1 | // ===================================================================
2 | // $Id: $
3 | //
4 | // ktb.cpp
5 | //
6 | // KDB - trees for ray tracing, special version for SCCG 2006
7 | //
9 | //
10 | // Copyright by Vlastimil Havran, 2007 - email to "vhavran AT seznam.cz"
11 | // Initial coding by Vlasta Havran, 1998-2001.
12 |
13 | // GOLEM library
14 | #include "ktb8b.h"
15 | #include "Environment.h"
16 |
17 | // standard headers
18 | #include <algorithm>
19 |
20 | namespace GtpVisibilityPreprocessor {
21 |
22 | // default constructor
23 | CKTB8BNodeIterator::CKTB8BNodeIterator()
24 | {
25 |
26 | }
27 |
28 | //-------------------------------------------------------------
29 | // class CKTB8BNodeIterator .. implementation
30 |
31 | // test all objects in the leaf for intersection with ray
32 | // and returns the pointer to closest one if exists
33 | // and passing through parameter returns in tmax
34 | int
35 | CKTB8BNodeIterator::TestFullLeaf(const SimpleRay &ray, const SKTBNode *p)
36 | {
37 | ObjectContainer *list = GetObjList(p);
38 | if (!list) // no object
39 | return 0;
40 | ObjectContainer::iterator sc_end = list->end();
41 |
42 | int intersected = 0;
43 | // iterate the whole list and find out the nearest intersection
44 | for (ObjectContainer::iterator sc = list->begin(); sc != sc_end; sc++) {
45 | // if the intersection realy lies in the node
46 | if ((*sc)->CastSimpleRay(ray)) {
47 | intersected = 1;
48 | }
49 | } // for all objects
50 |
51 | return intersected;
52 | }
53 |
54 | int
55 | CKTB8BNodeIterator::TestFullLeaf(const SimpleRay &ray, const SKTBNode *p,
56 | int indexRay)
57 | {
58 | ObjectContainer *list = GetObjList(p);
59 | if (!list) // no object
60 | return 0;
61 | ObjectContainer::iterator sc_end = list->end();
62 |
63 | float tclosest = Limits::Infinity;
64 | int intersected = 0;
65 | // indexRay += rayOffset;
66 | // iterate the whole list and find out the nearest intersection
67 | for (ObjectContainer::iterator sc = list->begin(); sc != sc_end; sc++) {
68 | // if the intersection realy lies in the node
69 | if ((*sc)->CastSimpleRay(ray, indexRay)) {
70 | // update tclosest !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
71 | // tclosest = ray.
72 | intersected = 1;
73 | }
74 | } // for all objects
75 |
76 | return intersected;
77 | }
78 |
79 |
80 | // test all objects in the leaf for intersection with ray
81 | // and find any if exist .. returns this object, otherwise 0
82 | int
83 | CKTB8BNodeIterator::HitAnyObj(const SimpleRay &ray, const SKTBNode *p)
84 | {
85 | ObjectContainer *list = GetObjList(p);
86 | if (!list) // no object
87 | return 0;
88 | ObjectContainer::iterator sc_end = list->end();
89 |
90 | float tclosest = Limits::Infinity;
91 | int intersected = 0;
92 | // iterate the whole list and find out the nearest intersection
93 | for (ObjectContainer::iterator sc = list->begin(); sc != sc_end; sc++) {
94 | Intersectable *is = (*sc);
95 | // if the intersection realy lies in the node
96 | if (is->CastSimpleRay(ray)) {
97 | // update tclosest !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
98 | // tclosest = ray.
99 | return 1; // intersected
100 | }
101 | } // for all objects
102 |
103 | return 0;
104 | }
105 |
106 | const CKTB8BNodeAbstract::SKTBNode*
107 | CKTB8BNodeIterator::Locate(const Vector3 & /*position*/)
108 | {
109 | cerr << "Locate vector - Not yet implemented" << endl;
110 | return (CKTB8BNodeAbstract::SKTBNode*)0;
111 | }
112 |
113 |
114 | // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
115 | // Allocator for KTB tree
116 |
117 | // forget the content that is created by previous kd-tree construction
118 | // or just init for the first use.
