// (C) Copyright Jeremy Siek 2001. Permission to copy, use, modify, // sell and distribute this software is granted provided this // copyright notice appears in all copies. This software is provided // "as is" without express or implied warranty, and with no claim as // to its suitability for any purpose. /* * Copyright (c) 1998 * Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear * in supporting documentation. Silicon Graphics makes no * representations about the suitability of this software for any * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // This provides versions of std::bitset with both static and dynamic size. // UNDER CONSTRUCTION // replace this later #include #define BOOST_ASSERT_THROW(expr, except) assert(expr) namespace boost { namespace detail { // structure to aid in counting bits template struct bit_count { static unsigned char value[256]; }; // Mapping from 8 bit unsigned integers to the index of the first bit template struct first_bit_location { static unsigned char value[256]; }; template // this size is in bits struct word_traits { typedef WordType word_type; static const std::size_t word_size = CHAR_BIT * sizeof(word_type); }; //========================================================================= template class bitset_base : public bitset_adaptor< SizeType, bitset_base > { // private: public: typedef SizeType size_type; typedef typename WordTraits::word_type word_type; static size_type s_which_word(size_type pos) { return pos / WordTraits::word_size; } static size_type s_which_byte(size_type pos) { return (pos % WordTraits::word_size) / CHAR_BIT; } static size_type s_which_bit(size_type pos) { return pos % WordTraits::word_size; } static word_type s_mask_bit(size_type pos) { return (static_cast(1)) << s_which_bit(pos); } word_type& m_get_word(size_type pos) { return data()[s_which_word(pos)]; } word_type m_get_word(size_type pos) const { return data()[s_which_word(pos)]; } word_type& m_hi_word() { return data()[num_words() - 1]; } word_type m_hi_word() const { return data()[num_words() - 1]; } void m_sanitize_highest() { size_type extra_bits = size() % WordTraits::word_size; if (extra_bits) m_hi_word() &= ~((~static_cast(0)) << extra_bits); } public: class reference { friend class bitset_base; word_type *m_word_ptr; size_type m_bit_pos; // left undefined reference(); reference(bitset_base& b, size_type pos ) { m_word_ptr = &b.m_get_word(pos); m_bit_pos = s_which_bit(pos); } public: ~reference() {} // for b[i] = x; reference& operator=(bool x) { if ( x ) *m_word_ptr |= s_mask_bit(m_bit_pos); else *m_word_ptr &= ~s_mask_bit(m_bit_pos); return *this; } // for b[i] = b[j]; reference& operator=(const reference& j) { if ( (*(j.m_word_ptr) & s_mask_bit(j.m_bit_pos)) ) *m_word_ptr |= s_mask_bit(m_bit_pos); else *m_word_ptr &= ~s_mask_bit(m_bit_pos); return *this; } // flips the bit bool operator~() const { return (*(m_word_ptr) & s_mask_bit(m_bit_pos)) == 0; } // for x = b[i]; operator bool() const { return (*(m_word_ptr) & s_mask_bit(m_bit_pos)) != 