[964] | 1 | Release 1.09
| 2 | [glaforte 12-05-06] Corrected the Release builds: The test bed's FailIf() function was using a debug-only feature.
| 3 | [ewhittom 12-05-06] Fixed error with fstring == string.
| 4 | [ zhang 12-05-06] Do not delete existing profiles of the same type when adding new profiles to effect, because there will be multiple CG profiles on different platforms (OGL-PC and PS3). Search profile by type and platform.
| 5 | [glaforte 11-05-06] External references now export a correct filename. Added FUTestBed class for FColladaTest and any other automated, program code testing. Added IsEquivalent template function based on the operator==.
| 6 | [glaforte 11-05-06] Export: Added a user handle to the FCDObject class. This should help to track translator objects related to the FCDx objects. Added the XML export code for the layer information and adapted the visual scene export/re-import automated test to verify layer information.
| 7 | [ zhang 11-05-06] Add tolerance to load empty <newparam>.
| 8 | [ aazar 10-05-06] Added a check for the addition of NULL parameters in ColladaFX and material flattening.
| 9 | [glaforte 09-05-06] Added RTTI information to all FUObject derivates. The FUObjectType class is used for this. I have not taken out the GetType() functions. Improved FUAssert to not break at the assertion point and FUEvent to remove handlers correctly, using a template function. Improved FMArray's vector definition.
| 10 | [glaforte 09-05-06] Curve Merging: Write an automated test to help verify and rewrite the multi-curve merging algorithm. Rewrote the multi-curve merging algorithm: the tangents are transformed into angles, since thats preserved for any given key during the merge, and transformed back into relative dY values at the end. The in-tangent angles for the sampled points on the curves are calculated using a dT that of 1ms, on one side. The out-tangent angles are always equal to the in-tangent angles since the curve should be smooth.
| 11 | [glaforte 05-05-06] Export and Documentation: Added the ability to create the simple external reference scheme FCollada supports within the visual scene graph. Added to the automated test the instantiation of an external reference. Implemented the export of the external reference and the COLLADA 1.4 import of these external references. Added automatic generation of material semantics, when assigning polygons sets with materials during the instantiation. Added modifiers and better accessors for the material instance bindings. Added the export of the material instance bindings. Improved the automated test for the export/re-import of CG effect: added checks for the technique, pass, code.
| 12 | [glaforte 05-05-06] Export and Documentation: Documented the FCDEntityInstance class and added function modifiers to it. Added an automated test that instantiates entities and some materials. Added to the scene graph node a couple functions to create/release entity instances. Because I am duplicating a lot of small code: added find and per-value erase functions to our STL vector wrapper.
| 13 |
| 14 | Release 1.08
| 15 | [ zhang 04-05-06] FXC exports images within <effect>, but ColladaMaya looks for images in <library_images>. Disable the error return in image loading in FCDEffectParameterSurface, and add the dump of images in the FCDEffect.
| 16 | [glaforte 03-05-06] Export and Documentation: Documenting the FCDSceneNode class. Added the FCDTFactory class to easily create and import new transforms. Fixed the parenting of transforms inside scene nodes. Changed the visual scene nodes target flag into a target counter, in case there are multiple cameras/lights that target the same visual scene node. Documented the FCDTransform class and all its up-classes.
| 17 | [ aazar 03-05-06] Fixed with Guillaume a curve cloning issue and removed the ownsCurve boolean from FCDAnimated.
| 18 | [ aazar 02-05-06] Fixed a code typo that prevented the loading of some physics scenes.
| 19 | [glaforte 02-05-06] Export and Documentation: Documented the FCDAnimation class and added necessary functions to insert/release/retrieve child elements. Documented/refactored the FCDAnimated base class and its many up-classes. Wrote an automated test procedure for the animation tree export/re-import. Added to this test the creation of an animation curve and placing that animation curve to affect one component of a light color. Added and implemented generic creating functions for the typed animated up-classes: these will be used to add animation curves. To add new animations, I need access to the animatable parameters directly, so I added to cameras, lights, materials and effect parameters accessor that return the float references not as constant. Documented the FCDAnimationChannel class and added the necessary mutators/curve insertion/release functionality. Documented the FCDAnimationCurve class and the FCDAnimationMultiCurve class.