119 | void
120 | CKTB8BAllocMan::InitForConstructor()
121 | {
122 | #ifdef _KTB_CONSTR_STATS
123 | _stats_interiorCount = 0;
124 | _stats_bboxCount = 0;
125 | _stats_leafNodeCount = 0;
126 | _stats_emptyLeftNodeCount = 0;
127 | // Aggregate statistics
128 | _sumLeafDepth = 0;
129 | _sumFullLeafDepth = 0;
130 | // The count of object references in leaves
131 | _sumObjectRefCount = 0;
132 | // The maximum number of object references in a leaf
133 | _maxObjectRefInLeaf = 0;
134 | // surface areas
135 | _sumSurfaceAreaLeaves = 0.f;
136 | _sumSurfaceAreaMULcntLeaves = 0.f;
137 | _sumSurfaceAreaInteriorNodes = 0.f;
138 | #endif
139 |
140 | // This is the statistics
141 | _currDepth = 0;
142 | _maxDepth = -1;
143 | InitPars();
144 | }
145 |
146 | // init the stack of auxiliary variables from min to max
147 | void
148 | CKTB8BAllocMan::InitAux(int /*min*/, int /*maxD*/, int maxItemsAtOnce)
149 | {
150 | // The size of one entry
151 | int sizeEntryV = sizeof(SKTBNode);
152 | // The number of entries to be allocated at once in a block
153 | // (=size of the block)
154 | int numEntriesInBlock = 1024;
155 | // the allignment
156 | int allignEntrySizeV = sizeof(SKTBNode);
157 | int allignBlockSizeV = 128;
158 |
159 | // Create an allocator in DFS order
160 | alloc2 = new CAllocContinuous(sizeEntryV, numEntriesInBlock,
161 | maxItemsAtOnce,
162 | allignEntrySizeV,
163 | allignBlockSizeV);
164 | assert(alloc2);
165 | // the first allocation is enabled by this command
166 | alloc2->AllocNewBlock();
167 | return;
168 | }
169 |
170 | // Read some basic parameters from the environment file
171 | void
172 | CKTB8BAllocMan::InitPars()
173 | {
174 | Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue("BSP.maxListLength",
175 | maxListLength);
176 | Environment::GetSingleton()->GetIntValue("BSP.maxDepthAllowed",
177 | maxDepthAllowed);
178 | }
179 |
180 | void
181 | CKTB8BAllocMan::PostBuild()
182 | {
183 | // Here it can be some postprocessing of the tree, such as branches
184 | // collapsing for the same content of leaves etc.
185 | }
186 |
187 | void
188 | CKTB8BAllocMan::Remove()
189 | {
190 | // Release the all memory by blocks, so all the interior nodes
191 | // and leaves representations. This should be fast.
192 | alloc2->ReleaseMemory();
193 | }
194 |
195 |
196 | // Create the representation of the interior node
197 | SKTBNodeT*
198 | CKTB8BAllocMan::AllocInteriorNode(int axis, float position,
199 | int cntLeft, int cntRight)
200 | {
201 | #ifdef _DEBUG
202 | nodeToLink = 0;
203 | #endif
204 |
205 | #ifdef _KTB_CONSTR_STATS
206 | _stats_interiorCount++;
207 | #endif
208 |
209 | // Just to satisfy the compiler
210 | cntLeft = cntLeft;
211 | cntRight = cntRight;
212 |
213 | // Alloc a single node
214 | SKTBNodeT *n = (SKTBNodeT*)(alloc2->New(1));
215 | nodeToLink = n;
216 | if (n == 0) {
217 | // we have to insert a special node that links only
218 | nodeToLink = (SKTBNodeT*)alloc2->NewLastEntry(1);
219 | assert(nodeToLink);
220 | nodeToLink->offset = CKTBAxes::EE_Link;
221 | n = (SKTBNodeT*)(alloc2->NewEntryInNewBlock(1));
222 | // This is the link
223 | nodeToLink->linkedNode = n;
224 | } // if n
225 |
226 | assert(n);
227 | assert(nodeToLink);
228 |
229 | // Set the interior node
230 | assert((axis >=0) && (axis < 3));
231 | n->offset = axis;
232 | n->splitPlane = position;
233 |
234 | #ifdef _DEBUG_ALLOCATION
235 | cout << "AllocInterior node adr = " << (void*)n << endl;
236 | #endif // _DEBUG_ALLOCATION
237 | // Return the setupped node, but do not forget to
238 | // use in the parent node to use nodeToLink !!!!
