// // Boost.Pointer Container // // Copyright Thorsten Ottosen 2003-2005. Use, modification and // distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version // 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // // For more information, see http://www.boost.org/libs/ptr_container/ // #ifndef BOOST_PTR_CONTAINER_DETAIL_REVERSIBLE_PTR_CONTAINER_HPP #define BOOST_PTR_CONTAINER_DETAIL_REVERSIBLE_PTR_CONTAINER_HPP #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200) # pragma once #endif #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef BOOST_NO_SFINAE #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace ptr_container_detail { template< class CloneAllocator > struct clone_deleter { template< class T > void operator()( const T* p ) const { CloneAllocator::deallocate_clone( p ); } }; template< class T > struct is_pointer_or_integral { BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, value = is_pointer::value || is_integral::value ); }; struct is_pointer_or_integral_tag {}; struct is_range_tag {}; template < class Config, class CloneAllocator > class reversible_ptr_container { private: BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( bool, allow_null = Config::allow_null ); typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME Config::value_type Ty_; template< bool allow_null_values > struct null_clone_allocator { template< class Iter > static Ty_* allocate_clone_from_iterator( Iter i ) { return allocate_clone( Config::get_const_pointer( i ) ); } static Ty_* allocate_clone( const Ty_* x ) { if( allow_null_values ) { if( x == 0 ) return 0; } else { BOOST_ASSERT( x != 0 && "Cannot insert clone of null!" ); } return CloneAllocator::allocate_clone( *x ); } static void deallocate_clone( const Ty_* x ) { if( allow_null_values ) { if( x == 0 ) return; } CloneAllocator::deallocate_clone( x ); } }; typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME Config::void_container_type Cont; #if BOOST_WORKAROUND(__BORLANDC__, BOOST_TESTED_AT(0x564)) typedef null_clone_allocator null_cloner_type; #else typedef null_clone_allocator null_cloner_type; #endif typedef clone_deleter Deleter; Cont c_; protected: Cont& c_private() { return c_; } const Cont& c_private() const { return c_; } public: // typedefs typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME Config::object_type object_type; typedef Ty_* value_type; typedef Ty_* pointer; typedef Ty_& reference; typedef const Ty_& const_reference; typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME Config::iterator iterator; typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME Config::const_iterator const_iterator; typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME Config::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator; typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME Config::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator; typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME Cont::difference_type difference_type; typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME Cont::size_type size_type; typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME Config::allocator_type allocator_type; typedef ptr_container_detail::static_move_ptr auto_type; protected: typedef ptr_container_detail::scoped_deleter scoped_deleter; typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME Cont::iterator ptr_iterator; typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME Cont::const_iterator ptr_const_iterator; private: template< class InputIterator > void copy( InputIterator first, InputIterator last ) { std::copy( first, last, begin() ); } void copy( const reversible_ptr_container& r ) { copy( r.begin(), r.end() ); } void copy_clones_and_release( scoped_deleter& sd ) // nothrow { BOOST_ASSERT( size_type( std::distance( sd.begin(), sd.end() ) ) == c_.size() ); std::copy( sd.begin(), sd.end(), c_.begin() ); sd.release(); } void insert_clones_and_release( scoped_deleter& sd ) // strong { c_.insert( sd.begin(), sd.end() ); sd.release(); } template< class ForwardIterator > void clone_assign( ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last ) // strong { BOOST_ASSERT( first != last ); scoped_deleter sd( first, last ); // strong copy_clones_and_release( sd ); // nothrow } template< class ForwardIterator > void clone_back_insert( ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last ) { BOOST_ASSERT( first != last ); scoped_deleter sd( first, last ); insert_clones_and_release( sd, end() ); } void remove_all() { remove( begin(), end() ); } protected: void insert_clones_and_release( scoped_deleter& sd, iterator where ) // strong { // // 'c_.insert' always provides the strong guarantee for T* elements // since a copy constructor of a pointer cannot throw // c_.insert( where.base(), sd.begin(), sd.end() ); sd.release(); } template< class I > void remove( I i ) { null_policy_deallocate_clone( Config::get_const_pointer(i) ); } template< class I > void remove( I first, I last ) { for( ; first != last; ++first ) remove( first ); } template< class Range > BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME range_result_iterator::type adl_begin( Range& r ) { #if BOOST_WORKAROUND(__BORLANDC__, BOOST_TESTED_AT(0x564)) return begin( r ); #else using boost::begin; return begin( r ); #endif } template< class Range > BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME range_result_iterator::type adl_end( Range& r ) { #if BOOST_WORKAROUND(__BORLANDC__, BOOST_TESTED_AT(0x564)) return end( r ); #else using boost::end; return end( r ); #endif } static void enforce_null_policy( Ty_* x, const char* msg ) { if( !allow_null ) { if( 0 == x ) throw bad_pointer( msg ); } } static Ty_* null_policy_allocate_clone( const Ty_* x ) { return null_cloner_type::allocate_clone( x ); } static void null_policy_deallocate_clone( const Ty_* x ) { null_cloner_type::deallocate_clone( x ); } private: template< class ForwardIterator > ForwardIterator advance( ForwardIterator begin, size_type n ) { ForwardIterator iter = begin; std::advance( iter, n ); return iter; } private: reversible_ptr_container( const reversible_ptr_container& ); void operator=( const reversible_ptr_container& ); public: // foundation! should be protected! explicit reversible_ptr_container( const allocator_type& a = allocator_type() ) : c_( a ) {} template< class PtrContainer > explicit reversible_ptr_container( std::auto_ptr clone ) : c_( allocator_type() ) { swap( *clone ); } private: template< class I > void constructor_impl( I first, I last, std::input_iterator_tag ) // basic { while( first != last ) { insert( end(), null_cloner_type::allocate_clone_from_iterator(first) ); ++first; } } template< class I > void constructor_impl( I first, I last, std::forward_iterator_tag ) // strong { if( first == last ) return; clone_back_insert( first, last ); } public: // overhead: null-initilization of container pointer (very cheap compared to cloning) // overhead: 1 heap allocation (very cheap compared to cloning) template< class InputIterator > reversible_ptr_container( InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const allocator_type& a = allocator_type() ) // basic, strong : c_( a ) { constructor_impl( first, last, #if BOOST_WORKAROUND(__BORLANDC__, BOOST_TESTED_AT(0x564)) #else BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME #endif iterator_category::type() ); } template< class Compare > reversible_ptr_container( const Compare& comp, const allocator_type& a ) : c_( comp, a ) {} template< class PtrContainer, class Compare > reversible_ptr_container( std::auto_ptr clone, Compare comp ) : c_( comp, allocator_type() ) { swap( *clone ); } public: ~reversible_ptr_container() { remove_all(); } template< class PtrContainer > void operator=( std::auto_ptr clone ) { swap( *clone ); } public: allocator_type get_allocator() const { return c_.get_allocator(); } public: // container requirements iterator begin() { return iterator( c_.begin() ); } const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator( c_.begin() ); } iterator end() { return iterator( c_.end() ); } const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator( c_.end() ); } reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator( c_.rbegin() ); } const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return const_reverse_iterator( c_.rbegin() ); } reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator( c_.rend() ); } const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return const_reverse_iterator( c_.rend() ); } void swap( reversible_ptr_container& r ) // notrow { c_.swap( r.c_ ); } size_type size() const // nothrow { return c_.size(); } size_type max_size() const // nothrow { return c_.max_size(); } bool empty() const // nothrow { return c_.empty(); } public: // optional container requirements bool operator==( const reversible_ptr_container& r ) const // nothrow { if( size() != r.size() ) return false; else return std::equal( begin(), end(), r.begin() ); } bool operator!