| 20 | [glaforte 02-05-06] Export and Documentation: Documented the FUDaeWriter namespace. Documented the FUCrc32 namespace, the FUDebug and the FUAssert functions, the FUObject and the FUObjectContainer classes.
| 21 | [ aazar 28-04-06] Implemented Guillaume's suggestion for FCDEffectParameterSurfaceInit and created a factory along with clone methods. It might be a good idea to move these guys to a new file though, as FCDEffectParameterSurface.h/cpp are getting crowded.
| 22 | [glaforte 28-04-06] Export and Documentation: Documented the FCDExtra tree class and its technique/node sub-classes, also added the necessary information modifying/pulling and pushing functionality. Wrote an automated test for the export/re-import of a custom <extra> information tree. Documented the FUUniqueStringMapT template and started documenting the FUDaeWriter.h namespace.
| 23 | [ zhang 28-04-06] Added "channels" and "format_hint" COLLADA tokens.
| 24 | [glaforte 28-04-06] Export and Documentation: Documented the FUStringConversion, the FCDEntity, the FCDTargetedEntity classes.
| 25 | [glaforte 25-04-06] Export and Documentation: Added an automated import/re-export test for a simple skin controller with two joints and on top of a mesh. Added one automated import/re-import test for a simple morpher on top of spline. Fixed the export of the skin controller: wrong count on the accessor of the bind-pose source and the wrong source id was used for the influence weight input in the <vertex_weights> element. Added an automated test for the export/re-import of the orthographic camera.
| 26 | [glaforte 25-04-06] Export and Documentation: Documented the FCDEffectParameterSurface class, its initialization method sub-classes, the FCDController class, the FCDSkinController class and the FCDMorphController class. Added the FCDMorphTarget class, as the weight must now be attached to the controller at all times: before, I had a separate STL vector with the weights and on a resize, all the animations would have been lost. Added modifiers/pullers and pushers to these classes. Fixed ColladaMaya, ColladaMax and the viewer for the interface change in the morph controller class.
| 27 | [ aazar 25-04-06] Fixed bug that would cause crash in FCDMaterialInstance if a controller had another controller as a base target. Fixed a bug where the wrong nodes would be sent to the animation linking, preventing correct shading animation. Fixed driven animation by fixing some bugs in FCollada for the driver.
| 28 | [glaforte 25-04-06] Documentation and Export: Documented the FCDEffectParameterSurface class and its initialization method sub-classes. Added modifiers/pullers and pushers to these classes.
| 29 | [glaforte 25-04-06] Fixed the import of the orthographic camera: it always failed as the camera strangely became both orthographic and perspective at the same time.
| 30 | [glaforte 24-04-06] Export and Documentation: Documented the FCDImage class and added new modifiers/pullers/pushers. Modified the automated export/re-import test for the profile COMMON material to include a few textures and added the export/re-import of a few images for these textures. Fixed the export of COLLADA images: the id was missing and the filename was not a valid URL. Documented the FCDEffectParameterFactory class, the FCDEffectParameterList class, the FCDEffectParameter class and most of its derivates: the FCDEffectParameterSurface class is not yet documented. Added modifiers/pullers and pushers to all these classes, as well. Improved the document parsing error reporting by adding the line number on all the warnings/errors reported.
| 31 | [glaforte 22-04-06] Export and Documentation: Documented the FCDTexture class. The FCDEffectStandard class now always owns all its textures, as I added the texture push/pull for this class. It will be easier that way for COLLADA 1.3 backward compatibility: the texture entities are cloned. Documented the FCDEffectPassShader and fixes a few typos and grammar mistakes in the documentation.
