1 | // ===================================================================
2 | // $Id: $
3 | //
4 | // ktb.h
5 | // definition of classes for CKTB tree building up and traversal
6 | //
7 | // Class: CKTBNodeAbstract, SKTBNode, CKTBAllocMan, CKTBNodeIterator
8 | //
10 | //
11 | // Copyright by Vlastimil Havran, 2007 - email to "vhavran AT seznam.cz"
12 | // Initial coding by Vlasta Havran, February 2007
13 |
14 | #ifndef __KTB_H__
15 | #define __KTB_H__
16 |
17 | // GOLEM headers
18 | #include "configh.h"
19 | #include "AxisAlignedBox3.h"
20 | #include "Intersectable.h"
21 | #include "Containers.h"
22 | #include "allocgo2.h"
23 | #include "ktbconf.h"
24 | #include "sbbox.h"
25 | #include "Vector3.h"
26 |
27 | // standard headers
28 | #include <vector>
29 |
30 | namespace GtpVisibilityPreprocessor {
31 |
32 | // Forward declarations
33 | class CRayPacket2x2;
34 |
35 | // 12 Bytes representation of the node
36 | // This is only due to writing simplification
37 | #undef SKTBNodeT
38 | #define SKTBNodeT CKTBNodeAbstract::SKTBNode
39 |
40 | //===============================================
41 | // Representation of one node of CKTB
42 | class CKTBNodeAbstract
43 | {
44 | public:
45 | // maximal height of the CKTB tree
46 | enum { MAX_HEIGHT = 32 };
47 |
48 | // the basic element of CKTB tree .. node of tree
49 | // it must be accessible by more classes
50 |
51 | // but must be declared because of compilation
52 | struct SKTBNode {
53 | // the axis, where cut is performed or type of node in general
54 | CKTBAxes::Axes nodeType;
55 |
56 | union {
57 | float splitPlane; // the position of splitting plane
58 | ObjectContainer *objlist; // object list for a leaf or tagged interior node
59 | SKTBNodeT *parentBoxNode; // the pointer to the same node type
60 | int depth; // the depth of the node (useful only for minBoxes)
61 | };
62 |
63 | // SKTBNode *left; // pointer to the left child is implict in DFS order
64 | union {
65 | Intersectable *object; // the pointer to the object, if only one object
66 | SKTBNodeT *right; // pointer to the right child
67 | SBBox *encbox; // enclosing bounding box for this node
68 | SBBox *minbox; // minimum bounding box for this node
69 | };
70 |
71 | bool IsLeaf() const {
72 | return ( nodeType == CKTBAxes::EE_Leaf);
73 | }
74 | bool IsEmptyLeaf() const {
75 | return (this == 0);
76 | }
77 | }; // struct SKTBNode
78 |
79 | public:
80 |
81 | // It was _KTB_R2
82 | // default constructor
83 | CKTBNodeAbstract() { }
84 | // default destructor
85 | virtual ~CKTBNodeAbstract() { }
86 |
87 | bool IsEmptyLeaf_(const SKTBNode *p) const {
88 | assert(p->nodeType == CKTBAxes::EE_Leaf);
89 | return (p->objlist == NULL);
90 | }
91 |
92 | bool IsFullLeaf_(const SKTBNode *p) const {
93 | return ((p->nodeType == CKTBAxes::EE_Leaf) &&
94 | (p->objlist != NULL));
95 | }
96 |
97 | bool IsLeaf_(const SKTBNode *p) const
98 | { return (p->nodeType == CKTBAxes::EE_Leaf); }
99 |
100 | bool HasMinBox_(const SKTBNode *p) const
101 | { return ( p->nodeType >= CKTBAxes::EE_X_axisBox); }
102 |
103 | // ------------------------------------------------------
104 | // Common functions for iterator and allocator
105 |
106 | CKTBAxes::Axes GetNodeType(const SKTBNode *nodep) const {
107 | return nodep->nodeType;
108 | }
109 | SKTBNode* GetLeft(const SKTBNode *nodep) const {
110 | return (SKTBNode*)(nodep+1); // We assume linking in DFS order
111 | }
112 | // We assume linking in DFS order, this is for EncBox
113 | SKTBNode* GetLeftLong(const SKTBNode *nodep) const {
114 | return (SKTBNode*)(((char*)nodep) + 3*sizeof(SKTBNode));
115 | }
116 | SKTBNode* GetRight(const SKTBNode *nodep) const {
117 | return nodep->right;
118 | }
119 | SKTBNodeT* GetLinkNode(const SKTBNodeT *nodep) const {
120 | return nodep->right;
121 | }
122 | ObjectContainer* GetObjList(const SKTBNode *nodep) const {
123 | return nodep->objlist;
124 | }
125 |