0; } // for b[i].flip(); reference& flip() { *m_word_ptr ^= s_mask_bit(m_bit_pos); return *this; } }; void init_from_ulong(unsigned long val) { reset(); const size_type n = (std::min)(sizeof(unsigned long) * CHAR_BIT, WordTraits::word_size * num_words()); for(size_type i = 0; i < n; ++i, val >>= 1) if ( val & 0x1 ) m_get_word(i) |= s_mask_bit(i); } // intersection: this = this & x Derived& operator&=(const Derived& x) { for (size_type i = 0; i < num_words(); ++i) data()[i] &= x.data()[i]; return static_cast(*this); } // union: this = this | x Derived& operator|=(const Derived& x) { for (size_type i = 0; i < num_words(); ++i) data()[i] |= x.data()[i]; return static_cast(*this); } // exclusive or: this = this ^ x Derived& operator^=(const Derived& x) { for (size_type i = 0; i < num_words(); ++i) data()[i] ^= x.data()[i]; return static_cast(*this); } // left shift Derived& operator<<=(size_type pos); // right shift Derived& operator>>=(size_type pos); Derived& set() { for (size_type i = 0; i < num_words(); ++i) data()[i] = ~static_cast(0); m_sanitize_highest(); return static_cast(*this); } Derived& set(size_type pos, int val = true) { BOOST_ASSERT_THROW(pos < size(), std::out_of_range("boost::bitset::set(pos,value)")); if (val) m_get_word(pos) |= s_mask_bit(pos); else m_get_word(pos) &= ~s_mask_bit(pos); return static_cast(*this); } Derived& reset() { for (size_type i = 0; i < num_words(); ++i) data()[i] = 0; return static_cast(*this); } Derived& reset(size_type pos) { BOOST_ASSERT_THROW(pos < size(), std::out_of_range("boost::bitset::reset(pos)")); m_get_word(pos) &= ~s_mask_bit(pos); return static_cast(*this); } // compliment Derived operator~() const { return Derived(static_cast(*this)).flip(); } Derived& flip() { for (size_type i = 0; i < num_words(); ++i) data()[i] = ~data()[i]; m_sanitize_highest(); return static_cast(*this); } Derived& flip(size_type pos) { BOOST_ASSERT_THROW(pos < size(), std::out_of_range("boost::bitset::flip(pos)")); m_get_word(pos) ^= s_mask_bit(pos); return static_cast(*this); } // element access reference operator[](size_type pos) { return reference(*this, pos); } bool operator[](size_type pos) const { return test(pos); } unsigned long to_ulong() const; // to_string size_type count() const { size_type result = 0; const unsigned char* byte_ptr = (const unsigned char*)data(); const unsigned char* end_ptr = (const unsigned char*)(data() + num_words()); while ( byte_ptr < end_ptr ) { result += bit_count<>::value[*byte_ptr]; byte_ptr++; } return result; } // size() must be provided by Derived class bool operator==(const Derived& x) const { return std::equal(data(), data() + num_words(), x.data()); } bool operator!