1 | // ================================================================
2 | // $Id: common.h,v 1.1 2004/02/16 14:46:00 bittner Exp $
3 | // ****************************************************************
4 | //
5 | /** \file common.h
6 | Common defines for the ERS system.
7 |
8 | This file contains various macros, templates and constants for the ERS system.
9 |
10 | @author Jiri Bittner
11 | */
12 |
13 | #ifndef __COMMON_H
14 | #define __COMMON_H
15 |
16 |
17 | #include <math.h>
18 | #include <stdlib.h>
19 | #include <iostream>
20 | #include <fstream>
21 | #include <limits.h>
22 |
23 | using namespace std;
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 | namespace GtpVisibilityPreprocessor {
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 | // This constant should be used for the length of the array char for filenames
32 | // etc., for example: char filename[MaxStringLength]
33 | const int MaxStringLength = 256;
34 |
35 | #if defined(_MSC_VER)
36 | #pragma warning(disable:4018)
37 | #pragma warning(disable:4800)
38 | //#pragma warning(disable:4244)
39 |
40 | #if 0 // Note matt: comment this out because conflicts with definition in qt library!!
41 | typedef unsigned int uint;
42 | #endif
43 | typedef unsigned short ushort;
44 | typedef unsigned char uchar;
45 | typedef unsigned long ulong;
46 | #endif
47 |
48 | #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(_MSC_VER)
49 | #define DIRCAT '.'
50 | #endif
51 |
52 | #if !defined(__WATCOMC__) && !defined(__CYGWIN32__) && !defined(_MSC_VER)
53 | #include <values.h>
54 | #else // __WATCOMC__
55 | #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
56 | #define MAXFLOAT 3.40282347e+37F
57 | #endif // __WATCOMC__
58 |
59 | // some compilers do not define the bool yet, but it was declared by ANSI
60 | #if !defined(__WATCOMC__) && !defined(_MSC_VER)
61 | #if defined (__GNUC__) || (_BOOL)
62 | //#error "HAS BOOL defined"
63 | #define HAS_BOOL
64 | #endif
65 | #else // __WATCOMC__
66 | #if (__WATCOMC__ > 1060)
67 | //#error "Watcom HAS BOOL defined"
68 | #define HAS_BOOL
69 | #endif
70 | #endif // __WATCOMC__
71 |
72 |
73 | #if defined(__WATCOMC__) || defined(_MSC_VER)
74 | #define strcasecmp stricmp
75 | #define strncasecmp strnicmp
76 | #endif // __WATCOMC__
77 |
78 | // matt
79 |
80 | #define USE_GZLIB 1
81 |
82 | #if USE_GZLIB
83 |
84 | #define OUT_BIN_MODE ios::out
85 | #define IN_BIN_MODE ios::in
86 |
87 | #else
88 |
89 | #ifdef sgi
90 | #define OUT_BIN_MODE ios::out
91 | #define IN_BIN_MODE ios::in
92 | #else // sgi
93 | #if defined(__WATCOMC__) || defined(_MSC_VER)
94 | #define OUT_BIN_MODE ios::out | ios::binary
95 | #define IN_BIN_MODE ios::in | ios::binary
96 | #else
97 | #define OUT_BIN_MODE ios::out | ios::bin
98 | #define IN_BIN_MODE ios::in | ios::bin
99 | #endif // __WATCOMC_
100 | #endif // sgi
101 |
102 | #endif
103 |
104 | // #ifndef HAS_BOOL
105 | // //enum bool {
106 | // // false = 0,
107 | // // true
108 | // //};
109 | // #define bool int
110 | // #define false 0
111 | // #define true 1
112 | // #endif // HAS_BOOL
113 |
114 | typedef unsigned long dword;
115 |
116 | #ifndef NULL
117 | #define NULL (void *)0
118 | #endif // NULL
119 |
120 | //ostream& operator<<(ostream &s,const BaseC &c);
121 |
122 | typedef float Real;
123 | typedef unsigned char byte;
124 |
125 | //#ifndef FALSE
126 | //#define FALSE 0
127 | //#define TRUE !0
128 | //#endif
129 |
130 | #ifndef __GNUG__
131 | // typedef int bool;
132 | #endif
133 |
134 | #ifndef getch
135 | #define getch() getchar()
136 | #endif
137 |
138 |
139 | #define TRASH 1.0e-5
140 |
141 | #ifndef PI
142 | #define PI 3.14159265358979323846f
143 | #endif
144 |
145 | #define MIN_FLOAT -1e30f
146 | #define MAX_FLOAT 1e30f
147 |
148 |
149 | // tolerance value for polygon area
150 | #define AREA_LIMIT 0.0001f
151 |
152 | #ifndef DEL_PTR
153 | #define DEL_PTR(ptr) do {if (ptr) { \
154 | delete (ptr); \
155 | (ptr) = 0;}} \
156 | while (0)
157 | #endif
158 | // Clears a container (i.e., a vector of pointers) and deletes the pointers
159 | #if 0
160 | #ifndef CLEAR_CONTAINER
161 | #define CLEAR_CONTAINER(co) do { while (!(co).empty()) { \
