1 | #ifndef __VSS_RAY_H
2 | #define __VSS_RAY_H
3 |
4 | #include <vector>
5 | using namespace std;
6 | #include "Vector3.h"
7 | #include "Ray.h"
8 | #include "Containers.h"
9 |
10 | namespace GtpVisibilityPreprocessor {
11 |
12 | class AxisAlignedBox3;
13 | class Intersectable;
14 | class KdNode;
15 |
17 | #define VSS_STORE_VIEWCELLS 1
18 |
19 | class VssRay {
20 | public:
21 |
22 | // various flags
23 | enum {
24 | FPosDirX = 1, // the direction of ray in X-axis is positive
25 | FPosDirY = 2, // the direction of ray in Y-axis is positive
26 | FPosDirZ = 4, // the direction of ray in Z-axis is positive
27 | BorderSample = 8,// if this ray is an adaptive border ray
28 | ReverseSample = 16, // if this ray is a reverse sample
29 | Valid = 32 // this ray is a valid ray
30 | //(with respect to detect empty viewspace)
31 | };
32 |
33 | // Id of the generating SimpleRay
34 | int mGeneratingRayId;
35 |
36 | static int mailID;
37 | int mMailbox;
38 |
39 | // side of the ray - used for the ray classification
40 | // char mSide;
41 |
42 | // computed t
43 | // float mT;
44 |
45 | // inverse of the ray size
46 | float mInvSize;
47 |
48 | // counter of references to this ray
49 | short mRefCount;
50 |
51 | // various flags
52 | char mFlags;
53 |
54 | Vector3 mOrigin;
55 | Vector3 mTermination;
56 |
57 | /// Termination object for the ray
58 | /// only the termination object is actually used
59 | Intersectable *mOriginObject;
60 | Intersectable *mTerminationObject;
61 |
63 | ViewCellContainer mViewCells;
64 | #endif
65 |
66 | ////////////////////////
67 | // members related to importance sampling
68 | // sampling pass in which this ray was generated
69 | short mPass;
70 |
71 | // Distribution used to generate this ray
72 | short mDistribution;
73 |
74 | // number of cells where this ray made a contribution to the PVS
75 | int mPvsContribution;
76 |
77 | // sum of relative ray contributions per object
78 | float mRelativePvsContribution;
79 |
80 | // weighted contribution to the pvs (based on the pass the ray was casted at)
81 | // computed by the prperocessor
82 | float mWeightedPvsContribution;
83 |
84 | // probability of this ray
85 | float mPdf;
86 |
87 | //////////////////////////////
88 |
89 |
90 | /// the kd node holding the termination point
91 | KdNode *mTerminationNode;
92 | /// the kd node holding the origin point
93 | KdNode *mOriginNode;
94 |
95 |
96 | VssRay(
97 | const Vector3 &origin,
98 | const Vector3 &termination,
99 | Intersectable *originObject,
100 | Intersectable *terminationObject,
101 | const int pass = 0,
102 | const float pdf = 1.0f
103 | );
104 |
105 | VssRay(const Ray &ray);
106 |
107 |
108 | void Precompute();
109 |
110 | void Mail() { mMailbox = mailID; }
111 | static void NewMail() { mailID++; }
112 | bool Mailed() const { return mMailbox == mailID; }
113 |
114 | bool Mailed(const int mail) {
115 | return mMailbox >= mailID + mail;
116 | }
117 |
118 | int HitCount() const {
120 | if (mOriginObject && mTerminationObject)
121 | return 2;
122 | if (mOriginObject || mTerminationObject)
123 | return 1;
124 | return 0;
125 | #else
126 | return (mTerminationObject) ? 1 : 0;
127 | #endif
128 | }
129 |
130 | Vector3 GetOrigin() const { return mOrigin; }
131 | Vector3 GetTermination() const { return mTermination; }
132 | Vector3 GetDir() const { return mTermination - mOrigin; }
133 | // Vector3 GetNormalizedDir() const { return Normalize(termination - mOrigin); }
134 | Vector3 GetNormalizedDir() const { return (mTermination - mOrigin)*mInvSize; }
135 |
136 | float Length() const { return Distance(mOrigin, mTermination); }
137 |
138 | Vector3 Extrap(const float t) const {
139 | return GetOrigin() + t * GetDir();
140 | }
141 |
142 | float GetDirParametrization(const int axis) const;
143 | float GetOpositeDirParametrization(const int axis) const;
144 |
145 | static float VssRay::GetDirParam(const int axis, const Vector3 dir);
146 | static Vector3 VssRay::GetInvDirParam(const float alpha, const float beta);
147 |
148 | float GetSize() const { return 1.0f/mInvSize; }
149 | float GetInvSize() const { return mInvSize; }
150 | float GetOrigin(const int axis) const { return mOrigin[axis]; }
151 | float GetTermination(const int axis) const { return mTermination[axis]; }
152 | float GetDir(const int axis) const { return mTermination[axis] - mOrigin[axis]; }
153 | float GetNormalizedDir(const int axis) const {
154 | return (mTermination[axis] - mOrigin[axis])*mInvSize;
155 | }
156 |
157 | bool
158 | ComputeMinMaxT(const AxisAlignedBox3 &box,
159 | float &tmin,
160 | float &tmax) const;
161 |
162 | bool
163 | Intersects(const AxisAlignedBox3 &box,
