_RAY 0 #if BIDIRECTIONAL_RAY if (dir.y < 0) { // swap objects and poits swap(mOriginObject, mTerminationObject); swap(mOrigin, mTermination); dir = -dir; } #endif if (dir.x > 0.0f) mFlags |= FPosDirX; if (dir.y > 0.0f) mFlags |= FPosDirY; if (dir.z > 0.0f) mFlags |= FPosDirZ; mInvSize = 1.0f/Magnitude(GetDir()); } bool VssRay::ComputeMinMaxT(const AxisAlignedBox3 &box, float &tmin, float &tmax) const { float minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz; Vector3 dir = GetDir(); if (fabs(dir.x) < 0.001) { if (box.Min().x < GetOrigin().x && box.Max().x > GetOrigin().x) { minx = -MAXFLOAT; maxx = MAXFLOAT; } else return false; } else { float t1 = (box.Min().x - GetOrigin().x) / dir.x; float t2 = (box.Max().x - GetOrigin().x) / dir.x; if (t1 < t2) { minx = t1; maxx = t2; } else { minx = t2; maxx = t1; } if (maxx < 0) return false; } if (fabs(dir.y) < 0.001) { if (box.Min().y < GetOrigin().y && box.Max().y > GetOrigin().y) { miny = -MAXFLOAT; maxy = MAXFLOAT; } else return false; } else { float t1 = (box.Min().y - GetOrigin().y) / dir.y; float t2 = (box.Max().y - GetOrigin().y) / dir.y; if (t1 < t2) { miny = t1; maxy = t2; } else { miny = t2; maxy = t1; } if (maxy < 0.0) return false; } if (fabs(dir.z) < 0.001) { if (box.Min().z < GetOrigin().z && box.Max().z > GetOrigin().z) { minz = -MAXFLOAT; maxz = MAXFLOAT; } else return false; } else { float t1 = (box.Min().z - GetOrigin().z) / dir.z; float t2 = (box.Max().z - GetOrigin().z) / dir.z; if (t1 < t2) { minz = t1; maxz = t2; } else { minz = t2; maxz = t1; } if (maxz < 0.0) return false; } tmin = minx; if (miny > tmin) tmin = miny; if (minz > tmin) tmin = minz; tmax = maxx; if (maxy < tmax) tmax = maxy; if (maxz < tmax) tmax = maxz; return 1; // yes, intersection was found } bool VssRay::Intersects(const AxisAlignedBox3 &box, float &tmin, float &tmax) const { if (!ComputeMinMaxT(box, tmin, tmax)) return false; if ( tmax < tmin) return false; // the ray passes outside the box if ( tmax < 0.0f) return false; // the intersection is not on the positive halfline return true; // ray hits the box .. origin can be outside or inside the box } bool VssRay::IntersectsSphere(const Vector3 ¢er, const float sqrRadius, Vector3 &point, float &t) const { // compute ray/plane intersection Vector3 dir = GetDir(); t = -DotProd(GetOrigin() - center, dir)*sqr(GetInvSize()); if (t < 0.0f) t = 0.0f; else if (t > 1.0f) t = 1.0f; point = GetOrigin() + t*dir; return GtpVisibilityPreprocessor::SqrDistance(point, center) < sqrRadius; } float VssRay::GetDirParam(const int axis, const Vector3 dir) { Vector3 d = Normalize(dir); #if OLD_PARAM return (axis == 0) ? atan2(dir.x, dir.z) : asin(dir.y); #else // x = cos(p0)sin(p1) // y = cos(p1) // z = sin(p0)sin(p1) return (axis == 0) ? atan2(dir.z, dir.x) : acos(dir.y); #endif } Vector3 VssRay::GetInvDirParam(const float alpha, const float beta) { #if OLD_PARAM return Normalize(Vector3(sin(alpha), sin(beta), cos(alpha))); #else return Normalize(Vector3(cos(alpha)*sin(beta), cos(beta), sin(alpha)*sin(beta))); #endif } float VssRay::GetDirParametrization(const int axis) const { Vector3 dir = GetNormalizedDir(); return GetDirParam(axis, dir); } float VssRay::GetOpositeDirParametrization(const int axis) const { Vector3 dir = -GetNormalizedDir(); return GetDirParam(axis, dir); } void GenerateExtendedConvexCombinationWeights2(float &w1, float &w2, const float overlap ) { w1 = RandomValue(-overlap, 1.0f + overlap); w2 = 1.0f - w1; } void GenerateExtendedConvexCombinationWeights(float &w1, float &w2, float &w3, const float overlap ) { while (1) { w1 = RandomValue(-overlap, 1.0f + overlap); w2 = RandomValue(-overlap, 1.0f + overlap); w3 = 1.0f + overlap - w1 - w2; if (w3 >= -overlap && w3 <= 1.0f + overlap) break; /* w3 = RandomValue(0.0f, 1.0f + overlap); float sum = w1 + w2 + w3; if (sum>0.0f) { w1/=sum; w2/=sum; w3/=sum; break; } */ } } void VssRayContainer::PrintStatistics(std::ostream &s) { VssRayContainer::const_iterator it = begin(), it_end = end(); int sumContributions = 0; float sumRelContributions = 0.0f; for (; it != it_end; ++it) { VssRay *ray = *it; sumContributions += ray->mPvsContribution; sumRelContributions += ray->mRelativePvsContribution; } s<<"##### VSS RAY STAT ##########\n"; s<<"#RAYS\n"<<(int)size()<mDistribution == SamplingStrategy::MUTATION_BASED_DISTRIBUTION && Random(1.0f) < p) { if (!copy) selected.push_back(*it); else selected.push_back(new VssRay(**it)); } return (int)selected.size(); } int VssRayContainer::GetContributingRays(VssRayContainer &selected, const int minPass ) const { VssRayContainer::const_iterator it = begin(); // ofstream s("contrib.log"); for (; it != end(); it++) { VssRay *ray = *it; // cout<<"(pass="<mPass<<", c="<mPvsContribution<<")"<mPass >= minPass && ray->mPvsContribution > 0) selected.push_back(ray); } return (int)selected.size(); } }