126 | SKTBNode* GetParentBoxNode(const SKTBNode *nodep) const {
127 | return (SKTBNode*)(nodep+1)->parentBoxNode;
128 | }
129 |
130 | // This can be used only for nodes X_AxisBox, Y_AxisBox, Z_AxisBox
131 | int GetDepth(const SKTBNode *nodep) const {
132 | return (int)((nodep+1)->nodeType);
133 | }
134 | #ifdef _SHORT_FORM_MINBOX
135 | SKTBNode* GetLeftMinBox(const SKTBNode *nodep) const {
136 | return (SKTBNode*)(nodep+2);
137 | }
138 | #else
139 | SKTBNode* GetLeftMinBox(const SKTBNode *nodep) const {
140 | return (SKTBNode*)(((char*)nodep) + 4*sizeof(SKTBNode));
141 | }
142 | #endif // _SHORT_FORM_MINBOX
143 |
144 | }; // CKTBNodeAbstract
145 |
146 | //----------------------------------------------------------------
147 | // this class should be used as the base class for allocating
148 | // and connecting the nodes in the CKTB tree and for
149 | // for manipulating the nodes during building up
150 | class CKTBAllocMan:
151 | public CKTBNodeAbstract
152 | {
153 | protected:
154 | #ifdef LEAVES_ARRAYS
155 | CObjectArray arrayAlloc;
156 | #endif
157 |
158 | // init the stack of auxiliary variables from min to max
159 | virtual void InitAux(int min, int max, int maxItemsAtOnce);
160 |
161 | // the direction of traversal through CKTB tree
162 | enum EDirection { LEFT = 0, RIGHT = 1, NOWHERE = 2 };
163 |
164 | //#ifdef _KTB_R2
165 | SKTBNode* _AllocEmptyLeaf() {
166 | #ifdef _KTB_CONSTR_STATS
167 | _stats_emptyLeftNodeCount++;
168 | #endif
169 | return (SKTBNode*)0;
170 | }
171 | protected:
172 | // data required as the input parameter for construction of CKTB tree
173 | int maxDepthAllowed; // maximal depth of CKTB tree
174 | int maxListLength; // maximal list length of CKTB tree
175 | public:
176 | // default constructor
177 | CKTBAllocMan() { InitForConstructor(); }
178 |
179 | // default destructor
180 | virtual ~CKTBAllocMan() { }
181 |
182 | // forget the content that is created by previous kd-tree construction
183 | // or just init for the first use.
184 | void InitForConstructor();
185 |
186 | // the function, which reads the parameters from envinroment/commandline
187 | virtual void InitPars();
188 |
189 | // -------------------------------------------------------
190 | // allocate and free functions for SKTBNode
191 | CAllocContinuous *alloc2; // the allocator saving space
192 | SKTBNodeT *root; // this is the root node of the whole tree
193 |
194 | // This is the node to return from the allocation functions
195 | // Here it can be implemented some linking when DFS order allocation,
196 | // so the node can be different than the representation of the real
197 | // node with the information
198 | SKTBNodeT *nodeToLink;
199 |
200 | // Create the representation of the interior node
201 | SKTBNodeT* AllocInteriorNode(int axis, float position,
202 | int cntLeft, int cntRight);
203 |
204 | // Create the representation of the interior node with box, where box
205 | // can be used during the traversal
206 | SKTBNodeT* AllocInteriorNodeWithBox(int axis, float position,
207 | int cntLeft, int cntRight,
208 | const SBBox &tsbox,
209 | SKTBNodeT* prevMinBoxNode,
210 | int depthStore);
211 |
212 | // Create the representation of the node with the bounding box
213 | SKTBNodeT* AllocEncBoxNode(const SBBox &sbox);
214 |
215 | // Create the representation of the leaf. Note that possibly there
216 | // can be special cases, such as 0, 1, 2, or 3 objects, or in general
217 | // N objects.
218 | SKTBNodeT* AllocLeaf(int cntObjects);
219 |
220 | // -------------------------------------------------------
221 | // linking and setting functions for CKTB tree
222 |
223 | // Set the pointers to children for the interior node
224 | void SetInteriorNodeLinks(SKTBNodeT *node,
225 | SKTBNodeT *leftChild,
226 | SKTBNodeT *rightChild);
227 |
228 | // Set the objects list to the leaf. The object list is used as it is
229 | // ... it is not copied !!