=(const Derived& x) const { return ! this->operator==(x); } bool test(size_type pos) const { BOOST_ASSERT_THROW(pos < size(), std::out_of_range("boost::bitset::test(pos)")); return (m_get_word(pos) & s_mask_bit(pos)) != static_cast(0); } bool any() const { for (size_type i = 0; i < num_words(); ++i) { if ( data()[i] != static_cast(0) ) return true; } return false; } bool none() const { return !any(); } Derived operator<<(size_type pos) const { return Derived(static_cast(*this)) <<= pos; } Derived operator>>(size_type pos) const { return Derived(static_cast(*this)) >>= pos; } template void m_copy_from_string(const basic_string& s, size_type pos, size_type n) { reset(); const size_type nbits = (std::min)(size(), (std::min)(n, s.size() - pos)); for (size_type i = 0; i < nbits; ++i) { switch(s[pos + nbits - i - 1]) { case '0': break; case '1': this->set(i); break; default: throw std::invalid_argument ("boost::bitset_base::m_copy_from_string(s, pos, n)"); } } } template void m_copy_to_string(basic_string& s) const { s.assign(size(), '0'); for (size_type i = 0; i < size(); ++i) if (test(i)) s[size() - 1 - i] = '1'; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Stuff not in std::bitset // difference: this = this - x Derived& operator-=(const Derived& x) { for (size_type i = 0; i < num_words(); ++i) data()[i] &= ~x.data()[i]; return static_cast(*this); } // this wasn't working, why? int compare_3way(const Derived& x) const { return std::lexicographical_compare_3way (data(), data() + num_words(), x.data(), x.data() + x.num_words()); } // less-than compare bool operator<(const Derived& x) const { return std::lexicographical_compare (data(), data() + num_words(), x.data(), x.data() + x.num_words()); } // find the index of the first "on" bit size_type find_first() const; // find the index of the next "on" bit after prev size_type find_next(size_type prev) const; size_type _Find_first() const { return find_first(); } // find the index of the next "on" bit after prev size_type _Find_next(size_type prev) const { return find_next(prev); } // private: word_type* data() { return static_cast(this)->data(); } const word_type* data() const { return static_cast(this)->data(); } size_type num_words() const { return static_cast(this)->num_words(); } size_type size() const { return static_cast(this)->size(); } }; // bitset operations: template inline D operator&(const bitset_base& x, const bitset_base& y) { D result(static_cast(x)); result &= static_cast(y); return result; } template inline D operator|(const bitset_base& x, const bitset_base& y) { D result(static_cast(x)); result |= static_cast(y); return result; } template inline D operator^(const bitset_base& x, const bitset_base& y) { D result(static_cast(x)); result ^= static_cast(y); return result; } // this one is an extension template inline D operator-(const bitset_base& x, const bitset_base& y) { D result(static_cast(x)); result -= static_cast(y); return result; } template inline int compare_3way(const bitset_base& x, const bitset_base& y) { return std::lexicographical_compare_3way (x.data(), x.data() + x.num_words(), y.data(), y.data() + y.num_words()); } template std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, bitset_base& x) { std::string tmp; tmp.reserve(x.size()); // In new templatized iostreams, use istream::sentry if (is.flags() & ios::skipws) { char c; do is.get(c); while (is && isspace(c)); if (is) is.putback(c); } for (S i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i) { char c; is.get(c); if (!is) break; else if (c != '0' && c != '1') { is.putback(c); break; } else // tmp.push_back(c); tmp += c; } if (tmp.empty()) is.clear(is.rdstate() | ios::failbit); else x.m_copy_from_string(tmp, static_cast(0), x.size()); return is; } template std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const bitset_base& x) { std::string tmp; x.m_copy_to_string(tmp); return os << tmp; } //========================================================================= template > class dyn_size_bitset : public bitset_base, SizeType, dyn_size_bitset > { typedef dyn_size_bitset self; public: typedef SizeType size_type; private: typedef word_traits WordTraits; static const size_type word_size = WordTraits::word_size; public: dyn_size_bitset(unsigned long val, size_type n, const Allocator& alloc = Allocator()) : m_data(alloc.allocate((n + word_size - 1) / word_size)), m_size(n), m_num_words((n + word_size - 1) / word_size), m_alloc(alloc) { init_from_ulong(val); } dyn_size_bitset(size_type n, // size of the set's "universe" const Allocator& alloc = Allocator()) : m_data(alloc.allocate((n + word_size - 1) / word_size)), m_size(n), m_num_words((n + word_size - 1) / word_size), m_alloc(alloc) { } template explicit dyn_size_bitset (const basic_string& s, std::size_t pos = 0, std::size_t n = std::size_t(basic_string::npos), const Allocator& alloc = Allocator()) : m_data(alloc.allocate((n + word_size - 1) / word_size)), m_size(n), m_num_words((n + word_size - 1) / word_size), m_alloc(alloc) { BOOST_ASSERT_THROW(pos < s.size(), std::out_of_range("dyn_size_bitset::dyn_size_bitset(s,pos,n,alloc)")); m_copy_from_string(s, pos, n); } template explicit dyn_size_bitset (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, size_type n, // size of the set's "universe" const Allocator& alloc = Allocator()) : m_data(alloc.allocate((n + word_size - 1) / word_size)), m_size(N), m_num_words((n + word_size - 1) / word_size), m_alloc(alloc) { while (first != last) this->set(*first++); } ~dyn_size_bitset() { m_alloc.deallocate(m_data, m_num_words); } size_type size() const { return m_size; } // protected: size_type num_words() const { return m_num_words; } word_type* data() { return m_data; } const word_type* data() const { return m_data; } protected: word_type* m_data; SizeType m_size; SizeType m_num_words; Allocator m_alloc; }; //========================================================================= template class bitset : public bitset_base, SizeType, bitset > { typedef bitset self; static const std::size_t word_size = word_traits::word_size; public: // constructors: bitset() { #if defined(__GNUC__) for (size_type i = 0; i < num_words(); ++i) m_data[i] = static_cast(0); #endif } bitset(unsigned long val) { init_from_ulong(val); } template explicit bitset (const basic_string& s, std::size_t pos = 0, std::size_t n = std::size_t(basic_string::npos)) { BOOST_ASSERT_THROW (pos < s.size(), std::out_of_range("bitset::bitset(s,pos,n)")); m_copy_from_string(s, pos, n); } size_type size() const { return N; } // protected: size_type num_words() const { return (N + word_size - 1) / word_size; } word_type* data() { return m_data; } const word_type* data() const { return m_data; } protected: word_type m_data[(N + word_size - 1) / word_size]; }; //========================================================================= struct select_static_bitset { template struct bind_ { typedef bitset type; }; }; struct select_dyn_size_bitset { template struct bind_ { typedef dyn_size_bitset type; }; }; template > class bitset_generator { typedef typename ct_if::type selector; public: typedef typename selector ::template bind_::type type; }; //========================================================================= // bitset_base non-inline member function implementations template Derived& bitset_base:: operator<<=(size_type shift) { typedef typename WordTraits::word_type word_type; typedef SizeType size_type; if (shift != 0) { const size_type wshift = shift / WordTraits::word_size; const size_type offset = shift % WordTraits::word_size; const size_type sub_offset = WordTraits::word_size - offset; size_type n = num_words() - 1; for ( ; n > wshift; --n) data()[n] = (data()[n - wshift] << offset) | (data()[n - wshift - 1] >> sub_offset); if (n == wshift) data()[n] = data()[0] << offset; for (size_type n1 = 0; n1 < n; ++n1) data()[n1] = static_cast(0); } m_sanitize_highest(); return static_cast(*this); } // end operator<<= template Derived& bitset_base:: operator>>=(size_type shift) { typedef typename WordTraits::word_type word_type; typedef SizeType size_type; if (shift != 0) { const size_type wshift = shift / WordTraits::word_size; const size_type offset = shift % WordTraits::word_size; const size_type sub_offset = WordTraits::word_size - offset; const size_type limit = num_words() - wshift - 1; size_type n = 0; for ( ; n < limit; ++n) data()[n] = (data()[n + wshift] >> offset) | (data()[n + wshift + 1] << sub_offset); data()[limit] = data()[num_words()-1] >> offset; for (size_type n1 = limit + 1; n1 < num_words(); ++n1) data()[n1] = static_cast(0); } m_sanitize_highest(); return static_cast(*this); } // end operator>>= template unsigned long bitset_base:: to_ulong() const { typedef typename WordTraits::word_type word_type; typedef SizeType size_type; const std::overflow_error overflow("boost::bit_set::operator unsigned long()"); if (sizeof(word_type) >= sizeof(unsigned long)) { for (size_type i = 1; i < num_words(); ++i) BOOST_ASSERT_THROW(! data()[i], overflow); const word_type mask = static_cast(static_cast(-1)); BOOST_ASSERT_THROW(! (data()[0] & ~mask), overflow); return static_cast(data()[0] & mask); } else { // sizeof(word_type) < sizeof(unsigned long). const size_type nwords = (sizeof(unsigned long) + sizeof(word_type) - 1) / sizeof(word_type); size_type min_nwords = nwords; if (num_words() > nwords) { for (size_type i = nwords; i < num_words(); ++i) BOOST_ASSERT_THROW(!data()[i], overflow); } else