// Copyright David Abrahams 2002. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See // accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef TO_PYTHON_VALUE_DWA200221_HPP # define TO_PYTHON_VALUE_DWA200221_HPP # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include namespace boost { namespace python { namespace detail { template struct object_manager_to_python_value { typedef typename value_arg::type argument_type; PyObject* operator()(argument_type) const; // This information helps make_getter() decide whether to try to // return an internal reference or not. I don't like it much, // but it will have to serve for now. BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, uses_registry = false); }; template struct registry_to_python_value { typedef typename value_arg::type argument_type; PyObject* operator()(argument_type) const; // This information helps make_getter() decide whether to try to // return an internal reference or not. I don't like it much, // but it will have to serve for now. BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, uses_registry = true); }; template struct shared_ptr_to_python_value { typedef typename value_arg::type argument_type; PyObject* operator()(argument_type) const; // This information helps make_getter() decide whether to try to // return an internal reference or not. I don't like it much, // but it will have to serve for now. BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, uses_registry = false); }; } template struct to_python_value : mpl::if_< detail::value_is_shared_ptr , detail::shared_ptr_to_python_value , typename mpl::if_< mpl::or_< converter::is_object_manager , converter::is_reference_to_object_manager > , detail::object_manager_to_python_value , detail::registry_to_python_value >::type >::type { }; // // implementation // namespace detail { template inline PyObject* registry_to_python_value::operator()(argument_type x) const { typedef converter::registered r; # if BOOST_WORKAROUND(__GNUC__, < 3) // suppresses an ICE, somehow (void)r::converters; # endif return converter::registered::converters.to_python(&x); } template inline PyObject* object_manager_to_python_value::operator()(argument_type x) const { return python::upcast( python::xincref( get_managed_object(x, tag)) ); } template inline PyObject* shared_ptr_to_python_value::operator()(argument_type x) const { return converter::shared_ptr_to_python(x); } } }} // namespace boost::python #endif // TO_PYTHON_VALUE_DWA200221_HPP