source: NonGTP/Boost/boost/graph/stanford_graph.hpp @ 857

Revision 857, 20.0 KB checked in by igarcia, 19 years ago (diff)
2// Copyright 1997-2001 University of Notre Dame.
3// Authors: Andrew Lumsdaine, Lie-Quan Lee, Jeremy G. Siek
5// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
6// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
12#include <boost/config.hpp>
13#include <boost/iterator.hpp>
14#include <boost/operators.hpp>
15#include <boost/property_map.hpp>
16#include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
17#include <boost/graph/properties.hpp>
19// Thanks to Andreas Scherer for numerous suggestions and fixes!
21// This file adapts a Stanford GraphBase (SGB) Graph pointer into a
22// VertexListGraph. Note that a graph adaptor class is not needed,
23// SGB's Graph* is used as is. The VertexListGraph concept is fulfilled by
24// defining the appropriate non-member functions for Graph*.
26// The PROTOTYPES change file extensions to SGB must be applied so
27// that the SGB functions have real prototypes which are necessary for
28// the C++ compiler. To apply the PROTOTYPES extensions, before you do
29// "make tests install" for SGB do "ln -s PROTOTYPES/* ." to the SGB
30// root directory (or just copy all the files from the PROTOTYPES
31// directory to the SGB root directory).
33extern "C" {
34        // We include all global definitions for the general stuff
35        // of The Stanford GraphBase and its various graph generator
36        // functions by reading all SGB headerfiles as in section 2 of
37        // the "test_sample" program.
38#include <gb_graph.h> /* SGB data structures */
39#include <gb_io.h> /* SGB input/output routines */
40#include <gb_flip.h> /* random number generator */
41#include <gb_dijk.h> /* routines for shortest paths */
42#include <gb_basic.h> /* the basic graph operations */
43#undef empty /* avoid name clash with C++ standard library */
44        inline Graph* empty( long n ) /* and provide workaround */
45        { return board(n,0L,0L,0L,2L,0L,0L); }
46#include <gb_books.h> /* graphs based on literature */
47#include <gb_econ.h> /* graphs based on economic data */
48#include <gb_games.h> /* graphs based on football scores */
49#include <gb_gates.h> /* graphs based on logic circuits */
50#undef val /* avoid name clash with g++ headerfile stl_tempbuf.h */
51        // val ==> Vertex::x.I
52#include <gb_lisa.h> /* graphs based on Mona Lisa */
53#include <gb_miles.h> /* graphs based on mileage data */
54#include <gb_plane.h> /* planar graphs */
55#include <gb_raman.h> /* Ramanujan graphs */
56#include <gb_rand.h> /* random graphs */
57#include <gb_roget.h> /* graphs based on Roget's Thesaurus */
58#include <gb_save.h> /* we save results in ASCII format */
59#include <gb_words.h> /* five-letter-word graphs */
60#undef weight /* avoid name clash with BGL parameter */
61        // weight ==> Vertex::u.I
64namespace boost {
65  class sgb_edge;
68class sgb_out_edge_iterator;
69class sgb_adj_iterator;
70class sgb_vertex_iterator;
72namespace boost {
73  typedef Graph* sgb_graph_ptr;
74  typedef const Graph* sgb_const_graph_ptr;
76  struct sgb_traversal_tag :
77    public virtual vertex_list_graph_tag,
78    public virtual incidence_graph_tag,
79    public virtual adjacency_graph_tag { };
81  template <> struct graph_traits<sgb_graph_ptr> {
82    typedef Vertex* vertex_descriptor;
83    typedef boost::sgb_edge edge_descriptor;
84    typedef sgb_out_edge_iterator out_edge_iterator;
85    typedef void in_edge_iterator;
86    typedef sgb_adj_iterator adjacency_iterator;
87    typedef sgb_vertex_iterator vertex_iterator;
88    typedef void edge_iterator;
89    typedef long vertices_size_type;
90    typedef long edge_size_type;
91    typedef long degree_size_type;
92    typedef directed_tag directed_category;
93    typedef sgb_traversal_tag traversal_category;
94    typedef allow_parallel_edge_tag edge_parallel_category;
95  };
96  template <> struct graph_traits<sgb_const_graph_ptr> {
97    typedef Vertex* vertex_descriptor;
98    typedef boost::sgb_edge edge_descriptor;
99    typedef sgb_out_edge_iterator out_edge_iterator;
100    typedef void in_edge_iterator;
101    typedef sgb_adj_iterator adjacency_iterator;
102    typedef sgb_vertex_iterator vertex_iterator;
103    typedef void edge_iterator;
104    typedef long vertices_size_type;
105    typedef long edge_size_type;
106    typedef long degree_size_type;
107    typedef directed_tag directed_category;
108    typedef sgb_traversal_tag traversal_category;
109    typedef allow_parallel_edge_tag edge_parallel_category;
110  };
113namespace boost {
115  struct edge_length_t {
116    typedef edge_property_tag kind;
117  };
119  // We could just use Arc* as the edge descriptor type, but
120  // we want to add the source(e,g) function which requires
121  // that we carry along a pointer to the source vertex.