min_nwords = num_words(); // If unsigned long is 8 bytes and word_type is 6 bytes, then // an unsigned long consists of all of one word plus 2 bytes // from another word. const size_type part = sizeof(unsigned long) % sizeof(word_type); #if 0 // bug in here? // >> to far? BOOST_ASSERT_THROW((part != 0 && nwords <= num_words() && (data()[min_nwords - 1] >> ((sizeof(word_type) - part) * CHAR_BIT)) != 0), overflow); #endif unsigned long result = 0; for (size_type i = 0; i < min_nwords; ++i) { result |= static_cast( data()[i]) << (i * sizeof(word_type) * CHAR_BIT); } return result; } }// end operator unsigned long() template SizeType bitset_base:: find_first() const { SizeType not_found = size(); for (size_type i = 0; i < num_words(); i++ ) { word_type thisword = data()[i]; if ( thisword != static_cast(0) ) { // find byte within word for ( std::size_t j = 0; j < sizeof(word_type); j++ ) { unsigned char this_byte = static_cast(thisword & (~(unsigned char)0)); if ( this_byte ) return i * WordTraits::word_size + j * CHAR_BIT + first_bit_location<>::value[this_byte]; thisword >>= CHAR_BIT; } } } // not found, so return an indication of failure. return not_found; } template SizeType bitset_base:: bitset_base:: find_next(size_type prev) const { SizeType not_found = size(); // make bound inclusive ++prev; // check out of bounds if ( prev >= num_words() * WordTraits::word_size ) return not_found; // search first word size_type i = s_which_word(prev); word_type thisword = data()[i]; // mask off bits below bound thisword &= (~static_cast(0)) << s_which_bit(prev); if ( thisword != static_cast(0) ) { // find byte within word // get first byte into place thisword >>= s_which_byte(prev) * CHAR_BIT; for ( size_type j = s_which_byte(prev); j < sizeof(word_type); j++ ) { unsigned char this_byte = static_cast(thisword & (~(unsigned char)0)); if ( this_byte ) return i * WordTraits::word_size + j * CHAR_BIT + first_bit_location<>::value[this_byte]; thisword >>= CHAR_BIT; } } // check subsequent words i++; for ( ; i < num_words(); i++ ) { word_type thisword = data()[i]; if ( thisword != static_cast(0) ) { // find byte within word for ( size_type j = 0; j < sizeof(word_type); j++ ) { unsigned char this_byte = static_cast(thisword & (~(unsigned char)0)); if ( this_byte ) return i * WordTraits::word_size + j * CHAR_BIT + first_bit_location<>::value[this_byte]; thisword >>= CHAR_BIT; } } } // not found, so return an indication of failure. return not_found; } // end find_next template unsigned char bit_count::value[] = { 0, /* 0 */ 1, /* 1 */ 1, /* 2 */ 2, /* 3 */ 1, /* 4 */ 2, /* 5 */ 2, /* 6 */ 3, /* 7 */ 1, /* 8 */ 2, /* 9 */ 2, /* 10 */ 3, /* 11 */ 2, /* 12 */ 3, /* 13 */ 3, /* 14 */ 4, /* 15 */ 1, /* 16 */ 2, /* 17 */ 2, /* 18 */ 3, /* 19 */ 2, /* 20 */ 3, /* 21 */ 3, /* 22 */ 4, /* 23 */ 2, /* 24 */ 3, /* 25 */ 3, /* 26 */ 4, /* 27 */ 3, /* 28 */ 4, /* 29 */ 4, /* 30 */ 5, /* 31 */ 1, /* 32 */ 2, /* 33 */ 2, /* 34 */ 3, /* 35 */ 2, /* 36 */ 3, /* 37 */ 3, /* 38 */ 4, /* 39 */ 2, /* 40 */ 3, /* 41 */ 