| 32 | [glaforte 21-04-06] Export and Documentation: Documented the FCDEffectTechnique class and the FCDEffectPass class. Documented the FCDEffectCode class. Fixed the STL-related doxygen warnings.
| 33 | [ aazar 20-04-06] Added a check for zero-length in FMVector3::NormalizeIt().
| 34 | [glaforte 20-04-06] Export and Documentation: The output file for the export/re-import automated test is starting to contain important information: ran it through a XML validator and fixed the validation issues: quite a few missing sid?and url?attributes, as well as quite a few required nodes: ?node> in an empty visual scene? ?pass> in an empty effect technique?..
| 35 | [glaforte 20-04-06] Export and Documentation: Documented the FCDEffectStandard class and the FCDEffectProfileFX class. Wrote two automated tests for the export and re-import of the CG and COMMON profile materials. Simplified the documentation, removing all the "defines a" and "defines the", to be simply "A" and "The".
| 36 | [glaforte 20-04-06] Export and Documentation: Documented the FCDEffect class. I realized that the FCDEffect class can still hold only one effect profile. Renamed the FCDEffectProfile class into the FCDEffectProfileFX class. Created a new FCDEffectProfile class which is the base class for the FCDEffectProfileFX and the FCDEffectStandard classes. Refactored the FCDEffect class to contain a list of FCDEffectProfile objects. Documented/implemented the FCDEffectProfile class. Updated ColladaMaya, ColladaMax and the Feeling Viewer to use the new effect/profile architecture.
| 37 | [ aazar 19-04-06] Fixed material instancing issue with geometry controllers.
| 38 | [glaforte 17-04-06] Export and Documentation: Started writing the export-import test for the materials/effects classes. Documented the FCDMaterialLibrary and FCDMaterial classes. Removed the ClearDaeIdWithoutTouchingTheUniqueMap function from the FCDObjectWithId class and refactored the import of materials to handle empty materials correctly. This will need to be re-tested with COLLADA 1.3 materials.
| 39 | [glaforte 17-04-06] Export and Documentation: Added Doxygen group for all the math classes. Re-organized the automated export/import test into multiple files and a namespace. Wrote an automated test for the export/import of lights. Fixed the case of the exported light type. Added un-implemented RemoveEntity function to the library. This function will require a lot of extra structure.
| 40 | [glaforte 17-04-06] Documentation: Finished (finally), the documentation of the FCDCamera class. Corrected some doxygen warnings in the polygon set class and the document class.
| 41 |
| 42 | Release 1.07
| 43 | [glaforte 13-04-06] FCollada: Corrected a small application-compatibility issue found in ColladaMax.
| 44 | [glaforte 13-04-06] FCollada: Added basic exception handling in non-debug builds and fixed XSI import of animation curve tangents [theirs are 2D points, we use the strange bezier derivate].
| 45 | [ aazar 13-04-06] Fixed overwrite/clone bug in the FCDEffectParameterSurface. Everything works back correctly with shaders. Fixed reading of multiple <init_from> elements. Fixed reading of gravity and timestep in the Collada file. Added angular velocity to physics
| 46 | [ zhang 13-04-06] Traverse the group node and looking for <bind_material> to import light link.
| 47 | [ aazar 12-04-06] Fixed bug in file path reading for FCDEffectCode. This fixed the rendering for a few Cg datasets. Rewrote the FCDEffectParameterSurface class to support the 40,000 new initialization possibilities of a surface.
| 48 | [ zhang 12-04-06] Modified FindNamedAnimated() with string operations.
| 49 | [glaforte 11-04-06] Integration: Integrated the errors found within FCollada by Autodesk's recent changes to ColladaMax.
| 50 | [glaforte 10-04-06] Export and Documentation: Continued writing a simple test scenario for a mesh export/import: added a list of static indices for the vertex positions and colors to export and verify on re-import. Added functions to the mesh polygon set interface to add and remove faces. Since holes and faces are listed together within the face-vertex degree list for a polygon set, added function to access the hole/face information using an iterative index for faces.