239 | return n;
240 | }
241 |
242 | // Create the representation of the interior node with box
243 | SKTBNodeT*
244 | CKTB8BAllocMan::AllocInteriorNodeWithBox(int axis, float position,
245 | int cntLeft, int cntRight,
246 | const SBBox &tsbox, SKTBNodeT* prevMinBoxNode,
247 | int depthStore)
248 | {
249 | #ifdef _DEBUG
250 | nodeToLink = 0;
251 | if ( (position < tsbox.Min(axis)) ||
252 | (position > tsbox.Max(axis)) ) {
253 | cerr << "Something wrong with the tree axis = " << axis;
254 | cerr << " Min(axis) = " << tsbox.Min(axis)
255 | << " splitValue = " << position
256 | << " Max(axis) = " << tsbox.Max(axis) << endl;
257 | abort();;
258 | }
259 | #endif
260 |
261 | #ifdef _KTB_CONSTR_STATS
262 | _stats_interiorCount++;
263 | _stats_minbboxCount++;
264 | #endif
265 |
266 | // Just to satisfy the compiler
267 | cntLeft = cntLeft;
268 | cntRight = cntRight;
269 |
270 | #ifdef _SHORT_FORM_MINBOX
271 | // Alloc two nodes = 2*8 Bytes = 16 Bytes
272 | SKTBNodeT *n = (SKTBNodeT*)(alloc2->New(2));
273 | nodeToLink = n;
274 | if (n == 0) {
275 | // we have to insert a special node that links only
276 | nodeToLink = (SKTBNodeT*)alloc2->NewLastEntry(1);
277 | assert(nodeToLink);
278 | nodeToLink->offset = CKTBAxes::EE_Link;
279 | n = (SKTBNodeT*)(alloc2->NewEntryInNewBlock(2));
280 | // This is the link
281 | nodeToLink->linkedNode = n;
282 | } // if n
283 |
284 | assert(n);
285 | assert(nodeToLink);
286 |
287 | // Set the interior node
288 | assert((axis >=0) && (axis < 3));
289 | n->offset = (int)CKTBAxes::EE_X_axisBox + axis;
290 | n->splitPlane = position;
291 |
292 | // Set the box
293 | // and the address to the parent min box node
294 | (n+1)->parentBoxNode = prevMinBoxNode;
295 |
296 | // Here we simply allocate the box for the address
297 | SBBox *badr = new SBBox;
298 | assert(badr);
299 | (n+1)->pointer = (unsigned char *)badr;
300 |
301 | // Note that we cannot store the depth here !
302 | depthStore = depthStore; // to satisfy the compiler
303 | #else // _SHORT_FORM_MINBOX
304 | // Alloc two single nodes (16 Bytes) + box (24 Bytes) = 40 Bytes
305 | SKTBNodeT *n = (SKTBNodeT*)(alloc2->New(5));
306 | nodeToLink = n;
307 | if (n == 0) {
308 | // we have to insert a special node that links only
309 | nodeToLink = (SKTBNodeT*)alloc2->NewLastEntry(1);
310 | assert(nodeToLink);
311 | nodeToLink->offset = CKTBAxes::EE_Link;
312 | n = (SKTBNodeT*)(alloc2->NewEntryInNewBlock(5));
313 | // This is the link
314 | nodeToLink->linkedNode = n;
315 | } // if n
316 |
317 | assert(n);
318 | assert(nodeToLink);
319 |
320 | // Set the interior node
321 | assert((axis >=0) && (axis < 3));
322 | n->offset = (int)CKTBAxes::EE_X_axisBox + axis;
323 | n->splitPlane = position;
324 |
325 | // Set the box itself
326 | // and the address to the parent min box node
327 | (n+1)->parentBoxNode = prevMinBoxNode;
328 | // here we set the depth of the node (suited for debugging)
329 | (n+1)->depth = depthStore;
330 |
331 | // This is not very nice, we use the address in already allocated
332 | //item, but this saves memory of 4 Bytes, which allows allingment to 32 Bytes
333 | //for this entry
334 | SBBox *badr = (SBBox*)(((char*)n)+16);
335 | #endif // _SHORT_FORM_MINBOX
336 |
337 | // and copy the box content from the function parameters
338 | *(badr) = tsbox;
339 |
340 | #ifdef _DEBUG_ALLOCATION
341 | cout << "AllocInterior node adr = " << (void*)n << endl;
342 | #endif // _DEBUG_ALLOCATION
343 | // Return the setupped node, but do not forget to
344 | // use in the parent node to use nodeToLink !!!!