3, /* 42 */ 4, /* 43 */ 3, /* 44 */ 4, /* 45 */ 4, /* 46 */ 5, /* 47 */ 2, /* 48 */ 3, /* 49 */ 3, /* 50 */ 4, /* 51 */ 3, /* 52 */ 4, /* 53 */ 4, /* 54 */ 5, /* 55 */ 3, /* 56 */ 4, /* 57 */ 4, /* 58 */ 5, /* 59 */ 4, /* 60 */ 5, /* 61 */ 5, /* 62 */ 6, /* 63 */ 1, /* 64 */ 2, /* 65 */ 2, /* 66 */ 3, /* 67 */ 2, /* 68 */ 3, /* 69 */ 3, /* 70 */ 4, /* 71 */ 2, /* 72 */ 3, /* 73 */ 3, /* 74 */ 4, /* 75 */ 3, /* 76 */ 4, /* 77 */ 4, /* 78 */ 5, /* 79 */ 2, /* 80 */ 3, /* 81 */ 3, /* 82 */ 4, /* 83 */ 3, /* 84 */ 4, /* 85 */ 4, /* 86 */ 5, /* 87 */ 3, /* 88 */ 4, /* 89 */ 4, /* 90 */ 5, /* 91 */ 4, /* 92 */ 5, /* 93 */ 5, /* 94 */ 6, /* 95 */ 2, /* 96 */ 3, /* 97 */ 3, /* 98 */ 4, /* 99 */ 3, /* 100 */ 4, /* 101 */ 4, /* 102 */ 5, /* 103 */ 3, /* 104 */ 4, /* 105 */ 4, /* 106 */ 5, /* 107 */ 4, /* 108 */ 5, /* 109 */ 5, /* 110 */ 6, /* 111 */ 3, /* 112 */ 4, /* 113 */ 4, /* 114 */ 5, /* 115 */ 4, /* 116 */ 5, /* 117 */ 5, /* 118 */ 6, /* 119 */ 4, /* 120 */ 5, /* 121 */ 5, /* 122 */ 6, /* 123 */ 5, /* 124 */ 6, /* 125 */ 6, /* 126 */ 7, /* 127 */ 1, /* 128 */ 2, /* 129 */ 2, /* 130 */ 3, /* 131 */ 2, /* 132 */ 3, /* 133 */ 3, /* 134 */ 4, /* 135 */ 2, /* 136 */ 3, /* 137 */ 3, /* 138 */ 4, /* 139 */ 3, /* 140 */ 4, /* 141 */ 4, /* 142 */ 5, /* 143 */ 2, /* 144 */ 3, /* 145 */ 3, /* 146 */ 4, /* 147 */ 3, /* 148 */ 4, /* 149 */ 4, /* 150 */ 5, /* 151 */ 3, /* 152 */ 4, /* 153 */ 4, /* 154 */ 5, /* 155 */ 4, /* 156 */ 5, /* 157 */ 5, /* 158 */ 6, /* 159 */ 2, /* 160 */ 3, /* 161 */ 3, /* 162 */ 4, /* 163 */ 3, /* 164 */ 4, /* 165 */ 4, /* 166 */ 5, /* 167 */ 3, /* 168 */ 4, /* 169 */ 4, /* 170 */ 5, /* 171 */ 4, /* 172 */ 5, /* 173 */ 5, /* 174 */ 6, /* 175 */ 3, /* 176 */ 4, /* 177 */ 4, /* 178 */ 5, /* 179 */ 4, /* 180 */ 5, /* 181 */ 5, /* 182 */ 6, /* 183 */ 4, /* 184 */ 5, /* 185 */ 5, /* 186 */ 6, /* 187 */ 5, /* 188 */ 6, /* 189 */ 6, /* 190 */ 7, /* 191 */ 2, /* 192 */ 3, /* 193 */ 3, /* 194 */ 4, /* 195 */ 3, /* 196 */ 4, /* 197 */ 4, /* 198 */ 5, /* 199 */ 3, /* 200 */ 4, /* 201 */ 4, /* 202 */ 5, /* 203 */ 4, /* 204 */ 5, /* 205 */ 5, /* 206 */ 6, /* 207 */ 3, /* 208 */ 4, /* 209 */ 4, /* 210 */ 5, /* 211 */ 4, /* 212 */ 5, /* 213 */ 5, /* 214 */ 6, /* 215 */ 4, /* 216 */ 5, /* 217 */ 5, /* 218 */ 6, /* 219 */ 5, /* 220 */ 6, /* 221 */ 6, /* 222 */ 7, /* 223 */ 3, /* 224 */ 4, /* 225 */ 4, /* 226 */ 5, /* 227 */ 4, /* 228 */ 5, /* 229 */ 5, /* 230 */ 6, /* 231 */ 4, /* 232 */ 5, /* 233 */ 5, /* 234 */ 6, /* 235 */ 5, /* 236 */ 6, /* 237 */ 6, /* 238 */ 7, /* 239 */ 4, /* 240 */ 5, /* 241 */ 5, /* 242 */ 6, /* 243 */ 5, /* 244 */ 6, /* 245 */ 6, /* 246 */ 7, /* 247 */ 5, /* 248 */ 6, /* 249 */ 6, /* 250 */ 7, /* 251 */ 6, /* 252 */ 7, /* 253 */ 7, /* 254 */ 8 /* 255 */ }; // end _Bit_count template unsigned char first_bit_location::value[] = { 0, /* 0 */ 0, /* 1 */ 1, /* 2 */ 0, /* 3 */ 2, /* 4 */ 0, /* 5 */ 1, /* 6 */ 0, /* 7 */ 3, /* 8 */ 0, /* 9 */ 1, /* 10 */ 0, /* 11 */ 2, /* 12 */ 0, /* 13 */ 1, /* 14 */ 0, /* 15 */ 4, /* 16 */ 0, /* 17 */ 1, /* 18 */ 0, /* 19 */ 2, /* 20 */ 