| 51 | [glaforte 07-04-06] Export and Documentation: Wrote the export/re-import test for the geometry sources. Fixed a memory hog within the DAE import code. Added a new constructor and an equivalency function for the FloatList class, which is now a class rather than a typedef. Added push/pull function for polygon set inputs as well as some renaming.
| 52 | [glaforte 07-04-06] Export and Documentation: Documented the FCDGeometryPolygons and FCDGeometryPolygonsInput classes. Removed the sourceId?member from the polygon set input class, as it now contains a pointer to the data source. Improved the interface of the geometry polygon set class. Added FMFloat and FMInteger, in order to better classify the information previously contained within FUtils.h. FMath.h now includes all the mathematical classes below it, rather than have FUtils includes them.
| 53 | [glaforte 06-04-06] Export and documentation: Started an export/re-import test for a geometry mesh. Documented the FCDGeometryMesh class at the same time as I added the information pushing functions and improved on the interface of the class. Documented the FCDGeometrySource class. Created a new sub-class: FCDObjectWithId, so that non-entity objects which require a unique id have access to that functionality. Documented the FCDObject and FCDObjectWithId classes. Fixed the export of the geometry source.
| 54 | [glaforte 06-04-06] Export and Documentation: Enabled and fixed the MSVC 64-bit warnings: many integer types went from uint32 to size_t, which is unsigned, or intptr_t, which is signed. LibXML required a lot of work, as there are many 8-bit string substractions to calculate sizes. Removed from LibXML the "trio" classes, which were unused.
| 55 | [ aazar 06-04-06] Fixed bug in FCDEffectParameter concerning 1D, 3D and Cube samplers.
| 56 |
| 57 | Release 1.06
| 58 | [glaforte 05-04-06] Zapped a few Doxygen warnings.
| 59 | [glaforte 05-04-06] Documented FUDateTime.h. Documented FUXmlWriter.h.
| 60 | [glaforte 05-04-06] Removed the FPoint and FMatrix typedefs. Everyone should use FMVector3 and FMMatrix44 instead. Documented the FUStatus class and some of the FUtils.h macros. Added FUString.h which includes string-related macros/functions previously found in FUtils.h.
| 61 | [glaforte 05-04-06] Work from two weeks ago: continued the documentation of the FCDCamera class.
| 62 | [glaforte 04-04-06] Bug #38: Debug crash when importing. Reported by Alfred, this issue occurs only when importing a COLLADA document that has some visibility animation. This bug was due to leaking animation curves, when the animation curves for visibility were cloned in FCollada.
| 63 | [ zhang 31-03-06] FCDEffectParameterBool returns boolean value
| 64 | [ aazar 28-03-06] Implemented hack to allow Collada 1.3 materials and effects to load properly with the unique IDs. Simplified the FCDMaterialLibrary::LoadFromXML.
| 65 | [glaforte 27-03-06] Updated the documentation for FCDLibrary and up-ed the version of the FCollada library.
| 66 |
| 67 | Internal Release 1.05
| 68 | [glaforte 27-03-06] Export and Documentation: Wrote the documentation for the FCDGeometry class. Added the CreateMesh and CreateSpline functions to the FCDGeometry class, in order to create a new mesh/spline for a new geometry object. Fixed the export of the camera, which was missing the <optics> element. Fixed the re-import of the entity notes: Refactored the extra structure containment. The FCDEntity base class now contains the extra structure. Documented and wrote an import/export test for the FCDGeometrySpline class. Implemented the export of splines. Improved the interface of the FCDGeometrySpline class so that retrieving information for splines is slightly less convoluted.
| 69 | [ aazar 27-03-06] Fixed loading of physics scene since unique names have been implemented. We now load the rigid constraints and bodies correctly from sid instead of id, but looking them up in their physics model.