122  class sgb_edge {
123    typedef sgb_edge self;
124  public:
125    sgb_edge() : _arc(0), _src(0) { }
126    sgb_edge(Arc* a, Vertex* s) : _arc(a), _src(s) { }
127    friend Vertex* source(self e, sgb_const_graph_ptr) { return e._src; }
128    friend Vertex* target(self e, sgb_const_graph_ptr) { return e._arc->tip; }
129    friend bool operator==(const self& a, const self& b) {
130      return a._arc == b._arc; }
131    friend bool operator!=(const self& a, const self& b) {
132      return a._arc != b._arc; }
134    template <class Ref> friend class sgb_edge_length_map;
135    template <class Tag, class Ref> friend class sgb_edge_util_map;
136    friend long get(edge_length_t, const sgb_graph_ptr&, const sgb_edge& key);
137    friend long get(edge_length_t, const sgb_const_graph_ptr&, const sgb_edge& key);
138    friend void put(edge_length_t, sgb_graph_ptr&, const sgb_edge& key, long value);
139  protected:
141    Arc* _arc;
142    Vertex* _src;
143  };
144} // namespace boost
146  class sgb_out_edge_iterator
147    : public boost::forward_iterator_helper<
148        sgb_out_edge_iterator, boost::sgb_edge,
149        std::ptrdiff_t, boost::sgb_edge*, boost::sgb_edge>
150  {
151    typedef sgb_out_edge_iterator self;
152  public:
153    sgb_out_edge_iterator() : _src(0), _arc(0) {}
154    sgb_out_edge_iterator(Vertex* s, Arc* d) : _src(s), _arc(d) {}
155    boost::sgb_edge operator*() { return boost::sgb_edge(_arc, _src); }
156    self& operator++() { _arc = _arc->next; return *this; }
157    friend bool operator==(const self& x, const self& y) {
158      return x._arc == y._arc; }
159  protected:
160    Vertex* _src;
161    Arc* _arc;
162  };
164  class sgb_adj_iterator
165    : public boost::forward_iterator_helper<
166        sgb_adj_iterator, Vertex*, std::ptrdiff_t, Vertex**,Vertex*>
167  {
168    typedef sgb_adj_iterator self;
169  public:
170    sgb_adj_iterator() : _arc(0) {}
171    sgb_adj_iterator(Arc* d) : _arc(d) {}
172    Vertex* operator*() { return _arc->tip; }
173    self& operator++() { _arc = _arc->next; return *this; }
174    friend bool operator==(const self& x, const self& y) {
175      return x._arc == y._arc; }
176  protected:
177    Arc* _arc;
178  };
180  // The reason we have this instead of just using Vertex* is that we
181  // want to use Vertex* as the vertex_descriptor instead of just
182  // Vertex, which avoids problems with boost passing vertex descriptors
183  // by value and how that interacts with the sgb_vertex_id_map.