164 | float &tmin,
165 | float &tmax) const;
166 |
167 | bool
168 | IntersectsSphere(const Vector3 ¢er,
169 | const float sqrRadius,
170 | Vector3 &point,
171 | float &t) const;
172 |
173 | void
174 | Translate(const Vector3 &translation) {
175 | mOrigin += translation;
176 | mTermination += translation;
177 | }
178 |
179 | void SetupEndPoints(const Vector3 &origin,
180 | const Vector3 &termination)
181 | {
182 | mOrigin = origin;
183 | mTermination = termination;
184 | Precompute();
185 | }
186 |
187 | bool HasPosDir(const int axis) const { return mFlags & (1<<axis); }
188 |
189 | char Flags() const { return mFlags;} void SetFlags(char orFlag) { mFlags |= orFlag;}
190 |
191 | bool IsActive() const { return mRefCount>0; }
192 |
193 | // reference counting for leaf nodes
194 | int RefCount() const { return mRefCount; }
195 | int Ref() { return mRefCount++; }
196 |
197 | void ScheduleForRemoval() { if (mRefCount>0) mRefCount = -mRefCount; }
198 | bool ScheduledForRemoval() const { return mRefCount<0; }
199 | void Unref() {
200 | if (mRefCount > 0)
201 | mRefCount--;
202 | else
203 | if (mRefCount < 0)
204 | mRefCount++;
205 | else {
206 | cerr<<"Trying to unref already deleted ray!"<<endl;
207 | exit(1);
208 | }
209 | }
210 |
211 | static Vector3
212 | GetDirection(const float a, const float b) {
213 | return GetInvDirParam(a, b);
214 | //return Vector3(sin(a), sin(b), cos(a));
215 | }
216 |
217 | friend bool GreaterWeightedPvsContribution(const VssRay * a,
218 | const VssRay *b) {
219 | return a->mWeightedPvsContribution > b->mWeightedPvsContribution;
220 | }
221 |
222 | float SqrDistance(const Vector3 &point) const {
223 | Vector3 diff = point - mOrigin;
224 | float t = DotProd(diff, GetDir());
225 |
226 | if ( t <= 0.0f ) {
227 | t = 0.0f;
228 | } else {
229 | if (t >= 1.0f) {
230 | t = 1.0f;
231 | } else {
232 | t /= SqrMagnitude(GetDir());
233 | }
234 | diff -= t*GetDir();
235 | }
236 | return SqrMagnitude(diff);
237 | }
238 |
239 | /** Returns the data sampled on either the ray origin or termination.
240 | */
241 | void GetSampleData(
242 | const bool isTerminaton,
243 | Vector3 &pt,
244 | Intersectable **obj,
245 | KdNode **node) const;
246 |
247 | friend ostream& operator<< (ostream &s, const VssRay &vssRay);
248 |
249 | };
250 |
251 | inline void VssRay::GetSampleData(const bool isTermination,
252 | Vector3 &pt,
253 | Intersectable **obj,
254 | KdNode **node) const
255 | {
256 | if (isTermination)
257 | {
258 | pt = mTermination;
259 | *obj = mTerminationObject;
260 | *node = mTerminationNode;
261 | }
262 | else
263 | {
264 | pt = mOrigin;
265 | *obj = mOriginObject;
266 | *node = mOriginNode;
267 | }
268 | }
269 |
270 | void
271 | GenerateExtendedConvexCombinationWeights(float &w1,
272 | float &w2,
273 | float &w3,
274 | const float overlap
275 | );
276 |
277 | void
278 | GenerateExtendedConvexCombinationWeights2(float &w1,
279 | float &w2,
280 | const float overlap
281 | );
282 |
283 | // Overload << operator for C++-style output
284 | inline ostream&
285 | operator<< (ostream &s, const VssRay &vssRay)
286 | {
287 | return s
288 | << "(" << vssRay.mPass << ", " << vssRay.mOrigin << ", " << vssRay.mTermination
289 | << ", " << vssRay.mOriginObject << ", " << vssRay.mTerminationObject << ", " << vssRay.mPdf << ")";
290 | }
291 |
292 | // --------------------------------------------------------------
293 | // For sorting rays
294 | // --------------------------------------------------------------
295 | struct SortableEntry
296 | {
297 | enum EType {
298 | ERayMin,
299 | ERayMax
300 | };
301 |
302 | int type;
303 | float value;
304 | void *data;
305 |
306 | SortableEntry() {}
307 | SortableEntry(const int t, const float v, void *d):type(t),
308 | value(v),
309 | data(d) {}
310 |
311 | friend bool operator<(const SortableEntry &a, const SortableEntry &b) {
312 | return a.value < b.value;
313 | }
314 | };
315 |
316 | struct VssRayContainer : public vector<VssRay *>
317 | {
318 | void PrintStatistics(ostream &s);
319 | int SelectRays(const int number, VssRayContainer &selected, const bool copy=false) const;
320 | int
321 | GetContributingRays(VssRayContainer &selected,
322 | const int minPass
323 | ) const;
324 |
325 | };
326 |
327 | /*
328 | struct VssRayDistribution {
329 | VssRayDistribution() { mContribution = -1.0f; }
330 | SimpleRayContainer mRays;
331 | vector<VssRayContainer> mVssRays;
332 | float mContribution;
333 | float mTime;
334 | };
335 |
336 | struct VssRayDistributionMixture {
337 | VssRayDistributionMixture() {}
338 |
339 | vector<VssRayDistribution> distributions;
340 | };
341 | */
342 |
343 | };
344 |
345 | #endif