| 70 | [glaforte 24-03-06] Added a test sequence for the export/import/push of camera information. Started documenting the FCDCamera class.
| 71 | [glaforte 24-03-06] Completed the first draft Doxygeon documentation for the FCDocument class.
| 72 | [ aazar 24-03-06] Completed some WriteToXML functions in physics classes. Fixed some bugs in the analytical geometries.
| 73 | [glaforte 24-03-06] Started the documentation of the FCDocument class and header.
| 74 | [glaforte 23-03-06] More information pushing: of transforms. Some re-organization of the scene node class header with some accessor additions. Initialization of the matrix can now take in a constant list of floats. Added testing of the pushing/export/import of transforms.
| 75 | [ aazar 23-03-06] Adapted FCDImage to read in height, width and depth.
| 76 | [glaforte 23-03-06] Started a full, simple, import-export scene test for visual scenes within FColladaTest. Wrote the push for libraries entities and the scene node transforms/children. Added the unique name map for the entities. Write out default names for all the entities, targeted or otherwise. Fixed a few export issues: empty names and the push of visual scene when there are no roots.
| 77 | [glaforte 23-03-06] Implemented the export of the animation clips. Added accessors for the parent of an animation channel.
| 78 | [ aazar 22-03-06] Fixed rigid constraint angular limit bug.
| 79 | [ aazar 17-03-06] In FCDPhysicsRigidConstraint, added reading in of translation/rotation nodes inside rigid constraint attachment, and fixed a bug in reading interpenetrate node.
| 80 | [glaforte 17-03-06] Added a flushing function to FULogFile.
| 81 | [claforte 16-03-06] Fixed crash when exporting the default sphere in ColladaMaya: due to the string builder not being initialized properly.
| 82 | [ aazar 16-03-06] Initialization and bug fix in FCDPhysicsRigidConstraint.
| 83 | [glaforte 16-03-06] Animation clips don't have Ids when exported from ColladaMaya, right now so work-around them when importing in FCollada.
| 84 | [claforte 15-03-06] Fixed import problems with files loaded from FX Composer 2, that have surfaces with no <init_from> image.
| 85 | [ aazar 15-03-06] Fixed Analytical shape reading from Collada file, and set only one radius per cylinder/capsule. Fixed bug in reading rigid constraints in FCDPhysicsModelInstance. Fixed bugs in reading rigid contraints parameters in FCDPhysicsRigidConstraint. Fixed bug reading in gravity in FCDPhysicsSceneNode.
| 86 | [ aleung 15-03-06] Fixed Maya parameters nodes that were missing in FCDEffectStandard.
| 87 | [glaforte 14-03-06] PS3: Fixed up the strlen within the string builder. Modified the absolute path creation with the FUFileManager.
| 88 | [ aazar 13-03-06] Updated the LoadFromXML functions of the analytical geometries to take into account they have no Id. Added some Get functions to the FCDPhysicsRigidConstraint.
| 89 | [claforte 13-03-06] Port to PS3: Fixed many warnings, e.g. missing newline at the end of include, enums were not using latest C++ spec, etc. Added #ifdefs related to PPU (PowerPC Unit), for stuff OpenGL ES-specific limitations, missing time() function, etc. Fixed bug in FindHierarchyChildBySid. Introduced some abstractions, e.g. fglActiveTexture and fglClientActiveTexture, to simplify support for OpenGL ES. Replaced Configure-generated makefile in PS3 DevIL by a hand-written one. Note that the ported version compiles and runs on the PS3, but nothing shows up due to #ifdef-ed code that needs to be written.
| 90 | [glaforte 13-03-06] Added to FDCSkinController::ReduceInfluences a minimum weight threshold.
| 91 | [ aazar 10-03-06] Mostly all physics-related: Completed the FCollada part for importing.
| 92 | [ aazar 10-03-06] Added cloning support for FCDAnimated, FCDAnimationClip and FCDAnimationCurve objects.