184  class sgb_vertex_iterator
185    : public boost::forward_iterator_helper<
186        sgb_vertex_iterator, Vertex*, std::ptrdiff_t, Vertex**, Vertex*>
187  {
188    typedef sgb_vertex_iterator self;
189  public:
190    sgb_vertex_iterator() : _v(0) { }
191    sgb_vertex_iterator(Vertex* v) : _v(v) { }
192    Vertex* operator*() { return _v; }
193    self& operator++() { ++_v; return *this; }
194    friend bool operator==(const self& x, const self& y) {
195      return x._v == y._v; }
196  protected:
197    Vertex* _v;
198  };
200namespace boost {
202  inline std::pair<sgb_vertex_iterator,sgb_vertex_iterator>
203  vertices(sgb_const_graph_ptr g)
204  {
205    return std::make_pair(sgb_vertex_iterator(g->vertices),
206                          sgb_vertex_iterator(g->vertices + g->n));
207  }
209  inline std::pair<sgb_out_edge_iterator,sgb_out_edge_iterator>
210  out_edges(Vertex* u, sgb_const_graph_ptr)
211  {
212    return std::make_pair( sgb_out_edge_iterator(u, u->arcs),
213                           sgb_out_edge_iterator(u, 0) );
214  }
216  inline boost::graph_traits<sgb_graph_ptr>::degree_size_type
217  out_degree(Vertex* u, sgb_const_graph_ptr g)
218  {
219    boost::graph_traits<sgb_graph_ptr>::out_edge_iterator i, i_end;
220    boost::tie(i, i_end) = out_edges(u, g);
221    return std::distance(i, i_end);
222  }
224  // in_edges?
226  inline std::pair<sgb_adj_iterator,sgb_adj_iterator>
227  adjacent_vertices(Vertex* u, sgb_const_graph_ptr)
228  {
229    return std::make_pair( sgb_adj_iterator(u->arcs),
230                           sgb_adj_iterator(0) );
231  }
233  inline long num_vertices(sgb_const_graph_ptr g) { return g->n; }
234  inline long num_edges(sgb_const_graph_ptr g) { return g->m; }
236  inline Vertex* vertex(long v, sgb_const_graph_ptr g)
237    { return g->vertices + v; }
239  // Various Property Maps
241  // Vertex ID
242  class sgb_vertex_id_map
243    : public boost::put_get_helper<long, sgb_vertex_id_map>
244  {
245  public:
246    typedef boost::readable_property_map_tag category;
247    typedef long value_type;
248    typedef long reference;
249    typedef Vertex* key_type;
250    sgb_vertex_id_map() : _g(0) { }
251    sgb_vertex_id_map(sgb_graph_ptr g) : _g(g) { }
252    long operator[](Vertex* v) const { return v - _g->vertices; }
253  protected:
254    sgb_graph_ptr _g;
255  };
256  inline sgb_vertex_id_map get(vertex_index_t, sgb_graph_ptr g) {
257    return sgb_vertex_id_map(g);
258  }
260  // Vertex Name 
261  class sgb_vertex_name_map
262    : public boost::put_get_helper<char*, sgb_vertex_name_map>
263  {
264  public:
265    typedef boost::readable_property_map_tag category;
266    typedef char* value_type;
267    typedef char* reference;
268    typedef Vertex* key_type;
269    char* operator[](Vertex* v) const { return v->name; }
270  };
271  inline sgb_vertex_name_map get(vertex_name_t, sgb_graph_ptr) {
272    return sgb_vertex_name_map();
273  }
275  // Vertex Property Tags
277  template <class T> struct TAG##_property { \
278    typedef KIND##_property_tag kind; \
279    typedef T type; \
280  };
281  SGB_PROPERTY_TAG(vertex, u)
282  SGB_PROPERTY_TAG(vertex, v)
283  SGB_PROPERTY_TAG(vertex, w)
284  SGB_PROPERTY_TAG(vertex, x)
285  SGB_PROPERTY_TAG(vertex, y)
286  SGB_PROPERTY_TAG(vertex, z)