0, /* 21 */ 1, /* 22 */ 0, /* 23 */ 3, /* 24 */ 0, /* 25 */ 1, /* 26 */ 0, /* 27 */ 2, /* 28 */ 0, /* 29 */ 1, /* 30 */ 0, /* 31 */ 5, /* 32 */ 0, /* 33 */ 1, /* 34 */ 0, /* 35 */ 2, /* 36 */ 0, /* 37 */ 1, /* 38 */ 0, /* 39 */ 3, /* 40 */ 0, /* 41 */ 1, /* 42 */ 0, /* 43 */ 2, /* 44 */ 0, /* 45 */ 1, /* 46 */ 0, /* 47 */ 4, /* 48 */ 0, /* 49 */ 1, /* 50 */ 0, /* 51 */ 2, /* 52 */ 0, /* 53 */ 1, /* 54 */ 0, /* 55 */ 3, /* 56 */ 0, /* 57 */ 1, /* 58 */ 0, /* 59 */ 2, /* 60 */ 0, /* 61 */ 1, /* 62 */ 0, /* 63 */ 6, /* 64 */ 0, /* 65 */ 1, /* 66 */ 0, /* 67 */ 2, /* 68 */ 0, /* 69 */ 1, /* 70 */ 0, /* 71 */ 3, /* 72 */ 0, /* 73 */ 1, /* 74 */ 0, /* 75 */ 2, /* 76 */ 0, /* 77 */ 1, /* 78 */ 0, /* 79 */ 4, /* 80 */ 0, /* 81 */ 1, /* 82 */ 0, /* 83 */ 2, /* 84 */ 0, /* 85 */ 1, /* 86 */ 0, /* 87 */ 3, /* 88 */ 0, /* 89 */ 1, /* 90 */ 0, /* 91 */ 2, /* 92 */ 0, /* 93 */ 1, /* 94 */ 0, /* 95 */ 5, /* 96 */ 0, /* 97 */ 1, /* 98 */ 0, /* 99 */ 2, /* 100 */ 0, /* 101 */ 1, /* 102 */ 0, /* 103 */ 3, /* 104 */ 0, /* 105 */ 1, /* 106 */ 0, /* 107 */ 2, /* 108 */ 0, /* 109 */ 1, /* 110 */ 0, /* 111 */ 4, /* 112 */ 0, /* 113 */ 1, /* 114 */ 0, /* 115 */ 2, /* 116 */ 0, /* 117 */ 1, /* 118 */ 0, /* 119 */ 3, /* 120 */ 0, /* 121 */ 1, /* 122 */ 0, /* 123 */ 2, /* 124 */ 0, /* 125 */ 1, /* 126 */ 0, /* 127 */ 7, /* 128 */ 0, /* 129 */ 1, /* 130 */ 0, /* 131 */ 2, /* 132 */ 0, /* 133 */ 1, /* 134 */ 0, /* 135 */ 3, /* 136 */ 0, /* 137 */ 1, /* 138 */ 0, /* 139 */ 2, /* 140 */ 0, /* 141 */ 1, /* 142 */ 0, /* 143 */ 4, /* 144 */ 0, /* 145 */ 1, /* 146 */ 0, /* 147 */ 2, /* 148 */ 0, /* 149 */ 1, /* 150 */ 0, /* 151 */ 3, /* 152 */ 0, /* 153 */ 1, /* 154 */ 0, /* 155 */ 2, /* 156 */ 0, /* 157 */ 1, /* 158 */ 0, /* 159 */ 5, /* 160 */ 0, /* 161 */ 1, /* 162 */ 0, /* 163 */ 2, /* 164 */ 0, /* 165 */ 1, /* 166 */ 0, /* 167 */ 3, /* 168 */ 0, /* 169 */ 1, /* 170 */ 0, /* 171 */ 2, /* 172 */ 0, /* 173 */ 1, /* 174 */ 0, /* 175 */ 4, /* 176 */ 0, /* 177 */ 1, /* 178 */ 0, /* 179 */ 2, /* 180 */ 0, /* 181 */ 1, /* 182 */ 0, /* 183 */ 3, /* 184 */ 0, /* 185 */ 1, /* 186 */ 0, /* 187 */ 2, /* 188 */ 0, /* 189 */ 1, /* 190 */ 0, /* 191 */ 6, /* 192 */ 0, /* 193 */ 1, /* 194 */ 0, /* 195 */ 2, /* 196 */ 0, /* 197 */ 1, /* 198 */ 0, /* 199 */ 3, /* 200 */ 0, /* 201 */ 1, /* 202 */ 0, /* 203 */ 2, /* 204 */ 0, /* 205 */ 1, /* 206 */ 0, /* 207 */ 4, /* 208 */ 0, /* 209 */ 1, /* 210 */ 0, /* 211 */ 2, /* 212 */ 0, /* 213 */ 1, /* 214 */ 0, /* 215 */ 3, /* 216 */ 0, /* 217 */ 1, /* 218 */ 0, /* 219 */ 2, /* 220 */ 0, /* 221 */ 1, /* 222 */ 0, /* 223 */ 5, /* 224 */ 0, /* 225 */ 1, /* 226 */ 0, /* 227 */ 2, /* 228 */ 0, /* 229 */ 1, /* 230 */ 0, /* 231 */ 3, /* 232 */ 0, /* 233 */ 1, /* 234 */ 0, /* 235 */ 2, /* 236 */ 0, /* 237 */ 1, /* 238 */ 0, /* 239 */ 4, /* 240 */ 0, /* 241 */ 1, /* 242 */ 0, /* 243 */ 2, /* 244 */ 0, /* 245 */ 1, /* 246 */ 0, /* 247 */ 3, /* 248 */ 0, /* 249 */ 1, /* 250 */ 0, /* 251 */ 2, /* 252 */ 0, /* 253 */ 1, /* 254 */ 0, /* 255 */ }; // end _First_one } // namespace detail } // namespace boost