| 93 | [ aazar 10-03-06] Added SetClassName in FUObject so that classes can better identify themselves.
| 94 | [ aazar 10-03-06] Corrected a suspected bug in material and effect flattening.
| 95 | [ aazar 10-03-06] Fixed bug in creation of FCDPhysicsRigidConstraintInstance where it would try to compare the parent's type to the wrong one.
| 96 | [glaforte 08-03-06] Added a unique name map that somewhat generates unique names. Added whether the FMath classes are used within FCollada to the doxygen documentation. Some improvements on the FCollada test project.
| 97 |
| 98 | Release 1.04
| 99 | [ aleung 06-03-06] Fixed up the Doxygen script for an improved main page template, files, global functions and completed the documentation of the FMath classes.
| 100 | [ aleung 03-03-06] Wrote an initial doxygen script. Started documenting the FMath classes for Doxygen.
| 101 | [glaforte 02-03-06] Planned the refactoring of the animation classes in order to support import/export/push/pull correctly. Added to the FCDAnimationCurve all the information necessary for it to do its own import/export. Similarly for FCDAnimationMultiCurve. When registering the animated values for export, just write out the targets to the curves. Implemented the recursive export of the animation trees.
| 102 | [glaforte 02-03-06] Fixed memory overwrite within the FUStringBuilder template class.
| 103 | [ zhang 28-02-06] Correct the float parameter min/max parsing.
| 104 | [glaforte 27-02-06] Removed the Maya-Max type references from FCollada. Fixed the compilation errors in FUtils.
| 105 | [glaforte 25-02-06] Added FUAssert and included Blinn shading on a few levels.
| 106 | [glaforte 23-02-06] Fixed-up the STL #includes, in an attempt to fix the FCollada DLL.
| 107 | [glaforte 23-02-06] 06-003-07: Fixed the loading of this skin test case, coming from COLLADA 1.3: the geometry cloning was not working when overriding the position-source.
| 108 | [glaforte 23-02-06] ColladaMaya Fixes: Fixed the morph target input types. Fixed the array export types to be IDREF_arrays as well as their accessor parameter types to be IDREF. Fixed the import of the animation drivers: the input driver target processing was not correctly.
| 109 | [ aleung 22-02-06] Performance: performance boost by reserving all the memory at once for the tessellations.
| 110 | [ aazar 21-02-06] Physics: Completed FCDPhysicsShape and FCDAnalyticalGeometry, added FCDPhysicsScene class separate from FCDScene. Fixed many parsing bugs (mostly related to the order of parsing and instantiation) and some crashes related to incomplete destructors. It is now possible to load physics scenes and the FCD classes will read in correctly all the physics information.
| 111 | [ aazar 21-02-06] Physics: Created the FCDPhysicsRigidConstraintInstance class. Completed the LoadXML for the FCDPhysicsRigidConstraint class.
| 112 | [glaforte 21-02-06] Importer: Fixed the scene node animation import sampling.
| 113 | [ aazar 20-02-06] Physics: Added lots of stuff for 1.4 Physics support. Some nodes are not complete yet, so don't try importing physics datasets as it will probably crash. The main nodes that need more work are the FCDPhysicsShape and the FCDPhysicsAnalyticalGeometry (need to derive classes for sphere, box, capsule, etc).
| 114 | [ aazar 20-02-06] Physics: The other change worth mentioning is a slight modification in the ToFloat functions of the FUStringConversion, to check for infinity. That's a sensitive function and if something goes wrong, the whole rendering gets screwed up.
| 115 | [glaforte 19-02-06] Light/Camera Export: Added and implemented the WriteToXML for the FCDlight and FCDCamera classes, writing out all the different supported light/camera types and the extra parameters for both Max and Maya, with their animations.
| 116 |
| 117 | Release 1.03
| 118 | [glaforte 15-02-06] Fixed the matrix flattening of scene nodes.