230 | virtual int SetFullLeaf(SKTBNodeT *node, const ObjectContainer *objlist);
231 |
232 | // -------------------------------------------------------
233 | // inquiry functions for CKTB tree nodes for current node
234 |
235 | // returns the pointer to the root node of tree
236 | virtual SKTBNode *GetRootNode() { return root;}
237 |
238 | // postprocessing of CKTB tree after its initial construction
239 | virtual void PostBuild();
240 |
241 | // provides the information on the method used for CKTB tree
242 | // and some setting parameters to given stream
243 | virtual void ProvideID(ostream &app) = 0;
244 |
245 | // ---- Get Statistical Data ---------------------------------
246 | void GetKTBTreeStats(int &nodes, int &leaves, int &emptyLeaves)
247 | {
248 | #ifdef _KTB_CONSTR_STATS
249 | nodes = _stats_interiorCount + _stats_bboxCount + _stats_minbboxCount
250 | + _stats_leafNodeCount + _stats_emptyLeftNodeCount;
251 | leaves = _stats_leafNodeCount + _stats_emptyLeftNodeCount;
252 | emptyLeaves = _stats_emptyLeftNodeCount;
253 | #endif
254 | }
255 |
256 | // constructs the CKTB tree for given objectlist and given bounding box
257 | virtual SKTBNodeT* BuildUp(ObjectContainer &objlist,
258 | const AxisAlignedBox3 &box,
259 | bool verbose = true) = 0;
260 |
261 | // deletes all the structure starting from the root node
262 | virtual void Remove();
263 |
264 | // The current depth in the tree
265 | inline int GetDepth() const {return _currDepth;}
266 | void IncDepth() {_currDepth++;}
267 | void DecDepth() {_currDepth--;}
268 |
269 | // --------------------------------------------------------------
270 | // Statistics
271 | public:
272 | #ifdef _KTB_CONSTR_STATS
273 | int _stats_interiorCount;
274 | int _stats_bboxCount;
275 | int _stats_minbboxCount;
276 | int _stats_leafNodeCount;
277 | int _stats_emptyLeftNodeCount;
278 |
279 | // maximal depth of the currently built path during building up
280 | int _maxDepth;
281 | // Sum of depths of leaf nodes (empty + full)
282 | unsigned long int _sumLeafDepth;
283 | // Sum of depths of empty leaves
284 | unsigned long int _sumFullLeafDepth;
285 | // The count of object references in leaves
286 | unsigned long int _sumObjectRefCount;
287 | // The maximum number of object references in a leaf
288 | unsigned long int _maxObjectRefInLeaf;
289 | // Surface area of leaves and interior nodes
290 | float _sumSurfaceAreaLeaves;
291 | float _sumSurfaceAreaMULcntLeaves;
292 | float _sumSurfaceAreaInteriorNodes;
293 | #endif // _KTB_CONSTR_STATS
294 |
295 | // General statistics on the depth of current node
296 | // the depth of the currently accessed node during building up
297 | int _currDepth;
298 | };
299 |
300 | //------------------------------------------------------
301 | // class which enables to use some functions with direct
302 | // access to the members of the tree
303 | // traversal classes should be derived from this class
304 | class CKTBNodeIterator:
305 | public CKTBNodeAbstract
306 | {
307 | protected:
308 | int rayOffset;
309 | public:
310 | // default constructor
311 | CKTBNodeIterator() { }
312 | // default destructor
313 | ~CKTBNodeIterator() { }
314 |
315 | ObjectContainer* GetObjList(const SKTBNode *nodep) const {
316 | return nodep->objlist;
317 | }
318 |
319 | float GetSplitValue(const SKTBNode *nodep) const {
320 | return nodep->splitPlane;
321 | }
322 |
323 | #ifdef _SHORT_FORM_MINBOX
324 | SBBox* GetMinBox(const SKTBNodeT *nodep) const {
325 | return (nodep+1)->minbox;
326 | }
327 | #else // _SHORT_FORM_MINBOX
328 | SBBox* GetMinBox(const SKTBNodeT *nodep) const {
329 | // Here is the overlapping to save some memory !!!
330 | return (SBBox*)(((char*)nodep)+24);
331 | }
332 | #endif // _SHORT_FORM_MINBOX
333 |
334 | ObjectContainer* GetTagObjList(const SKTBNode *node) const {
335 | return node->objlist;
336 | }
337 |
338 | // test the objects in the full leaf p and if finds the closest intersection
339 | // with object so tmin<= t <= tmax, returns the pointer to that
340 | // object, t is returned in tmax
341 | int TestFullLeaf(const SimpleRay &ray, const SKTBNode *p);
342 | int TestFullLeaf(const SimpleRay &ray, const SKTBNode *p, int rayIndex);
343 |
344 | // test the objects in the full leaf and finds out any intersection
345 | // in this case returns the pointer to the object, otherwise NULL
346 | int HitAnyObj(const SimpleRay &ray, const SKTBNode *p);
347 |
348 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
349 | // Only abstract functions to simplify the interface
350 |
351 | // this resets the nesting to start from the zero depth (root)
352 | virtual void ResetTraversalDepth() = 0;
353 |
354 | // sets the bbox and the root node for this traversal class
355 | virtual void Setup(const AxisAlignedBox3 &box, SKTBNodeT *Nroot) = 0;
356 |
357 | // Find the minimum box on containg a point or leaf, if there are
358 | // no boxes on the way from a point to the leaf containing the point
359 | virtual const SKTBNode* Locate(const Vector3 &point);
360 | }; // class CKTBNodeIterator
361 |
362 | }
363 |
364 | #endif // __KTB_H__