source: NonGTP/Boost/boost/python/detail/defaults_def.hpp @ 857

Revision 857, 9.2 KB checked in by igarcia, 19 years ago (diff)
3// Copyright David Abrahams 2002, Joel de Guzman, 2002.
4// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
5// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
9#if !defined(BOOST_PP_IS_ITERATING)
11#ifndef DEFAULTS_DEF_JDG20020811_HPP
12#define DEFAULTS_DEF_JDG20020811_HPP
14#include <boost/python/detail/defaults_gen.hpp>
15#include <boost/type_traits.hpp>
16#include <boost/mpl/front.hpp>
17#include <boost/mpl/size.hpp>
18#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
19#include <boost/preprocessor/iterate.hpp>
20#include <boost/python/class_fwd.hpp>
21#include <boost/python/scope.hpp>
22#include <boost/preprocessor/debug/line.hpp>
23#include <boost/python/detail/scope.hpp>
24#include <boost/python/detail/make_keyword_range_fn.hpp>
25#include <boost/python/object/add_to_namespace.hpp>
28namespace boost { namespace python {
30struct module;
32namespace objects
34  struct class_base;
37namespace detail
39  // Called as::
40  //
41  //    name_space_def(ns, "func", func, kw, policies, docstring, &ns)
42  //
43  // Dispatch to properly add f to namespace ns.
44  //
45  // @group define_stub_function helpers {
46  template <class Func, class CallPolicies, class NameSpaceT>
47  static void name_space_def(
48      NameSpaceT& name_space
49      , char const* name
50      , Func f
51      , keyword_range const& kw
52      , CallPolicies const& policies
53      , char const* doc
54      , objects::class_base*
55      )
56  {
57      typedef typename NameSpaceT::wrapped_type wrapped_type;
59      objects::add_to_namespace(
60          name_space, name,
61          detail::make_keyword_range_function(
62              f, policies, kw, get_signature(f, (wrapped_type*)0))
63        , doc
64      );
65  }
67  template <class Func, class CallPolicies>
68  static void name_space_def(
69      object& name_space
70      , char const* name
71      , Func f
72      , keyword_range const& kw
73      , CallPolicies const& policies
74      , char const* doc
75      , ...
76      )
77  {
78      scope within(name_space);
80      detail::scope_setattr_doc(
81          name
82          , detail::make_keyword_range_function(f, policies, kw)
83          , doc);
84  }
86  // For backward compatibility -- is this obsolete?
87  template <class Func, class CallPolicies, class NameSpaceT>
88  static void name_space_def(
89      NameSpaceT& name_space
90      , char const* name
91      , Func f
92      , keyword_range const& kw // ignored
93      , CallPolicies const& policies
94      , char const* doc
95      , module*
96      )
97  {
98      name_space.def(name, f, policies, doc);
99  }
100  // }
103  //  Expansions of ::
104  //
105  //      template <typename OverloadsT, typename NameSpaceT>
106  //      inline void
107  //      define_stub_function(
108  //          char const* name, OverloadsT s, NameSpaceT& name_space, mpl::int_<N>)
109  //      {
110  //          name_space.def(name, &OverloadsT::func_N);
111  //      }
112  //
113  //  where N runs from 0 to BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY.
114  //
115  //  The set of overloaded functions (define_stub_function) expects:
116  //
117  //      1. char const* name:        function name that will be visible to python
118  //      2. OverloadsT:              a function overloads struct (see defaults_gen.hpp)
119  //      3. NameSpaceT& name_space:  a python::class_ or python::module instance
120  //      4. int_t<N>:                the Nth overloaded function (OverloadsT::func_N)
121  //                                  (see defaults_gen.hpp)
122  //      5. char const* name:        doc string
123  //
124  // @group define_stub_function<N> {
125  template <int N>
126  struct define_stub_function {};
128#define BOOST_PP_ITERATION_PARAMS_1                                             \
129    (3, (0, BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY, <boost/python/detail/defaults_def.hpp>))
131#include BOOST_PP_ITERATE()
133  // }
135  //  This helper template struct does the actual recursive
136  //  definition.  There's a generic version
137  //  define_with_defaults_helper<N> and a terminal case
138  //  define_with_defaults_helper<0>. The struct and its
139  //  specialization has a sole static member function def that
140  //  expects:
141  //
142  //    1. char const* name:        function name that will be
143  //                                visible to python
144  //
145  //    2. OverloadsT:              a function overloads struct
146  //                                (see defaults_gen.hpp)
147  //
148  //    3. NameSpaceT& name_space:  a python::class_ or
149  //                                python::module instance
150  //
151  //    4. char const* name:        doc string
152  //
153  //  The def static member function calls a corresponding
154  //  define_stub_function<N>. The general case recursively calls
155  //  define_with_defaults_helper<N-1>::def until it reaches the
156  //  terminal case case define_with_defaults_helper<0>.