345 | return n;
346 | }
347 |
348 | // Set the pointers to children for the interior node
349 | void
350 | CKTB8BAllocMan::SetInteriorNodeLinks(SKTBNodeT *node,
351 | SKTBNodeT *leftChild,
352 | SKTBNodeT *rightChild)
353 | {
354 | leftChild = leftChild; // to satisfy the compiler
355 |
356 | // Check on correctness of DFS order
357 | assert( (node+1 == leftChild) || (node+2 == leftChild) || (node+5 == leftChild) );
358 |
359 | #ifdef _DEBUG_ALLOCATION
360 | cout << "SetInteriorNode adr = " << (void*)node
361 | << " right = " << (void*)rightChild << endl;
362 | #endif
363 |
364 | #ifdef _DEBUG
365 | // Check if last 3 bits of the address are really zero
366 | // and hence they can be used for different purposes
367 | if ( ( ((unsigned int)rightChild) & CKTBAxes::EE_Mask) != 0) {
368 | // The bug in implementation of DFS order allocator or so
369 | // This should never happen.
370 | cerr << "cerr error, node is not 8Bytes aligned, it cannot be linked in DFS" << endl;
371 | abort();;
372 | }
373 | #endif
374 |
375 | // Bitwise OR should work correctly
376 | assert(node->offset <= CKTBAxes::EE_Z_axisBox);
377 | //assert(node->offset >= 0);
378 | //(unsigned long)node->offset |= (unsigned long)rightChild;
379 | node->offset = node->offset | (unsigned int)rightChild;
380 | #ifdef _DEBUG
381 | // Compute right child
382 | SKTBNodeT *p = GetRight(node);
383 | if (p != rightChild) {
384 | cerr << "Problem with implementation of setting right child" << endl;
385 | abort();;
386 | }
387 | #endif
388 |
389 | return;
390 | }
391 |
392 | // Create the representation of the leaf. Note that possibly there
393 | // can be special cases, such as 0, 1, 2, or 3 objects, or in general
394 | // N objects.
395 | SKTBNodeT*
396 | CKTB8BAllocMan::AllocLeaf(int cntObjects)
397 | {
398 | #ifdef _DEBUG
399 | nodeToLink = 0;
400 | #endif
401 |
402 | #ifdef _KTB_CONSTR_STATS
403 | _stats_leafNodeCount++;
404 | _sumLeafDepth += _currDepth;
405 | if (cntObjects) {
406 | _sumFullLeafDepth += _currDepth;
407 | // The count of object references in leaves
408 | _sumObjectRefCount += cntObjects;
409 | // The maximum number of object references in a leaf
410 | if (cntObjects > _maxObjectRefInLeaf)
411 | _maxObjectRefInLeaf = cntObjects;
412 | }
413 | else
414 | _stats_emptyLeftNodeCount++;
415 | #endif
416 |
417 | // Alloc a single node
418 | SKTBNodeT *n = (SKTBNodeT*)(alloc2->New(1));
419 | nodeToLink = n;
420 | if (n == 0) {
421 | // we have to insert a special node that links only
422 | n = nodeToLink = (SKTBNodeT*)alloc2->NewLastEntry(1);
423 | assert(nodeToLink);
424 | // Allocate a new block for the next allocation
425 | alloc2->AllocNewBlock();
426 | } // if n
427 |
428 | n->offset = CKTBAxes::EE_Leaf;
429 | n->objlist = 0;
430 |
431 | #ifdef _DEBUG_ALLOCATION
432 | cout << "AllocLeaf adr = " << (void*)n << endl;
433 | #endif
434 |
435 | // Return the node
436 | return n;
437 | }
438 |
439 | // if active node is empty, then is replaced by full leaf with
440 | // the object list. In success returns 0, for failure returns 1.
441 | // The object list is used as it is .. it is not copied !!
442 | int
443 | CKTB8BAllocMan::SetFullLeaf(SKTBNodeT *node, const ObjectContainer *objlist)
444 | {
445 | assert(node);
446 | assert(IsLeaf_(node));
447 |
448 | #ifdef _DEBUG_ALLOCATION
449 | cout << "SetFullLeaf adr = " << (void*)node << endl;
450 | #endif
451 |
452 | if ( (objlist == NULL) ||
453 | (objlist->size() == 0) ) {
454 | node->objlist = 0;
455 | }
456 | else {
457 | // Set the pointer to the list of objects
458 | node->objlist = (ObjectContainer *) objlist;
459 | }
460 |
461 | return 0;
462 | }
463 |
464 | }