| 119 | [glaforte 15-02-06] Fixed the import of scene node's notes/user-properties.
| 120 | [glaforte 14-02-06] Standard Material Export: Wrote the export of the standard material texture and its animated placement/projection parameters.
| 121 | [glaforte 13-02-06] Standard Material Export: Implemented the export of the standard materials parameters and texture lists. Split the export function into four functions that export either the textures belong to the correct texture channel(s) as a standard material parameter, or the <color>/<float> element with its animation, if there is one.
| 122 | [glaforte 11-02-06] Controller Export: Added and implemented the WriteToXML to the FCDController, FCDMorphController and FCDSkinController classes. Added morph method string conversion. Implemented the export of IDRef arrays and sources. Corrected the missing id/name for the <geometry> element export. Corrected the extra ??in the morph target source. Corrected the float?parameter type used too often in accessors.
| 123 | [glaforte 10-02-06] Fixed the ordering of the cloning, so that the FCDEffectCode objects are always cloned before the passes.
| 124 | [glaforte 09-02-06] Material Export: Split the FCDEffectPass class into itself and the FCDEffectPassShader class, which will hold all custom shader information, instead of assuming there are exactly one vertex and one fragment shader. Implemented the XML export of the FCDEffectPass and the FCDEffectPassShader classes. Created the FCDEffectCode class to hold both <include> and <code> ColladaFX element values. Corrected the <shader><name> element to read in the contents as the name and to use the source?attribute for name-matching with the <include>/<code> elements.
| 125 | [glaforte 08-02-06] Instantiation Export: Added the basic WriteToXML functionality to the effects/materials and the instances.
| 126 | [glaforte 08-02-06] Fixed memory-related crash within the effect parameter release.
| 127 | [ aleung 08-02-06] Fixed compilation error in FCDMorphController.
| 128 | [glaforte 08-02-06] Instantiation Refactoring: Added the parsing of the platform?attribute for ColladaFX profiles. Refactored the material instance class to hold the simple bind information as well. Added material flattening?to the material instance class, so that viewers can assume only ColladaFX techniques hold parameters. The parameter values are trickled down by matching references. All the <newparam> parameters are trickled down, while the <setparam> parameters overwrite the <newparam> parameters below. Implemented the WriteToXML functions for the effect, the effect profile and the effect technique classes. Added the parsing of the <technique_hint> elements at the material level.
| 129 | [glaforte 08-02-06] Instantiation Refactoring: Added FCDEffectParameterList class, based on the std:vector of parameters, adding a parameter lookup-by-name function. Refactored the FCDEffectParameter to not be tied to a pass?object, as a parent. The parameters now use their own reference string for error-reporting. Added a parameter list at the material, effect, profile and technique levels. Refactored the pass?to hold simple bind information, rather than all the parameters.
| 130 | [glaforte 08-02-06] Instantiation Refactoring: In order to support correctly the export of geometry/controller instances, some refactoring is necessary, with respect to material parameters and their binding. The plan is to move from flattening materials on import to flattening materials on-demand, keeping the parameter override information around so that it can be modified and exported correctly.
| 131 | [glaforte 07-02-06] Animation Export: Remove empty animation libraries.
| 132 | [ aazar 07-02-06] Fixed a crash when releasing FCDocument, due to non-virtual destructors and missing memory deallocations.
| 133 | [glaforte 07-02-06] Animation Export: Implemented XML export functions for the basic animation curve: splitting the export of the sources, samplers and channels, in order to keep the <animation> element enforced ordering. Wrote the XML export functions for the merged animation curve, with a custom stride and multiple accessor parameters. Implemented the export of animated translations and rotations. Tested with a simple, animated DAE file. Found/Investigated memory corruption crash: was due to wrong include being added to the tools?project. Corrected id-generation for the animation sources, the export of float arrays.