157  template <int N>
158  struct define_with_defaults_helper {
160      template <class StubsT, class CallPolicies, class NameSpaceT>
161      static void
162      def(
163          char const* name,
164          StubsT stubs,
165          keyword_range kw,
166          CallPolicies const& policies,
167          NameSpaceT& name_space,
168          char const* doc)
169      {
170          //  define the NTH stub function of stubs
171          define_stub_function<N>::define(name, stubs, kw, policies, name_space, 0);
173          if (kw.second > kw.first)
174              --kw.second;
176          //  call the next define_with_defaults_helper
177          define_with_defaults_helper<N-1>::def(name, stubs, kw, policies, name_space, doc);
178      }
179  };
181  template <>
182  struct define_with_defaults_helper<0> {
184      template <class StubsT, class CallPolicies, class NameSpaceT>
185      static void
186      def(
187          char const* name,
188          StubsT stubs,
189          keyword_range const& kw,
190          CallPolicies const& policies,
191          NameSpaceT& name_space,
192          char const* doc)
193      {
194          //  define the Oth stub function of stubs
195          define_stub_function<0>::define(name, stubs, kw, policies, name_space, doc);
196          //  return
197      }
198  };
200  //  define_with_defaults
201  //
202  //      1. char const* name:        function name that will be
203  //                                  visible to python
204  //
205  //      2. OverloadsT:              a function overloads struct
206  //                                  (see defaults_gen.hpp)
207  //
208  //      3. CallPolicies& policies:  Call policies
209  //      4. NameSpaceT& name_space:  a python::class_ or
210  //                                  python::module instance
211  //
212  //      5. SigT sig:                Function signature typelist
213  //                                  (see defaults_gen.hpp)
214  //
215  //      6. char const* name:        doc string
216  //
217  //  This is the main entry point. This function recursively
218  //  defines all stub functions of StubT (see defaults_gen.hpp) in
219  //  NameSpaceT name_space which can be either a python::class_ or
220  //  a python::module. The sig argument is a typelist that
221  //  specifies the return type, the class (for member functions,
222  //  and the arguments. Here are some SigT examples:
223  //
224  //      int foo(int)        mpl::vector<int, int>
225  //      void bar(int, int)  mpl::vector<void, int, int>
226  //      void C::foo(int)    mpl::vector<void, C, int>
227  //
228  template <class OverloadsT, class NameSpaceT, class SigT>
229  inline void
230  define_with_defaults(
231      char const* name,
232      OverloadsT const& overloads,
233      NameSpaceT& name_space,
234      SigT const&)
235  {
236      typedef typename mpl::front<SigT>::type return_type;
237      typedef typename OverloadsT::void_return_type void_return_type;
238      typedef typename OverloadsT::non_void_return_type non_void_return_type;
240      typedef typename mpl::if_c<
241          boost::is_same<void, return_type>::value
242          , void_return_type
243          , non_void_return_type
244      >::type stubs_type;
247          (stubs_type::max_args) <= mpl::size<SigT>::value);
249      typedef typename stubs_type::template gen<SigT> gen_type;
250      define_with_defaults_helper<stubs_type::n_funcs-1>::def(
251          name
252          , gen_type()
253          , overloads.keywords()
254          , overloads.call_policies()
255          , name_space
256          , overloads.doc_string());
257  }
259} // namespace detail
261}} // namespace boost::python
263#endif // DEFAULTS_DEF_JDG20020811_HPP
265#else // defined(BOOST_PP_IS_ITERATING)
266// PP vertical iteration code
269template <>
270struct define_stub_function<BOOST_PP_ITERATION()> {
271    template <class StubsT, class CallPolicies, class NameSpaceT>
272    static void define(
273        char const* name
274        , StubsT const&
275        , keyword_range const& kw
276        , CallPolicies const& policies
277        , NameSpaceT& name_space
278        , char const* doc)
279    {
280        detail::name_space_def(
281            name_space
282            , name
283            , &StubsT::BOOST_PP_CAT(func_, BOOST_PP_ITERATION())
284            , kw
285            , policies
286            , doc
287            , &name_space);
288    }
291#endif // !defined(BOOST_PP_IS_ITERATING)
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