288  // Edge Property Tags
289  SGB_PROPERTY_TAG(edge, a)
290  SGB_PROPERTY_TAG(edge, b)
292  // Various Utility Maps
294  // helpers
295  inline Vertex*& get_util(util& u, Vertex*) { return u.V; }
296  inline Arc*& get_util(util& u, Arc*) { return u.A; }
297  inline sgb_graph_ptr& get_util(util& u, sgb_graph_ptr) { return u.G; }
298  inline char*& get_util(util& u, char*) { return u.S; }
299  inline long& get_util(util& u, long) { return u.I; }
302  template <class T> \
303  inline T& get_util_field(KIND* k, X##_property<T>) { \
304    return get_util(k->X, T());  }
306  SGB_GET_UTIL_FIELD(Vertex, u)
307  SGB_GET_UTIL_FIELD(Vertex, v)
308  SGB_GET_UTIL_FIELD(Vertex, w)
309  SGB_GET_UTIL_FIELD(Vertex, x)
310  SGB_GET_UTIL_FIELD(Vertex, y)
311  SGB_GET_UTIL_FIELD(Vertex, z)
316  // Vertex Utility Map
317  template <class Tag, class Ref>
318  class sgb_vertex_util_map
319    : public boost::put_get_helper<Ref, sgb_vertex_util_map<Tag, Ref> >
320  {
321  public:
322    typedef boost::lvalue_property_map_tag category;
323    typedef typename Tag::type value_type;
324    typedef Vertex* key_type;
325    typedef Ref reference;
326    reference operator[](Vertex* v) const {
327      return get_util_field(v, Tag());
328    }
329  };
331  // Edge Utility Map
332  template <class Tag, class Ref>
333  class sgb_edge_util_map
334    : public boost::put_get_helper<Ref, sgb_edge_util_map<Tag, Ref> >
335  {
336  public:
337    typedef boost::lvalue_property_map_tag category;
338    typedef typename Tag::type value_type;
339    typedef Vertex* key_type;
340    typedef Ref reference;
341    reference operator[](const sgb_edge& e) const {
342      return get_util_field(e._arc, Tag());
343    }
344  };
348  template <class Tag>
349  inline sgb_vertex_util_map<Tag, const typename Tag::type&>
350  get_property_map(Tag, const sgb_graph_ptr& g, vertex_property_tag) {
351    return sgb_vertex_util_map<Tag, const typename Tag::type&>();
352  }
353  template <class Tag>
354  inline sgb_vertex_util_map<Tag, typename Tag::type&>
355  get_property_map(Tag, sgb_graph_ptr& g, vertex_property_tag) {
356    return sgb_vertex_util_map<Tag, typename Tag::type&>();
357  }
359  template <class Tag>
360  inline sgb_edge_util_map<Tag, const typename Tag::type&>
361  get_property_map(Tag, const sgb_graph_ptr& g, edge_property_tag) {
362    return sgb_edge_util_map<Tag, const typename Tag::type&>();
363  }
364  template <class Tag>
365  inline sgb_edge_util_map<Tag, typename Tag::type&>
366  get_property_map(Tag, sgb_graph_ptr& g, edge_property_tag) {
367    return sgb_edge_util_map<Tag, typename Tag::type&>();
368  }
372  // Edge Length Access
373  template <class Ref>
374  class sgb_edge_length_map
375    : public boost::put_get_helper<Ref, sgb_edge_length_map<Ref> >
376  {
377  public:
378    typedef boost::lvalue_property_map_tag category;
379    typedef long value_type;
380    typedef sgb_edge key_type;
381    typedef Ref reference;
382    reference operator[](const sgb_edge& e) const {
383      return e._arc->len;
384    }
385  };
387  inline sgb_edge_length_map<const long&>
388  get(edge_length_t, const sgb_graph_ptr&) {
389    return sgb_edge_length_map<const long&>();
390  }
391  inline sgb_edge_length_map<const long&>
392  get(edge_length_t, const sgb_const_graph_ptr&) {
