#ifndef DATE_TIME_TIME_RESOLUTION_TRAITS_HPP #define DATE_TIME_TIME_RESOLUTION_TRAITS_HPP /* Copyright (c) 2002,2003 CrystalClear Software, Inc. * Use, modification and distribution is subject to the * Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying * file LICENSE-1.0 or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE-1.0) * Author: Jeff Garland, Bart Garst * $Date: 2003/12/03 03:01:05 $ */ #include "boost/date_time/time_defs.hpp" #include "boost/date_time/int_adapter.hpp" #include "boost/cstdint.hpp" namespace boost { namespace date_time { //! Simple function to calculate absolute value of a numeric type template // JDG [7/6/02 made a template], // moved here from time_duration.hpp 2003-Sept-4. inline T absolute_value(T x) { return x < 0 ? -x : x; } //! traits struct for time_resolution_traits implementation type struct time_resolution_traits_bi32_impl { typedef boost::int32_t int_type; typedef boost::int32_t impl_type; static int_type as_number(impl_type i){ return i;} //! Used to determine if implemented type is int_adapter or int static bool is_adapted() { return false;} }; //! traits struct for time_resolution_traits implementation type struct time_resolution_traits_adapted32_impl { typedef boost::int32_t int_type; typedef boost::date_time::int_adapter impl_type; static int_type as_number(impl_type i){ return i.as_number();} //! Used to determine if implemented type is int_adapter or int static bool is_adapted() { return true;} }; //! traits struct for time_resolution_traits implementation type struct time_resolution_traits_bi64_impl { typedef boost::int64_t int_type; typedef boost::int64_t impl_type; static int_type as_number(impl_type i){ return i;} //! Used to determine if implemented type is int_adapter or int static bool is_adapted() { return false;} }; //! traits struct for time_resolution_traits implementation type struct time_resolution_traits_adapted64_impl { typedef boost::int64_t int_type; typedef boost::date_time::int_adapter impl_type; static int_type as_number(impl_type i){ return i.as_number();} //! Used to determine if implemented type is int_adapter or int static bool is_adapted() { return true;} }; template class time_resolution_traits { public: typedef typename frac_sec_type::int_type fractional_seconds_type; typedef typename frac_sec_type::int_type tick_type; typedef typename frac_sec_type::impl_type impl_type; typedef v_type day_type; typedef v_type hour_type; typedef v_type min_type; typedef v_type sec_type; // bring in function from frac_sec_type traits structs static typename frac_sec_type::int_type as_number(typename frac_sec_type::impl_type i) { return frac_sec_type::as_number(i); } static bool is_adapted() { return frac_sec_type::is_adapted(); } //Would like this to be frac_sec_type, but some compilers complain BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, ticks_per_second = resolution_adjust); // static const boost::int32_t ticks_per_second = resolution_adjust; static time_resolutions resolution() { return res; } static unsigned short num_fractional_digits() { return frac_digits; } static fractional_seconds_type res_adjust() { return resolution_adjust; } //! Any negative argument results in a negative tick_count static tick_type to_tick_count(hour_type hours, min_type minutes, sec_type seconds, fractional_seconds_type fs) { if(hours < 0 || minutes < 0 || seconds < 0 || fs < 0) { hours = absolute_value(hours); minutes = absolute_value(minutes); seconds = absolute_value(seconds); fs = absolute_value(fs); return (((((fractional_seconds_type(hours)*3600) + (fractional_seconds_type(minutes)*60) + seconds)*res_adjust()) + fs) * -1); } else{ return (((fractional_seconds_type(hours)*3600) + (fractional_seconds_type(minutes)*60) + seconds)*res_adjust()) + fs; } } }; typedef time_resolution_traits milli_res; typedef time_resolution_traits micro_res; typedef time_resolution_traits nano_res; } } //namespace date_time #endif