| 134 | [glaforte 07-02-06] Animation Export: New feature: when generating a sid? look for uniqueness, within the scope. Use an incremental counter appended to the wanted sid?value, in order to generate unique sids. Fixed duplicated VERTEX geometry input, found within my current test case. Added the animation export to the other transformation elements.
| 135 | [glaforte 06-02-06] Animation Export: Plan out the export of animation curves, animated values and animation clips, for FCollada. Implemented the cleaning-up of name and id string values, in order to strip them of the invalid characters, on export. Save the node for the animation library in the FCDocument object. Added a function to export the animated value, if it has curves attached to it. Added and Implemented WriteToXML function for the animated value: check for curve merging, and then export either the merged curve or the individual curves.
| 136 | [glaforte 05-02-06] DLL Project: Some refactoring related to the usage of int8. Added functions to FUFileManager for relative/absolute/url filenames.
| 137 | [glaforte 05-02-06] Material Export: The material library now exports effects for ColladaFX profiles and the standard profile, as well as materials with instantiated effects. The image library now exports file images correctly.
| 138 | [claforte 03-02-06] Modified definitions used in ColladaMaya physics export: <limits> instead of <limit>, <ref_attachment>.
| 139 | [glaforte 03-02-06] Geometry Export/Refactoring: Added WriteToXML functions at the relevant levels. Split the FCDGeometry class into the spline and mesh components. This modifies the API for the FCollada: merge in the changes within the viewer.
| 140 | [glaforte 03-02-06] Import/Export of Asset tag: Added FCDAsset and FCDAssetContributor elements. Added FUDateTime class and its string parsing mechanism: mostly for the UTC times in the asset tags.
| 141 |
| 142 | Release 1.02
| 143 | [glaforte 02-02-06] Some corrections of warnings/errors for MacOSX and GCC.
| 144 | [glaforte 01-02-06] Refactored the FUStringConversion header to have more inlined functions and reverted the changes on the ToFloat, ToUInt and ToInt functions to use our own parsing functions, as they were much faster than fstrtoX.
| 145 | [glaforte 31-01-06] FCollada Extra Tree: Added and Implemented FCDExtra, FCDETechnique and FCDENode classes. Added an FCDExtra object to the scene node.
| 146 | [glaforte 31-01-06] FCollada Extra Tree and Animations: Added FCDAnimatedCustom class that contains animation curves of any sizes and their float* targets directly. Refactored the animation system to link animations right away, resulting in a much smaller FCDAnimated object count. FCDENode contains an FCDAnimatedCustom object. Modified the scene node object to parse and extra the Max and Maya-specific parameters and their animations directly from the extra tree.
| 147 | [ aazar 31-01-06] Created FCDEffectTechnique class to support multiple techniques in ColladaFX. FCDEffectProfile now has a list of FCDEffectTechnique, which has a list of FCDEffectPass, which has a list of FCDEffectParameters.
| 148 | [glaforte 30-01-06] Added to FCDocument the export functions: WriteToFile and WriteDocumentToXML(). I'll be propagating these over the other FCDx classes.
| 149 | [glaforte 30-01-06] Added writing utility namespaces: FUXmlWriter and FUDaeWriter. Ported ColladaMaya's XML writing functions over to the FUXmlWriter, but FUDaeWriter is still empty.
| 150 | [glaforte 30-01-06] Added to FCDLibrary, FCDEntity and FCDSceneNode some basic writing functionality.
| 151 | [glaforte 30-01-06] Made all the write to XML functions const.
| 152 | [glaforte 30-01-06] Added ToString functions for FPoint and FMatrix, with length conversion.
| 153 | [glaforte 30-01-06] Added to FCDTransform and its derivates, XML writing functions.
| 154 |
| 155 | Release 1.01
| 156 | [glaforte 30-01-06] First official version: includes all the modifications to the FS import classes made for the different projects,
| 157 | [glaforte 30-01-06] up to now. Added DLL support and unicode support to the project(s).
| 158 |