162 | DEL_PTR((co).back()); \
163 | (co).pop_back();}} \
164 | while (0)
165 | #endif
166 |
167 | #else
168 |
169 | #ifndef CLEAR_CONTAINER
170 | #define CLEAR_CONTAINER(co) do { for (int _i = 0; _i < (int)(co).size(); ++ _i) { \
171 | DEL_PTR((co)[_i]);} \
172 | (co).clear(); } \
173 | while (0)
174 | #endif
175 |
176 | #endif
177 |
178 |
179 | inline
180 | int signum(const Real a, const Real thresh = TRASH)
181 | {
182 | if (a>thresh)
183 | return 1;
184 | else
185 | if (a<-thresh)
186 | return -1;
187 | return 0;
188 | }
189 |
190 | inline double Absd(const double a)
191 | {
192 | return (a >= 0.0) ? a : -a;
193 | }
194 |
195 | inline float Abs(const float a)
196 | {
197 | return (a >= 0.0f) ? a : -a;
198 | }
199 |
200 | // =======================================================
201 | // Comparing things
202 | //struct Limits {
203 | // const Real thresh=TRASH;
204 | // const Real small=0.1;
205 | //};
206 |
207 | template <class T>
208 | bool
209 | ClipValue(T &v, const T m, const T M)
210 | {
211 | if (v<m) {
212 | v = m;
213 | return true;
214 | }
215 | if (v>M) {
216 | v = M;
217 | return true;
218 | }
219 |
220 | return false;
221 | }
222 |
223 |
224 | inline int eq(Real a, Real b, Real t=TRASH)
225 | {
226 | return Abs(a-b)<t;
227 | }
228 |
229 | inline int leq(Real a,Real b,Real t=TRASH)
230 | {
231 | return a - b < t;
232 | }
233 |
234 | inline int geq(Real a,Real b,Real t=TRASH)
235 | {
236 | return t > b - a;
237 | }
238 |
239 | inline int le(Real a,Real b,Real t=TRASH)
240 | {
241 | return !geq(a,b,t);
242 | }
243 |
244 | inline int ge(Real a,Real b,Real t=TRASH)
245 | {
246 | return !leq(a,b,t);
247 | }
248 |
249 | // ========================================================
250 |
251 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
252 | // Indents to a given stream by the number of spaces specified.
253 | // This routine is located in main.cpp, for lack of a better place.
254 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
255 | void indent(ostream &app, int ind);
256 |
257 | // ---------------------------------------------------------
258 | // RandomValue
259 | // Returns a random Realing-point value between the two
260 | // values. Range is inclusive; the function should
261 | // occasionally return exactly a or b.
262 | // ---------------------------------------------------------
263 | inline Real
264 | RandomValue(Real a, Real b)
265 | {
266 | Real range = (Real) Abs(a - b);
267 | return ((Real)rand() / RAND_MAX) * range + ((a < b) ? a : b);
268 | }
269 |
270 |
271 | /*inline int
272 | RandomValue(int a, int b)
273 | {
274 | int range = abs(a - b);
275 | return (rand() * range) / RAND_MAX + ((a < b) ? a : b);
276 | }*/
277 |
278 | inline Real sqr(Real a)
279 | {
280 | return a*a;
281 | }
282 |
283 |
284 | template <class T>
285 | void Swap(T &a,T &b)
286 | {
287 | T c;
288 | c = b;
289 | b = a;
290 | a = c;
291 | }
292 |
293 | template <class T>
294 | int eq(T &a, T &b, T &c, T &d) {
295 | return a == b && c==d && b==c;
296 | }
297 |
298 | template <class T>
299 | T Min(T a,T b)
300 | {
301 | return a<b ? a : b;
302 | }
303 |
304 | template <class T>
305 | T Max(T a,T b)
306 | {
307 | return a>b ? a : b;
308 | }
309 |
310 |
311 | Real Random(Real max);
312 | int Random(int max);
313 | void Randomize();
314 | void
315 | Randomize(const unsigned int seed);
316 |
317 |
318 | void GetKey(char *s=NULL);
319 |
320 | inline Real Deg2Rad(const Real a)
321 | {
322 | return a*(PI/180.0f);
323 | }
324 |
325 | inline Real Rad2Deg(const Real a) {
326 | return a*(180.0f/PI);
327 | }
328 |
329 | void InitTiming();
330 | long GetTime();
331 | long GetRealTime();
332 | Real TimeDiff(long t1, long t2);
333 | char *TimeString();
334 |
335 |
336 | // manipulator
337 | inline ostream &DEBUGINFO( ostream &s ) {
338 | return s<<"FILE "<<__FILE__<<",LINE "<<__LINE__<<endl;
339 | }
340 |
341 | #define DINFO __FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__
342 |
343 |
344 | class CGlobals {
345 | public:
346 |
347 | static int Special;
348 |
349 | };
350 |
351 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
352 | // Limits.