393    return sgb_edge_length_map<const long&>();
394  }
395  inline sgb_edge_length_map<long&>
396  get(edge_length_t, sgb_graph_ptr&) {
397    return sgb_edge_length_map<long&>();
398  }
399  inline long
400  get(edge_length_t, const sgb_graph_ptr&, const sgb_edge& key) {
401    return key._arc->len;
402  }
403  inline long
404  get(edge_length_t, const sgb_const_graph_ptr&, const sgb_edge& key) {
405    return key._arc->len;
406  }
407  inline void
408  put(edge_length_t, sgb_graph_ptr&, const sgb_edge& key, long value)
409  {
410    key._arc->len = value;
411  }
413  // Property Map Traits Classes
414  template <>
415  struct property_map<sgb_graph_ptr, edge_length_t> {
416    typedef sgb_edge_length_map<long&> type;
417    typedef sgb_edge_length_map<const long&> const_type;
418  };
419  template <>
420  struct property_map<sgb_graph_ptr, vertex_index_t> {
421    typedef sgb_vertex_id_map type;
422    typedef sgb_vertex_id_map const_type;
423  };
424  template <>
425  struct property_map<sgb_graph_ptr, vertex_name_t> {
426    typedef sgb_vertex_name_map type;
427    typedef sgb_vertex_name_map const_type;
428  };
430  template <>
431  struct property_map<sgb_const_graph_ptr, edge_length_t> {
432    typedef sgb_edge_length_map<const long&> const_type;
433  };
434  template <>
435  struct property_map<sgb_const_graph_ptr, vertex_index_t> {
436    typedef sgb_vertex_id_map const_type;
437  };
438  template <>
439  struct property_map<sgb_const_graph_ptr, vertex_name_t> {
440    typedef sgb_vertex_name_map const_type;
441  };
445  namespace detail {
446    template <class Kind, class PropertyTag>
447    struct sgb_choose_property_map { };
448    template <class PropertyTag>
449    struct sgb_choose_property_map<vertex_property_tag, PropertyTag> {
450      typedef typename PropertyTag::type value_type;
451      typedef sgb_vertex_util_map<PropertyTag, value_type&> type;
452      typedef sgb_vertex_util_map<PropertyTag, const value_type&> const_type;
453    };
454    template <class PropertyTag>
455    struct sgb_choose_property_map<edge_property_tag, PropertyTag> {
456      typedef typename PropertyTag::type value_type;
457      typedef sgb_edge_util_map<PropertyTag, value_type&> type;
458      typedef sgb_edge_util_map<PropertyTag, const value_type&> const_type;
459    };
460  } // namespace detail
461  template <class PropertyTag>
462  struct property_map<sgb_graph_ptr, PropertyTag> {
463    typedef typename property_kind<PropertyTag>::type Kind;
464    typedef detail::sgb_choose_property_map<Kind, PropertyTag> Choice;
465    typedef typename Choice::type type;
466    typedef typename Choice::const_type const_type;
467  };
468  template <class PropertyTag>
469  struct property_map<sgb_const_graph_ptr, PropertyTag> {
470    typedef typename property_kind<PropertyTag>::type Kind;
471    typedef detail::sgb_choose_property_map<Kind, PropertyTag> Choice;
472    typedef typename Choice::const_type const_type;
473  };
476  template <class T> \
477  inline sgb_##KIND##_util_map< X##_property<T>, T&> \
478  get(X##_property<T>, sgb_graph_ptr&) { \
479    return sgb_##KIND##_util_map< X##_property<T>, T&>(); \
480  } \
481  template <class T> \
482  inline sgb_##KIND##_util_map< X##_property<T>, const T&> \