=( const reversible_ptr_container& r ) const // nothrow { return !(*this == r); } bool operator<( const reversible_ptr_container& r ) const // nothrow { return std::lexicographical_compare( begin(), end(), r.begin(), r.end() ); } bool operator<=( const reversible_ptr_container& r ) const // nothrow { return !(r < *this); } bool operator>( const reversible_ptr_container& r ) const // nothrow { return r < *this; } bool operator>=( const reversible_ptr_container& r ) const // nothrow { return !(*this < r); } public: // modifiers iterator insert( iterator before, Ty_* x ) { enforce_null_policy( x, "Null pointer in 'insert()'" ); auto_type ptr( x ); // nothrow iterator res( c_.insert( before.base(), x ) ); // strong, commit ptr.release(); // nothrow return res; } iterator erase( iterator x ) // nothrow { BOOST_ASSERT( !empty() ); BOOST_ASSERT( x != end() ); remove( x ); return iterator( c_.erase( x.base() ) ); } iterator erase( iterator first, iterator last ) // nothrow { BOOST_ASSERT( !empty() ); remove( first, last ); return iterator( c_.erase( first.base(), last.base() ) ); } template< class Range > iterator erase( const Range& r ) { return erase( adl_begin(r), adl_end(r) ); } void clear() { remove_all(); c_.clear(); } public: // access interface auto_type release( iterator where ) { BOOST_ASSERT( where != end() ); if( empty() ) throw bad_ptr_container_operation( "'release()' on empty container" ); auto_type ptr( Config::get_pointer( where ) ); // nothrow c_.erase( where.base() ); // nothrow return boost::ptr_container_detail::move( ptr ); } auto_type replace( iterator where, Ty_* x ) // strong { BOOST_ASSERT( where != end() ); enforce_null_policy( x, "Null pointer in 'replace()'" ); auto_type ptr( x ); if( empty() ) throw bad_ptr_container_operation( "'replace()' on empty container" ); auto_type old( Config::get_pointer( where ) ); // nothrow //#if defined( __GNUC__ ) || defined( __MWERKS__ ) || defined( __COMO__ ) const_cast(*where.base()) = ptr.release(); //#else // *where.base() = ptr.release(); // nothrow, commit //#endif return boost::ptr_container_detail::move( old ); } auto_type replace( size_type idx, Ty_* x ) // strong { enforce_null_policy( x, "Null pointer in 'replace()'" ); auto_type ptr( x ); if( idx >= size() ) throw bad_index( "'replace()' out of bounds" ); auto_type old( static_cast( c_[idx] ) ); // nothrow c_[idx] = ptr.release(); // nothrow, commit return boost::ptr_container_detail::move( old ); } }; // 'reversible_ptr_container' #if BOOST_WORKAROUND(__BORLANDC__, BOOST_TESTED_AT(0x564)) #define BOOST_PTR_CONTAINER_DEFINE_RELEASE( base_type ) \ typename base_type::auto_type \ release( typename base_type::iterator i ) \ { \ return boost::ptr_container_detail::move(base_type::release(i)); \ } #else #define BOOST_PTR_CONTAINER_DEFINE_RELEASE( base_type ) \ using base_type::release; #endif // // two-phase lookup of template functions // is buggy on most compilers, so we use a macro instead // #define BOOST_PTR_CONTAINER_DEFINE_RELEASE_AND_CLONE( PC, base_type, this_type ) \ \ PC( std::auto_ptr r ) \ : base_type ( r ) { } \ \ void operator=( std::auto_ptr r ) \ { \ base_type::operator=( r ); \ } \ \ std::auto_ptr release() \ { \ std::auto_ptr ptr( new this_type );\ this->swap( *ptr ); \ return ptr; \ } \ BOOST_PTR_CONTAINER_DEFINE_RELEASE( base_type ) \ \ std::auto_ptr clone() const \ { \ return std::auto_ptr( new this_type( this->begin(), this->end() ) ); \ } #define BOOST_PTR_CONTAINER_DEFINE_CONSTRUCTORS( PC, base_type ) \ typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME base_type::iterator iterator; \ typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME base_type::size_type size_type; \ typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME base_type::const_reference const_reference; \ typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME base_type::allocator_type allocator_type; \ PC( const allocator_type& a = allocator_type() ) : base_type(a) {} \ template< class InputIterator > \ PC( InputIterator first, InputIterator last, \ const allocator_type& a = allocator_type() ) : base_type( first, last, a ) {} #define BOOST_PTR_CONTAINER_DEFINE_NON_INHERITED_MEMBERS( PC, base_type, this_type ) \ BOOST_PTR_CONTAINER_DEFINE_CONSTRUCTORS( PC, base_type ) \ BOOST_PTR_CONTAINER_DEFINE_RELEASE_AND_CLONE( PC, base_type, this_type ) } // namespace 'ptr_container_detail' } // namespace 'boost' #endif