353 | // This class encapsulates all the concessions to Realing-point
354 | // error made by ray tracers.
355 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
356 |
357 | class Limits {
358 | public:
359 | // This is the number used to reject too-close intersections.
360 | // The default value is 1.0.
361 | static Real Threshold;
362 |
363 | // This is a "small" number. Less than this number is assumed to
364 | // be 0, when such things matter.
365 | // The default value is 0.1.
366 | static Real Small;
367 |
368 | // This is an impractically "large" number, used for intersection
369 | // parameters out to infinity (e.g. the span resulting from an
370 | // FindAllIntersections operation on a plane).
371 | // The default value is 100000.
372 | static Real Infinity;
373 | };
374 |
375 | // ---------------------------------------------------------
376 | // EpsilonEqual(x,y)
377 | // Returns if two values are equal or not (by epsilon)
378 | // ---------------------------------------------------------
379 | inline int
380 | EpsilonEqual(const Real &x, const Real &y)
381 | {
382 | return fabs(x-y) < Limits::Small;
383 | }
384 |
385 | // ---------------------------------------------------------
386 | // EpsilonEqual(x)
387 | // Returns if a value is zero (+/- epsilon)
388 | // ---------------------------------------------------------
389 | inline int
390 | EpsilonEqual(const Real &x)
391 | {
392 | return fabs(x) < Limits::Small;
393 | }
394 |
395 | // ---------------------------------------------------------
396 | // EpsilonEqual(x,y,epsilon)
397 | // Returns if two values are equal or not by a given epsilon
398 | // ---------------------------------------------------------
399 | inline int
400 | EpsilonEqual(const Real &x, const Real &y, const Real &epsilon)
401 | {
402 | return fabs(x-y) < epsilon;
403 | }
404 |
405 | // ---------------------------------------------------------
406 | // InRange
407 | // Returns nonzero if min <= candidate <= max.
408 | // ---------------------------------------------------------
409 | template<class T>
410 | inline int
411 | InRange(T min, T max, T candidate)
412 | {
413 | return (candidate >= min) && (candidate <= max);
414 | }
415 |
416 | // --------------------------------------------------------------
417 | // string function with new operator
418 |
419 | inline char*
420 | StrDup(char *src) {
421 | char *p;
422 | for (p = src; *p++; );
423 | char *dest = new char[p-src];
424 | for ( p = dest;(*p++ = *src++) != 0; );
425 | return dest;
426 | }
427 |
428 |
429 | inline char *
430 | StrToLower(char *src) {
431 | char *p;
432 | for (p = src; *p; p++)
433 | *p = tolower(*p);
434 | return src;
435 | }
436 |
437 | // return l = log2(a) if a is a power of two else -ceillog2(a)
438 | inline int
439 | GetLog2(int a)
440 | {
441 | int i, x;
442 | i = 0;
443 | x = 1;
444 |
445 | while (x < a) {
446 | i++;
447 | x <<= 1;
448 | }
449 |
450 | return (x==a) ? i: -i;
451 | }
452 |
453 |
454 | // return ceil(log2(a)) even if a is not a power of two
455 | // Example:
456 | // GetCeilLog2(15) = 4
457 | // GetCeilLog2(16) = 4
458 | // GetCeilLog2(17) = 5
459 | inline int
460 | GetCeilLog2(int a)
461 | {
462 | int i, x;
463 | if (a < 0)
464 | return -1;
465 |
466 | i = 0;
467 | x = 1;
468 |
469 | while (x < a) {
470 | i++;
471 | x <<= 1;
472 | }
473 |
474 | return i;
475 | }
476 |
477 |
478 | char *
479 | GetAbsPath(char *path);
480 |
481 | char *
482 | strdup(char *a);
483 |
484 | bool
485 | FileExists(char *filename);
486 |
487 | //#define GTP_DEBUG 1
488 |
489 | #define DEBUG_LEVEL 5
490 | //#define DEBUG_LEVEL 1000
491 | //#define DEBUG_LEVEL 50000
492 |
493 | // debug stream
494 | extern ofstream Debug;
495 |
496 |
497 | bool
498 | CreateDir(char *dir);
499 |
500 | char *
501 | GetPath(const char *s);
502 |
503 | char *
504 | StripPath(const char *s);
505 | }
506 |
507 |
508 | #if USE_GZLIB
509 | // type of out put and input streams
510 | #define OUT_STREAM ogzstream
511 | #define IN_STREAM igzstream
512 | #else
513 | #define OUT_STREAM ofstream
514 | #define IN_STREAM ifstream
515 | #endif
516 |
517 | /** view cell id belonging to empty view space.
518 | */
519 | #define OUT_OF_BOUNDS_ID -1
520 |
521 | #endif
522 |
523 |
524 |
525 |
526 |
527 |
528 |
529 |
530 |
531 |