483  get(X##_property<T>, const sgb_graph_ptr&) { \
484    return sgb_##KIND##_util_map< X##_property<T>, const T&>(); \
485  } \
486  template <class T> \
487  inline sgb_##KIND##_util_map< X##_property<T>, const T&> \
488  get(X##_property<T>, const sgb_const_graph_ptr&) { \
489    return sgb_##KIND##_util_map< X##_property<T>, const T&>(); \
490  } \
491  template <class T, class Key> \
492  inline typename \
493  sgb_##KIND##_util_map< X##_property<T>, const T&>::value_type \
494  get(X##_property<T>, const sgb_graph_ptr&, const Key& key) { \
495    return sgb_##KIND##_util_map< X##_property<T>, const T&>()[key]; \
496  } \
497  template <class T, class Key> \
498  inline typename \
499  sgb_##KIND##_util_map< X##_property<T>, const T&>::value_type \
500  get(X##_property<T>, const sgb_const_graph_ptr&, const Key& key) { \
501    return sgb_##KIND##_util_map< X##_property<T>, const T&>()[key]; \
502  } \
503  template <class T, class Key, class Value> \
504  inline  void \
505  put(X##_property<T>, sgb_graph_ptr&, const Key& key, const Value& value) { \
506    sgb_##KIND##_util_map< X##_property<T>, T&>()[key] = value; \
507  }
512  inline sgb_##KIND##_util_map< TAG<TYPE>, TYPE& > \
513  get(TAG<TYPE>, sgb_graph_ptr&) { \
514    return sgb_##KIND##_util_map< TAG<TYPE>, TYPE& >(); \
515  } \
516  inline sgb_##KIND##_util_map< TAG<TYPE>, const TYPE& > \
517  get(TAG<TYPE>, const sgb_graph_ptr&) { \
518    return sgb_##KIND##_util_map< TAG<TYPE>, const TYPE& >(); \
519  } \
520  inline sgb_##KIND##_util_map< TAG<TYPE>, const TYPE& > \
521  get(TAG<TYPE>, const sgb_const_graph_ptr&) { \
522    return sgb_##KIND##_util_map< TAG<TYPE>, const TYPE& >(); \
523  } \
524  template <class Key> \
525  inline typename sgb_##KIND##_util_map< TAG<TYPE>, const TYPE& >::value_type \
526  get(TAG<TYPE>, const sgb_graph_ptr&, const Key& key) { \
527    return sgb_##KIND##_util_map< TAG<TYPE>, const TYPE& >()[key]; \
528  } \
529  template <class Key> \
530  inline typename sgb_##KIND##_util_map< TAG<TYPE>, const TYPE& >::value_type \
531  get(TAG<TYPE>, const sgb_const_graph_ptr&, const Key& key) { \
532    return sgb_##KIND##_util_map< TAG<TYPE>, const TYPE& >()[key]; \
533  } \
534  template <class Key, class Value> \
535  inline  void \
536  put(TAG<TYPE>, sgb_graph_ptr&, const Key& key, const Value& value) { \
537    sgb_##KIND##_util_map< TAG<TYPE>, TYPE& >()[key] = value; \
538  } \
539  template <> struct property_map<sgb_graph_ptr, TAG<TYPE> > { \
540    typedef sgb_##KIND##_util_map< TAG<TYPE>, TYPE&> type; \
541    typedef sgb_##KIND##_util_map< TAG<TYPE>, const TYPE&> const_type; \
542  }
545  SGB_UTIL_ACCESSOR_TYPE(KIND, TAG##_property, Vertex*); \
546  SGB_UTIL_ACCESSOR_TYPE(KIND, TAG##_property, Arc*); \
547  SGB_UTIL_ACCESSOR_TYPE(KIND, TAG##_property, sgb_graph_ptr); \
548  SGB_UTIL_ACCESSOR_TYPE(KIND, TAG##_property, long); \
549  SGB_UTIL_ACCESSOR_TYPE(KIND, TAG##_property, char*);
553  SGB_UTIL_ACCESSOR(vertex, u)
554  SGB_UTIL_ACCESSOR(vertex, v)
555  SGB_UTIL_ACCESSOR(vertex, w)
556  SGB_UTIL_ACCESSOR(vertex, x)
557  SGB_UTIL_ACCESSOR(vertex, y)
558  SGB_UTIL_ACCESSOR(vertex, z)
560  SGB_UTIL_ACCESSOR(edge, a)
561  SGB_UTIL_ACCESSOR(edge, b)
563} // namespace boost
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